Kystyby with potatoes. Recipe for kystybya from my beloved mother-in-law. How to cook kystyby with potatoes according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

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The flatbreads turn out so tender, the dough just melts in your mouth, and hearty filling of mashed potatoes completes the picture. I ate one - half a frying pan - and had dinner! In this way, kystyby reminded me a little of pies with potatoes - also huge, larger than the palm of your hand, thin, and just as inexpensive and satisfying. Let's try it soon! 🙂

There are recipes for dough for kyztyby with milk, water and kefir, with vegetable or butter. I chose the option with milk and butter - and indeed, as written in the source on the Happy Lady website, this dough recipe turned out to be very tender and tasty.


Makes 7 large flatbreads, 21cm frying pan:
For the test -

  • 1 large egg;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • 2 cups flour (without top, and another 3-4 tablespoons for adding).

For the filling:

  • 5-6 medium potatoes;
  • A piece of butter;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Black pepper to taste (there was no pepper in the original, but I tried pepper for taste).

For lubrication:

  • 30 g butter.

How to cook:

First, let's prepare the filling, since it is advisable to work with the dough as soon as you knead it, and not leave it for later. Peel the potatoes, cut into quarters and boil until soft.

After adding salt a couple of minutes before it’s ready, turn it off, pour the broth into a saucepan or bowl, and mash the potatoes with the addition of butter. We try to make it magnificent mashed potatoes no lumps.

Gradually add the broth to the potatoes, beating each time with a masher. The puree should be neither dry nor liquid – a pleasant, fluffy, moderately thick consistency.

Let's prepare the dough. Whisk the egg with milk, salt and sugar.

Add softened butter.

And let’s begin to gradually add flour, mixing thoroughly and looking at the consistency of the dough.

It turns out very soft and tender, similar to the dough for wak-balish, Tatar pies with meat and potatoes. You don’t need to add a lot of flour, just enough until the dough almost stops sticking to your hands.

Divide the dough into 7 parts.

There is dough and filling. Melt a piece of butter in a bowl.

Prepare a frying pan, spatula, rolling pin, silicone brush and a clean, damp towel.

Now we act quickly, but diligently.

Over medium heat, good as for pancakes, heat the frying pan. In the meantime, having lightly dusted the table with flour, roll out 1 lump of dough into a round cake, with a diameter like the bottom of a frying pan, and 2 mm thick.

We will try to roll it out evenly, beautifully, so that we get a circle with even edges, and so that there are no folds or irregularities on the flatbread - thicker here, thinner there. Carefully transfer the flatbread to a heated dry frying pan. These turned out to be the most difficult moments - to evenly roll out and carefully transfer the delicate, thin cake so that it lays evenly on the frying pan. Sometimes there were folds. But, I think, if you fry kystyby more often, then everything will start to work out one or two times :)

Fry the flatbread a little, then turn it over to the other side with a spatula.

While it's cooking, roll out the next one. If flour remains in the pan and burns, you can wipe it off with a napkin. Be careful, the pan is very hot.

After frying the second side, remove the flatbread from the frying pan and place it - pay attention, not on a dish, but in a damp towel so that the flatbread does not dry out while you wrap the filling in it and does not break when bent.

Spread the finished flatbreads with a thin layer of mashed potatoes over the entire surface and fold in half.

But that's not all. Now you need to brush them with melted butter using a brush and fry. Please note, just grease it, and not fry it in oil - only in this case you will get authentic kystyby, and not just flatbreads with potatoes. I once didn’t take this point into account when I was preparing khychins - and instead I ended up with flatbreads with cheese :)

Grease the flatbreads on both sides.

And fry, also on both sides, in a frying pan.

This is how rosy our flatbreads become! Appetizing, hot!

Remove them to a plate, let them cool a little, and you’re ready to eat! According to personal observations, if the dough, especially the edges, are slightly crispy in the heat of the heat, then after standing, the kystyby becomes surprisingly tender.

Here is another gorgeous dish made from dough and potatoes - how many different things can be prepared from these basic ingredients, simply by changing the technology! Pies, dumplings, flatbreads, and now also kystyby. Great! We really enjoyed it and the kids ate with pleasure too.

Bon appetit!

Kystyby is one of the simplest, most delicious and budget dishes what Tatar cuisine gave us. Essentially, these are simple flatbreads fried in a dry frying pan with filling, sort of lazy pies. You can use any porridge or vegetable puree as a filling, but most often potatoes are hidden in flatbreads.

Actually, it is this recipe – kystyby with potatoes – that we will master. There are no difficulties here. The filling will be the most ordinary mashed potatoes. And we will knead the dough for kystyby in Tatar style with milk - with it the finished flatbreads will be softer and more tender. Try it! It's really simple and very tasty!

