How to properly fry cutlets in a frying pan? How to fry cutlets in a frying pan and what is the key to success? How long to fry cutlets in a frying pan: the secrets of perfect cutlets Which frying pan should you not fry cutlets in?

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Traditional minced meat cutlets are present on the dinner table in every Russian family. Homemade cutlets are rightfully considered the perfect dish for every day, because they have an excellent taste, satisfy the feeling of hunger well, and most importantly, they are simple and quick to prepare.

To make the cutlets juicy and appetizing, you need to know correctly.

It's no secret that novice housewives sometimes fail to make cutlets. They may fall apart or burn on the outside, but not cook through on the inside. To prevent this from happening, you need to take note of a few tips on how to fry cutlets.

The taste of meat cutlets primarily depends on the quality of the minced meat and the frying technology.

The most juicy and flavorful cutlets are obtained from Preparing should begin with the purchase of meat. It can be pork, beef or lamb. In order to cook, it is preferable to take tenderloin. It is best to make a combined minced meat. Excellent cutlets are made from beef with the addition of pork, which is about 30%.

Many housewives add an egg to the minced meat, but you should know that this makes the food tougher. Spoon butter or cream added to the minced meat makes the cutlets juicy and soft. If meat is combined with bacon, then the latter should be no more than 10%. If desired, add garlic, fresh parsley or spinach to the minced meat. Salt must be added immediately before frying.

To prepare 10 cutlets you will need 500 grams of minced meat. The meat and one onion should be minced in a meat grinder. Add one egg, 50 grams of butter, salt and pepper. Soak two pieces of bread in water or milk, knead and add to the minced meat.

Now you can proceed to the cooking process. How to fry cutlets so that they turn out aromatic and tasty? From the resulting minced meat you need to make 10 cutlets and roll them in flour or breadcrumbs. To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, you need to moisten them with water. To prevent the breading from crumbling during frying, keep the cutlets in the refrigerator for 10 minutes before frying. Most often, cutlets are cooked in vegetable oil, but it is believed that they turn out more juicy and golden brown with melted fat.

How to fry cutlets so that they do not fall apart, are well browned and are not raw inside? To do this, you need to follow the frying technology. The cutlets need to be placed in a very hot frying pan with oil. First you need to place a piece of bread on a heated surface.

If you eat the bread, it will immediately fry, which means that the pan with oil has warmed up enough, and now you can add the cutlets. You need to fry them first on one side, then on the other. After this, reduce the heat, pour in a little water, cover the pan with a lid and simmer until done. You can add mayonnaise, ketchup, seasoning, and a little flour to the water.

If the cutlets are not cooked through on the inside but are very browned on the outside, you can let them sit for two minutes.

Cutlets can be decorated with herbs and served as a separate dish or cooked with them pasta, vegetables.

For proper preparation cutlets in a frying pan, you must first prepare good quality minced meat. Then fry them properly. To prepare semi-finished products, you should choose the right frying pan, or rather, the bottom should be much thicker than in ordinary similar dishes.

And in order to fry cutlets without oil, use a frying pan with a non-stick coating.

In order to cook cutlets correctly, knowledge of the recipe may not be enough. For many, things often go wrong. Sometimes the dish turns out tough, sometimes it falls apart before your eyes, sometimes it sticks to the dishes. To avoid this, you need to adhere to some rules and secrets.

How to make homemade minced meat for cutlets

Despite the fact that nowadays a considerable number of interesting and original recipes, many people continue to give their preference to cutlets.

And, mostly, housewives make minced meat with their own hands. This is not surprising, because from homemade minced meat the dish turns out tasty and reliable (considering the quality).

To prepare minced meat you will need the following products:

  • 500 g beef (pulp only);
  • 500 g pork;
  • 200 g white bread;
  • ½ glass of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Steps for preparing homemade minced meat:

  1. It is necessary to choose meat that is free of various tendons and films, since their presence may prevent the product from being passed through a meat grinder. Twisted meat should be supplemented a small amount water. This will make the cutlets more juicy;
  2. It is better to chop the onion in a blender in order to protect yourself from unnecessary tears. It can be fried in a pan for a short time before adding to the meat;
  3. The bread must first be separated from the hard crust and the pulp soaked in milk. Add to the minced meat and break the eggs there. Then add pepper and salt to taste. Next, you need to mix all the ingredients thoroughly. After this, the minced meat is completely ready;
  4. In order for the cutlets not to fall apart during frying, it is necessary to add ready minced meat stringiness. This can be done by hitting it on the table, or by throwing it from hand to hand. You must first wet your hands in water, since this way the minced meat will not have the opportunity to stick to them;
  5. After the minced meat products are formed, you need to roll them in breadcrumbs or flour, and then fry them (read more about this below).

