Expresso coffee. Coffee drinks - description. Coffee recipes

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It's hard to imagine the morning without a cup of aromatic coffee. This popular drink invigorates and fills you with energy for the whole day. Now more and more people prefer a drink called espresso coffee, which is distinguished, among other things, by its rich taste and unsurpassed, stimulating aroma.

In the middle of the last century in Italy it was invented new look coffee. Espresso means “pressed” or “pressed” in Italian. It is prepared using a special device - a coffee machine.

Scientists from the Italian National Institute of Espresso are confident that in order to get a real drink, a number of conditions must be met:

  • use only natural grains of good quality and strong roasting;
  • store them in closed glass or ceramic containers;
  • Before cooking, the grains must be finely ground without turning them into dust;
  • use filtered water;
  • at the beginning of preparing the drink, ordinary water is passed through it to warm up the machine;
  • The ideal temperature for brewing espresso coffee is 90 degrees;
  • the drink can only be poured into a well-heated cup called demitasse;
  • All parts of the coffee machine must be kept perfectly clean to prevent unpleasant odors during subsequent espresso preparations;
  • It is recommended to drink the coffee drink immediately after preparation.

If a brown-red foam forms on top of the drink, then the espresso was prepared correctly. They drink coffee in small sips to fully enjoy its taste.

And despite all the strictness of the rules, to prepare good espresso you can use coffee tablets from a world-famous manufacturer.

Composition and calorie content

100 ml of espresso coffee contains 9 kcal.

Chemical composition of the drink:

  • protein – 0.1 g;
  • fats – 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 1.7 g.

To get rid of calories after drinking espresso coffee, you need to spend 1 minute running, jumping rope, strength training or abdominal training. Or 9 minutes to sleep.

Espresso-based coffee drinks

The main types of espresso-based drinks include:

  1. Doppino (double). This is espresso, the amount of ingredients is doubled. The drink is served in a 120 ml mug.
  2. Lungo. In this drink, only the volume of water increases 2 times, and all other components remain unchanged.
  3. Macchiato. Whisk half a small spoonful of milk into a foam and add it to the main ingredients.
  4. Latte. Pour milk in a ratio of 3:7.
  5. Corretto. Added to espresso alcoholic drink(usually liqueur).
  6. Ristretto. The strongest coffee, instead of 25 ml, add 18 ml of water.
  7. Romano. IN classic recipe include lemon zest or juice.
  8. Con-panna. Whipped cream is added to the finished drink.
  9. Fredo. Serve espresso cold with sugar and an ice cube.
  10. Latte macchiato. Served as a drink consisting of 3 layers: the first is milk, the second is espresso, the third is milk whipped into foam.
  11. Macchiato Fredo. Milk is added to the fredo ingredients.

A specialist in preparing espresso is called a barista.

How to cook at home

Connoisseurs of invigorating drinks have often thought about how to make espresso coffee at home. It’s quite simple, the main thing is to choose how the drink will be prepared: in an espresso machine, a Turk or a coffee maker.

Before starting the cooking process you need to prepare:

  • Choose excellent quality coffee beans. Well-roasted Arabica and Robusta beans are suitable for this.
  • The beans are ground in a coffee grinder. Proper grinding is the key to a real and tasty drink. The ideal grains are ground to a sandy state. If the pieces are larger, the coffee will be too liquid and tasteless. If the beans are ground into flour, the espresso will taste bitter.

Turkish recipe

  1. Pour 2 small spoons of ground coffee beans into the Turk, salt on the tip of a knife and sugar to taste.
  2. Place the mixture on low heat and stir constantly so that the bulk ingredients do not burn.
  3. When the mixture becomes hot, you need to add 200 ml of water at a temperature of 30 - 40 degrees.
  4. Bring the espresso to a boil, remove and stir.
  5. The second time they put it on the fire and heat it until it boils. The more the drink is heated, the more stable the foam becomes.
  6. Then the coffee is allowed to settle and poured into mugs.

