How to open your own cafe. How to open a cafe from scratch - step-by-step instructions for a restaurateur. Cafe location

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How to open your own restaurant from scratch: necessary documents + selection of necessary equipment + basic methods for promotion + detailed financial calculations.

Capital investments: from 3,800,080 rubles + 655,000 rubles monthly.
Payback period for a restaurant from scratch: 2-3 years.

Usually to the question how to open your own restaurant, come those who are seriously passionate about the culinary arts.

Love for your business is 50% of business success.

The rest depends on the hard work, determination, and dedication of the entrepreneur.

The restaurant business is a tough challenge for beginners.

Competition in it is extremely high.

Moreover, the rivals, as a rule, are “sharks” who have been in business for ten years.

However, even novice entrepreneurs have a chance to succeed.

But to do this, you must understand what needs to be done and in what order.

The article contains basic information that will help you outline a plan for making your dreams come true.

Basic documents for opening your restaurant from scratch

Having decided to open an establishment from scratch, you are stepping on a thorny path.

First of all, this is due to the amount of documentation.

The list of required papers contains dozens of items; moreover, it may vary depending on the place where you decide to open an establishment from scratch.

You will have to pay a considerable amount for mediation.

But possible losses from an incorrectly formed package of documents or fines from inspection authorities can be much greater.

Prepare for the fact that this stage will take six months to a year or even more!

We will look at the basic papers that are needed for the legal operation of a restaurant:

Marketing plan for opening a restaurant

If we consider the industry in general, the area is constantly evolving.

And this trend will continue in the future.

It is worth adding that, according to experts, 2017-2020 will be a particularly “fertile” time for those wishing to open an establishment from scratch.

There is already a tendency towards democratization of prices.

Customers are tired of paying crazy prices for tiny restaurant portions.

At the same time, interest in new experiments, tastes, and combinations increases.

Customers come to such establishments to eat, no matter how banal it may sound.

Based on these forecasts, it is possible to draw up a list of competitive advantages for the future restaurant, which allows the establishment to meet the needs of the public at the present time.

Competitive advantages

ServiceMiddle-class restaurants cannot simultaneously pay due attention to the quality of service and set affordable prices for services. Therefore, decent service in a restaurant is already a competitive advantage. The staff must be knowledgeable and polite, and the administration must clearly and quickly respond to problems and conflict situations.
AtmosphereRestaurants from "party" areas are gradually returning to their original function - a place where you can eat deliciously and comfortably. The establishment where a cozy atmosphere is created will have a competitive advantage. It is worth hiring a designer to develop the desired concept.
New dishesAn interesting assortment of dishes is another secret of success. Experiments do not always mean exoticism, which for Russian people is often fraught with stomach problems. There are millions of recipes and hundreds of types of national cuisines in the world. So why do 80% of establishments offer the same thing?

Restaurant promotion methods from scratch

To make a strong statement about yourself in the restaurant business, you need to think through an advertising strategy from the moment you decide to open an establishment.

For each restaurant it is individual and depends on the target audience, theme of the establishment, region of location and other factors.

Basic methods of restaurant promotion:

    This is a navigator that, at the end of the journey, should lead a new client to the door to the restaurant.

    Use signs, signs, drawings on the asphalt.

    This option requires considerable investment, but gives good results.

    It’s worth opening your own website that can interest clients in photos of room design, original menu with affordable prices, reviews from other visitors.

    Instagram is great for restaurants because... beautiful presentation of dishes is great option for photo content.

    It’s important not to skimp on creating videos!

    This technique is mainly used by hotels: they place their logo on pens, notepads, and bookmarks.

    From a psychological point of view, this cunning move influences the subconscious and forces you to make a choice in favor of your restaurant at the right moment.

How to choose a location to open your restaurant?

Where and how will it be most profitable to open your own restaurant?

The main key to success is in a crowded place.

After all, profit directly depends on the number of visitors.

The most advantageous location will be near office centers, residential areas, and transport interchanges.

But at the same time, it is worth considering that affordable prices should be “at hand” with high traffic.

Of course, opening an establishment in the city center is prestigious and will immediately add “points” to your reputation.

However, few budding entrepreneurs can afford to take such an expensive step.

If you can’t afford to rent a room in the central area, don’t worry.

When an establishment is radically different from its competitors, and customers feel comfortable in it, people will come to the restaurant even in residential areas.

What does it take to open a restaurant from scratch?

1. Client area

To open good restaurant from scratch, you need to think through everything down to the details.

Absolutely everything matters: from the shape of the furniture to the color of the napkins on the tables.

All these aspects must fit together.

Agree, open a restaurant Georgian cuisine and decorating interiors in Japanese style is a bit strange. And it disrupts the feeling of comfort and coziness.

To create an interior design project for an establishment from scratch, contact only professional designers.

They will take into account your wishes and also create a 3D sketch of the future restaurant.

2. Equipment

If you safely delegate the design of the customer area to a specialist, then you will decide the issue of kitchen equipment yourself from scratch.

However, there will still be an experienced adviser - the chef of the future establishment.

To open a restaurant from scratch, you need to purchase the following set of equipment:

Total:RUB 1,600,000
Heating equipment (various types of ovens, hobs)
550 000
Electrical and mechanical equipment (meat grinders, blenders, scales, combines, etc.)
300 000
Different types of refrigeration chambers
400 000
Kitchen furniture (racks, shelves, tables, washbasins)
300 000
Small equipment (cutlery, trays, dishes)
50 000

This is just an approximate list for opening a good restaurant from scratch.

Each of the points can be adjusted depending on the format of the establishment and the number of clients.

One rule can be drawn that is common to all: do not skimp on equipment!