How to fry cutlets in a frying pan

You also need to fry the opposite side of the cutlets. After this, reduce the heat as much as possible and add a little water to the cutlets.

Having done this, cover the container again with a lid and allow the dish to simmer a little. If desired, you can add a little ketchup, mayonnaise or a bouillon cube to the water in the pan.

To fry cutlets from chicken meat, you need to prepare the breading mixture in advance. To prepare it, you need to cut stale bread into small cubes and dry them in the oven. You can also use a frying pan for these purposes.

After the chicken balls are formed, they need to be rolled in prepared crushed crackers. And then do everything exactly the same as in the case of minced pork and beef.

How to fry frozen semi-finished cutlets

Many women do not have enough time to spend long periods of time in the kitchen. That is why they often purchase frozen semi-finished products. In such cases, no one can promise high quality and good taste of the product.

In order to save time, you can prepare the minced meat yourself and form the cutlets in your free time, and then hide and freeze them in the freezer. And get them in any quantity as needed.

In order to cook semi-finished products correctly and tasty, you need to use a kind of frying pan, the bottom of which will be thicker than a regular one. At maximum heat, it heats up well and is greased with vegetable or butter. It is important to ensure that the oil is distributed in equal quantities over the entire bottom area.

There is no need to defrost semi-finished products in advance. Straight from freezer they can be placed in a frying pan. You need to make sure that the laid cutlets do not touch each other. Such cutlets should be fried at maximum heat on all sides.

With this frying, all the juice that can be released from the meat will remain inside the cutlets. Then you need to reduce the heat to medium, add a little water and cover with a lid. After a short time, turn off the stove.

In the second case, you need to cut the cutlet into two halves. If the cut is a uniform grayish color without any inclusions, then the cooking process can be completed.

How to fry chicken cutlets without oil in a frying pan

Making cutlets from minced chicken performed at a fairly fast pace. It's pretty delicious dish that's why everyone loves him. To prepare this dish you need products that are always available to any housewife.

List of required ingredients:

  • 1 kg chicken fillet;
  • Medium sized bulb;
  • 150 g of bread, always white;
  • 1 small potato;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. fresh milk;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

The process of preparing this dish:

  1. Chicken meat, first of all, must be chopped using a blender or meat grinder. Then add the onion to it, having first finely chopped it;
  2. The bread must be soaked in milk. Grate the potatoes, preferably as finely as possible;
  1. Add soaked bread, grated potatoes and egg to the meat;
  2. According to your own taste, add salt, pepper and mix all the added ingredients well.

For cooking chicken cutlets without using oil, you need to use a non-stick frying pan. First you need to heat the pan very well. Then the formed cutlets are laid out on it. You can make them large as they will become much smaller during cooking.

There is no need to cover the pan with a lid. Cooking should take place over high heat for three minutes. Then you need to lift one of the cutlets and check for the presence of a golden brown crust.

Then turn the product over and fry the other side in the same way. Next, water is added in the amount necessary for the third part of the cutlets to be in it. Cover the container with a lid and reduce the heat on the stove.

The cutlets should be stewed for 40 minutes. If necessary, you can add water.

The finished dish turns out very soft and juicy.

Classic chicken Kiev recipe, see step-by-step instructions.

Minced salmon fish cutlets are very tasty - read the recipe.

  • To prepare cutlets, you need to use only white bread, which has become a little stale. But you should not overdo it with the amount of bread added, because the dish will absorb too much fat from the pan;
  • It is better to soak the bread in water;
  • Don't squeeze the bread too hard after soaking;
  • While forming the dish, you can place a small piece of butter or ice inside. The cutlets will be much juicier;
  • It is better not to twist onions for minced meat in a meat grinder, but to chop them with a knife;
  • Before starting cooking, the minced meat can be placed in the refrigerator for a while.

Cooking cutlets is not difficult at all. It is only important to follow some rules and secrets.

Homemade minced meat is the best for cooking delicious cutlets, so don’t save money and be lazy. Moreover, the implementation of these plans will not require a lot of time.

