How to properly brew Turkish coffee at home. How to brew coffee in a Turk - traditional options and unusual recipes. In a regular drip coffee maker

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A cup of hot, freshly brewed coffee can invigorate even the cloudiest autumn-winter morning. Every year there are more and more connoisseurs of this invigorating drink. The reason is simple, because bean coffee is not only tasty, but also very healthy drink. Suffice it to say that one cup of this drink a day can reduce the risk of cancer by 30%.

However, to fully develop the rich flavor of ground coffee beans, they must be brewed properly. For this, it is best to use a Turka - a traditional eastern vessel, the history of which goes back hundreds of years. We wrote about how to choose the right coffee pot.

In order for coffee beans to fully reveal their taste and aroma, it is enough to follow a number of simple recommendations.

How should the coffee grind be?

The finer the grind, the better. This way the coffee will brew faster, and during the brewing process a dense foam cap will form on its surface, which will preserve not only all the flavor tones, but also the beneficial substances contained in abundance in this drink. Any modern coffee grinder is suitable for thoroughly grinding beans. You need to grind coffee immediately before brewing, since even short-term storage in ground form will lead to loss of taste and evaporation of the divine aroma.

How much water should I pour?

There should be enough water in the Turk. Ideally, it should reach the narrowest part of the vessel - the “neck”, but so that there is still a little space left on top for foam. Therefore, the Turk for brewing coffee needs to be selected in appropriate sizes based on the number of servings of the drink. It is better to use well or spring water, but simply filtered water will do, as long as it is cold.

No way Do not pour cooled boiling water into the Turk– this will greatly spoil the taste of the coffee.

What fire to cook on

With rare exceptions, cook ground coffee need to be on low heat, which will help avoid boiling water.

When to add salt and sugar

Avid coffee drinkers often debate whether to add sugar right away or add it after brewing. Perhaps there is no single correct answer here, and you can choose the optimal algorithm of action by trying both options. Some people believe that a small piece of refined sugar placed in a Turkish cup can make the taste of coffee fuller and reveal all its notes. Sugar slightly slows down the boiling process of water and forms a denser foam. Salt has a similar property; several crystals of it can be placed on the bottom of the Turk before putting the coffee on the fire.

When to remove from stove

“How long does it take to brew coffee?” - this is the most popular question asked by novice ground coffee lovers. The Turk should be removed from the heat when the first bubbles appear. They mean that the coffee is starting to boil, but this should not be allowed, as this will lead to the destruction of the essential oils that make this drink so aromatic.

Other nuances of making coffee at home

To ensure the rich taste of coffee, it must be stored in appropriate conditions - in airtight packaging in a dark place.

There is no need to exceed the standard rate, which is 1–2 tablespoons of ground coffee per 1 cup., since this will not greatly affect the degree of flavor saturation, but will add bitterness.

During the brewing process, it is undesirable to allow foam to break through on the surface, since it is this that serves as a barrier to essential oils, which quickly evaporate upon contact with air, greatly impoverishing the aroma of the prepared drink.

Recipes for making Turkish coffee at home

There are a huge number of ways to brew Turkish coffee. Here are some of the most interesting.

Oriental coffee

The most common and affordable option for brewing coffee in a Turk. For this recipe you need:

  • 100 ml water;
  • teaspoon of coffee.

The main condition for properly brewed oriental coffee is that the drink should not be boiled. Therefore, you need to cook it over low heat. In Turkey and the countries of the Middle East, the Turk is generally not placed on an open fire, but use hot sand as a heating element. You can also reproduce these conditions at home. It is enough to take a deep cast iron frying pan, pour clean river sand into it, turn on low heat and bury the Turk in the sand, where it will slowly heat up.

In Turkish

One of the most popular cooking recipes bean coffee. For 1 serving you will need:

  • 70 ml water;
  • a heaped teaspoon of coffee;
  • sugar to taste.

The Turk itself must be copper or silver. It is in such a container that you will get real oriental coffee.

Put coffee in the pot, add a few grains of salt or sugar if desired, mix thoroughly, add ice water and stir again. Put on fire, wait for foam to appear, remove from heat, wait 1 minute and bring to foam again. When cooking at home, the flame on the gas stove should be the smallest. Repeat steps 3-4 more times.