Taste Info Bread and flatbreads

Ingredients for 4-5 servings:

  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • milk 2.5% – 300 ml;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt (for dough and filling) – 1 tsp. and to taste, respectively;
  • flour – 500–550 g.

How to cook Tatar-style kystyby with potatoes

We will prepare the filling and tortillas first, and then combine them.

First, let's make the potato filling. Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them into smaller pieces so that they are ready faster. Add some salt to the water in the saucepan, let it boil and only then put the potatoes in it.

While the filling is being prepared, we will knead the dough for the flatbreads. Pour milk into a deep cup, 50–70 g of melted, but preferably just softened, butter. Add an egg there.

Add some salt to the mixture and whisk it until smooth.

Next, arm yourself with a sieve and sift the last ingredient of the dough into a cup - flour. You don't need to add all the flour at once. Sift it in small portions. This will make a soft, elastic dough that will not flake (which is very undesirable).

Knead the dough thoroughly for Tatar-style kystyby. As already mentioned: it should not be too steep, soft and elastic. Due to the presence of butter in the dough, the mass does not stick at all to your hands or to the work surface. Cover the dough with a dry cloth while we leave it to stand for 10-15 minutes.

During this time, prepare the filling. The potatoes should be cooked by now. We drain the liquid from it into a cup, but leave a little broth (literally 50-70 ml). Throw a piece of butter (about 50 g) into the potatoes, add the remaining broth and mash it all into a homogeneous puree.

The puree should be liquid enough so that it spreads well on the cakes. Let's leave the potatoes aside for now. Don't use a blender or your puree will look like soft rubber.

Now that the filling is ready, bake the flatbreads. Roll out the rested dough into a thick sausage, now cut off small lumps from the dough and roll them into a thin flat cake. There should be no lumps or bends on the cakes, they should not tear.

The diameter of the cake should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the bottom of your pan. The obvious advantage of such cakes is that they do not have to be perfectly round.

Bake the formed cakes in a dry frying pan. The remaining flour must be removed from the pan each time so that it does not burn. Bake the flatbreads over medium heat. If the fire is large, the cake will burn; if it is weak, it will be too dry.

Be sure to cover the finished cakes with something so that they become softer and do not dry out on top.

The kystyby is formed very simply. Spread a couple of tablespoons of mashed potatoes onto half of the flatbread.

And cover the potato filling with the free part of the flatbread. Melt the remaining butter and grease the kystyby with it on both sides.

Ready! Place the formed kystyby in a pile and serve with a bowl of melted butter (in case one of the eaters wants to dip it) and a mug of hot sweet tea. With it, kystyby is especially tasty!

Cooking tips:

  • To keep your flatbreads thin, roll out the dough very thin, no thicker than 2 mm.
  • Fried flatbreads dry out quickly, which is undesirable. To prevent this from happening, cover the circles that have already dried in the pan with a damp kitchen towel. This will also facilitate easier formation of the kystyby with filling.
  • To keep the flatbreads soft, never make the dough in advance. It should not be put in the refrigerator.
  • To make the dough even tastier, use 3.4% fat milk and add a pinch of sugar to the dough.

The dough for kystyby in Tatar can be made in different ways. As a rule, its base is water. However, in some cases, housewives prefer to prepare flatbreads using milk.

It should be especially noted that kystyby dough is never kneaded using kefir, yogurt and other acidic products. If you neglect this advice, you will end up with thick, rough and dense cakes that are difficult to chew.

Kystyby dough: recipe with water

There is nothing complicated in preparing such a base. The dough is kneaded easily and simply, and turns out tender and tasty.

So, to make kystyby dough with potatoes, we will need:

  • large eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cool drinking water - 1 glass;
  • medium-sized sugar - 5-6 g;
  • table soda - a small pinch;
  • sea ​​salt - a few pinches;
  • vegetable oil - 3 large spoons;
  • snow-white flour - add as much as the base absorbs.

Kneading process

Kystyby dough, mixed with water, is considered not only dietary, but also very tender and soft. To prepare it, use only cool liquid. It is poured into a deep bowl and then added chicken eggs. Having thoroughly beaten the components with a regular fork (not with a mixer or blender), pour medium-sized sugar into them one by one, add a little vegetable oil, a pinch of soda, sea salt and flour. By the way, the last component should be added exactly as much as the base absorbs.

By thoroughly mixing the ingredients with your hands, you should get a dense, but at the same time homogeneous and tender dough. It should not stick to your fingers.

In order for the base to reach the desired consistency, it is covered with a bowl or wrapped in film and left in this form for 40-45 minutes.

How to use?

