What is the meat pumped with? The whole truth about meat - what we really eat How to pump up legs for weight

home / Tomatoes 
NTV is a well-known horror story of the people. But... is this channel lying? Or does he simply choose what is most terrible for us among all the mass of information? It seems like that...

Once a program was shown that all the meat sold is pumped with special translucent, whitish liquids that retain moisture...

Correspondents of the site +#@"; asked the deputy general director of the very enterprise that produces these liquids, what kind of crap he injects into our products...

To be honest, I don’t believe a damn thing in the sincerity of this Alexei Izmailov. When asked directly whether he himself eats such meat, he replied that, of course, he does. And then - they say, you have to understand what is real. Nowadays you can only get non-syringed meat from your grandmother in the village...

If he understands that the liquid he pumps is intended mainly to improve the presentation and increase the shelf life of the product, and not to make this product actually better quality, he is not an idiot to eat it after injecting it... And, of course, he is not an idiot admit that the meat that comes home to him is “undiluted” :)

Do you yourself eat meat pumped with such a solution?

Certainly. You must understand that now you can only get unsquirted meat from your grandmother in the village. Everything else, including markets, has already been pumped up. Both domestic production and imported.

What is included in this solution?

What you call “solution” is correctly called brine. They inject meat not only so that it increases in volume. More precisely, not so much for this purpose. This mixture has two sides - technological and economic.

From a technological point of view, brine is a complex complex of additives, each of which has its own purpose. For example, the composition of a typical brine used to syringe meat: stabilizers (E 450, E 451), gelling agent (E 407), dextrose, flavor and aroma enhancer (E 621), antioxidant (E 301), thickener (E 415), extracts spices.

Stabilizers are phosphates that stabilize the pH (acidity level). For meat, this parameter varies greatly from batch to batch, since it greatly depends on what the cows and pigs ate in the last weeks of their lives. If the acidity is not stabilized, the meat will be extremely dry and will not retain moisture.

The gelling agent is the same carrageenan, an extract from seaweed. Everyone has probably encountered the fact that algae, which seem large and dense in water, dry out and become almost weightless when they land. This property is used here - one part of carrageenan powder can take 25-40 parts of water, forming a gel. This additive is added to the brine to ensure that the product has an elastic, “rubber” consistency.

Dextrose is the same as glucose, sugar. Entered into small quantity for taste.
Flavor and aroma enhancer – monosodium glutamate. Well, why it is needed is quite clear.
Antioxidant - is introduced to ensure that the meat does not lose color and is stored longer.
The thickener - usually guar gum (powder from the fruit of the guar tree growing in India) - has similar properties to carrageenans and is used in diapers and pads. It is added to improve consistency and additional moisture binding.

Spice extracts are natural concentrated extracts that are added to add flavor notes. Regular ascorbic acid or its derivatives, sodium ascorbate, are used as an antioxidant.

This is what concerns the technological side of the issue. I repeat: with the help of these additives we create consistency meat product, juiciness, color and taste.

Well, the economic side is that some of these additives allow you to retain the water pumped into the meat. The cost and, as a consequence, the price of the product naturally depends on the amount of this water. Technologists at enterprises inject products not out of natural malice, but for one simple reason - if this is not done, then firstly, the meat will be a little dry and bland and in a couple of days it will acquire a characteristic weathered color. Well, and secondly, because it will be very expensive and not every consumer will be able to call it. So this is a forced measure, for which we ourselves vote with our wallets.

And how much water is added to the meat?

If we take it by the amount of moisture added, we can make the following gradation (not by meat, but by the finished product - a delicacy such as ham or carbonated meat):
Expensive “delicacy” (beef, pork) – moisture is injected up to 30% of the mass of the meat.
Middle segment – ​​35-50% by weight of meat
Budget segment - 60-80% moisture is introduced.
Due to the structural features of poultry meat, it is impossible to inject more than 25-30% moisture into chicken delicacies.
Chopped ham in a polyamide casing can be filled with more than 80% water.
This is what the economy is like.

That is, when buying products from the budget segment, as you called it, people get more water and less nutrients, less amino acids, vitamins, the things for which a person actually eats meat?

I want to tell you, as a marketer with many years of experience, this is what: amino acids and vitamins in meat are eaten only by bodybuilders and other extreme radicals. A normal person eats meat in order to taste the meat, get the sensation of chewing the meat, feel a feeling of satiety and be aware of the fact that he has eaten meat. And how much of something there is – water or proteins – doesn’t really matter to him. If you calculate it in grams of protein per ruble, then it turns out that what you eat is approximately the same - better and more expensive, or cheaper but with water. People are fully aware of this, but they themselves play this game, precisely because they expect from food what I said, and not amino acids and proteins.

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No matter what anyone says, meat is the most popular food product in our country and it is not without reason that those who know how to “work” with meat are especially valued among chefs. If earlier meat was considered more of a delicacy than an everyday food, today meat dishes present on tables every day. Meat dishes are the basis have a nice lunch and dinner with many peoples of the world. Suffice it to recall aromatic kebabs, chops baked with mushrooms and cheese, English roast beef, American steaks, etc. Meat cooking has many recipes, but they have one thing in common - a quality product. Agree, buying a good piece of meat nowadays is not an easy task. According to statistics, the average Russian eats about 70 kg of meat per year, but in reality this figure is two times less. Today, meat is criticized by all and sundry, and rightly so. The fact is that instead of 1 kg of purchased meat, half a kilo of meat and half a liter of chemicals and hormones end up on our table. According to scientists, it is the hormones in meat that cause excess weight in children and adolescents. How to choose the right meat and what you especially need to pay attention to when purchasing, how to distinguish “pumped up” meat from normal meat is the topic of our conversation today.

Meat is the musculature of an animal with fat and connective tissue, as well as adjacent bone tissue (bone-in meat) or without it (boneless meat). Mostly animal meat is used as food, less often wild animal meat. Depending on the species characteristics, chemical composition and the properties of the meat vary. Pork has a more tender texture, a higher content of fatty tissue, and a pleasant specific aroma and taste. Beef is represented by coarser muscle fibers, has a bright color, contains less extractives and refractory fat. Lamb is considered a fatty meat, but its organoleptic properties are superior to pork.

Slaughter of livestock in Rus' before the adoption of Christianity was in the nature of sacrifice, but with the adoption of Christianity the population began to observe fasts and meat-eaters. Before the era of Peter I, cattle were killed wherever possible - in markets, in the entryways of houses, in vacant lots, on river banks or in open places near ravines. Peter I, looking at this, ordered the construction of slaughterhouses and issued decrees regulating the meat trade. Traders who failed to comply with the rules were severely punished. Later, in 1857, the “Medical Charter” was published in Russia, in which the rules governing the slaughter of livestock were formulated in legislation.

Over the years, sanitary requirements (certain epidemiological standards on the content of substances harmful to human health in meat, as well as on the permissible shelf life of meat) have become perfect. Today, Rospotrebnadzor authorities put forward strict requirements, starting from the moment the animal is born and ending with the supply of finished meat products to stores and markets, because meat processed or stored in violation of technology may contain microorganisms that are pathogenic to humans.

Unfortunately, not all suppliers, as well as sellers of meat products, conscientiously comply with all these standards. Something is wrong with the meat market today. If previously any seller could easily tell you which animal the meat came from - a male or a female, today he will simply lower his eyes or lie. The fact is that today the greatest weight gain comes from neuter animals. That is, to quickly gain weight, males are given female hormones with food, and females, on the contrary, are given male hormones. Here's an example: in order for a piglet to grow naturally into an adult animal ready for slaughter, you need to wait a year or even a little more. But after pumping it with hormones, within seven months it becomes suitable for sale. The obvious result is time and money saved (nobody talks about our health!) for the manufacturer. This is not the last time.

The second problem is related to the transportation and storage of meat. Many people think that the most delicious meat is after slaughter, but this is not true. Before you can start cutting up the animal, two days must pass, which again means time and money. Therefore, new lifesavers come into play - “ripeners”. Thanks to them, the muscles relax faster, and the meat becomes twice as heavy. Double results, double profits.

Unfortunately, now good meat Almost impossible to buy in the store. Everyone seems to know that stores are required by law to dispose of expired goods. But thanks to the resourcefulness of sellers, rotten meat is sold under the guise of normal meat, because for this you need to slightly conjure the product. What helps such sellers out is packaging. Therefore, our first advice is to try not to buy packaged meat. The product must be seen in person and, if possible, from all sides. But let's return to our "craftsmen". Sellers can cover up the low-quality part of a piece of meat for more fresh meat. The lighting in the display window does not allow you to see this, so ask the seller to show the selected piece from different sides. Also remember that if the meat has been frozen and thawed several times, the ice will be brown in color. Now, regarding coloring: television has enlightened us on this topic more than once: meat is often reanimated in potassium permanganate baths. This procedure will get rid of the smell, add color, and remove cadaveric stains.

