How to decorate a cake with icing: recipes, interesting ideas with photos and step-by-step instructions. Decorating cakes with sugar-white glaze Decorating with glaze

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Lipstick jewelry. Lipstick is used to cover the surface of products.

Before use, the lipstick is heated to a temperature of 50...55°C in a water bath, as a result of which it becomes fluid, which is necessary for glazing products. Before applying lipstick to a biscuit or sand layer, you must first lubricate it with a thin layer of fruit filling, then the lipstick will lie in an even layer and turn out glossy.

The lipstick is quickly applied with a long knife, leveling it over the entire surface of the layer. When the lipstick has hardened, the layer is cut into pastries or cakes with a thin hot knife, for which it is dipped in hot water. This is done so that when cutting the layer, the lipstick does not crumble, but melts.

Sometimes lipstick is used to make designs in the form of a grid or dots. To do this, the lipstick is heated, placed in a cornet, closed and the desired pattern is applied (Fig. 7.6).

You can use lipstick to make a marbled or herringbone pattern. For this purpose small quantity lipsticks are tinted a darker color, such as cocoa powder. The lipstick is placed in a cornet. Decoration must be done quickly so that the lipstick does not harden. A layer of lipstick is applied to the layer, lipstick of a different color is immediately deposited from the cornet in the form of parallel lines and

Rice. 7.6. Decorating a cake with cornet fondant

Immediately, with the blunt side of a knife, draw lines across up and down (you get a “marbled” pattern) or in one direction (a “herringbone” pattern).

Glaze decorations. The following glazes are used to decorate products: raw for glazing the surface; raw and custard for decorating products; chocolate (couverture).

Raw glaze for surface glazing is prepared as follows.

Pour egg whites into the beater, water at a temperature of 35...40°C, add "/3 powdered sugar and, whipping the machine at low speed, add another % of powdered sugar according to the recipe. The mixture is heated to a temperature of 40...45 °C. Beat the machine again on low speed, gradually adding the rest of the powdered sugar. The consistency of the glaze resembles thick sour cream. The surface of the products is covered with this glaze. After hardening, a smooth, shiny, thin sugar crust forms on the surface of the product. Just like lipstick, it can be tinted in different colors.

To prepare 1 kg of raw glaze for glazing the surface, take (g): powdered sugar - 907, egg whites - 28, water - 136.

Raw glaze for decorating products is prepared as follows.

Proteins are poured into a whipping kettle without traces of fat, the machine is turned on at low speed and, while whipping, powdered sugar is gradually added, at the end of whipping, citric acid. The readiness of the glaze is determined by its persistent pattern. Products are decorated with glaze, pipetting it from a pastry bag or paper cornet.

To prepare 1 kg of raw glaze for decorating products, take (g): powdered sugar - 866, egg whites - 169, citric acid - 0.1.

Custard glaze for decorating products is prepared as follows.

Bring granulated sugar and water to a boil, skim off the foam and boil to a temperature of 114...115 "C (to a weak ball). At the same time, beat the egg whites until a stable foam increases in volume by 5...6 times. Without stopping beating, Gradually pour hot water in a thin stream sugar syrup, add powdered sugar and diluted citric acid in parts. Total beating time is 35 minutes. The readiness of the glaze is determined by the pattern on the surface: the pattern should not float.

Decorations made from custard glaze are less shiny than those made from raw glaze, but are more durable during storage.

To prepare 1 kg of custard glaze for decorating products, take (g): granulated sugar - 547, powdered sugar - 315, egg whites - 170, citric acid - 0.1, water - 248.

Chocolate icing (couverture) is used to glaze the surface of cakes. To do this, chocolate is crushed, combined with cocoa butter in a ratio of 4:1, heated in a water bath to a temperature of 33...34°C and the surface of the products is glazed.

