Is it possible to grind coffee in a meat grinder? How to grind coffee without a coffee grinder? Stages of grinding coffee beans

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Without a coffee grinder?

    I didn’t bother for a long time, I flattened it with a pipe wrench (the aroma immediately went soooo!!), the grinding can be edited later. Everything turned out well, without losses. :))

    Grind coffee beans without a coffee grinder difficult, but possible. How to do this depends on what you have on hand. You can take a cutting board and a rolling pin - and get to work! But it is important: it is better to put the grains in some kind of fabric bag so that they do not fly apart.

    If you have a meat grinder, try grinding it. You can skip twice. Although it is difficult to grind in a mortar, it is also possible.

    There are several ways to grind beans without a coffee grinder. You can do this in a modern meat grinder that has a suitable attachment.

    Or do it in a blender, but the important thing is that the bowl must be closed with a lid, otherwise everything will fly out of the bowl in different directions.

    If this is not the case, then a hammer will help, for this we wrap the grains in paper and wrap them, and then hit the paper with grains with a hammer.

    This is of course time-consuming, but if there is no way out, you can use any of these methods. The coffee will not change its taste and will be no different from ground through a coffee grinder.

    This morning my coffee grinder broke. I had to think about how to grind coffee beans using improvised means, because... Without a cup of strong, freshly brewed coffee in the morning, I’m not human.

    At first I tried to grind the grains using a blender. I did this for a long time, but it turned out to be quite large pieces. I had to resort to a hammer (I have a large, metal one, for beating meat). I poured the coffee into thick polyethylene. bag and knocked on it until it was crushed until smooth.

    It turned out, of course, not as fine as in a coffee grinder, but quite decent.

    Normally, coffee is ground in a mortar, you just need to roast it a little and when you grind you need to observe the rhythm - this is how in the East they ground coffee - they beat out the rhythm with a pestle and sang even while doing this, try it - it can turn out very interesting and fun, especially in the company of someone.

    There are several ways how to grind coffee without a coffee grinder or without a special coffee machine.

    1. To grind coffee, you can use a regular meat grinder. You need a specific attachment, which is usually used for spices, for example, for grinding black peppercorns. Of course, you won’t be able to make the grinding completely uniform the first time. You will need to grind the coffee more than once before you achieve the desired result. If the meat grinder is electric, it may work the first time.
    2. You can also use a blender to grind coffee.
    3. Coffee beans can also be crushed in a more extreme way - using a hammer)). Wrap a few beans in newspaper and beat with a hammer until the coffee beans turn into powder.

    It is important to remember that before grinding beans using these methods, you need to make sure that all parts of the equipment that you use to grind coffee beans are well washed and do not have any foreign odors that could then adversely affect the aroma of freshly prepared coffee.

    Grinding coffee without a coffee grinder is, of course, not easy, but it is still possible. I only know two ways.

    First- use a food processor. (If it has a special attachment.)

    Second- more labor-intensive, take a mortar and pestle and begin the process.

    It may be a little unusual, but if there are no electrical appliances at all, but you really want to drink coffee, then you can use, for example, a cabinet or something similar, heavy. Take two flat boards, put grains of coffee between them on gauze and placing a cabinet on the board, move them back and forth until the grains are ground :)

    Without a coffee grinder, of course, it is difficult to grind coffee, but let's try: firstly, you can use a mortar and pestle, but you must have a lot of strength and patience. Secondly, try using a meat grinder - it grinds nuts, but why is coffee worse? Only you need so much of it that if you put it through a meat grinder, it might fizzle out.

    There are various situations in life, sometimes they may seem hopeless, but in reality this is not so! You can grind coffee without a coffee grinder like this: take a clean sheet of paper, a wooden cutting board, pour a portion of coffee (small) onto the sheet, fold the sheet in half - there will be grains inside. Take a rolling pin and roll the coffee between pieces of paper. Do this several times to achieve the desired grind. I just did an experiment - it works! I also crush tablets for children this way. Have a nice coffee.)

    Until I had a coffee grinder in my household, I had to grind coffee beans using improvised means. The very first and most reliable means was a hammer and a linen bag made of thick teak (used for pillow covers). Then the mortar and pestle came into use. Well, then we bought an electric meat grinder and things went quickly and quickly. But, seeing how much effort grinding coffee beans requires from the unit, I decided to buy a coffee grinder, I was afraid that it might break.

