What is the best vodka in Russia? The latest Roskachestvo rating for price and quality. What is the highest quality vodka according to Roskachestvo? What do Russians like?

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Vodka has become practically a national treasure for Russia. Not a single event in the life of Russians is complete without this elixir. That's why rating is so important the best brands Russian vodka. The main criterion for awarding the appropriate place to a particular product was its quality.

10. "Morosha"

Manufacturer: Russian North LLC, Volgograd. Made from flaxseed tincture with the addition of honey in Alpha series alcohol. Bottled in an original glass bottle, not dosed, closed with a polymer stopper. Soft in taste, pleasant in smell, has an affordable price and good quality.

9. "Beluga"

Produced at JSC Mariinsky Distillery, Mariinsk. Insists on oatmeal with an admixture of thistle and the addition of honey, vanilla, and luxury alcohol. Placed in a gray glass bottle, closed with a polymer-aluminum stopper. Easily absorbed, rich in interesting, unusual taste and softened, almost imperceptible odor.

8. "Baikal"

Produced at Gross Alcohol Plants LLC, Ulyanovsk. Contains water from Lake Baikal, alcohol base of the Lux series, tincture of cedar nuts and pine buds with honey. Bottled in a souvenir sample bottle. It has a pleasant aroma and a nutty aftertaste.

7. "Little White"

Production: Traditions of Quality LLC, Krasnoznamensk. Vodka is made from luxury alcohol with honey. It is corked in a standard bottle of an interesting shape. It drinks well and causes pleasant fatigue and relaxation from the first sips.

6. "Firewood"

Cleaned with birch charcoal." OOO " Distillery"Agat" is the manufacturer of this vodka. City of Gorodishche. The main ingredients included in the composition are: ethanol Lux, birch sap and honey product. Contained in a bottle shaped like firewood, coated in white gloss with a polymer-wooden stopper. It has a barely noticeable, not heavy odor and a sweet aftertaste.

5. "Five Lakes"

Produced at Omskvinprom LLC, Omsk. The ingredients are: Siberian water base, food alcohol "Lux", sugar syrup, wheat tincture, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid. Bottle with cork - ordinary, standard. Vodka drinks well and has a pleasant alcoholic aroma.

4. "Husky"

Manufacturer: Omskvinprom LLC, Omsk. Contains alcohol tincture of wheat, soda, succinic acid. It is poured into a large oblong bottle, with a screw-shaped metal twist, and has a dosing device. Vodka has a natural, pleasant aroma, soft, with a sweetish taste.

3. "Talka"

Production facilities belong to CJSC Sibirsky Distillery, r.p. Koltsovo. The components of vodka are presented: sugar-honey syrup, luxury alcoholized infusion of wheat on melt water, filtered with silver. Bottled white interesting shape. The closure is screw-type, with an opening alarm, and there is a dispenser. There is a persistent aroma, a characteristic, sweet taste. Easy to drink, but lacks softness.

2. "Count Ledoff"

Produced at the branch of OJSC Tatspirtprom, Kazan Distillery, Kazan. Contains Alpha class ethyl alcohol, food additives and plant extracts. Bottled in a whitened glass bottle with a rotating cap made of plastic material. It has an imperceptible, very light odor, neutral taste, and is easy and clean to drink.

1. "Stolichnaya"

Leader, produced by OJSC Moscow Plant Kristall, Moscow. It contains absolutely nothing unnecessary: ​​ethyl alcohol of the Luke type, drinking water and sugar. The bottle is standard, with a regular twist. It has the purest aroma and mildest taste. Contains a minimum of additives and leaves some pleasant effect after drinking.

Based on the above, we can add that the main criterion in choosing alcoholic beverages should be their quality. Since vodka poisoning still occupies a leading place in terms of mortality and intoxication of the body.

The quality of alcohol depends on three “Cs”:

  1. Raw materials
  2. Processing method
  3. Degrees of purification

It is the alcohol used that determines what kind of vodka it will be: good or bad.

What is quality vodka? This is the one that contains the least amount of methyl - in this case it will cause less harm to the body.