To achieve foam in the Turk, you need to try very hard.

With added milk

To soften the taste of double espresso, you can add milk. This drink is most often prepared in the morning.

To do this, take doppino and pour it into a glass cup. Then 160 ml of milk is divided into 3 parts. Now 2 parts are gradually mixed into the coffee, and the remaining part is heated to 60 degrees and whipped. Foamed milk is poured into espresso.

Espresso in a coffee machine

Real espresso is prepared using a coffee machine.

To brew it, you must follow a certain algorithm:

  1. The cups into which the drink will be poured are placed on a tray and warmed up.
  2. The horn is cleaned of coffee residues and warmed up.
  3. Place 7–9 g of ground coffee into the holder.
  4. Then the ground grains are pressed into a tablet of the required size and density.
  5. Then you need to clean the rim of the horn again from any remaining coffee and turn on the water supply to clean the divider.
  6. A holder with a tablet is inserted into the divider, the water is turned on and a heated cup is placed.
  7. Cooking time does not exceed 30 seconds.

One cup will be filled to 2/3 of its volume (25 - 30 ml).

Cooking in a coffee maker

  1. 7 g of ground beans are poured into a coffee cone.
  2. Using a tamper, the coffee “sand” is compacted. The tablet should be dense and uniform.
  3. Before starting preparation, do a test pour to get rid of any remaining coffee from previous preparations.
  4. The holder with the tablet is inserted into a special groove and the flow is turned on for 30 seconds.
  5. Then the hot coffee is poured into mugs.

Espresso brewed in a coffee maker will have a golden brown crema.

The main differences between Americano coffee and espresso

The main differences between Americano and espresso:

  1. The volume of espresso is only 25 - 30 ml, and Americano is at least 150 ml.
  2. Espresso is preferred by gourmets and connoisseurs of the bitter taste of natural coffee. Americano will appeal to those who do not like bitterness.
  3. Espresso is prepared only by steam distillation, and Americano is prepared by continuous pouring.
  4. To make an Americano, the beans are ground coarser than for espresso.
  5. Foam is an essential characteristic of properly prepared espresso, but it may not be present in an Americano.

Espresso is a drink for connoisseurs who appreciate the unsurpassed aroma and nutty taste of real, high-quality coffee.

Proper espresso is not called the king of coffee for nothing. The subtle aroma of a freshly prepared drink will make you feel a surge of strength, lift your spirits, and simply remind you that life, in fact, is a pleasant thing! What kind of drink is this, natural proper espresso?

History of espresso coffee
In terminology, espresso coffee is a high-strength coffee drink created by passing pressurized water through a layer of roasted and ground coffee that does not contain any additives or flavorings. That's all that the encyclopedia tells us, but what do we need dry facts when it comes to the favorite drink of most coffee lovers?
I wonder how the drink itself came about and what its name means? There is a lot of talk about this, but this is perhaps the most interesting one. Italy, as we know, is home to a huge number of coffee lovers, so it is not surprising that our story begins here. At the beginning of the 20th century, an industrial boom burst into this life-loving country. The development of industry required local residents to change their lifestyle - working at the factory from bell to bell did not tolerate any liberties, as well as a rest break. The Italians have only one outlet left - a break for a cup of coffee. Thanks to this, nearby cafeterias were extremely popular. But this also had its downsides: the bulk of the break was spent not enjoying the fragrant drink, but waiting in line, because brewing coffee took a lot of time. And so, in order to correct the unfair situation that upset both cafe workers and factory workers, In 1901, Luigi Bezzera created the world's first coffee machine, called an espresso machine, which meant “prepared under pressure” and deciphered the basic principle of the new preparation of the drink. Although many argue that the device got its name due to a different meaning of the word - fast - after all, it was the coffee machine that was created that made it possible to quickly create delicious drink, and for Italian workers to take a break during hard work. However, soon espresso machines from Italy spread throughout the world, at the same time popularizing a new type of coffee being created - espresso, which was named after the machine that makes espresso coffee.
By the way, espresso coffee is called differently all over the world. For example, the same Italians, having given the drink a sonorous name, by which it is known in Russia, with their characteristic frivolity, preferred to call espresso coffee solo or un cafe. The British order single in coffee shops. The Americans distinguished themselves by calling espresso coffee gutshot. For residents of a distant continent, this name is a kind of declaration of love, since it stands for god shot, that is, divinely fast. But everyone knows that one of the distinctive features of US residents is a careful and even economical attitude towards time.

