We smoke in the oven with sawdust. Hot smoked fish recipes for smokehouse and oven

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Today, many housewives can try many recipes on their own in their own kitchen. Many old recipes adapt to modern needs: a minimum of ingredients, as well as minimal time spent on preparing the ingredients and the dish itself. Hot smoked fish is one of these recipes, since it can be prepared in an ordinary apartment with an oven, even without a smokehouse.

Hot smoked fish has a salty, browned skin. The meat itself turns out to be quite juicy and can be stored a little longer than a regular baked dish. You can use absolutely any fish for smoking, but these recipes will consider catfish and perch.

Hot smoked fish recipes with photos

Recipe No. 1 from Ekaterina Apatonova:

First, as always, a little background. The fishermen in our family, to be honest, are so-so. The maximum that my husband was capable of a couple or three years ago was to sit in calm weather on the shore of a pond with a float in his hands. And since it was not always possible to catch fish on that pond, we decided to go for a ride on the nearby ponds. In one of them we came across a perch. A beautiful fish, I tell you, but terribly incomprehensible - it will lie in a bucket for fifteen minutes and begin to swim with its belly up; only bites on live bait, and fry are found 15 km from this pond; prickly and bony, they say. In general, not fish, but only problems.

how to cook smoked perch in a smokehouse

So we fed the yard cat perches until one day we bought a smokehouse.

We smoked crucian carp - a little dry, mackerel - a little bitter. That’s when the idea came to us to try smoking perch. The idea is certainly interesting, but quite complicated. Perch is always a little smaller than the palm of your hand, try to clean these without injury.

They smoked it in the scales - it’s delicious, but the scales constantly stick to your hands and lips, remove the skin - it will lose all the juices. In search of an easy way to clean it, we started scouring the Internet and read on one of the sites that a fish can be cleaned... with a drill! My husband was inspired (he is my builder and owns the necessary tools). He brought a chair, screwed the drill to the chair with tape, selected the quietest mode, and the scales flew, all you had to do was turn the fish over.

It took about an hour to clean 25 pieces of fish. This time also included the removal of the entrails and gills. Then we salted the fish a little and left it for half an hour so that it was thoroughly saturated with salt.

List of ingredients:

  • perches
  • salt and spices

At this time, the smokehouse was prepared. We have such a helper, with its help you can smoke at home on the stove. We poured large wood shavings into the sawdust tray (we used oak). After half an hour, the fish was thoroughly dried and sent to the smokehouse for 15 minutes.

The fire under the smokehouse must be strong.
These are the delicious and beautiful perches we got.

Hot smoked fish goes well both as an independent dish and as an appetizer with beer. Smoked perch is delicious both hot and cold.

Bon appetit!

Recipe No. 2

how to cook smoked fish in the oven step by step photo recipe

You can smoke fish either whole or sliced. The last option is suitable for large carcasses. When smoking whole fish, it must be cleaned of scales, but it is not at all necessary to gut it. Ideally, the fish should weigh between 1 and 3 kg, which ensures that it will completely fit on the rack of an average oven. If the fish is too large to bake completely, you need to cut it into several pieces. large pieces and smoke in several stages if you want to smoke all parts. Depending on the size of the oven, you can smoke several fish at the same time, but preferably one type. Also, it should not be placed close to the walls of the oven so that it does not overheat on one side. It is also recommended to use the hot smoking method not in gas ovens, but in electric ones.

The best spices for fish are nutmeg, bay leaf, lemon juice and leaves, paprika, tarragon, turmeric, mustard, thyme, curry, garlic mixture, saffron, coriander. You can use other seasonings at your own discretion.

An important role in the preparation of hot smoked fish is played by another inedible ingredient - coals, but it is impossible to use them at home, so special wood chips or sawdust are used to prepare the delicacy in the oven. Such mixtures are sold in supermarkets with instructions for use, namely smoking fish in a smokehouse, grill or oven.

You can assemble such a composition yourself; this will require sawdust or a blend of beech and alder. However, a mixture of two tree species is not enough for everyone, so sometimes fresh birch twigs are added. Because smoked fish soaked in smoke, it is important that this smoke is aromatic, so seasonings can be added to the mixture. In most cases it is rosemary, and sometimes cucumber leaves. You can experiment with creating a unique aroma by adding other aromatic spices to the sawdust.


  • steak from the tail of a catfish (the required number of steaks are baked at the same time, usually calculated according to the number of servings);
  • salt;
  • spices.