GOST specifies the types of ethanol according to the degree of purification:

  • First grade alcohol. Alcohol is not prepared with it.
  • Highly purified alcohol. Despite the name, this type of ethanol is the worst. Used in the production of the cheapest vodka. It is almost not filtered from various impurities and fusel masses. Prepared from black molasses, potatoes, grains, sugar beets.
  • "Basis". Raw materials - potatoes and grain crops. It should contain less than 60% starch.
  • “Extra.” Made from potatoes and wheat grains. It has a fairly high degree of filtration. Consequently, it contains less methanol and harmful impurities. Alcohol made with such ethanol belongs to the mid-price segment. The best choice for those who need a product good quality, but not too expensive.
  • "Lux". Raw materials - grain and potatoes. Starch should not be more than 35%. Premium vodka is made from this alcohol. In such alcohol, both alcohol and water are purified several times. Methanol in such a product does not exceed 0.02%.
  • "Alpha". The highest quality variety. The raw materials are exclusively natural - wheat and rye. Maximum filtered from fusel oils and impurities. The methanol content according to GOST cannot exceed 0.003% - no other alcohol can boast of this.

The last type is used to produce the most expensive vodka - the super-premium segment. This is either a product of famous expensive brands, or a drink with a different production method - for example, filtration through precious stones or using water from spring sources.

Watch the video in which an alcohol connoisseur talks about the types of ethanol used to produce vodka and their features:

Top categories

Vodka made from “Lux” or “Alpha” class alcohol is elite.

This class also includes products such as:

  1. gin,
  2. whiskey,
  3. good cognac.

Such alcohol is quite expensive, but is distinguished by its quality and the least harm to the body - the amount of methanol and harmful impurities in it is minimal.

Vodka of this class is difficult to counterfeit; manufacturers do not skimp on good packaging- the shape of the bottle, the relief image on it, the label with a hologram, and the special cap stand out.

Important! Methanol is an extremely dangerous poison. A single ingestion of more than 10 ml of methanol can lead to severe poisoning, one of the consequences is blindness

The toxic effect develops over several hours. The lethal dose of methanol is 80–150 ml (1–2 ml per kilogram of body weight).

Today, few people produce vodka with Alpha alcohol, however, it is predicted that in the future its production will increase significantly and the quantity of such a product will even surpass lower-class alcohol.

According to GOST, vodka should not have a strong taste or smell, but they are still distinguishable. This is especially true for high quality products - each brand has its own special characteristics.

The taste of Alpha and Lux ​​class vodka is clean and pleasant, without strange odors.

Taste qualities depend on the raw materials used in production, which are of great importance in well-refined vodka. Most manufacturers use mixtures of different types of alcohol. The percentage of a particular raw material is specified in the contract, which is especially true for a product going for export.

According to Russian GOST, vodka can have the following strength:

  • 40-45%

Important! It’s easy to determine what quality vodka is - you just need to shake the bottle. Alcohol extinguishes the foam and the bubbles should disappear immediately; there cannot be foam in good vodka.

In addition, there should be no sediment left; the vodka should flow down the walls quickly and evenly. A viscous drink indicates a considerable glycerol content.

What is the best quality vodka?

  • Alcohol compliance with GOST.
  • The softness and quality of water, the presence and absence of certain microelements.
  • Organoleptic properties: aroma, taste, aftertaste.
  • Strength and pouring.
  • The truthfulness of advertising and marketing moves.

Seven brands with the Quality Mark

  • Morosha (OOO "Pycskiy Sever"). Alpha alcohol, natural honey and flax tincture.
  • Homemade wheat pervak ​​(Russian North LLC). Lux alcohol on wheat breadcrumbs, linden tincture and sugar syrup.
  • Permskaya luxury (JSC "Permalko"). Alcohol on rye bread crumbs.
  • Russian north traditional. Alcohol “Lux” with oat tincture, honey and glucose.
  • Sunny village (OOO "Distillery Capanskiy"). With rye malt, apples and sugar syrup.
  • Absolute Khortytsia (OOO “Podnik and K”). Absolute alcohol, with sugar syrup and wheat flakes.
  • Tsar's original (OOO "Group "LADOGA"). Lux alcohol, linden blossom and linden honey.

You no longer need to rack your brains and figure out with your own “live” which strong alcohol is worthy of the title of best vodka in terms of the quality of ingredients, organoleptics and price.

The Russian state quality system has published a rating of high-quality and safe vodkas.

The research was carried out in December 2017. Their results can be called encouraging for our consumers. Almost all selected product samples (34 manufacturers, 49 brands) meet the quality requirements for vodka.

