What else can you add to your Christmas log? Roll “Christmas log” with white chocolate cream. Christmas log cake recipe

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Christmas can be celebrated in completely different ways. Each nation has its own customs, as well as its own traditional dishes. So, for example, in America they prepare for the Christmas holidays in the form of funny little men, and in France - chocolate cake « Christmas log».

Today we will look at the process of preparing French holiday baking. For the base of the cake we will make biscuit dough, and for the filling - aromatic citrus cream.


For the test:

  • flour - 100 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar- 10 g;
  • baking powder - 1/3 teaspoon.

For impregnation:

  • sugar - 50 g;
  • drinking water - 50 ml.

For cream:

  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • oranges - 2-3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • potato starch - 30 g.

For the glaze:

  • dark chocolate - 150 g;
  • butter - 50 g.

Christmas log cake recipe

How to make chocolate log dough

  1. We start with the chocolate crust dough. Beat the eggs, adding granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. We work with the mixer for at least 10 minutes, achieving a noticeable increase in the volume of the egg mass and whitening.
  2. In a separate container, mix flour with cocoa powder and baking powder. After sifting, add the mixture of dry ingredients to the eggs in parts. Mix carefully from bottom to top, bringing the dough to the most homogeneous consistency and uniform coloring in chocolate color.
  3. Pour the viscous mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment. Place the dough in a hot oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes. Optimal temperature- 200 degrees. It is important not to overdry the cake, otherwise it may break when folding!

    How to make cream for a chocolate log

  4. In the meantime, let's make the cream. Grate the zest of one lemon and one orange onto coarse grater(don’t touch the white bitter layer). Next, squeeze the juice from the citrus fruits, for example, using a manual juicer. We need to get 250 ml of freshly squeezed juice. If two oranges and one lemon were not enough for this, the portion of citrus fruits must be increased.
  5. Mix the resulting juice with zest, add eggs. Mix the mixture thoroughly and then leave for 10-15 minutes, allowing the juice to become saturated with the aroma of the zest.
  6. Strain the liquid into a saucepan through a fine sieve (we will no longer need the zest - we used it only for flavoring). Add sugar and starch to the pan, stir vigorously, and then place the juice on moderate heat.
  7. Bring the cream almost to a boil, and then reduce the heat to low. Cook, stirring, until the mass thickens significantly. Do not allow the mass to actively boil, otherwise you may get an unpleasant “surprise” in the form of curdled eggs! Remove the finished cream from the heat and cool.
  8. Beat the softened butter with a mixer. Gradually adding orange cream without stopping whisking the mass. As a result, we get a homogeneous cream, which we will use for the filling.

    How to make a Christmas roll cake

  9. Place the freshly baked chocolate cake on a kitchen towel, removing the parchment. Before the biscuit has had time to cool, carefully roll it into a roll using a towel and leave it until it cools completely. To soak the sugar, pour boiling water over it, stir and cool. Unroll the cooled roll and soak it generously in sweet syrup.
  10. Coat the cake citrus cream. Roll again (this time without a towel). Small cracks may appear on the surface of the biscuit, but there is nothing to worry about, because in the end everything will be hidden under the glaze! Place the roll in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to firm up the shape. After the specified time, we take out our almost finished culinary product. To imitate branches, cut two small pieces from the roll and place them on the sides.
  11. Preparing the glaze. Break the chocolate bar into small pieces and add butter.
  12. Melt the mixture until smooth in a “water bath”.
  13. Cover the sponge roll with chocolate mixture, smoothing the glaze with a spatula. We “draw” a pattern with a fork, trying to make it look like tree bark.
  14. We design the “log” in any way. You can use cranberries, nuts, wafer decorations, powdered sugar and more. The main thing here is compliance with the Christmas theme. Place the finished cake roll in the refrigerator overnight. Serve at the holiday table with tea/coffee.

Enjoy your tea and Merry Christmas!

"Christmas Log"
(French Bûche de Noël) -
traditional christmas
log-shaped cake,
common in France and
former French colonies.
Essentially, this is a type of roll.

