Beans are hard, what should I do? Spicy beans with eggs. The subtleties of cooking delicious beans

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Not every housewife knows how to cook beans for various dishes and different types. There are more than two hundred types of beans in nature. There are white and red beans, black and purple beans, green beans and legumes, and there are even certain types of decorative and fodder beans. The most popular and widespread type of bean is considered to be red beans under the Kidney variety. Many people love beans, because they are not only tasty, but also very beneficial for our health and the body in particular. In terms of protein content, beans can easily compete with meat products, That's why bean dishes regular guests on the vegetarian and fasting table. The beans have a pleasant taste with nutty notes, which makes it possible to combine them with various seasonings, as well as prepare some sauces based on them.

First of all, to cook beans, you will need the beans themselves, a colander, and also a wide saucepan in which the cooking process will actually take place.

  • First, the beans must be cleaned of mechanical impurities. To do this, pour the beans onto the kitchen table and separate any debris and various pebbles from them, and also throw out the beans that are not suitable for cooking (old or wrinkled, or with other flaws).
  • Then start washing the beans. Place it in a colander and rinse thoroughly under plenty of running water.
  • Now the beans need to be soaked for about 8 hours, it is better to do this overnight. Place the washed beans in a saucepan and fill them with water. There should be twice as much water as the beans themselves.
  • After eight hours, drain the beans and refill them with the same amount of clean water. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and continue cooking the beans for an hour.
I would like to note that this principle can be used to cook not only red beans, but also regular white ones. There are no significant differences in this process. But there is not always enough time left to soak beans for eight hours, because sometimes there is a need to cook beans for a certain dish as quickly as possible.

How to cook beans if you don't have time to soak them? Try the following tip.

Step 1

Pour water into a large saucepan, boil it, and add the washed beans to the boiling water.

Step 2

Close the pan with a lid and bring the beans to a boil again, after two minutes turn off the heat and leave the pan with the lid on in a warm place for an hour.

Step 3

For borscht

The vast majority of people love red borscht. Moreover, this first course can be prepared either with the addition of meat (in broth) or without it - this is according to everyone’s taste, the taste will not change from this. But if you cook borscht without beans, the end result may be a little disappointing, because it is beans that give red borscht the taste of completeness. Let's try to figure out how to cook borscht with beans.

You'll need:

  • A glass of legumes;
  • 300 grams of meat - this is provided that you decide to cook borscht with meat, but if not, then you can skip this point;
  • Medium size potatoes (3 pcs.);
  • Half a head of cabbage;
  • One carrot and one medium-sized onion;
  • Small beets (2 pcs.);
  • Large tomato (2 pcs.);
  • One bell pepper:
  • Salt and pepper;
  • Spices;
  • Fresh greens.

  • In the evening, soak the beans in cold water to soak.
  • The next day, cover the meat with cold water and cook on the fire. After the water boils, reduce the heat, skim off any foam that has formed and leave to simmer until the meat is half cooked.
  • Then add pre-soaked beans to the meat and continue cooking until the meat and beans are cooked.
  • Place the potatoes, cut into small pieces, into the boiling broth.
  • Separately, in a frying pan in vegetable oil, fry the diced onion and grated coarse grater carrot. Add the vegetables to the pan with the remaining ingredients and cook until the beets are tender.
  • Then fry the grated beets in vegetable oil. Add a little salt and a pinch of sugar to the frying pan where the beets are fried, stir, cover and continue to simmer until the beets are ready.
  • Add shredded cabbage to the pan stewed beets, bell peppers cut into strips, diced tomatoes. Mix the ingredients, salt the borscht, add Bay leaf and other spices to taste. Boil the borscht for five, then add finely chopped herbs to it, cover with a lid and leave to steep for another 7-10 minutes.

The bean borscht is ready. Serve red borscht with a spoonful of sour cream.

Many salads contain an ingredient such as boiled beans. We have already described in detail how to cook beans above. Now let's prepare a simple and very delicious salad from boiled beans.

You will need:

  • Beans (250 g);
  • Potatoes (2 pcs.);
  • A few tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • Head onions;
  • One and a half tablespoons of vinegar;
  • A bunch of fresh parsley or cilantro;
  • Salt.

Cooking sequence:

Cook the beans according to the instructions described above. Make the recipe on a day when you have time so you can pre-soak the beans the night before. So in the future your salad will turn out to be especially tasty and tender. Cook the beans until soft, then strain.

Separately, boil the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Using the same principle, chop the onion.