By the way, the popularity of espresso coffee is easy to explain. It is on the basis of this drink that any coffee is created. However, it’s time to remember how to prepare real or otherwise correct espresso. A prerequisite when preparing espresso is the temperature, which during the procedure can only vary within 88-92 degrees. For one serving of the drink we will need 7-9 g of ground coffee. The extraction process time (as experts call the production of the drink) is approximately 25 seconds. It is worth explaining this time period, since compliance with this condition is very important for obtaining a tasty and aromatic drink. The fact is that in a time shorter than the specified period, the coffee will not have time to brew, and if you use a long time period, there will be no coffee left in the drink. useful substances. Nothing except caffeine, water and some tannins.

By the way, the volume of this drink should be 25-30 ml. This volume will contain from 60 to 90 mg of caffeine, of course, provided that you used high quality natural ground espresso.

One famous coffee specialist, while in Russia, visited a local popular cafe. He ordered his favorite classic espresso. Preparing the espresso took a little time, and after 5 minutes a cup of drink appeared in front of our hero. And the drink itself was quite good - the color of the espresso, as well as its aroma, left no doubt that the taster was looking at a deliciously brewed drink, but only the cup of the drink itself contained at least two or three times more than the accepted volume. Initially, this greatly surprised the European guest, but a little later he realized (after visiting several more establishments and talking with Russian friends) that this is a feature of the mentality of our people. Remember the famous tea party between the Hatter and the Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland? In the Russian interpretation, tiny porcelain cups would definitely be replaced with half-liter mugs. Perhaps the Russian tradition is not a classic of the coffee drinking genre, but apparently we just love coffee very much.

Types of espresso coffee
Ristretto is a stronger and richer drink. It has less water and less caffeine, and a shorter draw.

Lungo is less intense. This type of coffee contains more water and more caffeine, while taking longer and spilling.

Doppio - double espresso.

Morning espresso invigorates and charges you with positivity. With such a start to the day, no obstacles are scary. If you decide to prepare the drink yourself, then you should know what criteria to adhere to when making natural coffee.

The drink has a small foam or cream, as it is also called. It should be no more than a few millimeters thick. Its distinctive property is density. It's easy to check the espresso cream - sprinkle sugar on the surface of the drink. Please note that it should not immediately sink into the foam. The color of the foam usually varies from light brown to dark brown. Too dark foam indicates that the coffee is overdone, but too light, on the contrary, indicates that the drink is undercooked. The color of espresso is usually rich, dark, almost black.

If you want to determine whether your morning espresso was brewed well, then taste it. Real natural coffee, cooked in compliance with all the rules, will delight you with its elegant and delicate aroma. The taste of the drink is a harmonious composition of light bitterness, some saltiness and soft sourness. You will be surprised, but experts distinguish up to 100 shades of flavors and aromas in various types of espresso coffee. Try it, how many nuances of flavor can you identify?

The fresh and aromatic-smelling drink contains at least 30 organic acids (caffeine, citric, acetic, malic, etc.). Each of them helps improve digestion and secretion of gastric juice. The drink has an invigorating effect, and therefore coffee experts recommend drinking espresso coffee after meals. This will help you better absorb what you ate at lunch.