    And I used another option once. We have points of sale of coffee beans by weight throughout the city. You can buy coffee there and immediately grind it using the equipment.

    I can only suggest wrapping the roasted coffee beans in a thick cloth and monotonously hitting them with a hammer or something heavy - an extreme method, but always accessible).

    If you have a mortar and pestle, that’s also very a good option for grinding coffee beans. This is how the Arabs originally ground coffee beans.

    If you have an electric meat grinder, you are lucky; it will quickly cope with such an operation. It will be more difficult with manual meat grinders; they do not have attachments for fine grinding.

Last week we wrote about... A logical question arose: we have roasted the grains, but how to grind them now? We talk about how to grind grains at home and how to choose the right grind.

Step 1. Decide on the number of beans

Advice: do not grind coffee “with a reserve”, it is better to grind coffee exactly as much as you want to drink now

Ground coffee becomes stale faster than beans. To preserve the taste for a longer time, do not grind all the grains at once.

Step 2: Choose the right grind type

Advice: Use common grind combinations and brew types for best flavor

Each cooking method has its own type of grinding, which will also determine the taste.

If you have a French press, then the grind should be coarse, similar in size to, for example, black pepper. Otherwise, the coffee may end up with grounds at the bottom of the cup. In case of Chemex The grind should also be coarse, but a little finer than for a French press.

Fine grind is suitable for brewing coffee in a Turk. An automatic coffee grinder can handle this best; as a result, the grains will be ground to the texture of flour.

As for the AeroPress, a medium grind will do. But here it is better to focus on the taste: if the coffee is too bitter, then the grind is too coarse, and if, on the contrary, it is almost tasteless, then the grind is too fine, or you did not brew it long enough.

For easy orientation in the types of grinding for each brewing method, use our memo (coarse - coarse, medium - medium, fine - fine):


    French press

    Cold Brew

Medium coarse:



    Drip coffee makers

Medium Fine:

    Filter coffee




    Espresso machine

Extra fine:


Step 3: Choose a Coffee Grinder

Advice: When choosing, consider the type of grinding you need to be sure that you achieve the desired result

Coffee grinders can be divided into three types:

    Knife grinders are great for coarse and medium grinds. They are the most common because they are combined with drip coffee makers and French press.

    Millstones are necessary to obtain a fine grind, because knife coffee grinders cannot cope with this task. If you brew coffee in a Turk, then you cannot do without a burr coffee grinder.

    Manual - if you want to do it the “old fashioned way” :). Grinding grains by hand is quite fun, but you won’t get the exact grind you want this way.

Step 4. Measure out the required number of beans

Advice: For one cup of coffee, count about 2 tablespoons of beans

It's a matter of taste here: how rich your coffee is. However, choosing the right amount of beans will also help you avoid grinding more than necessary.

Articles about coffee / Do it yourself 05/14/2015

Sometimes having a good bean coffee is not the same as being able to cook delicious drink. This happens most often when there is no coffee grinder in the house or it is broken. In such cases, as a rule, they either give up thinking about coffee or look for an alternative way to grind beans without a coffee grinder.

There are several common ways to grind coffee without using a coffee grinder. Of course, the quality of powder obtained by alternative methods can rarely be called standard. At the same time, even from such raw materials you can brew a drink that is quite worthy in terms of taste and aromatic qualities. More on ways to grind coffee without a coffee grinder.

mortar and pestle

Using a regular spice mortar you can grind coffee quite well. True, for this you need to have a certain strength and endurance - the process in most cases turns out to be more difficult than it might seem at first glance. In addition, without knowing simple folk tricks, the performer risks spilling a significant portion of the coffee on the table (whole and crushed beans tend to leave the mortar). By wrapping a napkin or a clean, dry rag around the pestle so that its edges cover the mortar, you can easily deal with this problem.

Rolling pin or bottle

Rolling the beans with a rolling pin or a simple glass bottle is another way to grind coffee beans quite efficiently. Many people consider this method simpler and easier compared to crushing coffee in a mortar. At the same time, grains scattering throughout the room are also characteristic of this alternative method. To keep the ground coffee in one place, use plain/oiled paper or a clean, dry cloth. The grains wrapped in them remain in place when rolled out with a rolling pin or bottle. The degree of grinding in this case depends on the force applied to the rolling pin and the duration of the process.


