Pickled pink garlic with beets. How to pickle garlic cloves for the winter - features, best recipes and recommendations Quick pickled garlic with beets

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In winter, salads, pastas and snacks containing garlic often appear on everyday and holiday tables. The appearance of a strong smell and acute bitterness often stops the desire to try the salad, but as always, there is a way out.

Pickled garlic with beets is a classic combination of ingredients. Many people remember how, from childhood, their parents put spicy grated beet salad seasoned with mayonnaise on a plate in order to prevent respiratory diseases and strengthen the immune system. But it’s not so easy to persuade children to eat such a savory dish. It can be replaced with pink garlic marinated with beets. After cooking, the bright “cheerful” cloves of this lobed plant may seem funny and earn the trust of little gourmets. And for adults, such a dish will become indispensable in the kitchen as a spice and an interesting snack.

Pickled garlic cloves with beets

The main thing in this preparation is garlic, so you will need a lot of it. The amount of ingredients is taken based on 1 kg of garlic and 1 liter of water (for the marinade).

For marinating you will need:

  • kilogram of garlic;
  • 2 pcs. medium-sized beets;
  • 125 ml vinegar;
  • 4 cloves;
  • 6 peppercorns;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt and sugar;
  • water.

During the day, the marinade in jars may become slightly cloudy and darken. Don't worry - this is a normal process. This preparation must be stored in the refrigerator to prevent rapid fermentation.

We marinate the garlic with beets while it is young, saturated with juices and has not lost its elasticity.

Cooking process:

Preparing the marinade:

  1. Boil water with sugar and salt.
  2. Add spices and boil for a couple more minutes.
  3. Add vinegar.

Garlic prepared according to this recipe will be ready for use in 3-4 days.

To pickle garlic and beets for the winter, it should be placed in a pre-sterilized container. It is also worth boiling already filled jars for about 5 minutes, lining the bottom of the pan with a towel.

You should also close the preservation with sterile lids, screwing them tightly. In this case, the marinade has just boiled and is poured. The jars are then placed upside down on a flat surface and wrapped in a thick cloth or blanket. This way the preservation cools down, and then it is put away for storage in a cellar or basement.

Recipe for pickled pink garlic and beets

It is not at all necessary to use completely peeled garlic for preparation. It can also be pickled with whole heads.

Process for pickling whole garlic:

For pickling, you can only use beet juice, squeezed from the pureed root vegetable. In this case, it must be boiled separately and then mixed with the marinade.

Preparing the marinade:

  1. Boil a liter of water with salt and sugar (50 grams each).
  2. Add (you can use twigs), bay leaf, pepper, coriander.
  3. Let the marinade steep a little and add vinegar.
  4. Pour garlic spicy marinade and seal the jars.

Instant recipe

For those who do not have time, this recipe is suitable instant cooking pickled garlic with beets. To do this, boil for longer - about 5 minutes, pour in a more concentrated marinade (you need to increase the amount of salt, vinegar and sugar by 1 tablespoon) with the addition of heated with spices vegetable oil(2 tbsp. spoons).

After two days in the refrigerator, you can taste the finished dish.

When pickled, garlic does not lose its useful properties, and it continues to have antiviral and antimicrobial effects. At the same time, its taste and aroma soften, and the beets acquire an interesting garlicky smell.

Marinated with beets garlic Before serving, rinse with cold water. Serve it in a salad bowl, laying it out with herbs, beet slices and, if desired, seasoning with aromatic oil. You can also place it on the same dish with various pickles. This garlic is also used in the preparation of other dishes as a dressing.

Step 1: prepare the garlic.

First, pour a couple of liters of purified water into a deep saucepan and put it on high heat, letting it boil. Then we clean the undisassembled heads of garlic from the top peel, so as not to damage the integrity, and wash them thoroughly.

Step 2: Blanch the garlic.

As soon as the water in the pan boils, add the prepared garlic to it and keep it there 2 minutes. After that, put it in a colander for a couple of seconds to drain excess moisture, transfer it to a deep bowl with ice liquid and cool completely.