So, where can you buy fresh meat? It’s best in proven places: be it a store or a market. But here and there you have to be on your guard. As for the market, you should buy meat only where it is permitted and there is a veterinary service. The advantage of buying meat at the market is that there you can take a good look at it and even smell it. So, what you need to know when choosing meat.

First of all, you should pay attention to the color. Good-quality beef has a red color, the shade of ripe raspberries, and veal has a pink color; the older the animal, the darker the color the meat will be. In old beef, the fat has a yellow or yellow-cream tint; in young beef, the fat is almost white. Fresh lamb will be brownish-red, while pork will be white-pink in color and slightly grainy in texture. As the meat airs on the shelves, it acquires a pale pink or pale red crust; this phenomenon is acceptable. The meat should be relatively dry, without mucus or foreign visible stains.

It happens that a chopped piece of meat lies on the counter all day, it gets weathered and begins to smell unpleasant. This kind of meat is called “goofy” meat. As we have already written, some sellers, in order not to suffer losses, achieve good appearance and trying to return the meat to its original appearance, they soak it in a solution of potassium permanganate (popularly known as “potassium permanganate”). The solution does not leave a smell, does not interrupt the aroma of the meat, it is difficult to understand right away. And in this case it is good to know the following. In nature, the fatty layers of meat have a white or cream tint; after a solution of potassium permanganate, the layers become pink.

  • Smell

Smell is a good indicator of the good quality of meat. The beef smells like fresh herbs and milk. Lamb meat older than a year has a specific, subtle, slightly spicy aroma; lamb meat has almost no odor. Pork smells less specific, but distinct. The good quality of meat can be checked by smell as follows. Ask the seller to heat a knife and pierce the meat. If it is fresh, the smell will be pleasant, as if the meat was just thrown into the frying pan.

The fat present on the meat also serves as a good indicator when choosing. Lamb fat is soft, spreadable, and has a creamy tint; beef fat is dense, crumbly yellowish or white (marbled fat indicates a grain-fed animal), quite dense; pork fat white or cream if the pork is old. When choosing, be sure to check the elasticity of the meat.

Unscrupulous sellers with a thirst for profit use a syringe to pump water with moisture-retaining additives into meat to increase the weight, and with it the cost of a piece of meat. You can easily check the water content. You should press firmly with your finger in the middle of the piece and if a little liquid appears in the hole, then most likely it is “pumped” with water. In some cases, you can only check it at home by frying the meat; literally from the first minutes, when heated, the fibers compress, displacing water. In this case, you just need to change the seller.

Natalia Petrova , Oksana Elnova especially for website

The history of all-Russian deception."

The topic of our latest investigation was the injection procedure - the injection of a special solution through needles that increases the volume of meat.

The translucent, whitish liquid for pumping up meat shown on NTV made a depressing impression on us, and for psychological support we turned to the deputy general director of one of the largest domestic companies producing those same mixtures for injecting, Alexey Izmailov.

Alexey reassured us by saying that “meat processing is one of the most strictly state-controlled industries Food Industry, and if anything in the components of the solution was dangerous, it would have been banned long ago.”

Do you yourself eat meat pumped with such a solution?

Certainly. You must understand that now you can only get unsquirted meat from your grandmother in the village. Everything else, including markets, has already been pumped up. Both domestic production and imported.

What is included in this solution?

What you call “solution” is correctly called brine. They inject meat not only so that it increases in volume. More precisely, not so much for this purpose. This mixture has two sides - technological and economic.

From a technological point of view, brine is a complex complex of additives, each of which has its own purpose. For example, the composition of a typical brine used to syringe meat: stabilizers (E 450, E 451), gelling agent (E 407), dextrose, flavor and aroma enhancer (E 621), antioxidant (E 301), thickener (E 415), extracts spices.

Stabilizers are phosphates that stabilize the pH (acidity level). For meat, this parameter varies greatly from batch to batch, since it greatly depends on what the cows and pigs ate in the last weeks of their lives. If the acidity is not stabilized, the meat will be extremely dry and will not retain moisture.

The gelling agent is the same carrageenan, an extract from seaweed. Everyone has probably encountered the fact that algae, which seem large and dense in water, dry out and become almost weightless when they land. This property is used here - one part of carrageenan powder can take 25-40 parts of water, forming a gel. This additive is added to the brine to ensure that the product has an elastic, “rubber” consistency.

Dextrose is the same as glucose, sugar. Added in small quantities for taste.

Flavor and aroma enhancer – monosodium glutamate. Well, why it is needed is quite clear.

Antioxidant - is introduced to ensure that the meat does not lose color and is stored longer.
The thickener - usually guar gum (powder from the fruit of the guar tree growing in India) - has similar properties to carrageenans and is used in diapers and pads. It is added to improve consistency and additional moisture binding.

