Why do you extinguish soda with vinegar? Slaked soda: how to make? How to cook thin pancakes with soda

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Soda is a powdery substance in the form of microcrystals that has universal properties. It is successfully used in baking, salting pickles for the winter, and for hygienic purposes. It is used to wash children's necks when a sore throat occurs; soda serves as an excellent means for steaming feet. Baking soda is always available at home and is actively used. But not everyone knows why slaked soda is needed, in what ways it can be extinguished and where it is added.

What does it mean to extinguish soda? Soda is a chemical substance that, when interacting with various oxidizing agents, gives a reaction, breaking down into carbon dioxide, water and salt. Slaked soda is kneaded into the dough, and due to its decomposition into carbon dioxide, it gives the dough porosity. If you add it in its usual form without oxidizing agents, then there will be no “airy” result.

Store-bought baking powder contains soda, acids, starch or flour. This combination of components, as well as slaked soda, gives the dough the desired porosity during baking. If baking powder is used, then slaked soda is not added. There are many culinary recipes tests based on the addition of this component.

The method of using regular baking powder is very simple. The finished composition from the bag is added in the required doses to the flour, after which the dough is kneaded. And in order for soda to react correctly to oxidizing agents and give a reaction without any residue or taste of soap in the finished product, you need to know the proportions and how to extinguish it. There are several ways to quench soda with certain oxidizing agents, where their interaction gives the best loosening effect.

Experienced chefs advise adding all the components for porosity of baked goods directly to the dough, so that during the reaction carbon dioxide is released directly in the dough. This will make the baked goods more porous and airy.

Universal kneading

This method is used in confectionery shops: the flour is thoroughly sifted, after which soda is added to it. Acid and flour are added to the dough (water, milk) and the dough is kneaded separately. In order for the necessary reaction to occur, both parts are mixed into one mass. This method gives guaranteed results in the process of baking baked goods.

Slaked soda is used in many baking recipes and always remains necessary ingredient in the baker's arsenal

Soda and vinegar

The most common method is to extinguish soda with vinegar. With this quenching method, the proportions must be chosen correctly to obtain the required reaction. When only soda is added to the dough, the finished product develops a characteristic taste, and if not stirred well, it will squeak on the teeth like sand. If all proportions are observed and carbon dioxide is not allowed to evaporate into the air, then the whole process will end with an excellent result in the form of a fluffy dough.

Take a teaspoon and pour baking soda on the tip. Next, pour less than a quarter teaspoon of vinegar onto it. There is no need to pour out all the vinegar at once. You can drip it a little at a time, watching the violent extinguishing reaction. Many people, when making a yeast dough for dough, do not understand why they need to add anything else, because the dough will rise in any case. It should be understood that the slaking process is necessary not for increasing the dough, but for porosity.

This is a slightly different way to extinguish baking soda with vinegar. We take a certain amount of soda in accordance with the recipe and mix it with flour. Separately, add vinegar to the liquid base of the future product in the indicated proportions. Stir everything well and combine into a common mass. The test will show when the fight against acid began and ended. By acting in this way, we do not allow carbon dioxide to evaporate from the dough. He's under the influence high temperature during production, it effectively loosens the flour mass.

Opinions experienced chefs We were divided on where to extinguish baking soda - in a spoon or when kneading it into dough. Some are adherents of the classical method, but most culinary experts insist that with this “in a spoon” method, carbon dioxide instantly evaporates from the dough. They propose to quench the substance directly in the flour so that the interaction occurs already in the mixed product.

Chocolate Chip Pie

We will need:

  • sugar 25 gr.,
  • soda one pinch
  • half a standard pack of butter,
  • eggs 3 pieces
  • cocoa powder 50 gr.,
  • milk chocolate 100 gr.,
  • sugar 250 g,
  • flour 750 grams.,
  • kefir 300 ml.

We take baking soda, pour vinegar over it and wait for the reaction to end. Mix all ingredients except chocolate. We have time to quickly extinguish the soda, stir everything until the dough has a homogeneous consistency. Pour the dough into a baking container that has been previously greased with oil. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the dough for an average of half an hour. Grate chocolate onto coarse grater and sprinkle over the finished pie.


If you want to have a pie sprinkled with chocolate chips, then you should sprinkle it on the already cooled product.

– If you want the chocolate to melt on the pie, you can grate it on a fine grater and sprinkle on the hot pie, or melt the chocolate in a saucepan in a water bath in advance.

