How to make salt dough salt dough recipe. How to make salt dough for crafts? Edible from butter and cream

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For those parents who are afraid to give plasticine to a too-small child, but want their child to get used to modeling from childhood, it was created salty dough. Previously, only a mother could prepare this for her child, but today its factory version has taken a full-fledged place next to other products in children's toy stores. Although this mass was not invented yesterday, for many it still remains a bit of a mystery.


The positive role of modeling in the process of child development has long been beyond the slightest doubt - it has a good effect on both the physical and mental components. At the same time, it is quite obvious that the earlier you start, the more impressive results could be achieved. At the same time, plasticine, the main material for children’s creativity today, is not recommended for use by children under 3 years of age, and in the future its use is desirable in the presence of adults.

In this context, dough can be an excellent alternative for young children. Made at home, its composition differs little from what is used for homemade baked goods, except that it is prepared a little differently, and almost always with the addition of a huge amount of salt, because This is the only way to guarantee that the child will not pull the modeling mixture into his mouth.

However, even if it does, it’s okay, because the product is made exclusively from edible ingredients that do not require much chewing and are easy to swallow.

Industrial production slightly expands the range of ingredients - the composition may include additional plasticizers, dyes, and even glitter. Typically, manufacturers focus on the same theoretical suitability for food, although sparkles are unlikely to be beneficial to a child’s body. However, not all companies monitor this point so carefully, selling softer types of plasticine under the guise of modeling dough.

Since we are talking about consistency, it should be noted that modeling dough has another important indicator for kids - it is very soft. This mass does not need to be kneaded first; it is immediately ready to create masterpieces. At the same time, this feature does not allow the material to maintain an overly complex shape with small details. The mixture is very afraid of open air - it dries out in it, losing elasticity and becoming brittle. If desired, finished products made from it can be preserved by special drying or baking.

What is it for?

First of all, modeling dough helps a child develop fine motor skills and train finger muscles, and also greatly contributes to the development of imagination and creative inclinations. However, only adults see the purpose of the mass this way, while the kids themselves perceive children’s dough as another toy from which they can create various crafts, which they can then be proud of if the final result is successful.

This material is not very suitable for sculpting large volumetric figures with small details, since it holds its own weight rather poorly. For this reason, it is much more often used for sculpting small-sized figures, creating various compositions from them, and also as a raw material for creating three-dimensional paintings.

If, when focusing on achieving the first two goals, you still have to think about whether your plans will work out or not, then you can look for inspiration for paintings almost anywhere. Subjects are most often taken from nature - children sculpt simple landscapes, animals, flowers, the same sun. However, you don’t have to stop there - if you have talent, at later stages you can move on to making serious images, or even characters from your favorite cartoons. Fairytale castles, fairies - even Shrek and the Fixies!

You also need to understand that different types of crafts are assessed differently by the children themselves. Kids usually want toys, so they are more interested in three-dimensional figures. Compositions and paintings are already real creativity, it is not intended for play, but it will help to gain recognition, respect and praise from others; therefore, such sculpting results will be more interesting to older children.

How to properly knead with your own hands?

Many housewives, realizing that the recipe for the mixture is actually very simple, prefer not to buy the mixture, but to mix it themselves. This is very easy to do, given that the ingredients included in the composition can usually be found in any apartment, and if not, they can be bought literally everywhere. Making the mass yourself will be much cheaper than purchasing it, and in terms of properties it will not be inferior to many varieties of store-bought products - you just need to know the correct proportions.

If you are far from a master, but still want to try making homemade plasticine yourself, pay attention to the best recipe in terms of simplicity. The materials used for preparation will surprise you with their simplicity - the mass is made from flour and salt, and also contains ordinary water. The exact proportions differ due to the fact that the final mass can be of different thicknesses, but usually they are indicated as a glass of flour and half a glass of salt per half a glass of water, and then experiment.

For a more elastic state, add a tablespoon vegetable oil, and an extremely improved version is prepared with citric acid(two teaspoons).

However, for modeling, not ordinary dough is used, but choux dough. The described ingredients are not just mixed, but placed in a saucepan over medium heat. Exact time never indicated because pots and stoves vary greatly, but if the modeling mass has thickened and become homogeneous, it’s time to pull it out.

During the heating process, the mixture must be stirred to achieve homogeneity of the mass, but even after removing it from the pan, it is carefully kneaded again on a flat surface sprinkled with a small amount flour. Ready dough holds its shape well, does not stick to your hands and does not contain lumps.

Of course, homemade types of plasticine do not end with just this recipe. In fact, you can get a thick notebook and write it all down different recipes plasticine, but the most popular is another recipe that involves alternative ingredients and made with starch. To do this, two glasses of ordinary baking soda are mixed with a cup corn starch and half a glass of water, after which the procedure resembles that already described above. Salt in this recipe not included, so small children can simply eat this type of mass.

For greater durability of crafts, they also use a recipe with PVA glue - products made from it are somewhat reminiscent of papier-mâché. A glass of finely ground salt is mixed with the same amount of flour, into which a mixture of about half (or a little more) a glass of water and a tablespoon of glue is gradually poured. You should stop adding water at the moment when the future “paper” dough stops absorbing it. After this, the mass is thoroughly kneaded, since the grains of salt do not have time to dissolve in it, and the recipe does not require heat treatment.

How to make colored dough at home?

Making salt dough at home doesn't require much effort, but you want the result to be like Play-Doh - bright and beautiful. To do this, dyes are added to the dough - this is possible both at the preparation stage and if there is already a ready-made colorless mass.

To achieve the desired effect, you can use special food colorings, which are sold in many culinary stores. They are liquids that are mixed into water during the cooking process (if it is in the recipe), and after cooking such a dye can be mixed into the mixture. colored dough. Experts point out that this way you can color the dough easily and quickly, but the result may not be very impressive - the mass will take on a shade rather than a color, and for the normal brightness of the purchased dye you need a lot.

By the way, you don’t have to buy dye, using the same natural ingredients. Most often, vegetable and fruit juices are used in this role: beets give red, carrots orange, and so on.

You can squeeze this juice yourself or buy it; alternatively, any drinks of the appropriate color will do. To give the dough a yellow tint, various mild seasonings are often used, and coffee or tea is used to make the dough brown. However, it is worth considering that such a substance is not a specially selected dye at all, so the result may turn out to be even more faded.

You can color the dough not with food coloring, but ordinary gouache- the diagram looks exactly the same. At the same time, it is not at all difficult to get such paint, because it is used for creative learning in children's educational institutions, and is inexpensive, but the color gives a very bright one, which is what we need. However, it is noted that such an ingredient liquefies the mass very much, Therefore, adding a certain amount of flour is mandatory when using this method.

How can I paint the finished product?

Coloring dough as a raw material is suitable for creating simple crafts, but complex compositions with a large number of multi-colored details are easier to make from a monochromatic mass, which then, after drying or baking, will be painted on top. At the same time, the specifics of the material dictate its own characteristics of the coloring procedure.

People with extensive experience working with modeling dough indicate that it is best to paint finished crafts with acrylic paint, because only This way you can guarantee that the product will not get dirty and the colors on it will not be smudged. It is permissible to use watercolor, but since dry dough is very afraid of water, the paint should be mixed extremely thickly - this will also help it not to spread.

When painting with watercolors, there is still a high risk of smearing the contours, so the figure must be Be sure to varnish after painting. Gouache is also used for coloring finished products, but in order for it to adhere normally to the surface of the figurine, it must first be mixed with a small amount of PVA glue.

Varnishing, by the way, is recommended for all types of dyes, because it can protect the surface from accidental ingress of water, and bright colors from fading. Liquid varnish is absorbed into the craft, which requires repeated varnishing and is a procedure that takes many days, but the result is bright, not just shiny.

Thick varnish is also used, but is still less common.

How to dry?

When dried, dough crafts last much longer, but in order for them not to fall apart over time, it is necessary to withstand the procedure. It is worth noting that there is no exact description of it anywhere - it all depends on the specifics of the source material and the exact drying parameters.

Play dough hardens even just on open air- Beginners usually rely on this method. The main disadvantage of this type of drying is the drying time: the dough dries on average one millimeter in depth per day, so three-dimensional figurine even a small size can take weeks to dry.

You can speed up the process by organizing drying on radiators, but there is a risk here too - due to the heterogeneity of the consistency (inside soft dough, outside – solid) the product is likely to be deformed.

For this reason Masterpieces are better baked, and a microwave is not suitable for such purposes at all - you only need to use an oven. There are many detailed descriptions of the process indicating the exact duration and temperature, but in fact no one knows exactly how long it takes for a dough craft to dry in the oven - it depends on both the shape of the craft and the shape of the oven.

It is even noted that the baking sheet can also influence the procedure - black provides more effective drying, and therefore it is necessary to either reduce the temperature by twenty degrees or shorten the baking period.

In general, baking lasts several hours at a temperature that gradually increases from 50 to 150 degrees. If the dough has been pre-colored, the upper temperature limit is 125 degrees, since more intense heating will destroy the dye. It is not forbidden to extend the baking process over several days. You can check the conditional readiness of the product using the sound it makes when gently tapping on the surface - the solid filling responds with a ringing, cheerful sound.

How to store?

Despite the fact that baby salted play dough can be kneaded at any time, mothers still prefer to find a way to preserve the mass for a certain long time, rather than re-prepare it every time the child has a corresponding need. It should be noted here that such a mixture will definitely dry out and lose elasticity, but there is a difference - after a month, or after a couple of days.

The most obvious method of mass storage, also used by industrial manufacturers, is hermetic storage. The store-bought product is sold in special jars with a tight lid, and if there are any left in the house from a previous purchase, it is best to use them. Alternatively, you can tightly wrap the dough pieces in cellophane or polyethylene, however, this method is less reliable.

Storing in the refrigerator can also help prevent drying out, since cold in principle slows down most chemical processes.

If you need to save the finished product, then, first of all, you need to carefully protect it from water, since even a small drop will leave a very noticeable mark. To give strength to the figurine, it is best to bake it - then it will become quite hard and not very susceptible to external mechanical influence. Additional varnishing of the baked product will protect it even from accidental moisture, so you can be proud of your creation for a long time.

Edible dough for pie decorations

If a child makes really interesting figures, and does it from potentially edible material, you can use this in home cooking. If the baby is old enough to understand that playing with dough products won’t last long anyway, he will most likely be glad to have the opportunity to pleasantly surprise everyone by taking a direct part in creating the pie. This does not mean, of course, puff pastry, or even ordinary pizza dough, but the dough, which you can make with your own hands, molds perfectly, and most importantly, it amazes with its taste!

The first recipe is very simple - mix half a glass of Nutella with the same amount of flour, adding a tablespoon powdered sugar. The finished mixture is much thicker than regular Nutella, which allows it to hold its shape, but still tastes very much like the original ingredient.

If you don't know how to make salt dough for crafts and are looking for ideas for your little one or for your own creative activities, this article lists many interesting recipes.

Modeling from salt dough interesting for both children and adults. The advantages of salt dough are obvious:

  • safe for the baby, since the ingredients are natural;
  • easy to make with your own hands at home at any time;
  • does not leave marks on clothes, hands or furniture, and can be easily washed;
  • The baby, having tasted it once, will stop putting it in his mouth;
  • has a good texture, is perfectly molded, more flexible than the highest quality store-bought plasticine, and does not stick to the palms;
  • this material does not require special storage conditions;
  • can be painted in any way, decorated and painted, varnished to preserve the appearance of the product;
  • it can be dried in air and in;
  • the finished product can serve as a toy or souvenir without losing its shape and aesthetic appearance during various fun activities;
  • its cost is lower than that of plasticine.

The disadvantage of salt dough is insufficient plasticity. It is problematic to make a doll or an elegant product with small details from this material without proper preparation. Although there are known craftsmen who are capable of this. However, make a beautiful magnet as a gift or Christmas decoration Even a beginner can do it for a Christmas tree or home.

Salt dough in 5 minutes

The dough prepared according to the recipe below is suitable for everyone who loves modeling and can be stored for several months in the refrigerator.


  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • a third of a glass of salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of soda;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil;
  • food coloring.

The process of preparing the dough in 5 minutes consists of 5 stages.

  1. You need to pour flour, baking soda and salt into a saucepan, add water and sunflower oil, and mix the mixture well.
  2. Place the container on the stove and heat over low heat for several minutes.
  3. Add food coloring and stir.
  4. When the dough sticks to the metal spoon, it is ready.
  5. Place the mixture on a plate, cool and knead with your hands.

A simple recipe for salt dough without cooking

How to prepare salted dough for crafts without cooking? There is a wonderful recipe that is not at all difficult to implement. Mix three quarters of a glass of salt with a glass of flour, five tablespoons of sunflower oil, add water heated to 40-50 degrees Celsius.

If you want to make the dough more flexible for the most fragile figures, use starch jelly instead of water.

From flour and salt

For this dough, you need to take a glass three-quarters full of flour and “Extra” salt, mix the mixture in a bowl. It should be poured with half a glass of pre-cooled water until a stiff dough is obtained, continuously stirring the mass to achieve homogeneity.

Voila, the dough is ready, let's get creative!

With PVA glue

Pour a glass of extra salt and flour into a bowl. Pour 1 tablespoon of PVA into 100-150 milliliters of water. Add this white-tinged liquid little by little to the mixture of flour and salt, kneading the dough.

It can be used immediately for crafts or stored in the refrigerator.

With glycerin

How to make salt dough for crafts with glycerin? It contains glue, which helps the mixture set and dry faster, but it is not suitable for babies.

Mix 1.5 cups of flour with the same amount of water, a glass of fine salt and a fifth of a glass of glycerin. The consistency of the dough should be like dumplings. Then pour in 5 teaspoons of glue intended for gluing, or PVA, diluted with water. The mass should be stirred thoroughly.

Without flour

To make play dough for children, you can choose the recipe without flour (a paradox, but a fact, it is possible!). In this case, you need to take 2 cups of soda, a bag of food coloring and a glass of starch. Then add half a glass of water, stirring continuously, simmer the mixture over low heat until a ball forms. Cool the mixture and use it for crafts.

Simple crafts made from salt dough


To make them, you need to roll out a thin layer of salted dough, then apply the contours of the future puzzle using a toothpick, and paint with gouache. Then you need to cut it into pieces with a knife or a stack and dry it.


We make balls from the salt dough prepared according to one of the above recipes, trying to make them the same size (for example, 3 centimeters in diameter), and then string them on wire or twine after painting with gouache or acrylic and drying the paint.

You can flatten them a little. You can color the beads in batches of 5. one color or apply an ornament. After covering the beads with acrylic varnish, the product will become stronger and take on a more aesthetic appearance.

Do not allow your child to play with the beads on their own unless they are supervised to ensure they do not accidentally swallow them.

The beads are ready, you can try them on!


First, we make a sausage-shaped leg from salt dough, then we make a mushroom cap. You can use the lid, sprinkle it with flour to make it easier to remove. It should be noted that when drying the dough will settle a little, so it is better to make the hat a little larger.

The finished mushrooms can be placed on a baking sheet, which has been previously covered with foil, and placed in the oven (at temperatures up to 100 degrees Celsius) to dry. Turn the mushrooms over from time to time until the products harden.

Then comes the painting stage: you can, for example, paint the bottom of the cap, and then the stem with acrylic paint or gouache (mixed with PVA) white, and the top of the cap is painted with light brown, dark gray or dark red paint.

When the product is dry, glue the caps to the legs using Moment glue. When the mushrooms are dry on the balcony, veranda or loggia, they are ready for use in the game.


Squeeze out circles from the dough prepared according to one of the recipes using a glass or cup from a set of toy dishes. These are rose petal blanks. Let's form the center of the flower with our hands. Then add 1 petal to the center one by one.

When you have collected all the petals, leave the rose to dry for a day in a dry room (not on a radiator, to avoid cracking). The cup can be used as a stand. After drying, you can paint the flower by applying gouache of different shades of red to the petals, starting with crimson.

Christmas decorations

Using a cocktail tube, you can make holes in the dough for an openwork pattern.

You can decorate Christmas tree decorations made from salt dough using beads. Please note that when using plastic beads, drying the product in the oven is not suitable, otherwise they will melt.

Instead of beads, you can take shells, pebbles from the bottom of the sea, cereals, buttons, even... shards from broken pottery will do. Ribbons and floss will also be used to decorate crafts.

Do you have the necessary mold for sculpting a figurine of the appropriate size on your farm? Take a cardboard stencil for cutting salt dough for a Christmas tree decoration.

The finished product can be decorated with sparkles by first applying glue to them.

You can stick a picture from a napkin or a sticker on a craft. Use PVA diluted 1 to 1 with water. Cut out a pattern from a napkin, remove the topmost layer and stick it onto the dough product. On top of the picture you need to apply 1 more layer of PVA.

A very original way to decorate products made from salt dough is to make prints with various objects that have an interesting texture that are at hand. For this purpose, baking molds, plasticine molds, ice molds, children's dishes, from a toy sandbox set, etc. are suitable. It is also interesting to sculpt by hand!

For decoration, it is recommended to prepare acrylic paints of different colors or mother-of-pearl paints, gouache mixed with PVA, glitter, acrylic varnish, stained glass contours, gold and silver glitter, ribbon, braid, twine, cotton and acrylic threads, iris, sequins, lace , rhinestones, etc.

How and with what to paint crafts?

Would you like to color your salt dough in different colors? To make crafts with preschoolers from 3 years old, you can use gouache and diluted watercolor, painting the crafts on top or adding it when preparing the dough. For sculpting with kids, it is better to use freshly squeezed carrot, beet juice and even... brewed coffee.

You can divide the dough into as many pieces as you have dyes, make a hole in each ball, drop the juice into it and knead the dough for even coloring. A wonderful option “for advanced” is mixing gouache with PVA to evenly cover the product.

Methods for drying finished products

In a preheated oven

You can dry the finished product in a slightly open oven, having previously set the temperature from 55 to 80 degrees Celsius. Place it in a preheated oven on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, or place it in a heat-resistant glass container. The drying time is from 1 hour or more, depending on the size of the craft.

On open air

You can air dry the finished craft by placing it on a plastic or wood surface, protecting it from direct exposure. sun rays. It will take longer, but it will be more effective. This drying will take approximately 3-4 days.

In a cold oven

Place the craft in a cold oven and only then turn it on, setting the temperature to 150 degrees Celsius. The products must cool in the oven.

  1. If the dough after drying turns out to be covered with bubbles and cracks, most likely you chose the wrong type of flour or did not follow the drying rules. It is better to choose the cheapest flour for salt dough - from rye or 2nd grade wheat. We recommend that next time you dry the product without haste in an oven preheated to 60-80 degrees, while opening the door slightly or placing the tray on the balcony.
  2. Did any cracks appear after painting? This is possible if you started painting a poorly dried product. Air dry them, correct any rough edges with sandpaper, and then paint them a second time.
  3. Is the product cracked? This was probably due to its great thickness. In this case, you should correct this by removing excess salt dough from the back side or at the bottom of the craft. To ensure that the product dries evenly in the oven, it should be turned over from time to time.
  4. Has the element broken off? Try to glue it with PVA or make up for the mistake by attaching a decoration.
  5. Has tarnishing appeared after painting? By covering the product with acrylic varnish, you can restore the color saturation and brightness.


Modeling from salt dough is suitable both for activities with children and for the creativity of adults. Both of them can create masterpieces that will become decorations for any home or wonderful gifts for the holidays.

Do you want to help discover the talent of someone close to you? Share this useful article with your friends!

A very interesting type of needlework is bioceramics, or otherwise salt dough.
There are many recipes for salt dough.

Recipe 1.

For simple figures:

200 g flour, 200 g salt 125 ml water.

Recipe 2.

Delicate salted dough for filigree processing (small parts and products up to 300-400 g):

200 g flour, 200 g salt, 100 g potato starch, 150 ml water.

Recipe 3.

Hard salted dough for rough figurines:

200 g flour, 400 g salt, 125 ml water

Recipe 4.

Classic recipe:

1) 150 g of water + 1 tbsp. mix simple wallpaper glue, let the glue dissolve thoroughly;

2) 200 grams of flour + 200 grams of fine salt + 2 tablespoons (with top) of potato starch mixed separately;

3) combine everything + 2 tbsp. rast. oils

Recipe 5.

Also classic.

Pour 1 cup fine salt and 1 cup flour into a bowl and stir. Then pour in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and half a glass of water, mix with a spoon and knead with your hands until smooth, just like regular dough. Water can be replaced with starch jelly, then the mass will be much more plastic. Kissel is made like this: dissolve 1 tablespoon of starch in 1/2 cup of cold water. Heat another 1 cup of water in a small saucepan until it boils. Pour the starch solution into boiling water, stirring. When the contents of the pan thicken and become transparent, turn off the heat. Let the jelly cool and pour it into the flour and salt mixture instead of water.

Recipe 6.

200 g. wheat flour
100 g salt
2 teaspoons cream
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
300 ml. water
Mix flour, salt, cream and butter in a saucepan. Pour in water and mix thoroughly, avoiding lumps.
Place the pan over low heat and stir constantly. At first the dough will be liquid, then it will immediately begin to thicken. Continue stirring until completely thickened.
Remove the dough from the heat and use a wooden spoon to transfer it to a smooth surface.
Let the dough cool. Knead the dough until it is soft and workable and holds its shape well.

Recipe 7.

For large models (like plates or ceramic tiles):

200 g flour, 400 g salt, 125 ml water, 2 spoons of wallpaper glue

Recipe 8.

For particularly durable products.

THE BEST RECIPE!!! There will be no problems with the product at all! This is a recipe from a master from Arbat (unfortunately I don’t know the details).

Instead of water and glue, add bustilate (it is liquid).
1 cup fine salt, 1 cup flour - mix. Add boostilate until the dough is kneaded! No water and no adding flour during the kneading process!

With the use of boostilate, toys do not become damp, do not deform when fired, do not break when dropped - they become stone! Dry over very low heat in a half-open oven.

I took Bustilat-3, its consistency is even thicker than sour cream, like pudding, so it’s a little difficult to knead the dough, but the result is simply wonderful!!! It cannot be compared with anything - neither wallpaper glue, nor PVA, etc. Costs 25 UAH. - 1.3 kg in a plastic jar.

Since I tried this recipe, I haven’t used any others!

Recipe 9.

Dough for air drying, not in the oven:

200 g flour, 200 g salt, 2 spoons of wallpaper glue, 125 ml water.

Recipe 10.

Air-dry or oven-dry dough that produces waterproof, unbreakable products:

1 cup flour, 1 cup salt, 1 cup vinyl glue, 1 tablespoon melted Vaseline, 1 tablespoon lemon juice.
Mix everything in a Teflon container over low heat and stir. Once mixed evenly, cool slightly and you can sculpt. Dry in the oven at a temperature of 50-60 degrees with the door ajar, if on gas. If the oven is electric, then 75 degrees, you don’t have to open the door. Not in the microwave! Place on a pallet better foil silver, because the black surface gives off heat more strongly and the figurine may crack. The slower it dries, the safer it will not crack. In the end, you can give it 200 degrees, then the protruding parts will bake and turn brown, this effect is aesthetic. If you do not have the opportunity to bake your product in the oven, be patient. On a radiator or in the sun, products (especially large ones) will dry no sooner than in a week. After firing or drying, dough products can be painted and varnished. For coloring, you can use acrylic paints, but it is best to use artistic gouache with a little PVA glue added. After drying, this mixture is slightly shiny and does not stain your hands. For varnishing, use acrylic varnish. It is water soluble, non-toxic and dries in 6-8 hours. You can also add coloring to the dough itself when preparing it, cocoa, for example, or turmeric.

Salt will not completely dissolve in water; its grains will be felt in the dough and shine in the product. Therefore, do not try to dissolve the salt, mix it with flour, and then knead the dough by adding water or bustilate. Any salt can be used, although more often coarsely ground.

If the dough is too soft, then proceed as follows: mix a tablespoon of flour with a tablespoon of salt at the bottom of a bowl. Press the ball of dough into this mixture and then scrunch it up. Do this until the dough becomes more dense. Place the resulting mixture in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After this, you can sculpt from the dough. If you still have dough left after modeling, store it in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.


On open air Drying time depends on the thickness and volume of work and can reach several weeks. Drying in the open air is best done with room temperature. Remember: the thicker the product, the longer it will take. It is recommended to turn the product over for uniform drying, but if it has a convex three-dimensional ornament, then this is impossible. To ensure that the bottom dries at the same time as the top, dry the product on a metal mesh.

In the oven (gas or electric stove).

Dry the craft first in the open air (2-3 days), then in the oven at a temperature of 50 degrees, gradually increasing the temperature, but not higher than 150 degrees. When too high temperature the product may swell, sometimes even cracks appear. It is impossible to fix bulging crafts, and cracks are easy to cover up. To do this, dilute a little PVA glue, mix well and apply this mixture to the crack, then rub this mixture.
To be honest, I can’t dry items in the oven of my gas stove without deformation (((I air dry and use this excellent device

Drying time in an electric stove oven:

1 hour - at 50 degrees,
1-2 hours at 75 degrees,
1 hour - at 100 - 125 degrees,
0.5 hours - at 150 degrees.

Advice. Cover a baking sheet with food foil, place salted dough figures on it and place in the oven to dry. To check whether the figures have dried well, you need to tap them with your finger. If the sound is muffled, then it needs to be dried further, and if it is loud, then it means the dough has dried out. Uniformly dried products are uniform in color without “damp” spots.

On the heating battery.

This method is convenient to use in winter, when the central heating radiators are well heated. Place the craft on foil or cloth and leave it on the radiator until completely dry.

To ensure that the crafts are well preserved, after they are dried and painted, cover them with a transparent liquid varnish. This will reliably protect them from moisture. If you don't like mirror shine, then use matte varnish.

The roots of this type of creativity lie at the origins of Slavic culture. And more recently, the hobby has become popular again, and not in vain. After all, sculpting from salt dough is a pleasure, and it is accessible to many. The components for such crafts do not need to be purchased or prepared from expensive ingredients. Every home has salt, flour, and butter. This material is much more flexible and durable than gypsum and especially plasticine. You will learn how to make salt dough for crafts below.


In modern language, the art of modeling dough is called testoplasty or bioceramics. But no matter what name the salt dough crafts have, they are always beautiful! The creation of a new figurine always becomes an event, because when making them, the craftsmen put effort and soul into them. The plastic material allows you to create products of any complexity, sometimes even complete masterpieces. In addition, over time, crafts do not deteriorate or change, and salt protects them from pests.

Its current popularity is growing, and this hobby has attracted the interest of both children and adults. School circles have become involved in the fascination with this ancient form of art due to its accessibility and the possibility of endless embodiment of ideas. Thematic classes are conducted in kindergartens, and experienced craftsmen create picturesque paintings and realistic three-dimensional figures for home decor.


To create something yourself, you need a creative mood, an idea, and the material itself. On the Internet, many sites are full of ready-made works, master classes, collections of photographs on bioceramics, and write how to make salt dough for crafts. Therefore, you won’t need much effort to get inspired.

From the dough you can create any objects, figures, fruits, vegetables, refrigerator magnets and much more. A three-dimensional still life in real size, consisting of a saucer and some fruits that will be easy to mold and decorate even for a child, will look realistic. may include a composition of a rowan sprig created from real pine needles and red dough balls. All this can be arranged in the form of a painting or bas-relief to decorate the walls. It remains to find out for crafts. To prepare it, the ingredients are mixed, and after the toy is made, it is baked.

How to do

You can make salted dough for crafts yourself. To do this, you need to mix all the ingredients and put it on the stove or in the microwave. But there is a method that does not require heat treatment; it is usually used for making large figures when a lot of material is needed. After thorough kneading, they begin to sculpt crafts from salt dough. How to make the dough and which method to choose does not matter, the main thing is that it is thick and elastic, much like for dumplings. The hot cooking option is more flexible and dries better, but it is also a little more difficult to do.

How to make salt dough for crafts? Brewing recipe:

  • 100 g wheat flour;
  • 50 g salt;
  • 1 tsp. cream;
  • ½ tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 150 ml water;
  • a few drops of food coloring.

Mix flour, salt, cream and butter in a bowl. Dilute the food coloring in water and pour the resulting solution into the flour, avoiding the formation of lumps.

Place the container over low heat, stirring constantly. As it heats, the batter will turn into a thick mass. When it has completely thickened, remove from heat and place on the table. Knead the dough until it becomes soft and suitable for modeling. The same can be done in microwave oven. To do this, place the bowl with the dough inside at full power (650 W) for one minute. When the time is up, remove to stir, then put back inside. Watch for a while until the dough begins to rise from the bowl. Remove the container from the microwave and wait about three minutes until the salt dough preparation thickens. It’s now clear how to make the dough, all you have to do is knead it as in the first case.

Second option:

  • 150 g flour;
  • 150 g salt;
  • ½ tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 100 g of water.

Mix the ingredients and knead the elastic material in the same way as making salted choux pastry for crafts. To make sculpting easy, it is recommended to prepare the material the day before the planned work. You need to store it in a plastic bag on the refrigerator shelf, and it does not spoil for quite a long time.

Coloring salt dough

If you want to tint the salt dough, then during the cooking process, drop a few drops of food coloring of the desired color into the water. It should be taken into account that after baking the colors will lighten, but if you varnish the product, the shade will become saturated again.

To make fragile relief crafts, add 20 grams of PVA glue and a little potato starch to the dough.


You don’t have to color the dough during the cooking process, but decorate the already sculpted and baked figure. You can use watercolor, gouache, acrylic paints. Many craftswomen even adapt nail polishes. The finishing touches can be drawn on or highlighted with regular felt-tip pens. Please note that painting temporarily softens the surface of the figurine. Therefore, after registration, let the finished copies dry a little more in the air or in the oven.

What do you need for work?

To sculpt the figures you will need a working tool, often they are ordinary everyday objects. You can use a knife, rolling pin, comb, pen rods, which are convenient for making various holes. Relief knives and children's sets of ready-made molds for working with plasticine are well suited. Everything that is in the house can also be useful. Beads, lace, forks, soles of children's shoes, buttons, designer parts - what can be used to make an imprint on a product.


You can dry the finished products in the fresh air, but this usually takes a long time, so this is often done in the oven at the lowest temperature, changing the sides of the figures from time to time. Drying time depends on the size of the crafts. Sometimes the products are slightly browned to give natural color, for example, Christmas tree gingerbread cookies, people, pies for decoration.


You can start your creativity by making flowers, especially women will like it. Moreover, you already know how to make salt dough for crafts. Making daisies is very easy. Petals can be made by rolling out small strips lengthwise. And decorate the middle with a flattened ball, to which the resulting petals are attached from below. You can take the twigs from a real thuja - they are so similar to chamomile leaves, and also do not spoil. Place the composition in a basket, also made by yourself. It is woven from long strips of the same material as flowers. After everything is dry, you can start painting.


Cat lovers can practice different variations of funny cats like in the photo. In general, this topic is loved by all adults and children; these animals cannot help but inspire. You can even make a red cat out of salt dough in a primitive way, it will still look wonderful. And a cat created believably is, of course, a job for more experienced craftswomen.

Creating figures from salt dough is not just fun, but also painstaking work that requires perseverance and concentration. Children make crafts from salt dough; the activity is useful for them because it develops not only fine motor skills, but also creative thinking, artistic taste and many other positive qualities.

All children at an early age are interested in sculpting all kinds of figures. This develops fine motor skills, imagination, logic and other skills. Previously, high-quality Soviet plasticine was used for this purpose, which was not very pliable to work with, but was made from natural ingredients. Today, the market is overflowing with all sorts of bright products for modeling, but they do not inspire confidence among most mothers. Therefore, today our magazine will tell you how to knead salt dough, which will be an ideal material for modeling with your little one.

The main thing in the article

Varieties of salt dough for modeling

Testoplasty- this is the term used today to describe classes where salt dough is used as the main element for work. Testoplasty is actively used in medicine, both in psychology and for the development of premature and retarded children. As for the material used for classes and modeling, its “palette” is quite diverse. There are all kinds of mixing options:

  • Classical.
  • Brewed.
  • Edible.
  • From the microwave.
  • No water required.
  • On boiling water.
  • Using starch.
  • Colored, etc.

It should also be noted that such material for sculpting figures, prepared at home, can be divided into three types:

  • classical– great for the youngest children who do not yet have “work experience”;
  • stiff dough, designed for large, voluminous figures;
  • plastic dough, from it you can sculpt miniature parts of figures. Older children love to work with him.

Below we will tell you how to knead the material for modeling according to different recipes.

In addition to having a pleasant time with your child, the process of kneading such dough can turn into an exciting game.

Salted dough for modeling at home: what will you need?

Flour– this is the main ingredient. It is on this that 80–85% depends on what the material for the work will ultimately be. Therefore, do not skimp and choose good wheat flour for kneading dough.

Salt dough, even by its name, suggests that it contains salt. Preference should be given to salt that has small grains, such as extra class salt. Since grains of coarse salt can be found in the finished plasticine, which complicates the process of making figures.

Also, do not forget about additional materials. These include:

  • container in which the kneading is done;
  • a baking tray for baking the made shapes;
  • board and props for modeling;
  • for decorating figures, brush and paints (gouache, watercolor);
  • beads, buttons and other decorative elements, etc.

Important: Please note that recipes often indicate proportions in ratios, but you should know: the mass of salt and wheat flour is different, and accordingly the same mass indicated in the recipe will have a different volume. So, 0.5 tbsp salt = 1 tbsp flour.

Classic salted play dough: step-by-step recipe

First, let's present a dough recipe that is considered classic, that is, basic. To knead you need to purchase:

  • One tbsp - salt.
  • One tbsp flour.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.

Preparing the dough is quite simple:

Recipe for colored modeling dough with photo

To make it more interesting for children to spend time modeling, you can knead colored material to sculpt figures. Now we’ll tell you how.

We prepare the following components:

  • 300 g – flour.
  • 300 g – salt.
  • 200 g – water.

As for dyes, you can use ordinary food dyes, but they can remain on the skin of your hands or natural ones, such as:

  • turmeric– will give the material a yellow color;
  • beet juice– will make it pink, burgundy (depending on how much juice you add);
  • cocoa– will color in brown tones.

Knead the dough like this:

When using turmeric and cocoa powder, dilute with water to a creamy consistency and also mix into the dough.

Play dough baked over fire

Choux pastry can be used not only for cakes or pasties (by the way, about pasties, you will find excellent dough for them). So, choux pastry- This is an excellent material for working and creating all kinds of shapes. To knead it, you need to stock up on:

  • One tbsp flour.
  • A quarter of a century of salt.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • Sunflower oil in the amount of 1 tbsp.

You can make the dough by following the following instructions:

  1. Add flour to salt in a separate container. If desired, you can add dye. But it should be exclusively edible, since the dough is intended for playing with children.
  2. Boil water; when it boils, add vegetable oil.
  3. Add dry ingredients to water and boil. Don't forget to stir.
  4. When the dough brews and becomes a lump, you need to knead it, just wait until it cools slightly. The mass should not stick to your hands.

How to cook salt dough in boiling water?

When preparing the dough in boiling water, glycerin is added. It adds shine to the finished product. We prepare the following products:

  • One cup of boiling water.
  • One tbsp flour.
  • A quarter of a tablespoon of salt.
  • 2 tbsp – cream of tartar.
  • 2 tbsp – oil.
  • 1/4 tsp – liquid glycerin.
  • Dyes (food).

The dough is kneaded like this:

  1. Combine dry ingredients.
  2. Pour boiling water into a container, add oil, pour in glycerin, add food coloring.
  3. Add dry ingredients, stirring.
  4. When the brewed dough has cooled slightly, knead.
  5. Add enough flour so that the dough loses its excess stickiness.

Salted starch dough: an alternative recipe for a soft mass

When making homemade plasticine, you can replace wheat flour with starch. This dough is no different from classic version. You will need:

  • Starch (preferably from potatoes) – 1 tbsp.
  • Soda - 2 tbsp.
  • Water – 1/2 tbsp.

The dough is prepared without flour as follows:

  1. Combine starch and soda in a deep bowl.
  2. Pour water in a thin stream. Stir the mixture while doing this.
  3. Place on the stove and brew.
  4. When the dough comes together into a ball, turn it out.
  5. As soon as it cools slightly, sprinkle with starch and knead.

How to prepare salted play dough without water?

Are you wondering how to knead dough without using water? Let's knead together. Preparing the components:

  • 150 g – flour.
  • 1 tbsp – sunflower oil.
  • 1 tbsp – cream of tartar.
  • 150 g – salt.

Now let's describe how to prepare it:

  1. Pour all ingredients into a thick-bottomed container.
  2. Place this container on the stove and boil, stirring.
  3. Remove the thickened mass from the stove, leave for a while to cool, and knead.

Cream of tartar is available freely in stores that sell spices.

Salt dough with citric acid with photo

Another interesting way of making material for playing with children. For kneading you need:

  • Two tbsp flour.
  • One tbsp - salt.
  • Two cups of water.
  • Citric acid – 1 tbsp.
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.

Preparing the dough:

  1. Boil water, add oil.
  2. Mix all bulk ingredients.
  3. Add water in a thin stream to the dry mixture.
  4. The dough initially has a rather liquid consistency, but under the influence of hot water it steams, becoming a lump.

Now regarding coloring the dough:

  1. Dilute the dyes with water and mix them into the dough to give it color.
  2. For greater effect, you can use multi-colored sparkles that are mixed into the colored dough.

Children really like this unusual sparkling material for fashioning all kinds of figures.

How to make salted play dough with glycerin?

It should immediately be noted that the batch according to this recipe is great option for sculpting small products. Working with such material will keep even the most fastidious fidgets busy. By the way, about how to keep your hyperactive toddler occupied, read: ““. It is very pleasant to work with it, as the dough is distinguished by its softness and pliability. We prepare the following products:

  • One and a half tablespoons of flour.
  • One tbsp - salt.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • Glycerin – 2 tbsp (sold in pharmacies).
  • Dry wallpaper glue – 2 tbsp.

To knead a pliable, soft mass, you need to do the following:

  1. Mix all dry ingredients.
  2. Add glycerin and add water in portions. Knead the dough with a spoon.
  3. When it forms a lump, knead it with your hands.
  4. If necessary, add more flour; the mixture should not stick to your hands.

Recipe for Play Dough plasticine at home

Plasticine Play Dough has become one of the newfangled materials for developing all kinds of skills in a child, but it is not cheap. Therefore, we offer an option in which the dough intended for modeling turns out no worse than Play Dough plasticine. We prepare the following ingredients:

  • One tbsp flour.
  • Half a tablespoon of salt.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • 2 tsp – citric acid.
  • 1 tbsp – sunflower oil.
  • 1 tsp – glycerin.
  • Food coloring.

Prepare Play Dough according to the following recipe:

Play dough that glows in the dark

In order for the plasticine to emit light, you need a lamp, but not a simple one, but an ultraviolet one. Under its rays, the dough you prepare will emit light.

To mix this material you will need:

  • One tbsp flour.
  • Partial tablespoon of salt.
  • 1 tbsp – vegetable oil.
  • 2 tsp – cream of tartar.
  • Vitamin B – 1–2 tablets or 1 ampoule.

Kneading secrets:

  1. Grind the vitamins into powder if they are in tablets.
  2. Combine vitamin B with flour, add salt and cream of tartar.
  3. Add oil and water.
  4. Boil over low heat until a lump forms.
  5. Take out the dough and knead with your hands if necessary.

Vitamin B can be purchased at the pharmacy, and B100 (a vitamin supplement used by athletes) is also actively used. The secret of the glowing dough lies precisely in the B vitamins, since they glow in ultraviolet light.

How to make salted play dough: the simplest recipe

In 5 minutes you can prepare an excellent composition. Preparing the components:

  • One tbsp flour.
  • 2 tsp – soda.
  • 1 tsp – oil.
  • Partial tablespoon of salt.
  • One cup of water.

We do the batch like this:

  1. First mix all the dry substances.
  2. Add water and oil, place on the stove and cook until smooth.
  3. When the dough sticks to the spoon in a lump, it indicates its readiness.
  4. After the composition has cooled, knead it well with your hands.

You can play with play dough prepared by yourself for several weeks. For storage, place it in an airtight container and put it in the refrigerator. You can also wrap it in cling film, but it will be stored for no more than a week. If you expect to play with the mass for 1-3 days, then you can store it tightly sealed at room temperature.

Salted play dough: video recipes

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