Spice extracts are natural concentrated extracts that are added to add flavor notes. Regular ascorbic acid or its derivatives, sodium ascorbate, are used as an antioxidant.

This is what concerns the technological side of the issue. I repeat: with the help of these additives we create the consistency of the meat product, juiciness, color and taste.

Well, the economic side is that some of these additives allow you to retain the water pumped into the meat. The cost and, as a consequence, the price of the product naturally depends on the amount of this water. Technologists at enterprises inject products not out of natural malice, but for one simple reason - if this is not done, then firstly, the meat will be a little dry and bland and in a couple of days it will acquire a characteristic weathered color. Well, and secondly, because it will be very expensive and not every consumer will be able to call it. So this is a forced measure, for which we ourselves vote with our wallets.

And how much water is added to the meat?

If we take it by the amount of moisture added, we can make the following gradation (not by meat, but by the finished product - a delicacy such as ham or carbonated meat):
Expensive “delicacy” (beef, pork) – moisture is injected up to 30% of the mass of the meat.
Middle segment – ​​35-50% by weight of meat

Budget segment - 60-80% moisture is introduced.
Due to the structural features of poultry meat, it is impossible to inject more than 25-30% moisture into chicken delicacies.
Chopped ham in a polyamide casing can be filled with more than 80% water.
This is what the economy is like.

That is, when buying products from the budget segment, as you called it, people get more water and less nutrients, less amino acids, vitamins, the things for which a person actually eats meat?

I want to tell you, as a marketer with many years of experience, this is what: amino acids and vitamins in meat are eaten only by bodybuilders and other extreme radicals. A normal person eats meat in order to taste the meat, get the sensation of chewing the meat, feel a feeling of satiety and be aware of the fact that he has eaten meat. And how much of something there is – water or proteins – doesn’t really matter to him. If you calculate it in grams of protein per ruble, then it turns out that what you eat is approximately the same - better and more expensive, or cheaper but with water. People are fully aware of this, but they themselves play this game, precisely because they expect from food what I said, and not amino acids and proteins.

The website Dietplan.ru continues a series of publications in the wake of the sensational project of the NTV channel “Meat. The history of all-Russian deception." The topic of our latest investigation was the injection procedure - the injection of a special solution through needles that increases the volume of meat. The translucent, whitish liquid for pumping up meat shown on NTV made a depressing impression on us, and for psychological support we turned to the deputy general director of one of the largest domestic companies producing those same mixtures for injecting, Alexey Izmailov. Alexey reassured us by saying that “meat processing is one of the most strictly state-controlled branches of the food industry, and if anything in the components of the solution posed a danger, it would have been banned a long time ago.” Do you yourself eat meat pumped with such a solution? Certainly. You must understand that now you can only get unsquirted meat from your grandmother in the village. Everything else, including markets, has already been pumped up. Both domestic production and imported. What is included in this solution? What you call “solution” is correctly called brine. They inject meat not only so that it increases in volume. More precisely, not so much for this purpose. This mixture has two sides - technological and economic. From a technological point of view, brine is a complex complex of additives, each of which has its own purpose. For example, the composition of a typical brine used to syringe meat: stabilizers (E 450, E 451), gelling agent (E 407), dextrose, flavor and aroma enhancer (E 621), antioxidant (E 301), thickener (E 415), extracts spices. Stabilizers are phosphates that stabilize the pH (acidity level). For meat, this parameter varies greatly from batch to batch, since it greatly depends on what the cows and pigs ate in the last weeks of their lives. If the acidity is not stabilized, the meat will be extremely dry and will not retain moisture. The gelling agent is the same carrageenan, an extract from seaweed. Everyone has probably encountered the fact that algae, which seem large and dense in water, dry out and become almost weightless when they land. This property is used here - one part of carrageenan powder can take 25-40 parts of water, forming a gel. This additive is added to the brine to ensure that the product has an elastic, “rubber” consistency. Dextrose is the same as glucose, sugar. Added in small quantities for taste. Flavor and aroma enhancer - monosodium glutamate. Well, why it is needed is quite clear. Antioxidant - is introduced to ensure that the meat does not lose color and is stored longer. The thickener - usually guar gum (powder from the fruit of the guar tree growing in India) - has similar properties to carrageenans and is used in diapers and pads. It is added to improve consistency and additional moisture binding. Spice extracts are natural concentrated extracts added to add flavor notes. Regular ascorbic acid or its derivatives - sodium ascorbate - are used as an antioxidant. This is what concerns the technological side of the issue. I repeat: with the help of these additives we create the consistency of the meat product, juiciness, color and taste. Well, the economic side is that some of these additives allow you to retain the water pumped into the meat. The cost and, as a consequence, the price of the product naturally depends on the amount of this water. Technologists at enterprises do not inject products out of natural malice, but for one simple reason - if this is not done, then firstly, the meat will be somewhat dry and bland and in a couple of days it will acquire a characteristic weathered color. Well, and secondly, because it will be very expensive and not every consumer will be able to call it. So this is a forced measure, for which we ourselves vote with our wallets. And how much water is added to the meat? If we take the amount of moisture introduced, we can make the following gradation (not by meat, but by the finished product - a delicacy such as ham or carbonate): Expensive “delicacy” (beef, pork) - moisture is injected up to 30% of the mass of the meat. Middle segment - 35-50% by weight of meat Budget segment - 60-80% moisture is introduced. Due to the structural features of poultry meat, it is impossible to inject more than 25-30% moisture into chicken delicacies. Chopped ham in a polyamide casing can be filled with more than 80% water. This is what the economy is like. That is, when buying products from the budget segment, as you called it, people get more water and less nutrients, less amino acids, vitamins, the things for which a person actually eats meat? I want to tell you, as a marketer with many years of experience, this is what: amino acids and vitamins in meat are eaten only by bodybuilders and other extreme radicals. A normal person eats meat in order to taste the meat, get the sensation of chewing the meat, feel a feeling of satiety and be aware of the fact that he has eaten meat. And how much of something there is - water or proteins - doesn’t really matter to him. If you calculate it in grams of protein per ruble, then it turns out that what you eat is approximately the same - better and more expensive, or cheaper but with water. People are fully aware of this, but they themselves play this game, precisely because they expect from food what I said, and not amino acids and proteins.

