What kind of fish is sushi made from? What kind of fish is in sushi

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Being in a metropolis (living on a permanent basis), there is not always time left for cooking. Many people don’t even consider it necessary to spend their free time (which is already very little) standing idle at the stove. Today, any large city can provide the opportunity to order food at home.

For example, ordering a sushi set today will not be difficult. This can be done either by telephone or via the Internet. However, preparing sushi takes relatively little time. If you have fresh fish in the refrigerator, why not cook a delicious dinner/lunch yourself?

Note that traditionally, only raw fish is used in sushi. In other words, ocean red fish fillets (the only ones allowed for cooking) are not even salted or smoked.

You should also understand that you need to prepare sushi only from the freshest fish. The Japanese recommend that the fish be still alive before preparing sushi. Then the dish turns out incredibly tasty and tender (and safe).

In many regions of Russia it is necessary to cook from frozen fillets. This is also acceptable, but the taste characteristics will be different.

If we are talking about preparing sushi and not rolls, then the use of nori (paper made from ocean seaweed) is also strictly necessary.

IN classic recipe in addition to red fish there are:

  • cucumber;
  • soy sauce;
  • ripe avocado;
  • flying fish caviar.

Finding the last ingredient even in many Russian supermarkets is not so easy. However, do not panic ahead of time - flying fish caviar is used exclusively to decorate the dish.

If you find an establishment that prepares sushi from fresh ingredients, it is unlikely that homemade sushi will be able to compare with restaurant sushi in terms of taste.

The video demonstrates how you can quickly and effortlessly prepare sushi at home:

More on the topic:

Japanese cuisine is famous for its healthy and delicious dishes, as well as strict table etiquette. Our articles will help you learn how to eat with chopsticks and set the table in Japanese style, and also, of course, cook delicious and healthy dishes.

Fish for sushi

How to choose the right fish.
The Japanese are known to love fish that live in the kingdom of the Pacific Ocean, nutritious, fatty, and mainly tuna. Tuna has several degrees of fat content: fatty, semi-fat and very fatty.

The fish is plastered with a special knife bento, in our case we can use a regular fillet knife with a very sharply sharpened tip. In principle, any fish will do, but the fewer hours have passed since it was caught, the better. That is, the fish should be Very fresh. This is why the Japanese do not like to go to sushi bars in the evenings - after all, fish markets are open only in the morning, and for a Japanese, “gloppy” sushi is like warm vodka for a self-respecting Russian.

Even a complete amateur can easily figure out whether the fish has been in the store’s warehouses for a couple of days or has just been caught. Here are the signs of good quality of fresh fish:

The gills of fresh fish are bright red, but if they are bled, the color of the gills will be lighter. The gills of frozen fish are grayish with a reddish tint.

Fresh fish has a clean and mild smell that is specific to a particular type of fish, and, of course, varies depending on the body of water in which it was caught.

The eyes of fresh fish are light and somewhat convex, the cornea of ​​the eyes is transparent.

The meat is elastic to the touch, the scales are difficult to separate, the mucus is transparent, bad smell absent. Correctly assessing the quality of raw fish based on the consistency of its meat can be very in a simple way: how soon will the dimple that forms on the back of the fish from light pressure on it with your finger disappear (and whether it will disappear at all). The sooner and more completely the hole disappears, the better the quality of the fish.

Fresh fish should have bright colors and shiny scales. The degree of brightness of the color largely depends on how long the fish has been stored and whether it was stored raw or dry. When frozen, the color of the fish fades.

If the fish is fresh, mucus covers its entire skin in an even layer. In addition, you should check the degree of adhesion of meat to bones (ease of separation of vertebral and rib bones from fish meat). The harder the meat is to separate from the bones, the better the consistency.

But the main thing we will tell you is our own nose: the chosen fish should smell like the sea. If this does not happen, the merchant must be sent away. If the fish is sold cut into pieces, then, of course, you will no longer be able to see the eye. In this case, rely on your fingertips, sixth sense and reputation of the store. This is especially true when purchasing salmon, tuna, etc. - fish too big to be sold whole, and too expensive to afford a mistake. The surface of the fillet should be juicy and slightly shiny, but never dry. Of course, there remains the risk that a cunning merchant will soak the old fish before throwing it on the counter. In this case, try to break it - the “fake” will crawl apart in indistinct wet pieces. If the fillet is sold on a tray, lift the fish and check if it has made a “puddle”.

The exception is salmon. As we have already said, this fish is considered “unclean”, and the Japanese themselves always slightly smoke it before eating it. Even if you bought Very fresh fish - do not relax: it is important to properly preserve it until cooking. When you bring your purchase home, rinse the fish and wrap it tightly in cellophane film. Store in the refrigerator without freezing and remove from there no earlier than 10 minutes before cooking.

Frozen fillets are frozen in air (at the same time it loses 4-7% of its juice), but only to the extent that it can be cut into slices. The fillet only needs to be minimally hygienically processed - cut off the damaged edges, clean it of dirt, and quickly rinse it. The more juice is retained in the fish, the more aromatic and nutritious the dish will be. It is advisable to thaw sea fish in salted water: salt water has a beneficial effect on sea fish. The meat of fish thawed in this way becomes juicier, lighter and softer.

Cleaning scaly fish presents certain difficulties. The fish is placed on a cutting board and the tail part is held with the left hand, and the scales are removed with the right hand using a knife or other device. It is better to scrape off the scales by immersing the fish in water. To prevent the fish from slipping, you need to lightly dip your fingers in salt.

An incision is made on the belly of the fish, from the head to the exit. Take out the liver with the gall bladder lying near the head, which should be removed very carefully so as not to rupture it, otherwise the fish will taste bitter. Then the rest of the insides are taken out. On the inside of the spine, the remaining blood is removed and the film is removed. Clean the film by wiping the peritoneal cavity with salt and a cloth. The fish is washed carefully several times without bending it.

Layering consists of three techniques:
1. removal of the dorsal fin;
2. cutting the fillet from the vertebral bone on both sides;
3. cutting the fillet from the rib bones.

The prepared fish is placed on the table on its side, with the tail to the left, pressed tightly to the table with the left hand, and with the right hand, an incision is made under the pectoral fin to the vertebral bone and, turning the knife with the blade from right to left, pressing it against the vertebral bone and pressing the right part with the hand, carefully cut off flesh from the bone all the way to the tail. Separate the fillet from the vertebral bone, then turn the fish bone side down and repeat the same operation with the second fillet. Then you need to make an incision at the base of the tail, grab the skin with your left hand, insert a knife between the skin and the flesh and separate them from each other with a slight rocking movement.

How to cut fish correctly.
The Japanese distinguish three ways of cutting fish for sushi (depending on the type of fish and method of preparation), and each requires skill. It all depends on how hard the material being processed is. It’s easy to learn to feel when which method is needed. It's much more difficult to fill your hand.

Cut fish ONLY on a wooden board. Any other boards will simply ruin yours Very Sharp Knives, without which it is better not to get down to business at all. In most cases, when cutting fish, you should simply drag the knife back and forth by the handle; the weight of the blade itself will do the rest. If the knife does not slide through with sufficient ease, you have every reason to doubt either the quality of your fish or the sharpness of your knife.

First, you should get a “loaf” of fish meat 2-3 cm wide and 6-7 cm high (the length is not important), which you “plane” into slices 3-4 mm thick. IMPORTANT: cut at an angle of 30-45 degrees to the direction of the meat fibers, in this case the fatty veins will be slightly exposed - and your sushi will be especially whole, beautiful and tasty. If you cut along the grain, the meat will begin to spread. If it is across, you will kill all the taste.

Main types of fish used in sushi.
- “King of Sushi.” Do you know what Pacific tuna is? No, you don't know what Pacific tuna is. When a lone fisherman, challenging industrial tuna fishing vessels, goes to sea on a fragile boat, he knows very well that he may not return. This fish is not caught, it is hunted, in the manner of Hemingway's Old Man. If a person wins, then at the Tsukiji fish market he will receive up to a million yen for one two-meter carcass. This carcass will be sold entirely at six in the morning to the owner of an elite Tokyo sushi bar and cut into an incredible number of slices. Each of them, coupled with rice and the skill of the cook, will cost 100-200 yen, and together they will bring the establishment three times the profit. It is from tuna that most varieties of sushi are prepared, from simple maguro(red meat) and up to fatty belly delicacies Toro.

Storms- “yellow-tailed lakedra.” This is what this fish is called in Russian, although no one has ever heard such a word. The especially tender pink meat invariably conquers the stomachs of foreigners visiting Japan. For us, Japanese scholars, it still remains a mystery which of the compatriots the great Russian poet Lermontov had in mind when he wrote the immortal lines: “And he, the rebellious one, asks storms as if in storms there is peace." It turns out that Mikhail Yuryevich was familiar not only with Caucasian cuisine, but also with Japanese...

Salmon– the fish, as you know, is purely Russian, no matter how supporters of the revision of land and water boundaries try to dispute this. It spawns on Sakhalin, and is caught every now and then by Japanese poachers swimming into our waters. Perhaps it is the political flavor that makes salmon especially popular among Russian eaters. Moreover, which is typical, this is the only fish that is slightly smoked during the cooking process - just like a pig, salmon is considered “unclean”. Another feature: salmon sushi is not dipped in soy sauce. Instead, at the client’s request, the cook can flavor the slice with a drop of mayonnaise and onion. In Japanese, salmon is called sake; apparently, in order to avoid misunderstandings, in practice it is called the foreign word salmon.

What kind of fish is used for sushi?

Sushi, or sushi, is one of the most important dishes Japanese cuisine. They are prepared by hand and consist of a piece of rice cooked in a certain way with a piece of seafood placed on top of it.

Before preparing this dish, it is important to carefully select products.

Firstly, sushi is always prepared only from fresh seafood.

There are also some preferences regarding the type of fish that is most suitable for sushi.

For example, such large fish as tuna, according to the Japanese, are always better to eat raw, since tuna has a lot of iron in its blood, as well as amino acids, which tend to degrade slowly. All this, of course, is very useful for the human body.

Sardines and similar-sized fish become stained fairly quickly, so these fish should be eaten very fresh indeed. The fish with a shiny blue back can cause allergies, so it is better to salt it before putting it in sushi.

In addition to sardines and tuna, you can also eat raw sea bream, squid, flounder, shrimp, sea ​​bass and juvenile yellowtail.

Fish should always be stored at a temperature no higher than zero, since the protein fibers of fish are not as long as those of animal meat, so they are more quickly exposed to microorganisms.

When preparing fish for cooking, you need to carefully and carefully remove its scales and internal organs. At the same time, your hands, knife and board on which you clean the fish must be perfectly clean. When it comes to hygiene, everything is very strict for sushi chefs. All this is necessary to ensure that seafood dishes are safe to eat.

Fish and other seafood can be taken raw for the dish, or salted or soaked in vinegar, or boiled or grilled.

Over the years, the Japanese have improved and improved their methods of preparing fish in general and sushi in particular. They have accumulated vast experience, which is reflected in a large number of recipes.

Therefore, when you find yourself in Japan, you should definitely try raw fish, as well as real sushi, the taste of which will give you an unforgettable pleasure.

Below we will talk about ancient Japanese recipes that allow fish to spoil much more slowly without special electrical equipment for cooling.

One of them sounds like "beta-jo" in Japanese. According to him you need to put fish fillet in a cup with salt. Pieces of fish should be covered with salt on all sides. Then this cup should be placed in the coolest place, where the temperature will be at least no higher than ten degrees.

After the fish is saturated with salt, it must be washed in water and then put in vinegar. At the same time, you can add pieces of some citrus to the vinegar, this will decorate the aroma of the fillet.

In addition to the fact that such a marinade allows the fish not to spoil longer, it also has an antibacterial effect and reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

The second method is called “kobu-jime” in Japanese. It involves the following steps: first the fish also needs to be salted, but for this you just need to sprinkle the fillets a small amount salt, which will be approximately two percent of the volume of the fish, and leave in the plate for five or six hours.

After this, you need to wrap the fillet with kombu seaweed, which is used to prepare rolls and other various dishes, dipped in vinegar or sake.

These recipes are very effective and are well used in our time.

What fish is used to make sushi and rolls? This question interests everyone who wants to create such traditional Japanese dishes on their own.

Types of fish for sushi

To make sushi tasty and nutritious, you must use only fresh fish. Under no circumstances should you use a frozen product sold in supermarkets several times. In addition, the fish should not be freshwater, because only sea fish can be consumed raw.

Typically used to prepare rolls and sushi:

  • salmon;
  • trout;
  • tuna;
  • salmon;
  • sea ​​bass;
  • smoked eel;
  • tuna;
  • yellowtail

Very often, various seafood is used for rolls, for example, scallops, crabs, shrimp and octopus. They must also be fresh.