Mix the salad ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste, and finely chopped parsley. Season the salad with a few tablespoons of vegetable oil and a small amount vinegar, which can be replaced with lemon juice. Bon appetit!

Check out the recipes and cook.

Probably everyone knows that beans contain a rich set of vitamins and minerals, but, unfortunately, many housewives prepare dishes from this food product very rarely due to the fact that they do not know how to quickly cook beans.

And this cooking method requires a lot of time. What if you simply forgot to soak the beans in time? Abandon the pre-planned menu? Nothing like this. There are many recipes for how to quickly cook beans. Today we will bring to your attention some of them.

But we'll start with regular recipe cooking beans. If you are not in a hurry, then it is best to use this recipe.

  • Soak the required amount of beans in water. When soaked, the beans will soften and the oligosaccharides will dissolve in the water. And this type of sugar is practically not digested in the human body, which complicates the process of assimilation of beans and causes gas formation. Remember that when soaked, the volume of beans increases three times. Beans need to be soaked for at least eight hours. Do not wait longer, as the beans may ferment. Drain the water. Rinse the beans and cook them in fresh water until tender.

If you forgot to soak your beans the night before, it’s okay to use the quick soak method.

  • Rinse the beans, cover them with cold water and boil for three minutes.

Remove the saucepan with beans from the heat and rinse the beans again under running water. Then transfer the beans to a cooking vessel, add water so that the water covers all the beans, Cook until tender, reduce the heat towards the end of cooking.

The cooking time will depend on the type of beans, and you can check the readiness by taking out one bean and squeezing it between your fingers.

How to quickly cook beans without soaking them?

"Proportional" recipe instant cooking beans.
Pour into a saucepan exactly twice the volume of cold water than the beans themselves. Rinse the beans and place them in a saucepan with cold water. Place the pan over high heat. When the water boils, drain it and fill it again with cold water in the required proportion. This procedure must be repeated two or three times. Then, reduce the heat and cook the beans over low heat for 30-40 minutes. During cooking, constantly monitor the proportion of water and beans. Add water if necessary.

Boil beans with soda:

Rinse the beans and put them in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. After the water boils, add a teaspoon of regular baking soda to the tip. Baking soda will significantly reduce the cooking time of the beans.

Recipe for cooking beans with cold water:

Place beans in a saucepan and cover with a small amount of water. After the water boils, add a glass of cold water. Let the water boil again and add a glass of water again. And so four times. During cooking, the amount of water will increase significantly, so you need to take a large pan. Cook the beans until tender. It will take you no more than 30-40 minutes. You need to salt the beans about two minutes before they are ready.

A few more tips to help you speed up the process of cooking beans.

  • Never salt beans immediately after the water has boiled. The beans, having received salt, will harden and will cook for a very long time. Salt should be added a few minutes before cooking.
  • Colored beans cook faster. That is, yellow, blue, pink. White beans take the longest to cook.
  • If you are preparing beans for a side dish or salad, then after they are cooked, pour them into a sieve and cover with water room temperature. This will significantly improve the taste of the beans, although their skin may crack a little.

Remember, undercooked beans contain toxic substances. Therefore, dishes made from insufficiently cooked beans can provoke the occurrence of dysbacteriosis and mild poisoning. Of course it's deadly, but quite unpleasant.

Bean dishes are not only very tasty, but also healthy. Use our tips and you can cook beans pretty quickly.

Beans, cultivated seven thousand years ago in Central and South America, still remain a favorite dish of many peoples and are among the top ten the healthiest products on the planet. The famous legume, in ancient times considered the “meat of the poor,” is a source of protein and vitamins, and now we know about 200 varieties of beans. It comes in pods and grains, red, white, variegated, black, green, brown, large and small. This crop is grown in all countries except the Far North, and is popular with everyone who is thinking about proper nutrition.

The benefits and harms of beans for the body

Beans contain 24 grams of protein and 60 grams of “good” carbohydrates, making them very filling, nutritious and healthy. Low fat content (1%) makes beans dietary dish, which is desirable to include in a lean and healing diet, since legumes provide the body with all vital substances and allow you to “hold out” between meals without high-calorie snacks. Beans contain iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, vitamins B and K, and valuable fiber. Since beans are not completely digested, they serve as a kind of brush for the intestines, which sweeps out everything unnecessary from the body. In addition, beans prevent the aging of the body, are an excellent prevention of cancer and osteoporosis, strengthen cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol and improves immunity. Interestingly, beans contain tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin, the hormone of pleasure, so if you eat beans every day, you can get rid of depression, insomnia and bad mood. The benefits of beans are not in doubt, but people suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and stomach ulcers should not abuse legumes to prevent gas formation. You should also not eat beans raw, as they can be very toxic.

Beans in the cuisine of different countries

Beans are used to make soups, purees, porridges, salads, pates, snacks, vegetarian sausage, etc. At the same time, different varieties of beans have their own culinary “specialization” - white beans it is better to stew, the red one is good for salads and soups, and the black one, amazingly tender and soft in taste, is ideal as a side dish without any additives. The unusually picturesque lima bean can decorate any dish, since its shape resembles a beautiful shell.

Mexicans make spicy beans meat sauce, Ukrainians add it to their signature borscht, Asians mix beans with rice, Georgians cook lobio with aromatic herbs, and the French cook beans with spinach. By the way, sweet pies with poppy seeds and beans, served with honey, are popular in Ukraine. Beans are a universal product that has thousands of cooking methods and always has a bright, unexpected taste.

Secrets of cooking beans from the chef

Beans are a capricious product, but you can easily find a common language with them if you know some culinary subtleties. So, how to quickly and tasty cook beans to get maximum benefit and pleasure?

  • To combat flatulence, add thyme and mint to the beans before cooking - they will relieve the intestines of gases and give the dish a fragrant aroma.
  • If you want the overt bean taste to go away from the beans, be sure to soak them for 8-12 hours before cooking. After this, it is recommended to drain the water and cook the beans in new water, otherwise the cooking time will stretch to infinity, and the beans will lose their delicate nutty notes.
  • Take your time, cook the beans over low heat. After boiling experienced housewives change the water again and add a little vegetable oil to it to soften the taste.
  • Salt the beans only at the end of cooking, otherwise they will turn out too tough.
  • To cook faster, add 1 tbsp to it every 10 minutes. spoon of cold water.
  • Do not cover the beans with a lid when cooking, and then they will retain their bright, rich color.

During the time of Cleopatra, beauties used ground and dried beans as powder, as it made the skin youthful and velvety. Modern women use beans exclusively internally, but the effect is the same!

All year round, we try to eat more vegetables. We can say that we cannot do a single dish without their use.

  • How to speed up the cooking process and still save everything beneficial features of this product?
  • How to quickly feed your family and reduce the time spent in the kitchen?

Experienced housewives know the answers to these questions. And today we will reveal several secrets of this secret. Let's talk about the most commonly used vegetables in cooking and more.

How to cook beets faster

We share secrets on how to cook beets faster. Boiled beets are suitable for preparing various dishes.

The roots of this vegetable contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for our body.

How to cook beets, and not spend 1.5 or 2 hours cooking them. And at the same time preserve the color, useful material and taste?

There are several ways to quickly cook beets.

Prepare the beets for cooking - wash them well. Do not cut off the tails, do not cut out the eyes, and try not to disturb the integrity of the root crop, otherwise the beets will lose both color and taste.

Now let's cook, here, 3 different ways:

  1. You can instantly boil beets in the microwave. In just 10 minutes we can prepare it. To do this, put the beets in a plastic bag, twist them tightly to ensure a tight seal and put them in the microwave. Turn on for 8 - 10 minutes (depending on the size of the tuber). Done.
  2. Place the beets in a saucepan with cold water and add 1 tablespoon of vinegar (to preserve the color), bring to a boil, cook for 30 - 40 minutes. After this, remove from heat, drain the boiling water and place under cold water until the tuber is completely cooled. As a result of the temperature difference, the beets reach readiness.
  3. You can cook beets in another way for a short time. Pour cold water (with 1 tbsp vinegar) over the beets and let it boil. Boil a little and add cold water. And so several times during cooking until the root vegetable is cooked. This takes 30 - 40 minutes.

And one more thing: when cooking, always add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. This will speed up the cooking process.

How to cook beans faster

Don't know how to cook beans faster? Legumes are among the most important food products. They have high nutritional value and a unique composition of microelements, which is simply irreplaceable for the prevention of vitamin deficiency.

First, decide what color beans you are going to cook. The fact is that colored beans take less time to cook than white beans. Also, if possible, soak it overnight. This will speed up the cooking process.