Material from Wikipedia

A dry encyclopedic formulation does not convey all the charm of this Christmas dessert, which has a long history that is rooted in pagan beliefs and rituals. The ancient Celts burned large logs of oak, elm or cherry on the winter solstice - the burning tree represented the increase of day and the return of the sun. In the Middle Ages, the pagan action turned into a Christian ritual and acquired a mass of signs and beliefs. It was believed that the coals from the Christmas log protected the whole family from fires, lightning and even from the devil. And by the end of the 19th century, the wooden log turned into an amazing Christmas dessert.

The classic “Christmas log” is made from biscuit dough and cream, rolled into a roll - the cut of the cake resembles a cut of a tree, and the cake itself is decorated in the form of a knotted log, spreading the cream so that it looks like tree bark. The “Christmas log” is decorated richly, sprinkling powdered sugar(“snow”), mushroom figures made from meringue or sponge cake, berries, marzipan or chocolate leaves... A great opportunity to show your artistic skills and imagination! The most important thing is to follow the directions in the recipes exactly and do not overbake the sponge cake, even if it seems to you that there is not enough time for baking. A dry, overbaked sponge cake will crumble, break, and you will not be able to roll it into a roll.

“Christmas log” is now prepared not only in France, Italy and other countries professing Catholicism. Our housewives are happy to adopt culinary traditions abroad, contributing to classic recipes their own “zest” and “know-how”. “Culinary Eden” has selected for you several “Christmas log” recipes, both simple and quite complex, that you can do experienced cooks. But the complexity should not scare you - with a little diligence, you will have a wonderful dessert on your table for your holiday dinner.

"Christmas log" with bananas

For the cakes:
6 eggs
150 g sugar (preferably powdered sugar),
140 g flour,
2 tbsp. cocoa powder.
For the syrup:
130 g sugar,
120 ml water,
1 tbsp. Amaretto liqueur.
For the filling:
500-700 ml 35% cream,
3 tbsp. powdered sugar,
2 bananas
1 tbsp. lemon juice,
50 g chocolate.
For cream:
200 g butter,
¾ cans of condensed milk,
2 tbsp. cocoa powder.

Mix flour and cocoa and sift. Beat the eggs with sugar or powdered sugar until fluffy foam and 3 times the volume. Add flour and cocoa into the egg mixture and mix gently and quickly with a wooden spatula from bottom to top. Line a baking tray with baking paper, pour the dough onto it and smooth it out. Bake at 180°C for 15-17 minutes. Ready cake Place on a baking sheet, cover with a clean towel and quickly turn the cake over onto the towel. Remove the paper from the cake, sprinkle it with powdered sugar and roll it into a roll along with a towel. Place on a wire rack and leave for 6-8 hours. For the filling, grate the chocolate, cut the bananas into thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent them from darkening. Whip the cream - first on low speed, then on medium, then add the sifted icing sugar and continue beating until soft peaks form. Do not overbeat the cream, otherwise it will float. Boil syrup from sugar and water, cool and mix with liqueur. Form a roll: carefully unroll the roll, soak in syrup, brush with cream, arrange bananas and sprinkle with chocolate, then roll. Place seam side down on a plate. Cut a piece from both ends, holding the knife diagonally, about 5 cm in size - these will be “knots”. Place in the refrigerator. Prepare chocolate cream: Beat soft butter with condensed milk and add cocoa powder. Coat the “log” with the resulting cream, attach the “knots” and also coat them with cream, covering the joints; using a fork, draw a pattern imitating bark on the entire surface of the “log”. Decorate and refrigerate overnight.

“Christmas log” with coffee

For the test:
60 g flour,
60 g starch (preferably corn starch),
150 g sugar,
4 eggs.
For the filling:
250 g quality chocolate,
4 yolks,
150 g sugar,
150 g butter,
2 tsp cognac,
2 tsp very strong coffee.
For cream:
100 g butter,
2 yolks,
75 g sugar,
2 tsp cognac,
2 tsp strong coffee,
1 tsp instant coffee.

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat the whites until foamy, then gradually add sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Add the remaining sugar to the yolks and grind until white. Add a third of the beaten whites to the yolks, sift flour and starch into them and mix. Then add the remaining whites and mix quickly. Line a baking tray with baking paper, pour in the dough and smooth it out. Bake at 170°C for 15 minutes. Place the finished biscuit on a towel and roll it into a roll. Prepare the filling. Mix the yolks with sugar, beat until white. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, add brewed black coffee and stir. Cool slightly, add the yolks, softened butter and cognac and beat until fluffy. Unroll the roll, brush with filling and roll again. Place in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, prepare the cream. Mix brewed coffee with instant coffee, add cognac. Grind the yolks with sugar until white, add the coffee mixture and butter and beat into a cream. Cover the roll with cream, cut off the ends, make “knots” out of them and apply a bark-shaped pattern with a fork. Mix the remaining egg whites with powdered sugar (how to make meringue), beat until stiff peaks form and bake the “caps” and “legs” of the mushrooms. Cool and decorate the log.