Signs of poor quality espresso coffee
The taste and smell of burnt coffee indicate a low-quality drink. These parameters may also indicate poorly prepared espresso (over-roasted) or spoiled. A noticeable earthy taste, increased acidity or hints of unripe vegetables, or a metallic taste are all signs of an old drink that has passed its expiration date, or the coffee was not prepared correctly.

A properly prepared drink has a very balanced and delicate taste. Therefore, before adding any additional ingredients to it such as milk, sugar, syrup, honey, lemon, etc., think about whether this will affect the harmony of the taste of the drink. In this case, you should take into account the main effects that various additives have on coffee. For example, everyone’s favorite milk significantly softens the main taste, spices add zest and brightness, salt adds a slight saltiness to the drink, and syrups generally greatly distort the taste of espresso coffee. Any use of any additives is a matter of your taste and imagination.

Espresso coffee delivery
The aromatic drink is usually served in small portions in cups with a handle, the volume of which is slightly larger than the poured portion. The drink is served freshly prepared - the optimal time is three minutes. Espresso coffee is served with a glass of water. This is done to cleanse the taste buds. Coffee experts say this makes espresso coffee sound better and its notes more accurately recognized.

Having learned the basic subtleties of making your favorite drink, you can treat your loved ones to a real drink, first created and prepared in Italy. Enjoy your time in the company of close friends and the best coffee drinks!

The most popular products in the category - Coffee beans

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Classic Espresso coffee and how to make such coffee without a coffee machine.

Based on the classic Espresso, several variations are prepared:
lungo (espresso lungo) - regular espresso, which is diluted with water to 70 - 95 ml., as a result of which the drink is not so strong;
-double espresso, or doppio (espresso doppio), for preparation, which uses double the amount of ground coffee and the volume of water - 50-60 ml., i.e. two servings of Espresso in one cup;
ristretto (espresso ristretto) - for a regular serving of espresso coffee, a smaller amount of water is taken, 15-20 ml, resulting in a very strong drink.
Classic Espresso, as well as ristretto and doppio, are served in cups with a capacity of 50 to 75 ml, and for lungo larger cups are used, up to 150 ml.

By the way, the container in which the coffee drink is served is also important. Ideally, a white cup made of thick-walled porcelain, coated with durable enamel, is used for Espresso. It should be elliptical in shape, with a capacity of 65-70 ml. It is this cup, due to its large heat capacity and unique shape, that makes it possible to appreciate the magnificent foam, aroma, and softness of Espresso without losing strength. Before filling, the cup must be warmed up. Despite the fact that the cup holds 65-70 ml of drink, the maximum filling for Espresso coffee is 30 ml.

The most useful dosage is "ristretto", because in the first 25 seconds, under steam pressure, all the best substances are extracted from the coffee mixture: gluconates, proteins, minerals, vitamins, aromatic oils, and all the less worthy substances remain in the filter.

coffee at home

Espresso coffee at home.

Truly classic Espresso coffee is prepared using a coffee machine, but since it is not always possible to install an expensive and high-quality coffee machine at home, the recipe below will allow you to prepare high-quality Espresso coffee at home, which is practically in no way inferior to coffee prepared in bars or restaurants using apparatus.

You will need: 2-3 teaspoons of sugar, 1/5 of a teaspoon of salt (coarse is best), water, and, of course, 2-3 teaspoons of ground coffee. It is recommended to buy coffee in beans and grind it before preparing the drink, preferably in a manual coffee grinder.
Espresso is prepared in a Turk, a portion of 25-30 ml.
Ground coffee poured into the Turk, after which sugar and salt are added.
Mix all this well and, without adding water, put it on low heat. The mixture should warm up well until heat and aroma appear. It is important here not to overcook until smoke appears!
As soon as the mixture warms up, warm water (30-40 degrees) is added to it and brought to a boil. After this, you need to remove the Turk from the heat and stir the thicket so that it is covered with water.
Return to the heat and bring to a boil again (the water should gurgle a couple of times).
Remove, cover with a saucer and let it brew.

