How to make a football goal for a cake. Football field cake with ball. Preparing two cakes

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For the cream under the mastic:

  • 350 g butter
  • 350 g condensed milk

For mastic:

  • 700 g chewy marshmallows
  • 100 g butter
  • 1200 g finely ground powdered sugar

Food dyes:

  • brown
  • black color
  • Green colour

DIY football field cake with a ball made of mastic - master class with photos step by step:

Preparing the cakes:

Separate the white from the yolk.

Protein should only be in clean and dry containers.

Beat the egg whites at low speed with a mixer.

Gradually increase the speed on the mixer and add sugar in small portions, beat until stiff peaks form.

Add the yolks one at a time and mix well.

Sift flour into egg mixture. Set the mixer aside and take a plastic spatula or wooden spatula.

Knead the dough and pour into a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Level the dough and place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 170 degrees for 20 minutes.

Remove the biscuit from the oven and remove the baking paper from the biscuit.

We bake two more cakes in the same way. Always remember that the container in which you need to beat the dough must be clean and dry.
The first tier will be oval. Cut out a template from paper and cut out a biscuit using it.

Cut out two oval cake layers.

And cut out two rectangular cake layers.

Place the oval cake on the baking sheet. Soak the cake with peach syrup.

Whip the cream with sugar and cover the soaked cake.

Cut the peaches into thin slices and place them on top of the cream.

Cover the top with the second cake layer. Soak the cake with peach syrup. We put it in the refrigerator.

Now saturate the rectangular cake layer.

Top with whipped cream.

Cut the bananas into slices and place them on top of the cream.

Cover with the second cake layer and also place in the refrigerator.
Soften the butter and beat with a mixer with condensed milk.

Cover the oval cake butter cream, align the sides.

We also line the rectangular cake with buttercream.

Decorate the “Football Field” cake with fondant:

Chewy marshmallows and butter microwave for 30 seconds, add coloring, mix, add little by little powdered sugar.

Roll out the brown mastic.

Cover the oval cake with brown fondant and trim off the excess.

Mix the remaining colors of the mastic.
Roll out the green mastic and cover the rectangular cake. Place it on top of the center of the oval cake layer.

Use a plunger to cut out green and brown flowers, cut them in half to make grass. This is where your family can come to your aid. I made my brother cut out flowers for me. He helped me a lot, while he was cutting out, I was gluing the flowers onto the cake.
Gluing the elements is very simple, take a brush, smear the grass with plain water and glue it to the right place.

Cut out a rectangle from white mastic.

Glue the rectangle.

Cut out the gate and strip in the center.

I cut out letters from white fondant.

We spin a small soccer ball and glue it to the center of the field. I brushed the whole cake to give it shine.

This is how the “Football Field” cake with a mastic ball turned out. The customers liked it, they were just worried that it was too heavy and that they wouldn’t have time to eat it. But there was no need to worry, they ate it very quickly.

We pack the cake in transparent film.

Photo recipe for the “Football Field” cake made from mastic, half prepared by: Alena Glazkova.

For avid football fans, there is no better gift than a cake in the shape of a football field with a ball on top. Original cake“Football” is suitable for congratulating boys and men; it can be presented on or on February 23. This cake is made from chocolate impregnation, the inside is sandwiched quite densely, it turns out fluffy and juicy, and, of course, very bright and beautiful.

First, you will need a rectangular cake made from sponge cake layers and buttercream for the “football field”. Secondly, you will need another round cake to create the “ball”. In addition to these two ingredients, you will need:

  • mastic in several shades - black, white, green (it is optimal to use liquid gel dyes, they color the mastic more intensely);
  • special edible paper, lined to look like a football field; it’s a little more difficult to make from mastic, but you can try;
  • scalpel and stacks for working with mastic;
  • iron;
  • rolling pin;
  • silicone mat;
  • powdered sugar or starch for rolling out mastic;
  • two substrates;
  • scissors.

If you create an inscription on the cake, as in our master class, then you will need a thick one from a syringe with a nozzle.

Preparing two cakes

We will make a “football field” from a rectangular sponge cake measuring approximately 35 by 20 centimeters, but you can vary the size as you wish. So:

  • bake one sponge cake;
  • cool it and cut it in half;
  • now soak both halves of the cake with chocolate syrup, as shown in the master class;
  • prepare a thick cream or butter cream with condensed milk, first sandwich the cakes between each other, keep them in the refrigerator for a while so that they stick together properly;
  • after that, take out the workpiece, use a long sharp knife to cut off the side uneven parts along the entire perimeter of the cake;
  • Having leveled the football field, you can start grouting: mix the remaining butter cream with crumbs, which you make from dough scraps, completely coat the cake with this mixture or just cream, level it with a wide knife, put the cake in the refrigerator to harden.

