How to cook apricot juice in a juicer. The most successful apricot juice recipes. Apricot juice through a juicer without sugar

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In order to prepare apricot juice for the winter at home, you need to know the basic rules of this process.

Apricot is one of the richest in vitamins B and C. This fruit, according to scientists, is considered essential for heart health, which is why it can be consumed in different forms. You can prepare dried fruit, or you can prepare apricot juice with pulp at home. The benefits of this product are undeniable; it contains a whole storehouse of microelements that are so beneficial to health. It is believed that such natural drink digestible easier and faster than fresh fruits.

Rules for making juice

If we talk about preparing a drink for the winter, then you need to know the general rules of canning. First, you need to decide what type of drink will be prepared. You can make juice from apricots with pulp, peeled, or with other fruits.

There are several ways to prepare this drink:

  1. Through a juicer. This method is good because the fruits are processed quickly enough, the pulp passes through the filter. Juicers are used different types, these are hand-held devices, electric or steam.
  2. Through a pressure cooker. The drink obtained using this method will be homogeneous, there will be less pulp in it, but at the same time its useful qualities he doesn't lose.
  3. Manually. In the absence of the necessary equipment, you can extract nectar from fruits ground through a sieve, which are pre-boiled. Previously, apricot juice was prepared in this way.

In order for the product to be stored for a long time, it is boiled; all recipes have their own way of processing the drink. So that they are not lost during the heat treatment useful substances, the drink is not boiled for long.

Canning fruit drinks requires compliance with the rules for sterilizing jars and lids. To do this, they most often use a double boiler or oven, and recently a microwave oven. Before sterilization, containers are thoroughly washed and treated, and it is necessary to prepare clean napkins and the place where the jars will be located in advance. The lids are usually boiled for 5-10 minutes.

According to general cooking rules apricot juice, pour it into jars in a boiling state. After that, the glass containers are rolled up with tin lids, placed upside down in a dark place, while the top of the jars is covered with a warm blanket. After a certain time, the jars are lowered into the cellar for long-term storage.

You can prepare delicious homemade apricot juice using different recipes, but often people want to preserve the drink without sugar, thereby preserving its natural taste and quality. Everyone chooses their own cooking method and recipe according to their own taste.

Apricot juice recipes

The most ancient and tested recipe for more than one generation can be used in our time. You can do your work without additional electrical devices and devices. All you need is an enamel container, a sieve and a colander.

Juice with pulp

To create this drink you need to prepare only 3 ingredients: sugar, water and ripe apricot fruits. A drink brewed according to this recipe will be the most natural and healthy.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. We prepare the fruits, carefully select and wash them. Remove the seeds from them and place the slices in enamel pan.
  2. Add water in such an amount that it only slightly covers the fruit, and put the container on the fire.
  3. Cook until the fruits become soft, periodically removing the foam from the juice.
  4. Place the fruit in a colander and grind it through a sieve into a separate bowl, discarding the peel.
  5. Combine the liquid in which the apricots were cooked with fruit puree and boil again. You don’t need to cook the juice for long, about 10 minutes.
  6. Add sugar to taste and let it boil again.
  7. We preserve the juice in glass jars. It needs to be poured hot into pre-pasteurized containers and immediately rolled up with tin lids.

This is how you prepare apricot juice with pulp for the winter with your own hands without additional equipment. If all the requirements during the preservation process were met, then such a product can be stored for more than one year and will not lose its qualities.

Making juice without sugar

The ingredients you will need are 2 kg of ripe apricot fruits, 5 mint leaves and 1 glass of boiled water.

IN enamel dishes Place the pitted fruits and add water. Boil for about 3 minutes, then add mint leaves. You need to boil the liquid for another 10 minutes, while the fire should be quite low. After which all the liquid along with the fruit is passed through a colander or sieve and allowed to boil again. Hot compote can be poured into jars and covered with lids.

This product has a particularly rich taste and aroma; mint adds a touch of freshness and helps preserve the beneficial properties of the drink.

How to cook in a juicer

The juice cooker is a 3-tier enamel pan with a valve and a straw for draining the juice. One container contains water, the second contains fruit, and the third contains juice itself. It’s quite easy to cook delicious and healthy apricot juice in a juice cooker. The principle of operation of a juicer is very similar to a double boiler; under the influence of steam, the fruit begins to release juice, which collects in the middle compartment.

Recipes for apricot juice for the winter, prepared in a juicer, are very similar. It is enough to stock up on aromatic fruits, water and sugar.

Pour water into the lower compartment of the unit. Peeled fruits are placed in the upper section and sprinkled with sugar to enhance the release of juice. The valve with the straw must be closed so that the juice does not flow out. Cook over low heat for about 45 minutes. Then you can open the valve and drain the liquid into sterile glass jars. Cover the jars with tin lids and leave to cool for a while.

In fact, you can prepare apricot nectar without sugar using a juicer; it will turn out quite soft and tender, as it will be steamed. Some people are happy to combine different fruits, for example, they put black currants and apples in a container with apricots, and add citrus fruits such as lemon and orange. The convenience of this device is that you can do just fine without a juicer. There are different recipes, allowing you to create unusual, tasty and vitamin-rich drinks using this device.

