Trout in brine at home recipe. A simple recipe with sugar and salt. Recipe for lightly salted trout with lemon

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Today we will learn how to pickle trout at home. Let's start with the fact that you can salt any red fish at home. Owners of red meat are:

  • Salmon.
  • Pink salmon.
  • Chum salmon.
  • Red salmon.
  • Trout.
  • Coho salmon.

We can say that any fish from the salmon family is suitable for home salting. When salted, pink salmon or chum salmon will become dry, which distinguishes these types of fish from salmon or trout. Pink salmon and chum salmon are more suitable for smoking or frying.

You can salt fish either freshly frozen or freshly caught, that is, not subject to heat treatment. Many people prefer to salt pre-frozen fish. This will make the meat more tender. But all this depends only on the preferences of the person.

Salting trout fish at home is delicious!

To begin the salting process, you need to prepare all the ingredients.
First of all, this is a mixture for pickling. It consists of a mixture of coarse salt (you can use the first grind or stone) and granulated sugar. The mixture is prepared at the rate of three to four spoons per kilogram of fish. For flavor, you can add dried herbs and one or two tablespoons of black pepper to the mixture.

Next, take your favorite spices, bay leaf and allspice peas. We determine their quantity according to taste. Spices should not overshadow the taste of the fish itself. By frequently practicing salting fish, you will be able to select the optimal proportions of the ingredients used in the mixture.

Let's start cutting trout. If the fish is whole, then separate the head and tail from it. There is no need to throw away these parts; they are perfect for rich fish soup or fish soup. For now, let them go to freezer refrigerator.

Next we cut off the fins. The fish carcass is cut to the maximum large pieces. Large pieces are most suitable for making beautiful fillet slices from them. And we will remove the skin from the fish, placing the pieces on a cutting board.

So, we have come to the stage of preparing fish fillets. For this you need a large and very sharp knife. We make an incision in a piece of fish slightly to the side of the fin on the back of the fish. Thus, the fish should, as it were, “open up”. The cutting occurs in such a way that the radius bones must be felt with a knife. The goal of all this is to get the maximum amount of fillet separated from the bones. As if we “turn away” the meat on the skin, reaching the spine. Thus we reach the incision on the abdomen.

We subject the other half of the fish to the same operation, with the difference that we bend the spine of the fish and the ribs upward. So we separate the bones and ribs from the clean meat on the skin.

As a result of the procedures carried out, we received trout fillet, that is, meat with skin and a spine with ribs on which a little meat remained. This part can be sent to the soup kit, which has already cooled in the freezer. But beer lovers will not be able to remain indifferent to this part. It can be salted. It is unlikely to be suitable as a dish for a holiday table, but it will be an ideal salty treat for a sincere conversation over beer.

The finished fillet must be placed in a container. Red fish has one remarkable property. When salting sockeye salmon, trout, salmon and other fish with red meat, salt cannot spoil it. Lard is the cousin of red fish in this regard. Red fish will absorb as much salt as needed and not an ounce more. In addition, surprisingly, this amount of salt coincides with people's delight in the taste of fish. Largely due to this quality, salted red fish has become widespread throughout the world. And it’s very difficult to find a more suitable snack to go with a traditional Russian alcoholic drink.

Let's start installation. The container must be non-metallic so that the brine does not react with the metal surface. Pour a little selected salt, a few bay leaves and allspice peas into the bottom.

The first piece of fish is placed skin side down. Sprinkle the piece of fish generously with the pickling mixture. Place a few bay leaves and peppercorns on top of it. Next, put the next piece of fish or “beer preparation”. We continue in this manner, alternating pieces of fish with spices.

Having placed all the fish, close the container with a lid. Place the container in a cool, dark place. You can put it either in the refrigerator or on the balcony, but provided that the temperature is no more than 10 degrees.

Before cutting the fish into slices, you need to let the brine drain from the piece and remove excess spices. To prevent the fish from lying in brine on the platter, blot each slice with a napkin.

Sprinkle the sliced ​​fish with a little lemon juice, decorate the dish with slices of fish, several slices of lemon, strewn with fresh, finely chopped herbs, such as parsley, cilantro or dill. So we got acquainted with how to pickle trout at home. That's all! Bon appetit!

