What kind of pasta can you definitely use during Lent? Is it possible to eat during Lent: wine, seafood, bread, vegetable oil, pasta, halva. List of Lenten Products

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Asked by: Maria


Dear Maria!

Everything needs to be approached wisely and with reasoning.

Fasting is, first of all, spiritual cleansing from the filth of passions and sinful attachments in order to draw closer to God. A necessary condition on the way to achieve this is food restriction.

Indeed, there are differences between the monastic rules and the rules for the laity.

Bread, simple loaves, oatmeal cookies, gingerbread, “cracker” cookies are considered lean, but all other buns, cookies and other products, the packaging of which says that they contain dairy products, are best not eaten during fasting and fasting days, in addition, on Assumption and Great ( except for 1, 4 and Holy Week) fasts, the laity is blessed with food with vegetable oil, except Wednesday and Friday, and on Christmas and Petrov Fasts are blessed by fish, except Wednesday and Friday.

During fasting, the following simple rules must be observed. This is an exclusion from the diet of all meat, fish(depending on the severity of fasting) and dairy dishes, as well as products containing animal fats and proteins. But you can and should consume as much as possible raw vegetables and fruits and definitely greens. The amount of fried food should be minimized and overcooked foods should be abandoned once and for all, especially those cooked in reused or long-boiling oil. During fasting, you should consume as much liquid as possible: kvass, jelly, compotes should take their rightful place on your table.

If you are going to fast, then you will most likely subject yourself to severe trials, not so much because you will have to limit yourself in food, but because your relatives, friends, acquaintances and work colleagues for the most part do not observe the fast and do not intend to fast observe. Maybe they reason something like this:

“What to eat during Lent - just potatoes and pasta? So you can ruin your stomach too!”

Of course, if you eat only potatoes and pasta, there really won’t be any benefit. But the point is that during Lent no one forces you to limit yourself to only these products. You can’t even imagine what a variety of recipes for Lenten dishes have been created throughout the history of mankind. You can say: fasting is just fasting, what variety there is, there are only restrictions, you can’t eat almost anything... And you will be wrong. Fasting involves choosing from a gigantic, without exaggeration, set of products. Even the strictest canons of Lent (which no one obliges us to observe today) are far from just bread and water. After all, what is the so-called “dry eating”, which involves giving up everything cooked? This, by the way, is not only raw cabbage and carrots, but also, for example, raisins, nuts, and various fruits. What is a fish fast table? Do you think this is one boiled fish? Nothing of the kind. This includes red and black caviar and a variety of seafood, including oysters and lobsters.

Of course, the wallets of most of our fellow citizens today do not allow them to eat red and black caviar and oysters. Yes, we do not encourage you to do this. With this example, we only want to emphasize that you can approach the Lenten table creatively, with imagination, abandon the usual culinary stereotypes - and you will see that the Lenten table can sometimes be even richer than your usual table!

Someone might say that in our time most people have such low material income that even without any fasting they are forced to deny themselves everything. I also foresee such a reproach: we are like that. they say, we are sitting on bread and water, that’s why we are called here to fast and show humility, they inspire us that fasting is useful, in order to distract people from social problems and prevent manifestations of popular anger.

Yes, it’s true, now many people are forced to deny themselves everything. But think about the prophecy of the holy Optina elders. Here it is: “If they don’t want to fast voluntarily, they will fast involuntarily.” Is this prophecy now coming true? Maybe it will come true for you, or for one of your loved ones and acquaintances? Is it not for many years of rejection of Orthodox traditions, is it not for our universal atheism that we are now paying? Think about it. Perhaps you will come to the conclusion that it is necessary to consciously abstain from food? So that you don’t have to forcibly abstain from it...

Moreover, when a person begins to observe fasts, he immediately notices the result: instead of anger at the government and reforms and envy of the well-fed and rich, we feel peace of mind, tranquility, and most importantly - confidence in our rightness, because we know that, unlike from the well-fed and rich, by observing fasting, we save our soul.

And over time, you will feel that fasting has already become your need and observing it is actually not so difficult.