Making juice in a blender

Now it’s worth considering how to prepare apricot juice using a blender. This method is liked by many housewives, as it takes little time and is quite simple to implement.

It is necessary to prepare 3 kg of fruit, 1 liter of water, 200 g of granulated sugar, 0.5 tsp. citric acid. The fruits need to be treated with boiling water and allowed to cool. After which it is quite easy to peel the boiled apricots and remove the seeds.

Peeled fruits are ground into puree using a blender. Add water, sugar, citric acid to this mass and place on low heat.

If the drink turns out to be too thick, you can dilute it with water, but then you need to keep track of how much sugar you need to add in proportion to the liquid.

The resulting mass can be immediately poured into jars and sealed with lids. Many housewives use so-called lids (screws), this is quite convenient and does not require the use of a seaming machine, but they are suitable exclusively for certain jars.

Apricot nectar

Each housewife makes such preparations differently, since taste preferences in families also differ greatly. Some people like clarified and sweeter drinks, others prepare nectars with pulp and a minimum amount of sugar, but everyone, without exception, wants to get the maximum benefit from the juice they drink.

Recipes for preparing fruit nectar with the addition of citrus fruits are very popular, as it will not only be tasty, but also rich in vitamin C. Drinking such a drink in winter is healthy and nutritious, but not many people know how to make apricot juice at home.

To create a vitamin drink you will need: 3 liters of ready-made juice, 1-2 lemons, 100-150 g of sugar and 500 ml of water. If the juice was extracted through a juicer and was not boiled, then the drink must be heat treated. A syrup is prepared from water, sugar and lemon zest. All ingredients are boiled for about 7-10 minutes, after which the liquid is filtered.

The lemon itself is cut into pieces, the juice is squeezed out of it and added to the syrup. Next, the finished juice is combined with sweet syrup, a total of 3 liters of ready-made nectar should be obtained. The liquid is boiled for no more than 5 minutes and poured into glass containers.

Recipes with the addition of citrus fruits are quite varied; many housewives combine the juice with orange, grapefruit and lime. Additional flavor in dishes comes from ingredients such as mint, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, lemon balm, cherries and currants.

Apricot with strawberries

An unusual recipe for creating apricot juice and strawberries. To prepare it, it is best to use a juicer, since both of these fruits are quite capricious, and steam treatment will create a fairly high-quality product.

The process itself is quite simple: fruits are placed one by one in the berry compartment and the resulting nectar is poured into one clean container. The resulting mixture is put on fire and sugar is added to taste. It takes about 10 minutes to cook, after which you can pour it into jars or bottles.

Previously, every housewife rolled up preserved food under metal lids, but now most cooks prefer vacuum jars or bottles with a twist. Such containers can be purchased at hardware stores or ordered online.

A few secrets from experienced chefs

For preservation, it is best to use ripe and unspoiled products; this will help avoid fermentation and extend the shelf life of the finished product.

The largest amount of vitamins and nutrients are stored in juice with pulp, so it is worth giving your preference.

This fruit goes well with citrus fruits, this gives the drink more energy value and taste.

Waste in the form of peel and pulp can be used for cooking sweet filling into pies.

IN general preparation Apricot juice for the winter is necessary and useful; it is introduced into the diet of children and is recommended to be consumed every day by older people. This drink will diversify your winter diet and help the body replenish its vitamin reserves.

How to prepare apricot juice for the whole winter at home - here are some simple and available recipes. By following the tips in the article, the reader will provide his family with a healthy drink.

With the arrival of June, the apricot harvest begins in the southern regions. It's time to make jams and preserves from this sunny berry. But don't forget about beneficial properties apricot juice stored for the winter. With pulp or prepared in a juicer, each drink has a full range of vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Let us examine in detail several options and recipes for homemade apricot juice for the winter.

Rules for making juice

Ways to cook delicious and healthy drink there is a lot for the winter, but the main thing to remember is that he is preparing for his family. You cannot use various chemical additives or flavorings. The natural smell and taste of fruit cannot replace chemical composition.

The simplest procedure for obtaining the drink is to pass apricots through various kitchen appliances. You can quickly get nectar after processing:

  • on a juicer;
  • blender;
  • manual or electric meat grinder.

This drink will contain pulp; to obtain clean, clear juice you will need to use a juicer. There are no specified devices - get delicious juice With pulp you can simply rub the cooked fruit through a sieve. Depending on the taste, you can add sugar or drink completely natural nectar, albeit with sourness. Many housewives use the addition of lemon or apples and various spices when cooking, but this is not for everyone.

Important! Regardless of the technique and recipe, the basic rule does not change - the recipe and manufacturing technology are strictly followed and special attention is paid to sterilization of the container and the tightness of the closed jar or bottle.

The finished product is poured into prepared dry jars or bottles, securely rolled up with lids and stored in a cool place. Sterilization can be carried out using a water bath in the oven or microwave.

How to choose apricots for juice

It's simple - choose only ripe, undamaged fruits without rot or worms. An overripe fruit is difficult to separate from the seed, your hands will quickly become sticky, and your work will not be satisfying. An unripe apricot will have to be opened with effort, and sugar will have to be added to such nectar beyond measure.