Cooking process:

It is the sawdust that needs to be prepared first. Sawdust is poured into a foil box.

Fill with plain water so as to completely cover the wood chips. After 15 minutes, the sawdust will swell slightly, the rest of the water is drained.

Impregnating the wood chips with water prevents fire. During cooking, the box of wood chips is placed at the very bottom of the oven. This way it will heat up faster, and the smoke will rise up to the fish in any case. The fish itself requires almost no preparation. If you initially bought a whole catfish, then it is cut into fairly thick pieces. If you buy ready-made steaks, the need for slicing disappears by itself.

Catfish medallions must be rubbed with salt and spices.

You can rub each of the ingredients into the exposed parts in turn, or you can pre-mix them. You need to use coarse salt. Unground spices that have only been slightly crushed with a wooden mortar will look good. The amount of spices and salt is at the discretion of the hostess.

Salted fish must be transferred to foil forms. You can use disposable molds if the fish fits completely there, or make containers for them yourself. To do this, the foil is laid in several layers and the sides are made as close as possible to the fish carcass. Such foil crafts with fish will be open at the top so that the smoke has open access to the main ingredient.

They are installed on the grille.

Can be lubricated vegetable oil, then you will get a crispy crust.

During hot smoking, the fish will release fat, which may drip onto the sawdust, resulting in acrid smoke that is not conducive to smoking. This can be eliminated with a deep baking sheet, which is installed in a groove lower than the grate.

The fish is baked at 190 degrees for 45 minutes, after which you can take the first sample from the hot smoked catfish.

The dish is good both warm and cold.

Smoked catfish is served to the table.

Best regards, Anyuta.

There are two traditional way smoking in the oven: using liquid smoke and foil with sawdust (preferably alder or apple wood). But since the first method is not considered natural, it is better to use it for instant cooking smoked meats on the fire. But prepared food soaked in natural smoke improves not only its taste, but also acquires a uniform golden-amber surface.

Considering that each product has a different structure, the time and recipe are naturally different. Let's look at three examples of how lard, fish and chicken legs are smoked at home. The process should take place in an electric oven, unlike a gas oven; the sawdust in it will smolder without causing smoke.

How to get smoked lard

For any smoking in the oven, the presence of a wire rack and a deep baking tray is required. Before cooking, the lard should be well salted, then rinsed and left on a wire rack in the refrigerator for about a day to get rid of excess moisture. Foil is laid out on the bottom of the baking sheet and sawdust is scattered on top of it, the stove is heated to 90-95 degrees, then the lard is placed a little higher on the grate.

Average cooking time 30-40 minutes. But to achieve a real smoked effect, you can keep the lard for up to 2 hours, while lowering the temperature a little.

Smoke fish in the oven

Fish in the oven is prepared in a similar way, only before placing it on the grill, each one should be wrapped in oiled paper (tracing paper). Before this, it should be marinated and slightly dried with a towel. The oven is also preheated and a low temperature is set for 45 minutes.

In some cases, the fish does not develop a golden surface, but the taste exceeds all expectations. To feel the pronounced aroma of smoking, you need to let the dish cool.

Smoked chicken legs in the oven

Like previous products, chicken legs are processed: marinated and dried. A deep container with wood shavings is placed at the bottom of the oven, just above there is a wire rack on which the hams are laid out. Foil is laid over them so that the smoke accumulates directly under it. It is necessary to warm up the stove in advance and set only the bottom heating to 300 degrees. This temperature is enough to turn on the timer for 20 minutes. The contents can be kept for another 30 minutes while the sawdust is smoldering with the oven turned off.

All these methods allow you to get a real smoked product without difficulties and intricate tricks. Unlike smoked meats prepared outside in smoking cabinets, at home the dishes turn out juicier and more aromatic. In addition, the kitchen will not be enveloped in smoke; on the contrary, the room will be filled with a pleasant woody smell.

Having a wild imagination and culinary experience, you can smoke in the oven whatever your heart desires: homemade sausages, rack of pork ribs, chicken wings, the main thing is to use dry sawdust that does not emit tar and toxic substances. This can ruin not only the product, but also the oven, which will be difficult to clean afterwards. And foil should be used with greater thickness or laid in several layers. The oven should be heated together with the sawdust so that they have time to set in the heat; this is the only way to achieve success in the smoking business.