What alcohol is used to make vodka?

Vodka is only madeon food grade ethyl rectified alcohol. Only high-quality purified varieties produced from food raw materials have “approval”:

  • "Alpha". It is produced from cereals - rye, wheat or a mixture of various ratios. The content of methyl alcohol during alpha purification does not exceed 0.003%;
  • “Lux” is produced from various types of cereal grains, both one type and a mixture with the addition of potatoes (no more than 35%). The content of methyl alcohol is allowed - up to 0.003%, the same as when cleaning “alpha”;
Please note. In Russia, Premium and Super-Premium vodka is produced using rectified ethyl alcohol of “alpha” and “lux” purification.
  • “Extra” is also grain alcohol. Made from wheat, rye, corn and triticale. May contain no more than 0.02% methyl alcohol;
  • Higher purification assumes that alcohol can be produced from various plant materials grown in agricultural enterprises: grain, potatoes, sugar beets, etc., as well as sugar production waste. It may contain up to 0.03% methanol (methyl alcohol).

It was the quality of alcohol that experts primarily focused on. They looked for components that should not be in alcohol, and also checked the permissible amount of those substances that are certainly present in alcohol (even food grade, highly purified).

To do this, spectral and chemical analyzes are carried out, which are then compared with a reference sample. The main efforts were made to identify elements that are especially dangerous to humans.

To find out the nature of alcohol (Is it food grade or technical? ), and also check how well it is purified, experts looked for in the vodka samples sent for examination:

  • Methyl alcohol (methanol) - a substance that is deadly to humans. Causes severe damage to internal organs and leads to death.
  • Acetaldehyde found in large quantities in technical alcohols and liquids, popularly called “Hawthorn”. When drunk, it turns into acetic acid and literally “burns” the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. When drinking or even staying in a room saturated with acetaldehyde vapor, it causes blindness and damage (sometimes irreversible) to the respiratory tract.
  • Fusel oils , ester compounds cause not only a severe hangover, but also cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Toxic elements from the periodic table (lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury) may be present in low-quality grain or other plant materials. This poison should not be in food alcohol.
  • Furfural is a by-product of fermentation. Its toxicity and ability to cause mutations in rats has been scientifically proven. In relation to humans, only an irritant effect on the skin and mucous membranes has been proven. Proper rectification removes it from the final product (alcohol).
  • Crotonaldehyde , indicating that the sample contains denatured alcohol - a substance consisting of industrial alcohol, gasoline, etc., used to create solvents.

Thorough analyzes were carried out, which determined that there were no deviations in quality in any of the selected samples, and the indicated degree of purification of the alcohols from which the vodka was created corresponded to the labeling.

GOST for vodka in Russia

To ensure that all vodka produced in the Russian Federation, as well as imported into the country from abroad and sold in the Russian Federation, is safe for consumption, there isGOST 12712-2013 , which is called “Vodkas and special vodkas. General technical conditions".

It is he who regulates the presence of various components in strong alcoholic drinks called vodka. In particular, the quality of alcohol, organoleptic properties (smell, taste, softness), acceptable additives, such as plant extracts, etc.

Reference. The largest supplies of vodka to the Russian Federation come from Finland, Belarus, Sweden and France.

Moreover, in these countries the requirements for the quality of food alcohol are not as strict and they are not divided into grades according to the degree of purification, as in Russia.

Vodka quality rating

It should be noted that the involved experts conducted independent studies of the obtained samples according to the following parameters:

  • alcohol compliance with GOST for the food group of alcohols and the correctness of labeling of the degree of purification;
  • compliance with the requirements forwater hardness and quality . This includes parameters such as the mandatory presence of an acceptable amount of macro-, microelements, and salts. The water should not contain sulfates, which give vodka bitterness;
Peculiarities. Not all samples passed this test. Thus, in the Tomsk Standard, an excess of potassium and sodium was found, which can be explained by the use of an ion exchange unit in production. The content of calcium, chlorides, sulfates and magnesium in “Parliament” is exceeded, which may be due to the purification of vodka with milk.
  • organoleptics. Here experts tested the aroma, taste and aftertaste of vodka products. It was those brands that did not pass the “water test” that received 9 points for taste. Professional tasters called “Tomsk Standard” too sharp and hot, and “Parliament” - sharp, with a bitter aftertaste. But this is a subjective matter. Some people like it softer, some like it hotter;
  • strength and filling. The samples “gave out” a strength of 39.9 – 40°. One Parliament outperformed the others by a tenth of a degree – 40.1 degrees. No one let us down with the pouring either: a half liter bottle contains at least 500 ml of vodka. And some – and “with a hike”. The “Five Lakes”, “Chestnaya”, “Morosha” bottles contained 510 ml instead of 500. Instead of 250 ml, the “Great Lake” vodka contained 257 ml;
  • marketing ploys and truth. Oddly enough, the instructions on the labels that the vodka was purified with a 13 m long carbon filter or with milk turned out to be true. Businesses today use silver and platinum filters, this is also true. Experts have doubts about the assertion that water from Lake Baikal or, in general, from glaciers was used for production. It's more of a marketing ploy.

Now we’ll find out which vodka the experts recognized as the best. Moreover, this is not just one brand.

With a quality mark

Seven Russian-made vodkas were awarded the Russian Quality Mark:

  • “Morosha” with Karelia mineral water from Russian North LLC, with flax seed tincture and natural honey. Alpha cleaning alcohol was used.
  • "Homemade wheat pervak." Manufacturer: Russian North LLC. Vodka is created from alcohol on “Lux” purified wheat crackers, with the addition of linden alcohol tincture and sugar syrup.
  • “Permskaya Lux” on rye breadcrumbs from JSC “Permalko”.
  • “Russian North traditional” on “Lux” alcohol with tincture oatmeal, honey and glucose.
  • “Sunny Village” with infusion of rye malt, apple juice and sugar syrup. Manufacturer - Saransky Distillery LLC.
  • “Absolute Khortytsia.” Produced by Rodnik and K LLC using Absolut purified alcohol with the addition of sugar syrup and infusion of wheat flakes.
  • “Tsarskaya Original” from LLC “Group “LADOGA”” contains, in addition to “Lux” alcohol and purified water, an infusion of linden blossom and natural linden honey.

High quality

24 products are recognized as high quality due to the fact that, according to the results of laboratory tests, they meet not only the requirements of GOST, but also the advanced standard developed by Roskachestvo. This:

  • “Belebeevskaya classic”, with mineral water “Belebeevskaya 2”, with alcohol “Alpha”. Produced by OJSC "Bashspirt". Based on the results of the tasting, this vodka received the highest 9.6 points;
  • “Belenkaya Lux” from Georgievsky LLC. Tasting score 9.5;
  • “Bulbash special”, containing infusions of raisins, oatmeal and natural honey;
  • “Gosudarev’s order” from LLC “Georgievsky” with infusions of raisins, sesame seeds, sugar syrup;
  • “Good Bear” with linden blossom infusion and sugar syrup. Manufacturer - Georgievsky LLC;
  • “Cranes” with millet infusion, sugar syrup and glucose from PARLIAMENT PRODUCTION LLC;
  • “Green Brand” traditional from JSC “Topaz Distillery”. Received 9.6 points in the tasting;
  • "Winter Road". OOO Kristall-Lefortovo distillery produced vodka, which received 9.6 points from tasters;
  • “Myagkov” SILVER (9.5 points for taste). Manufacturer LLC "Georgievsky";
  • “Lake Velikoye” (alcohol “alpha”, produced by OJSC “VladAlko”);
  • “Festive” from LLC “Distillery “Kristall-Lefortovo”;
  • “Putinka” soft was rated by tasters at 9.5 points. Manufactured by JSC Moscow Plant Kristall;
  • “Five Lakes” (9.6 points from tasters) is produced by Ruzsky Blending Plant LLC;
  • “Russian Standard” received 9.6 points in terms of taste;
  • “Smirnov No. 21” from Saransky Distillery LLC;
  • “Old Moscow” from PC “Kristall-Lefortovo” LLC;
  • “Ice cold” from JSC “Moscow Plant “Crystal”” in luxury alcohol with honey and peppermint;
  • “Talka” with an infusion of Siberian herbs in melt water, honey and syrup, in luxury alcohol. Manufacturer - JSC "Sibirsky Distillery";
  • “Husky” - vodka from Omskvinprom LLC, with wheat infusion, with luxury alcohol, taster rating – 9.5;
  • “BELUGA” from Mariinsky Distillery JSC received 9.6 points from tasters. The recipe uses infusions of milk thistle, oats, natural honey and vanillin;
  • FINLANDIA from BIG LLC, made in Finland. Contains: luxury alcohol, grain infusion, sugar syrup, glucose. Taster rating: 9.5;
  • Gray Goose with a taster rating of 9.5 points, produced in France, Bacardi Rus LLC with luxury alcohol;
  • “Sormovskaya LUX” was produced in Russia by SORDIS LLC from “Lux” alcohol with raisins and natural honey;
  • Stolichnaya from Moscow Plant Kristall JSC, made from luxury alcohol, received a taster rating of 9.5 points.