In markets they often try to sell large poles under the guise of apricots. Be sure to break the fruit and pay attention to its bone. A natural fruit will have a large pit, and if you break it, the kernel will be tasty, with a slight bitterness. Be sure to pay attention to the color and dryness of the fruit. Dried fruits stored for a long time lose their natural color and juiciness. This fruit can be used for drying, but not for obtaining a healthy drink.

Recipes for making apricot juice at home

Let's look in detail at several ways to make a vitamin drink to boost immunity and fight vitamin deficiency.

Recipe nameProduct SetDescription of the juicing process

Juice with pulp

The easiest way that does not require the use of electricity or kitchen appliances. You just need to prepare an enamel pan and a large sieve. The remaining ingredients are prepared in the following quantities:

· apricots in the required quantity to fill the pan;

· sugar, but you can do without it

The work is divided into several stages:

· Apricots are washed under running water and divided into halves. The seeds can be discarded or the kernels can be used for infusions or when making jam.

· The halves are placed in a container, preferably enameled.

· A pan filled with fruits is filled to the top with water.

· Place the container on the stove and bring to a boil over high heat.

· Remove the foam and cook the fruits until they begin to disintegrate into fibers.

· Using a colander, remove the pulp from the pan and wipe the fruits into a separate container.

· The resulting pulp is combined with the broth and the pan is placed on the fire.

· Bring the juice to a boil and add sugar to taste.

The finished drink is poured into sterilized glass containers and sealed with lids.

Using a juicer

One of the most simple recipes receiving natural juice from apricots for the winter at home. The juicer automatically removes hard fibers and skin from the fruit, leaving only the pulp with a large amount of nectar.

Prepare for 1 serving:

· ripe fruits - 5 kg;

sugar to taste

The fruits are divided into halves, the seeds are removed, the rest of the process is as follows:

· The prepared raw materials are passed through a juicer. It is important to follow the rules for the safe use of electrical appliances with sharp cutting or rotating knives and devices.

· After the first pass of the fruit, the resulting pulp and cake are passed a second time - this is how the nectar is completely collected. The remaining cake can be used to make jam or jam or to make tinctures.

· No water is added to the resulting juice. After pouring it into an enamel pan, place it on the fire and bring to a boil. The foam must be removed.

· The boiling time of the drink determines its thickness. Recommended boiling time is 3 minutes.

· Hot nectar is poured into prepared containers, hermetically sealed and stored in a cellar or basement

Apricot juice in a juicer

This recipe allows you to get pure juice, with virtually no pulp. The nectar in it is initially sweet, so adding sugar may not be necessary

The juicer consists of 3 compartments. Before starting work, pour water into the lower cavity of the device. The upper part is made with holes; processed fruits are placed in it, completely filling the entire space of the compartment. It is recommended to sprinkle a few tablespoons of sugar on top - this will ensure that the fruit releases its juice quickly. The remaining work is performed in the following sequence:

· the juicer is installed on a burner with high heat;

· When heated, water evaporates, steam rises and heats the apricots;

· the fruits are heated for 40-50 minutes, then the clamp is removed from the hose;

· The juice released during heating flows down a special tube with a hose into the prepared container, which is immediately rolled up with lids.

Be sure to monitor the sufficient water level in the lower compartment. After processing of the fruit set is completed, the cake is removed into a separate container for further processing. The required volume of water is added to the lower compartment, and the upper one is filled with prepared raw materials.

How to make using a blender?

It is better to use a submersible type of device. This method produces juice with a small amount of pulp. As an addition, it is recommended to add a little citric acid to the product, which will highlight the main taste and add a little sourness. To prepare 1 serving of juice, prepare:

· 3-4 kg of fruits;

· 1 liter of water;

· up to 200 g of sugar;

· ½ teaspoon lemon

To prepare juice, you will first need to peel the skin from the fruit and remove the seeds:

· wash whole fruits under running water;

· fill a large saucepan in which a colander is placed 2/3 with water and bring it to a boil over high heat;

· fill a colander with fruits, lower it into boiling water for 20-30 seconds;

· Immerse heated apricots in cold water, peel off the skin and remove the pits;

· prepared fruits are loaded into a container and blended to a smooth puree;

· add water, sugar and lemon and place the pan on high heat;

· Bring to a boil and boil for 3-4 minutes.

The finished juice is poured into prepared jars and securely closed with boiled lids

Apple-apricot juice for the winter

You will need:

· 5-6 kg of ripe apples;

· up to 3 kg of apricots;

sugar to taste

The work is performed in the following sequence:

· apples are peeled from skins and seeds with veins;

· use a juicer to squeeze the juice into a separate pan;

· put it on the fire, add sugar and, if necessary, various spices;

Stir well and bring the nectar to a boil;

· after boiling, pour into ready-made bottles and screw on the lids;

· containers are wrapped in a blanket to gradually cool the nectar. Chilled bottles or cans are put on the shelf

Storage Features

There are no special requirements for preserving the finished product. It is better to put it in the basement or cellar, but apricot juice can be stored all winter at home. Pantry shelves or under the window sill in the kitchen, in the kitchen cabinet and in other places - juice made according to the recipe and poured into sterilized containers can be stored in such conditions all winter.

The main thing is not to place containers near heating radiators, stoves and heating devices. Once opened, the juice should be stored in the refrigerator. It is not recommended to roll nectar into 3-liter jars for a small family.