The smell of smoked meat is the best thing you can imagine. Fragrant, tender, rosy, it will become the favorite treat of any man. Today we’ll talk about how to smoke meat. You just need to know the technology, and the process will go like clockwork. All you need is meat and a small smokehouse. For home needs, the simplest one is also suitable. Most often, summer residents use several boxes with a lid welded together. You are guaranteed an excellent result.

Benefits of technology

Since you need to smoke meat at high temperature, it cooks very quickly. Temperatures reach 95 degrees and even higher. At the same time, smokehouses do not exceed the size of a conventional oven, are compact, and are easy to move from one place to another. And of course, they are the optimal solution for a summer residence.

We can say that meat is baked in such devices, and only the presence of smoke indicates otherwise. No, this cooking method is very different from what you get in the oven or in a frying pan. By learning how to smoke meat, you can always provide for yourself delicious snack all year round. Of course, such products are not stored for a long time, but this is not required. You and your family will love the fantastic aroma of the finished dish. A ruddy piece will be an excellent appetizer or the basis for first and second courses.

Option for apartment

If you don’t have a dacha, but really want to try something delicious, then you can try home option. Experienced Chefs They say it's not difficult at all. It is enough to put sawdust in a frying pan, set it on fire and simmer, covering it with foil so that it smolders slightly. Now place the frying pan on the bottom rack in the oven and the meat on the rack in the middle. The temperature is maintained at 150 degrees. Of course, you will need a strong hood, but the kitchen will still be saturated with smoke. Therefore, it is very important to acquire a special apparatus and move the preparation outside.

Technology details

Now let's talk in more detail about how to smoke meat in a smokehouse. Important advantages of hot smoking over cold smoking are the preservation of juice and a unique aroma. The temperature maintained in the smokehouse allows you to obtain a perfectly tender product. At the same time, disinfection occurs.

The duration and intensity of exposure is calculated individually and depends on the thickness and quality of the original product. A one-kilogram piece of tender pork is cooked at 90 degrees for an hour. Again, everyone has their own taste. Some people like a light shade, while others like a rich taste. The main thing is not to forget that sawdust plays a big role. The taste and aroma of the final product depends on them.

High-quality smoke - delicious aroma

So how to smoke meat in a smokehouse using smoke? For this purpose, hardwood sawdust is used. This important point, since conifers give bitterness and can ruin the whole result. Please note that they do not have to be perfectly dried. The whole point of the process is the slow smoldering of slightly damp sawdust. With dry raw materials, you will get a product that is more boiled than smoked.

If there is no sawdust, then you can collect twigs of raspberries and currants, cherries and pears. Don't throw them away after autumn pruning. As with barbecue, the product will absorb odors from smoldering wood. Smoking hot smoked meat in a smokehouse is not at all difficult, just try it once and you will no longer want to give up this method of preparing the product.

If there is no smokehouse

Not everyone has the opportunity to install specialized equipment on their site. Most summer residents face this. By autumn, the number of chickens is growing and you can start preparing aromatic smoked meats, but the special machines that are sold in the store are very expensive. There is a way out. You can always find a metal barrel at your dacha. This can be a bucket or any other item with a volume of 3-5 liters. Do not use aluminum; the thicker the walls, the longer the heat will be retained. The second important indicator is tightness. Air should not penetrate inside and smoke should not come out.

Internal equipment

Smoking hot smoked meat in a smokehouse homemade no more difficult than in the industrial sector. Don't forget to equip it with a grate on which the product will be placed and a tray for draining fat. The second attribute is optional, so if the design does not require extra space, then you can do without it.

Nothing else is needed, now all that remains is to prepare the product and get down to the actual cooking process. Let's look at how to smoke hot smoked meat.


Its composition depends on the taste of each person. A standard brine is considered to be a glass of salt and a glass of sugar per 4 liters of water. You can add wine and spices, fruit juice. Depending on what kind of meat you took, the composition may also change. For chicken, ginger and cardamom are a great addition. Pork loves curry and beef loves dried garlic. The amount of salt can also be changed at your discretion. The raw materials must remain in the brine for at least four hours. After this, you can smoke the meat in a smokehouse. The recipe is simple, anyone can repeat this in their own area.

Final chord

Everything here is quite simple, and everyone can have their own signature recipe. You can smoke meat on birch or oak chips, but if you have branches of fruit trees, then it is better to opt for them. Now remove the meat from the marinade and dry it thoroughly. You don't need to use a hairdryer or leave the product under straight hair. sun rays. A napkin or paper towel is enough. Now we put a couple of handfuls of sawdust on the bottom of the smokehouse, and place the meat on the grate.