    1. way: Cook white beans. Place the beans in the pan and add water - just enough to cover the top of the beans. Place on the fire and let the beans simmer a little (5 - 10 minutes). Then add cold water. And we repeat this several times. Temperature changes cause beans to cook much faster. This cooking method is also suitable for cooking colored beans.
    1. way: Cook the red beans. During cooking, add a little soda to the water. On the tip of a knife, no more, otherwise your beans will boil. In the same way, you can reduce the cooking time for white beans.
  1. way: When the water with the beans boils, pour all the boiling water from the pan and pour in cold water. Let it boil and repeat the procedure.

Some useful tips:
The beans are salted at the end of cooking, otherwise they will be hard;
During cooking, do not cover tightly with a lid, otherwise the beans will darken.

How to cook peas faster

A few little secrets on how to cook peas faster. Peas are a source of protein and can be used as a substitute for meat.

It is well absorbed by the body. Peas are used to prepare soups and main courses.

Peas are a legume crop. That’s why it’s cooked like beans:

  • It is advisable to soak it overnight;
  • The temperature difference will cook it much faster;
  • Add a little soda (0.5 tsp per 3 liters of water);
  • You can add 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil to the water - a protective film will appear on top and this will help cook the legumes faster;
  • You need to salt the peas at the beginning of cooking.
  • And yet, peas in halves swell and do not cook as slowly as whole ones. The chopped one is cooked for 40 - 60 minutes, and the whole one - from 1 hour. 20 min to 1 hour. 40 minutes.

How to cook potatoes faster

Potatoes are one of the most important and most consumed food products.

Beans contain a whole list of minerals and trace elements needed by the body. In addition, it contains protein, which is absorbed by 75%. Such indicators are close to fish and meat, which means that beans simply need to be included in the diet during fasting, as well as for those who do not eat food of animal origin. They use it to cook soups and borscht, cook it as a side dish, and make pates. The most important thing is to cook it so that it is soft, but not overcooked. In this article we will tell you how to properly cook white, red, black or spotted beans until they are ready quickly and, most importantly, tasty.

How long to cook beans

    Dry beans need to be cooked for 1-2 hours depending on the size of the beans.

    Young beans will be ready in 30-40 minutes.

Secrets of cooking beans

  • The larger the beans, the more they expand during cooking. So red beans practically do not boil, and large black or white beans increase in size by 2.5 times.
  • You won't be able to quickly cook beans without soaking them. This is done not only so that it cooks faster, but also to avoid unevenly cooked grains.
  • You can only cook young beans without soaking.
  • To ensure that the beans cook quickly even in winter, they are frozen while still young and taken out of the freezer as needed. A convenient container for freezing is a half-liter or liter plastic bottle.
  • For soup, it is better to take red or small white beans, and for salad, large ones are better.

Why soak beans?

Soaking affects more than just how long it takes to cook. Without it, the beans will not only take a long time to cook, but may turn out to be soft on the outside and hard on the inside. Moreover, this effect will be more pronounced the drier the beans you are going to cook. Young beans or those that have been frozen young can be cooked without soaking.

Also, a lot depends on the variety. You definitely need to cook red beans with soaking, but large white varieties can be cooked this way.

How to properly soak beans

Before we tell you how long to cook beans after soaking, we will describe how to soak them correctly. The process is quite simple:

  • rinse the beans under running water;
  • fill it with cold water;
  • the water level should be 5 cm above the beans themselves;
  • During the soaking process, the water needs to be changed 2-3 times.

Before cooking, soaked beans are washed and filled with clean water. The soaking process should last 6-8 hours. It is best to do this at night.

How to cook beans in a saucepan


Rinse the beans in running water. We discard any beans that have burst or have holes.


Soak the beans in cold water, the amount of which should be 3-4 times the amount of beans. Soaking time 6-8 hours. During this period, it is advisable to change the water several times.


Place the soaked beans in a saucepan, fill with clean water, and add salt to taste. The ratio of beans to water should be 1:2.5.


Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil over high heat. Then reduce it to low and cook the beans until tender. The average cooking time is 1-2 hours. After 60 minutes, you need to check the readiness and make sure that it does not boil over. Overcooked beans begin to burst.

How to cook beans in a slow cooker

In a multicooker with a pressure cooker function, the cooking time for beans is reduced by 2 times. so dry beans will cook for 30-40 minutes, and fresh beans will cook in 15-20 minutes.

Beans are completely unpretentious to the regime. This can be done both in the Soup mode and in the Stewing vegetables mode. You can use absolutely any multicooker for this. We'll show you step by step recipe cooking beans using the Redmond multicooker as an example.


Before cooking, the beans must be carefully inspected, spoiled beans and other debris must be removed and washed thoroughly under running water.

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