You can find other recipes for making Turkish coffee at.


For the Arabic version of brewing coffee, you will need the same ingredients as for the Turkish and Oriental brewing methods.

Put sugar in a Turk and fry it over the fire until dark. Add water, bring to a boil. At the moment of boiling, add coffee, bring to a boil, wait for the foam to settle and return to the stove again, bringing to a boil. Repeat these manipulations 2-3 times. You can add spices to brewed coffee.

In Brazilian

Brazil is a country with rich coffee traditions, so it is impossible to ignore this recipe. To prepare it for 1 serving you need:

  • 150 ml chilled water;
  • 10 g cocoa powder;
  • 15 g ground coffee;
  • cold cream;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • refined sugar to taste.

Boil the cocoa by stirring in 50 ml of water for several minutes over medium heat until the mass begins to thicken. Dilute the cocoa mass with the remaining water, add coffee, put on fire and cook until foam appears. Sprinkle the foam with salt, cover the pot and let the coffee brew for a while. Whip the cream and put it in the refrigerator. Bring the coffee to a boil over low heat again and pour into a cup. Place 3-4 tablespoons of cream on top. If desired, you can add a few drops of dark rum.


½ cup of any brewed traditional way coffee add 40–50 g whipped with 1 teaspoon granulated sugar heavy cream. You can add a little chocolate or vanilla crumbs to taste.

With cinnamon

For classic version you will need:

  • 125 ml water;
  • a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • a third of a teaspoon of granulated sugar;
  • a teaspoon of ground coffee.

Pour all ingredients into a Turk. Without adding water, heat over the fire for 3-4 minutes, add water. Of course, ideally it is better to brew such coffee over coals, but in the absence of this, a regular gas stove will do. After boiling, pour about a third of the volume into a pre-prepared cup and return the Turk to the fire. Repeat these steps until all the coffee is in the cup. Coffee prepared according to this recipe has a particularly rich aroma and a very dense foamy head.

Information about the benefits and harms of coffee with cinnamon, as well as others interesting recipes are in the next one.

With honey, cardamom and chocolate

For 1 cup of aromatic coffee you need:

  • ½ teaspoon honey;
  • 2–3 boxes of cardamom;
  • 1 teaspoon coffee;
  • chocolate to taste.

Grind the chocolate on a fine grater. Pour coffee and cardamom seeds into the pot. Pour water, put the Turk on low heat. Remove the vessel from the stove when the foam rises. Pour coffee into a cup, add honey, stir gently. Spread the grated chocolate evenly over the surface of the drink.

With cognac

For 2 cups you will need:

  • 50 ml cognac;
  • 350 ml water;
  • 2 teaspoons coffee;
  • refined sugar to taste.

Pour coffee into a Turk and fill it with hot water. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. Pour hot coffee into cups, adding cognac in equal proportions. A great option to warm up a little on cold winter evenings.

You can find other recipes for coffee with cognac.

With liqueur

The liqueur goes well with coffee. For preparation, egg or cream liqueur with a strength of 20% is usually used, but if desired, you can add stronger varieties of this drink. The brewing process itself is no different from making coffee with cognac.

With foam: how to brew correctly?

Coffee foam is an indispensable attribute of this drink. To make the foam dense and rich, you need to bring the drink in the Turk several times to a boil over medium heat, removing from the heat when the foam rises. As soon as the foam begins to settle, the Turk must immediately return to gas. The more such cycles are performed, the stronger the coffee foam will be. You can add a little cinnamon or cardamom, this will add a pleasant tartness to the drink.

Delicious coffee with milk

Brew coffee using any method described above. Add boiled or steamed milk. The more milk there is in the cup, the more delicate the taste of the drink will be.
Natural coffee beans are a drink that is worth trying at least once in your life. Many recipes for its preparation will help you discover new facets of the taste and aroma of this invigorating drink each time.

Finally - video on how to make Turkish coffee correctly at home:

Artyom Temirov, one of the co-founders of the Cherny cooperative (the organization deals with coffee) reports:

We are interested in statistics, and in Russia it is terrifying: out of 100% of the coffee market, 85% is instant coffee. Another 5% are coffee drinks, that is, not coffee at all, and only 10% are natural ground coffee

For true coffee connoisseurs, the statistics are sad. Still, there is a certain percentage of people who love natural ground (brewed) coffee.

