Cook's work schedule at school. School canteens: Chefs have improved the disgusting dishes from the children's menu. School canteen cooks

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School canteens do not always leave pleasant memories. Sticky pasta, undercooked fish, three pieces of potato in the soup. The editors of Life #Food found out from schoolchildren from Moscow and regions of Russia which dishes cause fear and horror in them, and sent them to chefs for reworking.

Arkady, 13 years old, Moscow

The student chose fish cutlets with his least favorite dish. stewed cabbage: “You can feel the bones in the cutlets, and the minced meat itself seems undercooked. And I just didn’t like cabbage as something else in the first grade, so I don’t eat it. Most kids also can’t stand porridge. The soups at school are delicious, but there There's nothing to try."

Christian Lorenzini, the chef of the Christian restaurant, which is famous for its signature cuisine, took on the task of rectifying the situation:

“Well, child, I will surprise you! Fish cutlets, of course, will not be liked if they are undercooked, and even with bones. They must be made only from fillets from which all the bones have been removed. In addition, undercooked fish is It's simply dangerous to your health.

I might not like the cabbage for several reasons: firstly, it was pickled for too long. Secondly, incorrect refueling. It is better to season it with lemon or apple juice just before serving. Cabbage itself is quite bland and not everyone will like it. It is important to maintain the correct proportions of salt and spices. If you serve cabbage with a fish cutlet, especially a stewed one, it will turn out a little dry. What's needed here is a sauce that will tie together the taste of the two. different dishes. Any egg will do.

In Italy, as far as I remember from childhood, in school they always give pasta, most often with basil and tomato sauce or Bolognese. Minestrone soup, chicken and fish cutlets are also very often prepared. The most common side dish is mashed potatoes. A green salad with carrots and cucumbers is also a must. For dessert they give fruit. Usually it's an apple or a banana."

Recipe fish cutlets with cabbage from Christian Lorenzini


For 5 kg of cabbage, take 80-120 g of salt, 500 g of water, 2-3 bay leaves, half onions, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 50 g of wine vinegar and 50 g of sugar. Combine the ingredients and leave to marinate under pressure for 72 hours.

After 3 days, drain the brine, take the amount of cabbage required for the serving and add carrots and green apples cut into strips, season with Extra Virgin olive oil and lemon juice. Add fresh dill.

Take one large green apple, cut out the core and cut off the top (do not throw away the resulting “lid”). Stuff with cabbage and carrots and close with a lid.

Fish cutlet:

Chop fillets of any white fish into mince. Add 10 g per 100 g of fish butter, a pinch of salt, pepper and thyme to taste. Make a cutlet and give it a round shape. Next, fry it on olive oil on both sides until golden brown. A minute before cooking, add butter and fresh thyme to the pan.

Egg sauce:

Mix 3 yolks and 2 tablespoons of white wine vinegar in a water bath and stir vigorously. When the mixture begins to thicken, add a little melted butter. Continue stirring. When the consistency is similar to mayonnaise, add a few drops of Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper and chopped tarragon.

Arina, 8 years old, Yakutsk

Arina, a second-grader from Yakutsk, does not like the cabbage soup prepared in the school cafeteria at all: “This is the most terrible cabbage soup: they have no taste and plastic cabbage floats in there.”

Stanislav Pesotsky, the chef of Bjorn, one of the most unusual restaurants in Moscow, took on the task of remaking this traditional dish for Russian cuisine.

“The basis of good cabbage soup is a rich, strong broth and properly cooked cabbage. In order for the cabbage not to be “plastic”, it must at least be simmered for several hours. And hardly anyone will do this for schoolchildren. I don’t know how it is in Yakutia, but in Moscow, food is delivered to children from factories that prepare food centrally. Cooks in schools only prepare and heat the dishes. In my opinion, not enough attention is paid to the nutrition of children in schools and kindergartens. Many cooks, unfortunately, are mediocre about their work. And only a chef who is truly in love with his profession can cook deliciously.

Recipe idea for baked cabbage soup

Bake a whole head of cabbage at 150°C overnight. The cabbage shrinks several times in size, burns on the outside, and bakes on the inside. own juice. Cut part of the baked head of cabbage and fry on the grill. Based on the other part, cook the broth, after clearing the cabbage of burnt leaves.

To prepare a concentrated, rich cabbage broth, you need to pour 5 kg of baked cabbage with 2 liters of water and simmer at 90°C for 6-8 hours. Next, 1 liter of broth must be seasoned with garlic, coriander and other herbs to taste. Add grilled cabbage to the finished broth, as well as stewed duck fillet, baked potatoes, pickled carrots cut into slices, smoked sour cream, dill oil and fresh dill.

Alisa, 10 years old, and Daniil, 12 years old, Voronezh

The children's mother said that they complain about the fish: and appearance, and the taste leaves much to be desired. The hake seems raw and undercooked to them: “They say that basically you can only eat pizza, sausage rolls, buns with poppy seeds and condensed milk. They asked me to tell you that they will be happy if you can change their school food.”

The chef of the restaurant il forno, Alexey Besedin, decided not only to correct this culinary misunderstanding, but also to go further. He added caramelized onions and champignons to the classic marinated hake.

"Schoolchildren, of course, should eat the right balanced food in order to feel comfortable during the day. Unfortunately, in most schools this rule is not followed. Children, while at school, experience mental tension and stress, and spend a lot of energy. I think that with Everyone will agree that it is not easy for a child to learn physically and mentally.

I would introduce more grains into the diet: from buckwheat to spelt, and offer nuts, muesli, chocolate, and fruits for snacks. I would change the approach to eating food in school canteens in general. For example, in France, schoolchildren are introduced to healthy adult food and already in elementary school they are fed zucchini cream soup. As for my personal memories, I simply adore school pies with potatoes and vitamin salad with crispy cabbage. But I couldn’t stand the smell of cabbage soup, as well as the taste and sight of watery mashed potatoes.”

Hake marinated with caramelized onions

  • Hake fillet - 150 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • pumpkin - 50 g;
  • green pea- 20 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • rosemary - 1 sprig;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • pumpkin oil - 1 tsp.

Salt the hake fillet, then steam it. Process carrots and pumpkin and cut into medium cubes. Fry in oil, pour in broth or water so that the moisture slightly covers the roots. Simmer over medium heat until the vegetables are soft. Drain the water and puree in a blender until smooth. Cut the onion into rings and fry in butter, reduce heat, add sugar, rosemary and slowly caramelize the onion for 10 minutes. At the end, add green peas and warm them up. Place the puree on a plate, then the prepared onions and peas, top with fish, garnish with herbs and vegetable chips. Decorate with pumpkin butter.

Anna, 7 years old, Sochi

Seven-year-old Anya from Sochi is not happy with cottage cheese casserole, which they are fed in the canteen: “They give it every other day. I don’t like it because it looks like porridge. It’s tasteless, unsweetening and ugly.”

The chef of the La Pasta restaurant, Sergei Bartsaev, also did not like the school casserole, so he chose this particular dish for remake.

“Protein and carbohydrates are especially important for children. Curd dishes play a very important role for growth and development, as they contain a lot of calcium and protein. Cottage cheese - the main component of the casserole - can be consumed even with digestive disorders, since it does not irritate the gastric mucosa and does not increase acidity. It is a rich source of organic acids, as well as minerals - phosphorus, calcium, magnesium.

I believe that the dish should look delicious, since first of all we eat with our eyes. Children ask to buy something just because they liked it at first sight. Therefore, I made the casserole in individual forms, like small cupcakes. It is convenient to cook and convenient to eat. Looks attractive, consists of natural products- cottage cheese, sour cream, semolina, eggs, sugar and vanilla. You can decorate the casserole by topping it with jam, sour cream, and condensed milk. I topped my dish with whipped cream chocolate chips, cinnamon, pear. You can improvise endlessly.

When I was a kid, I also didn’t like school casserole because it had raisins in it. It was sour, with a burnt crust. My casserole tastes like everyone's favorite cheesecake. I think if you prepare such a casserole for children in the school cafeteria, they will happily eat it not only every other day, but every day!”

Alexander, 17 years old, Balakovo

Sasha graduates from school next year, but apparently he will leave his alma mater not without bad memories of semolina porridge: “I love semolina porridge, but the way it is prepared in our dining room is simply terrible. It always has lumps and no sugar. It also looks like it’s being made on water.”

Burger & Pizzetta chef Bili Shabani not only got rid of the lumps, but also colored the dish with tropical flavors - orange and feijoa.

"Personally, I don’t like that schoolchildren have no choice. They are simply presented with the fact that today they must eat. And no one is interested in the student’s preferences. I would add more fruit to their diet. Even if the same hated oatmeal is diluted seasonal fruits, it will be much tastier for the child. Yes, and visual presentation also plays a role. Well, who wants to eat ugly food? Growing up in Italy, we could go home for dinner, which is what I did. I just loved homemade dinners! Although in the school canteen we had very delicious pastries, especially croissants and caramelized apples - I never gave up on them."

Recipe for semolina porridge from Bili Shabani

  • Semolina - 40 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • lime zest - 1 g;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • granulated sugar - 5 g;
  • orange pulp - 20 g;
  • peeled feijoa - 15 g;
  • berry jam(any to taste) - 15 g.

Boil semolina in milk with the addition of lime zest, butter and granulated sugar. Cook until done. Next, peel and pit 4-5 orange segments, cut them into cubes, add peeled feijoa and cherry (or any other berry) jam. Garnish with fresh mint.

Municipal educational institution secondary school named after. D. Tarasova, Ozersk, Kaliningrad region


Head teacher

E. Yuldasheva




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1.1. A person who is at least 18 years old and has a special education is accepted for the position of cook.

1.2. Submits to the school director, deputy. Director of ACh, Head of School Canteen Production.

1.3. Appointment to a position, transfer and dismissal from position are made by the school director.

1.4. In his activities, the cook is guided by:

Guiding and regulatory documents on the work performed;

School Charter;

Internal labor regulations:

Orders, instructions of the school director;

1.5. The cook must know:

Basics of hygiene;

Sanitary and epidemiological regulations;

School daily routine;

Nutritional standards, basic rules for preparing dishes, preserving and enriching food with vitamins;

Rules for using electrical equipment;

Actions in extreme situations.


The cook is entrusted with the function of ensuring timely, in accordance with the school regime, high-quality preparation of food for children and employees.


To perform the functions assigned to him, the cook must:

3.1.Perform work on preparing dishes and culinary products.

3.2.Participate in creating the menu for every day.

3.3.Place products in a sequence that takes into account the duration of their cooking.

3.4.Accept the exact weight of good-quality products from the pantry, ensure their hygienic and thermal treatment, and provide cultural food to children, in accordance with the norm of food supplied per child.


Proper storage and use of products for their intended purpose;

Hygienic processing of products and serving food in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

3.6. Dispense ready-made food in accordance with the food allowance per child.

3.7. Place and store daily samples of the entire daily diet in accordance with the requirements of SanPin.

3.8.Perform auxiliary work in the preparation of dishes and culinary products.

3.9. Process raw and cooked products using appropriate marked boards and knives, eliminating the possibility of contact between raw and finished products.

3.10. Be sure to strain fish and meat broths.

3.11.Monitor the sanitary condition of the kitchen, kitchen utensils and equipment and keep it clean (carry out general cleaning once a month).

3.12. Observe the rules of personal hygiene and sanitary requirements for food preparation technologies.

3.13. Conduct a medical examination in a timely manner.

3.14. After each technological operation, the cutting equipment must be sanitized.

3.15. Do not use dishes with cracks, chips, deformed or damaged enamel for cooking.

3.16. Systematically carry out disinfection. processing rags, use only marked rags according to the labeling.

3.17. Store clean kitchen utensils on racks.

3.18. When working, use only properly marked kitchen utensils (knives, cutting boards, cups)

3.19. Use only labeled cleaning equipment for each catering area.

3.20. Constantly fight flies.

3.21. Make sure not to disturb the proximity of goods in refrigerators.


The cook has the right:

4.1.Do not accept products if they show signs of poor quality.

4.2.Apply to the administration to punish persons who use kitchen equipment without the permission of the cook.

4.3. Require the administration to create conditions for the performance of direct duties, timely repair of equipment and provision of cleaning products.

For causing material damage within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without good reason of the Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of the school, other local regulations, legal orders of the school director, job responsibilities established by these instructions, including for non-use of granted rights, the cook bears disciplinary liability in the manner determined by the labor regulations. legislation of the Russian Federation. For gross violation of labor duties, dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary punishment.

7.6. Absence of justified claims from Rospotrebnadzor.

7.7.Correct level of caloric content of prepared dishes.

7.8. Compliance with the school budget, saving costs.

7.9. Accuracy, timeliness and accuracy of preparation of reporting and working documentation.

7.10. Absence of negative assessments from the school principal.

7.11.Compliance with labor discipline.


8.1. This Job Description is drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept at the school, the other with the employee.

8.2. Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities can be clarified in accordance with changes in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the school accounting department.

8.3. Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the school director.

8.4. The job description was developed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution, and the School Charter.


School canteen production manager

signature full name

I have read this job description:

__________ ____________ "___"_____20_g.

, as well as the instructions for the cook of a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution), has some features that distinguish it from similar documents compiled for cooks of other organizations. This is due to the fact that such an employee has to work in contact with children. The main points related to the development of job descriptions for these specialists will be discussed in our material.

Features of the labor functions of a cook at a school or preschool educational institution

The essence of the work functions of cooks in a school canteen or canteen of a preschool educational institution (kindergarten), as well as any others, is to prepare food. However, a feature of the work of these specialists is that they have to prepare food for children - which means that the requirements for dishes are significantly increased. In other words, when preparing dishes, school and kindergarten cooks need to take into account the nutritional characteristics of infants, preschool and school-age children.