Before you start fasting, you need to think very carefully about your diet. No one is forcing you to eat only dry crusts, and please, let's do without such extremes. It really won’t take long for you to get gastritis and some other bad things, especially if your faith is not yet very strong and you cannot rely on spiritual food alone, as the saints and ascetics did. Be prudent, there is no need to devoutly “mortify” your flesh. Better learn to live with your body in friendship, listen carefully to its signals, and understand what it really needs.

So, what can you eat while fasting? Of course, the most welcome guests on the table at this time are fruits and vegetables. There is the largest amount of vitamins and minerals needed by our body. So in the summer on your table every day let there be salads from fresh vegetables, and in winter - sauerkraut, pickles, carrots, beets.

During Lent we eat both boiled and stewed vegetables. But here we must remember that the less heat treatment, the better - more useful substances will be preserved in ready dish. Therefore, it is better to put vegetables in boiling water, and then make sure that they are not overcooked. Do not cook vegetables in a large amount of water, and do not allow them to boil over strongly when cooking.

And remember that you don’t have to limit yourself to just potatoes and cabbage. The whole diversity of the fruit and vegetable world is open to you, don’t forget about zucchini, peppers, cauliflower, corn, and green peas. The more varied the better.

You can also cook vegetable soups, adding cereals there - rice, pearl barley.

A very important component of the Lenten table is porridge. Of course, cooked in water, not milk, and without adding butter. But this does not mean that the porridge will necessarily be tasteless. Remember that there are many foods allowed during fasting that can be added to porridge for taste. These include raisins, nuts, carrots, and mushrooms, which can be combined with buckwheat, rice, and other cereals. Experiment, give free rein to your culinary imagination!

There is an opinion that by not consuming meat, eggs, and dairy products, a person deprives himself of the required amount of protein. This is true, but only if you approach the post illiterately. Don't forget to include foods containing plant protein in your diet - and everything will be fine. These include mushrooms, eggplants, legumes, and, of course, soy. Now on the shelves there are a lot of different products made from so-called “soy meat”, which, when properly cooked, flavored with spices and sauces, perfectly replaces real meat. Nutritionists claim that soy protein in its composition and biological value is an equivalent substitute for meat and fish protein.

Bakery products are not prohibited during fasting, and on non-strict fasting days - vegetable oil, and all the variety of fish products. And you will see how many different dishes can be prepared from all this when you get acquainted with culinary recipes in section How to conduct Petrov's fast rubric "Fundamentals of Orthodoxy".

Just remember that you should under no circumstances overeat during Lent - even if you limit yourself to strictly lean foods. Remember that fasting excludes any abuse - spices, spicy, salty, sour, sweet, fried foods. It's better to give preference boiled dishes, as well as steamed or grilled. Keep your food varied but simple. And you, of course, will be able to feel and appreciate this joy and sacredness of the simplest food.

It should be borne in mind that after the end of the fast, one must switch to a normal diet gradually and in no case immediately pounce on fatty meat, smoked sausage, fried entrecotes... This will not lead to anything good. Gradually, day by day, introduce it into your diet. small quantities products of animal origin - a little cheese, a little butter, and if it is meat, then in small pieces, boiled or steamed.

Before you start talking about dishes that are not allowed to be eaten on certain days, and deciding whether pasta is allowed during Lent, you should remember some church rules. Abstinence from eating - what is it? How many posts a year? What are they called? In addition, it should be noted that the restrictions imposed during fasting are different for different categories of persons. This is what our story will be about.

What are there

The fasts established by the Orthodox Church are divided into several categories. One-day ones - there are four of them a year. This Lent, Petrov, Uspensky and Rozhdestvensky. In addition, they were installed on Epiphany Eve, on the eve of holidays and the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. They are called one-day ones. During the rest of the year, Orthodox people fast on Wednesdays, in memory of Judas' betrayal of Christ, and on Fridays, remembering the Savior's suffering on the cross.

Everything that is eaten on fasting days must meet a number of specific requirements. They are established by the Church Charter. These requirements may vary depending on what specific post is meant. Even during the period of multi-day restrictions on the intake of certain types of products, there are certain days - exceptions to the general rules. So, for example, during Lent there are days on which complete abstinence from food is prescribed, and there are those when eating fish roe is blessed. Anyone who wishes to fast must check daily according to the church calendar what menu features are prescribed for that day.

