How to cook homemade trout soup. Trout soup - recipes with photos. How to cook river or rainbow trout soup in a saucepan and slow cooker Trout fish soup recipe

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In Russia, fish soup is cooked over a fire, but at home you can prepare a very tasty and healthy soup. Trout has fatty and tasty red meat, which contains many healthy amino acids, fats and vitamins. Trout soup can be prepared not only from expensive trout fillets, but also from parts that are unsuitable for other dishes: heads, fins, tails and ridges.

Homemade trout soup

Even an inexperienced housewife can prepare such a tasty and rich soup.


  • trout – 450 gr.;
  • potatoes – 5-6 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • greens – 1 bunch.
  • Salt, spices.

How to prepare:

  1. Place bay leaves and peppercorns into boiling water.
  2. Peel the onion and add the whole one to the pan.
  3. Salt the broth and peel the vegetables.
  4. Cut the potatoes into medium cubes and the carrots into slices.
  5. Add to the pan and cook over low heat for about a quarter of an hour.
  6. When the vegetables are almost ready, add the trout, cut into portions.
  7. A couple of minutes before cooking, add chopped herbs to the pan.
  8. Cover with a lid and let stand for a few minutes.
  9. Pour into plates and invite everyone to the table.

You can serve trout fish soup with soft bread and fresh chopped parsley and dill.

If you bought a large fish, then you can make a rich soup from the head.


  • trout head – 300 gr.;
  • potatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • pepper – 1 pc.;
  • greens – 1 bunch.
  • Salt, spices.

How to prepare:

  1. Take a saucepan filled three-quarters full with water.
  2. Bring to a boil, add salt. Add the peeled onion, bay leaf and peppercorns.
  3. The gills need to be removed from the head, washed and placed in a pan.
  4. Cook over low heat for about half an hour.
  5. Remove the fish head and strain the broth.
  6. Peel the vegetables, cut the potatoes and peppers into strips, and the carrots into rings.
  7. Add to fish broth and cook until soft. If available, add small pieces of trout fillet.
  8. A few minutes before readiness, add finely chopped dill.
  9. Let it brew a little and serve.

Before serving, you can add some fresh herbs to the plates.

To cook on a budget and very delicious soup, you can buy not trout fillets, but several tails.


  • trout tail – 300 gr.;
  • potatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • greens – 1 bunch.
  • salt, spices.

How to prepare:

  1. The tails need to be washed and placed in boiling salted water.
  2. Peel the onion and chop into cubes.
  3. Grate the carrots.
  4. Fry on butter onions until translucent and then add carrots to the pan.
  5. Cut the tomato into thin slices and add it to the frying at the very last moment.
  6. Peel the potatoes and cut into strips.
  7. Remove the tails to a plate and strain the broth.
  8. Add bay leaves and peppercorns to the broth.
  9. Add potatoes and cook until soft.
  10. Remove the pieces of meat from the tails and add them to the pan.
  11. A few minutes before cooking, add vegetables and finely chopped dill to the pan.
  12. Let it sit under the lid and call everyone to the table.


  • trout fillet – 450 gr.;
  • potatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • greens – 1 bunch.
  • salt, spices.

How to prepare:

  1. Cut the fish into portions and place in boiling water.
  2. Season with salt, add a bay leaf, peppercorns and a couple of clove buds.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into arbitrary, not too small pieces.
  4. Fry the onion in butter.
  5. Peel the potatoes and cut them into large cubes.
  6. Remove the fish from the pan and strain the broth.
  7. Send the potatoes to boil and sort out the fish.
  8. Add the skinned and boned trout pieces to the pan.
  9. Add the onion and cook for a few more minutes.
  10. Pour in the cream, add salt if necessary and cover with a lid.
  11. Let sit while finely chop the parsley.

When serving, add a handful of herbs and try the fish soup with its soft, creamy taste.

In addition to the main ingredients, various cereals are often added to the fish soup.


  • trout – 450 gr.;
  • potatoes – 5-6 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • rice – 100 gr.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt, spices.