This is the central element of the kitchen. When equipment fails, the process instantly stops, which entails large losses - financial and moral (a stain on the reputation).

To avoid this, buy equipment only from reliable, reputable suppliers.

Moreover, due to high competition, they are ready to offer various bonuses (discounts, promotions, free services).

Required Personnel


This person in the restaurant controls absolutely everything and does:

  • searching for personnel from scratch;
  • accounting management (can be delegated to specialists);
  • ideas for modernizing the enterprise;
  • development of advertising strategy and much more.

In addition to global issues, he solves current issues of the day.

Therefore, when hiring this valuable employee, you need to pay attention to experience in the field.

It’s better to visit your previous place of work - they’ll definitely tell you everything.


This person's work must be impeccable.

Besides classic dishes, the chef must be able to professionally prepare food from the cuisine that your restaurant is aimed at.

The chef also needs to have the makings of a leader, since work in the kitchen must be organized.


Restaurant staff play a huge role in profitability.

Waiters must have good diction, impeccable appearance and accurately navigate the restaurant menu.

Let's consider the salary costs of the entire restaurant team:

Staff salariesQtyAmount (RUB/month)*1
Total:13 385,000 rub./month.
Manager1 60 000
Chief cook1 50 000
Sous Chef1 25 000
Director1 100 000
Kitchen workers3 20 000
Service staff6 15 000

How to find a supplier for a restaurant?

Opening a good restaurant from scratch is not an easy task.

One of the “stumbling blocks” for many entrepreneurs is unstable supplies.

P.S. The kitchen is constantly running out of certain products.

Their late delivery slows down the process.

In addition, the absence of a dish on the menu can disappoint visitors and lower the rating of the establishment.

To avoid incidents, carefully select a supplier.

Evaluate how long it has been on the market, look for reviews from the owners of other establishments.

The choice of a company should be based on the quality of the product, the absence of supply disruptions, and the company’s pricing policy.

Tip: To be on the safe side, it’s worth finding a second supplier!

How to open your own restaurant from scratch: a detailed financial plan

Suppose we want to establish a restaurant with 50 seats, an area of ​​150–200 m2.

One-time investment to open a restaurant business

Expense itemPer m2For this project
Total: RUB 3,800,080
Renting premises 210 000
Preparation of documentation through intermediaries 300 000
Contacting a designer to create a restaurant interior2000 300 000
Indoor renovation3000 450 000
Furniture: armchairs, chairs, tables
350 000
Kitchen supplies and equipment
1 600 000
Serving items and dishes
40 000
Primary purchase of food, alcohol
600 000
Staff uniform 80 000

Monthly expenses for opening your own restaurant

The profitability of this business is 25–35%.

This is a fairly high figure.

If you adhere to the specified spending limit, investing revenue in advertising and improving the quality of services, you can pay for the restaurant in 2-3 years.

You will learn about the difficulties that may arise when opening a restaurant from the video:

We have described the main points of what it takes to open a restaurant from scratch.

You will have to develop a detailed strategy for your specific case.

To do this, before implementing the idea, a business plan with calculations and analysis is created.

It must be compiled without errors.

If there are doubts about its correctness, you should seek help from a law firm.

And one more piece of advice: it is almost impossible for one person to cover all the issues related to a restaurant.

Divide the area of ​​responsibility into sectors, assigning a responsible person to each.

This will relieve the psychological and physical stress from the founder of the enterprise.

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The restaurant business is becoming increasingly popular in Russia. Now you can open a cafe or bar of exactly the type you have always dreamed of. This could be a mini cafe or a fast food restaurant. You might want to open a pastry shop or make your first in the area children's Cafe.

There are a lot of options, but what are the first steps you need to take to open a cafe? Where to start a business plan and what to pay attention to when this is your first project?

Choosing premises for a successful establishment

The first key point in creating an establishment where you can have a snack is the choice of premises. The success or failure of the project will depend on it. You can make a luxurious renovation, create a unique atmosphere and hire a brilliant chef. But if the wrong area is chosen, then there will be no visitors: the cafe and ticket office will be empty day after day. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such examples among those who think

A business plan begins with finding space. When choosing a beachhead, pay attention to the condition of the main communication systems. Pay attention to the presence of sewerage, water supply and heating. A good option would be to buy out an old dining room that already has a kitchen. It is harder and more expensive to build a new cafe from premises that are not adapted for food preparation, but are cheaper: hangars and warehouses.

Most eateries and bars open in residential areas.
If there was already a canteen, pub or restaurant in this place, then everything is in order, you can open a cafe in a residential building. But if you decide to open a cafe for the first time, where to start the process to avoid a lot of pitfalls? If the sounds of music and the aromas of the kitchen become uninvited guests in residents' apartments, then problems can begin very quickly. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance about good zoning of the room, sound insulation and exhaust hood. If residents find the neighborhood inconvenient, the cafe may simply be closed.

Rent or buy?

Renting is not the best the best option. Especially if we are talking about a large cafe. Rents tend to rise, and not because of the good economic situation in the country. If you suddenly decide to move, the repairs and clientele will remain with the owner. Most of the venerable, established restaurateurs opened their business by buying out the property. After this, the establishment can be advertised on a larger scale, understanding that PR costs are an investment in the future. In addition, if the project does not take place for some reason, you can always rent out your space, but subletting is more difficult.

Before opening, you should contact specialists in order to find out whether it is profitable to open a cafe, take into account all legal regulations and state requirements. Based on these recommendations, a project plan is drawn up. After receiving a business plan for a cafe, an example of it must be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor. After the project has been agreed upon with government agencies, repairs and redevelopment can begin.