In conclusion, let us summarize and indicate the main points of the article.

The juice is made only from ripe fruits and is closed only in well-sterilized containers with lids boiled in water.

Adding cinnamon or vanilla to the product will help create an attractive aroma and taste. It is not recommended to throw the cake in the trash; it can be used to make sweet pies or marshmallows.

By carrying out simple operations responsibly, every family can provide itself with tasty and healthy apricot juice made at home for the entire winter period.

Apricot is a very healthy fruit. You can eat it fresh, or you can prepare preparations from it. But it is worth remembering that long-term processing can destroy some of the beneficial qualities, but the juice does not take long to prepare, is not boiled and retains nutrients and vitamins. Let's look at apricot juice recipes that are popular.

When the apricot season comes, many housewives want to make preparations for the winter, you can make various jams, but it is undoubtedly worth making freshly squeezed juice of these fruits. It is tasty, has a beautiful orange color and can decorate not only everyday, but also holiday tables.

Required ingredients:

  • Apricots – 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar – 250 grams.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing apricot juice:

  1. Wash the fruits, cut them in half and remove the seeds;
  2. The fruits can be chopped in a blender or left in halves, add a glass of water and simmer over low heat for 3-4 minutes;
  3. The mixture is ready when the fruits are completely cooked or even softened;
  4. Now the mixture needs to be strained, the easiest way to do this is with gauze, it’s quick and convenient, there should be several layers of gauze so that particles of the mixture do not get into the drink;
  5. Chop a few seeds and place the kernels in boiling water for about a minute;
  6. Add sugar and prepared kernels to the resulting mixture;
  7. Keep the mixture on the fire until the first bubbles begin to appear, this means that the drink begins to boil, the sugar should dissolve;
  8. Now you need to extract the kernels from the mixture;
  9. Wash the jars first and pour the hot mixture into them;
  10. Then the jars need to be placed in a large container, filled with water and boiled for about 20 minutes;
  11. When the time is up, turn off the stove and leave the jars in the water until they cool completely.

Apricot juice recipe

The drink made from apricots has some viscosity and a specific taste; for those housewives who do not like this combination, we can recommend this recipe. The taste of fruit in this recipe is complemented by citric acid, which gives the drink an interesting sourness.

Required ingredients:

  • Ripe apricots – 8 kilograms;
  • Citric acid – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Sugar – about 300-400 g;
  • Water – 1 liter.

Preparing apricot juice:

  1. The fruits need to be selected when they are ripe, washed and pitted;
  2. The finished pulp must be crushed and juiced; the easiest way is to use a juicer for this purpose;
  3. Then combine the water with sugar and heat it a little, the main thing is that the sugar dissolves;
  4. The resulting syrup must be mixed with nectar and brought to a boil again, during the cooking process, and this will take 5-7 minutes; it is necessary to regularly remove the foam from the drink;
  5. First you need to prepare the jars, wash them, sterilize them;
  6. The hot mass is poured into jars and covered with lids;
  7. The finished twists should be placed in a warm blanket and left in this form until they cool completely, only then can the twists be removed to a permanent storage location.

Homemade apricot juice

To get wonderful delicious drink You don’t have to buy it at all, you just need to prepare the fruit. For example, everyone is simply strongly recommended to try this recipe and prepare this fruit in the form of juice. This is a tasty and beautiful drink. Moreover, you can prepare it without adding sugar, or you can sweeten it a little, this is taken into account by taste preferences.

Required ingredients:

  • Apricot juice with pulp – 3 liters;
  • Lemons – 1-2 pieces;
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons.

  1. Squeeze juice from lemons, this can be done using a juicer, or manually;
  2. Lemon and apricot juice should be mixed, put on fire and wait until the mixture boils;
  3. If you want, you can add sugar at this stage, but this is not at all necessary, the nectar will turn out beautiful without sugar, especially if you use only ripe fruits of sweet varieties for the recipe;
  4. After the mixture boils, it needs to be heated for about 5 more minutes, it is important to continuously stir the contents of the pan, otherwise the mixture may burn and the workpiece will be spoiled;
  5. While the mixture is hot, it must be immediately poured into jars and closed with lids;
  6. Now all that remains is to turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm blanket and let them cool in this state.

Do-it-yourself apricot juice with pulp

Many people like to drink not clarified drinks, but nectars, they contain pulp, of course, such a drink has a number of advantages and more benefits, since it has a large amount of pulp. It is the pulp that will be present in drinks prepared according to this recipe. If you need to prepare nectar, then in addition to ripe fruits, you can also use unripe ones; this will not harm the nectar.