Trout is a real delicacy and delicacy for many connoisseurs. fish dishes. This is an incredibly tasty fish, with a lot of meat contained in useful substances. Trout dishes will decorate any festive table. And what could be tastier than simply putting a piece of salted trout on a crust of bread, garnishing it with a sprig of herbs on top?

Of course, it's enough just to buy salted trout in the store, but it’s more interesting to cook it yourself. Moreover, the homemade version will probably turn out to be more tasty.

The article will discuss how to properly salt trout at home: choosing the right fish, cleaning and cutting it, as well as various salting methods. In addition, at the end of the article we will provide information about the benefits of this tasty fish.

How to choose the right fish for salting

In general, you can salt any red fish at home:

  • Salmon,
  • Pink salmon,
  • Ketu,
  • Sockeye salmon,
  • Trout,
  • Coho salmon.

We can say with confidence that almost any fish from the salmon family is suitable for home salting. However, there are a few things to remember important points. So, when or chum salmon will become dry. It is better to fry or smoke them. But salmon or trout are ideal for salting.

You can salt both freshly frozen and freshly caught fish. Many housewives prefer salting pre-frozen fish: thanks to this, the trout meat will be much more tender.

If you didn't catch trout while fishing, but buy fish in a store. How to choose it correctly?

Trout is sold on store shelves in various forms: it can be bought whole, cut into fillets, frozen or chilled.

It is not difficult to determine the freshness and quality of trout. Of course, it is best to prefer fresh fish for purchase, but trout in this form is sold extremely rarely, and even more often it is cut into fillets and sold in this form.

How to catch more fish?

Over 13 years of active fishing, I have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:
  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Read the appropriate manuals for the specific type of gear on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to what is written on the packaging. If the product is called “steak”, then the meat will contain bones. There are no bones in the fillet.

When purchasing a fish carcass, pay attention to the following:

  • The fish should look like it was just caught.
  • If the tail is withered and curled, it has been stored for a long time.
  • The scales should be without damage; if there are dried areas, the fish was transported incorrectly. Harmful bacteria can accumulate in such areas.
  • The fish and its fillets should be firm and should not leave any dents or release liquid when pressed.
  • The veins of the trout fillet should be white, and the fillet itself should be light pink.

Preparing for pickling

Fish cutting

If you have not a fillet for salting, but a whole fish, you need to cut it up. This process is not difficult, but it will require some effort.

The work consists of the following stages:

  • The fish carcass needs to be washed and the fins cut off. This is best done with a medium-sized sharp knife or kitchen scissors.
  • Clean the scales. In order to remove it better, you should hold the trout carcass under running hot water.
  • We cut off the head and tail of the fish, as well as the fatty underbelly (you can make an excellent fish soup from it).
  • We cut the fish carcass along the ridge, remove the ribs and spine. As a result, we get fillet for salting.

What do you need for pickling?

To salt fish you will need:

  • capacity,
  • spices,
  • salt,
  • sugar.

In what container is it better to brine trout?

The container should preferably be non-metallic so that the brine does not react with the metal surface.

Methods for salting trout

There are several delicious recipes trout pickling. Let's list some of them.

Recipe for salting trout with sugar and salt


  • Trout fillet – 1 kg,
  • Coarse salt - three tablespoons,
  • sugar - one tablespoon,
  • black peppercorns – 5-6 pieces,
  • bay leaf – 3-4 leaves,
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking steps:

  • Pour some of the sugar and salt into a bowl with a deep bottom.
  • Place a piece of fresh fish on top (skin side down) and sprinkle it again with the brine mixture.
  • Spray the fillet lemon juice and place bay leaves on top and sprinkle with spices.
  • Then place the second piece of fish, skin side up) and sprinkle with a mixture of salt and sugar.
  • The fish should be covered with pressure (for example, a jar of water) and left for two hours in a warm place.
  • After two hours, remove the pressure and put the fish in the refrigerator.

Kamchatka recipe


  • red trout - 1 kilogram,
  • coarse salt - 3 full tablespoons,
  • granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • ground pepper - 1 teaspoon,
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves.

Cooking steps:

  • We cut off the head and tail of the fish, wipe the fish with a cloth to remove excess moisture.
  • Prepare the fillet.
  • Mix salt and sugar and rub into the fish.
  • Sprinkle spices on top.
  • Place the trout in a container, preferably in no more than three rows, meat to meat.
  • We put it in the refrigerator. The optimal time for salting trout according to this recipe is five days.