For the biscuit:
5 eggs
120 g sugar,
2 tbsp. water,
70 g crushed almonds,
80 g flour,
3 tbsp. cocoa powder,
½ tsp. baking powder,
2-3 tbsp. powdered sugar,
a pinch of salt
For chocolate cream:
1 bar of milk chocolate,
200 g powdered sugar,
3 tbsp. cocoa powder,
4-6 tbsp. milk,
For decoration:
1 protein,
5 tbsp. powdered sugar,
a pinch of baking powder,
100 g peeled pistachios.

Prepare a baking sheet: grease it with butter, cover it with baking paper and grease it with butter. Separate the whites from the yolks, grind the yolks white with 60 g of sugar. Add water and vanilla, almonds, flour and cocoa powder, whisking continuously. Beat the whites until foamy, gradually add 60 g of sugar and beat until fluffy, add baking powder and salt and add the mixture, whipped to stiff peaks, into the dough - first half, mixing well, then the rest, mixing carefully and quickly. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet and bake at 180°C for 15-20 minutes. Place the finished cake on a towel, roll it into a roll and cool on a wire rack. For the cream, melt the chocolate in a water bath, beat the butter and powdered sugar into a fluffy mass and carefully combine with the chocolate. Add sifted cocoa powder and milk - enough to make the cream tender, but not too soft. Unroll the cooled roll, lay out half the cream, smooth it out and roll it into a roll. Next, as usual, cut off the edges for the “knots”, brush the “log” along with the “knots” with the remaining cream, and draw the “bark” with a fork. Chop the pistachios and sprinkle to imitate moss. Beat the egg whites with powdered sugar, place the caps and legs for the “mushrooms” and bake them at 90°C for 1-1.5 hours, then leave them in the switched off oven for another couple of hours. Decorate the “log”.

"Christmas log" in Italian

For the test:
150 g flour,
170 g sugar,
30 g cocoa powder,
4 eggs,
10 g vanilla sugar.
For cream:
400 g mascarpone cheese,
250 g dark chocolate,
100 ml 30% cream.
For the syrup:
1.5 tbsp. Sahara,
½ cup water,
2 tbsp. cognac

Combine eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar and beat until soft peaks form. Sift the flour and cocoa powder and gradually add to the egg mixture, stirring well with a spatula. Pour the dough onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake at 180°C for 7-10 minutes. Remove the finished biscuit from the baking sheet along with the paper, cool completely and only then remove the paper. Soak the biscuit with syrup made from sugar, cognac and boiled water. For the cream, melt the chocolate in a water bath, let it cool slightly and combine with the mascarpone, stirring until smooth. Whip the cream and mix with the cheese and chocolate mixture. Apply half the cream onto the sponge cake and roll it into a roll; spread the remaining cream onto the “log” and decorate as desired.

“Christmas log” with mascarpone and coffee


For the biscuit:
4 eggs,
110 g flour,
110 g powdered sugar,
60 ml of very strong brewed natural coffee.
For the syrup:
150 ml natural coffee,
2-3 tbsp. cognac
For cream:
250 g mascarpone,
3 yolks,
100 g sugar.

Separate the whites from the yolks, beat the whites until foamy, add half the amount of powdered sugar and beat for 1 minute, then add the remaining powder and beat until stiff peaks form. Add the yolks, beat until smooth, add the sifted flour, stir, lastly pour in the coffee and stir until smooth. Pour the dough onto a baking tray lined with baking paper, smooth it out and bake at 220°C for 7-8 minutes. Transfer the finished biscuit to a wire rack, remove the paper and cool. For syrup, mix coffee with cognac. Prepare the cream: beat the yolks with sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved, add the mascarpone and beat until a homogeneous fluffy mass is obtained. Soak the cooled sponge cake with syrup, spread and smooth out most of the cream and roll into a roll. Apply the remaining cream to the surface of the log, decorate to your liking and place in the refrigerator overnight.