Important points

If you decide to cook several pieces at the same time, they should not touch each other on the grill. Otherwise, you will get a half-baked product at the contact points.

Now you need to place the smokehouse on a stand and light a fire under it. You can install an electric or gas stove for heating. You can’t set fire to the sawdust itself; it will just start to smolder just fine. All you have to do is watch the clock and stick to the time suggested by the recipe.

You need to smoke hot smoked meat in a smokehouse depending on the thickness of the piece. Thin steaks will cook in about 20 minutes. Large chicken may take several hours. It is recommended to turn the bird over on the other side after an hour and a half and continue cooking. There is no need to lubricate it with fat, it is quite juicy.

But if you are cooking beef, then it makes sense to cut it into small layers to reduce cooking time and not dry it out. Overcook and you will get croutons that taste like meat.

If you like meat with a golden brown crust, you can slightly change the cooking process. To prevent the dish from drying out, use a special thermometer; it will help control the cooking process. As soon as the temperature in the thickest place has reached 80 degrees, the smoking process can be stopped.

It is not necessary to remove the meat. While the smokehouse cools down, it will gradually reach. And if you want the crust to crunch nicely, then you need to hold the meat a little over the fire source. So, how long to smoke meat will have to be studied experimentally, depending on its type and thickness of the piece.

Meat with lard

This is a tasty morsel. Moreover, you can choose different options to suit your taste. How holiday dish You can serve the neck, where the tender meat is pierced by thin strips of lard. And as an economical option for an everyday snack, a loin, that is, a layer of lard with meat, is suitable.

Let's start again with the brine. To do this, take 160 g of salt and a bay leaf, a few peas of black pepper and cloves, and a few cloves of garlic per liter of water. Place the lard pieces in enamel dishes and fill with brine. You need to keep it for two weeks, turning it over sometimes. After the lard is removed from the brine, tie it with twine and leave it in a cool place for a couple of days. Apple or pear sawdust is best suited for it. The lard should be exposed to smoke and heat for 1-2 hours, at a temperature of 100-150 degrees. This is the most unpretentious product from the entire family of smoked meats. Its readiness can be determined by its beautiful golden color. When it has cooled, brush the finished product with pepper and salt.

Storage duration

If the meat is being prepared for today's event, you can leave it directly in the smokehouse. It will quietly lie in it for up to 10 hours without loss of taste. In general, you need to remember that the shelf life of hot smoked products is shorter than their cold smoked counterparts. They will last three to five days in the refrigerator. To increase storage time, use vacuum packaging. This is difficult to implement at home. You can freeze foods, but they somewhat lose their original properties.

Instead of a conclusion

The time has come for you to make sure that cooking smoked meat at home is not at all difficult. The smokehouse is assembled from scrap materials, and the process itself does not take much time. So stock up on fruit slivers and start creating. Soon your number of guests will increase, because everyone will want to try a piece of delicious meat.

Products with a pleasant smoky aroma cannot leave anyone indifferent. Treat yourself to a piece of smoked fish homemade, is the prerogative of true gourmets. But how can you give yourself such pleasure as smoking fish in the oven without any hassle in a city apartment? It's possible, you just need to choose suitable recipe and the cooking method!

Before looking at a few easy and interesting recipes, you should familiarize yourself with the general rules and secrets of smoking fish in the oven:

Hot smoked mackerel in a sleeve

If you don't have a smoker, don't worry! According to this recipe, we cook hot smoked fish in the oven using a baking bag and using liquid smoke. The sleeve provides many advantages - the smell of smoke does not spread throughout the apartment, but the finished product is juicy and more saturated with the aroma of smoke.

We pierce the prepared fish (salted, washed and dried using the above method) from the belly side with toothpicks or skewers to create 2-3 transverse “legs”. Using a silicone brush, coat the carcasses with liquid smoke and carefully place them in the sleeve on the “legs”, back up. If desired, you can add a few sprigs of rosemary or alpine herbs to the bag - in combination with the smell of smoke, they will give ready-made dish subtle spicy aroma. Close the edges of the bag tightly and place on a wire rack.

Place a grill with fish in a preheated oven to a temperature of 200-205°C. After the bag is “inflated”, we pierce it in 2-3 places. Cooking time in the oven is 15-20 minutes. After cooling, you can cut into portions and serve!

Smoking in foil

Mackerel (or the fish you prefer) can be cooked by hot smoking in the oven, wrapped in foil. For this, take 5-6 medium carcasses so that they fit freely on a baking sheet, and prepare them as follows:

  • Thoroughly rub the fish prepared for smoking with fish seasoning - approximately 2-3 teaspoons for each carcass;
  • cut the foil into pieces so that 1 carcass can be wrapped in each of them;
  • Place the carcass on foil and carefully pour in liquid smoke - 1.5-2 tablespoons;
  • Wrap the fish in foil, carefully pinch the edges so that the liquid does not spill out during the cooking process;
  • Place all the carcasses on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200°C for 1 hour.

During cooking, the fish must be turned over every 15 minutes to ensure even smoking. After removing from the oven, let it cool in foil, and then just remove the foil - this will make it even more flavorful. Bon appetit!

Recipe using sawdust

How to smoke fish in the oven using real sawdust at home? The answer is obvious - use an electric oven, which can easily be taken out onto the balcony to cook real aromatic smoked fish!

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  • medium-sized alder or apple sawdust, evenly place other dishes with thin walls on a thin baking sheet), lightly moisten them with a spray bottle, cover with foil with holes for smoke;
  • Place the salted and dried fish on a wire rack;
  • place the dishes with sawdust, heat the oven to 200°C, and then leave it on only at the bottom, and leave the grill with the fish at medium height; close the oven doors tightly;
  • cook at high temperature until smoke appears and then for another 15 minutes, and then at low temperature – 45°C for another 15-20 minutes; Turn off the oven, but do not open it until it has completely cooled and the smoke has stopped.

Fragrant, delicious real smoked fish is ready! To make it even more spicy, you can put several sprigs of fragrant herbs and spices on the sawdust. You need to heat the oven together with the sawdust so that they begin to smolder and smoke faster. The sawdust itself must first be dried so as not to release resin substances during smoking.

Fish prepared according to these recipes turns out juicy and tasty, and most importantly, it is so easy to prepare!

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There are many ways to smoke food. Typically, the process is carried out using a smokehouse. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. But the most simple method is smoking food in regular oven. Let's look at simple and delicious recipes smoking lard.

How to smoke lard in the oven on a wire rack

It is better to use this method if you have a small electric oven. It can be taken outside, onto the balcony. Or you are not afraid of the slight presence of fragrant smoke in the house.

In addition to the oven, you must have a deep baking tray and a wire rack on which the dish will be smoked. Smoking process:

Smoked lard in the oven in a cauldron

With this smoking method, smoke will not penetrate into the room at all. The oven can be either gas or electric.

For cooking you will need: pickled lard, fruit tree chips, foil, a large cauldron with a lid, an iron grill stand for hot dishes.


  • At the bottom of the cauldron we evenly distribute two handfuls of sawdust.
  • We place foil on top of the wood chips so that we get a plate with sides of 3-4 cm. We make several holes with a needle over the area of ​​the foil.
  • We install a round metal grate on top of the foil on which the lard will be smoked. It should be at least 5 cm higher than the foil.
  • Place the bacon on the grill. Cover the cauldron with a lid. To ensure a tight seal, you need to place a piece of foil under the lid a couple of centimeters larger than the lid itself.
  • Place the cauldron in the oven, preheated to 180⁰. Smoke in this way for an hour.
  • Then remove the cauldron from the oven and let it cool completely. Remove the finished bacon from the cauldron and ventilate for one hour in a draft. Cool in the refrigerator before use.

Smoking in the oven using liquid smoke

Many people believe that foods prepared with liquid smoke are very harmful because they contain carcinogens. But eating such food small quantities will not affect the condition of the body in any way. So sometimes you can treat yourself.

Preparation (recipe is for 1 kg of bacon):

Add to 1 liter of water: 100 g of salt, a handful of onion peels, 5 black peppercorns, 1 bay leaf, 6 tbsp. spoons of liquid smoke. Mix everything, let it boil, add pieces of lard and boil over low heat for 20 minutes.

Turn off the heat and let cool until room temperature. Remove the bacon from the marinade and dry with a napkin.

Bake in the oven on the top rack for 20 minutes at 180⁰. When baking, place the baking sheet down so that the fat drips off.

After cooking, let cool and rub with garlic and paprika.

Below is another recipe for lard with liquid smoke, but without using an oven.

Bon appetit!

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