Apr 21, 2015

Espresso, cappuccino, Americano, latte and others. Their similarities and differences.

Not everyone is a fan coffee knows what the differences are between espresso And Americano, espresso And cappuccino, espresso And latte, espresso And ristretto.

Espresso Romano- standard espresso served with a slice of lemon.

Espresso macchiato- espresso, to which a drop (about 15 ml) of whipped cream is added. The cream spreads over its surface and creates a light marbled pattern. “Machiato” is also translated from Italian as “marble.”

Espresso con panna- Viennese coffee, a standard shot of espresso served with a large dollop of whipped cream.

Flat white coffee- a drink based on one part of double espresso, diluted with two parts of boiled, but not foamed milk. This coffee, the highlight of which is a rich coffee taste with a noticeable milky note, is gaining more and more popularity among coffee lovers. A wonderful cocktail with vodka is made using cooled flat white coffee.

Torre- a layered drink, in many ways reminiscent of a latte and cappuccino at the same time. This is espresso topped with fluffy milk foam, drier and denser than cappuccino.

Gyshr(geshir, qishr) - Yemenite traditional drink from coffee husks. Husk drink coffee beans and to this day does not lose its popularity in Arab countries, from where coffee beans have spread throughout the world.
This peculiar progenitor is called modern coffee gyshr. And although Yemen and other countries in the region are leading exporters of coffee, the indigenous people of these countries prefer a decoction of their husks to a drink made from coffee beans.

Why is this happening? There are several reasons for this. Gyshr is more of a tea drink than a coffee drink. The process of preparing it is practically no different from brewing regular tea. True, various spices are almost always added to gyshr to improve its taste, such as cinnamon, fresh ginger, and honey. The taste and smell of the drink made from coffee husks is more reminiscent of compote; there are shades of taste of dried apple, rose hips, cherries and only to a small extent the aroma and taste of coffee. In general, this drink does not have a coffee at all, but a rich fruity-herbal taste and aroma.

To better understand what gyshr is, you need to try drinking it without adding spices. It is quite possible that the first time will be disappointing, but many people who have become fans of this drink note that this has happened to them too. This is a drink for everyone; after tasting the gyshr, they could no longer deny themselves the pleasure of drinking an extra cup once again.

In addition to exclusively gastronomic qualities, gyshr also has purely practical ones. So, for example, it is absorbed by the stomach much better than a drink made from coffee beans, but its tonic effect is no less. Additionally, unlike coffee, which can cause problems in people with heart disease, gyshr has a much less noticeable effect on heart function and function. vascular system. For this reason, this unusual drink made from coffee husks can be drunk by people who have problems with the heart or hypertensive patients, for whom drinking regular coffee, even decaffeinated, is strictly prohibited.

Gyshr also sits much easier on the stomach, so it can be drunk by people suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcers, from whose diet regular coffee is also excluded. In general, gyshr can be consumed by absolutely all people, but, of course, in moderation.

Instant coffee

Instant coffee was invented and patented (Patent No. 3518) David Strang from New Zealand, and has recently gained wide popularity. One can have different attitudes towards drinks based on it, however, there is no doubt that it has its own adherents and its own, very stable niche. During production instant coffee The quality of the varieties used is decisive. Mostly bouquets from Brazilian, Central American and African varieties are used. First of all, the grains are thoroughly roasted. When the required degree of roasting is achieved, the beans are immediately cooled and ground. The soluble components are then extracted from the coffee powder. To do this, they take as a basis a process similar to the process of making coffee at home, i.e. coffee is poured with hot water. The last step in making instant coffee is extracting the coffee concentrate. There are two methods for this: the evaporation method and the cryogenic method.

With this method, coffee extract is extracted in a multi-section steel tower under a stream of hot air. At the same time, the water evaporates, and the liquid coffee turns into powder and cools. The finished instant coffee remains in the lower section of the tower.

FREEZING COFFEE EXTRACT (cryogenic method)
Liquid coffee extract is quickly frozen at a temperature of about -40C. When applied to the surface of a metal bowl or metal drum, the extract turns into an ice layer, separates and crumbles. Then the ice is poured into the bowls and placed in the drying chamber. Here the ice crystals disappear: the ice evaporates without changing into a liquid state. This procedure takes place in a vacuum and in compliance with a special heating procedure, the modes of which are maintained automatically and with the highest precision. In this case, distinct, brown granules appear.

coffee, latte, cappuccino, espresso, americano

Decaffeinated coffee

Decaffeination coffee beans were invented in 1903 by a German Ludwig Rosemus. An accident helped him make this discovery. The ship carrying a cargo of coffee was caught in a strong storm and the holds were flooded. sea ​​water to such an extent that the ship had difficulty staying afloat. The owner of the cargo thought that everything was lost, but just in case, he decided to take the coffee beans for examination. Expert Ludwig Rosemus determined that the coffee was fine, but had lost almost all of its caffeine. Subsequently, the successful German patented his discovery in the USA. Decaffeinated coffee became widely known in 1930.

In the early eighties, a new device appeared in Italy - coffee odorant, spreading the smell of strong coffee into the room. But, as it turned out, you can’t get enough of the smell of coffee alone, and therefore the question of producing decaffeinated coffee became acute. Typically, when preparing coffee beans for sale, the caffeine is not extracted from them; This happens in the case of the production of special medicinal products, while decaffeinated coffee has even better taste.

Coffee is a bitter, invigorating drink made from roasted coffee beans. There are several types of coffee, one of which is called espresso.

What is espresso


  • Espresso is a drink popular in Portugal and Italy, made by passing hot, but not boiling water through a compressed tablet of ground coffee (the name itself espresso translated from Italian means “under pressure” or “squeezed out”)
  • Another distinctive feature: stable foam (cream) on the surface of the drink. The thickness of this foam can reach several mm, and its color can range from nutty to brownish-red.
The density of the espresso cream can be checked using sugar crystals: sprinkled on the foam, they should slowly sink into it. Real gourmets and “coffee lovers” will also be interested in the following articles:

The taste of the drink combines several shades:

  • Some sweetness
  • Characteristic coffee bitterness
  • Slight sourness
  • Light saltiness

To prepare high-quality espresso, strict adherence to technology is necessary:


  • The volume of the resulting drink is 25-30 or 40 ml
  • Caffeine content in 1 serving of coffee – 60-90 mg
  • Calorie content 18.88 kcal (79 kJ)

How to make espresso. Recipe

How to cook in an espresso machine:

  • Espresso is usually prepared using professional coffee machine
  • Empty coffee cups, intended for bottling the drink, are pre-heated
  • The machine's horn is cleaned of coffee residues and warmed up.
  • 7-9 grams of ground coffee are placed in the holder
  • The powder is leveled by hand
  • After this, pressing occurs under pressure in two stages: a primary pressure of 5 kg helps to level the surface of the coffee, a secondary pressure of 20 kg simultaneously with rolling directly forms a tablet of the required density
  • The rim of the cone is cleared of coffee crumbs
  • The water supply is turned on: this action is necessary to clean the dispenser from coffee residues
  • The holder with the tablet is inserted into the divider
  • The water is turned on, at the same time a heated cup is inserted; for espresso it must be heated
  • Coffee extraction time is 20-30 seconds, after which the water is turned off
  • The resulting portion of espresso is 25-35 ml

How to cook at home:

  • Select coffee beans. A mixture of well-roasted Arabica and Robusta beans is best for espresso.
  • The grains need to be ground in a coffee grinder to the state of sand. The fineness of grinding can be checked by touch. Espresso coffee must be ground correctly. If the coffee particles are large, how sugar crystals, the drink will turn out liquid and tasteless, and if the powder has become fine, like flour, the espresso will be too bitter
Espresso contains many organic acids that stimulate the digestion process, so it is best to drink it after breakfast.

You can make espresso in a carob coffee maker

  • 7 grams of coffee powder should be placed in a cone (holder)
  • Compact it special tool– tempera. The tablet should be quite dense and uniform; cracks should not be allowed in it.
  • After compaction is completed, you need to gently tap the ear of the horn so that the remaining coffee inside the mesh falls off
  • Next, without inserting the horn, you need to make a test pour: this action will help remove traces of coffee remaining from the previous brewing
  • After preliminary preparation, the horn with the formed coffee tablet should be inserted into a special groove and immediately turn on the spill, which should last no more than 30 seconds
  • The first stream of coffee will be golden brown, then nut cream
  • Immediately after this, the machine should be turned off: the rest of the coffee will be liquid and tasteless

Cooking using Turk:

  • 2 tsp. coffee, ground to the desired state, sugar to taste, coarse salt on the tip of a knife are thoroughly mixed, placed in a Turk
  • Place on low heat
  • The ingredients should be constantly stirred to prevent them from burning.
  • The preliminary cooking stage ends when noticeable heat (not smoke!) comes from the mixture.
  • At this moment, the coffee mixture should be poured with 200-250 ml of water heated to 30-40 ° C
  • Coffee needs to be brought to a boil, removed from heat, stirred, and heated again until boiling.
  • The greater the number of heatings, the more stable the foam is formed on the surface
  • Let the coffee sit for a while, pour into cups and drink

It will be very difficult to achieve stable foam in Turk.

How to drink espresso

General rules:

  • turns out very strong
  • The liquid volume is very small: maximum 40 ml
  • The correct way to drink espresso is to take small sips with short intervals after each: this will help the taste of the drink to fully develop.
  • Special cups made of thick porcelain - demitasse - are best suited for drinking espresso.
  • These cups are pre-treated with hot steam or boiling water.
  • Heated walls retain heat for a long time, so espresso placed in a cup cools down very slowly
The “lifetime” of espresso is only 10 seconds. After this, the cream begins to settle.

Varieties of coffee

There are several main subtypes of espresso:

  • Double or double– double portion
  • Corretto– with the addition of alcohol (usually liqueur)
  • Lungo– for 7-9 grams of coffee 70 ml of water
  • Romano– with lemon zest or juice
  • Ristretto– for 7-9 grams of coffee 18 ml of water
  • Kon-panna– with whipped cream
  • - With a small amount milk, whipped into foam.

Factors affecting the taste of coffee

The taste of the drink is influenced by:

  • Coffee type
  • Coffee growing conditions
  • Grain collection and processing technology
  • Storage conditions
  • Grinding fineness
  • Method of preparing the drink
  • Barista skill

The taste of coffee can change in a negative direction due to:

  • Incorrect roasting
  • Grind too fine or coarse
  • Incorrect ratio of ingredients
  • Adding artificial fillers
  • Violations of grain storage conditions
  • Violations of espresso preparation technology
  • Pouring the finished drink into a cold container

You can improve the taste of the finished drink using additives:

  • makes the taste softer
  • Spices will add hot bright notes
  • Salt adds flavor
  • Sweet syrups hide the inherent bitterness of espresso, but also interrupt its taste

The finished drink should not smell:

  • Garyu
  • Earth
  • Mold
Before drinking a cup of espresso, you should rinse your mouth with cool water: this will help cleanse the receptors and taste the coffee more fully.

The presence of espresso in the taste indicates a low-quality drink:

  • Metal
  • Nasty acid
  • Oily rancidity

This product is not worth drinking.

If the color of the foam is too light, it indicates that the coffee is undercooked; if it is too dark, it means that the coffee is overcooked. To make real espresso, you will have to practice a lot: only through trial and error can you get truly tasty and strong coffee with dense golden brown foam.

How to properly prepare espresso in a coffee shop:

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