“Christmas log” with cheese

For the biscuit:
4 eggs,
150 g flour,
100 g butter,
100 g hard cheese,
100 g sugar,
50 g good dark chocolate,
50 g ground almonds,
50 g ground hazelnuts.
For the filling:
1 egg,
100 g hard cheese,
100 g fat sour cream,
30 g ground hazelnuts,
30 g powdered sugar,
2 tbsp. cognac,
10 g gelatin.
For the glaze:
150 g dark chocolate,
100 g sugar,
100 ml milk,
100 g fat sour cream.

Melt the chocolate and butter in a water bath, add sugar, stir. Separate the whites from the yolks, beat the yolks, add the chocolate mixture, finely grated cheese and nuts chopped into flour. Beat the egg whites with sugar until foamy and carefully and quickly mix into the dough. Lastly, add flour and stir. Pour the dough into the mold and bake at 180°C for 50-60 minutes. Cool the finished cake in the pan. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Soak gelatin in small quantity water, heat the cognac a little, mix with gelatin and let it dissolve. Beat the yolk with sugar and finely grated cheese, combine with cognac. Beat the egg whites separately and add to the mixture. Mix sour cream with hazelnuts and combine with the resulting mixture, stirring until smooth. Cut the biscuit into 3 parts using a thread, coat the layers with cream and roll into a roll. For the glaze, mix milk, sugar and grated chocolate, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Cool and add sour cream. Pour the resulting mixture over the log and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to soak.

“Christmas log” with almonds

6 eggs
155 g sugar,
70 g flour,
100 g almonds,
250 ml milk,
25 g butter,
15 g cocoa powder,
1 tbsp. gelatin,
200 ml 35% cream,
3 tbsp. "Amaretto"

For the sponge cake, beat 3 eggs with 75 g of sugar until foamy, add flour, cocoa powder and melted butter and mix well. Cover a baking sheet with oiled paper, pour out the dough, smooth it out and bake at 180°C for 10-12 minutes. Cut the almonds into thin slices and fry them in a dry frying pan, pour them into a saucepan, add milk and let them boil. Remove from heat and leave covered for 30 minutes. Place the finished biscuit on a towel sprinkled with sugar and remove the paper. Cool. Soak the gelatin in a small amount of cold water to swell. Beat the milk and almonds in a blender until smooth, add Amaretto, 3 yolks, 60 g of sugar and place on water bath. Cook, whisking, until creamy, about 10 minutes, then add gelatin and stir until completely dissolved. Place the saucepan with the cream in cold water or crushed ice and stir until the cream begins to thicken. Whip the cream. Separately, beat the egg white with a pinch of salt until foamy, then add 20 g of sugar and beat until stiff foam. First add the cream and then the protein into the thickened cream. Grease the biscuit with this cream (leave some for greasing the roll), roll it into a roll, decorate to taste and put it in the refrigerator.

Have fun making this amazing dessert!

Larisa Shuftaykina

For many decades, the Christmas Log cake was prepared by housewives from France, Italy and other European countries professing Catholicism. Today, this magnificent dessert can increasingly be found on the festive tables of our compatriots. We will tell you about the secrets of making this cake in our article.

History of the dish

The Christmas Log cake, the recipe for which we will tell you today, has a very long history, dating back to pagan times. The ancient Celts had a tradition of burning large logs of cherry, elm or oak to symbolize the return of the sun and the increase in the length of the day. In the Middle Ages, such a pagan tradition was transformed into a Christian rite and acquired various beliefs and signs. So, they began to burn the logs in the oven on Christmas Eve. It was believed that its embers protected the family from evil. In the 19th century, another transformation took place. The log turned into amazing dessert, capable of decorating any holiday table.

What is this cake?

The classic recipe for “Christmas log” involves preparing a roll of biscuit dough with cream. At the same time, the cut of the cake looks similar to the dessert itself. The dessert itself is made in the form of a knotty log: the cream is spread in such a way that it looks like tree bark. This cake is usually decorated richly: it is sprinkled with powdered sugar (creating the illusion of snow), berries, mushroom figures from sponge cake or meringue, marzipan, chocolate, etc. In this case, every housewife gets unlimited scope for imagination.

So, we bring to your attention several options for preparing this delicious dessert.

