Candied pumpkin with honey in the oven. Candied pumpkin is a healthy dessert. How to make candied pumpkin in the oven: recipe with oranges

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Pumpkin is a vegetable that stores well all winter. Soups, porridges and puddings are made from it. But few people know that pumpkin makes delicious, very healthy and tasty candied fruits. Since pumpkin is slightly sweet, you will need very little sugar to prepare them.

My simple recipe and step-by-step photos will help you prepare delicious candied pumpkin in the oven for the winter. This time I used exactly this method for drying sweet delicacies.

To prepare, take:

  • pumpkin – 3-4 kg;
  • sugar – 200-300 kg;
  • lemon – 1-2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar – 1-2 tbsp;
  • enamel or glass pan;
  • parchment paper.

How to make candied pumpkin at home

Wash and dry the pumpkin.

Cut it into two to four pieces.

Using a knife, remove all the seeds and the soft part on which they are held, cut into pieces two to three centimeters wide, as in the photo.

Peel these pieces.

Using a knife, cut long pieces of pumpkin into small pieces, 1-1.5 centimeters long.

Cut the washed lemons into thin slices. Place pieces of pumpkin and lemon in an enamel or glass pan in layers, sprinkling each a small amount Sahara. Leave for 1-2 hours.

Heat water separately and pour boiling water over the workpiece so that the water barely covers it. Bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for 40-60 minutes. It is important to monitor the cooking process and prevent the pumpkin pieces from becoming overcooked.

Place the cooled pieces on parchment paper so that they do not touch each other.

Place to dry in the oven at 50-60 degrees for 3-4 hours. Leave the oven lid ajar. This is what you should get as a result of drying in the oven.

Place the dried pumpkin pieces, which can already be called candied fruits, in a glass container for storage. Add 1-2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. Close the lid and shake until the powder evenly covers all the candied fruits.

Candied pumpkin does not need to be covered powdered sugar. They taste and look very similar to dried apricots. Have a nice sweet taste with a slight sourness and, at the same time, are not cloying.

By serving healthy and tasty candied pumpkin with aromatic hot tea, you will get an unforgettable experience from this familiar ceremony.

Is it possible to make candied pumpkin yourself at home? After all, candied fruits are a traditional oriental sweetness, which is quite original way preservation of fruits.

The pieces are boiled in very thick sugar syrup and then air dried. Interestingly, almost any fruit can be preserved in this way.

Some simple recipes those described below will help you make candied pumpkin at home.

So, first of all, about ratios. One might think that such a product would require too much sugar and therefore, by definition, must contain too many calories. However, this is not entirely true: for 1 part sugar, take 3 parts melon pulp.

For this recipe we will take the ingredients in the following quantities:

  • 1 kg pumpkin pulp;
  • 300 g sugar (1.5 regular glasses or 15 tablespoons).

Of course, you can improve the recipe by adding a sour note to it - half a lemon will do for this purpose. In any case, the cooking principle is the same.

Preparation step by step:

Step 1. Peel the pumpkin and remove the seeds. By the way, they can also be preserved - dried, fried, and then enjoyed on long winter evenings.

Step 2. Now cut the pulp into small cubes. We try to ensure that they are the same size - for example, 2 cm wide.

Step 3. Take a pan, put these pieces on the bottom, and sprinkle them generously with sugar on top. We put the container in the refrigerator and calmly go about our business - the pumpkin should be allowed to stand for 10-12 hours.

If you want to use lemon, add it at the same stage. Cut into thin circles and place on top of the sugar layer.

Step 4. After 12 hours, take out the container with the pumpkin and cook until boiling, adding a little water, and then 5 minutes after that (over medium heat). Cool to room temperature - 3-4 hours will pass, during which you can go about your business again.

And then we repeat this procedure.

This is how you cook candied pumpkin at home

Step 5. Now you need to ensure that all excess moisture is removed from the glass pieces. This requirement is the main one for preparing candied pumpkin at home, regardless of the specific recipe.

Step 6. Now let’s dry the candied pumpkin in the oven for another 4 hours: place them on foil or parchment, turn on the oven at 100 o C and go about our business again.

Once cooked, you can sprinkle the candied fruits with a little sugar. It is better to store in the refrigerator, but the main condition is a dry place. Therefore, you can put candied pumpkin in a jar, cover it with paper or thick cloth and store it like that all winter.

A video commentary on preparing candied pumpkin in the oven at home can be seen here.