How to prepare:

  1. Boil water, rinse the rice and place it in a saucepan.
  2. The potatoes need to be peeled, cut into cubes and added to the rice.
  3. Cut the peeled carrots into cubes and add to the pan.
  4. Chop the onion and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Add bay leaf and peppercorns.
  6. Wash the fish, cut into large cubes, removing the skin and bones.
  7. Place in a saucepan and cook until done.
  8. Whisk the chicken egg in a cup and pour into the saucepan.
  9. Bring the soup to a boil, cover and remove from heat.

Let the ear stand for a while and call everyone to dinner.

Trout soup with pearl barley

Very satisfying and delicious dish can be cooked with pearl barley.


  • trout – 450 gr.;
  • potatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • pearl barley – 1-3 cups;
  • greens – 2-3 sprigs;
  • salt, spices.

How to prepare:

  1. For this recipe, you first cook the broth from the trout trimmings.
  2. Place the fins, spine and head into boiling water.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, remove the fish and strain the broth.
  4. Add pepper and bay leaf to the boiling broth. You can add a sprig of parsley.
  5. Rinse the pearl barley and add it to the broth.
  6. Cut the onion into small pieces and the carrot into strips or grate.
  7. Fry them until golden brown in vegetable oil.
  8. Peel the potatoes and cut into large cubes.
  9. Add potatoes to the pan, and a little later the fried carrots and onions.
  10. Add pieces of trout fillet, peeled and pitted, to the rest of the ingredients.
  11. Just before cooking, add chopped herbs to the pan.

Fish soup from the head and tail of trout is a very tasty, aromatic, healthy and rich soup that will become a worthy part of any table. The dish turns out special if you prepare it from fresh fish directly on the shore of a reservoir. To prepare you will need small quantity time, simple ingredients and minimal culinary skills.

The first step is to ensure that there are stocks of both the main and auxiliary components. The main place, of course, is reserved for trout.

The step-by-step recipe for trout head soup can be described as follows:

A number of housewives in the process of cutting trout prefer to get rid of heads, tails and fins, not even knowing how tasty the first course can be from them. For preparation you will need:

Pour at least two liters of water into the pan and bring to a boil. The potatoes are peeled, washed, cut into cubes approximately 1 cm thick. The pepper is cut, peeled and cut into strips. The onion is peeled and finely chopped.

Place the peeled vegetables in a saucepan, salt and pepper. At this stage, add allspice to the broth. Vegetables should be cooked until tender. During their cooking, prepare the heads and tails, clean them, and wash them under a weak stream of running water. The cleaned parts of the fish are added to the vegetables and oil is added.

While the fish is boiling, the carrots are peeled and grated on a fine grater. Dill is chopped and added to the dish, cooked for another 15 minutes. The soup should sit for at least 10 minutes.

Classic version

There are various recipes that give you the opportunity to try something new every time and enjoy a pleasant taste. Classic recipe trout fish soup contains the following ingredients:

The broth is made from heads and tails with the addition of bay leaf and peppercorns; a whole onion with carrots is also placed in the bowl. The fish is cleaned of skin and bones, the broth is filtered, brought to a boil again, chopped potatoes are added, the remains of carrots and onions, peeled fish meat and fresh herbs are chopped. Keep on medium heat for 15 minutes. Using the same recipe, you can cook river trout fish soup.

Original recipes

Fish soup from trout head - tender, rich, with medium fat content. Its wonderful taste will not leave any lover of fish delicacies indifferent.

Rice lovers can prepare an excellent first course based on it. In addition to the above products, you will also need:

  • at least 100 g of rice;
  • chicken egg.

Rice cereals are washed well and placed in boiling water. The carrots are cut into thick strips, the onions into small cubes. A little later, chopped potatoes are added to the boiling water.

The fish is divided into small pieces. After about 15 minutes from the start of cooking, put the slices, bay leaf into the pan, season with salt and pepper. Cook until done. The egg is broken and beaten until foam appears, it is poured into the dish and cooked over low heat for no more than three minutes. Turn off the stove and let it brew for 30-45 minutes.

Cereals are added to fish soups to give dishes additional thickness. After reading the recipe for trout fish soup with millet, you can prepare a delicious hot dish at home in just 40 minutes. Additional products you can't do without:

  • ½ cup millet;
  • fresh tomato or a few tablespoons of tomato paste.

It should be noted that if you use cereal, then add less potatoes to the dish. The carrots are cut into half rings and sautéed in oil for 6-8 minutes. Then add onion to it, fry for another 5 minutes, then season with tomatoes or pasta.