How to extinguish baking soda without vinegar

Soda can be extinguished perfectly without vinegar, citric acid from a bag or something else better with juice fresh lemon

Soda and citric acid

Sodium bicarbonate interacts well not only with vinegar, but also with additional oxidizing agents like lemon juice. It should be extinguished like this: take 5 grams. soda, 3 gr. citric acid, 12 grams of flour or starch. By combining the ingredients in this composition, we end up with a standard baking powder. Sodium bicarbonate reacts with citric acid and breaks down into the same components as in the case of vinegar. Before extinguishing soda with citric acid, you need to slightly dilute the sour powder with plain water. In some cases, dry citric acid is replaced with ascorbic acid. You can use regular ascorbic acid tablets, which should be crushed to a powder. According to the recipe, we add this oxidizing agent in the indicated proportions as a reagent.


Oxidation can be carried out with table and apple cider vinegar, which do not need to be diluted with water. When it comes to vinegar essence, you should definitely dilute it with water. For one teaspoon of vinegar essence, you can add at least 10 teaspoons of water.

The above-described quenching recipe is similar to the recipe for professional baking powder. This combination of components is enough for 500 grams of flour. Adding this mixture to the dough gives a great end result. The trick is that all components should not be quenched, but mixed with flour before the main kneading, so that all reactions take place without disappearing from the dough. If the components of soda, acid, starch and flour are diluted in water or milk, then the baked goods will lose their porosity. By using the method described above, you can obtain a porous, fluffy baked product with a beautiful, even crust.

Semolina Pie

To prepare it we will need:

  • 250 gr. semolina,
  • 250 ml. kefir,
  • 125 gr. Sahara,
  • 1 egg,
  • 75 gr. raisins,
  • 80 gr. melted butter,
  • a packet of vanilla sugar,
  • half a teaspoon of soda,
  • a quarter teaspoon of citric acid,
  • a pinch of salt.

We wash the raisins well and pour boiling water over them. Drain the water from it, dry it and mix it with a pinch of flour. Beat the egg with salt, vanilla and simple sugar. Pour kefir into the mixture, add semolina, melted butter, and raisins. Mix everything well. Take baking soda and citric acid powder. The first one should not be extinguished immediately with lemon. Both substances must be mixed into the total mass. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Grease a convenient baking pan butter and sprinkle it inside with dry semolina. It is necessary for the mold to stand for ten minutes. During this time, the cereal swells and sticks to the sides of the mold. We transfer the mixture for the future manna into the mold, level it and bake for about 50 minutes. When the pie is covered with a golden brown crust, you can check its readiness using a dry knife. If the manna is ready and the knife comes out of the pie clean, then you can remove the baked goods. We place the mold on a wet towel so that the product can be easily separated from the mold. The top of the pie can be decorated with jam, jam, chocolate, or condensed milk. The manna should be dense, but porous.

Soda and sour milk

When the dough already contains some fermented milk product such as kefir, many do not consider it necessary to additionally quench the soda and vinegar. This is not entirely true. When a recipe contains, for example, kefir, the addition of slaked sodium bicarbonate heats up the sour milk. When soda is quickly mixed into the mixture, an intense reaction occurs, causing the porosity of the dough to go off scale.

To extinguish soda or not

It is not customary to extinguish it when preparing pickles and preserving them for the winter. The jars for preparations are washed with white powder so that when storing vegetables they are crystal clear. You can use baking soda or soda ash to clean jars and vegetables. Both options perfectly remove dirt, one might say they corrode them. After this procedure, the vegetables are doused with boiling water, and the jars are subjected to additional sterilization.


Carbon dioxide should loosen the dough from the inside and extinguish the substance in a spoon, as housewives usually do in a quick fix, should not. This affects the porosity of the product, reducing it by half.

If a little less soda was taken than required, and it was added directly to the flour, then in this situation it will still make the dough structure porous.

The porosity of the dough is ensured by a combination of acid and soda. Without the reaction of these two components, the dough will not acquire the desired consistency.

Cooking is an entire art. It’s not enough to just know how to cook. You should put all your soul and love into preparing dishes. Delicious pastries It is obtained only when the soda is properly extinguished and the exact proportions of the components are observed. Otherwise, the dough may lose its proper quality during baking. By adding slaked soda to the dough, you add lightness to your baking. In addition to porosity and airiness, a properly quenched component gives a beautiful even color to the product and makes it incredibly appetizing. Once you learn how to properly quench sodium bicarbonate, you can successfully cook any baked product.

Oh, how sometimes you want to please your loved ones with a chic delicacy made with your own hands: a pie or cookies, cake or pancakes. But almost all recipes contain the following phrase: “Cause half a teaspoon of soda.”