So here you go step by step instructions for brewing Turkish coffee:

  1. Select your favorite roast (green, toasted, deep roast, etc.)
  2. Grind the beans. It is believed that the finer the coffee is ground, the faster and more actively it releases its taste and beneficial properties water in which it is boiled.
  3. Heat the empty Turk over the fire.
  4. If desired, you can put a piece of refined sugar or salt on the bottom of the turk (cezve). This little trick will help enhance and highlight the taste of your wonderful coffee. If you don't allow sugar in your coffee, you shouldn't add anything at the beginning.
  5. Take the required amount of clean, filtered water.
  6. Pour the ground coffee beans into the Turk. The amount of coffee is taken to taste. Usually this is one and a half to two heaped teaspoons for one small cup of coffee.. An alternative to brewing coffee is to first heat the slightly dry material in a pot without adding water to intensify the flavor.
  7. Fill with cold, unboiled, purified water. Turks usually have a bottleneck at the top. It is along this peculiar mark that you need to pour water according to the rules.. In addition, the narrow space allows the drink to create a plug of grounds at the top of the vessel during preparation to preserve coffee oils and other useful substances.
  8. You need to put the cezve (the name of the Turkish in the East) on low heat so that the liquid does not escape, as often happens when preparing coffee in this way.
  9. Wait until the water comes to a boil, but do not allow the process of turning water into steam to begin properly, that is, wait until a foam cap forms. At first, such foam is called young, that is, it is the first foam of the future drink, its color is white. Later it becomes dark, that is, “old”. This is evidenced by the bubbles that form on top at this stage of coffee preparation.
  10. Now you should remove the vessel from the heat and wait a little until the foam subsides.
  11. When one complete cycle is completed, you can begin another one of the same. Moreover, it is allowed to repeat it several times. This amount will depend on the quality and size of the grain grind.

Next, it is recommended to leave the coffee for a few minutes “to rest.” Then take cups and pour warm water. Wait until they warm up. Drain the water as soon as it has transferred most of the heat to the cups. They are now ready to be filled with coffee.

According to the women's magazine “Woman style”,

...According to the French, you cannot boil coffee. And it's true. A drink brought to a boil loses its value because it has a different taste and aroma. That is why when preparing it you need to say “brew.”

A few more ways to brew coffee in a Turk

Method one:

  • Boil small quantity water.
  • Pour some boiled warm water into the grater.
  • Pour crushed coffee into the pot. A standard cup usually takes up to 2 tsp. coffee. However, the amount depends on your individual taste preferences.
  • Then pour water from the kettle into the Turk. It should be noted here that the water should not be boiling. The total amount of water in the Turk should correspond to the volume of your cup.
  • Place the Turk on the stove and wait for the coffee to start boiling. It is at this moment that it is necessary to remove the drink from the heat.
  • Let the drink sit for a few minutes, pour into a cup and enjoy unique taste and aroma. All additional ingredients must be added directly to the cup.

Method two:

  • Warm the Turk over the fire for 30 seconds.
  • Add 2 spoons of coffee and sugar to taste.
  • Fry a little mixture of coffee and sugar in a Turk.
  • When the sugar begins to melt and the coffee begins to clump, stop roasting.
  • Fill with water to the level of the bottleneck of the Turks. This recipe requires the use of cold, unboiled water.

Wait for the foam to rise and the coffee to boil. Remove the Turk from the stove. Let it brew for a couple of minutes and pour the finished drink into a cup.

During the cooking process, you may have various questions. For example, what to do with the foam that always forms when brewing coffee. If you are not a fan of foam, then try to pour coffee from the Turk into a cup, leaving the foam on the walls of the Turk, or just carefully collect it beforehand and rinse it in the sink. If you still decide to fully experience the whole aroma of coffee, then transfer the foam with a spoon to your cup. You can also add milk, cream or various spices to already prepared coffee. The dose of ground coffee powder can be adjusted according to your preference, but the amount of water should always be the standard amount.