In line production, instead of confectionery chocolate, they use cheaper chocolate glaze, which is made on the basis of an equivalent of cocoa products and which is supplied to production in finished form. Unlike chocolate, it does not need to be tempered, it is easy to handle, withstands low temperatures and tolerates high temperatures(up to 32 °C) thanks to the palm oil included in its composition.

As an additive to confectionery products, black (or white) chocolate sauce is used, which comes to the workshop in a 1-liter tube with a screw-on lid.

For finishing, glazing and decorating finished products, colored chocolate in the form of colored shavings, colored vermicelli, etc. is recommended. The basis of colored chocolate is white chocolate with the addition of flavorings and dyes. Three types of chocolate have corresponding tastes: orange - the taste of orange, lemon - the taste of lemon, pink - the taste of strawberry. The assortment also includes green, yellow and blue chocolate.

Kandir jewelry. Refined sugar is combined with water, brought to a boil, the foam is removed and boiled to a temperature of 110°C (to a thick thread). The resulting syrup is cooled to 80 °C, rubbed with a spatula, gradually adding powdered sugar. The mass becomes cloudy and acquires the consistency of liquid sour cream. Kandir is used for casting hollow figurines. The best figures are made from refined sugar, weaker ones - from granulated sugar.

Plaster molds are used to cast figures. The halves of the molds are washed, tied together and placed in water for 2...3 hours. The raw mold prevents the syrup from sticking to the walls.

Hot candir is poured into the prepared form through the hole located at the bottom of the figurine, after a few minutes a hard crust forms near the walls. After 10...15 minutes, the uncured candir is poured out and the mold is left for 30 minutes. Then it is untied, the resulting figurine is taken out and dried! at least a day. The figurine can be colored with food coloring or icing.

To prepare 1 kg of candir take (g): refined sugar - 745, powdered sugar - 74, water - 224.

If you don’t have the desire or time to invent skillful sweet patterns, mirror glaze will help out. This is a universal, practical product that is used not only to decorate the surface of confectionery products. It is also successfully used as a layer for cakes; beautiful inscriptions are created from mirror glaze. This is a natural product made from condensed milk, honey or sour cream.

How to pour glaze evenly over a cake

To simply, quickly, and evenly distribute the mirror glaze over the surface of the cake, you should warm it up a little or add a tablespoon of corn syrup, and then mix well. Then pour a tablespoon of frosting into the center of the cake and spread evenly with an offset spatula from the center outward.

Frosting for writing on the cake

In a medium bowl, combine the powdered sugar and butter with a spoon or mixer on low speed. Add vanilla and 1 tablespoon milk. Gradually add the required amount of milk until the glaze becomes smooth and spreadable. If the mass is too thick, add more milk, but do it gradually, little by little.

An alternative option is to buy ready-made frosting for writing on the cake. This will save time and allow you to create bright decorative compositions. It is made from natural products, therefore completely safe for health, and is not inferior in taste to its home-cooked counterpart.

Velor icing for cake

Stylish, delicious decoration, which resembles luxurious velor in color and texture. This glaze is applied to the confectionery product in a thin layer; it does not affect the taste. The product is made from cocoa butter and dark chocolate. Buy ready-made velor cake icing at a competitive price. It is made according to professional recipes, based on natural products.

Frosting for mousse cakes

Mirror glaze is ideal for decoration here. It spreads evenly on the surface of mousse cakes, pastries, and desserts. A delicious decoration is prepared from:

The product is based on purified water. Food coloring that is safe for health is added to the mirror glaze.

Sugar icing for cake

It not only decorates, but also preserves the taste of the confectionery product. Apply to the surface of the cake in a continuous layer. To prepare, you need to sift the powdered sugar, dilute with water, add flavorings and dyes to taste. An alternative option is to buy ready-made sugar icing for the cake, made according to professional recipes based on natural ingredients.