Luxurious “Christmas log”: recipe

Preparing this magnificent birthday cake, of course, will require a lot of time and effort, but the result will be beyond all expectations. Your family and guests will be delighted with the original dessert.

What do we need

This Christmas log recipe requires a variety of ingredients. So, to prepare the dough we need 60 grams of flour and the same amount of potato starch, 150 grams granulated sugar and 4 chicken eggs. For the filling we will use 250 grams of chocolate, 4 egg yolks, 150 grams of butter and the same amount of granulated sugar, two teaspoons of cognac or rum and a couple of spoons of strong black coffee. In order to prepare the cream for decoration, you will need 100 grams of butter, 2 egg yolks, 75 grams of granulated sugar, 2 teaspoons of cognac, 2 teaspoons of strong coffee and 1 teaspoon of instant coffee.

Cooking process

Take four chicken eggs and carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Turn on the mixer at medium speed until fluffy foam forms. Increase the speed and gradually add 75 grams of sugar. Beat until a thick foam forms. Add the remaining granulated sugar to the yolks and beat until white. Pour a third of the whites whipped with sugar into the resulting mass and mix. Then add 60 grams of sifted flour and 60 grams of Pour in the remaining protein mass and continue stirring until we get a smooth

Take a baking tray, the dimensions of which should be approximately 40 by 35 centimeters. We cover it with pre-greased baking paper. Carefully place the dough on a baking sheet, distributing it evenly over the surface, and place it in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for 15 minutes.

Preparing the filling

While the biscuit is baking, let's make the filling. Add 150 grams of granulated sugar to four egg yolks and beat until white with a mixer. Chop the chocolate and melt it in a water bath. Don't forget to stir constantly. Add coffee to the melted chocolate and heat until the mixture thickens. Then pour in the beaten yolks, cognac or rum and spread the softened butter. Beat with a mixer until a fluffy and smooth chocolate mass is formed.

Remove the finished biscuit from the oven and place it on a clean towel. Carefully remove the paper and roll the dough into a roll. Cover with a towel and leave to cool.

Preparing the cream

While our biscuit is cooling, let's make the cream. Mix natural and instant coffee and add cognac or rum to it. Beat two egg yolks with sugar until white. Combine this mass with coffee and cognac, and also add softened butter. Beat until smooth cream is obtained.

Collecting our cake

So, our Christmas log roll is almost ready. Unwrap the cooled biscuit and place it on it in an even layer. chocolate filling. Roll the roll again and cover it with coffee cream. Using a fork, make grooves on the surface of the cake so that it resembles the bark of a tree. Place our dessert in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours.

The cooled cake needs to be decorated. To do this, cut it diagonally on both sides and place it on a plate. We place the cut pieces on the cake, so they will act as knots. We decorate our dessert with meringue mushrooms, chocolate leaves and sprinkle with fried chopped nuts. A magnificent dessert for the holiday table is ready!

Cake “Christmas Log”: recipe with dried apricot filling

To prepare this magnificent holiday dessert we will need following ingredients: 615 grams white chocolate, 575 ml cream (33% fat), 12 grams gelatin, 150 grams sugar, 160 ml water, 30 grams egg yolks, 110 grams egg whites, one chicken egg, 100 grams of dried apricots, 20 grams of butter, 60 grams of lemon juice, 120 grams of apricot jam, 3 grams of pectin, 30 grams of powdered sugar, 30 grams of 15 grams regular flour, 55 grams of coconut or cocoa butter, 30 grams of coconut flakes and 50 grams of corn flakes.

Cooking process

Grind corn flakes using a pestle or rolling pin. The most convenient way to do this is to put them in a plastic bag. Mix the flakes with coconut flakes. Melt 55 grams of crushed white chocolate and cocoa butter. Add this mass to the flakes and shavings and mix well. Cut out a rectangle measuring 28 by 8 centimeters from parchment paper. Distribute the coconut mass over its entire length and place it in the refrigerator until completely hardened.

Cut 60 grams of dried apricots into small pieces and place in a small saucepan. Add 7 grams of sugar, 7 grams of butter, lemon juice And apricot jam. Heat the mixture in a saucepan and bring to a liquid state. In a separate container, combine three grams of pectin with three grams of sugar. Add them to the apricot mass, stir and send to cool in the refrigerator.