But often young housewives are just interested in the question of how to extinguish soda. Usually this point is present in recipes for making various types of baked goods. Soda is used to ensure that the pie or cake crust turns out fluffy and not with a hard “sole”.

Of course, you can do just fine with baking powder bought at the store. By the way, it is created on the basis of elemental soda and acid, which react upon contact with liquid. The chemical process is practically no different from how the housewife can extinguish soda herself, without spending extra money on baking powder.

If the recipe indicates that soda should be taken at the tip of a knife, then the extinguishing process can be omitted altogether. When more sodium dioxide is needed, about a teaspoon, then it needs to be neutralized. During this reaction, the soda and acid interact with the secretion, which “lifts” the product, creating a fluffy product. The acid itself turns into water. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the proportions correctly, otherwise either acid or soda may remain unused, which can affect the taste of the product.

Considering the fact that soda is neutralized not only when exposed to acids, but also at high temperatures, it is not scary if the acid is slightly less than required for a complete reaction: the remainder of the soda will undergo decomposition during the cooking process. But the excess acid will remain there, giving the product not quite the taste that the owner is counting on.

So, we came to the conclusion that the less acid, the better. Since soda can be quenched with any acid that can be eaten, you should use vinegar (wine, apple, fruit, or diluted or fermented milk products, lemon juice or Why it is recommended to use diluted vinegar and not essence can be understood from the beginning of the article. After all, it is quite difficult to determine the exact amount of concentrated acid, and you can easily “overdo it.” For the same purpose, it is better to use not a tea spoon, holding it directly above the dough, but a glass placed on the table.

The amount of acid is determined experimentally by adding it little by little to a glass of soda and stirring. As soon as the soda begins to bubble, actively releasing carbon dioxide, the mixture is poured into the dough and mixed. But no the best way, how to extinguish soda “dry” by mixing it with flour. It is recommended to add acid to liquid ingredients, for example, milk, water, kefir - those components that are included in the recipe. During mixing of products there will be chemical process, and the question of how to extinguish soda will disappear by itself.

You can also use a similar option, replacing liquid acid with dry acid, which can always be purchased for mere pennies in the supermarket.

This method, of course, is more convenient, since extinguishing soda in the air is not entirely correct. After all, the very carbon dioxide that we need to loosen the dough almost all goes into the air. Thus, the process loses its significance. This is probably why many housewives prefer to use store-bought baking powder. Because it is in them that dry acid and soda have the opportunity to interact with each other, being “inside” the dough, which creates maximum fluffiness and tenderness of the product.

And in order not to spend money on buying baking powder, make it yourself by pouring the required amount of soda and a pinch of citric acid into the flour. This will save the housewife from the problem of extinguishing soda, from the need to measure the acid and dilute the essence, achieving the desired concentration.

Many housewives are already accustomed to pampering their household members in the morning. delicious pancakes and pancakes. But at the same time, many people add soda to the dough, quenched with vinegar. In fact, this is not entirely correct. In this article we will figure out how to extinguish soda.

This means that a chemical reaction has occurred between sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid, releasing carbon dioxide. This gas is what lifts the dough.

It is worth understanding that if the recipe specifies the use of sour milk or kefir, then there is no point in introducing vinegar.

This is necessary to give the confectionery product fluffiness and airiness. Some recipes don't require vinegar at all. This happens if the acid is used sour milk or kefir.

In general, the whole process is quite absurd. Most housewives simply take and pour soda into a spoon and pour vinegar into it, watching the bubbles. What's really going on? The chemical reaction between sodium bicarbonate and vinegar produces carbon dioxide. But in order for the dough to rise and become fluffy, ideally the reaction should occur in the dough.

As we found out, it is wrong to extinguish sodium bicarbonate with vinegar in a spoon. After all, it will turn out that most of the bubbles will simply disappear and the dough will not rise properly. That is why it is necessary to extinguish sodium bicarbonate correctly.


  • It is best to pour the specified amount of baking soda into the flour.
  • Pour vinegar into water or milk. The result will be a slightly acidic mixture.
  • After this, the components are mixed
  • As a result, bubbles will appear, which will raise the dough.
  • You can watch the process yourself when the dough really becomes fluffy.

Yes, there is not much difference, because it is necessary that there is enough acid. That is, 6% vinegar will be needed more than 70% vinegar essence. Ideally, for 1 spoon of sodium bicarbonate you need 70 g of 9% vinegar or 95 ml of 6%. This amount must first be mixed with milk or water and poured into soda mixed with flour.

Please note that if you add grated tangerines, apples, sour milk or kefir to the dough, then you do not need to extinguish the soda. That is, no vinegar is added. You risk ruining the dough with too much acid.

You can extinguish sodium bicarbonate and balsamic vinegar. You won't ruin anything. But the fact is that it is destroyed during heat treatment and its pleasant sweet and sour taste disappears. It is almost never used in baking.

Vinegar essence with a concentration of 70% can also extinguish soda. To extinguish 8 g of sodium bicarbonate (spoon), you need 8 g of essence.

There are many options for repaying soda. Vinegar by itself is not very healthy, so it is best to use other products. Almost any of them is available in our refrigerator.

Vinegar replacement options:

  • Sour jam
  • Lemon juice
  • Pulp of tangerines or oranges
  • Sour milk
  • Kefir
  • Serum
  • Curdled milk
  • Boiling water

The most interesting thing is that sodium bicarbonate can be extinguished with ordinary boiling water. The thing is that bicarbonate decomposes at temperatures above 60 ° C, so boiling water promotes the release of carbon dioxide. In this case, it is better not to extinguish the crystals in a separate container. Most best option– prepare the choux pastry.

It is best to also stick to the recipe, where soda is mixed with the dry ingredients, and lemon juice with the liquid ones. That is, squeeze a tablespoon of juice into a glass of water and mix with 8 g of sodium bicarbonate. Soda is also pre-mixed with flour.

Lemon juice can be replaced with citric acid. Everything is very simple here, since sodium bicarbonate is mixed with acid crystals and flour. After this, water or milk is poured into the dry mixture. The reaction occurs directly in the test. This has a positive effect on its texture.

As you can see, it is not necessary to extinguish soda with vinegar and not in a spoon. It is best to mix the dry and liquid components of the dough.

VIDEO: Sodium bicarbonate and vinegar

To make yeast-free baked goods tender and fluffy, cooks use slaked soda in the recipe, which is an analogue of regular baking powder. When interacting with the dough, this chemical compound releases carbon dioxide, due to which the finished product acquires the necessary porous structure. For those who do not know how to extinguish soda with vinegar, our article will help, which describes the main subtleties of using such a component.

To prepare crumbly shortcrust pastry, pizza, as well as various puff pastry Cooks use exclusively yeast-free dough. If mixed incorrectly without adding baking powder, the finished dish may turn out “squat” and tasteless.

The carbon dioxide produced when the dough combines with the yeast thins out the dense texture of baked goods, making them fluffier. To achieve a similar result in a yeast-free recipe, you need to add slaked soda, which acts like yeast or baking powder.

When combined with vinegar, soda releases very small gas bubbles. Thanks to this interaction, the housewife receives airy, porous baked goods with incredible taste.

Theoretically, soda, even without a quenching reaction, can give the dough the necessary porosity, but when added undiluted it causes an unpleasant taste in the dough. ready-made dish. This is because without an acidic environment, even at high temperatures, the reaction does not occur completely, and the carbon dioxide released is not enough to give the baked goods the necessary looseness.

What kind of vinegar is needed to extinguish soda?

Novice cooks quite often wonder what kind of vinegar to extinguish soda in order to ready baked goods It turned out tender and crumbly. Experienced Chefs It is recommended to use any vinegar to loosen the dough.

For cooking, it is recommended to choose not only a table product, but also an apple or wine product. The main purpose of the component is to impart sufficient acidity to the environment, at which a full-fledged chemical reaction will occur with the formation of tiny gas bubbles.

In addition to vinegar, the following is also used:

  • boiling water;
  • lemon juice or acid;
  • fermented milk products.

How to properly extinguish soda with vinegar: step-by-step instructions

If the dough is prepared using kefir or sour cream, it is not at all necessary to quench the soda powder using essence. It is enough to add just a little soda so that a full reaction occurs during the interaction of the powder with the alkaline medium.

Note to the housewife: use the amount of powder specified in the recipe to prepare the dish. Otherwise, a lack or excessive amount of a component in an alkaline environment may not provide the desired loosening effect.

Still don't know how to quench baking soda with vinegar? Follow the instructions below and delight your household with tender, melt-in-your-mouth baked goods.

The most effective way:

  1. Combine all liquid ingredients for kneading dough in a container.
  2. Next, add a pinch of soda to the mixture, then pour in a couple of drops of vinegar essence. Gently mix all ingredients until smooth.
  3. After the quenching reaction occurs, add the remaining flour and mix the resulting mass thoroughly again.

Classic method:

  1. Combine the dry products included in the recipe with the powder.
  2. Separately, whisk all the liquid ingredients, then pour a couple of drops of vinegar into the mixture.
  3. Next, mix the dry ingredients with the resulting liquid mass. As a result, carbon dioxide is produced during the dough kneading process, giving the mass the necessary porous texture.