Colored cake icing

This delicious decorative element has replaced fatty creams and mastic. It not only looks elegant, but also gives taste pleasure. Colored cake icing is used by pastry chefs to highlight the shape of the cake. The basis of the decoration is chocolate and powdered sugar. Buy colored mirror glaze for your cake and create a sweet masterpiece that will surprise you not only with its taste, but also with its stylish, unusual design.

Icing ready for the cake

This saves time and effort, without compromising the taste characteristics. The finished mirror glaze lays down beautifully, does not harden immediately, and there is time to correct the composition. Sweet decor is produced from natural materials, in accordance with current international environmental and international standards.

Icing cakes

These are delicious, stylish confectionery products that won’t take much time to prepare. Actually, you need to prepare a glossy or mirror glaze, as well as cake layers. Then coat the cakes with it (one layer takes on average half a glass, it all depends on the size). To reduce the time it takes to prepare an icing cake, buy a ready-made base for it. This is proven quality, which is produced strictly according to professional recipes.

Glossy glaze

With its help, a refined texture is created. But to prepare a stylish confectionery decoration you need time and the following ingredients:

  • sugar;
  • glucose syrup;
  • water;
  • chocolate, which is melted in a water bath;
  • condensed milk;
  • food coloring.

To simplify the process of creating cakes and pastries, buy glossy glaze. It's tasty, stylish, not expensive.

Merchant cream roses on confectionery products are gradually becoming a thing of the past. They are being replaced by colored cake icing - easier to digest and less caloric. And the ease of decorating desserts with its help is incomparable. Cakes, buns, muffins, pastries, just taken out of the oven, have an unpresentable appearance. But then the magical colored icing for the cake appears, the sweetness pours on top - before you is a masterpiece culinary arts. The incredibly simple preparation process makes it indispensable for use in confectionery. The sweet mass can make marshmallows and cupcakes more tasty and beautiful, and also increase their energy value.

A little history

More than two centuries ago, colored glazes emerged from glazes. The baked goods were covered with well-boiled sugar syrup and placed in an oven at a low temperature. After drying, an opaque film formed on the product. Later, juices from berries and plants were added to the mixture to add color.

As history shows, white glaze for a cake, the recipe for which included sugar, spoke of the purity and innocence of the bride, as well as the material wealth of the family. The cost of this product was then considerable; it was available only to wealthy people.

Over time, dyes began to be added to the sweet mass, colored glaze took its place in confectionery art as an elegant finish to a culinary composition. monograms and patterns from sugar mass, and even sculpting figures, has become commonplace, and now you can read step by step how to prepare icing for a cake in any cookbook.

The ease of preparation and the minimum required ingredients for preparing this confectionery component are rightfully appreciated by professional chefs. Lovers homemade baked goods They are also often used to decorate their products.

Basic composition of glaze

The base consists of uncolored components and is naturally neutral in color. The composition is used in decorating confectionery products using various aromatic and color additives.

Cooking steps

In a water bath, dissolve 50 g of butter until liquid.
Add 4 teaspoons each of milk and sugar.
Cook, stirring, until the grains dissolve.
Beat with a blender.
Colored cake icing is obtained by adding food coloring

products that are mixed into the still hot mixture.
After it has cooled, it can be used directly to decorate various confectionery masterpieces.
It is advisable to store the remaining unused mass in the refrigerator under a tightly closed lid. Just reheat before next use.

Secrets for making colored cake frosting

Be sure to sift the bulk ingredients before cooking, otherwise it will become lumpy.
When cooking, you must not be distracted; do not allow the mass to burn, otherwise you will have to start all over again.
Stir thoroughly while cooking.
When beating the mixture with a blender, do not allow air bubbles to appear, otherwise the finished product will not be smooth enough.

Tinting the glaze

Color plays an important role in creating decor for confectionery products. Using different shades of paint, you can create culinary masterpieces, which will bring not only taste pleasure, but also cause admiration for the beauty of the external design.