High quality

18 products received this title.

Thus, Pervak ​​vodka, which was included in the top seven “With the Quality Mark”, costs 310 rubles per 0.5 liter, and the French Gray Goose, which was not included in any quality rating, although it received 9.5 points based on the tasting results, costs 1554 ruble

The head of the Center for Research on Alcohol Markets in the Russian Federation, Vadim Drobiz, noted thatNone of the samples taken contained alcohols or other additives that did not comply with GOST that can cause harm to health.

In addition, he released information that no low-quality surrogate (“scorched” vodka) was found in legal retail (points of sale with licenses to sell alcohol).

Although it does not rule out that such products can still be purchased in pavilions, kiosks, and unlicensed sales points.

This is not the first time that real Russian vodka has proven its impeccable taste properties and high quality using modern innovative approaches to production.

Therefore, buy from reliable, licensed places, drink in moderation and do not doubt the quality.

If the article was useful to you, please like it. Share it with your friends so that they too know which vodka is worth tasting at a friendly table.

In the USA, they recently compiled a rating of the best vodkas in the world. It is quite expected that there were many Russian brands in this ranking, however, vodka from France took first place. We invite you to get acquainted with the fifteen best representatives of this drink.

First place: (France)

I think you know this brand. It is produced in the province of Cognac, which is famous for its brandy (cognac) from selected grains and water from the famous Gente spring. Among the curious aspects of production technology: Gray Goose vodka is purified with limestone and distilled in small batches five times. This is a very pure and high-quality vodka, for which experts predict the largest sales in the world in the coming years.

Second place: Vodka Crystal (Crystall) – Russia

By the way, perhaps this brand is not so popular in Russia. Of course: it’s easy to get lost and confused in our vodka variety. The taste of this vodka is very subtle. Among the production features: a specially developed Alcosoft carbohydrate module is used. Actually, this is why vodka turns out to be so delicate, which is the reason for such high popularity abroad.

Third place: Krolewska (Poland)

Oh, well, the Poles do not agree that vodka is the Russian national drink; they are constantly trying to pull this vodka blanket over themselves. Alas, the world community does not agree with them: for them, Russia and vodka are synonymous. But at least here the Poles will be happy: their vodka is in third place. True, there is nothing special to tell about it: the best grains, the purest water - who would be surprised by this now. But it still amazed experts with the design of the bottle.

Fourth place: Youri Dolgoruki (Yuri Dolgoruky) - Russia

And another brand that is not so well known in Russia. Yes, vodka is mostly exported. The recipe is classic, and special additives improve and soften the taste. So if you come across this vodka, try it out of curiosity.

Fifth place: Finlandia (Finland)

But this Finnish brand is very popular in Russia. In America, by the way, too. Classic Finland has a soft, pleasant taste, and the presence of a huge number of different flavor options makes this brand one of the best-selling in the world.

Sixth place: Jewel of Russia (Russia)

Are you familiar with this brand? Let's assume not very well. This vodka is made from wheat crackers and added microscopic pieces of gold foil, as well as fructose and lactose. The production technology is unconventional - this is what the experts appreciated.

Seventh place: Vincent (Holland)

Not much is known about Dutch vodka in Russia. In addition, this particular vodka is produced exclusively in small batches from wheat and barley. The drink undergoes double distillation, which softens its taste.

Eighth place: Rain (USA)

No, well, the rating is American, so there simply must be at least one American vodka brand (let’s jump ahead and let you know that it’s not the only one here). This vodka is made from corn, and diamond dust and coal are used for filtration. Yes, this is such a strange neighborhood. By the way, this vodka actually has no taste.