What to do if you like coffee, but the Turks don’t?

A small saucepan (enamel) or ladle will save you. Place freshly ground coffee beans in the clean, preheated container you have chosen for making coffee at home.. They must be roasted and ground immediately before starting the process. Proportions: pour 3 tablespoons of the product into a regular glass of water. There is no need to stir the drink when heating the vessel on the fire..

For brewing in the microwave, the Kofella coffee territory advises:

Before putting on coffee, measure how long it takes for a glass of water to boil in your microwave. The fact is that all devices are of different power, and we will not be able to say exactly how long you need to keep the coffee so that it just reaches the desired temperature

You can make coffee in microwave oven in a slightly different way. Just watch carefully when the foam starts to rise. It is at this moment that you need to quickly turn off the device, otherwise the coffee will “run away”. After turning off, wait half a minute and the drink is ready!


Exquisite aroma, amazing taste of freshly brewed coffee - what could be better in the morning? Not only does it serve to awaken, but it is also good for accompanying conversations, disputes and resolving conflicts. And deliciously brewed coffee is a sign of high skill. Which coffee tastes better? How to brew it in a Turk so that it tastes good? This will be discussed in the article.


Turka is an integral part of the coffee brewing tradition. Many people ask how to make Turkish coffee. This vessel helps to reveal all the sophistication of this enchanting drink. The vessel should have a conical shape. The Turks good quality the walls are thick, and the bottom is two to three times wider than the throat. The narrowed and high neck of the Turka allows the rising foam to clog the aroma and taste in this particular vessel and prevent it from evaporating. We brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot correctly, calculating the required volume based on the number of people. For proper preparation It’s better to have several Turks of different sizes. The handle in the vessel must be long with a certain angle, which does not allow it to be scorched in the fire. Many people prefer wood, since when used correctly it is considered the best material for this purpose. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the mounting location. It is very convenient when the handle is removed, this allows you to preserve the wooden handle longer from changes in humidity.

Types of Turks

There are three types of Turks that can be used when making coffee: metal (made from copper, stainless steel and bronze), clay and ceramic. One thing can be said right away: a stainless steel Turk can be recommended to you by people who have absolutely no knowledge of brewing coffee. Metal greatly distorts the taste when brewing, so put it off until bad times. Bronze and copper vessels must be coated inside with food grade tin to prevent poisoning of the body with these metals. Clay Turk is one of the cheapest options. Clay has the ability to absorb the aroma of prepared drinks. How to brew coffee in a Turkish pot made of clay? If you have a clay Turk, then it should only be used for one type of drink. You must be careful when handling. When cooking in a clay vessel, it is necessary to exclude sharp jumps temperature, the vessel may burst. Ceramic Turk is recognized as the most expensive and durable. When preparing it, you need a certain skill. Ceramic holds the temperature well, so when removed from the heat, the drink continues to bubble and rise for some time.

Coffee varieties

There are main types of coffee: Liberica, Arabica, Robusto. Liberica is known for its strong bitter taste. It is used only in a mixture to obtain a rich, strong, slightly bitter taste. Arabica has a soft, refined, pleasant aroma. This type contains minimal caffeine. Robusto is stronger than Arabica and has a more pronounced aroma. But it is not used in its pure form. But these two varieties are known to many lovers of this wonderful drink, who know for sure how to brew ground coffee.

Roasting beans

Roasting plays a very important role. It can be medium, weak and maximum. When heavily roasted, the product develops a pronounced and bitter taste. Determine for yourself which coffee tastes better by trying each roast.

Grinding grains

According to all rules, the grinding for brewing in a Turk should be like dust. If the grind is coarser, then an unpleasant aftertaste will remain and, perhaps, large particles will not all settle to the bottom, so they will end up in your mouth. How to brew ground coffee sold in stores? The problem with the ground drink sold is that when you open the package, the aroma quickly evaporates. But if you grind the beans at home, the coffee comes out with a much richer aroma and brighter taste. If you don’t want to spend money on a coffee grinder, then you can buy coffee in a vacuum or in a can, but it must be factory-packed. The label usually indicates the percentage composition of the mixture, and if the coffee comes with a filler, its name will be indicated.