Probably the most brutal way to grind beans without using a coffee grinder is to smash them with a hammer. The grains, of course, are broken not one at a time, but in portions. As in previous cases, coffee is poured into a durable plastic bag, pouch, or between two layers of parchment paper. Those, in turn, are placed between towels. After this, the grains are crushed with a kitchen hammer to the required fraction. This method is probably the noisiest of the ones proposed, but for the sake of a cup of fresh and aromatic coffee, you can force yourself (and your neighbors) to be patient.

Meat grinder

A good old mechanical meat grinder can do a lot. Grinding coffee is one of her abilities. And even though the grinding turns out to be quite coarse, and the work takes a long time, it is quite possible to brew coffee from beans processed in this way. It is much more effective to use an electric meat grinder for this purpose. However, it must be taken into account that the service life of the product during regular use in such conditions can be significantly reduced.

Blender or food processor

A blender is most often used as an alternative coffee grinder. Sharp blades and an electric motor make grinding grains relatively uncomplicated and simple. Among the disadvantages of the method are the “average” quality of grinding and the high load on the blender. But coffee lovers should not forget about a food processor, because most models have a built-in coffee grinder.

Spice mill

The grinder for pepper, coriander and other spices can also grind coffee beans. In this case, you cannot count on fine grinding, and only expensive and durable mills can be used for this purpose.

Coffee grinder in a store

If you buy beans in bulk in a store, then the best option is to use a professional coffee grinder installed there. It will ensure high quality grinding, do all the work quickly and, moreover, for free. If the store provides self-service, it is advisable to first load a small portion of beans to clean the machine of any residue and aroma of the type of coffee that the previous customer loaded.

It’s good when you have all the necessary equipment for making coffee at hand - both a coffee maker and a coffee grinder. But we are not always accompanied by ideal circumstances in life. Sometimes you really want to taste your favorite drink, but there are no conditions for preparing it. If you can do without a coffee maker by simply brewing coffee in a cup, then how can you grind coffee without a coffee grinder? And is this possible in principle?

Nothing stimulates human ingenuity more than difficulties in achieving a cherished goal. So we can offer not one, but several ways to grind coffee beans without a mill.

Grind coffee with a blender

Essentially, a blender is a version of a blade coffee grinder, so you can safely use it if you need to grind coffee beans. It should be remembered that the working bowl must be covered with a lid, otherwise coffee particles will instantly cover the entire kitchen in an even layer. It is better to grind coffee in a blender using interval mode. Or by starting the knives for 5-6 seconds, then shaking the bowl, and starting the knives again. As a result, you will end up with either very large fragments of grains, or, conversely, ground to the state of a fine powder. Feel free to brew large particles in a French coffee maker, and small ones can be used for Turkish coffee or making coffee directly in a cup.

Grind cafe using a meat grinder

In this case, preparation is very important. However, the meat grinder is intended for other products, and particles of previous culinary experiments may remain on it. Therefore, take the time to disassemble and thoroughly wash the device before using it for coffee. The knives should be those intended for spices. It is better to use the resulting coffee in a press coffee maker, since it is unlikely to be able to grind it to a fine powder suitable for a cup. For Turks, such grinding may also be suitable.

Using improvised means

Take a couple of sheets of paper and lightly oil them. Place coffee beans between the sheets. Take a hammer and tap the grains with small movements. Instead of a hammer, you can use a heavy paperweight or other heavy piece of kitchen utensil. The resulting product can be used to brew coffee.

The surface on which the impact is made must be durable. It is better to place a large and strong cutting board to avoid damage to property.

Using a mortar

This is the most ancient method, which, although it will take some time and effort, will allow you to get ground coffee good quality. First, you need to put the required amount of grains in a mortar, and then grind the grains with circular pressing movements of the pestle until the desired particle size is obtained.

It is better to grind coffee without a coffee grinder in small portions, since such methods are quite aggressive, and when using them it is difficult to expect that the beans will retain their full taste and aroma. So it is better to use the resulting ground coffee immediately.

Now you know how you can do without a coffee grinder and get out of the situation with honor if you suddenly want to try natural coffee.

True coffee lovers are well aware that the most aromatic and delicious coffee drink can be prepared from freshly ground beans. Therefore, they try in advance to purchase special devices that allow them to perform this procedure. True, not everyone in their home has the necessary devices for grinding. It’s worth figuring out how to grind coffee without a coffee grinder. There are several ways to solve this problem.

Depending on the type of preparation of the drink, the degree of grinding of the beans should be different. This point is extremely important to consider in order to achieve the desired result.

Thus, for brewing in Turk, a very fine powder is used, which allows you to get a good foam. For espresso, the grain size needs to be quite a bit larger. If you use a French press or coffee maker, use a medium fraction product. Coarsely ground grains are suitable for brewing in a cup.

How to grind coffee without a coffee grinder

Using available tools will help you grind coffee without a coffee grinder. A mortar, hammer or rolling pin can be used. The main thing is to figure out in advance how to carry out these manipulations correctly in order to obtain a product of the required quality.


If you don’t have a coffee grinder, you can grind the coffee beans with a regular or construction hammer. The following actions are performed:

  • the beans are wrapped in parchment paper or placed in a thick plastic bag;
  • the surface on which all manipulations will be carried out is covered with a towel;
  • Wrapped coffee fruits are placed on top;
  • Performing blows with equal force, the grains are crushed.

In this way it is possible to obtain medium and large fractions. To make the grains even smaller, the actions are performed over a longer period. It is extremely important that the beans are laid out in an even, thin layer. This makes grinding them much easier.

rolling pin

A regular rolling pin can replace a coffee grinder. Thanks to its use, it is possible to obtain grains of medium and small size. For this purpose, the following actions are performed:

  • coffee beans are poured into a bag and placed on a table or cutting board;
  • spread the beans so that they lie in an even layer;
  • press down the product with a rolling pin and thus break the whole beans;
  • carry out the procedure until the desired degree of grinding is achieved.

A carving knife is used using the same principle. They simply press down the coffee fruits.


You can grind coffee at home by using a mortar and pestle. It will take some effort to get small fractions, but the result is worth it. The resulting product is suitable for preparing the drink in various ways. The grains do not lose their characteristic taste and aroma.

Beans are placed in a mortar in small portions. They are initially simply crushed with a pestle, after which they begin to perform circular movements to obtain the desired size of grains of uniform grinding.

Using various kitchen appliances

Kitchen utensils are also used to grind coffee. A meat grinder, as well as a blender and a mechanical mill will help you obtain fractions of the desired size. The process of grinding beans will be simple and will not take much time.

Meat grinder

Without a coffee grinder, you can grind coffee beans to the desired size in a meat grinder. In this case, perform the following actions:

  • the meat grinder is thoroughly washed so that the product does not absorb foreign aromas and dried;
  • pour grain into the unit;
  • grind them until uniform grinding is obtained;
  • if small grains are needed, the procedure is repeated.

The resulting raw materials are suitable for brewing the drink in a Turk, coffee maker and French press. If the device is equipped with knives designed for grinding spices, it will be possible to obtain medium, uniform fractions.

Using a Mechanical Mill

A mechanical mill, which almost every housewife has in the kitchen, will help you grind coffee. It is usually used for grinding spices. In this case, it will not be possible to obtain small fractions. In addition, this grinding method allows you to obtain only a couple of cups worth of raw materials coffee drink. It is not suitable for large portions.

You need to pour beans into the mill and turn the millstones using a lid or handle. The first grinding results in large grains. To grind the grains more seriously, the procedure is repeated.


The easiest way to grind coffee beans is with a blender. This kitchen unit is ideal when you need to obtain large fractions. In order to prevent overheating, the device is started in short pulses. In this case, perform the following actions:

  • one hundred grams of coffee beans are poured into the bowl;
  • establish a grinding program;
  • grinding is carried out in jerks of a couple of seconds;
  • if necessary, gradually add more grain;
  • The grinding process is repeated again.

Upon completion of these manipulations, the raw materials are poured out of the bowl, and the blender itself is immediately disassembled and washed. Due to this, it is possible to eliminate the smell that remains from the roasted beans.

If an immersion blender is used, the grains are placed in a narrow container. The hole must be covered with your hand. Thanks to this, the product will not fly out of the bowl during the grinding process. Manipulations are carried out impulsively, at intervals of up to ten seconds.

The absence of a coffee grinder is not a reason to give up drinking your favorite invigorating drink. You can grind beans using various improvised means and devices that are found in every kitchen. You just need to put in a little effort. Such manipulations should be carried out immediately before starting to prepare the drink.