Lightly salted trout with lemon


  • trout fillet – 500 grams,
  • half a lemon
  • ground pepper and salt - to taste (but do not overdo it).

Cooking steps:

  • cut a piece of fish fillet into large pieces and place in a plastic container,
  • Place lemon slices on top, salt and pepper and cover with a lid.

Trout in brine with cognac

Fish salted in this way will have a rather specific taste. It is necessary for the fillet to lie in brine for two to three days. Thus, it will be better salted and imbued with the aroma of cognac and spices.

This is the common name for several species of fish from the salmon family. The most common are rainbow trout and brook trout.

How to pickle trout at home?

So, for any recipe you need red fish fillet, washed and boneless.

1 way. Sprinkle each piece of trout fillet with salt, sugar and pepper. Unlimited salt and pepper, but not the whole pack. Place in a container and place in the refrigerator for 24 hours. That's it, the delicious trout is ready. Remove excess salt. Cut the fish fillet into thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice. We put it either on a plate, or on some bread, or right in our mouth.

Method 2. Cut the trout into thin slices. Place in layers in a jar: trout pieces, salt, pepper, bay leaf, olive oil. You need to select all the spices for salting trout yourself, according to quantity and to your taste. Sometimes I even add orange. Shake the jar a couple of times and put it in the cold for about 30 minutes. Everything is ready. Eat deliciously.

3 way. Sprinkle fillet pieces with salt, add dry dill, sugar and... vodka. All in small quantities. Place in a container with a lid. We put it under pressure for 1-2 hours. Then put the salted trout in the refrigerator for 6 hours. All. Eat.

4 way. It's for lazy people. But not only lazy people can pickle trout so deliciously. Take 2 trout fillets, salt, sugar and pepper. Add 1 drop of liquid smoke. Wrap it in foil and put it on the balcony. You can make as many of these “fishes” as you like. This recipe for smoking trout can be used for other fish.

5 way. For hardworking housewives. With marinade. Cut the trout into thick strips. Marinade: 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. salt, 2 tbsp. sugar, allspice peas 5 pcs. Bring water to a boil, then add salt, sugar and spices. After 2-3 minutes, cool. Place the chopped fish in a container and pour the marinade over it. To prevent the fish from floating up, place something heavy on top. And in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Sprinkle with sunflower oil.

Here are the basic recipes delicious pickling. How to salt trout? I no longer ask my uncle this question. What about you? If anyone wants to know the other 15 recipes for cooking, write. I will definitely continue.

Another universal recipe, applicable to most types of red fish,...

Video: "How to cook lightly salted trout"

Best notebook:
The video provides tips that apply to preparing salmon, mackerel, vimba and sawfish. Everything in great detail. Study, make up your mind and bon appetit.

Red fish is a special delicacy, the appearance of which is always welcome; when salted, it is even more in demand, since it is an excellent snack for alcohol. It is not difficult to find a recipe for how to salt trout deliciously at home, but remember - fish requires a special approach to salting, as long as it is not salted in anything. In this article we will reveal to you the secrets of salting red fish, and tell you how to salt it in an unusual way so that the taste will delight even gourmets.

How to cut trout for salting

Before you start salting fish from the salmon family, you need to cut it. This process is not difficult, but it will take some effort.

To prepare fish for salting, you need to:

  • Wash the carcass, cut off the fins (with a medium-sized sharp knife or kitchen scissors), and clean. To remove the scales better, hold the carcass under running hot water;
  • Cut off the tail and head of the fish. You can also cut off the belly (due to its excessive fat content, it is better used for cooking fish soup);
  • Cut the trout along the ridge, remove the spine and ribs. You should get 2 large fillets, which we will salt at home.

Salting trout: recipe with sugar and salt

Salting trout at home with salt and sugar is as easy as shelling pears. The salting process takes no more than 1-2 days, the speed of salting depends on the thickness of the fish fillet. The peculiarity of our preparation is that we salt fresh fish using dry salting. This very simple method allows you to quickly salt it at home.

Ingredients for pickling (per 1 kg)

  • Trout fillet – 1 kg;
  • Coarse salt (you can also use No. 1 grind salt) – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Black peppercorns – 5-6 peas;
  • Spices - to taste;
  • Bay leaf – 3-4 pcs.

How to salt trout with salt and sugar

  1. Pour a little salt and sugar into a bowl with a deep bottom (3:1 ratio), place a fresh piece of fish on top (be sure to skin side down), and again sprinkle it with the brine mixture.

If you salt more than 1 kg, then the amount of sweet-salty mixture will have to be increased. Remember that per 1 kg of fish, ideally there are 4 tbsp. l. mixture, for 2 kg - 8 tbsp. l. etc.

  1. Sprinkle the fillet with lemon juice, cover it with bay leaves, and sprinkle with spices.
  2. Next, place the second piece of fish (skin side up), sprinkle it with a mixture of salt and sugar.
  3. Cover the trout with oppression and leave it warm for 2 hours. As oppression, you can use two- or three-liter jar with water.
  4. After a couple of hours, remove the oppression, cover the container with a lid/plate and put it in the refrigerator.

During salting, a brine is formed (salt and sugar will mix with the juice that the fish secretes), we do not drain it immediately. Only when the trout is salted do we drain the brine liquid and wipe the fish with a paper napkin, removing any remaining salting from it.

That's all - lightly salted trout home salting ready to eat.

Secrets of salting trout at home

In order for the fish to be well salted, but not lose its refined taste under the influence of salt, you need to adhere to some salting rules.

  1. For salting, take a fresh fish carcass (chilled), but not frozen, and certainly not defrosted.
  2. It is believed that sea fish is best suited for salting (the most common type is rainbow trout). It has fattier meat, richer color (dark red), more elastic consistency and an unsurpassed “rich” taste.

River fish is inferior to sea fish in its main characteristics, yet it also has the right to be salted. Calorie content river trout low compared to sea fish (the calorie table is presented in the article below), this allows you to cook such fish for those who are on a diet or struggling with excess weight.

  1. For salting, you must use enamel or plastic dishes, but in no case metal. Otherwise, the fish carcass may acquire a “metallic” taste.
  2. There is an opinion that it is impossible to oversalt fresh trout, since the fish itself knows how much salt it needs to absorb. Whether this is true or not, try not to overdo it with salt. Follow the proportions indicated in the recipe - and then the lightly salted trout you prepare will not disappoint with its taste.

Lightly salted rainbow trout: 2 salting recipes

The recipe for salting trout in brine, as well as with sugar and salt are far from the only methods delicious cooking red delicacy. There are also a lot of very unusual ways of salting fresh fillets.

For example, trout in salt tastes great if you add lemon, vodka or cognac to it. Read more about these types of salting below.

Lightly salted trout: recipe with vodka

Sprinkle the cut pieces of fish fillet with salt, crush with dry dill, add sugar and fill with vodka. We take all products in small quantities. Place the ingredients in the order in which they are listed. Then cover the container with a lid and place pressure on it for about 1-2 hours.

After a couple of hours, put the dishes with fish pieces in the refrigerator (for about 6 hours), after which the delicious appetizer can be considered ready.

Lightly salted trout: recipe with lemon

To prepare lightly salted red fish with lemon, you will need ½ lemon, 500 g of trout, salt and ground black pepper.

We cut a large piece of fish fillet into large pieces, put them in a plastic container, put half a lemon cut into thin slices on top, salt and pepper everything, cover with a lid.

Add salt to your liking, but don’t overdo it.

Mix the ingredients, cover the container tightly with a lid, and put it in the refrigerator overnight. That's it - aromatic tender trout with lemon can be served to the table.

Recipe for trout in brine with cognac

Fish will taste very specific if you salt it in cognac. The fillet should lie in the brine for 2-3 days, so it will not only be better salted, but will also be more saturated with the aroma of cognac and spices.


  • Cognac – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Trout – 250 g;
  • Sugar – ½ tsp;
  • Coriander – 1 pinch;
  • Salt – 1.5 tsp.

How to salt trout deliciously at home

  1. Dissolve the salt in cognac, pour the brine into a plastic container.
  2. Rub the (uncut) piece of fish with coriander and sugar.
  3. Transfer it to the brine.
  4. The fish should be salted within 2-3 days. At the same time, do not forget to turn it from one side to the other from time to time so that it is evenly salted.
  5. When the salting process is completed, cut off the skin from the piece and then remove the bones from it. Cut the fillet into beautiful random pieces and serve it to the table.

