What to do with wine mushroom. Wine mushroom, or homemade champagne. How to grow wine, tea, rice, kefir and milk mushrooms at home from scratch? Wine fungus

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Kira Stoletova

Wine mushroom is a symbiosis of living wine bacteria and microorganisms. The body looks like a thick dark red shapeless substance. This mushroom is used in the mass production of wine.

  • Growing

    Wine mushroom is a synthesis of bacteria and myxomycetes. It appeared in Japan and its special properties were discovered there. Nowadays it is often used in winemaking.

    You won’t be able to grow a mushroom from scratch at home; you need to buy it.

    Rules for growing at home:

    1. Pour 2.5 liters of water into a container and add to it 150 g of tomato paste without salt (it can inhibit the development of the fungus or even kill it) and add 0.5 kg of sugar. Stir until smooth.
    2. Place 250 g of wine mushroom culture in a container (3 liter bottle) and pour in the resulting syrup. Do not fill to the very neck of the bottle, because... During fermentation, the liquid may “escape”, but leave some free space.
    3. Place a condom or rubber glove on the neck of the container. Leave for 2-3 weeks. The glove will initially inflate, but will fall off when fermentation is complete.
    4. The drink will be white on top - this liquid must be carefully drained.
    5. At the bottom, after draining the drink, a cloudy red sediment will be noticeable - wine mushroom. This slurry must be thoroughly rinsed and transferred to a bowl of cool water. Cover the container with gauze and leave in the refrigerator. There it can be stored for a long time.
    6. To make another portion of wine, the mushroom must be divided into 2 parts, put in different containers and repeat the process. With each repetition, the mushroom increases in size.

    Attention! The “production” of the drink must be carried out only in places inaccessible to children and pets.

    Useful qualities and contraindications

    Wine mushroom has beneficial properties and contraindications for use.

    Product benefits

    Wine made from wine mushroom relaxes the walls of blood vessels and improves blood circulation. Wine is born in fermentation; it contains many biological substances that are beneficial to humans. A drink made from homemade mushrooms has a healing effect.

    To improve intestinal functions, it is recommended to take 50 ml of wine per day. Wines made from apples, currants or gooseberries are especially useful in this case.

    And also wine homemade has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect. Such properties are caused by the presence of specific phenolcarboxylic acids. Due to its bactericidal and tanning properties, the use of the drink is popular in some branches of medicine.


    There are also contraindications for use:

    • kidney and liver disease;
    • hypertension;
    • pancreatitis;
    • mental disorders;
    • depression.

    It is not recommended to drink alcohol made from this mushroom for ulcers and other stomach diseases.

    Wine mushroom is also used to make champagne and vinegar.


    To do this take:

    • wine mushroom – 0.5 l.
    • sugar – 500 g;
    • purified water – 2 l;
    • tomato paste (without salt) – 2 tbsp. l.

    Place sugar and water in a container. Stir until all the sugar has dissolved. After this, tomato paste is poured in and mixed again until a homogeneous mixture is formed. The organism itself is added to this mixture and stirred again.

    Then the dishes are closed and placed in a dry, dark place at room temperature. The champagne will infuse for about 5 days. When the entire body sinks to the bottom and the liquid becomes clear, the champagne is ready. It is poured into a clean container through a thin hose.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    Wine mushroom, according to the overwhelming majority of those who were involved in preparing wine or champagne based on it, has an interesting feature. It lies in the fact that this “mushroom” very much does not like moving and strong shaking. All lovers of homemade strong drinks believe that you need to keep it in one specific place and not move it unless absolutely necessary. As it turned out, the degree of the drink and its sparkling quality can differ radically from the expected result. Therefore, on forums you can find messages in which experienced “wine makers” warn beginners that there is absolutely no need to rush to throw away the wine mushroom if the first batch of the drink is unsuccessful.

    According to everyone who has prepared homemade alcoholic drinks using wine mushrooms, the critical temperature is +30℃. The temperature of the liquid in which the mushroom is placed must be below this mark, but not higher - otherwise the mushroom will die before fermentation begins. Although no one forbids mixing sugar and paste in hot water.


    From these organisms, in addition to wine, wine vinegar is also obtained. Vinegar contains many important trace elements and minerals. And the organism that remains can be used more than once.

    The method of preparing vinegar is not particularly complicated. To do this, the mushroom is left in the “harvest” for a month in a warm and dark room. At the first stage of fermentation you will get wine, but at the second stage you will get vinegar.

    The main thing is to store it correctly. To do this, pour the vinegar into a jar, cover it with gauze and put it in the refrigerator.


    This mushroom gained its popularity due to its unique qualities. It is used in winemaking around the world. But before you independently prepare a product based on this organism, you need to study its features and disadvantages.

    How can you get a Vinny embryo at home?

    (without adding wine mushroom from outside)

    is it possible this way:

    add sugar to a jar of water and tomato paste close put in a dark place

    Will wine mushroom form there?

    This is how kombucha works!