To color the cake icing, you can use synthetic food coloring or natural coloring from the juice of berries and vegetables. Edible ones add a brighter color to the finished product, but they may not be beneficial for everyone. When using natural ones, the colors are not so saturated, but such a delicacy can be given safely even to a child.

Dyes for glaze

Synthetic dyeing compounds are convenient to use and provide a bright, rich color. They come in various types - liquid, powder, gel - and are widely used in industrial production confectionery products. Housewives also loved these dyes for their ease of use. The colored cake icing you prepare using them will last longer and will not deteriorate from sun rays and high humidity.

Dry food colors

Powder colorants for confectionery products should not be confused with paint for easter eggs. These are synthetic pigments that provide intense coloring in minimal doses. They are available in a wide range of colors, are inexpensive and easy to use. At home, the amount of powder should be measured with the tip of a knife. With powder pigments, you won't have any questions about how to make colored icing for a cake.

Coloring powder can be used to sprinkle on desserts, or diluted in water or alcohol.

Gel food coloring

The components of these dyes - synthetic pigments, water, food glycerin, thickeners - have hypoallergenic properties and are not at all harmful to health. To obtain a bright, rich color, two drops of gel condensate per mass to be painted is enough.

Product for covering desserts using trendy technology with velor or colored mirror glaze, are released packaged so that taking the required amount is easy and simple. Experts recommend buying food gel coloring for use in cooking. The cost of this product is an order of magnitude more expensive than other types, but if you consider the advantages - safety for health, lack of odor and neutral taste - its advantages are obvious. It can also be noted that the presence of gel paint will not affect the consistency of the finished product due to its microscopic volume, and the colored cake icing will not lose its specific taste.

Food coloring from products

Preparations isolated from animal and plant sources are not subject to chemical influence. The raw materials are ingredients of plant origin - vegetables, root vegetables. For the consumer, this type of product is available in the form of liquids and oils, or granules and powder. The brightness obtained when using such dyes depends on the growing conditions of the source materials, collection time and storage conditions.

A big plus is making food coloring at home

available to every housewife, which allows them to be included in the recipe for colored cake icing.
To get a pink color, add a drop of cherry juice.
Adding beets will turn purple.
Green comes from pressed spinach.
Carrots and orange give an orange tone.
The colored cake frosting will take on a red tint with the cranberries.
Blue is obtained from blackberries and blueberries.

The juice is simply squeezed out of the berries; the vegetables must first be grated and the juice squeezed out of the resulting mass. Frozen berries need to be thawed in the microwave.

As you can see, berries and vegetables with a high content of vitamins are used. Therefore, colored cake icing at home using natural additives will not only be tasty, but also healthy. By experimenting with different combinations of starting ingredients, you can achieve a wide range of colors for use in decoration.

Different ways to make glaze

In the first case (without heat treatment), 50 g of powdered sugar and 50 ml of warm water are mixed until the powder grains are completely dissolved. In the second case, with heat treatment, the sugar mixture is brought to a boil in a metal bowl and cooked for 2-3 minutes while stirring over low heat. In both options, be sure to mix thoroughly until a smooth and shiny mass appears.

Recipe with glucose syrup

Confectionery glaze, which includes glucose syrup, has a neutral color and can be used for decoration. culinary products as an independent element. But by adding dyes, you can create more diverse options for decorating desserts, so more interesting and varied colored glazes are prepared on its basis.

The main ingredients are white chocolate and condensed milk.

In a saucepan, mix 100 ml of water, 150 g of syrup and 180 g of sugar. Heat, stirring constantly, until boiling and boil for exactly 2 minutes. Then remove from heat. Add the chocolate broken into pieces and stir until completely dissolved. Pour in condensed milk and mix again. Strain through a sieve or layer of gauze. The resulting mass will be included in the mirror glaze recipe as the main ingredient.

If you don’t have glucose syrup, make your own from glucose tablets. Take 2 packs of glucose, add 2 tablespoons of water. Boil until the particles dissolve. Pour in a tablespoon of food grade glycerin and stir. Store in a cool place.