A smart approach to restrictions

Dishes during Lent are selected in such a way as to exclude certain foods - meat, dairy and fish. These restrictions serve to completely tame the flesh and direct all thoughts to prayer, repentance and thoughts about God. But the flesh needs to be pacified, not killed.

And gastritis will not save the soul. This is important to remember. Therefore, having soberly assessed their strengths, everyone must decide for themselves to what extent they will follow the general rules. In this case, it is recommended to consult with a priest or someone more experienced. By the way, the Church Charter exempts sick people, pregnant women, young children, as well as persons traveling and participating in hostilities from fasting. Now let's move on to the question of whether pasta is allowed during Lent. The product seems to be dietary - and there should be no problems with it.

Do you eat pasta during Lent?

Many people love this product for its speed of preparation and the ability to diversify their menu with it and various sauces. The question of whether pasta can be used during Lent cannot be answered unequivocally. It all depends on the ingredients included in their composition. If we are talking about the simplest ones consisting of flour and water, then, of course, it is possible.

There is no obstacle to eating them, just as there is no obstacle to eating bread. But the industry also produces varieties that have a more complex composition. They may include eggs, dairy components and all kinds of components of animal origin. In this case, you should refrain from them. Thus, people eat pasta during Lent, but first check the list of ingredients.

Vegetables on the Lenten table

In general, dishes during Lent can be quite varied. Every housewife, with a little imagination, can create a completely acceptable menu. It will include, first of all, vegetables prepared in the most in different ways. For example, fried potatoes is a regular guest at Lenten tables, and without sauerkraut and cucumbers in general are indispensable these days. Recipes during Lent also include mushrooms, prepared for the winter and waiting in the wings in tubs and buckets. Dried and pickled, they will be a good help for the Lenten table.

Boiled and boiled are recommended. As for the technology of their preparation, housewives can be advised to try to minimize heat treatment. This will preserve the contents contained in them. useful substances. It is advisable to immerse the vegetables in already boiling water and make sure that they do not overcook. Also, you should not cook them in a large volume of water and allow excessive boiling. When choosing vegetables, you should try to expand the range as much as possible, including zucchini, beans, corn, cauliflower etc.

Fruits and nuts while fasting

An integral part of the menu is fruits, nuts and all kinds of dishes prepared from them. An excellent dessert mixture can be prepared from dried apricots and prunes with the addition of nuts - walnuts or peanuts. The dish will be especially tasty and nutritious if seasoned with honey.

Each component will perform a specific function: nuts will restore strength, and dried fruits and honey will add taste. Honey deserves special attention, since it can be used to prepare many different treats. Modern cooking offers a wide selection of recipes for dishes that do not include sugar and milk, but use honey. For example, honey pie can be baked only from lean ingredients.

Flour products and cereals

Recipes during fasting contain a lot of cereals. Of course, you need to cook them in water, not milk, and you should refrain from butter. But even with these restrictions you can cook very delicious porridge. No one forbids adding raisins, nuts or carrots to it. And mushrooms go well with buckwheat, rice and other types of cereals. It all depends on the owner’s imagination and her ability to experiment.

Eating various baked goods and pastries is blessed. It is only important that they do not contain eggs or milk. The question of whether or not you can eat baked goods is similar to the question of whether you can eat pasta during Lent. In some cases it is possible, in others it is not. You just need to be careful and not be lazy to check their composition.

The food industry produces many different substitutes regular products, allowed in fasting. For example, instead of regular mayonnaise, which contains yolks, you can take its analogue, prepared without using them. Thus, during fasting you can use different recipes in cooking, choosing ingredients suitable for fasting.

Quantitative restrictions on food

During fasting, it is very important, in addition to qualitative restrictions in food, to take into account the quantity of food eaten. Fasting will be completely meaningless if, when we get up from the table, we are weighed down with food. Excessive consumption of food, or otherwise gluttony, is, according to church canons, one of the deadly sins. If it is condemned on ordinary days, then during the period of fasting it is even more unacceptable. The same can be said about drinking alcohol. On some days of fasting you are allowed to drink a little wine. However, alcohol abuse is condemned by the church, regardless of whether it happened on a fast day or a fast day.