The millet is washed and poured with enough boiling water to remove the bitterness, added to the broth and boiled for 20 minutes. The fish is returned to the broth. Season the dish 5 minutes before the end of cooking and leave to steep for another 10 minutes.

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Let the finished soup cool slightly and serve.

A recipe for rainbow trout fish soup with photos can be found on the Internet. The soup looks beautiful, bright and very appetizing.

As you can already understand, the recipe for rainbow trout fish soup It’s quite simple, but the dish turns out very tasty and appetizing. The main benefit of fish soup is that the main component is fish, which is a source of vitamins and nutrients.

In fact, rainbow trout is a popular member of the salmon family. The fish has a beautiful color, which is why it got its name. From river fish Rainbow trout are distinctive in that they have a longer body and bright stripes. During spawning, the color of the trout's scarlet stripe changes to purple or red. It is noted that this type of fish is not so high in calories, so it can be safely consumed if you are watching your figure. Rainbow trout contains a huge amount of protein, which is also easily absorbed by the body. Fish also contains omega-3 acids, vitamins A, E, D. It is noteworthy that it contains potassium, selenium, zinc, iron, sodium and phosphorus. If you eat trout as often as possible, there is a chance that you will be able to lower cholesterol levels and strengthen blood vessels. Trout helps improve memory and helps avoid aging.

Rainbow trout has recently begun to be used quite often in cooking. It is a universal fish that can be used to prepare soups and main courses. The meat does not contain small bones, so the fish can be cooked whole and eaten without fear that small bones will cause any discomfort. The good thing about trout is that it can be cooked. in different ways. You can bake it, fry it, boil it, grill it, steam it, or use it as the main component in making fish soup. Rainbow trout can also be salted, pickled and canned.

Not many people know that trout is also quite often used as an ingredient in salads, appetizers and even baked goods.

It’s not enough to just prepare a trout dish; you must first choose the fish. First of all, pay attention to the gills - they should have a bright burgundy hue. If they are pale, pinkish or gray, then the trout has been lying on the counter for a long time and is not worth taking. The color of a fish's eyes plays an important role. They should be transparent, not cloudy. Fish should have a fishy smell if it has a pronounced bad smell, then it is spoiled. These tips can be used when choosing any other fish.

If you purchased frozen trout, leave it to thaw in cold running water. This is how the fish will regain the freshness lost during the freezing process. Trout fillets can be separated easily if you use a little trick - lightly beat the fish with the flat side of a knife blade. Run your finger along the ridge, pressing lightly on it. Then grab the “skeleton” of the bones, carefully peeling them away from the flesh.

Rainbow trout is truly healthy and very delicious fish. If you include it in your diet, you will protect yourself from many diseases. Omega-3 will not allow “toxins” to accumulate in the body, which over time lead to stress. Trout also contains phosphorus, which is responsible for normal brain activity. In general, rainbow trout, like any other fish, is very healthy and should be consumed as often as possible.

One of delicious options trout dishes - this is fish soup. The aromatic and aesthetically beautiful red fish soup will not leave fish lovers indifferent. This dish is quite simple to prepare.

In order for you to succeed in trout soup the first time, the recipe recommends cooking the soup with the first broth and from uncut fish: the skin of this dietary fish will make the dish rich, and the bones will separate and settle to the bottom.

Classic trout soup

Classic fish soup is prepared from the following products:

  • trout carcass without head;
  • millet cereal;
  • carrot;
  • potato;
  • green;
  • spices;
  • salt.

Cooking begins with preparing the fish, it needs to be washed, peeled and separated from the head, fins, tail, and cut into portions. Water is poured into a four-liter saucepan or cauldron and brought to a boil. Then add 6 - 8 pieces of trout and a whole onion with a bay leaf.

In the broth, which is cooked for about 10 minutes over low heat, add potatoes (400 g) cut into large cubes and well-washed millet (120 g).

After 10 minutes, fill the fish soup with finely chopped onions and carrots, cut into shaped stars or cubes (1 vegetable each).

After 5 minutes, add salt, pepper and ground coriander, a few black peppercorns and peas. Greens, parsley and dill are added 2 minutes before removing the fish soup from the heat. There is another secret to making trout fish soup: the recipe in classic version does not include adding vodka or coal from the fire, as for white fish soup.