A meal with good taste

It is very important to choose a single concept and style of a restaurant or cafe. What audience do you want to work for? Who do you want to see among your guests? Answering these questions will help you understand the values ​​of your potential visitors and develop an appropriate image. Do not forget to take into account your ideas, because your personal dream is now being realized.

It doesn’t matter what level of restaurant you are planning to open, it is important to find your own “zest” around which the concept will be built. Think about what this criterion is that will distinguish your shop from all others? This question will help you successfully open a cafe.

How to implement a business plan?

The first step is to carry out segmentation and risk assessment. Enthusiasts often skip these stages, underestimating the weaknesses of the enterprise and the strengths of competitors. In addition, at this stage it is worth calculating the monetary costs, finding out

A working cafe business plan is an example of good preparation. It cannot be done without an accurate portrait of a potential client, his social income, tastes, and lifestyle.

Right now the question is being decided about where the cafe will receive the main profit: through high turnover or high markup? If, let's say, your typical guest is a young student who likes to spend time with friends, consuming chips and light beer, then it is unlikely that expensive gourmet dishes will be appreciated by them. Nor will he understand the fabulous prices for a cream made from 30 ingredients and goose liver prepared according to a special recipe. This type of business planning will most likely end in failure, despite the fact that you manage to open a cafe.

Where to start: documentation and registration

For this you will need a package of documents.

Firstly, only an entrepreneur can do business in our country. You must first open an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

Secondly, collect the following documentation package:

  • permission to locate an establishment issued by Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission obtained from fire safety authorities;
  • confirmation of the premises’ compliance with sanitary standards (lease agreement, staff medical records, state registration certificate, permit for raw materials and commercial products);
  • licenses for the sale of retail trade, alcohol and tobacco;
  • patent for trade activities in a given territory (issued by local authorities);
  • notification of the start of activity.

Federal Law No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008 “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control” regulates this activity.

A legal entity (entrepreneur) provides the necessary documentation to Rospotrebnadzor at its actual location. The completed notification is supplemented by a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (entrepreneurs), as well as a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authorities. These documents are enough to open a cafe.

Let's start work

The operation of even the smallest catering establishment is unthinkable without equipment. In order to brew a cup of coffee or make ice cream, you need a technical base. It is necessary to think through all the details at the stage of designing the room.

All equipment must be as functional and practical to use as possible, durable, and meet the requirements for bars, restaurants and cafes. Otherwise, the technology simply will not pay off.

Modern devices allow you to quickly prepare high-quality dishes. But high productivity is not only the result of the establishment’s powerful technical base, but also the ability of the staff to work on it. It is very important to conduct a master class for employees after purchasing a new car.

The right equipment will increase the profitability of the business, while the wrong machines will lead to losses.

Furniture and furnishings

This is another important issue that you should devote your attention to before opening a cafe. Where to start building the situation? A profitable solution would be to order a set of furniture designed in a single design. However, this is an exclusive option - it is always more expensive. You can purchase ready-made furniture. If the cafe is the first such enterprise, then cheap furniture will serve as a model to better understand the needs of the establishment. Next time it will be easier to order suitable furniture.

Human factor: selecting talented personnel

The number of employees will depend on the establishment's sales volume. All roads in the “eating room” come down to the cook. He's like a captain on a ship. The chef must not only prepare delicious dishes, but also decorate them beautifully. It’s very good if you know your future chef in advance, even at the stage when you are developing a business plan for a cafe.

An example when a business is opened under a famous master will definitely not go unnoticed in the city.

The ideal composition of a kitchen is a chef, the required number of cooks and dishwashers. There should be two such trains - for a shift work schedule. The owner's right hand - the chef - must cook quickly, without compromising the quality of the dishes, since in such places there are often influxes of visitors.

If the chef is the soul of the establishment, then the next group of workers is his face. Bartenders, waiters, administrators personally address the client. The impression a venue manager makes when greeting guests can be a turning point in future relationships.

If you don't have experience hiring employees, try the following advice. Think about your favorite place and try to chat with its owner about choosing staff. Find out from him the details of how to open a cafe. The business plan of his idea already lives within the walls of the establishment, and perhaps his advice will save you from financial and emotional disasters. The successful experience of a colleague is always invaluable to someone who knows how to learn.

Any owner will tell you that you shouldn’t choose employees based on just good looks. Sometimes administrators, like waiters, have to find themselves in very delicate situations, where they need to both defend the honor of the establishment and not lose a client. Here, of course, you need intelligence and resourcefulness. Such a person can make mistakes, but should not let the owner down. The ability to resolve conflicts peacefully is a precious talent, so pay your employees for it when calculating salaries.

A good waiter is also an excellent salesperson who will be able to offer exactly what the client wants or does not yet know what he wants.

To make the café inexpensive, you can invite an already established team there, or at least the core of a team that has worked together for quite a long time. This will help make the work process quick and harmonious. This is an important nuance that unfavorably distinguishes new establishments from venerable chains.

"Tasty" day

So, when the basic procedures are completed and guests can be invited, the stage of purchasing food begins. Of course, if you have not invested in advertising and are not expecting an influx of visitors on the first day, then you can gradually improve the menu by refining the kitchen. And yet you have come this way for the sake of success, and the success of an establishment is its full house. Groceries are perishable goods, but it’s better to stock up on them in abundance than to be left with a full room and empty refrigerators, explaining that you were just able to open a cafe.

Where to start purchasing? This issue has been pretty well worked out in chain coffee shops. They have established supplies with the best suppliers for the network, and when opening a new outlet, the franchise owner will already have an approximate estimate and telephone numbers for coordinating purchases. You can use this experience yourself, especially if you are going to discover where there is room to gain experience.