Physical fasting and spiritual fasting

Compliance with fasting is not limited to just temporary refusal to eat certain foods. Otherwise, everything would come down to a regular diet. Fasting includes conscious abstinence from everything that prevents you from concentrating as much as possible on your own. It is important to understand how much your life corresponds to Christ’s teaching, to recognize your sins and sincerely repent of them. To do this, during fasting you should distance yourself from everything vain and coming. Physical fasting must be combined with spiritual fasting. The question of whether one eats pasta during Lent or other foods is, of course, important, but even more important is what one’s thoughts are occupied with. Let rest, entertainment and all kinds of pleasures fade into the background these days. Their time will come. It is necessary to devote days of fasting to the soul, but there are still many days left in the year for the body.

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Fasting is an integral part of the Orthodox faith. First of all, it is aimed at cleansing a person spiritually. In addition, you can also cleanse the body by removing all toxins. Therefore, those who are going to adhere to fasting try to study all the rules for fasting and learn how to prepare dishes without oil, what you can eat and drink, and what foods you should enjoy.

This question is as basic during this period as the question of whether vegetable oil can be used during fasting. These two products are closely related, so if bread is allowed, then vegetable oil should not be denied. After all, the main prohibition is products prepared using animal fats and proteins.

It is best to eat black bread; you can fry the croutons in vegetable oil, but you should avoid white bread, because prohibited ingredients are often used in its preparation.

Thus, the question of eating bread is not very important for the church; the main thing is to choose the appropriate variety. But whether it’s possible to have pasta during Lent causes a lot of debate. Pasta is flour product, therefore, the problem of using them during Lent arises among many believers. They are loved because you can quickly prepare a dish without much effort or wasting time.

Just like with bread, you should pay attention to the composition of pasta. If there are no animal products there, please go to the table. The choice of pasta is now very huge, and manufacturers are trying to take into account the needs of different customers, including those who are fasting, so finding lean pasta will not be difficult.

Is it possible to have honey during fasting?

Since ancient times, when the traditions of Orthodoxy were strictly observed, honey was one of the main products during Lent:

  • Many recipes of ancient Lenten dishes containing honey have survived to this day;
  • On Honey Spas, it is customary to consecrate this product and store it for the next year;
  • Honey has always been given to those in need, because it is considered a gift from God.

Honey contains a large number of useful microelements, which are so necessary during the period of abstinence. It has a positive effect on the entire human body and perfectly replaces sugar, because it contains a lot of glucose and fructose. Therefore, consuming honey during fasting will only bring greater benefits.

In addition to honey, halva can also be on the table as a healthy treat. Halva is not prohibited during fasting only if it does not contain egg yolk. You should carefully study the composition of the product or prepare it yourself at home. To prepare halva at home, you will need:

  • 250 grams of sunflower seeds, pre-peeled;
  • a couple of tablespoons of raisins;
  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, always unrefined.

Using a blender, grind the seeds and raisins. Then add oil and beat a little more. Form the prepared mixture into a sausage or place it in a prepared container. Refrigerate for 60 minutes. Halva is ready to eat!

Wine for Lent

Is it possible to have wine during Lent? There are two possible answers to this question. According to the regulations of the monasteries, you can drink wine on weekends. But priests believe that this rule is not acceptable today.

Previously, wine was allowed to be drunk instead of water and medicine, since the inhabitants of Byzantium and Syria had a shortage of this raw material. It was in these parts that the Charter was written. Now there is no shortage of this drink, so there is no need to drink wine during Lent.

To the question is it possible to drink wine in , there is a clear answer - you can, only on certain days. Wine is allowed to be consumed only twice a week: on Saturday and Sunday. On other days, alcohol is prohibited. When choosing a wine, it is best to give preference to red, it’s good if it is Cahors.

Orthodox Christians can drink wine, but the clergy are still advised to give it up during the period of abstinence, because it harms a person’s spiritual development.

Is it possible to have chocolate during Lent?

You can eat chocolate during Lent, but not in all confectionery dishes. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers add ingredients prohibited by Lent to chocolate, and put a note on the label that the chocolate is Lenten. You can eat dark chocolate, but milk and white chocolate It’s worth refusing, because they contain animal proteins and fats.

Based on this, in order not to sin, it is better chocolate desserts cook at home yourself.

Great for chocolate lovers tasty treat a dish like this could become bananas in chocolate. For preparation you will need:

  • dark chocolate bar;
  • 2 bananas;
  • dried fruits.

Dried fruits should be chopped. Cut bananas into thin slices. The chocolate should be melted using a microwave oven or water bath. Then the banana pieces should be dipped in warm chocolate and sprinkled with prepared dried fruits. The treat is ready to eat. You can also leave these candies in the freezer to harden.

Seafood for Lent

It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question whether it is possible to eat seafood during Lent. Eating seafood in our country is considered a gourmet affair, but more and more often, those who adhere to fasting ask whether it is possible to have shrimp, squid, mussels, etc. during fasting.

Since seafood remains a delicacy for many, it is undesirable to consume it during Lent, because the church prohibits gluttony. Fasting is aimed at enabling a person to come to terms with his desires, to cleanse his soul, and not to indulge his desires in food, first of all. Therefore, if seafood is a delicacy, you should avoid it for this period.

You shouldn’t completely give up seafood if you have it in your regular diet. After all, in every fast there are days on which you can eat fish. And sometimes various types of seafood products are also classified as fish. You can also eat caviar during fasting on fish days. . For a long time, caviar was not considered a delicacy, especially red caviar. But consuming black caviar is strictly prohibited.

Fish and seafood should be on the menu, because they contain useful substances such as omega-3 acids and high-quality protein, which remove bad cholesterol and improve the functioning of the cardiac system.

Often Orthodox Christians have a question: what kind of fish can be eaten during the Dormition Lent. The answer is none. Fish is strictly prohibited during the Assumption Fast. You can enjoy this product only on the Feast of the Transfiguration during the break from fasting.

Potatoes for Lent

You can cook potatoes during Lent various options. You can fry on those days when you are allowed to use vegetable oil, you can bake, boil, and add to soups. The main thing is that the finished dish contains only permitted products. Potatoes should be avoided on dry eating days. In general, this product is allowed by the regulations, but it must be prepared correctly.

Before deciding to fast, you should study all the rules for fasting. Strict - characteristic only of monasteries; in secular life some relaxations are possible, which should be inquired about from a church official. You should also receive blessings from him. Pregnant women and sick people should fast especially carefully.

The Lord is always with you!

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Preparing lunch or dinner in compliance with the rules of fasting is quite a difficult task. However, if you and your loved ones love macaroni or pasta, then we will make this difficult culinary work a little easier for you. How to cook Lenten pasta dishes, recipes for pasta with Lenten vegetable sauce and spaghetti with mushrooms read on.

Lenten dishes: recipes for pasta (pasta) with Lenten sauces

Pasta or spaghetti in Lent is a real lifesaver. The dish is hearty and can be served with any sauce.

Spaghetti with mushrooms and red pepper recipe


  • 300 gr. spaghetti
  • green
  • 200 gr. cabbage
  • onions
  • 2 teeth garlic
  • red bell pepper
  • 7-10 pcs. fresh champignons
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper

Cooking method:

1. Peel the onions and garlic. Chop garlic and onion into small cubes.

2. Heat 2-3 tbsp in a saucepan. l. vegetable oil. Sauté garlic and onion in boiling oil until golden brown.

3. Wash the champignons, dry and cut into slices.

4. Wash red sweet bell peppers, remove seeds and stem. Cut the pepper into large strips, then into cubes.

5. Using a sharp knife, chop the white cabbage into thin shavings.

6. Place mushrooms in a saucepan with onions and garlic, then bell peppers.

7. Mix everything and simmer for 5 minutes. Place the cabbage on top of the roast.

8. Close the saucepan with a lid and reduce heat to low. Stew vegetables with mushrooms until cooked. At the end, add salt and pepper to the dish.

