How to make vanilla at home. What is vanilla sugar? How to add vanilla sugar to a finished dish or dough

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From this article you can learn how to make your own vanilla bun from hair of different lengths. Features and recommendations for creating this hairstyle.

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Every day, such a subculture as vanillas - teenage girls who differ from their peers in their vulnerability, tenderness, sophistication and romance - is becoming increasingly popular. To emphasize your lightness and sensuality, you can make an interesting, stylish, but at the same time very simple hairstyle, which can also be called a “vanilla bun.” This hairstyle can be done in several ways and for different hair lengths.

Features of the vanilla bun hairstyle

At its core, this hairstyle has practically nothing special, but there are several nuances of its execution that every girl who wants to make a vanilla bun should know in order to emphasize her sophistication and tenderness:
  1. High buns are ideal for girls with the right face shape and a beautiful long neck. This styling will emphasize natural beauty, aristocracy and femininity.
  2. If your neck is not very long, you should not choose high buns. But in this case, the bun is tied at the top of the head.
  3. It is not recommended to make vanilla buns with backcombing for short girls, otherwise they will ruin your image and make your appearance rough. Neat and tight buns are an excellent choice.
  4. High vanilla buns are not suitable for girls with wide cheekbones and rough features. In this case, it is better to do the styling slightly below the level of the crown.
It's not enough to know step by step instructions and the nuances of creating a vanilla bun, which were described above. Professional hair stylists advise following a few simple rules:
  1. It is necessary to constantly ensure that your hair is well-groomed and clean, otherwise the styling will look very ugly and others will get the impression that your head is dirty.
  2. To prevent hair from falling out of your hairstyle, you need to apply a small amount of hairspray, but it is not recommended to lubricate the strands with mousse or gel, otherwise they will become heavy and the hairstyle will not look slightly careless, as it should be.
  3. Hair must be completely dry before styling. If you start styling wet strands, you won't get a vanilla bun.
This hairstyle is very easy to create and many girls do it every day, just getting out of bed, practically without combing, tying up their hair with an elastic band. But styling doesn't always turn out the way you expected.

Vanilla bun on short hair step by step

A beautiful vanilla bun can be achieved even on short hair, but in this case you will need to take a large elastic band and follow the following procedure:
  1. Comb your hair thoroughly and backcomb it a little at the roots to give your hair extra volume.
  2. The hair is collected in a ponytail, which is located strictly at the back of the head. If your hair is falling apart a lot and doesn't stay in a ponytail, use styling spray.
  3. A large elastic band is put on the tail so that it is strictly in the center.
  4. Carefully separate a small strand from the tail and bend it over the elastic.
  5. Secure the strand on the outside of the elastic with a bobby pin.
  6. Perform this procedure with all strands one by one.
  7. Pull the bun at the base of the ponytail, but do it very carefully as the ponytail may fall apart.
If you want to make a vanilla bun for short hair, be sure to use a large number of bobby pins, but you need to match them to the color of your hair so that they remain invisible.

Vanilla bun on medium and long hair

If you have hair of medium length or below the shoulder blades, then creating a vanilla bun will not cause any difficulties. In this case, just follow these recommendations:
  1. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  2. If your hair is unruly and constantly tangled, additionally use a special product.
  3. Pull your hair into a ponytail at the back of your head.
  4. Don't pull the ponytail too tight, as it should look a little sloppy. This is the most important rule that must be followed when creating a hairstyle.
  5. The hair is twisted into a plait and wrapped around an elastic band.
  6. Hide the end of the tourniquet under the elastic band so that it is not visible.
  7. Lightly spray your hair with hairspray.
  8. You can use various accessories - for example, a hoop, a special headband, a bow, etc.

Vanilla bun hairstyle options and photos

There are several variations of this hairstyle, so the vanilla bun can look different. It is simply impossible to list all the variations of this style, because every girl can do it in her own way. But there are several popular types of vanilla buns that you can make almost every day.

Vanilla bun using a bagel

Many girls use a special accessory such as a bagel to create their hairstyles. You can also use it to make a vanilla bun. To create such a hairstyle, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:
  1. Be sure to comb your hair thoroughly and then pull it into a ponytail in the area where you want to create a bun.
  2. Gather the curls into a donut, carefully fix their ends by winding them around the donut.
  3. Then turn the donut inside out and roll it up so that the hair is at the base of the ponytail.
  4. Distribute the strands evenly so that they lay beautifully on the donut.
  5. To fix the strands, use bobby pins that match the hair color, and also apply a little hairspray.

Vanilla bunch using a roller

Specialists very often use a roller to create a vanilla bun, which works on the same principle as a donut - it reliably fixes the strands, preventing them from getting out of the hairstyle.

When using a vanilla bean roller, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly and tie it into a high ponytail at the back of your head.
  2. Carefully place a roller on the tail. Try to choose a roller in a shade that is as close as possible to the color of your hair, making it almost invisible.
  3. Use a roller to create a fountain of strands of hair, carefully distributing the hair over its surface. The roller should not be visible through the hair.
  4. If necessary, use bobby pins matched to your hair color to secure the strands.
  5. At the base of the ponytail, the hair is secured with an elastic band (it is important that the elastic is not too voluminous).
  6. Carefully hide the ends of your hair under an elastic band; you can use various accessories for this.

Vanilla bun using a sock

You don’t always have a bagel or roller at hand, but that’s okay, because you can use the simplest sock to create a stylish and fashionable vanilla bun. Of course, you can take a new sock or one that you haven’t worn for a long time, the most important thing is that it is clean. Carefully cut off the tip of the sock and twist it into a donut shape. Next, follow these instructions to create a vanilla bun:
  1. Comb your hair well, make a ponytail at the height where you wanted to create a vanilla bun.
  2. Wrap your curls in a sock bagel using the same principle as in a special hair bagel.
  3. If there are any loose hairs remaining, carefully secure them with a second elastic band.
  4. Fix your hair with hairspray.
When choosing this styling option, you must remember that it is not suitable for hair that is too thin, since it will not be possible to create the desired volume, because it simply will not be possible to completely hide the toe.

Vanilla bun with a hairpin

To create a stylish vanilla bun, you can also use a special hairpin, which is called a heagami. This is an accessory that bends easily and can take on absolutely any shape.

You should use such a hairpin only when creating a bun at the back of your head. You must adhere to the following steps:

  1. Using a hairpin, curl the curls to the back of the head.
  2. Gently curl the ends of your hair so that the result is a closed circle.
  3. If a few hairs have fallen out, fix them with hairspray or bobby pins.
This styling option is simply ideal for those girls who prefer a classic style of clothing or work in an office and are forced to adhere to a dress code.

Vanilla bun with backcomb

It is very difficult for girls with thin hair to create a beautiful bun so that it has an attractive appearance. But this is not a reason to be sad, because you can use a proven remedy - backcombing.

Making a vanilla bun using backcombing is very simple:

  1. Wash your hair and dry the strands thoroughly with a hairdryer, but at the same time you need to constantly throw them forward. Thanks to this technique, after drying, the hair becomes more voluminous and voluminous.
  2. There is no need to comb your hair, just immediately gather it into a ponytail and tie it, lightly sprinkling it with hairspray.
  3. In the ponytail, divide the hair into separate strands, after which each is combed with a comb.
  4. Make one rope out of the strands and twist it around the base of the tail.
  5. Secure your hair with bobby pins and hairspray.

Vanilla braided bun

Vanilla bunches decorated with braids look very beautiful, gentle and feminine. To create this hairstyle, you must follow the following instructions:
  1. Make a ponytail, then divide your hair into 4 approximately equal strands.
  2. Make a simple braid from each strand (the braid can be tight or loose, but braids that are not too tight look best).
  3. Wrap the braid around the base of the tail and secure it in some places with bobby pins.
  4. After all the strands are collected, fix the hairstyle with hairspray.
The vanilla bun is a fairly popular and modern hairstyle that is ideal for both young girls and older women. The most important thing is to correctly combine this hairstyle with your wardrobe so that it looks not only stylish, but also appropriate.

10 options for beams are presented in the following video:

Vanilla dark brown pods with a memorable aroma are the fruits of a tropical vine. The bright yellow, white or cream colored flower is fragrant for only one day. If the process of pollination occurs, then a fruit is formed from the ovary.

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This is a pod 10-30 cm long, filled with small black seeds. A bright specific aroma is given by essential oils, which are contained only in beans.

How to use vanilla pods, this is a capricious spice, like a beautiful woman

The article is devoted to how to properly use vanilla pods and fully experience the divine aroma of the tropical spice. The smell of vanilla helps you relax and calm down. But the sweet aroma is deceiving. In fact, the seeds have a bitter taste.

For this reason, the spice is used in small quantities. For one serving 200 gr. Only a twentieth of the length of the pod is used. For 1 kg of product you will need no more than a quarter. If you don't follow the recipe, the dish will turn out bitter.

How to use vanilla beans

  • Prepare extract
  • Make your own vanilla sugar
  • Add to sauce or dessert
  • Prepare delicious ice cream with a romantic aroma
  • Add flavor to pudding, soufflé, compote, mousse, jam
  • Add to baked goods, cookies, biscuits, cream, dough
  • Drink with vanilla
  • Flavor milk

Cutting the vanilla bean correctly

Vanilla bean is filled with small black seeds. Ripe seeds have no odor. For this reason, vanilla is harvested when the pods are unripe and undergo special processing. Ready to use, they are brown, almost black.

The natural pod is cut lengthwise with a sharp knife and the seeds are scraped out. Small pods may not be scraped out. To add to dough or desserts, vanilla is mixed with powdered sugar. To do this, a small amount of seeds is ground into powder in a mortar with powdered sugar. For a serving of 200 gr. you will need approximately 0.5-1 cm from the entire length of the bean.

  1. Cut the pod in half lengthwise.
  2. Use a knife to scrape out the fatty seeds that you will use for the recipe.
  3. Save the remaining seeds in a container for later use.
  4. Do not throw away seedless pods.
  5. Dry them and use them for flavoring or to make vanilla sugar.
  6. To do this, grind in a blender with sugar and grind finely.
  7. Use this sugar in any recipe, add it to tea, coffee, cocoa.
  8. Instead of scraping out the seeds, you can cut the pod with the peel into pieces and add it to the dish.

How to add vanilla sugar to a finished dish or dough

Rich vanilla harvest on the island of Madagascar.

The seeds, ground with sugar, are added to the finished dish as follows:

  • It is added to the dough at the very last moment before heat treatment.
  • In cold dishes immediately after cooking at the end of the process. Sauces, mousses, puddings.
  • In compotes, jam at the last stage of preparation, when the dish is almost ready.

Pure Vanilla Extract - Gourmet Only

High quality vanilla extract contains more than 20% bean extract, without sugar, gluten or other additives. Contains only alcohol and vanilla. The natural extract is not difficult to prepare at home. To do this, vanilla pods are split in half lengthwise. Place in a narrow small bottle and fill with vodka so that it completely covers the pods.

The bottle is tightly closed and placed in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks. Observe the proportion: take from 5 to 10 beans per 0.5 liter of alcohol. Store in a cool, dark place and shake several times a week. In at least a month, the extract will be ready. Before use, the extract is filtered, as sediment forms during the preparation process.

Vanilla milk is a delicious treat for children and adults

Take 1 glass of milk, add 1 tsp. sugar, 3 ml. natural extract and mix in a blender. A wonderful drink is ready. Be careful with vanilla, a small amount is needed for flavoring, otherwise the taste will be bitter. Vanilla extract contains alcohol, so it can be replaced with vanilla sugar.

Second method: vanilla pods are boiled in milk with added sugar. Approximately 1 cm of pod is consumed per glass of milk. Place the milk and sugar in a small saucepan. Heat until sugar dissolves. Add vanilla and stir. Cool and sprinkle cinnamon on top.

The most effective way to fully release the flavor of a vanilla bean is to add it to a warm dish or drink at the end of cooking.

Vanillin is a crystalline powder that has a specific taste and aroma. We can say that this is a cheaper version of natural vanilla, which was invented with the aim of its large-scale use in the manufacture of confectionery products, alcoholic drinks and perfumes. Vanillin is highly soluble in liquid. When using vanillin, the main thing is not to overdo it, as the taste of the final product will be bitter, On average, you need to take no more than 7 g per 1 kg of dough.

Vanillin is found not only in the vanilla plant, but also in cane sugar, potato peels, etc. Mexico City is considered to be the birthplace of the substance, where a large number of orchids grow, from which vanillin is obtained. Today, the plant is widespread in areas with a tropical climate. There are several forms of artificial vanillin (see photo):

  1. Crystal version. It has a characteristic aroma and is distinguished by its high temperature resistance. Used in baking, ice cream, etc.
  2. Powdered version. It is a combination of vanillin and additives. Used in making chocolate. Easily dissolves in water.

The difference between vanillin and vanilla and vanilla sugar

Many housewives are interested in what is the difference between vanilla, vanillin and vanilla sugar? In fact, all of these supplements have one thing in common: smell. In all other respects they are radically different. We need to start with the fact that among them vanilla is natural. It consists of short or long brown pods with a rich aroma and taste. The cost of real vanilla is quite high, so over time, cheaper substitutes for this ingredient appeared - vanilla sugar and vanillin.

Vanillin is small brown crystals that have almost the same rich aroma and flavor of vanilla. This ingredient is commonly used in baked goods and is itself unsweetened. Vanilla sugar, on the contrary, has sweetness, but the smell of vanilla is less pronounced. This ingredient is made from vanillin and sugar.

The difference between vanilla, vanillin and vanilla sugar is the consistency, appearance ingredient, as well as the concentration of aroma particles. If you are asking the question: “Which is better: vanillin or vanilla sugar?”, then feel free to opt for vanilla. It is a more natural product and has a strong aroma, and can also provide benefits to the body. You can read more about the beneficial properties of vanillin in the next section.

Useful properties

The benefit of vanillin lies in its action as a sedative. The aroma of spice helps to get rid of stress and relax. Vanillin has a positive effect on the nervous system, which in turn helps to cope with insomnia and headaches.

Contrary to common misconception, the use of spices is not prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Useful properties vanilla and vanillin can lift your mood and get rid of depression. The smell of this spice also helps relieve irritation and calm the nervous system, which is very important for the health of pregnant women.

Natural vanilla at diabetes mellitus not prohibited. It can be added to desserts and drinks small quantities, but you need to be careful with vanillin and vanilla sugar. If you add this spice to your dishes, consult your doctor first.

When losing weight, it is beneficial for the body to inhale the vapors of vanilla or vanillin, as well as add one of these ingredients to food and drinks. However, do not overdo it with the amount of added spices, since for weight loss they need to be consumed in moderation.

Use in cooking

Vanilla is widely used in cooking to diversify and improve the taste of many dishes, but primarily baked goods and desserts. In addition, it is added to curd and dairy products. Vanillin is added to syrups, creams, sweet sauces and various drinks.

In cooking, it is best to use crystalline rather than powdered vanillin, since it does not lose its properties during heat treatment. This product is suitable for adding to dough or desserts, but not every housewife knows when it is best to add the ingredient. In our article we will tell you about this.

Before adding vanillin to a dish or baking dough, it is recommended to dissolve the spice in water so that the product can better mix with other ingredients. But you should know that vanillin is almost insoluble in cold water, and in excessively hot water it loses its gastronomic properties. That is why it is advisable to dilute it with warm, but not hot water. Also, many chefs recommend pouring vanillin with alcohol or vodka. The spice is dissolved in alcohol and then mixed with warm sugar syrup, and then added to the dough or dish.

If the recipe does not include the addition of alcohol-containing substances, then vanillin should be mixed with the dry ingredients. For one kilogram of dough, from one to ten grams of spice is usually used, depending on the required intensity of taste and aroma.

You should also clarify the fact that vanillin must be of high quality if you want its taste and aroma in baked goods or other dishes to be more pronounced.

What to replace with and in what proportions?

Sometimes it is necessary to replace vanillin in some dishes for various reasons. To replace it, it is better to use natural vanilla in small proportions if you like this particular smell and taste. But natural vanilla sticks are quite difficult to find, and their cost is high, so most housewives add other ingredients to their baked goods. Here is an example of products that can replace vanillin:

  • cinnamon;
  • anise;
  • ginger;
  • carnation;
  • ground cocoa;
  • lemon zest;
  • vanilla powder;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • vanilla extract;
  • food vanilla flavoring.

When using these products, you should be aware that some of them have certain conditions of use. For example, vanilla extract is used only for preparing dishes that will not be cooked. Often these are various desserts or fillings for cakes or pastries, as well as chilled drinks. Vanilla sugar has a small concentration of flavorings, so you will have to add quite a lot of it, based on the proportion: two small spoons of the product are equal to a pinch of vanillin.

Lemon zest is grated on a fine grater before adding to dishes. As for food vanilla extract, in addition to the smell and taste of vanilla, the product allows you to add a nutty, caramel or other flavor to baked goods or desserts, depending on the type of flavoring you choose.

How to make natural vanillin at home?

You can make natural vanillin yourself at home; the process is easy and won’t take much effort. To do this you need to take granulated sugar and a vanilla pod. The pod must be divided into 2 halves and the seeds, which are the most valuable and aromatic part of the product, are removed using a knife. Now you should carefully combine and mix the sugar and the resulting seeds. The peeled pod should also be put in sugar. Everything needs to be put into a jar with a tight-fitting lid and left for a couple of days.

Unusual uses

Today, vanillin is used not only in cooking. There are many unusual ways to use this ingredient, including traditional medicine, and cosmetology, and even fishing. In our article you will find many non-standard solutions and learn how you can use vanillin at home and in nature.

Folk remedies for insects

Vanillin is an excellent folk insect repellent that will help get rid of midges, mosquitoes, bedbugs, ticks, ants and other pests. This spice is added to ointments or creams that help relieve itching and swelling after mosquito bites. We suggest you carefully study and take note of our recommendations, which will come in handy more than once in your everyday life.

  • Vanillin solution will help get rid of mosquitoes and midges if prepared correctly. To do this, you need to dilute one sachet of spice in a liter of water, pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle and spray it around the apartment. You can also spray a little mixture on your body before going to the forest or to the river, where there are the most mosquitoes and midges. If you need more liquid, then increase the proportions. By making this insect repellent, you can get rid of the annoying buzzing, as well as itchy bites.
  • If you go outdoors, you will need an effective mosquito repellent ointment with the addition of vanillin. You can prepare it with your own hands as follows. Take any available baby cream, prepare vanillin, as well as a small deep container, then mix the ingredients in it based on a 10:1 ratio, respectively. Mix all this well and apply the prepared ointment to the bite site to relieve swelling and itching. You can always carry this homemade cream with you so that mosquito bites don’t take you by surprise.
  • You can also cook at home effective remedy from ticks. To do this, you need to dissolve two grams of vanillin in one hundred milliliters of vodka or medical alcohol. Before going out into the forest, lubricate exposed areas of the body with the resulting tincture. The liquid can also be sprayed around the apartment in suspected tick habitats. In addition, if you have pets, you can use this infusion with vanilla to treat the hair of dogs or cats.
  • If you have bedbugs in your house or apartment, vanillin will help get rid of them. It will be enough to simply sprinkle this product on the area where insects live and leave the vanillin there for a while. You can also dissolve the spice in medical alcohol and use a spray bottle to treat the room. Reviews from most housewives who have tried this method are mostly positive.
  • Vanillin can help get rid of ants in the house and garden if you prepare the right remedy. To do this, mix a pack of vanillin with water in the amount of one glass, add a spoonful of sugar, and also a couple of drops of boric acid. Mix the liquid thoroughly and spray it in those places where pests have been noticed.

In most cases, vanillin-based insect repellents are quite effective. You need to prepare the mixture correctly, and also apply it to the required place - and then the pests will no longer bother you.

How to make perfume from vanillin with your own hands?

Since vanillin is actively used in cosmetology, delicious perfumes are made from it. You can even do this with your own hands at home. In our article we will tell you about this in detail.

First, you should prepare all the necessary tools that will be needed in the process of creating perfume. Be sure to stock up on these items:

  • convenient dishes for mixing ingredients;
  • clean pipettes;
  • bottles in which perfume will be stored;
  • necessary ingredients.

If you do not pursue the goal of making your homemade perfume have the most lasting aroma, and want to make a semblance of eau de toilette, then you can start preparing. You need to fill a bowl with about fifty milliliters of water and add a couple of drops of essential oil, which has a faint aroma. Preferably vanilla, since you will be making perfume with vanilla. After dissolving the oil in water and heating the mixture, add about five grams (half a bag) of vanillin, stir the liquid thoroughly so that the crystals dissolve, and use pipettes to pour the mixture into bottles. Now you can use homemade perfumes for their intended purpose.

Vanillin for fishing in bait

Vanillin is also suitable as a special bait for fishing. Usually it is mixed with various cereals when going to catch crucian carp. Vanillin goes best with boiled millet porridge, but it must be added to an already prepared dish so that the aroma of vanilla does not disappear under the influence of heat treatment.

For one kilogram of finished porridge, add two tablespoons of vanillin, mix the ingredients thoroughly, and then use the resulting mixture as bait.

In addition to millet porridge, vanillin is also added to pearl barley, semolina, and mixed feed. Sometimes vanilla sugar is used instead of vanillin, but it does not have such a rich taste and aroma.

Vanillin-based bait can attract fish species such as crucian carp, tench, carp and bream. Try not to overdo it when adding spice to the porridge, so as not to make it overly aromatic, as this may scare away the fish.

Harm of vanillin and contraindications

Vanillin can cause harm to people if they have an individual intolerance to the product, which can manifest itself as irritation, pigment spots, etc. Accordingly, this spice is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components.

It is very important to know that you can easily become poisoned by vanilla if you swallow too much. Symptoms of poisoning may be the following: heartburn, unpleasant belching, indigestion, weakness, dizziness, nausea, chills followed by fever. In case of vanillin poisoning, the negative consequences can last for a day, during which it is necessary to drink a lot of water, as well as take absorbent medications.

Vanillin can also cause harm if a person has an individual intolerance or allergy to this product. An allergic reaction is especially dangerous in infants and young children. Adults tolerate allergies much easier. Symptoms of an allergy to this food additive are as follows:

  • vomit;
  • rash;
  • stool disorder;
  • lacrimation;
  • rhinitis;
  • swelling of the oral mucosa;
  • elevated body temperature.

If you have such symptoms, you need to call a doctor or inject yourself with an anti-allergenic drug, after making sure that it is actually an allergy.

Pregnant and lactating women are not prohibited from consuming the spice, but it is advisable to reduce its amount when adding it to dishes.

Among other things, vanillin can cause harm if this spice is abused. You should remember about contraindications, and also use only a high-quality product, avoiding counterfeits. In this case, your body will not be in any danger.

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


This product is found in many recipes sweet pastries and even in some sauces. Vanilla sugar - food additive, giving the finished dish a pleasant aroma. It is always added quite a bit. It differs from regular sugar only in that the product is infused with vanilla beans. A cheaper version of the spice is made from synthetic vanillin. You cannot replace granulated sugar with vanilla. If you add a lot of the latter, the dish will be very bitter.

What is vanilla sugar made from?

The basis of the pleasant aroma and specific taste is the extract of the vanilla plant, which produces pod fruits. From these pods aromatic sugar is produced. You can purchase a ready-made product or make it at home yourself. The latter option is not much inferior to the factory one. The only possible difference is the aroma.

In the food industry

There are 2 ways to create spices:

  • From vanilla extract. This natural product, which has a positive effect on the body. It improves digestion, tones, relieves pain during menstruation, eliminates muscle cramps, and relaxes the nervous system.
  • From synthetic vanillin. The product turns out to be cheap, often no less fragrant than natural, but completely useless, and sometimes even harmful to the body.

To prepare the extract, the vanilla pods are heat treatment in boiling water and dried in the open air. The process lasts several months and ends when a white coating appears on the plant. This is vanillin, the substance responsible for the characteristic aroma. The pods are infused with 35% alcohol. Then sugar is added to the alcohol extract, kept and dried. Before packaging, starch is often added to prevent granules from sticking together.

At home

If you do not want to use a product with possible alcohol residues or are not sure about the quality of the spice from the store, you can make it yourself. To do this, use dried pods or vanilla extract, which is prepared at home not with an alcohol base, but with oil. Use granulated sugar, not powder: the latter, due to its fine grinding, quickly absorbs moisture and sticks together.

In terms of aroma strength, homemade spices are often inferior to those made in an industrial factory, but it has its advantages:

  • you know exactly the composition, control the quality of the ingredients;
  • it is possible to regulate the richness of smell and taste by changing the ratios of the main components;
  • the spice is cheaper than store-bought vanilla extract.

How is it different from natural vanilla?

Both products are used interchangeably in recipes, especially in baking, but there are differences between them. Natural vanilla is white crystals that are collected from the pods of the plant of the same name after processing. They have a very strong, persistent odor that is transmitted to any product with which they are mixed. Natural spice has a bitter taste, so it is not used in its pure form or in large quantities. If the product is introduced into the dough, then add a small pinch.

Since ancient times, vanilla has been considered one of the most expensive spices. The reason is the huge costs of its cultivation and production. The vanilla tree grows in nature only in the tropics, produces few fruits, and the valuable powder produced is no more than 3% of the volume and weight of the pod.

What is it for?

Its main use is baking. Vanilla sugar is included in the dough for buns, pies, and cakes; it is added to biscuits, cakes, and cookies. Often this spice is not only introduced as a flavoring, but also sprinkled on top of sweets. The additive goes well with cinnamon and cardamom. You can substitute natural vanilla or vanilla essence to make the flavor less strong.

Other uses for vanilla sugar:

  • Drinks. A pinch in tea or coffee (in the same amount as regular sugar) will add a pleasant aroma and will hardly change the taste.
  • For oatmeal, fruit salads . 1/2 tsp is enough. per serving to add sweetness to your breakfast without breaking your diet too much.
  • Pancakes, cheesecakes, pancakes for losing weight- instead of large portions of regular sugar. Take 1 tsp. vanilla product to give the dish a sweet aroma and deceive the body, but not greatly increase the calorie content of the dish.


  • vanilla pods – 4 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 680 g.
  1. Open the vanilla sticks by cutting the top with a knife and scrape out the contents.
  2. Mix with granulated sugar in a wooden or glass bowl - this will remove unnecessary odors from the spice.
  3. Rub the ingredients with your hands, mixing together. It is better to work with gloves. Another option is to cover the container and shake it for 3-5 minutes to combine.
  4. Infuse the spice in a closed container for 2-3 days or a week, putting it in a cool, dark place. Before using, be sure to sift the mixture so that the beans do not end up in the dish.

You can change the proportions of sugar and vanilla beans based on your preferences. According to the presented recipe, the spice turns out to be very aromatic. If you want to make it lighter, cooks advise using 270–400 g of sugar per pod. Another option is 1 pc. and 800 g. Taste and aroma depend on the length of time the spice is kept. Increase this period to 2-3 weeks - you will get sugar with a surprisingly rich and persistent vanilla scent.

Choosing a Vanilla Pod

IN food industry 3 varieties of this plant are used:

  • Madagascar bourbon. The most famous type, with a fresh aroma and a slight sourness.
  • Mexican. The pods are drier and the aroma has distinct notes of spice and tobacco. Valuable, expensive variety.
  • Tahitian. A variety with a soft, sweetish-floral aroma that opens quickly. It costs less than the previous ones.

To make sugar, you can use any vanilla pods. They are all suitable, but will give a different taste. According to culinary specialists, the first 2 varieties (from Madagascar and Mexico) have a more subtle aroma, so they are recommended to be chosen for baking. You can also buy cheaper vanilla for testing: from Indonesia, India. The latter will give the sugar a pleasant caramel aroma. You can often find good quality Ceylon vanilla.

If you ever buy the freshest vanilla pods on and you make vanilla extract and vanilla sugar at home yourself, then I assure you that it will be the best extract and sugar that you have tried. Plus it's damn simple and super fast.

So, I started my journey with this little one.

You don't know where to use it? I, too, was confused from the beginning, and now I’m preparing an order for a new wholesale batch.

So, vanilla is wonderful and worth preserving. Let's make vanilla extract first.

We will need:

  • 200 ml vodka or alcohol,

  • 5 vanilla pods

We cut the pods lengthwise and then crosswise into 2-3 cm pieces. We put them in a bottle, fill them with alcohol and put them in a dark place. Periodically we approach and shake.

As a result, even from 5 pods I got a very rich extract. Homemade extract will work 4-5 times cheaper, and troubles for 5 minutes. If you want to make it thicker, just add more pods.

In the title photo in wine bottle extract for this recipe. And, by the way, if you have used it, then do not hesitate to add alcohol; you can soak the pods more than once.

Another delicacy - vanilla sugar:

  • 300 g sugar (I use brown)

  • 1 vanilla pod.

We cut the pod crosswise into 1 cm cubes. Place the pods and sugar in a blender and grind until the pods are finely chopped. Then we sift. The sugar turns out very rich. Besides he 7 times cheaper than purchased!

I use it everywhere: ice cream, porridge, berries, baked goods. My little one is ready to eat everything with him!

If you don’t want to waste the pod, you can just stick it in a jar with sugar, it will give off a flavor, but not so intense.

These pods are worth trying! Everything is easy, fast and simple, and most importantly high quality.

Happy shopping everyone!

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