At the same time, it is no coincidence that the functions of school canteen and kindergarten canteen cooks are considered in our article together: in some organizations, the job description for these specialists is called the job description of a cook baby food. The difference in the characteristics of work in these positions lies only in the age range of the children, which must be taken into account during the work.

Standard job description structure for a school/kindergarten cook

Despite the fact that educational institutions (both schools and kindergartens) are mostly state-owned organizations, they have the right to develop job descriptions for their employees independently, based on the realities and specifics of the work of a particular organization. At the same time, as a rule, job descriptions for cooks in schools or kindergartens still have a general structure adopted by the rules of personnel records management.

First of all, the instructions indicate information about the date of approval of the document and the manager who did it. This data is indicated in the column in the upper right corner of the title page of the instructions. After the inscription “I approve,” the manager puts his signature in the empty column specially left for this purpose. In the same column, signatures of persons with whom the text of the document was agreed upon during the development process can also be placed (although sometimes information about approval is located at the end of the instructions).

Don't know your rights?

The general provisions of the job description of such a chef include the basic requirements for a candidate for the position (age, education, skills, work experience), and also determine the position of the employee in the overall structure of the establishment (subordination, replacement, etc.). In addition, this section establishes the rules for hiring and dismissing an employee.

The main section of the document is devoted to a description of the job rights and responsibilities of the cook. At the same time, it is important to remember: the more detailed and specific the labor rights and responsibilities of an employee are described in his job description, the easier it will be for him to understand what is required of him, and the more efficiently he will do his job.

The last section of the instructions usually deals with the employee's responsibilities. It defines what the cook is responsible for and the options for punishment for failure to comply with the established provisions. It is only necessary not to forget when drawing up that the employee’s responsibility according to the job description cannot be stricter than provided for by law.

Basic requirements for a school or kindergarten cook

The basic requirements for a candidate for the position of cook at a children's educational institution are contained in the professional standard “Cook”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated September 8, 2015 No. 610n. They can be described in three points:

  1. Professional skills. This primarily includes requirements for specialized education and, possibly, work experience. In addition, the work of a cook requires knowledge of the necessary sanitary rules and regulations, rules and regulations for preparing food for children, safety and fire safety standards. For example, an employee must be familiar with documents such as SanPiN dated May 15, 2013 (for kindergarten employees) and SanPiN dated December 25, 2013 (for those working in schools).
  2. Required knowledge. When carrying out their work functions, school and kindergarten cooks must know and use the information in their work:
  • about the basics and importance of nutrition in the lives of infants, preschool and school children;
  • characteristics and biological value of food products;
  • signs of good quality of products and methods for determining quality;
  • periods of permissible storage of raw and finished products and semi-finished products;
  • features of culinary processing of products for children;
  • the volume of dishes in accordance with the age of the children;
  • rules for distributing food to children.
  • Medical report on health status. A school canteen (or kindergarten) cook must have a medical certificate and be prepared to undergo periodic medical examinations.
  • Basic job rights and responsibilities of a school or kindergarten cook

    The main job responsibility of a school cook (or kindergarten) is, of course, cooking. However, the cooking process itself includes several components, plus there are a number of responsibilities that accompany the main ones. Thus, the clearer and more detailed the range of job responsibilities of a cook is outlined, the more efficiently he will be able to work.

    The main job responsibilities of a cook in a school/kindergarten include:

    1. Participation in creating menus for each day and week.
    2. Cooking food in accordance with the rules and regulations for food preparation.
    3. Reception by weight and quality of products from the warehouse.
    4. Serving food to children by weight in accordance with age standards.
    5. Storing and storing products (daily samples) in accordance with legal requirements.
    6. Carrying out processing of different types of products using appropriate boards and knives that exclude contact raw foods and undergone heat treatment.
    7. Ensuring the proper condition of the catering unit, dishes, kitchen utensils and equipment.
    8. Ensuring proper storage of food.
    9. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
    10. Passing periodic medical examinations.
    11. Monitoring compliance with food neighborhood rules in refrigerators.

    Of particular importance for the cook of a children's institution is the list of rights established in the job description. For example, such an employee has the right:

    • do not accept low-quality products from the warehouse;
    • contact management with a request to punish persons who use kitchen equipment for other purposes;
    • require management to assist in ensuring the proper sanitary condition of the kitchen and the functionality of the equipment.

    The process of developing a job description for a cook in a children's institution is generally no different from the process of drawing up a similar document for a cook in any other organization. Working in an educational institution affects only the content of the sections of this document - and here it is imperative to take into account all the nuances relating to working in contact with children.