How to brew coffee

Having decided on the grind and type of drink, you need to find out how to brew coffee in a Turk. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of water and powder. So, let’s warm up the bottom of the Turk a little, to do this we put it on low heat for a few seconds. Warm up the Turk and add the ground drink at the rate of 150 grams of water per 2 teaspoons. Sugar should be added immediately for those who need it. You need to pour water into the vessel so that the liquid is at the level of the narrow part of the neck. This is done so that when boiling the foam clogs the entire aroma in the vessel. Having placed the Turk on the fire, we brew coffee in the Turk correctly, the fire should be low. As soon as a small, peculiar crust begins to appear on the water, and foams and rises along the edges, we can talk about boiling. This moment cannot be missed. It is necessary to remove the Turk from the heat in time so that the resulting cap is not broken and does not “escap.” A foam cap or stopper is a kind of blockage of aroma and taste in the Turk; if it is disturbed, the delicacy of the drink will disappear. Wait until the plug settles. Do not touch it under any circumstances and repeat this manipulation several more times. If you stir the coffee after the third boil, the grounds along with the debris will settle to the bottom and the cup will be cleaner. But gourmets of the drink argue that the foam stopper should get into all cups equally, since this is what gives the piquant taste of coffee. But whether to interfere or not is entirely up to everyone. For delicious drink You will need clean, soft drinking water, well-ground roasted coffee, a good Turk and a heated cup (the cup is heated by first pouring hot water into it for a couple of minutes).

Turkish coffee recipe

How to brew Turkish coffee in a Turkish coffee pot? For one serving you will need: a teaspoon of ground grains and water. Fine grinding is placed in a Turk and filled with water equal to one cup. Cook until the cap begins to rise up. At this time, remove the Turk from the heat and carefully remove the foam into the bowl. The vessel is put back on the fire, and heating begins again. The Turk must be removed at the moment when the liquid begins to boil - this is very important. If you remove the Turk incorrectly at a certain moment, the coffee may be weak or overheated.

Arabic coffee recipe

How to brew Arabic coffee in a Turk? We put the Turk on the fire to warm it up. Remove and pour a little sugar into it, one teaspoon is enough. Return it to low heat. As soon as sugar begins to change its white to a light brown tone, pour in a little water and stir, bring to a boil. As soon as the water and sugar have boiled, remove the vessel from the heat and add coffee to your taste, but no more than 2 teaspoons. Then add a spoonful of cold water. Place the Turk on low heat, under no circumstances stir it further. As soon as foam appears, skim it into a preheated cup. The highlight of Arabic coffee is to keep it on the fire for as long as possible and not let it boil. But as soon as the head of coffee rises, the Turk must be quickly removed from the heat. If you like very strong coffee, then add another spoonful of cold water and return to the heat. This procedure can be repeated several more times, each time the coffee will be stronger.

We told you how to brew Turkish coffee according to all traditions; try this enchanting drink, experiment with spices, and you may discover a new taste for yourself.

The ceramic pot can easily be considered the heir to the very first utensils in which people made coffee. Time and technology have made their own adjustments, but cezve made of fired and glazed clay is still in demand in the world. modern kitchens. How to brew coffee in a ceramic cezve correctly, are there any special subtleties for preparing a decent drink in a ceramic cezve?

How to brew coffee in a ceramic pot on the stove

A ceramic cezve allows you to get a rich and aromatic drink. Its thick walls heat up evenly, so the coffee is extracted efficiently, the ground powder imparts all the taste and aroma to the infusion. Therefore, ceramic Turks successfully compete with copper ones. Cooking recipes can be given in different ways. We offer our own algorithm that will help you prepare a strong and invigorating drink.