When cooking cutlets in a frying pan without the use of sunflower oil, the calorie content and harmfulness of the product are reduced. But at the same time the product does not become less tasty.

When the semi-finished products are ready, the very last stage remains - heat treatment.

At first glance, this is a very simple operation, but it happens that the cutlets crumble, turning into a crumbly meat mass, or, burning on top, remain unfried inside, or they stick to the pan and have to be scraped off with a spatula.

How to fry cutlets in a frying pan - basic technological principles

There may be several reasons for such shortcomings. It is important to find them and eliminate them at the very initial stage of preparing fried cutlets, so as not to completely spoil favorite dish.

Firstly, before frying cutlets in a frying pan, it would be very good if, in case of uncertainty, the housewife conducts a little testing, especially when it comes to preparing cutlets according to a new recipe. Take a small part of the cutlet mass, form a cutlet weighing 50-60 g, and fry it separately. In this case, it will be possible to identify any defects in the minced meat and eliminate them.

Here are the most common causes of failed cutlets and how to eliminate them:

If the cutlets crumble during the frying process, then most likely an error was made in preparing the meat or fish cutlet mass: the minced meat was poorly beaten, as a result of which the collagen that binds the cutlet mass was not sufficiently released from the meat juice. In this case, you need to beat the minced meat to the required consistency or add an egg to it and mix thoroughly. After beating the mixture again, keep it in the cold for at least an hour and then start frying the cutlets.

If vegetable or cereal cutlets crumble, where the binding component of the cutlet mass is egg white, starch, flour or other products, then add the missing ingredients, mix the cutlet mass and wait until the gluten or protein fibers swell and binding of the particles begins.

Of course, for frying cutlets you need to choose the right fat and the right utensils. First about fat. If deep frying is necessary, then we definitely choose refined vegetable oil. It is odorless, and therefore the taste and aroma of the cutlets will not change when frying. Refined oil begins to smoke at temperatures above 200ºϹ, and for cooking cutlets this temperature is quite enough. In natural vegetable oil (unrefined) at 110ºϹ, microparticles of the raw materials from which this oil was obtained begin to burn. When heated, these particles begin to stick to semi-finished products, which in turn will have a bad effect on the taste. ready-made dish.

If we are talking about poultry or fish cutlets, where the condition requires the use of butter, then you need to remember that it contains up to 82.5% fat ("Extra"), and the rest is milk components, and these are them begin to stick and burn in a hot heat-resistant container at a temperature even less than 100ºϹ. How to fry cutlets in a frying pan in this case?

Options for solving this problem:

You can combine vegetable oil and butter. Start frying on one side in vegetable oil, and when turning the cutlets over, place a small piece of butter under each semi-finished product so that it is absorbed directly into each cutlet, does not burn and creates the necessary taste of the product;

Use whey-free ghee, made entirely of milk fat;

Another backup option is to use spread or margarine for frying cutlets.

Of course, when choosing fat, you need to take into account the composition of the cutlets. For some semi-finished vegetable products, vegetable oil is definitely better: this, for example, applies to carrot semi-finished products. But potato or cabbage cutlets will be equally tasty if you use any of the listed fats to fry them. The taste will just be different, but this will only add additional variety. Suitable for frying minced pork and beef cutlets. pork fat.

A few words about dishes. In a frying pan with a good Teflon coating, you can fry cutlets without using fat. If the frying pan is used correctly, according to the instructions, and there are no scratches on it, then the cutlets will not stick or burn. However, in this case, when turning the cutlets over to the other side, it is advisable to cover the frying pan with a lid and continue frying, while simultaneously steaming them from the inside.

Every housewife has a set of frying pans made of different materials in her arsenal. You can figure out the diameter of the frying pan: it depends on the number of cutlets. It is better to fry semi-finished vegetable products in heavy cast iron frying pans, since it is precisely such utensils that allow you to obtain the required degree of fried products at the same time as being attractive. appearance.

It should also be taken into account that cast iron cookware takes longer to heat up than conventional Teflon or ceramic frying pans, but it also, after heating, maintains a constant temperature for a long time, even after turning off the stove. This mode allows you to slowly monitor the heat treatment process. Smooth heating also better ensures frying inside the semi-finished product, without burning the surface.