We cover the pre-prepared form for the log itself cling film. We also stock up on parchment paper that is suitable in size. Melt 285 grams of white chocolate in a water bath. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the mass does not boil. Cool and spread it over the entire surface of the parchment paper. If everything was done correctly, the chocolate will begin to harden when room temperature. Place it in a baking dish and put it in the refrigerator.

Preparing a biscuit

Sift both types of flour (regular and walnut). Using a mixer, beat the egg and powdered sugar at high speed until the mixture doubles in size. Pour 50 grams of proteins into a separate container. Add 10 grams of sugar and beat thoroughly until a fluffy foam forms. Add the resulting mass to the egg mixture and mix gently, gradually pouring in the flour. Melt 16 grams of butter and add them to our mixture, mix well and place in a piping bag. On parchment paper, draw a rectangle measuring 28 by 15 centimeters and fill it with dough. Bake the biscuit in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 7 minutes.


The “Christmas log”, the recipe for which we are describing, is not so easy to prepare, but the result will justify all the effort. So, let's move on to the filling. Bring the syrup from 90 grams of sugar and 30 ml of water to a boil. At the same time, beat 60 grams of egg whites until a soft and fluffy foam forms. Pour in the syrup in a thin stream and beat well.

Soak the gelatin in 120 grams of cold water and let it swell. Heat 110 ml of cream without bringing it to a boil. Melt 275 grams of white chocolate in a water bath. Add cream, gelatin and syrup with proteins. Beat well. Separately, whip 465 ml of cream and add sugar syrup and water to it.

Cut the cooled biscuit lengthwise into two equal parts. Squeeze the mousse from a baking bag onto the chocolate in a baking dish, place half of the sponge cake on top, again add the mousse, dried apricots, coconut mixture, again the mousse and the second part of the sponge cake. Place everything in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, turn the cake over and decorate it as you wish (for example, with pieces of dried apricots and meringue mushrooms).

Today we brought to your attention recipes delicious dessert called "Christmas Log". We hope that cakes like these will become worthy decoration your festive table and will appeal to both your household and guests.

The French traditionally prepare Christmas logs for Christmas every year. This is connected with the long tradition of burning fresh logs (XII century), the coals of which brought happiness and good luck to the house for a whole year, and protected it from lightning and evil spirits. Gradually, the tradition of burning died out and was replaced by the custom of baking a roll in the form of a log. Nowadays, no French family celebrates Christmas without such a delicious dessert. I invite you to plunge into the world French cuisine and try this one, not difficult to prepare, but very tasty and beautiful dessert.

For cooking sponge roll we will need: 1 glass of flour, one glass of sugar, 5 eggs, 1 tsp. baking powder. Beat 5 eggs with a mixer, continue beating, gradually add sugar, beat until thick and fluffy.

Gently add flour and baking powder and mix.

Pour the dough onto a sheet lined with parchment paper and spread evenly. Bake in preheated oven for approximately 15 minutes. Be careful not to burn.

At this time, prepare the orange custard. For the cream we will need: 3 oranges, 2 yolks, 1 glass of sugar (200 grams), 40 grams of starch, 200 grams of butter. Squeeze 3 oranges through a juicer and pass the juice through a sieve to remove the pulp. You should get approximately 1.5 cups of juice. Place one glass of juice on the stove to heat up.

At this time, grind 2 yolks with one glass of sugar,

Pour the starch with the rest of the juice (0.5 cups).

When the juice starts to boil, add the yolks with sugar, juice with starch. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until thickened.

Wrap the baked hot roll in a towel. Leave in this state until completely cooled.

Gradually pour the cooled cold cream into the whipped butter until smooth.

You should get a thick, aromatic cream.

Soak the cooled roll in yogurt (water and yogurt 1:1).

Grease the roll with cream.

Distribute frozen raspberries over the roll.

Roll up the roll and wrap it in cling film, put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the chocolate ganache. Melt 50 grams of butter along with 200 grams of chocolate in a water bath, stirring constantly.

Cut the roll into the shape of a log.

Coat with chocolate.

Decorate the top with berries (I used raspberries, currants and gooseberries).

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and place in the refrigerator to steep.
The Christmas log is ready! Can be served.

Bon appetit everyone!
Merry Christmas!

Cooking time: PT02H30M 2 hours 30 minutes

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