    1. This is a strain of industrial microorganisms (myxomycetes) and bacteria, which, as a result of microbiological synthesis, form complex substances from simpler compounds. It is used by many wineries to produce wines such as “monastic hut”, “LiebFrauMilch”, as well as sparkling wines. I received this red-pink substance 2 weeks ago. An acquaintance from Canada sent it to me; his friend works as a microbiologist in a well-known company.
    2. After a nutrient solution of tomato paste and sugar, I transferred the mushroom to a 6.5 liter jar. At first nothing happened, but after a day I noticed that he seemed to be breathing, emitting small bubbles of gas. But what surprised me most was that he began to move around the jar. Some parts of it slowly sank to the bottom, and then rose again, like a living creature. Now the mushroom is growing exponentially. It became 3-4 times more. The organoleptic properties of the nutrient medium are improved.

      The wine became clearer and golden in color. Semi-sweet champagne to taste. Strength 6-7%.

      The size of the released carbon dioxide bubbles is medium, the intensity is high, the duration of the release is a long “game”. The foam structure is coarse-celled. The rate of formation is normal. The surface of the wine in the glass is ring-shaped. The cost of 1 liter of champagne for this production is 12 rubles!!!

      I will show you the process of growing a clone from the very beginning.

      So, we need tomato paste, nutritious water, sugar and the clone itself.

      For 6.5 liters of water you will need 1 kg of sugar. Pour sugar into water and mix thoroughly. The water temperature should be approximately 20C-25C. Then add 150g of tomato paste. Mix. Carefully transfer the clone to the jar. The mushroom should be on the surface. It is advisable to have a water seal on the lid of the jar, but I used a regular condom. Place the jar in a dark place. After 21 days the wine is ready.

      You can make your own mushroom, you need to keep the cheapest semi-sweet wine in the refrigerator and throw in a spoonful of tomato paste... and once every *** weeks a spoonful of sugar... as a result, a sediment forms at the bottom... It’s from this sediment that the mushroom will grow .And for the purity of the experiment, you need dozens of test tubes, wines with different sugar content...

    3. I don't think it will turn out to be a mushroom.

    Wine mushroom - the most interesting thing in blogs

    "Wine carries both poison and honey,

    Both slavery and freedom,

    He doesn't know the price of wine

    Who drinks it like water."

    (Omar Khayyam)

    Indeed, many consider wine to be an alcoholic drink that goes well with both herring and boiled potatoes. Well, like vodka, only weaker. And this is fundamentally wrong. I live in Crimea and have a vineyard at home. We make homemade wine. Red wine from Isabella. And I want to say that we, Crimeans, know the price of good wine. It, like a work of art, is always different, it contains the warmth of our hands and the taste of a sunny berry.

    Good wine does not taste the same as those surrogates that are now sold in stores. Alcohol, dyes, flavorings - can this be called wine? Yes, by the way, for those who come to us on vacation, I want to say - be careful in the markets. Sellers offering wine by the glass sell an even worse substitute than in the wine and vodka departments. maybe specifically.

    Be sure to attend the tasting, because visiting Crimea and not trying real Crimean wines is simply unacceptable! You simply must know the taste of real Massandra wines and their history. They have no equal in the whole world. This is the heritage of our country, which was almost destroyed with perestroika and the notorious “prohibition”, cutting down the best vineyards.

    Winemaking is now being revived. As a matter of principle, I don’t drink store-bought wine, preferring a little homemade wine.

    Even if you don’t have a vineyard, it’s easy to make wine at home - mushrooms and wine mushrooms can be found at http://www.chudogrib.ru/products/vino-grib.html, and you can also find out the preparations.

    Off: Has anyone tried wine mushroom?

    I accidentally came across this:

    Almost everyone knows what tea, milk, and rice mushrooms are and what beneficial properties they have. But what is a wine mushroom? I only recently heard about him. It turns out that this is also a set of living microorganisms and bacteria, and is used as a starter in the preparation of wines. It is successfully used for the industrial production of wines (for example, “Monastery Izba”).

    Using wine mushroom at home, you can easily prepare a pleasant-tasting rose wine with an alcohol content of about 7%. If you use a siphon to carbonate it, you will get a wonderful carbonated drink, like homemade champagne.

    This mushroom feeds on ordinary tomato paste and sugar. The only thing that is very important is that the tomato sauce does not contain salt. The interesting thing is that each time you can get twice as much wine, since the mushroom grows at the expense of tomato paste. If the first time it’s 2.5-3 liters, then the second time it’s 5-5.5.


