Oxygen foam for children. Oxygen cocktails: benefits and harms. Acts as a foaming agent

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Probably, there is no such adult who has not tried or at least not heard about oxygen foams - the hallmark of Soviet sanatoriums and clinics from the 80s. This healthy airy yummy did not leave indifferent any child. Children lined up for their portion of wholesome fun. Some cheated and became a second time. Indeed, what kind of child will deny himself the pleasure of scooping up a sweet cloud with a spoon and swallowing a whole host of cheerful bubbles?

But oxygen cocktails are not only pleasure. In 2005, the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow) conducted a study “to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of oxygen cocktails in the complex treatment of preschool and school-age children with chronic bronchopulmonary and gastrointestinal pathology.” As a result of the experiment, it turned out that for 85% of children the cocktail turned out to be very useful: they noted an increase in overall tone and a decrease in the intensity of diseases.

Oxygen foams are a great addition to a healthy diet for young athletes. Many children start their sports career at the age of three or four and experience completely unchildlike loads. In addition, the enhanced school curriculum and computer life are affecting us instead of the usual football or walking in the evenings. Here, foams will come in handy - and they will add joy, and make bruises under the eyes not so noticeable.

Cocktails are shown to children with cardiovascular diseases. Their heart cannot provide the necessary blood pressure in the vessels, which leads to tissue starvation, including oxygen. Oxygen-enriched drinks with different flavors will perfectly support the baby's body and protect him from hypoxia.

In order to entertain a child with a useful glass of foam, it is not necessary to look for a sanatorium or a health resort where an oxygen plant is located. It is enough to purchase an oxygen cartridge and a special mixture for making a cocktail at home. It is affordable and elementary in preparation. Just a teaspoon of syrup, some water, magic bubbles - and in a few minutes the healing cloud is ready.

Progress does not stand still. What we could only dream of ten years ago has become a reality today. Flat-panel TVs have replaced black-and-white boxes with tubes, mobile communications have replaced phones on a wire, and medical procedures have moved from huge offices to cozy apartments. Well, let's follow the spirit of the times and start getting healthier at home.

The use of an oxygen cocktail contributes to:

  • Removal of a number of conditions caused by hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the body), namely: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue
  • Increase the body's defenses and reduce the risk of infection, strengthen the immune system and improve health, general well-being
  • Improving the functional state of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, digestive systems, activating the liver
  • Successful pregnancy, allows you to compensate for the lack of oxygen and avoid the occurrence of fetal hypoxia
  • Restoration of vitality and performance in chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Removing mental and nervous strain, increasing efficiency, normalizing sleep
  • Maintaining ideal physical shape, increasing endurance, accelerating metabolism and restoring the body after exhausting workouts
  • Reducing the harmful effects of the environment and replenishing the lack of oxygen in the body

The result of using an oxygen cocktail:

  • Stimulation of metabolic and regenerative processes in tissues, detoxification of the body;
  • Normalization of respiratory functions and reduction of lung hypoxia;
  • Improvement of cerebral and peripheral circulation;
  • Stabilization of blood pressure;
  • Optimization of metabolic processes during physical exertion, improvement of oxygen uptake by tissues;
  • Increase the body's defenses and reduce the risk of infection;
  • Positive changes in ECG dynamics;
  • Decreased prothrombin index, fibrinogen level and increased blood clotting time in postinfarction patients;
  • An increase in hemoglobin and a decrease in blood sugar;
  • Normalization of the level of bilirubin, cholesterol, beta-lipoproteins and alkaline phosphatase;
  • pregnant women;
  • children;
  • athletes;
  • office workers
  • To old people
  • people who take care of their figure
  • people who smoke and want to quit smoking
  • residents of metropolitan areas, large and industrial cities
  • patients with cardiovascular diseases;
  • people whose work is associated with increased mental and physical stress;
  • to all those who care about their health.