"Edible" budget

A good advantage of large cities like Moscow is the opportunity to borrow or use some equipment for free.

Suppliers can provide free of charge In addition, venerable companies with deep pockets offer free souvenir accessories to attract customers. Bar mugs, ashtrays and even furniture with logos. All this will be an invaluable contribution to those who want to open a cafe inexpensively. Some equipment, such as a microwave or kettle, can be brought from home.

If you open a cafe in an average Russian city, then the advantages will be different. There is no need to invest in interior design and diversify the menu every week. There is no need for fabulous advertising and a glamorous image of the establishment. This may even scare off visitors who understand the word “comfort” differently than “metropolitan things.”

The first major expenses will be advertising, salaries and food costs. The first months are usually unprofitable, but do not despair if you have already managed to open a cafe. Where to start in this situation is by gutting the “financial cushion”. This is the amount that was initially budgeted for such a period. Once the company is on an even course, expenses will primarily relate to repairs and equipment upgrades.

Quick Spoon: How to open a fast food cafe?

If you are deciding on the type of cafe, then it is worth noting that the demand for fast food is very high.

The fact is that this type of food is suitable for poorer groups of the population due to the low cost of lunch and for office workers who snack on the go. This creates a certain blur in the client's portrait, but brings other project criteria to the fore.

A fast cafe should be located in a place with high traffic of people. You need to separate yourself from your competitor. To do this, it is enough to open a mini-cafe at least around the corner from the shopping center where the rival is located: the main thing is that the flows of people do not intersect.

From a legal perspective, opening a fancy restaurant requires as much work as opening a fast food joint. But investments in the second will be tens of times less. The owner of such a business mostly invests in primitive kitchen equipment and renting premises.

The smallest gourmets

Kids are also connoisseurs of gourmet cooking. But they value, rather, something else. How to open a children's cafe in your city and not go wrong? It is worth noting that this is still an unfilled niche in Russia, while in the West there is a children’s cafe in every crowded place, and children's menu- in every self-respecting restaurant.

Here, of course, special attention should be paid to the design of the room so that the kids feel comfortable. It’s better to invite a designer and consult with the animators, because they will organize holidays and events here. Perhaps it is worth choosing one stylistic line, fairy tale, era. The surroundings should evoke a feeling of comfort and recognition in children, and a fabulous feeling in their parents.

A good place for children's restaurant it will be where it is located nearby kindergarten, a clinic for children or a playground. It is quite enough to make a hall with 60 seats and fill the menu with fancy-shaped pasta, soups and delicious porridge- with such a base you can already open a cafe.

Confectionery business

This is the most fertile ground for investment. To open a snack bar with one oven, 100 thousand dollars is enough. Therefore, opening a bakery cafe is quite simple.

This establishment will delight its guests with fresh pastries and a hot drink. By the way, that’s why they come to the confectionery - delicious baked goods, and they are only good when fresh. Therefore, this type of cafe requires not a cook, but a baker.

The profitability of the business reaches 30% with an investment of 400 thousand dollars.

Confectionery shops are very different. These could be art trams at metro stations, where you can buy muffins and tea bags. But it could also be a confectionery house with a century-old history, where real works of art are made. And people are willing to pay for tasty and beautiful carbohydrates.

If you conduct a survey among the population and ask the question: “What kind of business would you like to open?”, then many would answer that it would be an establishment Catering. Therefore, information on how to open a restaurant will be very useful. Not only beginners, but even experienced businessmen may have problems and doubts about organizing such an enterprise. Opening a restaurant is a business that has many tricks and pitfalls, and you need to know about them.

What is needed for a restaurant business?

In order to ultimately get an establishment that will not only pay off, but also make a profit, you need to take into account many important aspects. The first thing you need to start with is to choose the specifics of your business. It could be a gourmet restaurant with signature cuisine, fast food, an exclusive pub or an ordinary average restaurant.

Depending on the chosen direction, you can determine an approximate pricing policy. The entire concept and business plan of your establishment will depend on these two indicators. Remember that if the pricing policy and the quality of the dishes match each other, then you won’t have to complain about the lack of visitors.

Selecting a location

Many people are interested in where to start. catering business so as not to immediately go down the wrong path. In order for your catering establishment to be profitable, it is very important to choose the right location. For a restaurant to have significant traffic, it must be located near a crowd of large numbers of people. Residential areas, places where offices are concentrated, as well as large transport interchanges, etc. are suitable for this. The location of your restaurant depends on the target audience, or more precisely, on their age and income.

Possible concepts

Opening a restaurant from scratch in Russia must comply with state standards. Such establishments can be divided into 3 classes: luxury, upper class and first class. But there is also another classification that restaurateurs use:

  • elite and premium restaurants (fine-dinning);
  • fast food establishments (QSR);
  • fast casual restaurants with a free-flow format;
  • establishments with affordable prices casual dinning.

Which concept to choose and how to open a restaurant depends on your desire. Other establishments can be divided depending on the theme used, for example, it could be a home kitchen, a sports facility, etc.

Many people who decide to learn how to open a restaurant understand that this type of activity is quite risky. In order not to get burned, it is very important to follow all the calculations. The profitability of this type of activity is at least 20%, and the maximum can reach up to 60%. The lack of a business plan can have a negative impact on profitability.

Besides, technological processes need to be divided into sectors, for each of which a certain person will be responsible. So, by tracking the decline in profitability, you can easily find the error and correct it.

You should also think over a system of discounts and various promotions to attract as many visitors as possible to your establishment. Only in this matter it is important to know when to stop.

As for the services that will be provided in your establishment, they can be completely different. For example, a restaurant can organize banquets, buffets, etc. The operating hours of your establishment may depend on the focus and attendance. The restaurant can be open around the clock or open from 11.00 to 23.00.