    Has anyone tried it? If so, how does it taste? And maybe someone has it? To the top

    Wine mushroom. delivery worldwide. - healthy - m-mushroom (healthy fungi and starters)

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    Wine mushroom or the fourth domesticated zooglea - mushrooms from A to Z: from types to specific cooking recipes

    Instructions for use (extended) from the site "miracle mushroom"

    Wine mushroom

    Cooking method:

    1. To make wine using wine mushroom you will need:

    A clean jar with a volume of 2-3 liters (you can use another glass container);

    Gauze on the neck of the jar;

    Raw filtered unboiled water room temperature(it is possible to use bottled still water);

    Wine mushroom (200-250 ml per three-liter jar);

    Sugar (500 grams per 3 liters of water);

    Tomato paste (140-150 grams per 3 liters of water). Tomato paste should not contain salt, so before purchasing in the store, be sure to read the composition.

    2. Fill a three-liter jar with wine mushroom.

    3. In a separate container, prepare a solution for wine mushroom.

    To do this, add sugar to filtered water and stir until it is completely dissolved.

    Add tomato paste to the resulting solution and stir thoroughly so that no lumps of tomato paste float in the solution.

    4. Pour the prepared solution over the wine mushroom. The jar should not be filled to the brim.

    5. Cover the jar with some gauze (this will allow the mushroom to breathe and prevent dust from getting on it).

    6. Place the jar in a place protected from direct sun rays place.

    7. After about 20 days (2-3 weeks) you will have a wine with a yellowish color due to the addition of tomato paste.

    8. All the tomato paste processed by the wine fungus will sink to the bottom, and the wine itself will remain on top, which needs to be pumped out using a hose or carefully poured into another container.

    9. The resulting wine should not be given to children! The expected strength of the wine will be approximately 6-15%.

    10.If you then pass the wine through a siphon, you get pink champagne.

    And remember, overuse alcoholic drinks

    harms your health!

    Find more on the website: www.chudogrib.ru

    Thanks for your purchase and stay healthy!

    (this is how the information is presented):-)

    Wine mushroom:: nnm-club.ru

    Aren't you the one who wrote this??

    Quote: The first time I had a wine mushroom was about 4 years ago, when I was still serving in the north, the one who gave it to me (there was about 200 grams of ksati mushroom) said that for a 3-liter jar you should put a tablespoon of tomato paste, 2-3 glasses granulated sugar(subsequently, sugar can be added to the mushroom to taste, to give it a cloying or sweeter taste) and put on a thin rubber glove. From the beginning it will swell, and when it returns to its original position, the wine can be consumed. Due to the fact that I lived in a closed military town, I did not find such gloves. I had to use condoms. Imagine a PICTURE - in the room there were several 3-liter cans with standing condoms, the guests were dying of laughter! Unfortunately, when I moved to St. Petersburg after layoffs, the mushroom died. Now I want to find him again. PLEASE help mushroom in St. Petersburg! ! ! Can anyone please share PLEASE! ! !

    Added after 9 5 seconds:

    Google doesn't know where to get wine mushroom >

    Added after 3 minutes 43 seconds:

    What is wine mushroom wine from wine mushroom

    This type of fungus is used in many well-known wineries to produce so-called mass wines. Therefore, it can be used. Essentially, wine mushroom is a colony of fungi or myxomycetes and bacteria. Such a colony is capable of producing a microbiological synthesis reaction. As a result of synthesis, complex carbohydrates are obtained. In appearance, wine mushroom is a slimy mass (like all medicinal mushrooms, such as tea mushrooms) of thick consistency with a characteristic wine smell.

    In industrial winemaking wine mushroom used for the production of inexpensive sparkling and semi-dry wines. It would be impossible to adopt this experience and use it at home. Moreover, according to the reviews of the owners, the wine produced by the wine mushroom is practically no different from the store-bought one. And with the help of an ordinary siphon you can easily get your own sparkling wine.

    How to make wine using wine mushroom

    The recipe is very simple. IN glassware with a capacity of 3-5 liters, pour three liters of water and add 200 grams of wine mushroom culture, 600-700 grams of sugar and one spoon of tomato paste.

    Important nuance . Tomato paste for cooking vine mushroom wines In no case should it contain salt. Please pay attention to this when choosing.

    Then the dishes are covered with a rubber glove and left in a bright and warm place. The aging period is 20-25 days. During the synthesis process, all the paste that the fungus has processed will sink to the bottom. This will mean the end of the process. As a result, it will be possible to observe such a picture.

    The resulting wine, which makes up the top layer, is pumped out using a tube and consumed with pleasure. The strength of the drink is 7-8%. But that's not all. During the synthesis process, the mushroom multiplies, so next time you can increase the proportions and get 1.5-2 times more of the finished product. And so on.

    I'm looking for a wine mushroom!

    I had such a cool thing, kind people treated me to it. Distills jam into wine. Without yeast and other junky stuff. I translated all the jam in the house for a hundred years, distributed the mushroom among my friends...

    And now the jam has accumulated again, but there is no mushroom.

    Wine mushroom (?) - discussion in the forums on e1.ru

    Hello, my question is most likely for your forum - what if someone else has this issue too?