The kystyby dough, prepared according to the method described above, should be rolled out on a large board sprinkled with a sufficient amount of flour. A small piece is cut from the general base and then dipped in flour. Having placed it in the center of the board, it is carefully rolled out to a thin and even cake with a diameter of 13 centimeters.

The remaining dough is processed in exactly the same way.

Frying products in a frying pan

To make the dough for Tatar-style kystyby soft and tasty, you should fry it in a frying pan and carefully monitor the degree of preparation of the flatbreads so that they do not burn. Place dry and clean dishes over high heat, and then place one of the products into it.

The flatbreads should not be fried for very long. You just need to get them dry and partially browned. In this case, the products should not break. Real kystyby is tender and soft.

Cooking features

After the kystyby dough (potatoes make the most delicious flatbreads!) is fried, it must be covered with a thick towel. This will prevent contact flour products with air, as a result they will remain soft and very tasty. If you leave the cakes open, they will dry out very quickly and simply break during the filling process.

Making dough for kystyby

Soft, elastic dough is only the first step on the housewife’s path to success. If you want to get the most high-calorie and tasty kystyby, we suggest making flatbreads not based on water, but based on milk. A cow product with maximum fat content is ideal for this.

So, to knead the dough for kysty, you need to prepare:

The process of preparing the base

This dough is made as easily and simply as in previous recipe. First, fresh full-fat milk is poured into a deep bowl, and then butter is added to it and put on medium heat. Once the cooking fat begins to melt, but dairy product does not yet boil, remove the ingredients from the stove and leave in this form until warm. During this time, the butter should completely melt.

While the milk is cooling, in a separate bowl you need to beat the chicken eggs, after adding sea salt to them. It is advisable to carry out this procedure using a regular fork. If you use a blender, your cakes may turn out too fluffy.

As soon as the milk has cooled, add beaten eggs to it and mix them well. Having received a homogeneous cream-colored mixture, gradually add flour that has been previously sifted several times.

By thoroughly mixing the ingredients, you should get a fairly dense base that does not stick to your palms.

After the described actions ready dough sent to a plastic bag and left at room temperature for half an hour. During this time it should become softer and more pliable.

How to form cakes and fry them in a frying pan?

Dough for kystyby, prepared on the basis of milk, is processed in exactly the same way as the base on water. It is divided into pieces, rolled in flour, and then thinly rolled into a round cake. Next, it is fried in a dry frying pan (until lightly browned) and covered tightly with a towel.

How to cook kystyby?

After all the flatbreads are fried, you can safely begin to form the kystyby. Usually mashed potatoes are used for this.

The fried products are removed from the stack one by one, and then completely dipped into melted butter (or hot vegetable oil). After this, a small layer of puree is spread on one side of the cake. We cover the filling with the second half of the product, and the kystyby is considered completely ready.

This dish can be consumed either hot or already cooled. If you don't eat it all at once, you can put the leftovers in the refrigerator. It is advisable to re-serve kystyby after heating it in the microwave oven. Cold products are also fried in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable or butter. By the way, the last option is preferable. These kystybys turn out to be very tasty, aromatic and crispy. They should be served with sweet hot tea.

Kystyby with potatoes is one of the simplest and delicious dishes Tatar cuisine. It consists of flat cakes folded in half with potato filling inside. The flatbreads are baked in a dry frying pan, and the finished kystybai must be poured with melted butter. This pastry is much easier to prepare than regular pies. You can use both porridge and vegetable mixes, but still classic version It is considered kystybay with potatoes in Tatar style. The recipe with photos was filmed step by step for all lovers of national cuisine who like to reproduce it step by step old recipes. You can immediately look at the pictures to make sure that the preparation of the dish is quite simple. The dough has several cooking options. The most popular recipe is dough made with milk or water. I will tell you about it in detail, and at the end, for lovers of culinary variations, I will tell you how to prepare the dough in water.

Ingredients for milk dough:

  • milk – 0.5 cups (fat content does not matter),
  • butter – 50 grams,
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon,
  • salt – 1 level teaspoon,
  • egg – 1 piece (medium),
  • flour - 2.5 cups.

For the filling:

  • potatoes – 1 kilogram,
  • onion (optional) – 1 large,
  • butter – 50 grams,
  • milk – 1/3 cup,
  • vegetable oil – 3-4 tablespoons.

To submit:

  • butter – 100 g.

How to cook kystyby with potatoes

Let's start with potatoes. We wash it, peel it and cut it into approximately equal parts. Place the potatoes in boiling salted water and leave to boil until tender.

During cooking, it is quite possible to have time to knead the dough into kystyby.

Melt the butter, dissolve the sugar in lukewarm milk. Mix sweet milk with butter, beat an egg into the mixture, add salt and stir everything until smooth.

