How to pickle garlic arrows. How to cook pickled garlic arrows - the most delicious recipe options. Recipe for pickled garlic arrows without sterilization

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But pickled arrows, first of all, are an excellent snack. Yes, and as a spicy addition, for example to boiled potatoes, beyond all praise.

For pickled garlic arrows you will need:

Per 1 liter of marinade.

  • Garlic arrows. Young.
  • Salt. I take 30 grams of salt. In any case, before pouring, I taste the marinade and, if necessary, adjust it with salt/sugar/vinegar.
  • Sugar. 40 grams.
  • Vinegar. An incomplete teaspoon of vinegar essence (70%). If you use regular table vinegar, then about a little more than a full tablespoon.
  • Mustard seeds.
  • Allspice peas.
  • Carnation.
  • Black peppercorns.

With spices - be guided by your own taste. I don’t strive for a very strong aroma of spices; on the contrary, I prefer that the spices give a very light shade to the main dish, so I use them in minimal quantities. Accordingly, for 1 liter of marinade I took 2 buds of cloves, 4 allspice, a full teaspoon of mustard seeds and a dozen grains of black pepper.

Prepare pickled garlic arrows.

Pour 1 liter of water into the pan. I specifically calculated the amount of marinade I needed to fill 4 small - 300-400 grams - jars of pickled garlic arrows. So 1 liter of marinade was enough for me.

Immediately add salt, sugar and peppers with cloves to the water. Place on the fire and bring to a boil under the lid. We immediately set the prepared jars to sterilize. I do this using a pan of boiling water, in which I boil the lids from the jars, and a metal colander on top, on which I place the jars upside down.

While the marinade is boiling, cut off the buds from the garlic arrows.

Then we cut garlic arrows into small pieces. I cut arrows into half of the cans exactly along the length of the can - just for a nice appearance.

And in the second half of the cans I cut the arrows into small pieces - 3-4 centimeters each.

Pour a quarter teaspoon of mustard seeds into sterilized jars. and place the chopped garlic arrows tightly. They should be laid fairly tightly, but without any effort when laying.

Remove the boiled marinade from the heat and immediately pour vinegar into the marinade. Mix and taste. if necessary, add salt/sugar or vinegar, achieving the taste that you like, considering that this is still a marinade, and it, among other things, will serve as a preservative. If you are delayed and the marinade begins to cool, return the pan with the marinade to the fire and wait for it to boil again.

As soon as the marinade boils, remove it from the heat, and as soon as the residual boiling has stopped, pour the marinade into jars with chopped garlic arrows.

You can take it out with a spoon and add a pea of ​​allspice and/or a bud of cloves and/or a few black peppercorns to each jar.

We tighten the lids tightly, which were also sterilized in the boiling water over which we sterilized the jars.

We turn the jars over and place them, neck down, in a basin or deep baking tray, so that if something goes wrong and the jar leaks, you won’t stain everything around with marinade. Cover the jars with a towel and leave until completely cool.

Pickled garlic arrows are an exotic dish that has recently entered the culinary kitchen. However, many will like their taste, especially with strong drinks. Tart, bitterish-sour taste of arrows... A wonderful appetizer and an excellent seasoning for meat and fish dishes. They can be used to stuff pork and beef rolls, bake meat with them and stuff fish with them. Try it - you will definitely like it!

But before you pickle garlic arrows for the winter, you need to collect them...

For collection, you will need young shoots in which hard seeds have not yet formed. Tear off the entire shoot at once, since the stem is also included in the ingredients. Add salt, spices and vinegar - here is a list of products needed to create a snack.

Rinse the garlic arrows in water and trim off all dried ends and dirt. Cut the stems 4-5 cm wide.

Place them in a ladle or pan and cover with salt.

Add spices to taste. I added cloves and allspice, but many people prefer to add black peppercorns and bay leaf. I think that this is not worth doing, since the light garlic aroma disappears due to the abundance of spices.

Pour boiling water over the garlic arrows and place the ladle on the fire. The arrows must be blanched in the marinade for about 10 minutes until soft.

After the specified time has passed, remove the ladle from the heat so that the marinade does not boil and pour in the vinegar.

Stir the marinade and place the garlic arrows in a prepared clean jar, then fill it to the top with marinade and seal it.

Store pickled garlic arrows in the cold or in a cool place, removing them as needed.

Pickled garlic arrows give salads and dishes served as a second course a specific taste that will appeal to many gourmets. They go perfectly with meat dishes, rice, pasta and potatoes.

For some dishes, you can use freshly chopped garlic arrows, but what to do in winter? The answer is very simple: you need to marinate them and then use the arrows to prepare wonderful original dishes will not be tied only to a certain small period of time in the year.

Before you start pickling the garlic arrows, they need to be collected correctly.

How to pickle garlic arrows - collecting garlic arrows

The basis for the success of harvesting garlic arrows is their timely collection. In any case, they need to be picked in order to achieve a good harvest of the garlic itself. Therefore, you need to safely collect them when they are most suitable for food.

Determining the readiness of garlic shoots for harvesting is quite simple. Arrows that have a dark green color have the best taste. In addition, their inflorescences should not yet be formed, only at the initial stage of development.

If you don't follow these simple conditions collection, you will not be able to achieve a first-class result. Arrows collected too late will be very hard and fibrous in dishes, which is unlikely to please anyone.

Marinating garlic arrows

Preparing garlic arrows for pickling

  • The collected garlic arrows must be thoroughly rinsed under running water, as particles of earth may remain on them. This is most conveniently done in a colander under running water, while mixing the contents of the dish with your hand.

  • Next, you need to cut the washed arrows into approximately 5-7 centimeters to make them easier to eat. By the way, it is not necessary to remove the small buds from the arrows at all, since they are also suitable for food.

  • Jars for preparations must be pre-sterilized. It is better to use small containers from 0.5 to 1 liter. Then you need to put 5-8 peas of allspice in them. If desired, you can also add a bay leaf. After the preparations described above, the jars are tightly filled with garlic shoots, poured with boiling water to the very top and left for about 2-3 minutes. After the holding time has expired, the water from the cans is poured into the pan for further preparation of the marinade.

Marinating garlic arrows

To prepare the marinade, you need to add (per 1 liter) the following ingredients:

  • coarse salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar essence – 1 tsp.

Jars with garlic arrows, prepared earlier, are filled with boiled brine, covered with lids and sterilized:

  • 0.5 liter jars – 3 minutes.
  • 1 liter jars – 5 minutes.

At the end of sterilization, the lids need to be rolled up, and the jars should be turned upside down and covered with a blanket until they cool completely.

This completes the entire process of preparing this wonderful snack! It is very simple, so any housewife can implement it. Jars should be stored in a cool place until used.

Be sure to watch the video from interesting recipe pickling garlic arrows and useful tips for housewives.

Pickled garlic arrows for the winter– a savory snack that you certainly won’t buy in a store. In any case, I never saw this delicacy on sale. Just a couple of years ago, only some gardeners ate them - stewed, fried, frozen for second and first courses, pickled. Today, the popularity of garlic arrows has increased significantly.

Pickled garlic arrows can be served to the table with various vegetable, fish and meat side dishes as a separate dish. In addition, they can be used in the preparation of many main courses, soups, borscht and cabbage soup. With their help, your dishes will acquire a characteristic garlic aroma, a certain spiciness and a special piquancy. They can also be added to salads.

Like the garlic cloves themselves, the arrows contain a large amount of vitamins and useful substances and have the same medicinal and beneficial properties as garlic. I suggest pickling garlic arrows for the winter using the double pouring method, which does not require additional sterilization.

To cook pickled garlic arrows without sterilization, we will need.


  • Garlic arrows,
  • Carrot,
  • Dill.

Ingredients for marinade per 1 liter of water:

  • Salt – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Vinegar - 3 tbsp. spoon,
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoon,
  • Mustard and coriander seeds – 10 g.,

Pickled garlic arrows for the winter - recipe

Wash the garlic arrows.

Cut off the seal with the inflorescence (buds). Cut them into sticks 8-10 cm long.

Cut the washed carrots into half circles.

Place garlic arrows in a clean and dry jar. Fill the jar almost to the neck with them.

Then add the carrots.

Place a bunch of dill on top.

Prepare the marinade. To do this, fill the jars with garlic arrows with hot water. Cover them with lids and leave for 10 minutes. Next, pour the water into a saucepan. Place it on the stove. Add coriander and mustard seeds to boiling water.

In addition to these spices, you can use cloves, black pepper and allspice to marinate garlic arrows. A spicy taste can be achieved with cardamom, thyme and cumin. Add salt and sugar to the marinade.

Pour in vinegar.

Boil the marinade until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved. Before pouring it into jars, be sure to taste to see if there is enough.

Pour hot marinade over garlic arrows.

Close the jars with screw or metal lids. Like many other types of preservation, they need to be turned upside down and wrapped in something warm. Thanks to turning over and heat, the jars are well sterilized, which means the workpiece will be stored for a long time. The next day, after cooling, the jars should be transferred to a cold room for further storage.

You can try the snack no earlier than two weeks later. Please note that the arrows immediately after rolling have a beautiful bright green color. Literally in 1-2 days the color of the arrows will change - it will become with a brownish-yellow tint.

Pickled garlic arrows for the winter. Photo

I think many housewives also wonder about how to cook pickled garlic arrows quickly, which can be eaten without waiting for winter.

The principle of marinating them is almost the same as preparing quick pickled ones.


  • Garlic arrows – 400 gr.,
  • Carrots – 1 pc., small size,
  • Spice mixture for Korean carrots,
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoons,
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon,
  • Vinegar – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Spices: ground black pepper,

Quickly pickled garlic arrows - recipe

Wash the carrots and garlic arrows. Grate the carrots for... Cut the garlic arrows into pieces 5-7 mm long, or longer. Place the garlic in a pan of boiling water. Boil it for 3-4 minutes.

Fish it out with a slotted spoon. Let cool. After cooling, add grated carrots and spices to it. Season with the indicated amount of salt, vinegar and sugar. Of course, you can adjust the amount of these ingredients to your taste.

Some people like saltier snacks, while others, on the contrary, prefer spicy and sour ones. Stir the garlic arrows. Place in a plastic tray. Cover with a lid. Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

The benefits of garlic arrows and how to prepare them for the winter. How to freeze, salt and pickle garlic arrows.

Everyone knows it very well beneficial properties garlic bulbs, popularly called heads, as well as its green leaves. They are used in cooking, folk medicine and even cosmetology.

The plant has one more part, edible and useful, although it differs in its properties from the bulb and leaves mentioned above. These are flower stalks, garlic arrows, which can be fermented, pickled, frozen, and used for making soups, salads and sauces.

When to cut off the arrows of garlic? The benefits of garlic arrows

When garlic grows in a garden bed, it first develops ground leaves, a little later - peduncles with aerial bulbs, and lastly, the bulb-root is formed.

Garlic shoots are not a by-product. They are tasty and have many benefits.

IMPORTANT: When a plant puts out a peduncle, it is in this part of it that its benefits accumulate. Those who grow garlic into heads remove the arrows as rubbish so that the heads are not small. This is done when the flower stalks reach a length of about 20 cm.

If you cut off the arrows of garlic in order to pickle them or use them for food in some other way, their length should be from 40 to 60 cm. At this moment they are the most juicy and healthy.

An indicator of the maturity of peduncles is also their whitened tips.

As a rule, arrows are collected for food in July, closer to the middle of the month.

IMPORTANT: If the heads of garlic are also planned to be collected and eaten in the future, the arrows should be cut off at a height of about 2 cm from the base so as not to damage the roots

Those who regularly harvest garlic shoots, prepare them and eat them with pleasure are well aware of the composition and benefits of the product. The following facts encourage us to do this for the first time:

Unfortunately, not everyone can eat garlic arrows. They are contraindicated for:

  • ulcers and gastritis
  • kidney diseases
  • cholelithiasis
  • individual intolerance and allergies

IMPORTANT: The season for fresh garlic arrows is very short - about 10-14 days. Therefore, it is worth learning how to prepare them for the winter.

VIDEO: Garlic arrows. 5 cooking methods

Frozen garlic arrows

Freezing is the preferred method of preparing food for the winter. If we are talking about garlic arrows, firstly, they will be the most useful. Secondly, after defrosting they will taste like fresh ones. And this makes it possible to prepare a wide variety of dishes.

Make the preparation this way:

  1. The collected flower stalks are washed thoroughly
  2. They cut off the part where the flower would form and dispose of it
  3. Cut the arrows into pieces 2-3 cm long
  4. Boil a large pot of water, add salt to it
  5. Dip garlic arrows into water and cook for 10 minutes
  6. Remove the arrows after cooking, allow them to cool and drain
  7. The product is packaged in plastic containers or disposable bags and sent to the freezer for storage.

You can freeze garlic arrows already in the form ready-made snacks. Take:

  • 1 kg shooter
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil

  1. The arrows are washed, their buds are cut off
  2. Arrows cut into several pieces are crushed using a meat grinder or blender
  3. Salt them and season with oil
  4. The snack is packaged in plastic containers and sent to the freezer.


What are pickled garlic arrows called?

Some people call pickled garlic arrows wild garlic. This is not entirely correct. Ramson (wild garlic) and the garlic that people eat are indeed related plants, but not the same thing.

It is correct to name the dish based on the characteristics of its preparation. So, pickled garlic flower stalks are:

  • in Korean (heh)
  • in Asian
  • in Georgian
  • with spices
  • with vegetables
  • with greens

Sometimes recipes are given names like “For vodka”, “Delicious”, etc.

Pickled garlic arrows and wild garlic are two different things.

How to pickle garlic arrows without sterilization?

Garlic arrows are marinated with vinegar. This preservative makes it possible not to sterilize jars filled with the product.

VIDEO: Snack with vodka, Garlic arrows for the winter

RECIPE: Instant pickled garlic arrows

Pickle garlic arrows quickly and easily using the following products:

  • 1 kg plant stems
  • 30 ml vinegar
  • 30 g salt
  • 40 g sugar
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 4 peppercorns
  • 4 dried carnation flowers

  1. Immediately add salt, sugar, pepper and cloves to 1 liter of cold water.
  2. Bring water to a boil
  3. At the same time, jars are sterilized
  4. The buds of garlic flower stalks are cut off, the flower stalks themselves are cut as desired from small centimeter-long sticks to stalks the length of the entire jar
  5. Garlic arrows and mustard seeds are placed in sterile jars
  6. Pour boiled marinade into jars
  7. Add vinegar to the preparation
  8. Close the jars with sterile lids and turn them upside down, then leave for 1-2 days to prevent leakage
  9. Send the harvested garlic arrows for storage in the pantry or cellar

RECIPE: Pickled garlic arrows for the winter

The next version of pickled garlic stalks involves the use of more seasonings and spices. The taste of the product is more unusual and rich. It requires:

  • 1 kg garlic shoots
  • 1 liter of water
  • 100 ml vinegar
  • 50 g each of salt and sugar
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 dill umbrellas
  • 6 peppercorns
  • 1 hot pepper

  1. Garlic for twisting is prepared as in the recipe above
  2. Banks are sterilized
  3. Add salt and sugar to cold water, and when it boils, add vinegar, dill and bay leaf (then they will need to be removed)
  4. Boil the marinade for 3-5 minutes
  5. Garlic arrows, cut to a convenient length, peppercorns, finely chopped flames are placed in jars
  6. Fill the arrows with marinade and close

How to marinate garlic arrows with lemon?

Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid (or lemon juice) to pickle garlic stalks. To prepare a canned dish, take:

  • 2 kg garlic shoots
  • 1 liter of water
  • 5 g citric acid
  • 50 g tarragon
  • 50 g salt
  • 100 g sugar
  1. Boil the garlic and tarragon, cut into pieces of the required length, in a separate pan for 1 minute after boiling.
  2. Sugar, salt and citric acid are dissolved in water
  3. Place tarragon with garlic stalks in a sterile container, pour in the marinade that has boiled for 5 minutes.
  4. Close the jars

VIDEO: Garlic arrows with citric acid. Preparations for the winter

RECIPE: Garlic arrows, marinated in Korean style

Korean garlic shooters are called Heh. To prepare them take:

  • 1 kg peduncles
  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of seasoning for Korean salads

  1. Washed and chopped garlic arrows are fried in vegetable oil
  2. Place them on paper towels to drain the grease.
  3. Bring salted and sweetened water to a boil, then add bay leaf and Korean seasoning.
  4. Place arrows and chopped garlic cloves in sterile jars, fill them with marinade and twist
  5. Carrots wouldn’t be out of place in this preparation either.

RECIPE: salted garlic arrows

Another type of preparation of garlic flower stalks, salting, is made from the following products:

  • 1 kg shooter
  • 1 liter of water
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of salt
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
  • dill umbrellas, bay leaves, peppercorns, cloves to taste and desire

  1. Boil washed and chopped garlic arrows in boiling water for 1 minute.
  2. Cool them in cold water and dry them in a colander.
  3. Sterilize jars
  4. Brine is made from water, salt and sugar
  5. Arrows of garlic and spices are placed in jars
  6. Pour boiling brine over them and leave for 3 days.
  7. After 3 days, the brine is drained and boiled again for 2-5 minutes.
  8. Repeat the procedure for filling the workpiece
  9. Banks are closing

IMPORTANT: You can pickle the arrows in an enamel pan or large glass bottle. Then they are not boiled again and not twisted. The first 4 days are kept warm under pressure, then another 4 after the fermentation process begins, and then in the cold until they are eaten

VIDEO: How to pickle garlic arrows?

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