    The gist of it is this: at the hacienda almost 3 years ago they threw old jam into a 10-liter jar, covered it with sugar, filled it with water and happily forgot about it until that week. That week they found something in the cellar that looked like kombucha. We tried it at our own risk; to taste - like tart apple compote, in degree - between beer and wine, no poisoning

    The question is: what is this? There is little information on this type of information when googling, it does not look like wine, because this one has a different consistency (more loose) and is at the bottom, while this one is free-floating, more at the top.

    Photo from Photo Gallery on E1.ru

    Instructions for growing wine, rice, milk and kombucha.

    Mushrooms are beneficial microorganisms that help us prepare delicious food and drinks. What are homemade kefir, kvass and cottage cheese worth? All these drinks are obtained by growing mushrooms and special bacterial starters.

    How to grow kefir mushrooms at home from scratch, how to care for them?

    It is not possible to grow kefir mushrooms from scratch, since it is a symbiosis of algae and mushrooms. But if you want to make homemade kefir or fermented baked milk, you don’t need it.

    Just buy natural organic kefir without any additives in the store and pour it into the bottom of the pan. It is enough for the fermented milk product to occupy 3-4 cm of the height of the vessel. Add cold milk and leave for a day. Ready-made kefir already contains milk mushroom, so you are guaranteed a delicious drink in the morning.

    Instructions for growing and caring for kefir mushrooms:

    • Take a piece the size of a tablespoon
    • Place the starter in a glass of milk and leave for a day at room temperature. Don't take it boiled milk. It's better to take homemade and fresh
    • 250 ml of milk is enough per tablespoon. After preparing the drink, strain it, and rinse the remaining piece of mushroom in cool water and pour milk again. It is necessary to immerse the mushroom in fresh milk every day, this will allow it to grow
    • In three weeks the mushroom will be very large, so you can safely distribute it to your friends
    • Do not use hot water for rinsing. To prepare the drink, use only full-fat milk. A low-fat product will not work
    • If you do not plan to prepare the drink yet, mix water with milk in a 1:1 ratio and pour into a three-liter jar. Leave it on for a few days. This drink can be used to make baked goods or pancakes

    How to grow milk mushroom at home from scratch, how to care for it?

    Kefir and milk mushroom are the same thing. This microorganism was first discovered by Tibetan monks. It was they who first learned about the healing properties of the drink. You can’t grow it from scratch; buy a piece in a store or ask your friends. The microorganism grows very quickly, so your friends will be happy to share a piece.

    Instructions for using milk mushroom:

    • Place three teaspoons of the microorganism in a half-liter jar and fill it with milk. Take a fatty product, do not boil it first
    • Leave for a day, covered with gauze. You cannot close the lid, the composition must “breathe”
    • After a day, take a plastic colander and pour the contents into a bowl. Wash off any mucus that remains on the sieve with cool water.
    • A healthy mushroom is white in color and has a pleasant aroma.
    • Fill the substance with milk again and leave for a day
    • If you don’t want to get a drink yet, pour milk over the microorganism and put it in the refrigerator for 2 days. Cooling will prolong the fermentation period

    The brown mushroom cannot be used and must be discarded.

    How to grow rice mushroom at home from scratch, how to care for it?

    Rice mushroom has nothing in common with rice; it is so called because of its shape and appearance. The mushroom looks like transparent grains of rice. It was first found in Tibet and its beneficial properties were studied. It is recommended to drink the infusion to treat hypertension, diabetes, weight loss and cholesterol levels. You cannot prepare a mushroom from scratch; you can buy it at a herbal pharmacy or borrow it from friends.

    Instructions for using rice mushroom:

    • Pour a spoonful of raw materials into the jar and fill it with water. For a three-liter bottle you need 10 tablespoons of sugar and a handful of dried fruits
    • Take raisins, dried apricots and prunes
    • Cover the jar with gauze and leave it on the windowsill or in the kitchen cabinet for several days
    • After preparing the drink, strain it and rinse the crystals and refill with water with sugar and fruit.
    • Do not use boiled water to prepare the drink. Filtered liquid would be ideal
    • If the crystals become smaller, the mushroom will soon die; perhaps the room temperature is low. At a temperature of 18-20 ° C the mushroom practically does not grow

    How to grow wine mushroom at home from scratch, how to care for it?

    Wine mushroom is a symbiosis of myxomycetes and bacteria. They form complex substances from simple substances. Wine mushroom looks like a dark reddish mass with a characteristic odor. This mushroom is used in wineries in the production of sparkling wines and Monastic Izba.

    You won’t be able to cook or grow the mushroom yourself; you need to purchase it or ask a friend. Now this mushroom is not very common, since wine can be purchased at any supermarket. This substance was most popular in Soviet and post-Soviet times, when alcohol could only be purchased with coupons.

