How to measure flour without scales. The ratio of mass and volume of products. How to measure other bulk products

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When preparing almost any dish, we measure the amount of necessary ingredients in our usual ways, be it a glass, cup or spoon. And everything would be fine, but not everyone’s glasses and cups are the same, and many recipes indicate the weight of the desired product in grams.

In such cases, an irreplaceable thing is one that indicates both the number of milliliters for various types of liquids and the weight in grams for dry products. Even with this useful kitchen appliance, it doesn't hurt to know the capacity of the utensils most often used when preparing food.

A teaspoon contains 5 ml of water, three times more, that is, 15 ml; familiar to everyone, which is also called “Stalinist” or “Soviet”, comes in two types - with and without a smooth rim. A glass with a rim is considered a tea glass, since it was in it that conductors on trains served tea throughout the carriage; the volume of this glass is 250 ml; the same glass, but without the rim - 200 ml.

It is important to remember that the volume of the dishes is not always equal to the weight of the product. For approximate data, a table of measures and weights of products may be useful. Many dry foods weigh much less in grams than their volume in milliliters.

The tables below suggest the weight equivalent of volume in grams, breaking down food products into convenient subcategories.

Note: The table of measures and weights of products in grams is designed taking into account the filling of dishes as follows:

  • spoon - with a small slide;
  • glass - to the brim;
  • jar - up to the neck.

Bulk products

This type includes cereals, flour and some others. The table of bulk products offers the main measuring methods - a spoon and a glass, dividing them into several types, according to volume. For the convenience of preparing large portions, half-liter and liter jars were added.

Always read the recipe carefully - one cup of flour does not mean 200g of flour, even if your cup is slightly larger than 200ml. Remember that in a “Stalinist” tea glass, filled to the brim, there is only 160 g of flour.

Note: If you don’t have a traditional one on hand in your kitchen, you can replace it with a plastic one. A standard transparent disposable polypropylene glass holds exactly 200 ml of water.

Product name

Measures of weight in grams



0.5 liter jar

1 liter jar

tea room


dining room

200 ml

250 ml


Pearl barley


Corn flour

Wheat groats

Barley groats

Wheat flour

Powdered milk

Oat flakes


Corn flakes

Spices and additives (ground)

Since the preparation of most dishes requires little spice, the main measurements are teaspoons and tablespoons. For convenience, a standard volume of 10 ml was added. Weights of food in spoons are not equivalent to their volume.

The weight of most spices and additives depends on the grind and quality of the product. For example, large ground coffee will weigh slightly more than finely ground coffee.


  • The table of weights and measures of products in grams does not guarantee an absolutely accurate weight, since the consistency and size of many products are not always the same.
  • Very often, spices are measured in pinches; one pinch contains about a quarter of a teaspoon.


Product weight


Dessert spoon


Baking soda

Powdered sugar

Citric acid

Baking powder

Ground coffee


Instant coffee



Liquids are almost always measured in milliliters, which makes cooking much easier since it is enough to know the volume of the container in which food is usually measured. When prescription liquids are measured in grams, their weight is as close as possible to the volume.

Liquid product

Product weight in grams

Tea room

(5 ml)

Dessert l. (10 ml)

Dining room l.

(15 ml)

200 ml

250 ml

500 ml

1000 ml


Rendered fat

Sunflower\olive oil

Melted margarine

Solid foods

Note: The presented table of measures and weights of products in grams offers approximate data. The exact weight of products depends on their size and type.

Product name

Measures of weight in grams



0.5 liter jar

1 liter jar

tea room


dining room

200 ml

250 ml

Small lentils

Whole peas

Large lentils

Ground walnut


Peanuts, shelled

Peeled hazelnuts

Whole shelled walnut


Peeled almonds

Products with viscous consistency

Let's consider the last type of product.

Product name

Measures of weight in grams



0.5 liter jar

1 liter jar

tea room


dining room

200 ml

250 ml

Boiled condensed milk

Berry/fruit puree


Condensed milk

Tomato paste

How to measure flour? It is most convenient for these purposes to use ordinary scales or a measuring cup. But what to do if they are not there? In this situation, you can determine the required weight of flour using a cut glass or tablespoon. Experienced housewives know that this method is no less reliable than weighing with scales.

How to use the glass?

How to use a glass to measure the weight of flour? It's very easy. We will proceed from the fact that a faceted glass with a rim contains 250 milliliters of liquid, and a container without a rim contains 200 milliliters. We will measure using the example of wheat flour premium. Moreover, it must be unsifted.

So, approximately 160 grams of wholemeal flour is placed in a faceted glass with a rim. A container without a rim can hold 130 grams of dry ingredient (more precisely, 128 grams) if poured without a slide. The same amount (130 grams) of wheat flour will be in a container with a rim if you pour the dry ingredient along the rim. This measurement method is convenient in cases where you need a lot of wheat flour, which is important for recipes for baking buns or pies.

And keep in mind that you need to pour flour into a glass like this:

You need to measure out flour that has not been sifted. If you sift the dry ingredient and then return it to the cut glass, it will not fit.

If you don’t have a cut glass, it doesn’t matter. Surely there is a cup of tea at home. The required volume is calculated arithmetically using the formula:(A (volume of the cup in milliliters) * 160 (weight of flour in a faceted glass with a rim in grams)) / 250 (volume of a faceted glass in milliliters) = B (weight of flour in a cup in grams). The calculation is extremely simple. So, let's say a tea container holds 180 milliliters of liquid. Then you need to count like this: 180 * 160 / 250 = 115.2. Accordingly, 115.2 grams of wheat flour will fit into a 180 milliliter cup.

When calculating using the formula, you can use a faceted glass without a rim or another container as a basis. But keep in mind that in this case you will have to change the volume in milliliters. By the way, sugar is measured in the same way as wheat flour.

How to measure flour with a spoon at home?

Measuring flour at home using a spoon is a longer method compared to measuring using a faceted glass, but no less reliable. So, in a shallow table-type spoon, which is considered ordinary, about 20 grams of flour can be placed if poured without a slide. If wheat flour scoop up with a slide, then the specified cutlery can fit from 25 to 40 grams.

A teaspoon (if poured flat) will contain approximately 10 grams of flour. It is convenient to adhere to this method only when the dry ingredient is needed in small quantity, for example, to create a face mask.

Weight rye flour coarse slightly different in a big way. A level tablespoon contains about 25 grams of dry ingredient.

A typical mistake many housewives make when measuring flour without scales is that everyone remembers the volume of a glass of 200 milliliters, transferring this value to the weight of the dry ingredient. This is a misconception.

There are no difficulties in measuring flour without scales. Just follow the recommendations described in the article and everything will work out. Using the above formula, you can measure any amount of flour, knowing the volume and weight of the container used for measurements - a liter or half-liter jar, a measuring cup.

Every day in the kitchen we cook everyday dishes and we don’t even think about the correct proportion of products to be added, but as soon as we decide to try new recipe, things get a lot more complicated. In order to obtain exactly the taste and consistency described in the recommendations, it is necessary to cook strictly observing the weight and ratio of each ingredient. It is at this moment that the question often becomes relevant: how to weigh food without scales at home? Kitchen scales are a very convenient thing, but not every home has one, so housewives often have to use certain tricks to determine the weight of ingredients for a recipe.

Important information

Every kitchen must have a glass, a teaspoon and a tablespoon. It is with their help that you most often have to measure products. It is only important to know the volume of the glass in advance, since they come in 200 or 250 ml. New dishes, as a rule, are larger in size, and the cut glass known for generations holds strictly 200 ml up to the rim.

How to weigh food without scales using spoons? In this case, liquids should be poured strictly to the brim, try to scoop up viscous products with a “slide”, and be sure to scoop up bulk products with a slight top. The standard weights given below apply only to those dry substances that are placed loosely in spoons and glasses, without compaction.

It should also be remembered that cereals and any bulk materials must be dry before weighing. Vegetables - washed and peeled, also chopped, and if necessary, measure out an amount equal to pieces. The same recommendations apply to fruits. Before weighing meat without scales, the product should not be washed so that it does not become saturated with water. If the recipe uses only pulp, without fat and bones, then you only need to weigh it, after first separating the desired piece, washing it and blotting it with a napkin.

The secret to high volume

If the weight of liquids and bulk ingredients can be easily determined using spoons or a glass, then how to weigh large products without scales remains a question. In this case, measuring containers should be used in pots or bowls, the volume of which is known and measured in liters.

Packing them tightly necessary ingredients, you can approximately determine their weight by comparing them with the container volume.

If a more accurate measurement is needed, then you should prepare 2 pans of such a size that one fits freely into the other. Fill a large container with water and place it in the sink. Pour exactly a kilogram of sugar, salt or another product that is in the kitchen in the exact weight into a smaller pan. Now you need to lower the small container into the larger one so that the water from the lower pan reaches the edges of the upper one. So how to weigh food without scales using scrap materials and what does sugar have to do with it? Now you should pour it out, place what you actually need to weigh into a small container, and also lower it into a pan with the same water. As soon as the liquid reaches the edges, there is exactly a kilogram in the upper container required product.

Volume of liquids

In this case, weighing is not even required, since all pouring ingredients are indicated in recipes in milliliters, not grams. To determine their required volume, you will need a measuring cup. If you can’t find it in the kitchen, then an ordinary faceted one, a tablespoon or a teaspoon for small scales, will do.

It is important to remember that the same volume of different liquids will always weigh differently. For example, a glass of water will always contain as many milliliters as corresponds to its volume, but there will always be less vegetable oil, since its density is less.

Approximate Standards

If you don’t have time to delve into such nuances, you can follow approximate recommendations on how to weigh food without scales. According to them, a teaspoon contains 5 g of liquids, 4 g of cereals, 10 g of salt or sugar and 3 g of flour. A tablespoon holds 20 g of liquids, the same amount of cereals, 15 g of salt or sugar and 25 g of flour. This applies only to a spoon with a medium heap, and if, when scooping up loose ingredients, the excess easily rolls off on its own, then with flour it is more difficult. You can also fill a spoon with a heap of 5-7 cm, since its powdery consistency simply will not allow the compacted product to fall out. Having collected this amount, you should understand that the flour will weigh 35-40 g.

In a standard glass of water or milk there will be 200 grams, vegetable oil 250 grams, cereals and other bulk grains - 200 grams, and flour to the rim - 180 grams.

Vegetable weight determination

Sometimes all the above recommendations do not help to approximately weigh food without scales. How can vegetables be placed in a glass or pan? After all, empty space will certainly form between them, distorting the final result. To determine the weight of such products, a standard for their gramming per piece is often used. So, head out white cabbage on average weighs 1.1-1.5 kg, although in the cold season you can also find heads of cabbage weighing 4-5 kg ​​on the shelves. One potato tuber takes on average 100 g, onion - 70 g, carrot - 75 g, beet - 100-150 g, tomato - 75-100 g, cucumber 50-100 g, eggplant - 150-200 g, celery root - 40 -60 g, cauliflower- 800 g, radish - 70-100 g, parsley root - 50 g.

Standards for fruits and berries

  • medium apple - 100-150 g;
  • pear - 120-150 g;
  • quince - 150-200 g;
  • banana - 100-200 g;
  • orange - 100-150 g;
  • lemon - up to 100 g;
  • figs - 40 g;
  • plum - 30 g;
  • apricot - 20-30 g.

As for berries, it is better to measure their weight with a glass or spoon. A standard 200 ml glass container will fit:

  • strawberries - 120 g;
  • raspberries - 150 g;
  • cherries or cherries - 130 g;
  • blueberries - 160 g;
  • blackberries - 150 g;
  • cranberries - 120 g;
  • blueberries - 160 g;
  • lingonberries - 110 g;
  • currants - 120-140 g;
  • mulberries - 150 g;
  • gooseberries - 170 g.

Liquids and viscous products

How to weigh products that can completely fill the container space without scales? This shouldn't cause any problems at all. Measuring containers, spoons or glasses are used. A teaspoon contains:

  • 5 g water, vinegar, cream, milk, any juice and melted butter;
  • 3 g vegetable oil;
  • 4 g melted margarine;
  • 7 g berry puree or liqueur;
  • 8 g tomato sauce;
  • 9 g liquid honey;
  • 10 g sour cream, tomato paste;
  • 12 g condensed milk or jam;
  • 15 g jam;
  • 20 g honey or jam.

The same products in the same order will take up 18 g, 20 g, 15 g, 20 g, 25 g, 30 g, 25 g, 30 g, 40 g and 45 g in a tablespoon, respectively. It is noticeable that even the same The weight of the products in the new container is no longer ascending. A similar situation arises with measurements in glasses, so it is impossible to accurately calculate how many grams there will be in a large container based on the data from teaspoons; the result will only be approximate.

So, in a faceted glass, the total volume up to the rim is 200 ml and it will be filled with exactly water, milk, cream, vinegar and juice. There will already be 210 g of sour cream in the same container. Vegetable oil, melted margarine or butter - 180-190 g, tomato sauce - 180 g, jam - 185 g, melted fat - 245 g, jam - 280 g, berry puree - 300 g, and honey - 330 g.


For cereals and other products, there are also certain scales according to the volumes of containers used for measuring.

A teaspoon contains 10 g of salt, sugar, egg powder, starch and flour. In the same spoon you can measure 7 g of coffee or citric acid, 9 g cocoa, 12 g baking soda, 5 g dry gelatin or poppy seeds.

A tablespoon will accordingly measure the weight of the same foods in the same order: 30 g, 25 g, 25 g, 30 g, 30 g, 20 g, 25 g, 28 g, 15 g and 18 g.

Cereals, as a rule, occupy 4 grams in a teaspoon, 20-25 g in a tablespoon, and 150-170 g in a glass.

In general, a glass of 200 g can hold only 150 g of salt and starch, 180 g of sugar, 135 g of poppy seeds, 140 g of ground nuts, and powdered sugar- 160 g.

Spices, spices and seasonings

When preparing a new dish, it is very important to correctly weigh and herbs, since their excess can completely ruin the final result. So, 1 gram bay leaf- this is approximately 10 medium leaves. A gram of pepper is equal to 25 peas, and 1 gram of cloves is equal to 15 heads. Powdered spices should be measured with a teaspoon. It will contain 8 g of cinnamon, 3 g of mustard, 4 g of cloves, 2 g of ginger, 4-5 g of allspice, 3 g of red and black.

Products for diet

A very pressing question is how to weigh foods without scales for a diet. In order to correctly calculate the calories consumed, they have to determine the weight of not only raw materials, but also already prepared dishes or products that are immediately ready for consumption. Having allowed yourself to snack on packaged cookies, you can easily calculate the weight of one treat by dividing the total weight of the pack by the number of cookies. The average weight of marshmallows is 42 g, marmalade 20 g, gingerbread 30 g, and biscuit cookies 10 g. A slice of bread takes on average 20 g, a slice will be heavier and weighs approximately 50-80 g.

Store-bought buns are always labeled and do not need to be weighed. A circle of sausage weighs on average 5 g, a finished cutlet weighs 80-100 g, and a chop weighs 200 g.

It must be remembered that when cooked, cereals increase in volume depending on the addition of water, pasta - 2 times, meat, on the contrary, decreases by approximately 50%. And in fact, it’s not difficult to weigh food without scales. Cottage cheese as an immediately ready-to-eat product can be measured in a glass. In a faceted container it will take no more than 130 g, depending on the fat content. Dried fruits and other dietary sweets should also be measured in glasses. It will contain 130 g of raisins and 50 g of dried fruit.

A medium-sized chicken egg without a shell weighs 40 g, and a large one weighs 60 g. If you need to eat the yolk and white separately, you need to remember that depending on the size of the egg itself, the weight of only the white changes. It can be 20-40 g, and the yolk always weighs 20 g.

Flour is used in the preparation of many dishes and baked goods, but for each recipe it is necessary to measure the required amount of flour in grams and not everyone has their own scales at home, so let’s look at how to weigh flour without scales using a regular glass, find out how many grams of flour are in a glass (faceted and tea), as well as how many tablespoons of flour fit in a glass.

In order to correctly measure the mass of flour using a glass, you need to pour a full glass to the top, but without a slide and you do not need to tamp the flour with a spoon.

How many grams of flour are in a faceted glass (200 ml)?

1 faceted glass with a volume of 200 ml holds 130 grams of flour.

How many grams of flour are in a 250 ml glass?

A 250 ml tea glass holds 160 grams of wheat flour.

How many tablespoons of flour are in a faceted glass?

A faceted glass holds 4 whole + 1/3 heaped tablespoons of flour = 4 heaped tablespoons of flour + 1 heaped teaspoon of flour.

Note: it is more convenient to measure a small amount of flour according to a recipe using spoons (tablespoon, teaspoon), so we advise you to read the article, which describes in detail how to weigh the required amount of flour using spoons in small volumes.

Answers to popular questions, how to weigh flour without scales using a glass

Many recipes require a similar amount of flour in grams, so below we have calculated for you how to measure flour for a recipe in grams with a glass (for convenience and accuracy of measurement, we will also use a tablespoon and a teaspoon):

  • How many glasses are there in one kilogram of flour? 1 kg of flour = 1000 g of flour = 7 faceted glasses of flour + 3 heaped tablespoons of flour.
  • 900 grams of flour, how much is it in glasses? 900 g of flour = 6 faceted glasses of flour (200 ml each) + 4 heaped tablespoons of flour.
  • 800 grams of flour, how much is it in glasses? 800 g of flour = 6 faceted glasses of flour + 2 heaped teaspoons of flour.
  • 700 grams of flour, how much is it in glasses? 700 g of flour = 5 faceted glasses of flour + 1 heaped tablespoon of flour + 2 heaped teaspoons.
  • 600 grams of flour, how much is it in glasses? 600 g flour = 4 cups faceted flour + 3 heaped tablespoons + 2 heaped teaspoons.
  • How much is 500 grams of flour in glasses? 500 g of flour = 3 faceted glasses of flour + 3 heaped tablespoons + 2 heaped teaspoons.
  • 450 grams of flour, how much is it in glasses? 450 g flour = 3 faceted glasses (200 ml) flour + 2 heaped tablespoons of flour.
  • 400 grams of flour, how much is it in glasses? 400 g of flour = 3 faceted glasses of flour + 1 heaped teaspoon of flour.
  • 360 grams of flour is how many glasses? 360 g of flour = 2 faceted glasses of flour + 3 heaped tablespoons of flour + 1 heaped teaspoon.
  • 350 grams of flour, how much is it in glasses? 350 g of flour = 2 faceted glasses of flour + 3 heaped tablespoons of flour.
  • 320 grams of flour, how many glasses is that? 320 g of flour = 2 faceted glasses of flour + 2 heaped tablespoons of flour.
  • 300 grams of flour, how much is it in glasses? 300 g of flour = 2 faceted glasses of flour + 1 heaped tablespoon of flour + 1 heaped teaspoon of flour.
  • 280 grams of flour is how many glasses? 280 g of flour = 2 faceted glasses of flour + 2 heaped teaspoons.
  • How much is 250 grams of flour in glasses? 250 g of flour = 1 full faceted glass of flour + 1 to the rim = 1 faceted glass of flour + 4 heaped tablespoons of flour.
  • How much is 200 grams of flour in glasses? 200 g of flour = one faceted glass of flour + 2 heaped tablespoons + 1 heaped teaspoon.
  • 180 grams of flour, how much is it in glasses? 180 g of flour = 1 faceted glass of flour + 1 heaped tablespoon + 2 heaped teaspoons = 1 thin glass of flour (teaspoon, 250 ml) + 2 heaped teaspoons of flour.
  • 150 grams of flour, how much is it in glasses? 150 g of flour = 1 faceted glass of flour + 2 heaped teaspoons of flour.
  • How much is 100 grams of flour in glasses? 100 g of flour = 3/4 faceted glass of flour = 3 heaped tablespoons of flour + 1 heaped teaspoon.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how to weigh (measure) flour without a scale with a glass will help you prepare baked goods and many dishes quickly, without wasting extra time weighing the flour. We leave our feedback on the topic of how many grams of flour are in a glass of flour, as well as how to measure the required weight of flour in grams in a glass in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


If you don't have a kitchen scale, or at least a special measuring cup with marks, measuring out the amount of flour needed for a recipe is not that difficult. Other kitchen tools will come to the rescue. Read about how to use them correctly.

How to measure grams without scales

Strictly observing the proportions and adding the amount of cereal, water, and spices strictly specified in the recipe is the key to any successful dish. This is especially important for baking. If you accidentally add more or less flour than required, the dough will come out completely wrong. In the absence of a special device, it will be possible to weigh it using other available means. Every housewife will need information on how to do this correctly.

How many grams of flour are in a faceted glass?

First of all, it is worth saying that this item is a faithful assistant in measuring food for many housewives. It is very accurate and will definitely help you easily collect the required volume of any liquid or bulk substance. If you fill it with premium wheat flour to the very top with a cap, you will get 160 g. This value is approximate. If the vessel is filled to the rim, it will be 130 g.

If you don't know how to measure flour without a scale, use these tips:

  1. The grain product must be unsifted. There is no need to try to scoop flour from the general bag, but carefully pour it in small portions. Otherwise, voids will form near the walls of the dish, due to which the volume will not be enough for the dish.
  2. Do not compact the dry substance or knock on the container when filling. Because of this, the result will be completely different.
  3. Use the table that contains data on the volume of different products. It can be easily found on the Internet.
  4. It is advisable to select a separate dish for your measurements, as accurate as possible, and always use only it. If you take a different one each time, then a dish with the same recipe may differ in taste or even go bad.

How many grams of flour in a tablespoon

Some recipes require very little, so what should you do? In this case, you should measure with spoons. This is not a difficult task. You need to determine how much flour is in a tablespoon. If with a slide, then 25-30 g, depending on its height, and if without it, then 20 g. 1 tsp. will hold from 9 to 12 g. In the dessert room will fit 15-20 g. These values ​​are correct if the grain product is dry, because a wet one will be heavier. You also need to remember that some cutlery, especially those left over from Soviet times, are heavier than modern ones.

How much flour in a 250 mm glass

We are talking about a thin-walled product. Such vessels are also called tea vessels. How to measure flour without scales using it? If you fill the vessel, leaving about a centimeter at the top empty, you will get 160 g. We are talking about wheat. The same amount will fit in corn, because they are the same in density. But rye is denser, so it will fit 130 g. Potato, on the contrary, is lighter, it will be 180 g.

How to weigh flour without scales

Not every housewife has a device for measuring the mass of food in the kitchen, however, people cope well even with very complex recipes. In order to weigh out the required portion, you can use vessels or spoons: dessert, table, tea. With one of these items on hand, you can easily get the grain you need for baking.

How many tablespoons in a glass of flour

Depends on the type and content. If the faceted one contains 130-160 g, then it will contain 4.5-5 tbsp. l. with a hat. There are five of them in the teahouse. If you take a level spoonful from the first, you get from six and a half to eight. If you use tea, then 8. Many people do not understand how to measure 100 grams of flour without having a measuring device at hand. It's very simple: take 5 tbsp. l. without a slide or 3.5 with it. Now you know how many tablespoons are in 100 grams of flour.

If you have a faceted glass, then to get 100 g you need to pour so much so that the flour does not reach the rim by about a centimeter. There is another way. Sprinkle flour a little at a time, compacting it. To do this, after each new portion you need to carefully hit the dishes on the table. Get the tallest hat you can. You will get approximately 200-210 g. Then, from the resulting volume, separate approximately half by eye. This will be 100 g.

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