Finnish trout fish soup

Options for trout fish soup may differ in grain, parts of fish used and filling with vegetables. Fishermen make trout soup over a fire in a cauldron; the head and tail are always used.

Whole fish soup

The composition of products for Finnish trout fish soup per 5 liters of water is as follows:

  • large trout whole 600 g;
  • pearl barley or millet groats ½ cup;
  • cream 20% fat 250 ml;
  • potato;
  • onions and leeks, in equal proportions, 300 g each;
  • spices;
  • salt;
  • greens: white peppercorns, black pepper, coriander, basil, thyme sprig, parsley.

Initially, the head and tail of the fish should be thoroughly scalded with boiling water and cleaned with a knife. Cut out the gills from the head and remove the eyes. Meat from the cervical region and cheeks on the head of a trout has gelling properties and gives a good fat.

Cut the head of a large trout into 2 parts, divide the carcass into portions and place into boiling water together with the tail. Immediately add the chopped potatoes, onions and add the washed cereal. If pearl barley is used, it is pre-soaked for 30 minutes in water with a pinch of soda to quickly soften it.

Bring the fish soup to a boil and cook over low heat for 15 minutes until the potatoes are ready. Then cream is poured in and spices and salt are added. After 3 minutes, remove from heat. Finnish fish soup is good on the second day, when it has steeped well. But if the smell does not allow you to wait patiently, 30 minutes after removing from the heat, you can savor this masterpiece by sprinkling your fish soup with herbs.

Ear out of my head

Trout head fish soup is also common in Russian cuisine. The head of a large trout, cleared of eyes and gills, produces a good rich broth, which is even used for jellied fish. Since there is less meat in this type of trout head soup than in soups made from a whole carcass, the broth is filled with a large amount of vegetables.

After bringing to a boil, it is recommended to drain the first broth with a trout head. The onion, cut into half rings, is fried at the bottom of the pan in oil, then the scalded fish head is placed, chopped garlic, potatoes and carrots are added in large quantities. Cereals are not used. All this is filled with water and brought to a boil.

After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the soup for 30 minutes at low temperature. Remove the head from the finished fish soup and cut it on a separate plate. The prepared broth with vegetables can be eaten in liquid form or pureed in a blender, add pieces of fish from the head and sprinkle with herbs.

Step 1: Clean and prepare the fish.

To prepare trout fish soup, you can use either fresh or frozen fish. If you use the second option, then you must first defrost it, then clean it and rinse it thoroughly. If you want to cook broth from fresh fish, then you must first of all clean it properly. At the very beginning, the trout is cleaned of scales using a kitchen knife. Next, we cut off the head and very carefully rip open the belly. We take out the giblets and gills. After this, the fish is thoroughly washed in running water. Cut it into several pieces and put it in a pan with water, along with the fish head. Place the pan on medium heat and cook for 20 minutes.

Step 2: Cook the fish soup.

After the fish broth is ready, you need to remove the trout pieces into a bowl with a slotted spoon, and strain the liquid itself through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. After which we put the fish broth back on the fire. Potatoes and carrots need to be peeled and cut into cubes and circles, respectively. Place chopped vegetables into boiling broth and kiss purified onion. Cook the mixture until the ingredients become soft.

Step 3: Serve trout soup.

Boiled trout meat must be divided into small parts, removing all the bones from it. When the vegetables are cooked in the broth, add the fish to the pan. You also need to add washed bay leaves, salt and pepper the soup to taste. Finely chop the greens and pour them into the pan. Cover the ear with a lid and cook it like this for 2-3 minutes. Then turn off the fire and leave the dish for about 30 minutes. Fish soup can be served. Most often, the soup is eaten with sour cream or mustard. Bon appetit!

In order to prepare such fish soup, it is not necessary to use all the fish. The dish can be prepared from the tail, fins and head. Thus, from the leftover trout, which you often throw away, you can prepare an appetizing and rich soup.

To make the first dish more satisfying, you can add a little rice or wheat cereal. This will not change the taste, but the fish soup will be easier to satisfy.

To saturate the taste of trout fish soup, you can add a few peeled tomatoes. To do this, just scald them with boiling water. Add the tomatoes whole to the boiling broth without cutting them.

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