When using a frying pan with a thin wall, even with a Teflon coating, you need to constantly adjust the intensity of its heating, and to do this, add or reduce the temperature with the burner regulator. With high heat in such a frying pan, the cutlets will quickly fry on top, remaining undercooked on the inside. If the Teflon frying pan is heated low, the cutlets will be stewed rather than fried, and in this case a golden brown crust will not be achieved.

Which of the two methods is more convenient is up to the owner of the stove and frying pan to decide, based on an assessment of her capabilities and skills.

How long to fry cutlets in a frying pan? The answer is obvious: until fully prepared. But jokes aside, the duration of frying will depend on the product used - in each individual case, the time varies according to the density of the ingredients.

Let's start with the fact that cutlets are prepared both from whole pieces of meat or fish, and from minced minced meat, poultry, fish, cereals and vegetables. The cooking time in each case depends on the composition of the cutlet mass, the temperature of the frying surface, and the humidity of the prepared minced meat.

First, all types of cutlets are fried on both sides and brought to readiness over lower heat, covered or in the oven. The thickness of the cutlets also matters for the duration of their heat treatment.

But in any case, meat and fish cutlets You must first fry until you get a crust on both sides, and after that they should be treated with steam for another 7-8 minutes. This especially applies to cutlets that contain minced pork. You can finish frying the cutlets after preliminary heat treatment in a frying pan, in the oven, and you can steam them in own juice, or simmer by adding broth, water or a specially prepared sauce.

In each specific case, as a rule, recipes indicate the frying temperature and how long to fry the cutlets in a frying pan, although a popular and beloved dish sometimes does not require such detailed recommendations.

Recipe 1. Juicy homemade cutlets


Fatty pork (pulp) 400 g

Veal, boneless 350 g

Bread, white 150 g

Milk 250 ml

Garlic 30 g

Egg 1 pc.

Ground pepper, black

Fat (for frying)


Soak stale bread in milk, mash with a fork - you can add it to a meat grinder to twist along with the rest of the ingredients. Mix the cutlet mixture well and, cover, refrigerate for at least half an hour. Form flat, oval-shaped cutlets, 120-130 g each.

Fry first over high heat, 1-2 minutes on each side, and then simmer over medium or low heat, covering with a lid.

Recipe 2. Cabbage cutlets with cheese and mushrooms


White cabbage, chopped 0.5 kg

Bread, white (or crackers) 180 g

Garlic 20 g

Dry mushrooms, porcini (powder) 50 g

Cheese, hard 250 g

Sour cream 150 g

Ground pepper

Flour (for breading)

Melted butter for frying


Finely chop the cabbage, grate the cheese (finely), combine ground crackers and mushroom powder with sour cream. Salt the cabbage and add chopped garlic, ground spices, knead lightly to release the juice. Combine all the prepared ingredients into the cutlet mass and mix. You need to form semi-finished products immediately, with your hands dipped in water, and immediately fry them at medium temperature, in heated fat. Fry on each side for 2-3 minutes.

Recipe 3. Beef liver cutlets with buckwheat


Buckwheat porridge 250 g

Egg 1 pc.

Liver 350 g

Garlic 15 g

Flour 70-80 g

Mayonnaise 50 g

Frying fat


Boil 120 g of buckwheat in 350 ml of water. The porridge should not be crumbly. Grind the prepared pieces of liver, garlic and onion with a blender or meat grinder. Combine the mixture with the porridge, add the remaining ingredients, mix. If the cutlet mixture is too liquid, add more flour and let stand for 50-60 minutes. Spoon the cutlet mixture into the heated fat, like pancakes, and fry for 2-3 minutes on both sides.

Recipe 4. Chicken meatballs in sour cream sauce with parsley


Chicken fillet 0.7 kg

White bread, stale 200 g

Milk 100 ml

For the sauce:

Sour cream 10% 300 ml

Garlic 10 g

Parsley, chopped


Grind the bread soaked in milk, onion and chicken pulp. Add spices, chopped garlic, egg and prepare cutlet mixture. Keep it in the refrigerator and form balls of 60-70 g each. Simmer them in heated oil, covering with a lid, for 10 - 15 minutes. Combine sour cream with flour and spices. Add water to thick sour cream if necessary. Pour the liquid into the frying pan with the meatballs and simmer for another five minutes, cover with a lid, add the herbs, let the sauce boil and turn off the heat.

Recipe 5. Fish cutlets from pollock fillet


Lemon juice 50 ml

Pollock fillet 700 g

Egg 1 pc.