An oxygen cocktail is a specially prepared drink enriched with oxygen, which has a porous volumetric foam in the upper layer of its structure. This foam contains the largest amount of active oxygen (up to 99% of the total amount of this element in the drink). The first recipe for an oxygen cocktail was proposed by the Soviet academician Sirotin N.N. and was a foam intended for direct administration of the drug through a probe into the patient's stomach. Despite the presence of a pronounced therapeutic effect in patients with pathologies of cardio-vascular system, this drug has not received wide distribution. This was due to side effects of the use of this drug, primarily associated with irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Later, medical practitioners modernized this medicine, making it an oral remedy, which eliminated the negative effect on the gastric mucosa. Gradually, from clinical institutions, the drink moved to use in sanatoriums, dispensaries, rest homes, and so on. The oxygen cocktail gained wide popularity as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for children and was served in school and preschool institutions. Today, this drink has both a large number of supporters and opponents. In this regard, it is required to consider this remedy as objectively as possible, focusing on the beneficial properties and possible side effects.

Oxygen cocktail

The composition of the oxygen cocktail

  • Oxygen with a concentration of 80 to 99 percent. The concentration depends on the source of this element in the drink. The most concentrated oxygen is contained in special medical cylinders. However, the use of this source in domestic conditions and in the conditions of small catering establishments is of little use. And here oxygen concentrators are often used, or portable oxygen cartridges.
  • Flavor base. You can use various juices without pulp (the pulp is an antagonist of foam formation), milk, water, fruit drinks, and so on. In medical institutions, various herbal infusions or fortified formulations are often used (especially vitamins for children are relevant) for preventive and therapeutic purposes.
  • Foaming component designed to retain active oxygen in the drink and optimize its absorption by the human body. This ingredient can be: special foaming mixtures from natural ingredients, egg white or licorice root.

Pharmacological effect of an oxygen cocktail

Orally, an oxygen cocktail enters the human stomach and intestines. Thanks to the foam, there is a rapid absorption of oxygen and other useful substances(vitamins and so on) into the blood. There is an enrichment of blood cells with active oxygen and the distribution of this element through the circulatory system throughout the body. Thus, there is a complex saturation of the human body with oxygen. Against the background of this saturation, metabolic processes are accelerated, which also contributes to faster and optimal absorption of the beneficial elements of the oxygen cocktail.

Indications for the use of an oxygen cocktail

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome, or increased fatigue due to the presence of other diseases, if these diseases are not included in the list of contraindications to the use of an oxygen cocktail.
  • Hypoxia of various etiologies.
  • Diseases associated with pathologies of the human cardiovascular system - both acute and chronic forms.
  • Insomnia against the background of neurotic and stress-like conditions.
  • Obesity of various stages.
  • Digestive problems.
  • As a restorative and immunomodulatory agent after past illnesses.
  • As a prophylactic in regions with unfavorable environmental conditions.

The benefits of an oxygen cocktail

  1. The oxygen cocktail contributes to the saturation of the human body with active oxygen, thus avoiding hypoxic phenomena and unpleasant consequences associated with hypoxia.
  2. Active oxygen improves metabolism, which was the reason for the inclusion of the drink in question on the diet menu.
  3. Oxidative and reduction reactions in the body are optimized.
  4. Blood circulation improves, the likelihood of blood clots and other causes of complete or partial obstruction of blood vessels is minimized.
  5. Memory improves, the ability to concentrate, stress resistance appears. This is due to the enrichment of the human brain with oxygen.
  6. Faster recovery of energy and bringing the body into tone.
  7. Increased efficiency (including recommended for intensive sports).

Contraindications to the use of an oxygen cocktail

Despite the general benefits that an oxygen cocktail brings to the human body, there are a number of diseases in the presence of which the use of this drink is contraindicated in order to avoid complications:

  • Acute period of bronchial asthma.
  • Acute respiratory failure.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.
  • Severe intoxication of the human body (including toxicosis during pregnancy).
  • Gallbladder disease.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Hyperthermia.