Ninth place: Ketel One (Holland)

And here is another Dutch vodka with a traditional recipe.

Tenth place: 3 Olives (England)

It’s surprising, of course, to also see an English brand here, but this vodka showed good results.

Eleventh place: Russian Standard (Russia)

Well, you all know this vodka - a very common brand in Russia itself. Selected grains and lake water are the key ingredients of this vodka. Premium brand, quite popular. The place, of course, is not the highest, but still a pleasant rating for Russian Standard vodka.

Twelfth place: Vox (Holland)

Thirteenth place: Stolichnaya (Russia)

Vodka that needs no special introduction. The Stolichnaya brand is synonymous with Russian vodka abroad, as well as a popular brand in Russia itself. Well, and the appearance, unchanged since Soviet times.

Fourteenth place: Vermont Spirits White (USA)

Here is the same “another American vodka brand” that we were talking about. But experts put him only in 14th place. Vodka did not reach the top ten.

Fifteenth place: Absolut (Sweden)

And this most popular vodka ranks last, which is somewhat strange, but let’s say we’re grateful that it’s on this list at all. I think there is no need to say too much about Absolut vodka - everyone already knows this brand.

Let's say right away that the rating is conditional. It was compiled in the USA. There are many such ratings in the world. For example, in Russia, brands such as Stolichnaya vodka, Finland and Count Ledoff rank first. So in the vodka world it’s relative.

Except Stolichnaya. She's everywhere.

Therefore, I propose to talk about vodka today. And not the one we choose for the most significant events, unless of course our salary is the average salary, and not the director’s salary.

Namely, about vodka, which is suitable for daily use, the most popular product in our alcoholic beverages market. Cheap option to have a good time.

Let's figure out what you can buy in our stores without heart attacks with the money left before your salary and not regret your choice.

1. Five lakes

Probably the most popular in our country. Everyone knows about its existence, and everyone has their own opinion about it. For some, this is a real poison, others choose only it from the counter.

As for me, it’s the most standard product in this segment; it’s not bad in the morning, but it can’t boast of a unique taste either. You can buy a bottle within 300 rubles, the main thing is not to fall for a fake, because due to demand it is often copied, pouring a consistency of unknown origin instead of the real product.

Perhaps it is this fact that provokes people to write bad reviews about the most ordinary vodka.

For its price segment, this one is quite tolerable, I especially want to note that it has practically no unpleasant odor. In other words, manufacturers have taken pains to purify their product. Many residents of our country take it for the holidays, and although it is a little more expensive than others, I think it’s worth paying the extra 50-100 rubles, at least for the fact that you will be confident in the quality and reliability of the product.

3. Linnet

Minsk from Alpha alcohols, according to Internet users, and me personally, has few disadvantages, or rather, none have been noticed. Well, naturally, if we take into account its price segment, we will not compare it with expensive premium swill. But the fact that it is clean, odorless and without a severe hangover in the morning speaks for itself. And it's easy to drink, not hard.

This Siberian is not for everyone, as it has its own aftertaste. Some are blown away by this, while others spit, saying, what have you given us here? But in general, the product is very soft, odorless, easy to drink and does not bother you in the morning. It’s a solid bottle, so it wouldn’t be a shame to display it for a holiday. The only thing I would like to note is that many people claim that it makes you drunk faster. Personally, I did not notice such an effect.

5. Honest

Probably the only thing that is honest in our country is this one. It fully corresponds to its price category, even, probably not, it’s even better than you expect from a product for 200 rubles. We get a normal, high-quality product for practically pennies. Of course, he is a little harsh, but is this a hindrance to a normal man?

The variety of varieties of this vodka allows you to choose exactly what your soul wants right now. And birch, and honey, and pepper. In a word, everything is in stock. Sold in original

bottle, with a mild taste and pleasant aroma, so it’s not a shame to show it to guests for a holiday. The only drawback is the inconvenient lid. But this, gentlemen, seems to me to be trifles if we are talking about a truly high-quality product at a low price.

A little more expensive than its predecessors, this one has a mild taste and no vodka aroma. Although it has one peculiarity, I do not recommend it for those who want to get drunk quickly. You can drink it like water, wash it down or have a snack without any strong desire, so for feasts where it is desirable to keep a clear head longer, it is ideal, but if you need to drink a small amount to a large number of guests, it is not an option.

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