Mirror glaze recipe

Have you seen your own reflection on the surface of a sweet delicacy? Yes, this is not fiction. Eye-catching displays in all the splendor of spectacular glitter and cakes are not a fairy tale. Mirror glaze for a cake at home, prepared to the surprise of household members and guests, will become your highlight in the holiday table treats.

All ingredients included in the recipe with glucose syrup described above are preheated to maintain temperature conditions. The ideal temperature is on average 32 degrees. To get colored glaze, add dye drop by drop and select the desired color. Now you will need an immersion blender. You need to mix without raising the blender above the mixture. If bubbles appear, pass the mixture through a sieve twice. If the bubbles do not disappear, it means that the colored icing for the cake, unfortunately, did not work out, and you will have to redo it.

Before decorating, the product must be frozen, then apply the warm mass to the surface and sides and distribute evenly. Wrap tightly cling film and put in the refrigerator to mature. Store the remaining unused portion in a cool place and reheat before use.

The red icing for the cake is very impressive, arousing admiration, and will not leave anyone indifferent. Of course, you have to try and follow all the technological intricacies, but the result will be admirable.

Everyone can show their artistic abilities in the design of confectionery masterpieces. Red mirror glaze used for decoration, with its bright and cheerful color, can lift your spirits and whet your appetite. If desired, you can cover the entire product with it, and it will resemble a sparkling cylinder, or, when combined with other colors, you can create fancy swirl-like patterns. You can dip berries in it and decorate the product with sparkling glossy “crystals”.

Black mirror glaze is more demanding to prepare.

Boil syrup from 240 g of sugar and 100 g of water. Put 160 g of cream on the fire, bring to a boil, add to the sweet mass, then add 80 g of good cocoa. Boil everything again, add soaked and squeezed gelatin.

Pour into a glass and beat with a blender at minimum speed until the bubbles completely disappear. Cool, pour over the product, pack tightly in food foil and refrigerate for 12 hours.

The recipe for making mirror glaze is quite complicated to prepare, but the impression made on your guests is worth the effort. You will hear a lot of compliments addressed to you and you will simply be a queen.

Oil filling

You never cease to be amazed at the variety of options for preparing decorations for desserts. So, butter icing can be an original and beautiful addition to confectionery delicacies. It has a more delicate consistency and literally melts in your mouth.

To prepare, melt 100 g of white chocolate, broken into pieces, in a water bath, add 70 g of condensed milk, 30 g of butter, pour in 30 g of cream, mix everything until smooth and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add pre-soaked gelatin and a drop of food coloring and mix. Bring to a uniform color. The mass should flow from the spoon. The colored cake icing will cover the entire surface of the cake. Then place the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours.

Caramel finish

To prepare you will need 100 g of sugar, 250 g of boiled condensed milk, 250 g of cream, 10 g of gelatin. Instead of condensed milk, you can take stretchy toffees or “Korovka” candies.

You can use this original colored cake frosting instead of chocolate paste for filling eclairs and buns.

Lemon frosting for cake

Interesting recipes for making dessert with the piquant and pleasant taste of freshly squeezed lemon:
2 tablespoons lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 100 g of butter.
1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons each of lemon juice and boiling water, 250 g of powdered sugar.

Colored icing for a cake with lemon streaks will be obtained by adding yellow dye to any of the options.

Vanilla finish

Possessing a pleasant vanilla taste, it is great for buns, Easter cakes, muffins, cookies, and cakes. Even without adding dyes it will decorate any confectionery product. And if you put in even a minimum of effort, how to prepare colored icing for a cake will not be a secret to you.

You can cook it in two ways.

For the first method you will need 8 tablespoons of water, 1.5 cups of powdered sugar, vanillin to taste. Mix the dry ingredients, add hot water and stir vigorously until smooth. Add dye. You now have colored icing. A recipe in which there is no heat treatment.

