How to make vanilla sauce for strudel. How to make delicious and sweet vanilla sauce? Classic cherry strudel

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Strudel is a famous Austrian dessert that has conquered the whole world thanks to its wonderful taste. The essence of strudel is simple, like all ingenious things: it is a product made from dough with various fillings, rolled into a roll. Sweet strudels with berries and fruits are especially popular. Let's give classic recipe, on the basis of which you can experiment with fillings and serving.

For the dough you will need: 250 g flour, 200 ml vegetable oil, 125 ml water, 1 yolk, 1/4 tsp. salt.
For the filling: 1 kg apples, 100 g raisins, 100 g chopped almonds, 130 g butter, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 g vanillin (or 1 tsp. vanilla sugar), 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 3 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs, 30 ml rum.

Mix the dough. Sift the flour so that the structure of the future dough becomes more uniform and airy. Add salt, yolk to the sifted flour, pour in warm water. Knead thoroughly until smooth and roll into a ball. Transfer the dough into a small deep container and pour vegetable oil so that the dough is completely covered. Place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. The dough itself will absorb the required amount of oil, become elastic and strong, i.e. will not tear. Pour warm water over the raisins for a few minutes, then dry. Wash the apples and dry them. Cut into 4-6 slices, remove the core, cut the slices crosswise into thin slices, immediately mix with lemon juice, almonds, cinnamon, raisins, rum, vanillin or vanilla sugar. Remove the dough from the oil and blot excess oil with napkins. We spread a clean linen towel on the table and roll out the dough directly on it into the thinnest, widest layer possible. Using a brush, brush the dough with melted butter(60 g), sprinkle breadcrumbs, distribute the filling evenly. Next, the strudel must be rolled into an even roll. We make the first turn with our hands. Then, gradually lifting one edge of the towel, we continue to roll it to the end. There should be no voids, but there is no need to press down the strudel. Carefully pinch the ends of the roll. Using the same towel, transfer the strudel onto a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, seam side down. Bake in an oven preheated to 180-200° for 40 minutes, periodically basting with butter. The strudel can be served warm or cold. You can serve a piece of hot strudel with a scoop of creamy ice cream on one plate. The classic way to serve cold strudel is with vanilla sauce.

You will need: 500 ml milk, 60 g sugar, 1 tsp. butter, 2 yolks, 2 tsp. starch (potato or corn), 1 tsp. vanilla sugar or 1/2 vanilla pod.
Pour the milk into a saucepan, add vanilla sugar or vanilla seeds (to do this, cut the pod lengthwise and scrape it out). Bring the milk to a boil and remove from heat.
Beat the yolks with sugar until white. Continuing whipping, add starch and pour in milk in a thin stream. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the sauce has reduced to a thick cream. Remember that the sauce will become even thicker as it cools. Strain the sauce through a sieve.
Store the sauce in the refrigerator. To avoid the formation of a crust on it, cover the container with the sauce cling film. When serving, heat the sauce over low heat. At long-term storage Before serving, strain again.

We discussed strudel (be sure to watch Irina’s post!), and I remembered that I had just recently seen a recipe for it on the Essen&Trinken website.
You can watch text comments and videos. And then I will show you what has already been translated, with all the comments and additions. Don't be afraid of the dough, it will stretch like a little one, so be brave!
By the way, Sveta ingwervanille already let me know that vanilla sauce goes better with cottage cheese you feel where this is going? :) Of course, I’ll cook that too. Sveta, you have the recipe!

We boldly get down to business.

We need:
For the test
150 ml milk
250 g flour
1 egg
2 tablespoons vegetable oil (30 ml)
1/2 tablespoon white wine

50 g almonds
100 g butter
60 g breadcrumbs
150 g sugar
1 lemon
800 g apples
40 ml Calvados
40 ml dark rum
50 g raisins
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Powdered sugar for sprinkling

Vanilla sauce
1 vanilla pod
250 ml milk
250 ml whipped cream
6 egg yolks
80 g powdered sugar

What we do:

1. Flour, eggs, butter, white wine, a pinch of salt and milk (the milk should be warm) - knead into a smooth, elastic dough.
Form into a ball, grease with oil, cover and leave for 2 hours in a warm place.

2. For the filling: fry the almonds until golden brown.
In a separate frying pan, melt 50 grams of butter. Add 50 g breadcrumbs and sugar. Keep on medium heat until golden brown.

3. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into thin slices. Add to them: lemon juice, remaining sugar, Calvados, rum, raisins, cinnamon and almonds.

4. Melt the remaining butter (50 g) and set aside. Sprinkle a kitchen towel with water and then sprinkle with flour; put the dough on it. First, roll out with a rolling pin, sprinkling with flour (a couple of pinches of flour, a couple of movements with the rolling pin, then with your hands). Take the dough in your hands and pull with the outer sides of your palms. Return the dough to the towel and pull the thick edges from the center to the sides, trim off the excess. The dough should be thinly rolled out into a layer so that the pattern on the towel is visible. Brush the edges of the dough with melted butter.

5. Sprinkle with breadcrumb mixture, leaving 5 cm from the edges. Spread the apple filling.

6. Fold the edges of the dough towards the center. Using a kitchen towel, roll up the strudel. Place seam side down on baking paper and brush with melted butter.

Bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes. Sprinkle the finished strudel powdered sugar.

7. Cut the vanilla pod and scrape out the seeds, bring to a boil with milk, cream and the pod itself. Remove vanilla pod.
8. Beat the egg yolks with sugar until creamy, while continuing to beat, gradually pour in the hot milk.
9. Place the mixture on water bath(do not boil!), Keep stirring until the mixture thickens. Strain the sauce through a sieve.

Apple strudel served hot or cold with vanilla sauce.

It's time to go to the table!

Such a delicate consistency of this warm, winter sauce complements so well, which is still best served cold, that your soul becomes warmer from such a dessert.

Memories of my student days, when I ordered apple strudel with vanilla sauce. By a funny coincidence, I returned to my hometown, and the same confectionery “Tsukernya” as in Lvov also opened here. But the strudel doesn't taste the same anymore. Don't think, it's no worse. The circumstances are just different. Then there were apple strudels in Austria, and even in Germany, but it was not the same. Tasty, but without emotions.

But when I prepared everything at home, somehow even my heart sank with sentimentality...:-) Without the vanilla sauce, everything would have been different. Worse!

Everything is prepared very simply, the main thing is not to miss when the sauce begins to thicken and remove it from the heat in time.

The sauce reheats perfectly. You need to heat it over low heat, stirring constantly, and after heating, it’s better to pass it through a sieve a second time before serving. This will ensure the sauce is silky and smooth.

550 ml


  • 1/2 pod vanilla (or 8 grams vanilla sugar)
  • 2 yolks
  • 500 ml milk
  • 60 grams of sugar
  • 2 tsp corn starch(can be replaced with potato)
  • 1 tsp butter, cool
Cooking time: 20 minutes

1. Pour milk into a saucepan and scrape out the vanilla beans (to do this, cut the pod in half). Bring milk to a boil and remove from heat.

2. Beat the yolks with sugar until white.

Little by little, continuing to whisk, add starch and pour in milk in a stream. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, pour everything back into the saucepan.

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