Step 3: prepare the beets.

Without wasting a minute, use a sharp kitchen knife to peel small beets, rinse them under running cold running water, dry them with paper kitchen towels, place them on a cutting board and chop them into slices, strips, rings or small pieces of any shape up to 1-thick. centimeter

Step 4: prepare the marinade.

Next, distribute the prepared garlic and beets into glass jars or plastic containers, laying them out in layers. Then put a pan with a liter of purified water on high heat and, after it boils, reduce its level to medium. Add the required amount of salt, sugar, black peppercorns and cloves to the bubbling liquid. Cooking the marinade 2–3 minutes, then remove from the stove, add 9% vinegar, mix everything with a wooden tablespoon or spatula until smooth and proceed to the next step.

Step 5: prepare pickled garlic with beets.

Pour the hot marinade over the garlic and beets and let it cool completely. After this, carefully seal the container in which the workpiece will be stored with a metal or plastic tight-fitting lid and leave it at room temperature in a dark place for 10, or better yet 15–20 days. During all these days you will observe how the liquid darkens and becomes cloudy, this is the marinade fermenting, there is no need to worry, this is how it should be. After the required time, you can try the dish, but it is better to let it stand in the refrigerator for a couple of days and then taste it.

Step 6: serve pickled garlic with beets.

Pickled garlic and beets prepared in this way are stored in the refrigerator, pre-packed in a clean container and sealed airtight. Before serving, it is washed, dipped in paper kitchen towels, placed in a salad bowl or on a large flat dish along with other marinades, as well as pickles, and served at the table as an appetizer for the first or second hot courses. The taste of this preparation is sweet and sour with a pleasant spice. Enjoy!
Pyrite appetite!

If you want to preserve garlic and beets, then pour hot marinade over them, cover the jars loosely with lids, place them in a pan of boiling water so that it reaches the hangers of the glass container, and sterilize for 5 minutes. After this, seal the vegetables with tight-fitting metal lids, turn them upside down, make sure that no air escapes, place them under a woolen blanket, cool for 2 days without sudden changes in temperature and move them to a more suitable place: a pantry, cellar or basement. After 20 days, such a preparation will be ready, but if it sits longer, it will turn out tastier, and the advantage of it is that it can be stored; such garlic can easily stand in a cool, well-ventilated place all winter;

Before placing the garlic with beets and dill umbrellas into the selected container, it is worth rinsing it thoroughly using a kitchen sponge, soda or detergent with a minimal content of chemicals. After this, it is better to sterilize the glass container in any convenient way, for example, in microwave oven, oven or on the stove, and pour boiling water over a heat-resistant plastic one;

An alternative to dried dill is fresh or a few sprigs of parsley, and an alternative to black pepper is allspice, which is less spicy but more aromatic.

What to do with a large garlic harvest? Definitely pickle!

Is pickled garlic a delicacy or a snack? It’s difficult to call a product a delicacy that can easily be found in barrels and jars at the grocery market. Despite this, pickled garlic is considered a pleasant addition to dishes. This category also includes sauerkraut and pickled cabbage, pickled cucumbers, Korean carrots, and pickled ginger.

Recipe for pickled garlic cloves in jars for the winter

This recipe requires more time to prepare the ingredients, but then you can enjoy the delicacy without any extra hassle.


  • garlic - 700 g
  • water - 500 ml
  • sugar - 25 g
  • salt - 20 g
  • vinegar - 80 ml
  • black peppercorns - 1 teaspoon
  • hot capsicum - 1-2 pods (1 per jar)
  • dill umbrella - 1 per jar


  1. Sterilize jars and lids in the oven.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut into slices.
  3. Clean each slice and cut off the bottom.
  4. Wait until the water begins to boil vigorously, place a colander with garlic in it and blanch the cloves for 60 seconds.
  5. Remove the garlic and place it in cold water.
  6. Wait for the garlic to cool.

At this time, start preparing the marinade:

  1. Place water (500 ml) on the stove.
  2. Dissolve salt, sugar, peppercorns in it.
  3. Boil.
  4. Remove from heat, add vinegar, stir.