Required documents

In order to officially register your business, you need to have the following documents:

  • long-term lease agreement for premises;
  • a certificate indicating that your restaurant is included in the Trade Register;
  • a license to sell alcohol if you offer it to your guests;
  • conclusion and permission of the sanitary-epidemiological station;
  • permission for the exterior design of the restaurant;
  • fire department statement;
  • signed contracts for waste removal, etc.

Required Personnel

If you want your establishment to be popular and profitable, you should approach the selection of employees with full responsibility. In general, for a good catering establishment you will need to hire: a manager, a bartender, waiters, a chef and other kitchen workers, cleaners and dishwashers. You can hire additional people, for example, security, doorman, etc.

What should be in a business plan?

To be confident in the possible success and profitability of your business, you need to have a restaurant production plan. Let's take a small establishment as an example. European cuisine with 50 seats, which is aimed at middle-class people. The premises chosen for the establishment are rented, and the main focus is on tasty and high-quality food, reasonable prices and good service.

Let's start with a market overview. Repeated studies have shown that there are approximately 3 thousand restaurants in Moscow, although fast foods were not taken into account. Establishments differ in pricing policy, which depends on their location.

On average, the volume of the restaurant business market in the Russian capital is more than 120 billion rubles annually. In addition, this market is growing by 3-4% every year. The financial part of the business plan will be discussed below.

How much money do you need to open a cafe or restaurant?

The final amount of starting capital depends on many factors, for example, on the size and concept, the need to rent premises or build a new building, on design, etc. It’s impossible to talk about all the options, so we’ll look at one of the most popular: renting a ready-made premises under a restaurant. All costs can be divided into primary and monthly.


  • registration of all necessary documentation - about 300 thousand rubles;
  • repairs and installation of necessary ventilation, etc. - about 1.2 million rubles;
  • equipment – ​​approximately 1.5 million rubles;
  • furniture and interior accessories – about 1 million rubles.

As a result, you will receive a value showing how much money you need to open a cafe or other catering establishment: about 4 million rubles. This is the initial capital, which does not include monthly costs:

  • rent - about 180 thousand rubles;
  • salary of service personnel - approximately 210 thousand rubles;
  • operating costs - about 50 thousand rubles;
  • advertising and PR expenses are approximately 30 thousand rubles.

In general, every month you will spend about 470 thousand rubles. But this figure does not yet take into account food costs. As you can see, few people can afford to open a restaurant from scratch, the cost of which we have just calculated, since the capital is quite impressive.

To determine possible revenue, you must consider the following points:

  • average check;
  • number of visitors;
  • seasonality.

In general, the standard markup on food in restaurants is about 30%. In addition, the amount of profit can be influenced by the days of the week, time of day and menu. As a result, based on average values, the payback period for a restaurant is up to 3 years. If you constantly improve your establishment, this figure can be significantly reduced.

PR and advertising

Opening a restaurant from scratch, the cost of which was previously determined, is possible only with the use of high-quality and large-scale advertising. Investments in this area must be significant; this is the only way you can attract buyers. For people to know about your restaurant, you will need:

  1. Outdoor advertising. This option involves a large illuminated sign directly in front of the entrance to the establishment and small advertising structures at nearby intersections and alleys of the “citylight” type.
  2. Leaflets. Order colorful brochures that briefly summarize attractive information, for example, special dishes, discounts, etc. In addition, it should include contact information and an address, preferably in the form of a map. To implement them, you will need to contact a promotion company.
  3. Personal site. Today it is quite easy to order a website for an establishment, which will contain detailed information: menu, photographs, reviews and a full description of the restaurant, which should attract visitors. Remember that today social networks are very popular, spreading rumors and news very quickly. So be sure to use this structure to advertise your restaurant.

Possible problems

During the organization and opening of a restaurant business, various problems may arise. It is almost impossible to predict them in advance, so you must be prepared to solve them as they come. Mostly, problems may arise with rent, paperwork, costs, equipment, etc.

In addition, a lot of time will have to be spent on developing the menu. You may doubt all the time: is it profitable to open a restaurant or is it still a scam? You shouldn’t panic and give up halfway, this is a normal human reaction to difficulties, but they can be overcome.

In order not to reach a dead end, it is recommended to constantly use the advice and consultations of specialists in a particular field. You may also have problems with staff. As you know, today it is quite difficult to find people who not only perform their duties well, but are also cheerful and friendly.

Options for your establishment

If you want to stand out among your competitors, then your restaurant must have a “trick”. It can manifest itself in anything, for example, in the menu, in design, in furniture, service, etc. Let’s consider interesting ideas for a restaurant that has brought good profits and popularity to its owners around the world:

  1. Unusuality in the interior. Here you can fully express your imagination. This could be an aquarium-shaped floor or unusual furniture. So, in Tokyo there is a restaurant decorated in a prison style. You can bring any, even the craziest idea to life.
  2. Menu. You can offer your clients unusual and exotic dishes, which they cannot try in any other establishment in your city. You can also serve standard dishes, but only unusually decorated. To do this, you need to hire chefs with great imagination.
  3. Modern technology. As technology advances, the restaurant business also changes. For example, you can make a menu on a tablet, that is, the client can come, choose and even adjust the composition of some dishes and order them. You can also make an online table reservation service.
  4. Other "chips". There are still millions of options on how to make your establishment original and unique. For example, next to your establishment you can organize greenhouses in which you will grow vegetables for the restaurant. This way, your customers will be confident in the quality of the products.

This is only a small part of the ideas that you can bring to life and earn good money from them.