Butter 120 g



Combine the crushed bread with onions and fish, pureed in a blender, add lemon juice, egg and spices. Stir the minced meat, add softened butter and beat out the mass. Cool and form flat round cutlets, bread them in breadcrumbs, place on a plate, and refrigerate. It is better to deep-fry such cutlets so that the oil from the cutlet mass does not have time to leak into the frying pan.

How to fry cutlets in a frying pan - tricks and useful tips

    Readiness meat cutlets You can check by pressing on the cutlet with a spatula or fork: if the pressure produces clear juice, then after 2-3 minutes of steaming you can remove the cutlets from the heat.

    If you monitor the amount of cholesterol entering the body, then use only vegetable oil for frying, and it is better if it is olive oil, but not virgin oil. Although any fried food is quite harmful, you should try to reduce this harm to a minimum.

    Do not use the same oil twice, because after frying the cutlets in a frying pan, this oil turns into a toxic substance containing carcinogens. After frying the cutlets, the remaining oil should be thrown away. At best, they can be used for other economic purposes, but under no circumstances should they be eaten.

    In order for the cutlets to be juicy, it is not always necessary to use breadcrumbs. Juiciness is provided by protein or starch.

Dear readers of the blog Mistress of the Estate, today I will share with you useful tips about how to fry cutlets in a frying pan. We often fry cutlets, but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. Sometimes they are tough. and sometimes they fall apart or stick tightly to the pan.

Therefore, I think the secrets in this article will not hurt any housewife.

How to fry cutlets correctly

  • Secret 1: Use stale white bread for cutlets. If you use fresh bread, your cutlets will become sticky inside. Keep in mind that adding bread makes the cutlets fluffy and increases their volume because it absorbs the juice released from the meat. There is no need to add too much bread to the minced meat; in addition to the juice, it also absorbs the fat on which the dish is fried.
  • Secret 2: It is better to soak the bread not in milk, as many do, but in water. Milk protein deprives meat products rigidity.
  • Secret 3: If you make some dishes from minced meat with the addition of soaked bread, before putting it in the minced meat, do not squeeze out the water too much.
  • Secret 4: When making cutlets, put a piece of butter or ice in the middle, this will add juiciness.
  • Secret 5: Do not mince the onion in a meat grinder, but chop it finely.
  • Secret 6: Eggs are introduced only into minced fish or when you make cutlets from vegetables and cereals. They are beaten in for binding. IN minced meat eggs are added only in catering canteens, because they put in more bread than meat. Add a little starch to the minced meat for binding (1/3 tablespoon per kilogram of minced meat).
  • Secret 7: To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, place a bowl of water next to it and wet your hands.
  • Secret 8: Fully cooked minced meat needs a good spanking. The meat will thicken and will not fall apart. Then you need to put it in the refrigerator for several hours to let the minced meat mature.
  • Secret 9: You can bread it either in egg or in flour.
  • Secret 10: Viennese breading recipe - flour, egg, breadcrumbs.
  • Secret 11: Breading for a crispy crust - flour, egg, crackers, egg, crackers.

How to fry minced meat cutlets

The most popular method is a frying pan. But many housewives prefer to fry in the oven. This makes them juicier and produces less odor when frying.

Typically, cutlets made from any minced meat are first fried over higher heat to form a crust, that is, to “seal” all the juice inside the cutlet.

When they are fried this way, they will always keep their shape. But a lot depends on the minced meat, or rather on the meat from which it is prepared. poultry, chicken or turkey cutlets always turn out a little dry, so it is advisable to add a little bacon or duck or goose meat to them.

Fish cutlets are always the juiciest and softest, they cook faster, but they are the ones that hold their shape the worst.

The fattier the minced meat, the more components you need to add that will absorb excess fat and prevent the cutlets from falling apart.

How long to fry cutlets

Again, it all depends on the mince. The main thing is to observe the measure and not to overcook the cutlets on the fire, otherwise they will turn out tough even if the minced meat was prepared according to all the rules.

Cooking time for cutlets is on average from 15 to 25 minutes, no more. Usually the first side is fried 2 times faster than the second, which is simultaneously fried and steamed under the lid.

How to fry frozen cutlets (store-bought)

Often we simply don’t have enough time to cook cutlets ourselves, so we have to buy them in the form of semi-finished products in the store. When frying frozen cutlets, you need to adhere to just a few principles:

  1. Do not defrost
  2. Strictly observe the temperature required for good roasting.
  3. Fry longer than homemade cutlets made from fresh minced meat.