Salting red fish in regular brine

For those who consider salting in cognac to be too extravagant, you can salt the fish in regular brine.

To do this, for 1 kg of carcass you will need 1 liter of clean water and 350 g of salt.

Having laid the trout in layers, fill it with chilled brine (so that the fish is completely under water), put it under pressure, and immediately place it in the refrigerator.

A day for cold salting is quite enough. If the fish turns out to be too lightly salted for you, the salting time can be increased. But try not to keep it in brine for more than a week. If you accidentally oversalt the fillet, simply soak it in cold boiled water.

According to all the recipes described above, you can also salt other varieties of red fish from the salmon family, for example. It is very often combined with trout in various dishes.

How to salt whole trout at home: salting features

To salt a whole carcass, you do not need to cut it and clean it of bones and skin. It is enough to place the fish tightly in a salting container on a layer of salt (if the salting is dry) or place it in brine.

Before covering the container, pour plenty of salt into the head and gills.

1-3 days will be enough for the trout to salt. Everything will depend on the size of the fish and your taste preferences.

What dishes to make based on lightly salted trout

You can serve this mildly spicy delicacy not only as an appetizer. alcoholic drinks. The following dishes can be prepared using salted red fish:

  • rolls,
  • pies,
  • and much more.

Lightly salted home-salted trout: calorie table

For those who are watching their kilograms, but at the same time, from time to time, enjoy trout dishes prepared in various ways - we offer to get rid of complex calculations.

Use a ready-made table of calorie content for fish prepared in different ways.

How to pickle trout (salmon) quickly using rum

Fragrant, lightly salted trout will be ready in just 5 hours, and quick salting of trout with rum will give you a pleasant taste and excellent aroma.

Now you know how to salt trout deliciously at home. How much to salt and in what way – you decide for yourself; your taste determines everything. But no matter what you choose, your efforts are doomed to success. After all, salting trout is a win-win option: the fish has great benefits, is filling and very tasty.

Prepare an exquisite delicacy for your feast - and let it reveal a new facet of your culinary talent to your guests.

Festive canapés with trout from the chef

Sandwiches are always an excellent choice for instant cooking delicious table, it’s worth working a little more for the holiday. At the same time, you don’t have to stray too far from the sandwich essence of the buffet table.

Our chef suggests making unusual canapés with trout.

Bon appetit!

A tasty, aromatic and moderately salted fish is lightly salted trout. The recipe for this dish is quite simple, but may differ in the presence of certain ingredients.

In addition, each housewife has her own cooking method, with little secrets that make the fish even more tender and tasty. Lightly salted trout is not only delicious snack, but also an excellent ingredient for salad. We offer several recipes for delicious homemade fish.

Cutting the fish

To cook trout, you need to prepare it correctly. We buy fresh frozen fish weighing about 2.5-3 kilograms. Next comes the hardest work of cutting it. For this better fish Do not defrost, this will make the task easier.

We cut off all the fins and make a cut along the back. Then you need to remove the skin from the fish and cut it into two halves. After this, the ridge can be easily removed. When only the fillet remains, it can be easily cut into pieces of the desired size or salted whole.

Incomparable taste of trout

This is a very tasty trout - lightly salted. The recipe for how to cook such fish can be called the simplest. We cut the fillet into portions of about 7 centimeters. Then we transfer them to a bowl (preferably deep) in which the fish will be salted. In a separate bowl, mix two large spoons of salt (use only large ones) and a large spoon of sugar, but without a slide.

This is the proportion for 1 kilogram of fresh fish. Mix these two ingredients and add to the prepared fillet. Mix everything well so that the spices are distributed evenly. Cover the top with a plate of smaller diameter than the dish itself. You definitely need to deliver the cargo. The dish should stand for room temperature 2-3 days. The lightly salted trout is ready! The recipe is very simple. Next, we put the fish in the refrigerator, but do not store it for a long time, but eat it.