Also cancel the use of an oxygen cocktail with individual intolerance to the components of the drug. As practice shows, in most cases, intolerance is observed in relation to the flavor-aromatic basis. In this case, it is advisable to replace the flavor base.

Harm of an oxygen cocktail

  • Excessive saturation of the body with oxygen can provoke complications in the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, since oxygen can become a catalyst for the course of the disease.
  • The acceleration of metabolic processes can cause the movement of stones localized in the gallbladder or kidneys. As a result, the closure of the ducts with the subsequent development of inflammation can be provoked.
  • Oxygen, even when administered orally, irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which makes it unacceptable to use an oxygen cocktail in the presence of ulcers or prerequisites for the occurrence of an ulcer. For example, it is advisable to refuse the use of this drink or use it under the supervision of a treating specialist in the presence of gastritis or hyperacidity.

The real therapeutic effect of an oxygen cocktail

Medical studies conducted in the period from the 60s to the present have not confirmed the pronounced effectiveness of the oxygen cocktail in relation to specific diseases. This drink is recommended solely as a means of maintenance therapy and cannot act as an independent drug, or one of the drugs of choice.

This fact was the reason that the oxygen cocktail in many countries was removed from the list of drugs. And the drink became available for sale in catering establishments. The marketing policy of these establishments has become the reason for the high popularity of the cocktail among fans of a healthy lifestyle. Summing up, we can say that both benefit and possible harm in the presence of contraindications, are minimal. However, an oxygen cocktail can be recommended for the following categories of citizens: for children, for athletes, for the elderly. Regardless of the foregoing, the use of a cocktail is allowed only after consulting a doctor for the absence of contraindications.

Every modern person living in a large city feels the lack of clean air. This leads to the development of various pathological conditions. To remedy the situation, experts recommend using oxygen foam (oxygen cocktail). The apparatus for preparing this miraculous drink can usually be found in fitness centers, beauty salons, and sanatoriums. Many manufacturers offer small-sized cocktails that allow you to prepare oxygen foam at home.

What is an oxygen cocktail?

Since childhood, many people have known the unusual taste of an oxygen cocktail. This drink brings great benefits to the entire body, saturating the cells with oxygen and preventing the development of such a pathological phenomenon as hypoxia.

For the first time, people started talking about a healing cocktail in the 60s of the last century. Only wealthy patients of rest houses and sanatoriums could afford it. At present, the apparatus for preparing an oxygen cocktail is an obligatory attribute of large sports clubs, dispensaries, and recreation centers. In many metropolitan areas you can find specialized oxygen bars.


What is an oxygen drink made of? From the very beginning, the “airy” cocktail was prepared from egg whites, so the taste of such a drink left much to be desired. Currently, the use of licorice root, which acts as a foaming agent, is practiced. basis healthy drink juices are usually used. In dispensaries and sanatoriums, the use of such medicinal components as herbal infusions and syrups is practiced. In oxygen bars, you can try an oxygen cocktail based on red wine.

A special technology was invented for the production of an oxygen drink. That is why, in order to prepare a really healthy foam, you should use equipment for oxygen cocktails. The concentration of medical O 2 is extremely high, around 90%. Without devices that are able to saturate any liquid with oxygen, it will be very difficult to do this.

What equipment will be required?

To prepare an oxygen cocktail, you will need certain equipment, consisting of the following components:

  • oxygen concentrator;
  • oxygen cocktail;
  • oxygen mixer.

At home, to prepare an “airy” drink, you can use oxygen cartridges (regular and designed for breathing) or an oxygen pillow. The latter option is often practiced by bartenders in specialized bars.

Another unpopular option for home cooking oxygen drink is to use hydrogen peroxide. To get pure O 2, you need to take five vials of peroxide, pour their contents into a glass container, and put a rubber ball on the neck. Next, heat the bottom of the container evenly. Under the influence of temperature, the peroxide will begin to release oxygen.