Cooking procedure

  1. Prepare a ceramic cezve. If it is new, wash it thoroughly with warm water and wipe dry.
  2. Place the finest grind coffee in a Turk, at the rate of 10-12 grams per 100 ml of water. This is approximately 2 full teaspoons with a small slide. This proportion will give a strong drink; if you want to make it less intense, use less powder.
  3. Do you drink coffee with sugar? Then put it with coffee. Approximately 1 teaspoon.
  4. Pour cold water into the Turk. It will require 2/3 of the required volume. To accurately measure the required portion of liquid, first pour it into the cup from which you plan to drink coffee, and then pour most of the water into the coffee pot.
  5. Set the Turk over low heat. If possible, use a flame spreader to help the drink heat evenly and slowly.
  6. As soon as the foam begins to rise, remove the ceramic pot from the heat.
  7. Transfer the risen foam into a cup.
  8. Add the remaining water from the cup to the Turkish cup and stir the coffee with a long-handled spoon.
  9. Then put the Turk back on the fire and let the foam rise again.
  10. Stir again and put on fire again. After waiting for the coffee to rise again, remove from heat, let it brew for a couple of minutes, stir again.
  11. Carefully pour the drink into the cup where you previously placed the foam.

Your coffee is ready to enjoy.

Rules for using ceramic Turks

Utensils have their own rules and limitations that must be taken into account before you start making coffee.

  • Ceramic cezves are suitable for making coffee on a gas or electric stove. They prepare coffee on sand and even in the microwave.

Ceramic cannot be used on induction cookers. We wrote about Turks for induction cookers in this article.

  • Glazed ceramics do not like sudden temperature changes. Before washing the Turk after use, let it cool thoroughly.

Never place a very cold cezve on a hot burner.

  • Clean dishes using warm water and non-abrasive detergents.
  • Ceramic Turk is not afraid of fire and heat, since special fire-resistant ceramics are used for the dishes, however, it remains fragile and does not withstand impact loads well.
  • You can heat an empty cezve over a fire, just as you can caramelize sugar in it, provided that the inner coating of the cezve is not made of glass ceramics.

How to make coffee in a ceramic Turk on sand?

For those who want to taste real coffee in a traditional way oriental recipe, we present a complete algorithm for making coffee on sand in a ceramic Turk.

  1. In a small cezve - up to 120 ml - put 1 scoop of ground coffee. A ceramic pot will heat up more slowly than a copper one, so it’s better to take the minimum size pots.
  2. Pour cold water waist-deep into the Turk.
  3. Flatten the fine heated sand in a special electric roasting pan and place the Turk in the sand. This should be done in a circular motion, with pressure. As a result, most of the container will be immersed in sand almost up to the neck. If you couldn’t bury the Turk right away, dig it in with sand using a regular spoon.
  4. Wait 40-50 seconds, allowing the coffee to warm up.
  5. Then the Turk needs to be taken by the handle and moved in a circle, burying it in the sand. Leave for 5-7 seconds and change the position of the Turks again. Make sure that the surface of the drink is not agitated and the coffee does not splash out.
  6. After making 5-6 circles, leave the Turk with coffee in the sand until foam forms.
  7. Remove the container from the sand and let it cool slightly. You can stir the drink with a long-handled metal spoon.
  8. Place the Turk back into the sand until the foam rises again.
  9. After this, the coffee can be poured into cups and served.

To make coffee on sand, use a cezve with a simple, laconic design, without appliqués or voluminous decorations. All these decorative elements slow down the heating and disrupt its uniformity.

For those who are willing to spend a few minutes of their lives preparing a good drink, we have put together a few tips that will make coffee in a ceramic Turk even tastier.

  1. If you drink coffee with sugar, use brown cane coffee. Mix it thoroughly with ground coffee, and only then add water. Your coffee will give a strong and high foam, and reveal the aroma in a new way.
  2. Before putting it on the fire, warm the Turk under running hot water or by placing it in the microwave for a few seconds. Ground coffee placed in a heated cezve acquires a rich and intense aroma.
  3. The spoon you are going to use to stir the coffee can be pre-cooled in the refrigerator.
  4. If you are preparing a drink with spices, then add the hard ones immediately with ground coffee, and leave the ground coffee until the drink is ready. They are added when the coffee is removed from the stove.
  5. To help the grounds settle faster, add a few drops of cold water to the finished coffee.

A ceramic pot allows you to prepare coffee that is as rich in flavor and aroma as possible. This occurs due to sufficient extraction of the ground powder in a thick-walled container. The ceramic pot has written a worthy page in the coffee book of our civilization, so we should also take advantage of the properties of this utensil and old recipes to treat yourself to a delicious drink.