There is an opinion that without proper control, a restaurant can be completely robbed in a few weeks. Experts say that there are a huge number of well-developed schemes that include bartenders, waiters or other employees of your establishment.

Deceptive schemes, for example, underweighting food, substituting expensive alcohol, stealing food, etc., are widespread in this business. To avoid this, it is very important to have good management and a responsible director who is competent and can control such processes. In addition, the owner himself must directly fulfill his duties and independently monitor the entire process and the work of each employee.

You can also be deceived when purchasing products, as many suppliers may use incorrect prices and sell low-quality goods. You must understand that at the moment it is simply impossible to completely eradicate theft in catering establishments. You just need to determine for yourself a specific percentage that will be the norm for you, let it be 10%, and make sure that it does not increase.


If you have already decided for sure that you want to do this particular business, then now you know how to open a restaurant and you can begin to implement your plans. The main task of the owner of any catering establishment is to give customers the opportunity to eat deliciously, while being in a relaxed atmosphere, and to pay an affordable price for it. If you fulfill all these conditions, then rest assured that you will certainly be able to organize a successful business.

We will tell you what you need to open your own restaurant. Find out where to start and how to proceed. Which ideas will bring you the most profit? All the details are in the article.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Elena Zaitseva is with you, a staff expert of HeatherBober magazine on business and finance issues.

It always seemed to me that opening your own restaurant is a win-win idea for business: all you need is a beautiful interior and tasty food. But after talking with successful restaurateurs, I realized that especially at the beginning, you have to solve many problems, from choosing a cuisine to organizing an advertising campaign.

If you are planning to start a restaurant business, this article is for you. I have prepared detailed instructions for opening your own establishment and collected answers to pressing questions. At the end, a bonus awaits you - advice from successful businessmen who will make your start effective.

1. Opening your own restaurant - business features

There are no reliable statistics, but, according to experts, in Russia, out of 10 establishments, only 3 continue to operate after a year. And how many of them remain successful in the future is even more difficult to say.

Such figures are related to the specifics of the restaurant business. It is important to choose the right premises, invite a good chef and hire polite and responsive staff. But that’s not all.

Be prepared to encounter:

  • with high competition;
  • with increased client demands;
  • with regular inspections of fire, sanitary-epidemiological and other services;
  • with the need to search and subsequent control of suppliers, etc.

These factors are typical for any type of establishment, be it a fish restaurant, a children's cafe or a pastry shop.

There are 2 ways to start a restaurant business - create an establishment from scratch yourself or buy a franchise. Experts believe that the risks in the first case are greater.

A franchise is a paid right to work under the brand of a well-known company. By purchasing it, you are using not only a famous name, but also uniform technologies and standards.

Alex Yanovsky, co-founder of restaurants Japanese cuisine I am sure that franchising is suitable for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

2. Ideas for a restaurant

Choosing the cuisine you will offer to visitors is a key step. It determines your restaurant’s menu, customer segmentation, and return on investment.

A restaurant serving national cuisine, a pizzeria with a delivery service, or a small family ice cream parlor - these options are almost classic. But I propose to consider 3 ideas that are now at the peak of popularity.

Sushi restaurant

I analyzed the statistics: asian cuisine in almost all countries of the world it is in 3rd place, second only to the national and Italian ones. The popularity of sushi does not fall over the years, but grows. A striking example of the success of such a business is the Sushi Master company.

Their first location was opened in 2013. After 12 months, there were 14 establishments, and now there are more than 125. By the end of 2018, the owners plan to expand the restaurant network to 300 units.

The founders of the company are confident that the secret of success is in the correctly chosen niche, optimal format and partnerships within the company.

Sushi Master is a multi-format brand. Among the establishments there are both classic restaurants and street outlets and food courts. This approach reaches more target customers and allows you to adapt to the specifics of the location.

The company aims to expand to 30 thousand restaurants by 2030. Such plans are an indicator of business success.


Coffee and a fragrant croissant will transform the sleepiest morning. A hearty hot pie after work will help restore strength and mood.

Confectionery is a great business idea

The confectionery does not require a significant area, which significantly reduces rental costs. A waiter, a salesperson and a pastry chef are sufficient for a shift.

The average bill in a pastry shop is lower than in a classic restaurant. But the investment is also less.

When planning a cafe-patisserie, pay special attention to the location. It is best to open in shopping malls, on central streets or other popular places. Assess the presence of competitors. If there is a point nearby with a similar assortment, it will be difficult to “outbid” it.

Grill restaurant

Meat cooked on the grill is the main element of the grill bar menu. In such establishments, assortment plays a key role. The set of equipment necessary for work also depends on the dishes offered to visitors.

The lava grill imitates coals and is great for barbecuing or frying meat. To cook a whole chicken, you will need a skewer or roller grill.

Consider the placement of equipment in advance, taking into account the weight, size and power of the equipment. Give preference to devices made of stainless steel and non-stick coating.

It's good to open a grill restaurant outside the city. It is optimal if the establishment has a terrace with beautiful views.

3. How to open your own restaurant - where to start

The opening of the doors to the first guests is preceded by serious work. The owner faces hundreds of tasks - from planning a project for future activities to organizing an advertising campaign.

When you decide on the direction of the institution, the time will come for specific actions. To make it easier for you to navigate, I have prepared step-by-step instructions for entering the restaurant business from scratch.

Stage 1. Development of a business plan

The business plan will show the amount of required costs, profit margins, profitability and payback of the project and other indicators.

Experts advise conducting the first analysis before launch.

Include in the document:

  1. Analysis of the market and main competitors.
  2. Your pricing policy.
  3. Costs of purchasing or renting premises.
  4. Product range.
  5. Cost estimate for opening and advertising campaign.
  6. Monthly costs for wages, utilities, product purchases, etc.
  7. Expected financial results - profitability, payback, break-even and others.

Are you making a business plan not only for yourself, but also for potential investors? Contact professional analysts. This approach will make the document more convincing and attract more money.

Be sure to adjust the planned data as the case develops. This will bring the forecast closer to reality.

Stage 2. Registration of business activities

Register as an entrepreneur. The best option is to open an LLC. Can an individual entrepreneur engage in the restaurant business? Yes, but there are restrictions. For example, it will not be possible to sell strong alcohol, including wine.

Let's get ahead of ourselves - the paperwork will not end with registering a business activity. Then you will need permission from the fire department, sanitary and epidemiological services, an agreement for garbage removal and disinfection, registration of a cash register, etc.

It is not necessary to spend time studying all the legal intricacies of the restaurant business. Contact a company that will prepare all the necessary papers for you.

Stage 3. Selecting a room

It is extremely important to find the right premises to buy or rent.

Italian restaurateur Marziano Palli believes that in the list of 5 key success factors, the place of the future establishment should occupy the first 4 positions.


  • city ​​district - premises in the center are more expensive, but traffic in them is higher;
  • infrastructure - it is better to open next to a shopping complex, market or other crowded place;
  • location - a small cafe at the intersection of streets will be seen by more people than a large bar in a dead end.

Consider not only the location, but also the specifics of your kitchen. For example, place a fast food cafe near the station, and a premium restaurant not far from the hotel.

For more tips on choosing a room, watch the video:

Stage 4. Purchase of equipment

The set of equipment you will need for your work depends on the specifics of the kitchen. If you open a grill bar, you will have a predominant technique for cooking meat, and if you open a pastry shop, you will have a predominant technique for baking.

Leading restaurateurs advise consulting with a future chef before purchasing equipment. He knows what he will need to prepare food and will tell you which brands and models are best to choose.

Stage 5. Recruitment

Interview staff yourself - select people to suit your goals and character.

Select your employees carefully, their work affects the mood of your clients

The number of employees depends on the establishment’s work schedule and the scope of work responsibilities.

For the first time on a shift, it is enough to have:

  • 1-2 waiters;
  • chef;
  • 1-2 cooks (per 50 guests);
  • cleaning lady;
  • cashier;
  • employee greeting guests (hostess);
  • administrator;
  • dishwasher

You can combine responsibilities. For example, the cleaning lady will wash the dishes, and the administrator will greet guests.

Consider maintaining tax and accounting records. There are three options: keep records yourself, hire a “coming” employee, or hire an accountant on staff.

Stage 6. Menu creation

Delegate this issue to the chef. At the same time, discuss in advance with him the list of products for the purchase of which you already have an agreement with suppliers.

Once your location is up and running, it’s a good idea to conduct a visitor survey. This way you will understand which dishes should be removed and which ones should be added.

Stage 7. Advertising and PR

Effective tools to attract guests:

  1. Bright sign.
  2. Distribution of leaflets.
  3. Banners around the city.
  4. Advertising on social networks.
  5. Information through the media.
  6. Promotions and sweepstakes.

4. How long will it take

On average, it takes 4-6 months from the idea of ​​opening your own restaurant to the first guests. But the path of each institution is individual.

The timing of the business plan depends on:

  • time spent on searching, repairing and designing the premises;
  • speed of registration of business activities and obtaining all required permits;
  • time spent searching for employees and suppliers.

The larger the business, the longer it will take to implement the project. A small cafe will start operating in 3 months, but sometimes even a year is not enough to open a large restaurant.

Anatoly, owner of the grill bar:

I found the premises within a week, and found the chef 2 days later. I was sure that in a month or two we would open. But then everything went horribly - the fire department did not approve the hood, the sanitary-epidemiological service also “unfolded”.

We spent another 3 months correcting the shortcomings, but we never received the necessary permits. Only six months later we were able to organize the work in such a way that we were given the necessary documents. In total, it took us almost 8 months, although we planned to do it in a maximum of 3.

5. How much does it cost?

There is no exact answer to the question of how much it will cost to open your own restaurant. The final amount is made up of many factors.

The volume of investment in the restaurant business is affected by:

  • format of owning a premises - buying an object is much more expensive than renting it;
  • cost of finishing - in one case, cosmetic repairs are enough, but in another, a complete redevelopment will be required;
  • price of furniture and equipment;
  • cost of dishes and kitchen equipment;
  • expenses for formalities necessary for opening - registration of activities, fees, etc.;
  • the cost of services of the organization that will undertake the preparation of documentation;
  • costs for installing a cash register, alarm, surveillance and computerization.

In total, opening a mid-level establishment will cost 3-4 million rubles, excluding further monthly costs.

6. Help in opening a restaurant - a simple solution to complex problems

While collecting information for the article, I realized that opening your own restaurant is a complex and labor-intensive process. But is it necessary to create an establishment from scratch yourself?

Abroad, the opening of franchise catering establishments is widespread. Such major companies as KFC, McDonalds and SubWay provide the rights to use their brand, giving enormous prospects for development to other entrepreneurs.

I asked my friend Arkady, who works as a franchisee from, to talk about the advantages of such a business.

Here are the advantages he named:

  1. The brand is already known, there is no need to spend money on its promotion.
  2. The parent company supports partners both at the start and during the work process.
  3. There is no need to invent anything. An effective working model has already been created; it just needs to be implemented correctly.
  4. The franchisor provides all promotional materials and gives advice on their use.

And most importantly, the risks of such activity are minimal - the model has been tested in hundreds of successful restaurants.

Sushi Master provides the opportunity to launch a project for entrepreneurs with different amounts of start-up investment.

The table below shows the characteristics of 4 possible formats:

Of course, no franchise can guarantee 100% success. If used incorrectly, even the most successful model will be unprofitable.

A cafe is a very promising business option. Pizzeria, coffee shop, fast food in mall or a special institution for children - any of these options can provide a stable income. It is important to accurately calculate the prospects of the business, choose the right premises, the right concept and optimal prices.

The business is highly competitive, but there are always niches in the restaurant market that a newcomer should occupy. How to open a cafe from scratch? Step-by-step instructions are contained in our new publication!

The main difference between a cafe and a restaurant is a more democratic format. Prices here are more affordable, which attracts visitors with different income levels.

How to open a restaurant in Moscow and other Russian cities from scratch and draw up a competent business plan? The answer is contained

For an entrepreneur, the café format is attractive due to the lack of strict regulations. An establishment of this type may not have a wardrobe required for a restaurant. It is possible to serve by waiters or serve food at the counter. The cafe may have an extensive kitchen and prepare all dishes on site or reheat semi-finished products.

Future restaurateurs can choose any cafe concept. Establishments with mono-dishes reflected in the name are very popular: pastry shops, ice cream shops, coffee shops, sandwich shops, dumpling shops. No less in demand are establishments with national cuisine: Russian, Italian, Japanese, Mexican, French, American.

Specialized places also include art cafes and establishments aimed at children, students, and youth. This category also includes those who rely on communication.

How to open a cafe: where to start, step-by-step instructions

When deciding to open a cafe, it is important to think through a whole list of questions:

  • The work begins with defining the concept of the future establishment. The future owner needs to determine whether the cafe will cook its own food or rely on semi-finished products. A combined option is also possible. For example, the cafe prepares snacks, soups and hot dishes, and desserts are ordered externally.
  • Find a suitable premises. It depends on the concept, price level and other factors. For example, it is better to open a fashionable cafe with a fairly high price tag in the city center, a children’s cafe is more conveniently located near a park, and an inexpensive fast food restaurant can be opened in the food court of a large shopping center.

Usually the premises are rented for a long time. It’s good if there is a possibility of subsequent redemption.

  • Register a legal entity. Usually catering enterprises, this applies even to large chains. This form of registration allows you to significantly save on taxes.
  • Take care of permitting documents. It is easier to obtain it for premises in which a catering establishment was already located. A separate important topic is the alcohol license. If you plan to limit yourself to selling beer, you do not need a license. You can also get it after the cafe opens. Separate documents are also needed to open a summer playground.
  • The next step is purchasing equipment. You will need cutting tables, electric stoves and sinks, combi ovens and refrigerated chests. The hall must be equipped with display cases, both horizontal and vertical. The better the display of dishes, the higher the sales.
  • Hire staff. Cafes need waiters, cashiers, baristas, dishwashers, cooks, pastry chefs, and cleaners. Some positions may be combined. A hall manager is required who monitors the work of the cafe and resolves conflict situations.
  • Develop a menu and determine prices. Do not abuse discounts that reduce profits. A variety of culinary festivals, dishes of the month, special Lenten, children's, summer or holiday menus will help make the menu more diverse.
  • Do advertising. You can promote your cafe in the press, through blogs and social networks. This is the most accessible opportunity to talk about your establishment. By communicating with potential and actual guests, you can better learn their preferences and make adjustments to the work of the cafe.

How to open a coffee shop from scratch and what documents are required for this - read

How to open a fast food cafe from scratch: mistakes of novice entrepreneurs

Many novice restaurateurs make mistakes that cause significant losses to the company and interfere with the normal development of the company. These include:

  • vague concept;
  • the room is too cramped to accommodate the required number of guests;
  • extensive menu. The shorter the list of dishes, the easier it is to control their quality;
  • poor placement of the cafe;
  • insufficient control over personnel.

Cafe business plan: example with calculations

A business plan is a visual diagram of expenses and income. The more detailed this document is, the easier it is to determine the profitability of the business. A plan is necessary for entrepreneurs who are going to receive loans, subsidies, and attract investors and partners.

But even if you plan to run a business on your own and invest exclusively with your own funds, you cannot do without a business plan.

For example, consider the plan of a small city cafe. The company is located on the ground floor of the building, the total area of ​​the premises is 250 sq. m. m. It is assumed that half of the premises will be used as a sales area, the second will be occupied by the kitchen and utility rooms.

The basis of the menu is Russian cuisine. Takeaway sales are expected, some of the desserts are purchased from a large confectionery shop, and baked goods are prepared on site from semi-finished products. There are no business lunches; there is a 20% discount at lunchtime.

You can find out how to properly draw up a business plan for a confectionery shop and download a sample of it.

What equipment will be needed?

  • bar counter;
  • professional coffee machine;
  • 2 refrigerated display cases for the hall;
  • Refrigerated chest;
  • combi oven;
  • 2 electric stoves;
  • 2 freezers;
  • cutting tables;
  • pancake maker;
  • grill;
  • juice cooler;
  • tables and chairs made of chipboard;
  • hanger racks for the hall;
  • furniture for a children's corner;
  • wooden screens for zoning the hall.

Total equipment costs: 3,000,000 rubles. Some of the equipment is used.

Required Personnel

It is expected to work in 2 shifts. For service you need:

  • cooks (1 per shift);
  • waiters-baristas (2 per shift);
  • hall manager;
  • dishwasher (1 per shift);
  • cleaning woman.

When opening a cafe, you should consider the possibility of business development. The first successful venture can be the start of a network. Subsequently, you can develop a franchise and sell it to other entrepreneurs, increasing your own income.

How to open a cafe from scratch - where to start, step-by-step instruction and other recommendations are contained in the following video:
