How to quickly cook old beans. How to quickly cook white beans without soaking? Preparing for cooking

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Cooking beans is a slow process, so it's best to plan ahead. In addition to the hour or two that the actual cooking will take, you need to take into account the time for soaking. The good news is that you won't have to do much.

How to prepare beans

The first thing to do is check the expiration date. Beans that have been sitting for more than a year are likely to have dried out. Such beans will not become soft and tender, no matter how much you cook them.

Sort through the beans (don't worry, it's quick) and discard any shriveled or suspicious beans, as well as stems and other debris.

Then rinse the beans thoroughly in a colander under cold running water.

The next step is soaking, and there are several good reasons for this. First, pre-soaked beans cook faster. This, by the way, is not the main reason: without soaking, the beans will cook longer by only 15–20 minutes.

Secondly, during soaking, oligosaccharides are partially dissolved, which cause increased gas formation in the intestines.

Thirdly, there is an opinion that during soaking beans lose so-called antinutrients - compounds that interfere with the absorption of nutrients. In particular, legumes contain phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron.

How to soak beans

There are two ways to soak beans:

1. Slow or cold method

Proponents of this soaking method claim that it eliminates the unpleasant side effects that legumes are notorious for. However, keep in mind that it takes time. Place the beans in a large saucepan, cover with cold water and refrigerate for 12–24 hours.

For 1 cup of beans you will need 5 cups of water.

2. Fast, or hot, method

If you don’t have time for long soaking, then simply pour the dry beans into a pan and add water in the same proportion as in the previous method. Bring the water to a boil and cook the beans for 2-3 minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove, cover and let sit for at least 1 hour.

Please note that the volume of beans after soaking and cooking will increase 2-3 times, so choose a larger pan.

By the way, some housewives claim that with this method of soaking the dish turns out tastier.

How to cook beans

After soaking, drain the water and rinse the swollen beans under running water. Then place it in a large saucepan and add water so that it completely covers the beans. Bring the water to a boil and add a tablespoon of sunflower oil or so that there is less foam.

Simmer the beans over low heat. You may need to add water to the pan from time to time during the cooking process. Depending on the type of beans, their shelf life and water hardness, the cooking time can range from 0.5 to 2.5 hours.

During cooking, the beans do not need to be stirred, and the pan does not need to be covered with a lid.

To know if the beans are ready, mash one with a fork or your fingers. Ideally, the beans should be soft, but not mushy. If the beans are still crunchy, then leave them to cook further and check for doneness every 10 minutes.


There is a fairly common myth that salt gives beans body and toughness, so you need to add it at the end. In fact, salt has no effect on the consistency of the beans, unless, of course, you are going to pour handfuls of them into the pan. Herbs can also be added at any time.

If a recipe calls for adding acidic ingredients such as lemon juice, wine, vinegar or tomatoes, do so after the beans are cooked. Otherwise, the beans may not turn out as tender as you would like.

Cooked beans can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. It is recommended to use flat, shallow containers for this.

Do you have your own secrets for cooking beans? Share them in the comments.

How to quickly and easily cook beans for soup? Thousands of housewives ask this question. But relatively recently no one knew about these legumes. Beans began to be grown on a large scale in Europe at the end of the 17th century, in Rus' in the northern regions - in the 18th century, and in the southern regions - only in the 19th.

Varieties of beans

In total, there are about 97 species of the legume family, but most people living in our latitudes know about five varieties of beans:

  • Red
  • White
  • Capsicum
  • Black
  • Yellow, waxy

Cooking times for popular types of beans

To make it possible to compare different beans, the cooking times are indicated without pre-soaking the beans.

Dark beans take the longest to cook, namely red and black beans, because... have a thickened shell, unlike light varieties.

Cooking time depends greatly on the size of the beans; the smaller they are, the faster they cook.

Green beans are young, soft, green sprouts with small bean germs inside. The length of the sprouts is usually 12-15 cm.

By pre-soaking, the cooking time is reduced by approximately 1 hour. Beans should be soaked for 8-10 hours in plenty of water.

Methods for quickly cooking beans

  1. The easiest way to soften beans is to add a pinch of baking soda while cooking. With this approach, you can cook beans in 40-50 minutes. This method is attractive in its simplicity, but there is a risk that the beans will burst and turn into mush.
  2. Soak the beans in boiling water for 30-40 minutes, then drain the water and add 3 tbsp. sunflower oil. Add boiling water again so that it completely covers the product and place on the stove. This will shorten the cooking time and make the beans softer.
  3. Another good method. Pour cold water over the beans and let them cook. As soon as the water boils, drain it and add cold water. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times. The beans should be cooked in 1-1.5 hours.
  4. This method is similar to the previous one, only it has its own subtleties. Here you need to pour cold water into a pan and place it on the stove. When boiling, the water should boil for 10 minutes, and then cold water should be added to the pan. These steps must be repeated at least five times.
  5. The best way to cook beans quickly is to cook them in a pressure cooker. It only takes 20 minutes to soften dried beans without soaking. And all because cooking takes place with the lid tightly closed, under pressure.

Which one would you be quick way Whatever you choose, remember that cooking beans using the classic method, with soaking, better preserves the vitamins in them.

The benefits of beans and their harm

Beans are a high protein product. There are 22.3 grams of vegetable protein per 100 grams. A true meat substitute for vegetarians! The calorie content is 308.9 kcal.

Another strength of the legume crop is its high potassium content - as much as 1100 mg per 100 grams of beans. Potassium has a beneficial effect on work cardiovascular system and prevents the development of diseases.

In addition, legumes are high in B vitamins, zinc, phosphorus and sulfur, which has a good effect on immunity, brain activity and skin condition.
Everyone should know that raw beans contain toxic substances. Eating raw beans can lead to stomach problems and diarrhea. But not everyone can eat ready-made beans.

Beans are contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • gastritis
  • pancreatitis
  • colitis
  • cholecystitis

This product should be used with caution in the elderly, pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.

What kind of soup to cook with beans

Bean soups are especially popular in South America. They like to make them spicy and thick. A good example of such a soup with step by step recipe presented, you can check it out.

In familiar first courses, such as borscht or cabbage soup, you can replace meat with beans, a good alternative during Lent. The soup turns out nourishing and rich.

Cook for fun and be healthy!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Sometimes we forget to soak the beans in the evening, but preparing a dish from them is extremely necessary. What to do? If you leave the beans to soak, you can only cook them in the evening. Very often this is inconvenient for housewives - when then should they cook a dish from these beans - not at night, right? In this case, one way to quickly cook beans can come to the rescue. My mother told me his secret. And for her - her mother, my grandmother... So this method passes from generation to generation. And it really helps us out when it happens. We didn’t let the red beans soak overnight, but in the morning we planned to cook something tasty out of them, for example. True, I want to say right away that although this method does not take much time, it is still more difficult than simply cooking soaked beans in terms of labor intensity. No, it’s not difficult, but there will still be more manipulation than watching how to cook beans in a saucepan. But, I repeat, this is still a way out, so I will be happy to share with you my recipe for how to quickly cook red beans without soaking. I hope he will also help you out if necessary.


- red beans.

Recipe with photos step by step:

We sort through the red beans, removing spoiled ones. Rinse the beans with running water.

Place the beans in a saucepan and fill with cold water so that the water is a couple of centimeters above the level of the beans.

Place the pan with beans over medium heat and bring to a boil.

Quickly cool the beans in plenty of cold water. To do this, it is convenient to place the beans in a colander, which is placed in a pan of cold water. Let the beans stand for 3-5 minutes until they cool completely.

Place the beans back into the pan and add water in the same way (2 fingers above the beans).

Bring the beans to a boil again and cool just as quickly. After the second time, you can notice how much the beans have increased in size, but they are still hard. We repeat the same procedure - heating and rapid cooling - 3 more times (a total of 5 times). This is usually enough to make the beans soft. But some varieties require you to bring the beans to a boil 6 times and refrigerate until they are cooked.

The cooking speed also depends on the shelf life and size of the beans.

To determine whether the beans are cooked, we use the “three beans” method: we try 3 beans at the same time. If all 3 are ready, then the rest are cooked too. It is important to ensure that the beans are cooked completely and not left undercooked. Undercooked beans contain substances that can be dangerous to the human body. Therefore, you should never eat undercooked beans.
There are many more alternative solutions for some time-consuming activities in the kitchen. For example, cooking beets. It usually takes a very long time if you cook it on the stove. But it can be simple and quick

It is no secret that before cooking legumes, it is necessary to carry out a number of necessary manipulations so that enzymes that affect increased gas formation are released from them. Therefore, it will be useful to learn how to quickly cook beans if you urgently need them as an ingredient for any dish.

Beans are considered one of the slowest foods to cook. But what to do if you urgently need it, and there is very little or no time for preparation? Then try cooking beans without soaking. Cooking methods vary slightly depending on its type.

There are also a few secrets to keeping beans tasty and attractive in appearance, if that's important to you.

  • Fill the beans with water at the rate of 1:4. Add a tablespoon of sugar there. The most ordinary white sand, not brown, will do. On the stove, turn the heat to high, and then when the water boils, turn the heat down to medium. The beans will soften quickly: red beans will be ready in half an hour, and white or black beans in 40-50 minutes.
  • To make the beans cook faster, place a small dried bean leaf in the pan. seaweed. Nori seaweed, used to make Japanese rolls, is also suitable. Bring the beans to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium and simmer the beans for half an hour.
  • If you know you'll need to cook the beans but don't have time to soak them, there's another method you can use. Place the beans in bags and place them in the freezer. When it's time to cook, remove the beans from the refrigerator without defrosting them first. Immediately put it in cool water, bring to a boil and cook for half an hour over medium heat. Don't forget to check readiness half an hour after boiling.

Red beans

The red beans are washed and filled with water in a saucepan so that it covers the beans by a couple of centimeters. Bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes. After this, the water is drained from the pan, and new water is added instead. The beans are brought to a boil again. Turn off the stove and soak the beans for half an hour, covered.

After the specified time has passed, change the water and boil the beans again over medium heat for fifty minutes. There is no need to overcook the beans, so cook the beans in unsalted water. After this, the beans are ready to serve or add to other dishes.

White beans

There are two ways to cook white beans. The first involves pouring cold water and cooking over medium heat. After the water boils, change it and bring it to a boil again. The procedure is repeated as many times as possible until the beans are fully cooked. This can be determined by its softness: if the beans pierce easily on a fork, then they are ready.

The second method is even simpler. To achieve the desired result, add a pinch of soda to the water where the beans are boiled, and then at the very end a little lemon juice to neutralize the effect of alkali. This is necessary so that the taste does not deteriorate.

Remember that beans should be salted only at the very end of cooking. Otherwise, cooking will slow down and you will waste time.

Microwave without soaking

Place the beans in any container suitable for use in microwave oven. For example, this could be a deep glass bowl or plate. We rinse the beans under cold water, pour them in and cook the beans in the microwave for ten minutes at the highest power of the device.

After the specified time has passed, remove the bowl, stir the beans well and put them back in the microwave for 15-20 minutes. Then take out a plate, add salt and let the beans cook for another 5 minutes. Remember that salt tends to delay the cooking process. Therefore, you should not add salt to the beans before.

In a slow cooker

Undoubtedly, multicooker owners are luckier than others. Indeed, in this unique device you can prepare almost any dish. You can also cook beans in it without pre-soaking them.

This method is suitable for cooking both red and white beans. Calculate the correct amount of beans to prepare - 100 grams for each liter in the bowl. Pour in the beans, set the “Cooking” or “Stewing” mode for forty minutes. After this time, open the lid and check if the beans are ready. If not, then change the water and set the previous cooking mode again. The test can be done in two ways: bite through or crush the bean with your fingers. Ready beans will squash easily.

Beans are one of the most delicious and healthy members of the legume family. However, like all its brothers, it has the only drawback - a long cooking time. Today we will talk about how to significantly reduce it without compromising the taste and appearance of the grains, we will offer several options for quickly cooking beans in a pan on the stove, and we will also tell you how to cook them in the microwave.

How to quickly cook red beans without soaking?

As you know, soaking beans significantly speeds up the cooking process. But what to do if for some reason you were unable to soak the beans in advance? You should not refuse to prepare the planned dish or wait long and tediously for the beans to cook without prior preparation. There are other ways to speed up the softening of grains. This recipe on how to cook red beans without soaking.


  • red beans – 210 g;
  • purified water – 1.8-2.2 l;
  • table salt - to taste.


We wash the red beans thoroughly, put them in a saucepan and fill them with purified water so that it only slightly covers the contents. Let the beans boil, add a little more cold water and bring to a boil again. We do this until the bean grains soften. And this will happen approximately thirty to forty minutes from the moment of the first boil, depending on the type of beans. Temperature changes will speed up the cooking process of the legumes. Add salt to the beans at the end of cooking to taste.

How to quickly cook white or red beans in the microwave?

It's no secret that a microwave oven allows you to save a lot of time if you cook dishes in it. And cooking beans is no exception. Even without pre-soaking, the grains quickly become soft. About all the nuances of such preparation in this recipe.


  • white or red beans – 210 g;
  • purified water – 700 ml;
  • table salt - to taste.


We wash white or red beans thoroughly, put them in a container suitable for cooking in a microwave oven, fill them with purified water, set the device to maximum power and set the timer for ten minutes. After this, mix the beans in a bowl with a spoon, return to the microwave and extend cooking for another fifteen minutes. Five minutes before the end of the process, add salt to taste.

How to quickly cook dried beans for salad, borscht or soup?

Another effective way to quickly cook beans, which is perfect for preparing the base for, or soup. The miracle remedy that accelerates the softening of grains is, in this case, the most common sugar.


  • white or red beans – 200 g;
  • purified water – 950 ml;
  • granulated sugar– 25 g;
  • table salt - to taste.


Pour washed white or red beans with cold, purified water and set to cook on the stove. After When it comes to a full boil, add granulated sugar, stir until all the sweet crystals dissolve and from this moment cook the red beans for thirty, and the white beans for forty minutes. After this, add some salt to the contents of the dish and boil for another five minutes.

With any of the quick cooking options, it is not recommended to cover the pan during the entire cooking process, as the bean grains may darken and become unattractive. appearance. This is especially true for cooking white beans. Also, as you have already noticed from the recipe descriptions, beans should be salted only at the end of cooking, otherwise you are unlikely to be able to quickly soften the grains.

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