Required ingredients:

  • Apricots – 5 kg.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. First you need to wash the fruits, cut them into two parts and remove the seeds;
  2. Prepare a large saucepan, add the fruit halves and add water, it is important that the water should be cold, the liquid should cover the pulp by about 2-3 centimeters;
  3. The mixture is brought to a boil and cooked until the fruits are completely softened, the main thing is to ensure that the fruits do not burn; if the fruits are ripe, they will cook quickly enough, but unripe ones will take longer to cook, but do not forget that long cooking times high temperatures can destroy most vitamins;
  4. So, when the pulp is completely ready and falls apart when pressed, you can turn off the heat and let the mixture cool a little;
  5. When the mixture has cooled to a comfortable temperature, put it in small portions into a sieve and begin to grind, after which a small lump of fiber remains, it is put aside, it will be useful later;
  6. The leftovers need to be transferred to a container and filled with water, put the container on the fire and cook for about 5 minutes;
  7. Water with residues also needs to be ground through a sieve;
  8. When there is no more pulp left, you can put the nectar on the stove and cook over low heat for several minutes;
  9. When the nectar is ready, you can add a little sugar to it, but you don’t have to add it, the drink turns out tasty even without sugar;
  10. All that remains is to pour the finished nectar into prepared jars and close the lids.

Apricot juice for the winter

This recipe may appeal to those who do not like too concentrated drinks; it is diluted quite strongly with water, so the taste of apricot is not strongly felt in it. Thanks to water and a small number sugar, the drink turns out light and delicate.

Required ingredients:

  • Ripe apricots – 2 kg.
  • Sugar – 200 gr.
  • Water – 1.5 liters.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Rinse the fruits well, remove the pit;
  2. At this stage, it is necessary to make a puree from the pulp, this can be done using a blender, you can scroll the pulp through a meat grinder, or you can use a juicer, the processing method is not important, the main thing is that the pulp is completely crushed;
  3. Add to the resulting mixture granulated sugar and water, mix the mixture well;
  4. The resulting mass must be put on fire, brought to a boil and cooked for 10 minutes; foam will form during cooking, it must be skimmed off with a spoon, it is of no benefit;
  5. We pre-sterilize the container for the workpieces, and also sterilize the lids;
  6. After heat treatment, pour the mixture into a container and close with lids.

Apricot juice at home

How to prepare a delicious drink in a short time? Undoubtedly, you need to try this recipe, it will take a little time, but you can pamper yourself and your loved ones with this drink for a very long time. You can drink this drink alone, or you can mix it with other ingredients and create interesting cocktails.

Required ingredients:

  • Delicious apricots – 4 kg.
  • Sugar – 1000 grams or less.

Making apricot juice at home:

  1. For this recipe, it is necessary to take ripe, soft fruits; they are the ones that are quite juicy and the nectar from them will be much tastier than if you use unripe, dry pulp;
  2. Wash the fruits and place them in a container; a 5-liter pan is quite suitable for this;
  3. The fruits are filled with water, there should be enough water so that the fruits are completely covered with water, plus 2-3 centimeters on top;
  4. Now you need to boil the fruit for about 5-7 minutes, you don’t have to remove the foam, it will dissolve itself after a while;
  5. When the time is up, you need to remove the fruits from the water using a slotted spoon and leave to cool to room temperature;
  6. After this, you need to peel the fruits, cut them and remove the seeds;
  7. The clean pulp should be transferred to a blender and beat well; the more time the mass is beaten, the more tender the nectar itself will be;
  8. Then put the mixture on the fire and add sugar, less sugar can be added, it depends on the type of fruit and taste, and the consistency of the drink can be diluted with the decoction that remains from preparing the fruit;
  9. The mixture should be cooked for 15-20 minutes, now it is recommended to remove the foam;
  10. When the nectar is prepared, it is poured into jars and covered with lids, the jars are placed in a warm blanket and wrapped;
  11. It is important to store such a product without sudden temperature changes, otherwise the contents of the jars may deteriorate.

Apricot juice has a positive effect on the digestive, excretory, cardiovascular and circulatory systems of the body. This drink can also slow down the aging process. Undoubtedly, drinking such a drink is simply necessary at any time of the year. We have described the most successful apricot juice recipes. Bon appetit!

On the site you will also find a recipe that is rich in vitamins and microelements that are good for our health.

Apricot juice is a drink made from the fruits of the apricot tree. Even in ancient times, the drink was considered a healing agent. Most often it has a significant amount of pulp (see photo). Apricot juice has high acidity, a delicate and pleasant aroma and taste.

How to choose and store correctly?

When choosing apricot juice, pay attention to the consistency of the product; it must have pulp. Look at the ingredients: there should not be any flavorings or flavor enhancers listed there.

After opening the package, apricot juice should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Benefits of apricot juice

The benefits of apricot juice are due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It contains organic substances and fiber, which cleanses the intestines of decay products and harmful substances. Pectin, which is also contained in it, has the ability to remove “bad” cholesterol and excess fluid. When drinking juice, performance increases, memory is strengthened and the entire body is toned. The benefits of the drink have been proven for cardiovascular system, so it strengthens the heart muscle and improves the process of hematopoiesis. It is recommended to drink juice for people with arrhythmia, hypertension and anemia.

At regular use The drink improves metabolism, intestinal function and the condition of the mucous membrane. Since apricot juice contains a large amount of carotene, the process of formation of new cells is activated, and this substance also resists the aging process. Carotene also has a positive effect on vision. Fresh apricot juice acts as an antibiotic, which helps overcome the influence of putrefactive bacteria. It is worth including a drink in your diet during periods of vitamin deficiency, as well as if you have problems with the thyroid gland.

Apricot juice contains quite a lot of phosphorus and magnesium, so it improves brain activity, strengthens blood vessels, giving them elasticity. Juice has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which helps cope with insomnia and stress. You can use the drink for weight loss and arrange fasting days based on it.

Use in cosmetology

Apricot juice, due to its chemical composition, is used in many cosmetology products. It can be used for sunburn. Based on the drink, you can prepare masks for dry, fading and aging skin. Apricot juice acts as a tonic and nourishing agent. It also has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect, which will be an excellent prevention of acne and various types of irritation.

Use in cooking

Apricot juice is not only an excellent stand-alone drink, but also an excellent culinary ingredient for preparing, for example, cocktails. It is also used to make ice cream, jellies, mousses, as well as various creams and baking fillings.

How to do it at home?

To make a drink at home, you need to take ripe, clean and whole fruits, without any damage. The pulp should separate easily from the pit. It is important to remove the stems from the fruits. Take a container, place the prepared fruits in it and add water, calculating that 1 glass of water is needed for 2 kg of apricots. Everything must be brought to a boil and left to cook for 10 minutes. Then the mass must be rubbed through a sieve, sugar added at the rate of 250 g per 1 liter, and boiled for another 10 minutes. After the time has passed, the drink should be poured into clean jars, leaving 1 cm to the top, and sealed.

Harm of apricot juice and contraindications

Apricot juice can be harmful to people who have an individual intolerance to the product.

It is worth considering that the level of sucrose is high, so you should avoid the drink if you have diabetes or problems with the thyroid gland. You should exclude juice from your diet if you have liver problems, for example, hepatitis and various inflammations.

It is worth considering that When making juice at home, you should never use drupes, since they contain a substance that, when entering the body, becomes poison. You should be careful when drinking this drink if you have problems with your heart rhythm.

In order not to harm the body, you need to drink apricot juice correctly. This should not be done on an empty stomach, nor should it be taken with meat and other foods that are difficult to digest.

Fruit juices are one of the most popular preparations for the winter. They are tasty, healthy, quench your thirst well and are refreshing, reminiscent of summer. Apricot juice can be prepared for the winter in different ways. Most often, you can do it even without the help of kitchen appliances. Even a novice housewife can make delicious apricot nectar; you just need to know the technology for preparing this liquid delicacy.

Cooking features

You can prepare apricot juice for the winter even without culinary skills. The process is not entirely simple, but does not require much cooking skill. Knowing a few things will help you get a perfect result without spending much effort.

  • Ripe apricots release juice faster than unripe ones, although both are suitable for making apricot juice.
  • Before preparing juice from apricots, the fruits must be washed, dried, cut in half and the pits removed. If they are difficult to separate, you can use a special spoon.
  • If you need to calculate the weight of pitted apricots, then you need to subtract 10 percent from the weight of whole fruits.
  • The yield of juice depends on the variety of apricots, their degree of ripeness, the presence of pulp in the juice and the method of processing the fruit. From a kilogram of fruit you can get from 0.25 to 0.75 liters of juice, on average 0.5 liters.
  • It is not recommended to use aluminum utensils when preparing apricot juice. This material forms harmful substances when in contact with acids.
  • The juice must be poured into sterilized jars and covered with metal lids to ensure a tight seal. Lids should be boiled before use.

Apricot juice is often made with the addition of citric acid, lemon juice or other fruits. This not only gives the drink the missing sourness, but also improves its preservation.

Classic recipe for apricot juice for the winter

Composition (per 1 l):

  • apricots – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 0.75 l;
  • sugar – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the apricots and dry with a towel. Cut the fruits in half and remove the seeds.
  • Place the apricot halves in a saucepan and pour 0.5 liters of water into it. Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Cool the apricot mass and rub it through a sieve. The skins will not pass through it, so the drink will have a delicate consistency.
  • Pour sugar into the apricot puree and add the remaining water. Boil the drink for 5-10 minutes, removing any foam that appears on the surface.
  • Sterilize the jars and fill them with juice, leaving a short distance to the edges.
  • Roll up the jars with the prepared lids, turn them over and cover with a blanket. Leave to cool as is for additional preservation.

Store apricot juice with pulp prepared according to classic recipe, possible at room temperature.

Simple apricot juice recipe

Composition (per 3 l):

  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • citric acid – 4 g;
  • sugar – 0.3 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Place the pitted apricots in a saucepan. Pour water into it so that its level reaches the middle of the apricot mass.
  • Cook the apricots over low heat until softened, and use a blender to puree them.
  • Add sugar, citric acid and remaining water.
  • Place the pan with the apricot mixture over low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  • Pour the juice into prepared jars, filling them to approximately the shoulders. Seal tightly. Leave to cool upside down in a steam bath.

Juice by this recipe It also turns out with pulp. It has a balanced flavor, nice color and stands well at room temperature.

Apricot juice through a juicer

Composition (per 3 l):

  • apricots – 2-2.5 kg (to obtain 1.5 liters of juice);
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • sugar – 0.2-0.25 kg;
  • lemon (optional) – 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the apricots and pass through a juicer.
  • Dilute apricot juice with water in a 1:1 ratio. Add sugar and juice squeezed from half a lemon.
  • Place the mixture over low heat and boil for 10 minutes. The foam protruding on the surface must be removed at this time so that the juice does not spoil ahead of time.
  • Sterilize jars and matching lids.
  • Fill the jars with juice, seal them, and turn them over. Cover with a blanket and leave under it until cool.

The juice according to this recipe is clear, without pulp. It can be stored in the pantry or any other room where you usually have winter supplies.

Apricot juice through a juicer

Composition (per 0.65-0.75 l):

  • apricots – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 40-60 g;
  • water - in accordance with the technical requirements of the unit.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the apricots by washing, drying and pitting them.
  • Place the fruits in the upper compartment of the juicer, sprinkle them with sugar for better separation of the juice. If you want to give the juice a spicy aroma, you can put a sprig of mint, a vanilla pod or other spices in the same compartment.
  • Pour water into the lower part in the amount recommended by the device manufacturers.
  • Check whether the tube for draining the finished juice is closed.
  • Place the juicer on the stove or plug it into a power outlet if your juicer is electric.
  • Leave for 45-90 minutes. The time depends on the type and power of the juicer.
  • Pour the juice through a straw into a sterilized jar.
  • Seal the container and let cool in a steam bath. The juice obtained using a double boiler does not need additional boiling.

If you want to make a less concentrated drink, you can dilute it with water, add sugar and lemon juice to taste, boil for 10 minutes and only then seal it in jars.

Apricot juice for the winter can be prepared with pulp and transparent. It will taste better if you add a little sugar, lemon juice or citric acid. Regardless of the preparation method, apricot juice stands well at room temperature.

Apricot is not only very tasty, but also very healthy fruit. It contains a lot of valuable substances: carotene, vitamins B1, P, PP, iron, iodine, potassium, pectin, tannins, natural fructose and many others. etc. Apricot juice has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive, circulatory, and excretory systems and slows down the aging process. Today we will look at the benefits of the drink, its recipe and tell you how to prepare it at home.

What are the benefits of apricot juice?

The rich chemical composition of the fruit gives apricot juice powerful healing powers. Organic substances and fiber cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxic substances. Pectin removes excess cholesterol and excess fluid from the body. Tannins improve intestinal microflora. And provitamin A (carotene), which is abundant in apricots, strengthens bone tissue and mucous membranes, participates in the formation of new cells, improves vision and dental condition.

It has been proven that apricot juice prepared at home:

  • Increases physical and mental performance.
  • Improves memory, metabolism and intestinal function.
  • Normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.
  • Relieves symptoms of hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia and anemia.
  • Due to its high carotene content, it slows down the aging process.
  • Acts as an effective natural antibiotic.
  • Helps with vitamin deficiency and thyroid diseases.
  • Tones the entire body.
  • Gives blood vessels elasticity.
  • Fights insomnia, sleep disorders and stress.

Attention! Fresh apricot juice is effective in combating extra pounds. Therefore, it is advisable to include it in diets and drink during fasting days.

Application in cosmetology

Apricot nectar, in addition to its medicinal properties, also has cosmetic functions. It is often included in various face masks and is used as a tonic and moisturizer. Juice-based compresses heal sunburn, heal wounds, eliminate acne and irritation, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Homemade recipe

Wash ripe, intact fruits, dry them, break them into two halves and remove the seeds. Process in a blender until smooth. It is customary to drink apricot juice with pulp, so it is not necessary to filter it. In addition, its pulp contains valuable dietary fiber necessary for the body. You don’t need to add sugar to the drink - it’s already sweet enough. To get apricot nectar without pulp, simply strain it through a sieve or double-folded gauze.

Advice. The seeds can also be used - fry the peeled kernels in a frying pan (without oil) and drink in combination with juice. The drink will take on a completely new sound.

Apricot juice, both with and without pulp, can be stored for the winter. True, in this case it will be less useful, since it will lose some of the valuable substances during processing.

Recipe for the winter

To prepare apricot juice for the winter, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh apricot juice (with pulp) – 3 l;
  • juice of one or two lemons;
  • sugar (optional) – 3 tbsp. spoons.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mix freshly squeezed apricot juice with lemon juice and bring to a boil with added sugar.
  2. Keep on low heat for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. While hot, pour into sterilized jars and close with lids.
  4. The jars should be turned over and covered with a warm blanket until completely cooled.

This recipe is a classic one; instead of apricot juice, you can prepare any other one.

Preparation from apricots is an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency and depression, which are severe in winter. Jars should be stored in a cool, dry place. Before drinking, the concentrated drink can be diluted with boiled water.

How to drink

The recipe we have considered undoubtedly brings great benefits to the body, but excessive use of juice is fraught with unpleasant consequences for health.

Attention! The daily norm of the drink is from 100 to 1000 ml. In this case, the person’s weight and health status should be taken into account.

You should start taking juice with 2-3 tbsp. spoons, gradually increasing the proportions and not forgetting to monitor the body’s reaction. If you prefer freshly squeezed apricot juice, drink it immediately after preparing it. It is not recommended to store nectar in the refrigerator - it will lose all its healing qualities.

Attention! Apricot juice should not be drunk on an empty stomach, nor should it be used in combination with meat and indigestible dishes.

Harm and contraindications

Apricot nectar is prohibited for consumption:

  • at diabetes mellitus, since fruits contain a large amount of sucrose;
  • for problems with the thyroid gland;
  • for liver diseases (especially hepatitis);
  • with individual intolerance.