For the second you will need 30 g of butter, 1.5 cups of powdered sugar, 30 g, vanillin to taste.

As usual, melt the butter, pour in the milk, add powdered sugar and vanilla. Then we rub it with a spatula until the mass becomes creamy, and immediately apply it to the product - it hardens quickly.

Baking icing

The use of sweet sugar mixture with the addition of berry juice to decorate cookies, gingerbreads, and buns has been a tradition of confectioners since the Middle Ages, and is still used today in cooking.

An unusual glaze for cookies, with which you can draw lines and shapes, painted in all the colors of the rainbow, is quite accessible to every self-respecting cook if you have quality products - 1 chicken protein and 100 g of powdered sugar.

To prepare egg white room temperature you need to mix it with powder, add 1-2 tablespoons at a time, then grind vigorously. When all the powder is finished and forms a single mass with the protein, add dye. If you have several colors of paint, you can make a palette, and colored cookie icing will paint your cookies to resemble Gzhel, Khokhloma, or your son’s favorite cartoon character.

For some, and for others - gingerbread. The history of Russian gingerbread, like the history of Russia, is many-sided. This is the most ancient delicacy, for the production of which special forms were made - seals, where the dough was turned into gingerbread according to cherished recipes. The decoration was colored gingerbread icing.

There should be no lumps in the powdered sugar for these sweets, so everything was sifted through a sieve. Then the protein was added and kneaded until smooth. The surface was covered with the resulting mass. And the colored glaze used as decoration painted the gingerbread cookies in all their glory.

Gingerbread is a classic of gingerbread art. The surface of the baked product, decorated with swirls and designs made of white fondant, makes your mouth water and salivate just by looking at it. To prepare, all you need is 2 chicken whites, 300 g of sugar and 20 g of orange zest. All this was mixed until smooth, and then the gingerbread was decorated to your liking. The gingerbread icing did not require any dyes; the dough and additives acted as a beautiful canvas on its own.

There are options to purchase ready-made decorations for your confectionery creations, buy factory-made products, and colored cake icing will be at your service without any problems.

But made with your own hands, with the help of children, to whom during the cooking process you will tell how to make colored icing for a cake, this is completely different.

How wonderful it is to greet the morning with a cup of coffee and a fluffy croissant! And if there is colored icing on top, then this is the best start to the day!

Take 450 g flour premium, 2 teaspoons each salt and sugar, 25 g vegetable margarine, 1 teaspoon active yeast, 1 lightly beaten egg. Make the dough and let it rise twice. Roll out the layer 1.5-2 centimeters thick, cut into triangles. Place a piece of butter inside each triangle, roll and bake for 20 minutes in the oven at 2000.

Ready-made croissants can already be eaten, but colored icing for the cake will make them truly magical.

Lipstick jewelry. These finishing semi-finished products are used to cover the surface of products.

Before use, the lipstick is heated to a temperature of 50-55°C in a water bath. It becomes fluid, which is necessary for glazing products. Before applying lipstick to a biscuit or sand layer, you must first lubricate it with a thin layer of fruit filling, then the lipstick will lie in an even layer and be more glossy.

Apply lipstick quickly with a long knife and level it over the entire surface of the layer. When the lipstick has hardened, the layer is cut into pastries or cakes with a thin hot knife, for which it is dipped in hot water. This is done so that when cutting the layer, the lipstick does not crumble, but melts.

Sometimes lipstick is used to make designs in the form of a grid or dots. To do this, dress up the lipstick, put it in a cornet, close it and apply the desired design.

You can use lipstick to make a marbled or herringbone pattern. For this purpose, a small amount of lipstick is tinted a darker color, often using cocoa powder. The lipstick is placed in a cornet. Decoration must be done quickly so that the lipstick does not harden. A layer of lipstick is applied to the layer, and immediately lipstick of a different color is deposited from the cornstick in the form of parallel lines. And then, with the blunt side of a knife, draw lines across up and down (you get a “marbled” pattern) or in one direction (a “herringbone” pattern).