Thawed, even slightly thawed cutlets immediately begin to crawl around the pan and turning them over can be problematic. It is better to place them in the pan completely frozen. Moreover, why should we waste time on defrosting?

You need to fry semi-finished products so that they are simultaneously covered with a crispy crust and melted, then they will keep their shape.

Frying pan with vegetable oil or with fat you need to heat it to medium temperature and over medium heat, without a lid, fry one side of the cutlets, 7 minutes will be enough.

Then turn the cutlets over, reduce the heat to half and fry the other side, covered, until golden brown, for an average of 15 minutes. chicken and fish cutlets are fried less, pork cutlets need to be fried longer.

Homemade cutlets - recipe

Required Products:

Minced meat - 700 grams

Onion - 1 piece

Starch - 0.5 tablespoon

Water or milk - 150 grams

Stale wheat bread - 100 grams

Salt, pepper to taste

Flour or breadcrumbs

How to cook:

Soak the bread in water or milk, pass through a meat grinder and mix with minced meat. Chop the onion finely and send it there. Salt, pepper, add starch, mix everything well. The minced meat should not be too thick; if this happens, add a little water in which the bread was soaked.

Let the minced meat sit in the refrigerator for an hour before forming the cutlets. Then we divide it into equal parts, beat the cutlets well with our palms and roll them in flour or breadcrumbs. Immediately fry the finished cutlets in a frying pan on both sides for 15-20 minutes.

Homemade minced chicken cutlets, video recipe

Oh, these cutlets!

Any festive feast is not complete without aromatic golden brown cutlets. This tasty dish never loses its popularity among experienced housewives, but there is one drawback - after any fatty food, our stomach malfunctions. What to do in this case? How to fry cutlets correctly so that the body does not suffer? All women have encountered culinary problems during their pregnancy, when the husband orders crispy cutlets for dinner, and the wife is strictly forbidden to eat fatty foods. How to properly fry cutlets for yourself and at the same time please your husband?

Little tricks

The answer is simple! In the store we choose only fresh minced meat; under no circumstances take this product in vacuum packaging or a semi-finished product. The meat should be either entirely pork or with the addition of chicken fillet (fat content is significantly reduced). Take a deep container and put the minced meat there, soften it with your hands. We know exactly how to fry cutlets correctly! Peel carrots, potatoes, onions and two cloves of garlic. In a separate bowl, mash a small piece of loaf in fresh milk. Add 2 eggs, a teaspoon of table salt, a pinch of black and red pepper to the minced meat. For lovers of spicy food, you can add barbecue seasoning to the meat. All the added ingredients do not interfere with the question of how to properly fry the cutlets.


Pour the mixture of loaf and milk into a container with minced meat, egg, and spices, mix thoroughly with your hands. If the resulting mass is very thick, then grate the potatoes on the finest grater and throw them into the minced meat. Depending on your taste, we determine the required amount of carrots in the minced meat; usually one small root vegetable is enough. It also needs to be grated on a fine grater. To give the cutlets an unusual taste, you can add fresh shredded cabbage instead of carrots. Garlic can be cut into small cubes or squeezed through a garlic press. Mix everything again to form a homogeneous mass. Place it in the refrigerator for half an hour. After all, we know how to properly fry cutlets so that we can then enjoy their unforgettable taste!

Let's fry and steam!

Some people think that frying is very easy. No, that's not true. How many times have we pulled our food off the bottom of the pan or eaten undercooked food? Many times. Therefore, the question of how to fry cutlets in a frying pan should be taken very seriously. Firstly, the dishes must be clean, the dish will not burn. Secondly, sunflower oil is added only to a well-heated frying pan. Under no circumstances should cold water be allowed to come into contact with it. Thirdly, you need to make small cutlets, they will fry better. Fourthly, it is undesirable to cover the frying pan with a lid, in this case condensation will form there, which provokes “shots” of oil. Each cutlet needs to be pressed down a little while frying with a wooden spatula. In a separate saucepan or frying pan, place either a leaf of fresh cabbage or potatoes cut into thick slices on the bottom. Place the finished cutlets there, fill with boiled water to one quarter of the volume and bring to a boil. We leave some of the rosy and crispy meat cakes for our beloved husband, and steam some for the children. Thus, we learned how to properly fry cutlets, and also how to feed the whole family with an appetizing dish without compromising our stomach!

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