How to make candied pumpkin in the oven: recipe with oranges

Unlike lemon, orange will give more of a pleasant citrus aroma rather than a sour taste. Therefore, you can make candied fruits with this pleasant fruit of positive orange color.

Let's take the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 1 medium sized orange;
  • half a glass of water;
  • cloves 3 buds;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.

How to make candied pumpkin according to this recipe with photo:

Step 1. First, peel the orange and cut into slices. Let's try to remove the white inner peel - it has the unpleasant property of leaving a bitter aftertaste.

Step 2. Peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes.

Step 3. Cook the syrup. To do this, put sugar in a saucepan, add water and turn on the heat. Dissolve the sugar completely while stirring (this needs to be done as quickly as possible).

Add pumpkin with oranges and cook everything together until boiling, and then another 5-7 minutes. Cool for 8-10 hours and repeat this entire cycle 3 more times.

Step 4. Now you need to strain the mixture so that the moisture is completely drained.

Step 5. Dry the candied fruits in the oven again for 3-4 hours (100 o C, on parchment or foil).

Drying candied pumpkin in the oven

And then sprinkle with a mixture of powdered sugar, cinnamon, cloves and vanillin.

Candied pumpkin in chocolate glaze: recipe with photos

Chocolate lovers will surely love this recipe, because as a result we get real sweets. Only these chocolates have natural composition and do not contain unnecessary components.

The main requirement is to choose a quality chocolate glaze. You can make it from melted chocolate or cocoa.

Recipe ingredients:

  • 1 pumpkin (1 kg pulp);
  • 5 glasses of sugar;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • 3 teaspoons cocoa (can be replaced with a chocolate bar);
  • melted butter – 3 tablespoons;
  • 4 spoons of milk;
  • a teaspoon of any honey.

We proceed this way:

Step 1. First, as usual, peel the pumpkin.

Step 2. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes.

Step 3. Now we put them in a saucepan and no longer put them in the refrigerator, but add water and sugar. Cook until boiling, and then another 5-10 minutes over moderate heat.

Turn off and leave on room temperature at night (10-12 hours).

Step 4. The same work must be repeated 2-3 more times (in cycles). The result is a thick, rich syrup. When the last cycle ends, you need to let all the liquid drain completely - this will take 1-2 hours.

Step 5. Now we dry the pieces in the oven in exactly the same way - on foil or parchment paper for 4 hours at a temperature of 100 o C.

Step 6. Now comes the best part of the job. To obtain the glaze, mix cocoa or melted chocolate with butter, and also add 8 large spoons of sugar. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and heated in a saucepan over low heat for 5 minutes (the mixture should not boil).

Step 7. Cool the candied fruits and roll them in chocolate. Let it harden in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

An oriental fairy tale is on our table. You can store it all winter, if it lasts, of course. You will want to treat yourself to this delicacy almost any day. Moreover, it is much less caloric than chocolate candy or lollipop.

Bon appetit!

Candied pumpkin is a tasty, natural and even healthy treat. They are good on their own, as well as in muffins, cottage cheese casseroles and other sweet dishes. The aromatic syrup that is formed during their preparation is an excellent basis for preparing drinks and all kinds of desserts.

Oranges, lemons, cinnamon, ginger or anything else to your taste add additional flavor to candied fruits and syrup...

Prepare the ingredients: pumpkin and, for example, orange and cinnamon.

Peel the pumpkin and cut the flesh into pieces. Pieces can be of any size and shape. I made them small and about 5mm thick so that they could dry faster.

Pumpkin pieces need to be sprinkled with sugar

and wait until a very large amount of juice is released from them.

Add cinnamon and orange zest.

Cook future candied fruits three times for five minutes, cooling after each cooking for at least an hour...

If you want to store candied fruits in syrup, then everything is ready... But if you want dry candied fruits, then strain out the syrup, and dry the pumpkin pieces either in the oven on a baking sheet with baking paper at 50 degrees with the oven door closed or at 100 with the door ajar,

or in an electric dryer. The time depends on the thickness of the candied fruits!

The candied fruits are ready, they are dense and slightly sticky.

Roll them in powdered sugar.

I left some of the candied fruits in syrup, and dried the other, i.e. wilted...

Bon appetit!

Candied fruits are fruits that have been pre-boiled in sugar syrup and then dried (cured). We usually buy candied fruits in the store, because the choice is huge, for every taste. Candied fruits are made from the most different vegetables and fruits, which we add to cereals, baked goods, or use to decorate and serve bright desserts. Today I want to tell you, dear friends, how to make homemade candied fruits with your own hands. For this we will use one of the most favorite and healthy vegetables- pumpkin, queen of autumn. Candied pumpkin fruits are incredibly healthy and very tasty. You can offer them to your family instead of expensive sweets. They go well with tea and are eaten faster than they are cooked. Candied pumpkin can be called homemade sweets that you made with your own hands. You can also dip candied pumpkin in melted chocolate, let it harden and they will turn out even more tasty and attractive. My dear friends and site guests - be sure to make candied pumpkin at least once, your family will appreciate it.

You will need:

  • Pumpkin - 1-1.5 kg.
  • Soda - 1 tsp. + water about 1.5 l.
  • Water - 600 ml.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.
  • Lemon - 1 pc. or citric acid - 1 tbsp.
  • Powdered sugar
  • Parchment paper

How to make candied pumpkin with your own hands:

We use ripe pumpkin for making candied pumpkin. It is desirable that it be dense, but at the same time sweet. Wash the pumpkin and remove skin, seeds, and pulp. cut into fairly large pieces (at least 3x3 cm). During the process of aging in sugar syrup and subsequent drying, the pumpkin pieces will shrink significantly. Place the chopped pumpkin in a suitable sized saucepan.

Combine water with soda, mix and pour over the chopped pumpkin. Leave it like this overnight at room temperature.

The next day pumpkin pieces rinse in several waters. Drain all the water from the pumpkin. Separately cook sugar syrup from water and sugar, boil for 10 minutes. Pour the cooked pumpkin over the sliced ​​pumpkin sugar syrup and again leave it to soak for a day.

These are the wrinkled pieces of pumpkin we got after soaking in hot syrup.

Drain the syrup, bring to a boil again with the addition of chopped lemon or citric acid. Boil for 5 minutes, add pumpkin pieces to the boiling syrup and boil for 5 minutes. If your pumpkin is quite ripe, you can not boil the pieces, but leave them in hot syrup again overnight. Boil only those pumpkins that are very dense. Otherwise it may fall apart. My pumpkin is so tender that I didn’t boil it, but simply put it a second time in boiling syrup with the addition of citric acid and left it until it cooled completely for a day.

The next day, remove the pumpkin pieces from the syrup and let them drain thoroughly. And place pieces of fragrant pumpkin soaked in syrup on a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Piece by piece. Place the baking sheet in a slightly open oven at 110 degrees for 2-4 hours.

The drying time of the pumpkin depends, of course, on the variety. Sometimes 2 hours is enough to dry candied fruit, sometimes even 4 hours is not enough. So you navigate yourself. Additionally, candied fruits can be dried at room temperature without removing them from the baking sheet.

As soon as we take the candied fruits out of the oven, you can sprinkle powdered sugar on top for beauty and greater sweetness.

Delicious and incredibly healthy, aromatic candied pumpkin will delight your whole family.

Svetlana and my home wish you all a bon appetit!

Homemade candied pumpkin is tasty and healthy. After all, pumpkin contains a large amount of microelements and is especially useful for people who have problems with the intestines and digestion. It also has a good effect on the kidneys, cleansing them, and benefits people with iron deficiency anemia.

Candied pumpkin can be easily prepared at home. Using this simple recipe with photos, you can save everything beneficial properties pumpkins for a long time and prepare tasty treat for children and adults.


pumpkin – 1 piece (it is best to choose a long pumpkin, it is more convenient to cut into even semicircular slices);

sugar – 100 g per 1 kg of pumpkin;

powdered sugar – 3 tsp;

honey – 1 tsp. ;

walnuts – 1 tsp.

How to cook candied pumpkin in an electric dryer

When starting to cook, you should wash the pumpkin, peel it, cut the fruit in half, remove the seeds from the pulp and cut into pieces about 3 mm thick.

Place the chopped pumpkin pieces in a saucepan and add sugar.

Wait until the juice forms.

Bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. This will take about 20 minutes.

Place the pieces in a colander and let them cool.

Roll the pumpkin boiled in syrup into rolls or other desired shapes and place them in an electric dryer in one layer.

Dry for 6-8 hours until completely dry. Drying time depends on the power of the device.

After drying, sprinkle candied pumpkin with powdered sugar (if they are intended for long-term storage) or pour honey and sprinkle with nuts (if you plan to eat them quickly). As you can see in my photo, today I made candied fruits in powdered sugar.

Store prepared candied pumpkin in tightly closed jars. Bags made of very thick fabric or paper, which must be tied tightly to prevent the ingress of moisture and pests, are also suitable for storage. Healthy sweets for you! Bon appetit.

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