Glaze decorations.

The following glazes are used for finishing products: raw for glazing the surface; raw and custard for decorating products; chocolate (couvergur).

Raw glaze for surface glazing

Powdered sugar 907, egg whites 28, water 136. Yield 1000.

Egg whites and water at a temperature of 35-40°C are poured into the beater, 1/3 of powdered sugar is added and, while beating at low speed, another 1/2 of powdered sugar is added according to the recipe. The mixture is heated to 40-45°C. Beat again on low as you go, gradually adding the rest of the powdered sugar. The glaze resembles thick sour cream in consistency. After hardening, a smooth, shiny, thin sugar crust forms on the surface. Just like lipstick, it can be tinted in different colors.

Raw glaze for decorating products

Powdered sugar 866, egg whites 169, citric acid 0.1 Yield 1000.

Egg whites are poured into a whipping kettle without traces of fat, the machine is turned on at low speed and, while beating, powdered sugar is gradually added, and at the end of beating, citric acid is introduced. Readiness is determined by a stable pattern. Decorate the products with glaze, pipetting it from a pastry bag or paper cornstick.

Custard glaze for decorating products

Granulated sugar 547, powdered sugar 315, egg whites 170, citric acid 0.1, water 248. Yield 1000.

Bring sugar and water to a boil, remove the foam and boil to 114-115 "C (test for a “weak ball”). At the same time, beat the egg whites until a stable foam and until the volume increases 5-6 times. Without stopping whipping, gradually pour in the hot sugar syrup in a thin stream, add powdered sugar and diluted citric acid in parts. The total duration of whipping is 35 minutes. The readiness of the glaze is determined by the pattern on the surface: the pattern should not float.

Decorations made from custard glaze are less shiny than those made from raw glaze, but are more stable during storage.

Chocolate glaze (couvergur). Chocolate icing is used to glaze the surface of cakes. To do this, chocolate is crushed, combined with cocoa butter in a 4:1 ratio, heated in a water bath to 33-34°C and the surface of the products is glazed.

Kandir jewelry

Refined sugar 745, powdered sugar 74, water 224. Yield 1000.

Sugar is combined with water, brought to a boil, the foam is removed and boiled to 110C (test for a “thick thread”). The resulting syrup is cooled to 80°C, rubbed with a spatula, gradually adding powdered sugar. The mass becomes cloudy and acquires the consistency of liquid sour cream. Kandir is used for casting hollow figurines. The best figures are made from refined sugar, weaker ones - from granulated sugar.

For this purpose, plaster molds are used. The halves of the molds are washed, tied together and placed in water for 2-3 hours. The raw mold prevents the syrup from sticking to the walls.

Hot candir is poured into the prepared form through the hole located at the bottom of the figurine, after a few minutes a hard crust forms near the walls. After 10-15 minutes, the uncured candir is poured out and the mold is left for 30 minutes. Then it is untied, the resulting figurine is taken out and dried for at least a day. The figurine can be painted with food coloring or icing.

During the holidays, we suggest that you don’t give up sweets, but cook something extraordinarily wonderful. After all, you don’t have to prepare complex desserts; you can use a proven recipe and pay special attention to decorations. We bring you 19 decorations for sweet dishes.

Chocolate decorations

Chocolate glaze

Decorating profiteroles with chocolate icing

If you have already mastered the recipe chocolate glaze, create elegant jewelry from it. They can be used for cakes, pastries, ice cream, souffles and mousses.

Chocolate icing decorations

Mirror chocolate glaze

Chocolate mirror glaze

Mirror glaze is great for popular mousse cakes. See how it works with mirror glaze pastry chef Anna Aksyonova (@goonie). Don't be confused by the color of the glaze and the decorative element - that was the order. Pay attention to the process itself, how to create an impressive cake decor using simple means.