Our “football field” is completely ready for further decoration, now you can start preparing the base for the ball cake:

  • prepare two semicircular iron molds, you can use ordinary bowls, grease them with oil and dust them with a little flour;
  • prepare biscuit dough, you can leave it white or make it chocolate using cocoa powder, like in our master class;

  • divide the resulting dough in half, pour into molds, bake two halves of the “ball”;
  • after the dough has cooled completely, cut off a little from the bottom of one half (it will be the bottom) so that the ball becomes stable;
  • now grease the halves in the center with butter cream, press with your hands;
  • coat the entire “ball” with the same cream and put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes.

You have 2 blanks, the first one we will decorate the cake in the shape of a football field, at this time the blank in the form of a ball should be stored in the refrigerator.

Prepare mastic - here you can use absolutely any mastic, you don’t have to do any modeling, all the corners in our cake are smooth, so both gelatin and regular milk will do. For a cake in the shape of a football field you will only need green fondant, you will need it the most in volume; for the ball you will need two identical pieces of white and black fondant. Make it in advance, pack it tightly in plastic so that the mass does not air out.

Making a football field

We will make the football field as follows:

  1. Roll out the mastic well on the table, pour gel dye into it drop by drop until the mass becomes an intense green color, reminiscent of the surface of a real football field.
  2. Transfer the cake to a special base and align it in the center.

  1. Roll out a sheet of green mastic on the table and add powdered sugar or starch if necessary.
  2. We wind the layer onto a rolling pin, carefully transfer it to the field, use an iron to release air bubbles, cut off the excess mastic at the base with a special scalpel or scissors, press the edges tightly, and wrap them under the bottom of the product.

  1. Now we need special edible paper that imitates the pattern on a football field. This decor can be purchased in specialized confectionery stores. To glue it to the surface using mastic, you need to lubricate the back side of the design with a special gel or syrup, release air to the edges with your hands or a sponge.
  2. After this, finally level the entire structure-field with an iron.
  3. You can place gates along the edges of the cake; they can be made in advance from white mastic; do not forget to grease them with cream or special gel at the base so that the gates do not fall.

Now you can start decorating the ball; it will only take a few minutes, especially if you make preparations for it in advance:

  1. Remove the prepared round cake from the refrigerator.

  1. Roll out a large sheet of white mastic and cut out a small hexagon from cardboard. Using this stencil we will cut out pieces to create the lining of the ball. The smaller the ball, the smaller the size of the hexagon blank will be.
  2. Applying stencils of white mastic, we cut out several blanks, the number of them depends on the diameter of your sword, it is difficult to calculate, so it is better to make a reserve.

  1. We paint the second part of the mastic with black dye, roll out the layer in the same way and cut out black blanks.
  2. Now we glue alternately white and black hexagons onto the round cake to get the characteristic colors of a real soccer ball. Do not forget to coat the back side of each hexagon blank with gel, but if the cream has not yet dried, you can immediately glue the blanks onto the surface of the round cake.

All that remains for us is to place the round ball on the field, having previously lubricated the joint with cream. Additionally, you can decorate the cake with figurines of football players made of mastic, make a congratulatory inscription using cream and a pastry syringe with a thin nozzle, and also make a few more small mastic balls and place them around the edges of the large cake. For especially avid birthday fans, you can make characteristic attributes of your favorite team - write the name using cream, create an emblem of a football club.

Bake a “Football Field” cake for a birthday for a boy, husband, boyfriend. You can reward the winners of the competition with such a sweet gift, enough for the whole team. Create this cooking masterpiece quite simple. First, the dough base is baked. Then it is decorated with cream. Gates and field markings are made using white chocolate, and the figures of football players and the ball are made of sweet mastic.

Ingredients for butter sponge cake

It is best to bake the “Football Field” cake on a sponge cake base, make it buttery. The dessert will turn out to be quite high in calories, but very tasty. If you want the “Football Field” cake to be large and have enough for everyone, take the ingredients in the following quantities:

2 cups of flour;

1.5 cups sugar;

300 g butter;

A pinch of salt.

How to make the dough?

The oil should be room temperature. Therefore, if it is in the refrigerator, take it out first so that it warms up and becomes more pliable. Beat the softened butter, gradually adding half the sugar to it.

Separate the whites from the yolks and put them in the refrigerator for now. Pour the second part of the sugar into the yolks. Beat until the mass increases in volume. Now gradually add the yolk component to the oil component, beat this dough base with a mixer. It should work out light curvy weight.

Attach the dough hook to the mixer. Pour 1.5 cups of flour into the yolk-butter mixture, mix until smooth using attachments.

Remove the egg whites from the refrigerator, add a pinch of salt, and beat until a thick foam forms. Add half of the whites into the dough and mix gently. Add the remaining amount of flour, whites and mix everything carefully again so that the airy dough does not fall off.

This is how easy it is to prepare the base to bake a Football Field cake. The master class continues with a story about the intricacies of baking.

Dough in the oven

Tear off the next piece of mastic, drop black dye on it, mix, roll out. Cut it into five small 6-sided shapes. Glue them to the surface of the ball with water. Then you will have a real “Football Field” cake with a ball.

Making players from mastic is also easy. First, sculpt their figures. By adding red, blue or other dye to different pieces of mastic, make clothes, facial features, and shoes of football players. Place the finished figures, the ball on the field, they should dry for 15-24 hours. Then the mastic cake will be almost ready, the football field will be decorated with ball players.


For complete authenticity of the culinary picture, all that remains is to make a gate. The mesh and base are made of white chocolate. Melt 2 100 g tiles in a water bath, pour the mixture into a pastry bag.

Draw 4 blanks on cardboard - the top, two side parts and the back side of the gate. Place the cut out templates in a transparent file and grease its surface olive oil. Using the thin hole of a syringe, apply a grid pattern onto the cardboard bases. Let the chocolate harden well, then separate the file from the header. Connect them together using melted white chocolate. Put the goal in its place - the cake with a football field is ready.

For the biscuit:
Eggs: 9 pieces
Flour: 2 cups
Granulated sugar: 200 grams
Butter: 300 grams
Salt to taste
Jam - 100 grams

Butter 600 grams
Condensed milk - 1 can

1. Break the eggs and beat with a mixer with granulated sugar
2. Melt the butter, add to the eggs and stir
3. While stirring, add flour and salt to taste
4. Place the dough in a baking dish and bake at 180 degrees until done.
5. Let the cake cool a little and cut it lengthwise into 2 parts

6. Brush the crust with jam.

7. Prepare the cream: beat the melted butter with condensed milk

8. Separate a third of the cream and place on the cake

9. Place the second cake layer on top

10. Take a knife and cut off the edges of the entire cake.

11. Brush the entire cake and edges with the remaining cream.

12. Take mastic and a large cutting board. Dust the board with flour and roll out the paste with a rolling pin. The mastic should be slightly larger than the cake.

13. Carefully transfer the fondant onto the cake.

14. Use your hands to press the mastic into the corners.

15. Cut off excess mastic with a knife

16. Take a drawing of a football field and place it on the cake. Press with your hands. To make it hold better, you can wet the mastic a little. If you don’t have a ready-made drawing, you can draw it with a pastry syringe.


Bake rectangular sponge cakes according to any recipe, choosing the flavoring and filling to your liking (this could be cinnamon, saffron, vanilla, nuts, citruses, candied fruits, etc.).

Align the cakes if they are not the same size and cut lengthwise into several layers (depending on the thickness of the cakes). If desired, the corners of the cakes can be slightly rounded.

Lightly soak the cakes with syrup.

Prepare any cream for layering the cakes. It is desirable that it be thick and viscous.

Assemble the cake, spreading the cakes with cream and stacking them on top of each other. In addition to the cream, you can use finely chopped fruits or chopped nuts, but make sure that they do not stick out from the sides and affect the shape of the cake.

Once assembled, carefully coat the entire cake with a thick, smooth layer of white frosting (no fillers), lining the sides.

Place the cake in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours so that the cream thickens well.

Roll out green mastic into a large thin layer, matching it with the size of your cake.

Carefully transfer the fondant onto the cooled cake, spreading it out so that it covers it completely. Cut off the excess and glue the joints with water.

Roll out the mastic white and cut it into thin strips that will be needed to mark the field. To ensure that the stripes are even, mark the desired lines on the cake with a toothpick or stack, and then stick on the strips of white fondant.

Install ready-made gates. They can be made first from icing and dried, or from white chocolate (freeze individual parts and then seal with melted chocolate).

If desired, the cake can be decorated with balls made from small pieces of sponge cake also covered with fondant, player figures and other football-related items.

Inscriptions on the cake can be applied using an edible felt-tip pen, or letters and numbers can be cut out from confectionery mastic.

Design options for “Football Field” cakes

We invite you to our selections:
