How to make fermented baked milk in a slow cooker or pressure cooker. Ryazhenka in a slow cooker: how to make a tasty natural product? Step-by-step preparation of fermented baked milk in a slow cooker

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So, fermented baked milk. Everyone knows sour milk product with a beautiful beige tint and pleasant caramel sourness. Ryazhenka is prepared exclusively with baked milk. And he doesn’t know whether you are cooking with or without sourdough, but only with the addition of another fermented milk product (for example, sour cream). Therefore, first of all you need to prepare baked milk.
To do this you need the milk itself (preferably homemade, it is much richer) and a little butter for lubrication.

Pour all three liters of milk into the multicooker bowl. At the very top of the bowl you need to grease it with butter. This must be done to prevent the milk from “escaping” from the bowl.

Before starting to prepare baked milk, I read many recipes, specifically the cooking process in a slow cooker. Some sources advised placing a tray for steaming dishes, supposedly this should also help keep the boiling milk, so I decided to try it and used the tray.

Turn on the multicooker in stewing mode for 6 hours.

I want to say right away that the pallet did not help me at all. The milk foam kept raising it and I had to remove it many times. Therefore, it is better to simply keep the multicooker lid open for the first 20 minutes of boiling milk. Then the milk will calm down and will not boil so much, and you can safely close the lid and leave the multicooker unattended. I also want to say that in my multicooker the bowl is designed for 6 liters, that is, it has 5 liters of usable volume and I can allow 3 liters of “boiling” milk.

After a 6-hour wait, we have baked milk ready. On top of which a specific spit is formed. I would recommend removing it from milk. If you simply mix it with milk, then you will feel pieces of this spit in the fermented baked milk.
Baked milk itself is already delicious; you can simply drink it or use it in cooking.
By the way, you will have less milk left, not 3, but around 2.5 liters. 0.5 liters evaporated in 6 hours of constant and continuous boiling of milk in a slow cooker.
For further preparation of fermented baked milk you will need baked milk and dry sourdough.

Pour milk into the multicooker bowl and heat to 37 degrees.

Ryazhenka is a very healthy fermented milk product, which is obtained by fermenting baked milk. Protein from fermented baked milk is absorbed by the body twice as quickly as from other products, and one or two servings of it can provide a person with the body’s daily need for phosphorus, potassium and calcium.

This is ideal, but industrial production to reduce the cost of the final product they use regular milk, leaven and dyes, flavors.

This state of affairs with store-bought fermented baked milk should not become a reason for sadness, but only an impetus to prepare a tasty and healthy fermented milk product at home. This will be easy to do with a multicooker assistant.

The most delicious ryazhenka recipe

Multicooker models from different manufacturers have various options that can be used in preparing homemade fermented baked milk. This technology uses two modes (“Quenching” and “Heating”), which are available in the menu of even the simplest models.

Cooking step by step:

How to make fermented baked milk from baked milk

Almost all Redmond multicookers have a “Yoghurt” mode, which is also suitable for preparing fermented baked milk. It is also convenient to immediately prepare this fermented milk product in portions in glass jars or glasses.

For fermented baked milk in jars of baked milk in the Redmond multi-cooker you will need:

If you use already baked milk, the cooking time is reduced by more than half. All processes, including ripening in the refrigerator, will take 4-5 hours.

The energy value of the finished product is 84.1 kcal/100 g.


  1. Prepare baked milk, which you can prepare yourself in a slow cooker. Heat store-bought to a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees, and cool home-cooked food to the same temperature;
  2. Stir yogurt or sour cream into it. These ingredients should be completely dispersed in the milk. Pour the resulting mixture into prepared glass containers. It’s enough for four three-hundred-gram jars of jam or preserves that fit in a multi-pan;
  3. Place a towel folded several times at the bottom of the multicooker bowl, pour in half a liter or a little more water and place jars (glasses) with the prepared milk. Cover (but do not seal tightly) the tops with lids or food foil to prevent condensation from getting into the milk. Close the multicooker lid and simmer for 3 hours, turning on the “Yoghurt” mode.

Homemade fermented baked milk with sour cream in a slow cooker

As a starter for fermented baked milk, various fermented milk products or starter powder are used, but the most popular is fermentation with sour cream. Moreover, completely different sour creams are suitable for fermentation: fatty and low-fat, homemade and store-bought. Of course, the taste of the final product may differ, but it will still be delicious.

To prepare fermented sour cream fermented baked milk, the ratio of ingredients will be as follows:

  • 1200 ml milk;
  • 50 g sour cream.

The cooking process will last on average 12-14 hours.

The calorie content of a fermented milk drink will depend on the fat content of milk and sour cream - from 67 to 89 kcal per 100 g.


  1. Pour the milk into a clean multicooker bowl and simmer for 6 hours at 90 degrees, using the “Multi-cook” mode. The result should be beautiful creamy milk with foam and an appropriate aroma;
  2. Cool the contents of the multi-pan to 38-42 degrees. Pour a little milk into a flat plate, carefully remove the foam from the baked milk and transfer it to a plate with milk;
  3. Stir the sour cream well, transferring it directly into the multicooker bowl. Pour the resulting mixture into glass cups, and cover the top with pieces of foam from the plate;
  4. Wash the multicooker bowl, put a towel on the bottom and place cups with baked milk and sour cream. Then turn on the “Yogurt” function for 6 hours;
  5. At the end of the multicooker operation, the finished fermented baked milk should ripen for another four hours in the refrigerator.

How to make fermented baked milk from goat milk

Goat's milk has greater density and fat content compared to cow's milk. The concentration of beneficial macro- and microelements in it is also much higher, so mothers often buy it for small children. But if a child refuses to drink goat’s milk, then he will definitely not refuse a glass of thick fermented baked milk flavored with sweet fruits or jam.

For fermented milk drink from goat milk in the Panasonic multicooker you need to take:

  • 2000 ml baked milk;
  • 150 ml of starter.

The cooking time for fermented baked milk in a multicooker with the “Yoghurt” option will be 6 hours, without this function it will take a little more than 12 hours.

The calorie content of a thicker goat's milk product will be 98.8 kcal for every 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Measure out the required amount of baked goat milk. If you have regular milk, then it is easy to make it baked, proceeding in the same way as with cow’s milk. If necessary, heat to a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees;
  2. Pour part of the milk (about 150 ml) into a small vessel and add a starter, which can be any fermented milk product (sour cream, kefir, store-bought fermented baked milk, etc.), but with a high percentage of fat content. Stir the mixture well and pour into the milk;
  3. Pour the mixture into a clean multicooker bowl and simmer for 6 hours in the “Yogurt” mode. Another way: keep it warm for about half an hour, and then leave it overnight in a closed slow cooker. After this, transfer the product to another container and send it to ripen in the refrigerator. After cooling, you can eat.

Mannik - a simple pie for tea

Homemade fermented baked milk is not only delicious drink, but also an excellent ingredient for homemade baked goods, giving her the aroma of baked milk. The simplest version of such baking is manna in a slow cooker.

List and quantity of products:

  • 400 g semolina;
  • 500 ml homemade fermented baked milk;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 50 g wheat flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 5 ml lemon juice;
  • 30 ml vegetable oil.

All processes for baking manna will take approximately 2 hours.

The calorie content of a 100-gram piece of this dessert is 231 kilocalories.

Algorithm for baking manna with fermented baked milk:

  1. In a mixing bowl, mix semolina and fermented milk product. Leave these two ingredients together for room temperature for half an hour so that the cereal swells;
  2. Then sugar (regular crystalline and vanilla), eggs, soda slaked with lemon juice, and flour are added to the dough. Mix everything well to form a thick, pourable dough;
  3. Since the dough itself contains neither vegetable oil nor butter, the multicooker bowl must be well greased with odorless vegetable oil so that after baking the manna can be easily removed from the mold;
  4. Transfer the dough into the prepared multi-pan and bake for 60 minutes on the “Baking” setting. Depending on the power of the appliance, the baking time may be longer or shorter;
  5. If the housewife does not like the pale top of the manna, you can turn it over and hold it for another 15 minutes in the “Baking” mode so that it browns on all sides. Ready baked goods let cool on a wire rack.

Jellied pie with fermented baked milk

Fermented baked milk is also well suited as an alternative to kefir for kneading dough for bulk pie. The filling of such pies can be sweet (berries, fruits) or savory (meat, mushrooms, cheese, vegetables).

For the most simple option for sweet jellied ryazhenka pie you will need:

  • 250 ml fermented baked milk;
  • 200 g white crystalline sugar;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 300 g of berries (currants, raspberries, blackberries or others);
  • 260 g flour;
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • vanillin and salt to taste.

The baking process will take 100-110 minutes.

Energy value finished pie– 219.4 kcal/100 g.

How to bake:

  1. Combine the eggs with sugar and beat a little, then pour in the fermented baked milk and vegetable oil, mix. Mix salt, vanilla and flour, add in small portions to the liquid component of the dough and stir;
  2. Prepare the berry filling. Wash the fruits, remove stems and stems if necessary, cut large ones into pieces;
  3. Pour half the dough into the greased multicooker bowl, place the prepared berries on top in an even layer, hide them under the second half of the remaining dough. Bake for 80 minutes in the “Baking” mode (or alternatives - “Cupcake”, “Steamer”, “Multi-cooker”).

Often, at the stage of preparing stewed milk in a slow cooker, housewives are faced with such a problem as escaped milk. This disaster can be prevented if, before pouring milk, rinse the multi-pan with cold water and grease its edges a small amount butter. For the same purpose, a steaming rack is installed on the bowl.

You can make the color of baked milk for fermented baked milk more rich and creamy, and the taste sweeter, by adding a little sugar to it. One teaspoon per two liters of milk will be enough.

step by step recipe with photos

The fastest and most delicious fermented baked milk is made in a slow cooker! If you don’t believe me, try making it yourself! This thick stewed drink will be ready for you within 6 hours. Ryazhenka prepared at home is no match for store-bought dairy products!

You can get enough of homemade fermented baked milk in literally two sips, it is so nutritious and fatty, and you can drink and drink store-bought ryazhenka as if it were diluted with milk.

By the way, those who are on diets or adhere to a proper diet should be careful with this drink - it is very high in calories!


  • 1.5 l milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream

How to cook fermented baked milk in a slow cooker

1. It is advisable to take pasteurized milk - there is less risk that it will curdle during baking. Pour the milk into the multicooker bowl.

2. Place the bowl in the multicooker itself and close it with the lid.

3. On the display, set the “Baking” or “Baking” mode for 50–60 minutes. This time is just enough for 1.5 liters of milk to become melted. If you poured 2 liters, then increase the time by another 15 minutes, and if less, reduce it by 15 minutes.

4. After this time, you will hear a beep indicating that your milk is baked. Pour it into a container along with the foam. Baked milk has the same color as condensed milk, but it is more liquid.

5. Remove all foam from it and add 2 tbsp. l. sour cream. Choose its fat content according to your taste.

6. Whisk the sour cream and milk until everything is well combined.

7. Pour the resulting fermented baked milk into portioned jars or other containers. Seal and leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature. Then shake them and transfer them to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

8. During this time, your fermented baked milk will become thicker. Taste this milk drink with buns, cookies or other baked goods.

Note to the hostess

1. You should not speed up the process of souring baked milk mixed with sour cream by lemon juice and other food acidulants. With their help, of course, the protein quickly denatures, but the fermented baked milk will separate. It will be even worse if lumpy clots appear in it. You can use the old method: immerse a bread crust wrapped in a thin, clean cloth, such as gauze, in a dairy product. Attention: the bread must be wrapped in a cloth, otherwise the wet crumbs will separate and remain in the fermented baked milk.