Strawberries in chocolate

It would seem that there is nothing special about this combination. Well, the berries are, well, sweet. Tasty, of course, but banal, not new... However, for some reason chocolate covered strawberries always disappears from the table (and even from the surface of the cake) first!

Strawberries in chocolate

Candied orange peels in chocolate

Candied fruits themselves are an excellent decoration for sweet dishes. They look like pieces of multi-colored glass, sometimes transparent and sometimes frosted. Candied orange peel Moreover, they are extremely tasty. And if you dip them in chocolate, they turn into an independent treat and, by the way, an excellent edible gift. Of course, we made them larger at once, so that there would be enough for the guests and something to decorate the cake with.

Candied orange peels in chocolate

Fruits and berries painted with chocolate

Jewelry can be formal, but it can also be fun, mischievous and with soul. Especially if you are preparing dessert at home with your children. Teach them to make “funsticks” from parchment and paint fruits with any patterns. And then just look to fruits and berries painted with chocolate, did not disappear immediately. They are so great to decorate with. New Year's log !

Painted fruits and berries

Chocolate with applique

Chocolate jewelry with applique

White chocolate nougat

Chocolate nougat

Chocolate truffles

You don't need to be a great pastry chef to make chocolate truffles Houses. Even chocolate is for them temper you won't have to. It is enough to melt the chocolate in a water bath, mix it with hot cream and, when the mixture has cooled to the desired temperature, stir in the softened butter. Lumps of chocolate ganache are rolled in cocoa - and truffle candy ready. We eat them, give them to friends and work colleagues, and also decorate sweet dishes.

Handmade chocolate truffles

Caramel for decorating desserts

Caramel decor details


Liquid caramel for cake decoration

Liquid caramel as an element of cake decoration

Caramel berries and fruit pieces

It's hard to find a material for decorating desserts that looks better than caramel... but only in the right hands. Making candy nets and sugar flowers requires a lot of experience. But with fruits and berries in caramel everything is much simpler. They still look very impressive.

Fruits and berries in caramel



Sugar glaze for painting details and filling surfaces

Sugar glaze with egg white for painting

Sugar glaze for painting cookies

Sugar icing with butter for filling large surfaces

If you want to work with large shapes and glaze them, use this recipe .

Sugar icing for filling cakes

Gingerbread house painted with sugar icing

Every year in December, all European capitals are lined with Christmas markets. One of the most important and delicious signs of the holiday is delicious gingerbread. This gingerbread house- Moscow variation on a European theme. Here without sugar icing(made from egg whites and powdered sugar) is definitely not enough!

gingerbread house

Cookies and small pastries as elements for decorating desserts

Shortbread cookies of different shapes

This is exactly the case when the duet of orange and cinnamon is a sure hit on target. Present holiday cookies with a bright citrus and spicy aroma. You can put it on the side of a cake covered with fondant, and the baked goods will become even more festive. What if cookies paint it with colored glaze and you will get a masterpiece.

Orange Star Cookies with Cinnamon

Figured oatmeal cookies

New Year's cookies don't have to be ginger or chocolate. If oatmeal cookies make it in the form of a Christmas tree decorated with chocolate drops, it will turn out very festive. These cookies can be used to decorate ice cream or soufflé, combining the delicate consistency of the dessert and the crunch of the baked goods.

Oatmeal cookies

Macaroons - replacement for pasta

Amaretti cookies

Small-piece baked goods Deep-fried mushrooms for decorating cakes

Mushrooms for decorating desserts

Bonus: Snowman cake for small and adult children

Snowman Cake- the most New Year's version of dessert. The cake can also be prepared for Christmas. It's not very difficult to prepare. The main thing is to do this carefully so that the Snowman turns out cute and well-groomed, and not grimy, as he usually is at the end of winter.

Snowman sponge cake

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