When buying fish for Japanese dishes you need to inspect it carefully. If there is a large amount of ice on the fish, this indicates that it has been frozen numerous times. The fresh product has a rich but natural color. The fish's eyes should be moist and protrude outward. The carcass is chosen to be solid with intact scales.

How is fish prepared?

Very often, salted fish is used to prepare rolls and sushi. Please note that you can perform this culinary process yourself. Typically, red fish is used for this, from which the bones are removed and fillet pieces (400 g each) are prepared. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. table salt, red pepper and lemon. The fillet is rubbed with spices, covered with lemon slices, and then simply wrapped in foil. For an hour the “dish” is at room temperature, after which it is placed in the refrigerator. Salmon is most often salted, because without such treatment it can be dangerous to human health.

In preparing rolls, cutting fish plays a very important role. It depends on the type of sushi. Sometimes slices are required, and sometimes sticks (this is indicated in the recipe). It is extremely important to cut the fish smoothly, it should not be sawed. It is also strictly forbidden to cut it lengthwise, because otherwise it will disintegrate into fibers.

If you know all the subtleties in preparing rolls and sushi, then you can create culinary masterpieces without leaving home. And if you don’t have the time or desire to prepare, order delivery from an online sushi bar.

Let’s say right away that in Russia they no longer prepare sushi and rolls from raw fish! And we will try to tell you everything in more detail in this article! How many restaurateurs and chefs of various establishments have paid attention to the unusual taste, simplicity of ingredients and speed of their preparation.


Sushi is a popular Japanese dish in Russia. If translated from Chinese, this hieroglyph means fish in a marinade. Initially, rice was used for long-term storage of fish; it lay wrapped in rice for more than two months, after which it was suitable for consumption for another year. Then the process of making fish in marinade was simplified, vinegar and various seasonings began to be added to rice, and raw fish began to be used in sushi. It took only a few minutes to prepare the new dish, and the result was a piquant taste.

The sushi recipe is not complicated; various ingredients are added to specially prepared rice. Sauce is added to short-grain Japanese rice. It is also boiled in Japanese style, washed well in a closed container, using a minimum of water, without adding salt, then allowed to cool in a special tub, from a well-cooled product this is obtained great dish using various fillings: ocean fish (tuna, mackerel, salmon); seafood (squid, octopus, shrimp); vegetables (fermented soybeans, avocado, cucumber, asparagus); red meat, soy sauce, wasabi, rice vinegar.

In Russia, this dish is usually made from ingredients that are frozen for a long time. Already in sushi bars and restaurants, fish are cooled using nitrogen; this method allows you to completely kill all bacteria and microorganisms. Sushi is safe if I add smoked or boiled fish as a special ingredient. Another health risk is the heavy metals (mercury) that some marine fish, such as tuna, contain. It is recommended to eat such sushi once a month. In general, in Japan, making sushi is an art; it takes several years to learn.


One type of sushi is rolls. Their peculiarity is that they are rolled into a bamboo mat in the shape of a cylinder, then cut into pieces. Their filling is wrapped in a sheet of nori (pressed seaweed) or soy paper. Rolls are also divided into several types:
- traditional, in which salmon, eel, crab are covered with rice and wrapped in a sheet of nori;
- rolls offered by the chef himself, variations of this dish are different;
- baked rolls, made at high temperature, very safe;
- Tempura rolls, prepared in boiling oil, they are characterized by a crunch;
- California rolls, the filling consists mainly of vegetables and crab meat, other seafood can also be used;
- Philadelphia rolls, their peculiarity is that the rice is turned inside out, vegetables are added to the filling, and the outside is wrapped in slices of fresh salmon fillet;
- Unagi rolls, these are small rolls, usually wrapped in nori, fried eel.

The difference between sushi androlls.

Their main difference is in the form: rolls are small rolls, reminiscent of a cylinder shape, a bamboo mat is always used for their preparation, and to prepare sushi, it is enough to form an oval from rice, add sauce, cover with a piece of fresh fish or shrimp, and tie with a seaweed ribbon. Every Japanese will say that the main thing for this dish is the filling, fortunately there is now a great variety of it, a huge combination of flavors. One thing they have in common is the presence of properly cooked rice, the addition of spices and seasonings.

Sushi androllsprepared from raw fish in Russia?

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