2. The gauze bag will also serve the purpose of aromatization. Mint, lemon balm, grated ginger, crushed coffee beans, etc. are placed in it and dipped into hot baked milk several times after the foam is removed from it. Ryazhenka will retain its characteristic smell, but will also be enriched with other shades of aromas, pleasant and barely perceptible. It is only undesirable to use the zest: it will give the delicate delicacy a noticeable bitterness.

3. If you use sour cream of the lowest fat content, then why not prepare the basis for future fermented baked milk from cream? They are great baked.

4. Lush porous pancakes, brownish-beige in cross section, are baked using homemade fermented baked milk. To minimize their caloric content, instead of wheat flour, take a mixture of buckwheat and oatmeal.

Many of us have the warmest childhood memories associated with fermented baked milk. How can you forget this fragrant, delicious product cream-colored, slightly runny or very thick, with beige foam...

Store shelves are now filled with ryazhenka of different brands, but if you really want to cook natural product, or, for example, to introduce ryazhenka to kids, that is, it makes sense to cook ryazhenka at home. It's very simple, especially if you have a multicooker.

In order to prepare fermented baked milk at home in a slow cooker, we need a whole cow's milk and sourdough for ripening.

Everyone knows that if you ferment milk, you get kefir or yogurt, but to get fermented baked milk, we need baked milk. And here again the multicooker comes to the rescue.

Pour milk (store-bought or homemade) into the multicooker bowl. The capacity of my multicooker is 4 liters.

Close the lid loosely and set the “Stewing” mode (“Soup”, “Steaming”). We wait until it boils, stir the milk so that it does not “run away” and then close the lid tightly. Boil milk for 5 hours. After the allotted time, we get aromatic cream-colored baked milk.

Next, the milk must be cooled; if the temperature exceeds 40 degrees, the bacteria will die. Pour a jar of starter into the cooled milk and mix well with the foam. Determine the amount of starter according to the amount of milk and the instructions on the package of the starter.

Set the "Yoghurt" function ("Multi-cook" 40 degrees) for 8 hours. Fermented fermented baked milk is fermented under a tightly closed lid. After 8 hours we get a very tasty, real fermented baked milk. Which is also fresh and natural.

Ryazhenka cooked in a slow cooker is ready.

Ryazhenka is very useful for both adults and children, so it is recommended to regularly include it in your menu.

Bon appetit!

One-year-old children eat fermented baked milk with great pleasure - especially babies who are growing teeth and find it painful to eat solid food. And naturally, looking at the shelves with orange jars in the store, every mother begins to wonder - which one is the healthiest and contains the least amount of chemicals?

Of course, this can only be said with confidence about homemade, personally prepared fermented baked milk. From rural milk.

This is exactly the recipe we offer you today. This recipe for fermented baked milk takes a lot of time, but you don’t have to stand at the multicooker at all - you only need to put food in the bowl and change modes several times. In general, no housework!


  • fresh milk - 2 liters;
  • sour cream (or yogurt) - 250 g.

Multicooker: Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Philips and others.


First we make baked milk, which, by the way, is very tasty in itself, so be careful - the cooking may not progress beyond this stage, your family can easily drink it secretly from you :)

So, we just need to pour our fresh milk into the multicooker bowl (I leave it in the refrigerator for half a day before this, then I pour the fatty top into the cream, and cook from the remaining milk). We set the “Stew” mode for 6 hours - you can do it overnight, then in the morning you will have warmed baked milk waiting for you, some of which you can take away for breakfast.

Now cool the milk - it should be slightly warm - from 30 to 40 degrees. For comparison, this is the temperature for bathing babies.

Now add sour cream or yogurt to the milk. Sour cream is good if you want the most natural product possible, and you have it at home. But in this case, the final product will have a more pronounced sourness. And with yogurt the taste will be softer.

Mix everything well.

Now select “Heat” for just 15 minutes and turn off the multicooker.

But we don’t open the lid - we’ll leave the fermented baked milk to simmer for about 6 hours.

By the evening you will have a wonderful fermented baked milk! Co bun or gingerbread - what’s not an ideal dinner for the whole family!

And the portion is huge - two liters of deliciousness :)

Bon appetit and easy cooking!

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