People with heart rhythm disorders should consume apricot juice with great caution.

Apricot nectar is very useful product, which must be included in your diet. This is a medicine with a triple effect: healing, cosmetic and fat burning.

Hello! Today we will cook according to the recipe of local Greek housewives natural apricot juice “Riko” with pulp, which we are always treated to at the Apricot Festival. This year I didn’t make jam, but made juice. It turned out to be a sunny apricot color, and in winter it will remind us of summer!

The recipe for Rico juice, as it is called here (from the word “verIkoko” - apricot), is very simple and easy. We prepare it from the fruits of the Bebeko variety of apricots, they are very aromatic, and while the outside is greenish, the inside is orange in color.

Apricot juice recipe

We only need two components:

  • apricots, preferably ripe,
  • sugar.

We will measure the quantity by volume, so I don’t write how much of what. Then it will become clear. So, wash our apricots, remove the pit and put them in a saucepan. NO WATER! This is important because we will make concentrated apricot juice.

Preparation of concentrated juice from apricots with pulp

Place the pan on low heat and let the apricots release their juice; they should become soft. There is no need to boil, and stir occasionally so that the fruits do not stick to the bottom. When the apricots give juice and soften, you need to leave them to cool a little.

Measure the puree in volume and take half of this amount of sugar. So remember: proportion 2 to 1! Two parts puree - one part sugar!

Pour the finished puree into a saucepan mixed with sugar and place on fairly high heat. Here you need to be alert and not move away from the pan. Stir constantly while the juice is boiling, and when it boils and foam begins to appear, remove it with a spoon. Continue cooking over medium-high heat until foam stops appearing.

The cooking time from the moment of boiling may take 20 minutes, a little more, a little less.

Fill pre-prepared calcined bottles or jars with juice. I fill it all the way and immediately close the lid. Leave the covered jars and bottles to cool completely.

I’ll say right away that you don’t drink riko in its pure form, but it must be heavily diluted, since it is quite sweet. The proportions are approximately 1 part juice to 4-5 parts water, and if you want it less sweet, you can add more water.

Thus, without any preservatives, our juice can be stored for a long time. But after opening the bottle it is better to keep it in the refrigerator. How nice it will be to take out a bottle in winter and treat yourself to such a tasty and aromatic drink! And in the summer, with ice, riko will be perfectly refreshing!

I think that such juice can be prepared from other fruits in the same way, but I haven’t tried it myself yet.

We do not throw away apricot pits. First, you can make a liqueur. You can use the kernels as nuts. But we collect seeds for our home nursery - we need apricot trees every year.

So, now you know how in Greece they prepare juice from apricots with pulp - if you already have apricots, then try this recipe!

If you have a good harvest of apricots, do not be lazy and prepare them for future use. And we will help you with this and tell you how to make apricot juice at home for the winter.

Apricot juice with pulp for the winter


  • apricots – 10 kg;
  • sugar.


Divide the apricots in half, remove the pits, and place the pulp in a large container. You can use absolutely any apricots - both ripe and slightly green ones will do. So, when all the apricots are peeled, pour in cold water, the level of which will be 2-3 cm above the level of the apricots themselves, and place on the stove. Stir occasionally with a long wooden spoon to ensure nothing sticks. You can safely stir without fear of damaging the halves. Closer to the very moment of boiling, foam will form, which is not at all necessary to remove. So, our apricots have boiled, turn down the heat and boil them for 5-7 minutes. If the apricots are ripe and soft, then the cooking time can generally be reduced to 3-4 minutes. Our main task is to bring the fruit to a soft state in order to simplify the pureeing process. When the specified time has elapsed, turn off the heat and let the mixture cool. Now let's begin the grinding process. To do this, take a colander with not very small holes, collect apricots along with some water, pour them into the colander, and as soon as the water has drained, grind the fruits with your hands. Mix the resulting mass. It turns out quite thick. Pour water into it, bringing the juice and pulp to the desired thickness. Bring it to a boil over high heat. Now add sugar, and if the apricots used were very ripe and sweet, then you can slightly acidify it lemon juice. After boiling, boil the juice for 10 minutes. After that, pour it into hot jars. At the same time, you need to collect the juice so that the pulp is evenly distributed among the jars. Immediately roll up, turn over, cover and leave to cool. It is better to store such apricot juice with pulp in a cool place.

Apple-apricot juice for the winter


  • apples – 5 kg;
  • apricots – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 700 g.


Peel the apples from the core, remove the pits from the apricots. Squeeze the juice out of the fruit. Pour it into a saucepan and put it on fire. Bring to a boil, but do not boil, and immediately turn it off. Next, add sugar, stir, bring the juice to a boil again and immediately pour it into prepared sterile jars. We roll them up, turn them over, wrap them and leave them until they cool completely. And when they have completely cooled down, we put them for storage in a cool place - a cellar or basement.

Apricot juice for the winter - recipe



We pass fresh ripe apricots through a juicer, after removing the seeds from them. Now boil water, pour sugar into it and boil the syrup until it dissolves. Then pour it into the juice and stir. Bring to a boil and remove the foam. Boil for about 5 minutes. Pour apricot juice into prepared jars and seal. Then turn them upside down, cover and leave until cool.

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