9. Boil spaghetti in salted water.

10. Throw the finished spaghetti into a colander, let the water drain and immediately transfer it to a saucepan to fry the vegetables.

11. Mix spaghetti thoroughly with vegetable sauce.

12. Salt and pepper to taste. Warm the spaghetti over low heat for 2-5 minutes.

Before serving, season with aromatic fresh herbs. Serve spaghetti with mushrooms for lunch or dinner. Bon appetit!

I offer you one more Lenten recipe pasta with sauce, it will especially appeal to lovers of Italian cuisine.

Italian Style Pasta Recipe


  • 300 gr. spaghetti or any other pasta
  • onions
  • 2 teeth garlic
  • 2 red bell peppers
  • 50 gr. tomato paste
  • 100 ml water
  • 1 tsp. dry basil
  • 10 pcs. pitted olives
  • basil and parsley
  • olive oil

Cooking method:

  1. Pour some good stuff into the saucepan olive oil.
  2. Peel the garlic and fry it whole in heated olive oil.
  3. Onions peel and cut into small cubes. Add onion to garlic.
  4. bell pepper bake on the grill or in the oven.
  5. Peel the peppers and remove the seeds.
  6. Cut the pulp of the peppers into pieces and place in a saucepan with the onions and garlic.
  7. Tomato paste fry in a separate pan with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
  8. Pour hot water into the pasta.
  9. Boil the sauce and immediately pour into the saucepan with the pepper and other ingredients.
  10. Season the sauce with dry basil.
  11. Add salt to taste.
  12. Cut the olives into rings and add to the sauce.
  13. Gently stir the sauce, heat over the fire for 1-2 minutes, then cover with a lid and remove from heat.
  14. Boil pasta or spaghetti in salted water, drain and place on plates.
  15. Place 2-3 tbsp on top of the pasta. l. sauce. Garnish with fresh herbs.

By the way, fasting is a great reason and way to lose weight. And don't be surprised that pasta with the right lean sauce can really help with that. Watch the video recipe for healthy pasta with vegetables and cook Lenten dishes with us!

Before you start talking about dishes that are not allowed to be eaten on certain days, and deciding whether pasta is allowed during Lent, you should remember some church rules. Abstinence from eating - what is it? How many posts a year? What are they called? In addition, it should be noted that the restrictions imposed during fasting are different for different categories of persons. This is what our story will be about.

What are there

The fasts established by the Orthodox Church are divided into several categories. One-day ones - there are four of them a year. This is the Great Assumption and Christmas. In addition, fasting days are established on Epiphany Eve, on the eve of the holidays of the Beheading of John the Baptist and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. They are called one-day ones. During the rest of the year, Orthodox people fast on Wednesdays, in memory of Judas' betrayal of Christ, and on Fridays, remembering the Savior's suffering on the cross.

Everything that is eaten on fasting days must meet a number of specific requirements. They are established by the Church Charter. These requirements may vary depending on what specific post is meant. Even during the period of multi-day restrictions on the intake of certain types of products, there are certain days - exceptions to the general rules. So, for example, during Lent there are days on which complete abstinence from food is prescribed, and there are those when eating fish roe is blessed. Anyone who wishes to fast must check daily according to the church calendar what menu features are prescribed for that day.

A smart approach to restrictions

Dishes during Lent are selected in such a way as to exclude certain foods - meat, dairy and fish. These restrictions serve to completely tame the flesh and direct all thoughts to prayer, repentance and thoughts about God. But the flesh needs to be pacified, not killed.

Hungry fainting and gastritis will not save the soul. This is important to remember. Therefore, having soberly assessed their strengths, everyone must decide for themselves to what extent they will follow the general rules. In this case, it is recommended to consult with a priest or someone more experienced. By the way, the Church Charter exempts sick people, pregnant women, young children, as well as persons traveling and participating in hostilities from fasting. Now let's move on to the question of whether pasta is allowed during Lent. The product seems to be dietary - and there should be no problems with it.

Do you eat pasta during Lent?

Many people love this product for its speed of preparation and the ability to diversify their menu with it and various sauces. The question of whether pasta can be used during Lent cannot be answered unequivocally. It all depends on the ingredients included in their composition. If we are talking about the simplest pasta, consisting of flour and water, then, of course, it is possible.

There is no obstacle to eating them, just as there is no obstacle to eating bread. But the industry also produces varieties that have a more complex composition. They may include eggs, dairy components and all kinds of components of animal origin. In this case, you should refrain from them. Thus, people eat pasta during Lent, but first check the list of ingredients.

Vegetables on the Lenten table

In general, dishes during Lent can be quite varied. Every housewife, with a little imagination, can create a completely acceptable menu. It will include, first of all, vegetables prepared in a variety of ways. For example, fried potatoes are a regular guest, and these days you can’t do without sauerkraut and cucumbers. Recipes during Lent also include mushrooms, prepared for the winter and waiting in the wings in tubs and buckets. Dried and pickled, they will be a good help for the Lenten table.

Boiled ones are recommended and As for the technology of their preparation, housewives can be advised to try to minimize heat treatment. This will preserve the beneficial substances they contain. It is advisable to immerse the vegetables in already boiling water and make sure that they do not overcook. Also, you should not cook them in a large volume of water and allow excessive boiling. When choosing vegetables, you should try to expand the range as much as possible, including zucchini, beans, corn, cauliflower, etc. in the menu.

Fruits and nuts while fasting

An integral part of the menu is fruits, nuts and all kinds of dishes prepared from them. An excellent dessert mixture can be prepared from dried apricots and prunes with the addition of nuts - walnuts or peanuts. The dish will be especially tasty and nutritious if seasoned with honey.

Each component will perform a specific function: nuts will restore strength, and dried fruits and honey will add taste. Honey deserves special attention, since it can be used to prepare many different treats. Modern cooking offers a wide selection of recipes for dishes that do not include sugar and milk, but use honey. For example, you can bake only from lean ingredients.

Flour products and cereals

Recipes during fasting contain a lot of cereals. Of course, you need to cook them in water, not milk, and you should refrain from butter. But even with these restrictions you can prepare very tasty porridge. No one forbids adding raisins, nuts or carrots to it. And mushrooms go well with buckwheat, rice and others. It all depends on the imagination of the housewife and her ability to experiment.

Eating various baked goods and pastries is blessed. It is only important that they do not contain eggs or milk. The question of whether or not you can eat baked goods is similar to the question of whether you can eat pasta during Lent. In some cases it is possible, in others it is not. You just need to be careful and not be lazy to check their composition.

The food industry produces many different substitutes for regular foods allowed during Lent. For example, instead of regular mayonnaise, which contains yolks, you can take its analogue, prepared without using them. Thus, during fasting you can use different recipes in cooking, choosing ingredients suitable for fasting.

Quantitative restrictions on food

During fasting, it is very important, in addition to qualitative restrictions in food, to take into account the quantity of food eaten. Fasting will be completely meaningless if, when we get up from the table, we are weighed down with food. Excessive consumption of food, or otherwise gluttony, is one of the church canons. If it is condemned on ordinary days, then during the period of fasting it is even more unacceptable. The same can be said about drinking alcohol. On some days of fasting you are allowed to drink a little wine. However, alcohol abuse is condemned by the church, regardless of whether it happened on a fast day or a fast day.

Physical fasting and spiritual fasting

Compliance with fasting is not limited to just temporary refusal to eat certain foods. Otherwise, everything would come down to a regular diet. Fasting includes conscious abstinence from everything that prevents you from concentrating as much as possible on your own. It is important to understand how much your life corresponds to Christ’s teaching, to recognize your sins and sincerely repent of them. To do this, during fasting you should distance yourself from everything vain and coming. Physical fasting must be combined with spiritual fasting. The question of whether one eats pasta during Lent or other foods is, of course, important, but even more important is what one’s thoughts are occupied with. Let rest, entertainment and all kinds of pleasures fade into the background these days. Their time will come. It is necessary to devote days of fasting to the soul, but there are still many days left in the year for the body.

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