We kneaded it and immediately put it in a bag to rest for 15-20 minutes. That's it, we don't need any more flour for this dough. It’s convenient to work with; it doesn’t stick to your hands or rolling pin at all.

Let's return to the filling. Drain all the yushka from the finished potatoes. Add warm milk to it (you can quickly burn it in the microwave) and butter.

Knead the filling intensively until the lumps disappear completely. In principle, the filling is already ready, but if you wish, you can add chopped and fried rasta to it. oil onion. I have such a desire - I add. To prevent the filling from cooling down while the cakes are baking, cover it with something.

We take the dough out of the bag, divide it into 5-7 small lumps, roll each into a thin round cake and prick it with a fork. Quickly, so as not to dry out, fry the cakes in a completely dry, well-heated frying pan. Do not add a drop of oil! Remove immediately when slightly browned.

Place the finished flatbreads in a stack and be sure to cover them with a lid or plate so that they become softer and do not dry out. Important! After frying, immediately grease the milk cakes on both sides with butter, and only then cover them. There is no need to grease the unleavened cakes - they will already become soft.

When all the cakes are ready, fill them with filling. For this, 1-2 tbsp. l. Place mashed potatoes on one half of the flatbread and cover with the free half of the mashed potatoes.

You can serve kystyby in two ways: pour warm butter over it or serve the butter separately in a bowl so that you can dip it into it.

And one last note. To my taste, kystyby made with unleavened dough tastes better, but only if you serve it immediately after preparing it, while the flatbreads and filling are still warm. The cooled dough becomes rubbery. You can also prepare kystyby for future use, but then you should definitely choose the dough version made with milk: when it sits and cools down, it becomes much softer and more tender than freshly baked dough.

Recipe for unleavened dough for kystybai

Ingredients for water test:

  • water – 3/4 tbsp.,
  • salt – 2/3 tsp,
  • flour – 2 tbsp.

Add some salt to the warm water and, stirring constantly, begin to add flour. Knead the dough until elastic and also put it in a bag to rest. Here it turns out dense, very similar to dumplings. You won’t be able to roll it into a flat cake without flour, so be sure to leave a little for dusting.

kystyby with potatoes

Kystyby with potatoes- these are flatbreads from unleavened dough stuffed with mashed potatoes. Kystyby, they are also called kuzimyak, Bashkir and Tatar national dish. Fillings for kystyby can be potato, millet porridge, vegetable, poppy seed and others.

kystyby with potatoes

I myself come from Bashkiria, but we didn’t cook kystyby at home. The mother of one of my friends (Galochka Tadzhibaeva - hello, I remember your delicious kystyby!) made them so tasty that now, when I found several recipes for dough for kystyby, I decided to prepare this recipe from childhood myself.

Kystyby with potatoes


Dough for kystyby with milk

150 ml milk
flour - as much as needed
half a teaspoon of salt
half a teaspoon of sugar
one egg
3 tbsp. spoon of melted butter

Dough for kystyby with kefir
0.25 liters of kefir
flour - as much as needed
2 eggs
salt to taste
1 tsp Sahara

Dough for kystyby on water
water 150 ml
flour - as much as needed
sugar 1 tsp
butter 50 g
egg 1 piece
salt to taste

I didn’t indicate the amount of flour in the ingredients - take enough to make a dough that doesn’t stick to your hands; for about 100 grams of liquid (water, kefir or milk) there are 300 grams of flour


900 g peeled potatoes
70 g butter
150 ml milk
salt to taste
1 piece onions
2-3 cloves of garlic - add to taste
fresh herbs - to taste

For lubrication:
70 g butter

How to cook kystyby:

Pour warm milk (water or kefir) into a deep container, add salt and sugar, add melted butter and beat in the eggs. Mix everything thoroughly. Sift the flour and gradually, in small portions, add it to the butter with the egg, kneading a not very stiff dough, but the dough is not should stick to your hands. Place the dough under the film.

In the meantime, let's make the filling. Peel, chop and boil the potatoes. Make mashed potatoes, add hot milk, salt and butter to the mashed potatoes. The mashed potatoes should be quite thick so that the filling does not fall out. Fry the onion and add to the filling. You can add fresh herbs and garlic to the filling if desired.

Roll out thin flat cakes from unleavened dough. Fry the flatbreads in a dry frying pan. We make sure that the flatbreads do not fry too much, otherwise the kystyby will break at the folds. While the next flatbread was being fried, I managed to grease it with butter, fill the finished one and roll out a new one.

Or you can fry all the cakes, but so that they do not have time to cool and harden, stack them in a pile, covering them with a napkin. Each cake must be greased with butter.

Fill the tortillas by placing warm mashed potatoes on one half, carefully closing with the free edge. We lay the kystys one on top of the other so that they become softer.

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