Ineffective way:

Soda powder is separately diluted with vinegar, and then the foaming mixture is poured into the dough. This method is considered less effective, since the bulk of the carbon dioxide formed evaporates during the mixing stage.

Housewives often add products “by eye”. Gas bubbles form much later when the lye reacts with sodium bicarbonate under high temperature.
If the recipe does not indicate the required number of components, then use soda powder and acetic acid in proportions of 2:1.

Is it possible and how to extinguish soda with apple, 70 percent, balsamic vinegar?

For preparation, it is recommended to choose apple cider vinegar or 9 percent vinegar. But often housewives can only find 70 percent essence in their homes, which is highly concentrated and, in the wrong dosage, can cause harm to the human body.

To avoid negative consequences, before using vinegar, its concentration must be reduced with water (combine 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 7 teaspoons of water).
As for balsamic vinegar, culinary experts do not recommend using the product to slake soda.

Under the influence of high temperature, the essence loses its taste, so it is best to use this vinegar in its pure form for dressing various salads. Each housewife decides for herself whether it is worth adding balsamic to baked goods in order to give it the necessary fluffiness. For 4 tsp. vinegar used 1 tsp. soda

What to do if there is no vinegar at home

A full chemical reaction will occur only if an alkaline environment is created, which promotes the formation of tiny bubbles. In addition to vinegar, freshly squeezed lemon juice or regular citric acid will also work. For 250 g of flour use 1 tsp. soda and 9 tsp. acids. Lately, cooks have been using boiling water and baking soda.

If the recipe of the dish calls for the addition of fermented milk products, then instead of vinegar, add yogurt, kefir, sour cream or yogurt to the dough. In some cases, citrus fruit juice or regular honey is used.

Some recipes for pies, muffins, and cakes require the use of slaked soda or baking powder, which can be replaced with slaked soda.

Why do you need to extinguish soda and is it necessary to do it?

Baking soda, when used correctly, is a good leavening agent. In an acidic environment (vinegar, lemon juice, kefir) or when exposed to temperature, soda begins to disintegrate, releasing carbon dioxide. It saturates the dough with air and makes it fluffy, airy and porous.

How can you extinguish soda? And in In what case is it not necessary to extinguish the soda?

Soda can be extinguished with any vinegar, or with lemon juice.

If the recipe contains kefir, sour cream, or other fermented milk products, there is no need to extinguish the soda!!! Some people extinguish soda to get rid of its taste, but in a warm environment and in the presence of an acidic environment (kefir), the soda will begin to release carbon dioxide and gradually extinguish itself.

How to extinguish soda correctly?

Many forums advise to extinguish soda directly in a spoon or in a glass - is this correct? You can quench soda with vinegar in a spoon, but it doesn’t make any sense. It would be more correct to add soda to the dry ingredients, and add something sour to the liquid (lemon juice, kefir, sour juice). The most ideal option, which is in the arsenal of all professional confectioners for loosening dough, is mixing dry ingredients - soda with citric or ascorbic acid.

How to extinguish baking soda with vinegar?

Pour baking soda into a spoon (the amount according to the recipe) and drop a little 9% vinegar (4-6 drops) into the spoon. As soon as the soda starts to fizz and foam, stir the quenched soda into the dough. The reaction between soda and acid will continue after kneading the dough.

How to properly extinguish baking soda with apple cider vinegar?

Soda can also be extinguished with apple cider vinegar, since it is also an acid that will react with soda. The technology is the same as with regular 9% vinegar.

How to properly extinguish baking soda with lemon juice?

Soda can be extinguished with lemon juice by squeezing the lemon directly into a spoon with soda. Or you can add baking soda to the flour, and lemon juice to the liquid ingredients. Both options are correct.

How to extinguish baking soda with citric acid?

To extinguish soda with citric acid for the required amount of soda, you need to take 2 times less citric acid and mix it with flour, and then add this flour to the liquid ingredients.

How to extinguish soda with sour cream?
If there is sour cream in the dough, then simply throw soda in there, and if there is no sour cream, stir the soda in a teaspoon of sour cream and add it to the dough.

How to extinguish soda with kefir?
If there is kefir in the dough, then simply throw soda in there, and if it is not there, then stir the soda in a teaspoon of kefir and add it to the dough.

How to make baking powder at home?

An ideal option for preparing baking powder 5:3:12 (soda: citric acid: flour), which can be stored in any jar. And when you cook, add it to the dough according to the recipe.

If we add starch to the last option, we get nothing more than baking powder or, as it is also called, baking powder.

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