    Instructions for growing wine mushroom and making wine from it:

    • Oddly enough, grapes are not needed to make the drink. It is necessary to pour 2000 ml of water into a three-liter jar and add 0.5 kg of sugar to it
    • In a separate bowl, dissolve 150 g of tomato paste in 500 ml of water. It is necessary to take a product without odor or additives. There should be no spices or salt in the paste. Stir until all lumps are dissolved
    • Mix the two solutions and pour in 250 ml of wine mushroom. Place a glove or condom on the bottle and leave it on for 8-14 days.
    • The glove will immediately inflate, and after the fermentation process is complete, it will deflate
    • Pour the wine off the top; it will be white. A cloudy reddish slurry will remain below. This is a mushroom. It needs to be washed and poured into a container with cold water. Cover the jar with gauze and store in the refrigerator. He can stand like this for a very long time
    • If you want to make a new batch of wine, divide the remainder at the bottom of the jar into two three-liter containers and repeat the process
    • For each fermentation cycle, the mushroom doubles in size

    How to grow kombucha from scratch, how to care for it?

    You can prepare kombucha yourself, although it takes about 30 days. Externally, the mushroom is a strange dense substance, smooth on top and with fins below.

    Instructions for growing Kombucha:

    • Pour two tablespoons of black tea (dry leaves) into a liter of boiling water and leave until cool.
    • Strain the solution and add 50 g of sugar. Pour the liquid into a three-liter jar and cover with gauze or a napkin
    • Place the jar in a dark cabinet for 3-5 weeks. The mushroom should float to the top
    • Now wash the substance and you can use it to prepare kvass
    • The mushroom should be stored in a sweetened solution. 20 g of sugar per liter of water is enough. The water should be boiled and the sugar should be completely dissolved. If you need to leave, place the mushroom in the refrigerator. But the best temperature is 25 °C. Once a week, the nutrient solution needs to be changed to a new one.

    If a brown coating appears, be sure to clean it off, otherwise the mushroom will get sick.

    As you can see, you can very easily prepare delicious and healthy drinks from mushrooms. Storing and caring for them is also easy.

    Wine fungus is a burgundy-colored substance made from bacteria and fungi. It is used to make wine. Has a pleasant wine smell.

    How to grow wine

    Growing wine mushroom is very simple. To do this, the entire substance is placed in a three-liter jar, where it is filled with a special syrup. Do not overfill the jar, as the liquid will increase during the fermentation process. You should put a rubber glove on the top of the jar. When it falls, it will serve as a signal that the wine is ready.
    The duration of fermentation ranges from eight to fourteen days. It depends on the warmth of the room. When the wine is ready, you just need to pump it out, and at the bottom there will be the remaining wine mushroom, which can be used again.
    If there is a lot of mushroom, then you can put it in the refrigerator.

    If the preparation process was correct, you will get a delicious alcoholic drink. You can add syrups to the finished wine or saturate it with carbon dioxide.

    Wine mushroom is useful

    The benefit of such a product is to obtain an alcoholic drink in a cheaper way. For the life of the fungus, only water, sugar, and tomato paste are needed. This drink is identical to all alcoholic drinks and has the same effect: vasodilating, relaxing, improves blood circulation, helps with mild insomnia, and contains vitamins and minerals. Mulled wine helps overcome colds.

    The wine mushroom is sent live, in a sealed food-grade plastic container with a volume of 200 ml. Attached are brief instructions for its further use.

    - as a concept

    ✎ What is a wine mushroom?

    Wine mushroom(not to be confused with wine vinegar) is an amorphous, thick, extremely sticky mass of dark red color, with the smell of alcohol. In fact, this mass is nothing more than strains of wine bacteria and microorganisms, or in another way, zooglea. And, despite its name, this substance does not fall under the classical concept of mushrooms. The wine mushroom has another name:

    • Japanese mushroom.

    This product received the epithet “wine” for its nature, its bacteria multiply only on fermenting alcoholic infusions, and the epithet “Japanese” is for its origin, it comes from Japan.
    And the concept of zooglea, literally (from Latin zoo - animal and gloea - sticky substance; or from Greek zoo - living creature and gloiós - glue) is a living colony formed by the joint coexistence (symbiosis) of several species of organisms. From a biological point of view, wine fungus (or the fourth domesticated zooglea) is a strain consisting of myxomycetes (or industrial microorganisms) and various bacteria, including acetic acid ones. It would be fair to note that the vine zooglea, of all those currently domesticated, is perhaps the least studied and the least widespread.
    Zoogleas are similar to mucous films formed on beer and wine drinks during the period of their fermentation and all of them are united only by the fact that they contain acetic acid bacteria, the properties of which have been well known to healers for many centuries and on their basis special drinks (infusions) are prepared, with with the help of which they not only quench thirst, but also improve their well-being.
    The most common among all zoogles are:

    • tea room (Manchurian kvass),
    • dairy (Chinese (Tibetan) mushroom),
    • rice (Indian sea rice),
    • wine (Japanese mushroom).

    ✎ About the origin of the wine mushroom

    Wine mushroom, as already noted, comes from Japan, but how and when it appeared and how it spread across the planet, science is silent about something. Yes, it is understandable, at all times, and especially in ancient times, any alcoholic product was very rare and was considered “food of the gods” rather than “mortals”. Therefore, wine mushroom was not as widespread among the population as, for example, tea or milk mushroom. But, most likely, this situation will change in the near future, because it is used with great success for industrial purposes for the production of wines, for example, in the production of the well-known brand of wine - “Monastery Izba”.
    Then a reasonable question arises: why not try to prepare your own using this technology? homemade wine, isn’t it still possible to make brew and distill moonshine? Moreover, according to the words of the “homemade” craftsmen, homemade alcohol from wine mushroom is practically no different from the same production one and the wine turns out to be of high quality; and safe for health; and without harmful impurities, dyes and preservatives.
    True, getting a wine mushroom is not so easy. Firstly, because it is impossible to grow it yourself from nothing; secondly, you cannot ask for a loan, it is still too poorly distributed; and thirdly, you can’t buy it in a store either; it’s not available for free sale. It was popular only in the Soviet and post-Soviet years, when alcohol was purchased only with coupons.

    ✎ About the beneficial properties of wine mushroom

    Wine, unlike many alcoholic drinks, is not a distillation product. True wine connoisseurs believe that a real wine product lives its own life, like any living organism. The birth of wine is promoted by fermentation. And this process is caused by yeast, which is capable of decomposing sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide, releasing heat. Exactly alcoholic fermentation is the basis for making wine and contains a number of biologically active substances (BAS) necessary for the human body.
    Wine has often been subjected to fierce attacks simply because it allegedly causes irreparable damage to health. In fairness, it is worth noting that wine can also have a healing effect, if, of course, it is used in moderation or according to medical recommendations. Everyone knows that wine is a good tonic, relieves fatigue and overwork. Sometimes just a thimbleful of wine or cognac is enough to relieve tension after a very hard day at work.
    When intestinal motor function decreases, leading to constipation, it is useful to include 50 ml of wine in your diet, for example, fruit, apple, currant or gooseberry, which have mild astringent properties.
    Homemade wine also has bactericidal and antiseptic properties. This feature of wine is determined by the phenolcarboxylic acids it contains (salicylic, hydroxybenzoic, or coumaric), which is why the bactericidal properties of wine and its high calorie content are widely used in practical medicine.
    All beneficial properties wines are determined by the content of not only alcohol, but also other components:

    • glucose and fructose contained in grapes,
    • organic acids (tartaric, malic and others),
    • minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus),
    • tannins, dyes and aromatic substances.

    Even in ancient times, Hippocrates, considering wine a dietary remedy for many diseases, said:

    “... For a person, both healthy and sick, wine and honey are the best remedies, only if they are natural and if taken correctly...”

    He noted the effect of wine, considering it a means of stimulating strength and satisfying hunger.

    ✎ About preparing wine mushroom

    Many have seen tea, milk (kefir) and Indian (rice) fungi and imagine them as a kind of leaven, under the influence of which tea turns into kvass, and milk into kefir. So, the wine mushroom acts in a similar way, with the only difference being that it turns water with sugar into wine.
    You won’t be able to cook or grow wine mushrooms yourself. Therefore, all that remains is to ask your friends or purchase it at a specialized point of sale. And if you are lucky enough to purchase it, then you can try making homemade wine from it, following the instructions given:

      Oddly enough, grapes are not needed to prepare the drink. And you need to pour 2 liters of water into a 3-liter jar and add half a kilo of sugar to it.

      Pour half a liter of water into another separate bowl and dissolve 150 grams of tomato paste in it. You need to stir until all the lumps are completely dissolved. And most importantly, tomato paste should be odorless, additives, spices and salt.

      After the rubber glove on the bottle inflates and then (after the fermentation process is completed) deflates, you need to drain the wine from above (it white). And at the bottom there will be a cloudy reddish slurry, this is the wine mushroom. It must be washed and drained into a container with cold water. After this, cover the container with gauze and put it in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for a long time.

      Well, if you want to prepare a new portion of wine, then to do this you will need to divide the remainder remaining at the bottom of the container into 2 new 3-liter jars and repeat the process.

    It is worth keeping in mind that for each cycle of new fermentation, the wine mushroom approximately doubles in size.

    ✎ Conclusions and conclusions

    Using wine mushroom, you can also make wine vinegar from wine. And the exceptional benefit of natural wine vinegar from natural raw materials lies precisely in its chemical composition, which contains minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, phosphorus and silicon), as well as vitamins necessary for the body (A, B1, B2, B6 , C, E, P) and provitamin beta-carotene.
    Wine vinegar contains more than 20 essential microelements and minerals, these are acetic, propynic, citric, lactic organic acids, as well as pectin, enzymes and amino acids. Well, the amount of these valuable substances can vary depending on the raw materials.

    Wine mushroom appeared in our house quite by accident a couple of years ago. Legend has it that his distant ancestor was stolen from the Nizhny Novgorod sparkling wine factory back in the 1980s. Despite our industrial past, we use it to prepare wonderful homemade champagne. The taste is quite different from the store-bought kind; there are no chemical flavors or excessive carbonation. Homemade champagne has a much milder taste, which makes it seem a little strange at first. Making homemade champagne from wine mushrooms is not at all difficult and not expensive (if only there was a mushroom!).

    What is wine mushroom

    The wine mushroom itself looks like a dark red liquid (I apologize for the non-culinary word, but in my opinion it most accurately describes its consistency) with a slight wine-wine smell. It consists of living strains of bacteria and microorganisms. If used correctly, they convert a mixture of water, sugar and tomato paste into wine.

    I'm guessing there are quite a few variations of the wine mushroom. Judging by the limited information on the Internet, some wine mushrooms produce white wine, others produce pink wine, they differ in strength and amount of sugar, not every wine mushroom gives sparkling to homemade wine. As for our wine mushroom, it produces white semi-sweet sparkling wine with an alcohol content of 8-10%.

    We noticed that our wine mushroom does not like moving. The first batch of homemade champagne seemed less pleasant and less carbonated than all subsequent ones. All our friends with whom we shared wine mushrooms for making homemade champagne noted the same thing. So don’t rush to get rid of the wine mushroom if the first batch of alcohol from it seemed unsuccessful to you.

    Homemade champagne - detailed recipe


    0.5 l wine mushroom
    0.5 kg sugar
    2 liters of drinking water
    1 tbsp. tomato paste


    Preparation of nutritional mixture

    1. Place water and sugar in a container in which we will prepare homemade wine, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    The water at this stage may be warm (for example, if we boil the water before use, we don’t have to wait for it to cool).

    2. Add tomato paste and mix thoroughly again.

    If you used warm water, then before moving on to the next step, wait until the mixture has cooled so that living bacteria and microorganisms do not die from high temperatures. I don’t know the exact temperature at which the wine mushroom dies, but I poured it into a maximum of 30-degree water.

    Making homemade wine

    3. Pour the wine mushroom into the nutrient mixture and mix.

    4. Close the lid. Place in a place protected from direct sunlight at room temperature. We won’t stir or touch it at all until it’s ready.

    I made a triple portion at once (no, why waste time on trifles?...). Moreover, for the sake of experiment, one starter was made not with the usual one, but with: I wanted to check the speed of “ripening” and compare the taste.

    5. The wine mushroom is infused for 4-5 weeks. Readiness can be determined by the complete sedimentation of the sediment: the wine mushroom completely moves to the bottom of the container, and the rest of the volume becomes absolutely transparent - this is our long-awaited homemade champagne.

    Champagne with invert sugar did not clarify earlier or later than its “regular” counterparts, that is, inverting sugar did not affect the speed of preparing homemade champagne.

    6. Using a thin hose, pour the homemade champagne into a clean container.

    To drain, I use a tube from a regular dropper, bought at a pharmacy for 20 rubles.

    It is very important that the settled wine mushroom does not get into the drained champagne. If this happens, I recommend waiting a while for the mushroom to settle again (usually this takes a couple of hours) and draining it again, but more carefully.

    If the sediment is left, the wine fungus will continue to work, and after some time the homemade wine will acquire a bright beer taste and smell.

    During the time it takes to prepare one serving of homemade champagne, the volume of the wine mushroom doubles, which means that next time we can make twice as much homemade champagne!

    As for my experiment with inverting sugar, it was a complete failure. I did not notice any differences in the taste and smell of “inverted” champagne from champagne prepared according to regular recipe. But let’s not despair and continue experimenting with the nutrient mixture for wine mushroom. I’ll write about the results.

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    Wine mushroom (live) Article: 102

    What is a wine mushroom? This is a strain of microorganisms (myxomycetes) and bacteria that, as a result of microbiological synthesis, form complex substances from simpler compounds. It is used by many wineries to produce wines such as “Monastic Izba”, “LiebFrauMilch”, as well as sparkling wines. The mushroom itself looks like a thick red mass with a wine smell.

    The portion of mushroom we send is designed to create 2 liters of wine. By purchasing a wine mushroom, you will forever solve the problem with homemade wine. If you buy just one portion of wine mushroom, after receiving the first wine, the amount of mushroom doubles. You can share the wine mushroom with your friends!

    Wine mushroom - preparation method (recipe, instructions)

    To make wine using wine mushroom you will need:

    A clean 3-liter jar (you can use another glass container);

    Rubber glove on the neck of the jar (purchased at the pharmacy);

    Raw filtered unboiled water at room temperature (you can use bottled still water), it is better to use spring water

    Wine mushroom (200-250 ml per three-liter jar)

    Sugar (500-600 grams - or 2-3 glasses, based on 2 liters of water, poured into a three-liter jar)

    Tomato paste (140-150 grams or 2 tablespoons for this amount of water). Tomato paste should not contain salt, it should be without additives, i.e. The ingredients should only include tomatoes. Therefore, before purchasing in a store, be sure to read the composition.

    In a separate container, prepare a solution of sugar and tomato paste.

    To do this, add sugar to 2 liters of warm water and stir until it is completely dissolved.

    Add tomato paste to the resulting solution and stir thoroughly so that lumps of tomato paste do not float in the solution.

    Pour the wine mushroom into the prepared solution without stirring it. The jar should not be filled to the brim; there should be room for fermentation.
    Place a rubber glove over the neck of the jar.
    Place the jar in a place protected from direct sunlight, preferably warm. After a day or two (depending on the temperature), the glove on the jar will rise, which will mean that the fermentation process has begun.
    After about 8-14 days (the duration of cooking depends on the temperature), the wine will be yellow-pink in color due to the addition of tomato paste.
    The lowering of the glove will serve as a signal that your wine is ready. This means that the process of fermentation and gas formation is completed, and the wine is ready.
    The wine mushroom is at the bottom, and on top is the wine itself, which needs to be pumped out using a hose or carefully poured into another container.
    The remaining wine mushroom can be used to make a new portion of wine. During this time, its volume will double or triple. You can use it to prepare wine in a larger container or divide it into 2-3 three liter jars. If you do not plan to use the mushroom in the near future, you can place it in the refrigerator. There it can be stored for a long time in a jar under gauze.

    Store the finished wine in a tightly closed container.

    Frequently asked questions and answers about wine mushroom:

    Question: 4 days ago we installed a wine mushroom, but the glove does not rise, but rather is pulled into the jar. We did everything according to the recipe, but for 5 days there have been no signs of fermentation. What does it mean?
    Answer: The process can take up to three weeks. You need to put the mushroom in a warmer place and stir occasionally. Then it should be activated.

    Question: Please tell me, is it possible to use something other than tomato paste?
    Answer: Many self-taught winemakers insist on whatever they want. Ours is made with tomato paste only!

    Question: What kind of water is best to use?
    Answer: Better water take unboiled water; if there is no filter, then buy bottled drinking water in the store. Or use regular tap water, left to sit in an open container for several days.

    Question: How to separate mushrooms from wine?
    Answer: During the cooking process, you will see a clear separation in the jar, on top there will be wine drink, below - sediment. The sediment in the jar is your mushroom. Carefully pump out the wine using a hose or pour it over the edge.

    Question: The glove rose after 8 days and has been in this condition for two weeks. What to do with it? Should I take it off yet or not? won't it turn into vinegar?
    Answer: Try stirring to speed up the process. Until the glove comes down, the fermentation process continues. While the fermentation process is ongoing, the wine will not turn into vinegar.

    Question: After draining the first portion of wine, I divided the mushroom into two parts. I don't think it's working now. Maybe when they poured the mushroom into a glass, most of the mushroom remained at the bottom, and very little of it got into the glass? Or is it still supposed to be liquid?
    Answer: The mushroom should be liquid, but before dividing it into portions, mix thoroughly to ensure even distribution throughout the entire volume.

    Question: After purchasing, the mushroom fermented and looked like wine. But subsequent times it resembled kombucha with its characteristic vinegar taste. He took off the drink after deflating the glove.
    Answer: Perhaps the cooking technology was broken, but it worked the first time.

    Question: Why was the glove pulled in?
    Answer: This situation occurs due to the difference in pressure inside the container and the environment. Possible causes of pressure drop:
    - the design is not airtight and too much air gets inside - it is more reliable to secure the glove;
    - sudden changes in temperature, for example, day and night - move the container to a room with a stable temperature;
    -wine does not ferment - find and eliminate the problem that interferes with fermentation;
    - wine diseases - a retracted glove may indicate the activation of mold or other pathogenic microorganisms; treatment of the must is required;
    - fermentation is over - you need to drain the wine from the sediment.

    Question: The resulting wine drink is bitter. Why?

    Answer: Bitterness may appear due to the fact that the sediment was not drained in time, or it is due to the tomato paste.

    Question: Please tell me, is all the sugar utilized during fermentation?
    Answer: No. Any wine, and especially a wine drink, contains sugar.

    Question: What does live mean? What does a mushroom look like when you buy it?
    Answer: Live means not dry, not frozen. The mushroom is in a jar with a nutrient medium. When opened, you will see a cloudy liquid of red-orange color, with a characteristic odor.

    Question: Should wine mushrooms be washed or not?
    Answer: The wine mushroom is not washed!

    Question: How to store.
    Answer: If you do not plan to use the mushroom in the near future, you can place it in the refrigerator. There it can be stored for a long time in a jar under gauze.

    Weight (g): 200 g.
    Fermentation time: 1-2 weeks
    Product quantity with 1 piece: 2 liters of wine

    Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
    absolutely legal!

    After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and turnover ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28, Art. 3476).

    Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

    “The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

    Moonshining in other countries:

    In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

    In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

    Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 states: “The production by individuals of strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as the storage of devices* used for their production, will entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and devices."

    *Purchase moonshine stills For home use It’s still possible, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

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