McDonald's or KFC franchise - what to choose? Which is better: McDonald's or KFC? KFC: healthier and normal promotions

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Nowadays, it’s hard not to see a schoolchild, student or adult on the street, munching on some kind of cheeseburger or sandwich right on the street at lunchtime or on the way from school or work. In the modern world, people actively eat various fast foods, not paying attention to the consequences for their health. In fast food restaurants, you can often find families with small children who regularly visit such dubious establishments. The world is going crazy, people don’t value home-cooked food, and they eat whatever they can, don’t plan their meals, and consume little natural healthy products.

From time to time, you come across shocking articles in the press and TV programs on proper nutrition, which try to discourage consumers from dependence on fast food. But they have no results if the consumer is drawn into fast food. They reason like this - if you break it down into components, for example, a cheeseburger, then there seem to be harmless components: bread, something like a cutlet, a mix of ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, plus a little cheese, herbs, a little vegetables.

Why then is fast food (at restaurants like McDonalds, KFC and BurgerKing) so unhealthy? Let's start delving into it!

1. Previously, when raising livestock for future meat components of fast food, livestock farmers adhered to eco-technologies - and the livestock ate environmentally friendly products, rich in essential vitamins and microelements. Now, oh proper nutrition Only memories remain in animal husbandry. Animal food is oversaturated with anabolic steroids; livestock are massively injected with all kinds of synthesized vitamins. As a result, literally in 3-4 months a large “full-fledged” cow grows from a small calf.

2. The origin of cutlet blanks is very doubtful, since their production, transportation, and storage are aimed at maximizing cost reduction. Hence the use of cheap labor from third world countries, and repeated defrosting and freezing and violation of storage conditions.

3. Cutlet preparations are fried en masse in a large amount of sunflower oil. In addition to the fact that frying in oil itself is unhealthy, control over the renewal of this oil, which quickly loses its properties and becomes even more harmful, is very questionable.

4. Such delicious-looking buns at McDonalds, KFC and BurgerKing contain an increased amount of sugar.

5. Many fast food restaurants save on a lot - and do not have strict control over the cleanliness of the premises and the mandatory freshness of products. As a result, at best you can end up with reheated day-old French fries. And in the worst case, you will see a cockroach in an establishment or even find one on your plate.

6. If you regularly eat fast food, you are guaranteed to quickly gain excess weight and bulk, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Well, get ready for a stable feeling of heartburn.

7. Fast food products are saturated with extreme doses of preservatives, they give an appetizing appearance to ready-made hamburgers, but most importantly, they can significantly increase their shelf life.

8. Most fast food products contain large amounts of salt and sugar, which is very unhealthy for you. of cardio-vascular system and digestive systems.

9. There are generally few healthy ingredients in fast food, with the possible exception of greens and vegetables. Everything else goes through many cycles of freezing and thawing before being cooked, and the result is very far from healthy food.

10. People who eat at McDonalds, KFC and BurgerKing every day are at risk of developing serious chronic diseases, most of which are difficult to treat.

The picture is sad, but all this is the real truth. We eat unhealthy and, without exaggeration, junk food. The frantic pace of life, stable employment and lack of strength to cook food after a working day lead to addiction to fast food.

It’s much healthier to just eat first course, second course and dessert with compote.
However, many nutritionists argue that if you practice eating fast food minimally, then most troubles can be avoided.

If you feel the emergence of your own addiction to fast food, quickly take action and exclude fast food from your diet! You shouldn’t ruin your health because of a dubious desire to eat something “delicious”!

2015-02-10 20:33:00

Considering the world's most popular Fast Food, naturally, we can single out two leaders in this area: McDonald's and KFS.
Today we will compare these two, so different, and at the same time similar, franchises. At first glance, in order to open a “MAK”, as it is popularly called, you do not need a great mind; if you have capital, you will have your own, personal McDonalds. Few people know, but the chain of these restaurants serves 52,000,000 people every day! But in order not to torment you, I will say that in Ukraine McDonald’s today does not attract Franchisees, but develops exclusively in the format of its own network. But as world practice shows, in the near future, it is quite likely that a commercial concession agreement will be concluded with McDonalds on the territory of Ukraine.