Coffee is the most popular drink in all countries of the world. They're preparing it in different ways. It is believed that the best taste comes from coffee when brewed in a Turkish coffee pot. Do you know how to brew coffee in a Turk so that its taste becomes more pleasant and its composition is healthier?

The Turk is a small copper container with a long handle. These specialized cookware vary in size and neck shape. On the bottom of the Turk it is usually written how many cups it is designed for.

The first Turk was invented by the inhabitants of the East many thousands of years ago. Already in ancient times, people noticed that coffee has a beneficial effect on the body: it improves memory, thinking and improves immunity. A cup of strong coffee allows you to cheer up in the morning, which is important especially on weekdays.

Features of making Turkish coffee

  • Due to the fact that the grounds settle to the bottom of the vessel when brewing coffee, most of the beneficial substances will remain outside the cup. Therefore, let the coffee steep for at least a few minutes before pouring into cups.
  • When purchasing coffee for Turkish brewing, you should make sure that it is suitable for this brewing method.
  • Boiled water is not suitable for making Turkish coffee. It is better to use filtered water for this.

  • It is better to grind the coffee beans yourself immediately before brewing.
  • The strength of the drink will depend only on your preferences. On average, to prepare a standard drink, 100 milliliters of water requires about a spoonful of ground grain.
  • The longer the drink simmers over low heat, the more pleasant the final taste will be. Make the heat lower and make sure that the coffee does not boil, otherwise its taste will be somewhat spoiled. Perfect taste happens when the coffee is on the verge of boiling for a long time.
  • Coffee brewed in a Turk is recommended to be served with a mug of cool water. If you take a sip of water after coffee, the taste of the latter will be much more pleasant and rich.

The process of making Turkish coffee

  1. Lightly heat the Turk.
  2. Add freshly ground coffee. For a more original taste, you can add sugar or other ingredients. For example, a pinch of salt will soften the taste of the drink.
  3. Water must be poured to the narrow part of the neck.
  4. Place the Turk on the fire and slowly heat the drink. As soon as the foam appears, you need to immediately remove the Turk. And remember, you don’t need to bring the coffee to a boil.
  5. It is better to warm up the container in which you will serve coffee. You should try to pour the coffee in such a way that more foam gets into the mug, and the grounds remain in the Turk. To ensure that the grounds remain in the Turk, you can gently tap them on the table before pouring.

Methods for making Turkish coffee

French coffee

Add some ground coffee beans to the Turk: the French drink should not be strong and tart. Turn the heat to low and heat the coffee. Once foam forms, add sugar to taste and stir until completely dissolved. Remove the Turk a few seconds before the drink boils.

To get real French coffee, you can add a little light alcohol to it.

Turkish coffee

Fill the Turk with water to the base of the neck. Add sugar and place the bowl on the stove. After a couple of minutes, add ground coffee and heat the drink until foam forms.

With this method there is no need to remove the foam. It is recommended to wait until it settles on its own.

Repeat the procedure several times, as a result you will get a strong and aromatic drink.

Coffee "Eskimo"

Brew the drink in Turkish style, as in previous recipe. It will serve as the basis for coffee drink"Eskimo." Strain and cool the coffee. Melt a chocolate bar in a water bath and prepare a briquette with ice cream. Let the coffee cool and pour it into a tall container. Add ice cream and then chocolate. This recipe is perfect for teenagers.

  • To make coffee, use clean water, not tap water.
  • Take your time, the fire should be minimal. The longer the cooking lasts, the tastier the result will be.
  • It is better to use a Turk with a narrow neck, this will make the drink much more flavorful.
  • A little salt will enhance the smell and taste of the coffee. You can also add ginger to taste. You should add these ingredients before you pour water into the Turk.

  • It is recommended to use brown sugar to brew Turkish coffee.
  • Experiment with grinding the beans; coffee made from freshly ground raw materials turns out much tastier.
  • The coffee should not boil. Remove the container from the heat as soon as a dense foam forms.
  • Let the coffee sit for at least a minute before pouring into cups.

Preparing a drink in a Turk is by no means the easiest task. To obtain a rich and aromatic drink, it takes a fair amount of practice. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time. Practice, be patient, and success is guaranteed!

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