Spicy fish

Spices and seasonings add to any dish extraordinary taste and aroma. Lightly salted trout also turns out very tasty. The recipe for pickling at home is not particularly complicated. Just a few small touches and you have a delicious appetizer on your table. This fish can only be cooked at home. We cut the fish so that the fillet remains without bones and ridge.

Next, cut the trout into portions. To prepare 200 grams of fresh fish, you will need: half a spoon of salt and the same amount of sugar, a small spoon of lemon juice, a mixture of peppers, a bay leaf and peppercorns. Mix salt, lemon juice and sugar. Add a mixture of peppers and any other spices to them (you can use basil and ginger). Lubricate the trout fillet very thoroughly with the resulting mixture. Then we put the fish in a container, covering it with laurel leaves and peppercorns. This will add even more spicy aroma, and you will get tender and tasty lightly salted trout. The recipe can be supplemented with your own ingredients (herbs and spices). The fish should stand in the refrigerator for a day, and after that it can be eaten. To make it cook faster, keep it at room temperature for several hours, and then put it in the cold. Lightly salted river trout is also prepared. The recipe is suitable for both everyday cooking and for the holiday table.

Unusual recipe

This recipe is distinguished by its originality. It takes about 15 minutes to prepare, but the result exceeds all expectations. Take a little fresh dill, 50 grams of vodka, one and a half large spoons of sugar, two large spoons of salt and spices (optional). These proportions are calculated for 500 grams of fish. We start by preparing the trout - it must be washed and cut into pieces.

In this recipe you can use fillet or fish with bones. Place the dill on the bottom of the pickling container. Mix salt with sugar and coat the fish with this mixture. Put it in a container and fill it with vodka. Be sure to put pressure on top and put it in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, lightly salted trout will be ready. The recipe is unusual, but worth trying.

Rainbow trout

Rainbow trout is great for pickling. By preparing this appetizer at home, you can enjoy delicious and tender fish. To salt 500 grams of trout you will need a medium bunch of dill, 200 grams of salt, 150 grams of sugar and a little black pepper. Dill should be chopped into large branches or torn by hand. Mix salt, sugar, pepper and dill and coat the fish with this mixture on all sides. When cutting fish, we leave the skin on it. We wrap the salted trout in cling film and place it in a container under a press. When the fish has been salted (for 24 hours), remove the salt and cut it into portions. Now the slightly salted rainbow trout is ready. The recipe can be supplemented with lemon juice - sprinkle it on the fish before serving.

Salted and peppered trout

This recipe differs from the previous ones in the set of spices that everyone can choose at their own discretion. Spices are passed on ready-made dish your aroma. For 500 grams of fish, you can take three large spoons of pepper (a mixture of peppers), a large spoon of paprika, 250 grams of sugar and 150 grams of salt. This trout will turn out a little spicy. Place the spices in a container and mix. Then we place the prepared fish in it and roll it in this mixture. Wrap the trout in cling film and leave for a day, first at room temperature (3-4 hours), and then in the cold. Next, take out, wash and cut the fish into portions.

Salad "Chamomile field"

From lightly salted fish you can cook at least delicious salad. It will decorate any feast and will amaze with its taste. How to prepare a salad with lightly salted trout? Recipe includes following ingredients: 4 chicken eggs, 120 grams of fish, 100 grams of cheese, 1 small onion, fresh dill and mayonnaise. For decoration you will need cherry tomatoes. First boil the eggs, peel them and separate the whites from the yolks. Three of them on a grater, leaving a little protein for decoration. The onion should be chopped as finely as possible. It should give off its aroma, but not crunch on your teeth. We also cut the trout very finely. The salad will be more tender if all the ingredients are finely chopped. Three cheeses using a grater. Layer the salad on a plate. We start with the protein and then add the onion. We make a mesh of mayonnaise on top. Cheese follows, followed by fish and egg yolk. Coat the layers with mayonnaise so that the salad does not turn out dry. Decorate the edges of the dish with chopped dill. We lay out the cores of daisies from the halves of tomatoes, and make petals from the whites.


For salting, you need to take only fresh trout, chilled or fresh frozen. good quality. Cooking time depends on how the fish is cut. The fastest time to cook is a fillet without skin - 3-4 hours, with skin - 24 hours. If trout with bones is used, the salting time should be increased to 2 days. The simplest ingredients are salt and sugar, but spices will add a richer taste and aroma.

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