True, over the past year prices in this restaurant have doubled, so now not everyone can afford Mac. And even if, despite all these factors, you want your own McDonald’s, my advice to you is to go to the near abroad, for example to Poland, where your ambitions will easily come true.
Slowly but surely let's move on to one of McDonald's main competitors, namely KFS. It is possible to become a partner of this restaurant in Ukraine or, as we say, to become a Franchisee, but unfortunately it is not very cheap. The main difference between KFC and McDonalds is the menu. The main courses consist of chicken, and it’s also important that KFC sells beer, while McDonald’s positions itself as a restaurant without alcohol. I propose to get straight to the point, the cost of a KFC franchise, namely the opening of one IN LINE restaurant, is 700,000 US dollars, you will agree, a rather impressive amount, especially considering the current exchange rate.

The first restaurant was opened not far from the central Kyiv station, a rather good location, and the visitors on the opening day were simply happy. Despite my personal love for McDonald's, probably instilled in me since childhood, I will still say that becoming a KFC Franchisee in Ukraine is easier, and in the end, simply possible.

Finally, I would like to give an example of my own sociological survey, which was conducted among television workers who can afford to eat at both McDonalds and KFC. Of the thirty-two TV channel employees I interviewed, twenty-one chose McDonald's; I will also say that two people do not know about the existence of KFC. Victory for McDonalds. But as my grandmother says, your pension will last for a couple of days if you eat your Maxim hamburgers!

My advice remains unwavering, make your dreams come true, emphasis on your words!

People, forget about all sorts of smartphones and gadgets, androids and that’s all. I have the question of the century - which fast food is better out of these two?

But now you don’t need to tell everyone that owners of luxury Apple smartphones don’t eat in such places. Look back there only iPhones and it’s visible.

In general, there has been a war between these fandoms for a long time. I want to know what you think.

McDuck: proven theme

Double Royal at McDuck

No matter where you go, you can eat without getting poisoned. Then there is a feeling of a brick inside, but nothing can be done about it. Fast food and fast food in Africa.

Mac still has the most normal coffee. For 90 rubles you can get a cappuccino that at least looks like something real.

Other fast foods have some kind of swill instead of coffee.

KFC: healthier and normal promotions

Strips at KFC

KFC seems to be healthier, they also have chicken everywhere. But it contains breading, that is, fat and other nasty things that have nothing in common with normal nutrition. Yes, and the chicken seems to be pumped up with something too.

Strips are a normal topic, if not spicy. Although it depends on who. There is pevko on the menu, which is always good.

At KFC very often killer promotions: recently for 300 rubles you could get a giant box with all kinds of chicken.

You can't eat it alone at all. And mobile apps often have discount coupons. And there is still delivery there.

What's cooler? I'm for Mac

Before you start arguing that it’s completely disgusting, I’ll counter: you’re just not eating it right.

Catch this life hack: We take any normal burger, remove everything from it except the buns, cheese and meat. You can also add bacon. And suddenly it becomes edible, tastes like meat and generally feels almost like home.

Well, now it's your turn. Mac or KFC?

Today’s article will tell fast food lovers about where it is better to go for their favorite delicacy, as well as a number of features of each establishment, and you will have to judge which one you like best.

Nowadays, fast food sets are gaining popularity more than ever. Their dishes cannot leave anyone indifferent, and frequent advertisements lure customers to their place. Many people wonder: where should they go? And where does the food taste better? And what is better than Burger King, or McDonald's, or KFS? Well, today we will try to answer these kinds of questions.

Until relatively recently, a few years ago, it would seem that McDonald's had no equal, this made it very in demand and popular among avid street food eaters. But over time, this fast food chain quickly began to create competition with such establishments as Kentucky fried chicken (literal translation) and Burger King, adding hot new items that you did not see at McDonald's. Since the forties, McDuck (as it is also called) has not fallen out of first place in the ranking for sales of its products, but after the emergence of competition, it began to be forced out of its boring first places and compete by offering visitors more and more new items on the menu.

Burger King became popular very quickly among lovers mainly of hamburgers, and KFS became famous thanks to the legendary chicken wings. After its discovery, many tried to repeat the recipe, but were able to repeat the same crispy taste.

Before deciding which is better Burger King, or McDonald's, or KFS, let's compare these establishments with each other.

  • If you are an amateur different types hamburgers and want to try completely new types of them, prepared according to different recipe and which will have completely different aftertastes. With each of their innovations, they surprise us with their variety of sauces and ingredients that will be included in your favorite non-competitive dish.
  • If you prefer fried, crispy chicken in different servings and cooking methods, you have no choice but to go to a KFS establishment that specializes mainly in cooking chicken;
  • Well, if you are a lover of the classics and want to try recipes that have been proven over the years, then go to McDonald's. By the way, for lovers of healthy eating, this establishment introduced salads and carrot sticks to the menu to expand its consumer audience.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if you are obese, you need to limit your consumption of this type of food to prevent the situation from worsening. And for fans of healthy eating, it should be remembered that lettuce leaves are also treated with a substance to maintain the shape and crunch of the leaves. Although this substance is recognized as suitable for consumption, you yourself must understand that such food can no longer be called healthy.

Nowadays, food chains have divided the consumer society; each chain has its own pool of regular customers who only go there, despite the fact that the prices are similar and the assortment is similar. Then which is better? Is there a real difference and, if so, where is it tastier, cheaper and better? What do you choose?

I am not a fan of any of the named networks (it is clear that there are many more of them, but we are talking about industry leaders). And from time to time I go to each of them to have a little snack, somewhere more often, somewhere less, depending on what is on my way. But I suggest you still decide where is better, dividing the theory of success into several indicators, such as brand atmosphere, taste, prices, assortment, availability of promotions, menu updates, speed of purchase and quality

1.Brand atmosphere. Here, for me, the undisputed leader is McDuck. It is older, more famous, it has a charity program, nicer staff (mostly non-migrants) and the visitors are nicer here too. The only negative is that there is too much negativity associated with the quality of the cutlets. The other two networks have their own appearance they are several steps lower. And BK doesn’t even have advertising, it’s loud, but very rare.

2. Taste. Complex indicator. In addition, it is difficult to determine, since all chains probably use flavor enhancers. True, KFC has an advantage - all their meat is breaded, which means extra taste. The sandwiches of other chains are much bland in this sense. Although I like French fries better at McDonald's. My opinion here is that KFC is better.

3. Prices are a separate issue for research; in general, this is one level. Minimum set in all networks the price is the same, plus or minus, and then McDonald's is more expensive. Plus KFC and Burger King

4.Assortment. KFC and Burger King have beer, McDonald's and KFC have desserts, potatoes are the same, McDonald's has more drinks, and the total number meat dishes, probably more at KFC, while this chain only has chicken dishes, while in other places there is more variety and McDonald's has fish sandwiches. +1 to McDonald's

5.Availability of shares. McDonald's doesn't have them at all; Burger King is trying, but is marking time. KFS has something new every month and a half, there are lunches, there are coupons, there are combined offers. Plus of this company

6. Menu updateability. McDonald's has another disadvantage - new items are very rare. BK is not far behind, but KFC is again in the black.

7.Speed ​​of purchase. McDonald's has had vending machines in full operation for a long time, although you can wait a long time for your order. Once I waited 10 minutes and my order number completely disappeared from the display, they forgot about it. KFS is just introducing this method of ordering, I used it 2 times and the first time I waited a very long time. At Burger King, the regular service line is very long. According to this indicator, McDonald's is better, after all, at least you can't hear the screams there - “two spicy longers, please”, “Shohrat, another Big King!” McDonald's takes the point.

8. Quality. On the one hand, the kitchens are clean, the delivery channels are well-functioning, this is not a station bustle, on the other hand, in the pursuit of money, few can refuse to reduce costs. The quality of meat in McDonald's and Burger King burgers raises big the palm is taken by KFC, which has everything chicken dishes made not from minced meat, where you can stuff anything, but exclusively from white chicken meat(well, except for the legs and wings). Therefore, there is more trust here. Plus another point of chicken mains.

Thus, Burger King has 1 point, the chain has almost no advantages. 3 points for McDonald's. And 5 points for KFC. The colonel's chicken wins - do you agree?

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