Place food in the jar in the following order:

  • dill umbrella
  • garlic to the middle of the jar
  • hot pepper pod
  • remaining garlic
  1. Fill the jars with hot marinade.
  2. Seal and turn the lids down.
  3. When the jars have cooled a little, put them on the floor and wrap them in a blanket. Then place it in storage.

Recipe for pickled garlic for the winter, whole heads, like at the market

Whole marinated garlic is good because it has a rich taste, and there are fewer hassles with cleaning during cooking. But you still have to peel such garlic, just before eating.

Pay attention! The market usually sells red or pink garlic. This kind of garlic can be obtained by marinating it together with beets.

Pickled garlic with beets “like at the market”

Pickled garlic: quick recipe

This recipe for pickled garlic is considered quick because it does not require much time to “bring it to taste.” Garlic can be consumed after 3 days. For those who like it more vigorously - in 5 days. Also, the recipe does not require sterilization and rolling into jars.

You need to store the snack in the refrigerator or in another place where it will definitely not ferment or spoil.

Advice! Add spices to your taste, but keep in mind that there should be a lot of them. Otherwise, the garlic simply won’t have time to marinate in such a short time.


  • unpeeled garlic - 1.2 kg
  • water – 250 ml
  • vinegar - 185 ml
  • salt - 25 g
  • sugar - 55 g
  • black peppercorns - 10 pieces
  • cloves - 5 pieces
  • coriander - 1/4 teaspoon
  • rosemary - a pinch
  • nutmeg - a pinch
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces


  1. Peel the garlic from all excess and divide into cloves.
  2. Fill jars that have been previously disinfected at high temperature with garlic.
    1. Dissolve salt, sugar and other spices in water.
    2. Bring to a moderate boil.
    3. Quickly add vinegar and remove from heat.
  3. Pour the freshly prepared hot marinade over the garlic, close the jars and refrigerate for 72 hours.

Garlic, pickled with cloves for the winter without sterilization

Garlic without sterilization can be prepared according to some of the recipes above. There is one big advantage to this cooking method: you don’t have to worry too much. However, the jars will still have to be sterilized!

Useful information! Sterilization involves processing jars in a special way, in which they are boiled in a large container for 5-30 minutes.

Sometimes sterilization is necessary. For example, when you make jam without sugar, or the same garlic without a bite. But in most cases, this stage can be omitted.

This recipe is extremely simple.


  • garlic - 1 kg
  • water - 250 ml (or more)
  • bite – 150 ml
  • ground coriander - 1 whisper
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces
  • spicy capsicum— 2 pieces
  • salt - 30 g
  • sugar - 65 g
  • ground cumin - 1/2 teaspoon


  1. Peel the garlic from all excess, leaving clean cloves.
  2. Prepare containers for garlic in a special way.
  3. Fill it with garlic.
  4. Start preparing the marinade:
    1. Shred hot pepper rings.
    2. Dissolve sugar, salt and other spices in water.
    3. Boil for 3 minutes.
    4. At the end, remove from the stove and add vinegar.
  5. Pour the still hot marinade over the garlic.
  6. Cover the jars with lids, turn them over and leave to cool.

The marinade turns out clear and very tasty

Pickled garlic cloves with beets for the winter

This recipe is very similar to the recipe for pickling garlic “as in the market”, but there are still differences


  • garlic - 1 kg
  • beets - 200 g (2 pieces)
  • sugar - 70 g
  • salt - 30 g
  • vinegar - 150 ml
  • cinnamon - a pinch
  • cloves - 5 boxes
  • black peppercorns - 6-7 pieces


  1. Carefully peel the garlic, separating the cloves.
  2. Also peel the beets, cut them into slices, then cut each slice in half.
  3. Place garlic and beets in sterilized jars in layers.
  4. Cook the marinade:
    1. Dissolve salt, sugar and spices in a container with water.
    2. Cook after boiling for 2 minutes.
    3. Remove from heat and carefully add vinegar.
  5. Add hot marinade to garlic and beets.
  6. Seal the jars, invert and remove.

Korean pickled garlic

This recipe is quite simple. You don't have to prepare the marinade with spices separately.


  • garlic - 1.5 kg
  • water - optional
  • table vinegar - 300-400 ml
  • soy sauce - 1 liter (less may be needed)


  1. Peel the garlic well, leaving cloves.
  2. Place the garlic all the way to the top in the jars. Fill approximately 2/3 of the volume of the jar with table vinegar. Fill the rest with boiled hot water.
  3. Close the lids and store in a dark, cool place for a week. For example, in the refrigerator.
  4. After a week, take out the jars of garlic, open them, and drain the marinade.
  5. Disinfect the jars, boil the soy sauce for a quarter of an hour, then cool.
  6. Place garlic into jars 1/2 full.
  7. Fill with warm sauce and seal with lids.
  8. Place in a cool, dry place.

Pickled garlic with red currants without vinegar

This recipe is especially relevant in the summer, when there is nowhere to put a large harvest of currants. Ginger will add piquancy and spiciness to the appetizer, and the absence of vinegar will also make it very healthy.


  • garlic - 10 heads
  • water - 600 ml
  • red currant – 500 g
  • ginger - 100-150 g (to taste)
  • salt - 10 g
  • sugar or honey - 60 g


  1. Peel the garlic as usual, separate the cloves and peel them.
  2. Wash the ginger, but do not peel it, because the peel contains most of the ginger. useful substances. Cut into medium cubes.
  3. Sort red currants, remove bad berries, branches, debris and leaves. Rinse.
  4. Make the marinade:
    1. Dissolve sugar or honey in water, add a few pinches of salt.
    2. Then stir all the garlic into the liquid.
    3. Boil garlic with marinade for 60 seconds.
  5. At this time, distribute the currants and ginger equally.
  6. When the marinade has cooled slightly, pour it into jars along with the garlic.
  7. Seal the jars tightly.
  8. Then move to a cool, dry place for storage.

Tip #1! You can use both garlic heads and cloves in this recipe. This will not cause a difference in taste.

Tip #2! If you are worried about preparations without vinegar, you can additionally sterilize the jars with marinade and currants for 10-15 minutes and only then roll them up.

Preparations with pickled garlic and red currants

Pickled garlic: Georgian recipe

IN Georgian recipes A spice such as tarragon often appears. This is not lemonade; another name for tarragon is tarragon. The herb is aromatic, strong-smelling. Georgians love to make drinks with it and use it for pickling.

There are no strict restrictions on quantity in this recipe, only the proportion applies: the ratio of water to vinegar should be 1:2. That is, 1 part water and two parts vinegar.


  • peeled garlic - 1 kg
  • water - optional
  • wine vinegar - optional
  • salt, sugar - to taste
  • tarragon - optional


  1. The garlic, peeled in advance, is transferred with chopped tarragon into jars, alternating: a layer of garlic, a layer of herbs, and so on.
  2. The bite is mixed with water in the previously stated proportion, salt and sugar are dissolved, and brought to a temperature of 90-95 degrees.
  3. This marinade is used to fill food jars.
  4. Cover the top loosely with a lid and put it in a cool place. Ideally, in the cellar for 14 days.
  5. After time has passed, the jars are opened, the contents are checked, and, if everything is in order, the lids are screwed on tightly.

Pickled garlic in beet juice for the winter

If you want more garlic and less beets, then we present to your attention a simple recipe for making pickled garlic in raw beet juice. By this recipe The garlic turns out to be very tender, and the taste of beets is almost not noticeable.


  • beets - 2 pieces
  • garlic - 500 g
  • salt - 20 g
  • sugar - 50 g
  • table or apple vinegar - 60 ml
  • water - 500 ml


  1. Peel the garlic, separate the cloves.
  2. Blanch the garlic in boiling water for 2-4 minutes.
  3. Then immediately cool the garlic cloves by dipping them in ice water.
  4. At the same time, you can start preparing the marinade:
    1. On coarse grater chop pre-peeled beets.
    2. Using gauze, squeeze out the juice.
    3. Dissolve salt and sugar in water, combine with beet juice.
    4. Boil at a vigorous boil for a quarter of an hour.
    5. Add vinegar, stir, remove from stove.
  5. Place the garlic cloves in jars.
  6. Fill the container with hot marinade.
  7. Screw the lids on the jars and remove them until they cool.

It would be nice to add some spices to this recipe.

Pickled garlic in red currant juice

Garlic in red currant juice is pickled in the same way as in beet juice. Only if the beets are crushed using a grater, then to chop the currants you will need a blender, meat grinder or food processor.

Advice! Please note that the marinade with beets is more spicy, and with red currants it is sour. Therefore, you can reduce the amount of vinegar and add spices: rosemary, coriander, cloves.

Pickled garlic: cold method

The difference between the cold method and the hot method is that the marinade is used to pour the garlic after it has completely cooled. This garlic should be infused in a dark, dry and cold place for at least 60 days (2 months). If this takes a long time for you, then use the standard, hot marinating method. Hot pickled garlic can usually be eaten after 2 weeks.

Any recipe for pickling garlic can be instantly turned into a cold one if you pour the cloves not with hot marinade, but with one that has cooled to room temperature. This is the whole secret.

cold pickle both individual cloves and whole heads of garlic

Pickled young garlic: a recipe for the winter

Young garlic, although still very soft and tender, is still suitable for pickling. Any marinade for young garlic will work, as will any marinating method. It is advisable to additionally subject young garlic to additional sterilization, since its antiseptic properties are still weak, and it may deteriorate during storage.

Pickled garlic for the winter with khmeli-suneli

Eastern spice - hops-suneli, traditionally used for meat, fish, vegetable dishes. Garlic is also great for pickling along with cloves, coriander, and black pepper. The seasoning has a pronounced taste and aroma and goes well with lemon juice.

Pickled garlic in apple cider vinegar for the winter

Apple cider vinegar is often used to replace regular vinegar. It is believed that it is apple cider vinegar less caustic and harmful. Of course, if we are talking about high-quality vinegar, or homemade one. Low-quality store-bought apple cider vinegar is most often a mixture apple juice and table vinegar.

Since apple cider vinegar can be replaced with regular table vinegar, any recipe from this article will suit you for making pickled garlic. Just replace one vinegar with another.

Advice! The best combination can be achieved by adding apple cider vinegar to the recipe for pickled garlic with currants, suneli hops, or beets.

Garlic pickled in cloves for the winter with pomegranate

Garlic marinated with pomegranate has a pronounced sweet and sour taste, quite pleasant and piquant at the same time.


  • garlic - 500 g
  • ripe pomegranate - 1 medium
  • wine or apple vinegar - 100 g
  • water - 300 ml
  • salt - 15 g
  • sugar - 30 g


  1. Peel the garlic and separate the cloves.
  2. Also peel the pomegranate in any way convenient for you, and separate the grains.
  3. Expose jars high temperatures(boiling, heating over steam or in the oven)
  4. Place garlic cloves and pomegranate seeds in layers in jars.
  5. Prepare the marinade by mixing the remaining ingredients except vinegar.
    1. Boil the marinade for 3 minutes, remove from heat.
    2. Add apple cider vinegar and stir
  6. Pour in freshly prepared marinade and screw on the lids.

Pomegranate with garlic - a successful combination of flavors

Recipe for pickling garlic in plastic buckets

Pickling in buckets is convenient when you need a large volume of finished products at once. There are no problems with banks here. Sterilizing buckets is simple: scald them with boiling water several times. That's enough.

Advice! It is better to use plastic buckets that are hermetically sealed. The volume of such buckets is usually 10 liters. They most often sell mayonnaise, pickled herring, cucumbers, and cabbage.

Video: How to cook Pickled Garlic?

It is difficult to find a vegetable that would have more pronounced antibacterial properties than garlic. From early childhood, our parents taught us that garlic is good for health, and it should be consumed almost every day in order to keep our immunity at the proper level and not suffer from colds.

And even knowing this, many people do not like garlic because of its smell. An alternative raw garlic may become in a spicy marinade. Its garlic smell is more delicate, and the taste becomes sour and salty. There are a lot of recipes for pickled garlic, they all differ in the method of pickling, the quality of the marinade, the method of cutting the garlic (whole heads or peeled cloves), the presence of additional spices and vegetables.

My family loves it very much pickled garlic with beets, preserved for the winter with whole, unpeeled heads. Just remember that for this recipe you need to use young garlic heads, the skin of which has not yet become hard. In this case, beet juice can easily color the garlic cloves crimson. Before serving, it is advisable to separate the pickled garlic heads into cloves and peel them.

On festive table This appetizer will be one of the first to sell out, because for many guests it will seem like an exquisite delicacy. So, feel free to take note of this recipe and start preparing this savory snack.

  • Garlic – 0.5 kg.
  • Beetroot – 1 pc.
  • Vinegar – 250 ml.
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Salt – 1 tsp.

Pickled garlic with beets - recipe

Start cooking with the marinade. Dissolve in vinegar essence and boiling water small quantity salt.

Press the whole head of garlic into glass jar. If you plan to store garlic for a long time, and it tends to go slower than other pickled vegetables, sanitize the jar. Wash it thoroughly and put it in the oven, preheated to moderate temperature, so that the jar does not burst. You can do it another way: hold the jar over boiling water, and boil the lids directly in it.

Pour in the marinade so that it completely covers the entire surface of the garlic.

Now move on to the beets. It is necessary to wash it, peel it and cut it into large pieces. Although beets are often pickled on their own without any additives, they are included in this recipe to give the garlic a unique twist.

After steeping for several days, it will release juice and color the garlic cloves dark pink - you must admit, this snack looks much more interesting, besides, beets are healthy in themselves and can remove toxins from the body.

Place the beet pieces in the middle of the jar so that they color the garlic on all sides. Marinate the garlic for 15-20 days in a dark place, after which you can put it in the refrigerator. Now you can be sure that the garlic will not disappear for many months, and you can be content with this snack in winter and summer.

Not every home prepares pickled garlic for the winter, yet this is an original and delicious snack, which is good to serve meat dishes, borscht, jellied meat. You can pickle garlic either in cloves or whole heads, with various combinations of herbs and spices. In any case, it will not be as hot as fresh, but no less healthy.

How to pickle garlic

Pickled garlic will turn out tastier and more appetizing if you follow the advice of experienced chefs.

  • You can pickle garlic with peeled and unpeeled cloves, as well as whole heads, but this does not mean that it is not necessary to peel it. The top layer of husk is removed in any case, leaving only one layer.
  • If you want to pickle the fruits whole or in unpeeled slices, you need to choose young garlic. You can pickle garlic of any age with peeled cloves, as long as the cloves are even and undamaged.
  • To store pickled garlic for the winter, place it in sterilized jars and close them with clean, boiled lids. If you close the jar with a nylon lid, then you can only store the snack in the refrigerator.
  • To preserve garlic, it is better to use small jars, since this appetizer is not for everyone. It is preferable to prepare several small jars of pickled garlic for the winter, rather than one three-liter jar.
  • Before you start pickling garlic, you should soak it in cold water for a couple of hours. Thanks to this simple action, it will be possible to preserve its color. Otherwise, the garlic may darken and will not look as appetizing.

There are many recipes for making pickled garlic for the winter. If you have never tried such a snack before, it makes sense to prepare a couple of jars of garlic different recipes, and then compare their taste and aroma.

Pickled garlic heads: a simple recipe

  • garlic – 1 kg;
  • water – 0.4 l;
  • table vinegar – 0.4 l;
  • bay leaf – 2–3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 100 g;
  • salt – 40 g;
  • allspice peas – 10 pcs.;
  • cloves – 3–4 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Place cloves, peppercorns, and laurel leaves into sterilized jars. Need 2 liter jars or 3 with a capacity of 0.65–0.75 l. Smaller jars for pickling garlic heads will not work.
  • Pour boiling water over the garlic, then rinse with cold running water, remove the top layers of husk. One layer should be left so that the slices do not crumble. Cut off the roots of the garlic heads.
  • Place the garlic heads in the jars as tightly as possible.
  • Heat the water, add salt and sugar, boil for a few minutes, pour in the vinegar and remove the marinade from the heat.
  • Pour hot marinade over garlic. Seal the jars and wrap them up. Once completely cooled, store in a cool place away from bright light until winter.

Perhaps someone will be confused by the large amount of vinegar that is included in the marinade. The fears are unfounded: ready-made snack It won't be too sour. However, if you want to use less vinegar, it is better to use another recipe.

Whole garlic marinated with pepper

  • young garlic – 1.5 kg;
  • hot capsicum – 3 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • water – 0.6 l;
  • table vinegar – 0.2 l;
  • salt – 20 g;
  • sugar – 60 g.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the outer layers of skin from the garlic heads, leaving only the bottom layer holding the cloves together. Cut off the remaining roots.
  • Sterilize three liter jars. In each, place a bay leaf and a whole hot pepper pod, which is a natural preservative. Thanks to it, you can add less vinegar, salt, and sugar to the marinade, so that the taste of the pickled garlic itself will be more pronounced.
  • Place the heads of garlic in the jars, filling them as tightly as possible.
  • Boil water, dissolving salt and sugar in it. Boil for 3 minutes and pour in vinegar.
  • Immediately after adding vinegar to the marinade, pour it over the garlic in the jars.
  • Cover the jars with metal lids or screw them tightly if using screw lids.
  • Turn the jars over, cover them with a winter blanket, and let them cool under it.

The pickled heads of garlic can be removed for storage in a cool room when they have cooled completely. In winter, it is better to keep them in the cellar, but you can also keep them in the pantry at a temperature slightly below room temperature.

Heads of garlic marinated with beets

  • garlic – 1 kg;
  • beets – 0.3 kg;
  • dill – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • salt – 40 g;
  • sugar – 40 g;
  • table vinegar – 100 ml;
  • black peppercorns – 7 pcs.;
  • cloves – 5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Carefully peel the top layer of husk from the garlic heads and rinse under running water.
  • Boil water and add the heads of garlic, blanch for two minutes.
  • Place the garlic in cold water and let cool.
  • Place the garlic heads in a colander to drain.
  • Wash, peel and dry the beets with a paper towel. Cut it into pieces about one centimeter wide, twice or three times as long.
  • Sterilize the jars, put dill and spices on the bottom of each, arrange garlic and pieces of beets in the jars.
  • Cook the marinade from a liter of water, two tablespoons of salt and the same amount of granulated sugar.
  • Pour vinegar into the boiling marinade, stir, remove from heat.
  • Pour the marinade into jars, wait until their contents cool slightly (about a quarter of an hour), close tightly. You can use either a metal or polyethylene lid, depending on the conditions under which the workpiece will be stored.
  • Leave the jar at room temperature in a dark place for two weeks. During this time, the marinade will have time to become cloudy and lighten. After this, the canned food should be stored in a cool room. They should be stored at a temperature no higher than 16 degrees, and if they are closed with a plastic lid, in the refrigerator.

Heads of garlic marinated with beets acquire a beautiful color.

Garlic pickled with cloves: a simple recipe

  • garlic – 1 kg;
  • water – approximately 0.5–0.7 l;
  • salt – 40 g;
  • sugar – 40 g;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • dill seeds – 5 g;
  • black peppercorns – 5–6 pcs.;
  • allspice peas – 5–6 pcs.;
  • table vinegar – 60 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the garlic. Soak the garlic cloves for half an hour in cool water, drain in a colander, and let the water drain.
  • Sterilize several small jars.
  • Spread dill seeds and peppercorns over them.
  • Place garlic cloves in jars.
  • Boil water and pour garlic into it.
  • After 20 minutes, pour the water from the cans into the pan.
  • Place bay leaves in it, add the amount of salt and sugar indicated in the recipe, bring to a boil and boil for a minute.
  • Pour vinegar into the marinade, stir, turn off the heat.
  • Pour the hot marinade over the garlic and immediately seal with metal lids.
  • Let cool under something warm, after turning the jars upside down.

Garlic marinated according to this recipe can be used as an independent snack and as one of the ingredients for preparing sauces and soup dressings.

Garlic cloves marinated with pepper

  • garlic – 0.5 kg;
  • chili pepper - 2-3 small pods;
  • allspice peas – 10–12 pcs.;
  • black currant leaves – 3–4 pcs.;
  • salt – 20 g;
  • sugar – 40 g;
  • table vinegar – 60 ml;
  • water – 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Disassemble the garlic heads into cloves, remove the husks from them, cut off the thickening. Throw away rotten and damaged cloves, wash good ones.
  • Wash the pepper pods and dry them.
  • Wash 2–3 0.25–0.35 liter jars with soda. Sterilize them and boil the lids that go with them. In this case, it is convenient to use screw ones.
  • Place peppercorns and currant leaves into jars. Place one chili pepper in each.
  • Fill the jars with garlic cloves.
  • Pour boiling water over the garlic, cover the jars with lids and leave for 15 minutes. Throw out the water.
  • Boil clean water again and pour boiling water over the garlic. After 10 minutes, drain the water.
  • Mix half a liter of water with salt and sugar, bring to a boil and boil for three minutes.
  • Pour vinegar into jars. Immediately pour the hot marinade over the garlic.
  • Screw the lids on tightly and turn the jars upside down. Wrap yourself up in something warm. Even a terry towel folded in half will do.

After a day, the jars of garlic cloves can be transferred to the pantry. You can safely store them all winter at room temperature. They will be ready for use only after three weeks - in order to marinate and acquire a spicy aroma, garlic needs time.

Garlic cloves marinated in beet juice

  • garlic cloves (already peeled) – 0.5 kg;
  • fresh beets – 0.2 kg;
  • water – 0.5 l;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • cloves – 1 pc.;
  • salt – 20 g;
  • sugar – 20 g;
  • black peppercorns – 3 pcs.;
  • table vinegar – 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Separate the garlic cloves, peel, remove all spoiled ones, wash the remaining ones, pour over boiling water, keep in it for 5 minutes, rinse in cold running water and dry.
  • Sterilize the jars and place the garlic in them.
  • Wash and peel the beets, grate them on a fine grater. Pour water over the beetroot puree, stir and strain.
  • Mix beet juice with salt and sugar, add bay leaves, peppercorns, and cloves. Bring to a boil.
  • Pour table vinegar into jars and pour marinade on top.
  • Cover the jars with lids and place in a saucepan with water. Sterilize for a quarter of an hour.
  • Careful not to burn yourself, remove the jars and seal them with boiled twist-off lids.

Garlic cloves marinated in beet juice are not only tasty, but also very beautiful.

Garlic marinated in soy sauce

  • garlic – 1 kg;
  • table vinegar – 0.5 l;
  • soy sauce – 1 l.

Cooking method:

  • Separate the head of garlic into cloves. Do not peel the cloves, but wash them well and dry them.
  • Place the garlic in a clean jar and fill it with vinegar.
  • Place the container with garlic in a cool, dark place for a week.
  • Sterilize the jars and place the garlic soaked in vinegar in them, filling each jar about halfway.
  • Boil the soy sauce for 10 minutes and pour it over the garlic cloves. The sauce should reach the very neck of each jar.
  • Close the jars tightly with metal lids that have been previously sterilized. Place in a cool place.

Garlic marinated in soy sauce, will be ready for use in 3 weeks, but you can store it longer if desired.

Pickled garlic is a savory appetizer. You can prepare it for the winter in different ways. It will not become as vigorous as fresh, but will not lose most of its beneficial properties. In addition, it will acquire an unusual spicy taste that many people like.

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