It is worth noting that oxygen itself is explosive, especially if prepared using hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to safety rules or choose a professional apparatus for preparing an oxygen cocktail.

Required Component

Without a Spoom mix, you simply cannot make an oxygenated drink. natural ingredients, which are part of it, form a stable and thick foam.

You can buy this mixture in the form of portion bags or in a package for a large number of servings. The latter option is preferable for kindergartens, sanatoriums, clinics.

What is the source of oxygen for?

The oxygen concentrator is the most important part, which is the source of the purest oxygen. The principle of its work is molecular air filtration, purification from pollutants. When turned on, the apparatus for preparing oxygen cocktails begins to suck in air, which is passed through a dust and bacterial filter. The first detains various mechanical pollutants and allergens, and the second - microbes. After that, in the molecular filter, oxygen is released from various gases, which are bound by the zeolite. The output is soft humidified oxygen.

Nidek Nuvo Lite, Bitmos OXY 6000 6L, Armed 7F-3L and Weinmann OXYMAT 3 are the most reliable hub models on the market.


The oxygen cocktail is a resealable container. The case can be made of high-quality plastic or glass. A tube is inserted into the lid of such an apparatus, connecting it to a source of oxygen. Also on the lid there is a spout through which, in the process of preparing a drink, it is necessary to take the foam into pre-prepared glasses.

Among the popular models, the Family cocktail should be noted. It is small and made of plastic. Capacity - 350 ml. It can be connected to a concentrator or other sources of oxygen. The cost of such a device is 750-900 rubles.

A more expensive version of the oxygen cocktail is offered by the Armed trademark. It is a container made of transparent plastic with a volume of 1 liter. It is fixed with an iron frame. A special lever is built into the lid, which allows you to shut off the oxygen supply if necessary. For an hour, such a device is capable of producing about 150 portions of an “airy” drink. The device will cost 4300-4400 rubles.


Another popular device is the oxygen mixer. It allows you to prepare a healthy oxygen drink by churning liquid with oxygen. Such a device is also connected to a source of pure O 2 . The result is a stable dense foam.

Oxygen cocktail equipment in the form of mixers is ideal for specialized bars and fitness clubs, because it allows you to prepare one serving of a cocktail in 7-10 seconds. One of the most inexpensive and popular models is the Armed mixer. It has a stylish design and is made of quality materials. A dual-mode apparatus for preparing an oxygen cocktail will cost the buyer 4000-4150 rubles. On sale you can find more expensive devices that have additional functions.

Cylinders and pillows with oxygen

The most affordable source of pure O 2 in the price policy can be purchased at a medical supply store. This device is an oxygen tank. It contains a high quality oxygen mixture that can be used to create an "airy" crema. The cost of the device will depend on the volume and ranges from 200-450 rubles. The only drawback is the impossibility of refilling.

To make a cocktail at home, many have gotten used to using oxygen pillows. They are made of durable materials and equipped with a tube through which you can refill.

A few years ago, oxygen cocktails were very popular all over the world. The producers of the drink promised to get rid of oxygen starvation, anemia and even placental insufficiency with it! Today, the “boom” around oxygenated drinks has subsided somewhat, but most of us still do not know what the benefits and harms of oxygen cocktails are.

What is an oxygen cocktail

In fact, an oxygen cocktail is not at all a new and foreign invention. Its author is the domestic academician Sirotkin, who in the 60s of the 20th century invented the “oxygen film”, which then became known as a cocktail. Such a film in the USSR was offered to children in kindergartens, sanatoriums, rest homes and medical institutions. Only a few decades later, the oxygen cocktail began to be promoted as an "eco-cocktail", a "miracle cure" for all diseases and sold on every corner.

The basis of this cocktail is natural juice without pulp, herbal tea, mineral solution, which, using a special apparatus, is saturated with oxygen and brought to the state of a delicate and airy foam with a peculiar pleasant taste.

The benefits and harms of an oxygen cocktail

Attitude to useful properties oxygen cocktail among representatives of official medicine is far from unambiguous. Someone considers it really useful, someone considers it another “food supplement”, and other doctors generally advise to stop drinking this drink, since it can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

The “defenders” of the oxygen cocktail argue that with the constantly deteriorating environmental situation in big cities and large settlements, up to 80% of all residents of our country experience oxygen starvation and regular course use of oxygen cocktails can restore the desired level of oxygen in the blood.

Opponents of the oxygen "film" are sure - yes, we all lack oxygen, but it is also hardly possible to get the missing amount from the stomach and intestines, where the cocktail enters. Moreover, each organism individually reacts to this method of oxygen saturation, and for some, an oxygen cocktail can cause problems with the digestive tract.

The benefits of an oxygen cocktail

Despite the assurances of the manufacturers and sellers of this invigorating drink, there is no scientifically proven evidence that an oxygen cocktail can help with placental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive tract, or ascariasis in children. Such statements are just a publicity stunt of the drink manufacturers, who are trying to give consumers the impression that the oxygen cocktail is a panacea for all diseases. Of course, there are considerable benefits from its use, but no more than from the use of vitamins or herbal tea.

The main benefit of an oxygen cocktail for the body is simultaneous saturation of it with oxygen, vitamins and phytoelements contained in the base of the drink. With course use (at least 10 days - 1 cocktail per day), it has a pronounced therapeutic effect on the entire body. An oxygen cocktail is effective for chronic fatigue, decreased performance, insomnia, frequent colds and chronic diseases.

When using an oxygen cocktail, metabolic processes are activated, blood circulation improves, the immune system and nervous system are strengthened. So, the intake of oxygen cocktails is recommended for children, especially during periods of rapid growth, residents of large industrial centers, people suffering from nervous tension, chronic fatigue and insomnia.

Harm of an oxygen cocktail

An oxygen cocktail is only useful when it is properly prepared. Before you drink such a drink, and even more so, treat your children to it, you need to find out exactly what is included in its composition. So, raw egg whites, which many manufacturers used to add to a cocktail, are always a risk of contracting some kind of intestinal infection, such as salmonellosis.

Another feature of oxygen cocktails is the way they are consumed. In no case should you drink a drink through a straw, as you can get a burn of the mucous membrane of the pharynx or esophagus. The most “correct” way to drink a cocktail is to eat it with a small spoon! This will not only protect against burns, but also prevent increased gas formation in the stomach and intestines.

Oxygen cocktail - a drink that is not suitable for everyone, it should not be used for:

  • bronchial asthma in the acute stage;
  • allergies to cocktail components;
  • respiratory failure;
  • diseases of the digestive system - stomach and intestinal ulcers, adhesive disease;
  • stones in the gallbladder or bladder.

A few years ago there was a real boom in oxygen cocktails in Russia. With the help of a miracle drink, manufacturers promised to save us from a number of ailments. After a while, interest in them faded a little, but most people still have no idea what an oxygen cocktail is and “what it is eaten with”.

Oxygen cocktail: benefits

The oxygen cocktail is not an overseas invention at all. Its author is a Soviet scientist who discovered the so-called oxygen foam in the 60s of the last century - it was used to treat and prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The principle is based on the interaction of oxygen with phytocomponents and vitamins, resulting in faster tissue repair, improved metabolism, blood circulation, and strengthening of the immune system.

In the Soviet years, oxygen cocktails were used exclusively for medicinal purposes, they were given out in kindergartens and sanatoriums. In our time, due to the widespread obsession with lifestyle philosophy, these drinks have become something of an eco-cocktail. They are sold in fitness clubs, pharmacies and even in shopping centers.

The main component of the cocktail is oxygen foam, which is instantly absorbed into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. To improve the taste of the drink, fresh juice without pulp, milk, fruit drink, fruit or special flavoring additives are added to it. To make the cocktail even more useful, you can fortify it with herbal infusions. In this case, the foaming agent is licorice root, egg white or licorice. Knead this with a cocktail or oxygen mixer.

Already at the beginning of the 21st century, additional studies were carried out, which proved that regular use drink:

  • improves metabolism;
  • beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • enhances immune function;
  • effective for insomnia and excess weight;
  • relieves fatigue, including chronic;
  • restores the strength of athletes after training;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • helps with anemia;
  • recommended to eliminate fetal hypoxia during pregnancy.

Harm of an oxygen cocktail

In principle, an oxygen cocktail by itself cannot bring harm, it is useful to absolutely everyone: children, athletes, pregnant women, adolescents, people with various and residents of megacities. But some components of the drink can cause allergic reactions. Raw chicken protein is especially dangerous in this case. It is also worth refusing to use it for those who suffer from diseases associated with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

To avoid negative consequences, an oxygen cocktail must be taken correctly - with a spoon, in small portions, but in no case through a straw, this can lead to bloating. The recommended rate is 1-2 cocktails per day, 500 ml each, the duration of the course is two weeks.

Oxygen cocktail: contraindications

Despite all the benefits of the drink, some categories of people should refuse to take an oxygen cocktail. First of all, these are those who have been diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • acute asthma attacks;
  • intolerance to individual components, allergic reactions;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • inflammatory processes of the stomach and duodenum;
  • diabetes;
  • disorders in the respiratory system;
  • poisoning.

Be sure to pay attention to the sanitary conditions of the place where the cocktail is prepared.

Oxygen cocktail at home

Of course, the best way to saturate the body with the necessary oxygen is a trip to nature, where you can breathe in plenty of fresh air. But, unfortunately, we do not always have such an opportunity.

Oxygen starvation is the main cause of depression, chronic fatigue and insomnia in city dwellers. To increase immunity, we eat handfuls of pills, not realizing that ordinary oxygen can save us. To provide the body with this vital element, it is not necessary to have a pharmacy or a fitness club nearby, it is quite possible to arrange an oxygen bar at home.

What will be needed for this?

  1. To get started, purchase a cocktail or a special oxygen mixer. In the first case, the foam is less airy and dense, but perfectly saturated with oxygen. In the second, the foam is thicker.
  2. Purchase any of several types of oxygen source. It can be in a large tank, then you need to take care of the space where it will be stored. The oxygen mixture in a can can be stored for a long time and periodically refilled, it does not take up much space. The oxygen pillow is equipped with a convenient faucet, it can be found in a pharmacy. An oxygen concentrator is the most convenient option. It is not cheap, but its advantage is the independent release of oxygen from the air.
  3. Dry or raw egg yolk can act as a foaming agent, but this method threatens to be infected with salmonellosis. In addition, it has a limited shelf life - only 2 days. Minus licorice root - alcohol content. It is better to use special formulations that are safe for health and are designed to suit all needs.
  4. The basis can be juice without pulp, milk, decoctions of medicinal herbs, water, fruit drink or special syrups with a variety of flavors. Remember that carbonated water, various oils and juice pulp can interfere with creating a thick foam. These liquids are not suitable for making cocktails.

To prepare a tasty and healthy treat with your own hands, you need to take 100 ml of the base (herbal tea, fruit drink, cherry, apple or any other juice) and add 10 g of the composition to form foam. We mix everything well, lower it into a glass and saturate the contents with oxygen. It is better to use a cocktail immediately, otherwise some of the bubbles will disappear.

An interesting technique is used in bars and nightclubs - grenadine, rum or any other alcoholic syrup is added to oxygen cocktails. Of course, the benefits of this are rather doubtful, but the taste is quite acceptable.

Harm of an oxygen cocktail for children

Like any product, oxygen cocktails can bring, especially to a fragile child's body. The main disadvantage of bright fruit and berry drinks- possible manifestation of allergy or intolerance to certain components. Having found out what exactly causes rashes in the baby, you can change the flavor and aroma base and create your own individual recipe.

Do not use egg white as a foaming agent, especially raw. This product can lead to unpleasant consequences - the child will become infected with a dangerous disease of salmonellosis. Contraindications for use are asthma, bronchitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, and high fever.

Separately, it must be said about the intestines. If the baby suffers from flatulence and frequent bloating, then regular use of an oxygen cocktail can lead to the development of colitis.

Taking into account all the recommendations and consulting with the doctor, the child can safely give this tasty "medicine" in moderate doses.

The benefits of an oxygen cocktail for children

Polluted air, harmful emissions from industrial enterprises, exhaust gases from numerous cars - all this adversely affects the functioning of human organs. Especially the lack of oxygen is felt by children and teenagers. A mobile, inquisitive baby needs a huge amount of energy, and without redox reactions involving an important element, this is simply impossible. Penetrating into the blood, oxygen carries it throughout the body, due to which the child is less sick with ARVI, becomes more calm and balanced, sleeps and eats well. The intestinal microflora also improves, the risk of dysbacteriosis decreases, and problems with the respiratory system occur much less frequently.

In the absence of contraindications, children from three years of age are prescribed a course of 10-15 days in one serving - 150 ml. A month later, the course can be repeated. Fragrant foam is usually to the taste of babies and they eat it with pleasure.

Such wellness procedures in kindergartens have been popular since Soviet times during the season of colds and viral diseases. The guarantee of health will be trained medical staff who prepares a drink taking into account the individual characteristics of each baby.

An oxygen cocktail is indispensable for training stress and overload, when the child's body is working to the limit and requires regular recuperation. During exhausting activities, the growing body needs to be fed. Thanks to oxygen saturation, children become more diligent, concentration of attention and learning ability increase. The teenager has the strength and desire to learn new things, play sports and extracurricular activities. The standard serving for children from 6 to 14 years old is 200-250 ml daily.

Oxygen cocktails for pregnant women

Thanks to a thorough study of the action of oxygen cocktails, scientists have found that this drink not only does not harm, but also has a beneficial effect on the health of the mother and unborn baby. It is especially important to follow the recommendations of a doctor about its use for those women who cannot often be in the fresh air.

It is necessary to use an oxygen cocktail of 200-400 ml per day for a month. What is its use?

  1. The most important purpose of the drink is the prevention of fetal hypoxia. Inadequate oxygen intake can lead to death in the womb, so do not neglect the advice of specialists.
  2. Inadequate oxygenation of the placenta can also cost the life of a woman and a child.
  3. A cocktail is also useful for anemia, because its use helps to increase hemoglobin.
  4. The body of the expectant mother becomes less vulnerable to infections and viruses due to increased immunity.

Oxygen cocktail: reviews

Anya, 14 years old: Every year at school we drink oxygen cocktails in courses. It is said to boost our immunity. To be honest, I didn’t notice much effect, I get sick as often as before. But on the other hand, this drink is very tasty, I eat the foam with pleasure and drink the juice that remains at the bottom.

Julia, 30 years old: In a pharmacy near our house, a special apparatus was installed, with which oxygen cocktails are prepared. Sometimes a whole line of mothers with kids line up to taste the miracle drink. I've also tried every possible flavor. Love the large cap of foam that melts in your mouth. Since I go in for sports, I think that such a cocktail will only benefit me, I really get sick, it has become less than twice.

Ekaterina, 34 years old: At our last place of work, we were regularly pampered with oxygen cocktails. They did it like this: they mixed ordinary juice with licorice root syrup, poured everything into a cocktail and got a tasty and aromatic drink at the exit. It seems to me that rumors about its miraculous effect on the body are greatly exaggerated, this is definitely not a panacea for all diseases. But if you like it, why not, just eat it slowly, otherwise you can get bloating.

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