This week, experts from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organization, reported that eating 50 grams of processed meat daily increases the risk of bowel cancer by 18%. According to the results of scientific work, the development of cancer is influenced not by the meat itself, but by the substances used in its processing into sausage or bacon. Carcinogens can also be released when meat is cooked over an open fire at high temperatures. Without denying that red meat is rich in beneficial elements (iron, zinc and vitamin B12), IARC experts say that the risk of cancer increases with the amount of processed meat eaten.

And it’s not just about the risk of getting cancer, in the modern world it’s no longer a secret that animals are bred for meat on a shocking scale, so that they grow faster and give more meat or lard or the ever so popular bacon, livestock farmers take measures that are very harmful to our health.

Instead of a kilogram of pork, for example, we buy half a kilogram of meat and half a liter of chemicals.

Almost half of the meat sold in markets and stores comes from animals of average

kind. The fact is that the greatest weight gain is given not by females, not by males, but by something in between. This

the creature can be raised if the piglet is given a little bit of female sex hormones with the food, and

on the contrary, male pigs. Animals grow faster and actively increase muscle mass. TO

For example, an ordinary piglet grows into an adult pig in a year.

And if you feed him hormones, he will mature in seven months. And time is money. Therefore, hormones are used in many

modern farms. True, farmers themselves do not eat such meat. They know that hormones

enter the body and begin to affect us. Scientists say the cause of obesity in

children and teenagers – modern meat, pumped with hormones. Experts told the authors how

distinguish hormonal meat when purchasing.

Fresh meat. Many people think that it is the most delicious and tender. In fact, immediately after slaughter

You can't cook meat. It's tough. The meat should sit for at least two days to allow the blood to drain and

muscles relaxed. But time is money. At some meat processing plants the process is accelerated -

"ripeners" are injected into the meat. Plus, after the injections, a piece of meat almost doubles in size

heavier. Which means it’s more expensive. According to the law, spritzed beef and pork are no longer meat, but

semifinished. But no one hides this. In the meat departments they sell escalope, entrecote, pork or

roast beef. There is no word meat on the price tags. It is profitable to produce such semi-finished products. Because

that you can pump as much brine and ripening agents into the meat as you like.

Farm meat. Many people think that it is always fresh and without chemicals. That is why pork and

beef is often purchased from illegal markets. This meat is really fresh. No animals

they are injected with hormones, pieces of meat are not pumped with polyphosphates. The problem is different. This pork and

No one checks the beef. It is unknown what the meat is contaminated with.

We are all different people, some are kind and compassionate, some are indifferent and selfish, but all these people want to live long and maintain their health. In this case, at least for the sake of your health and that of your loved ones, you should give up sausages, sausages, and other derivatives meat products and of course significantly reduce meat consumption in your diet.

And it is important to remember: “I heard the cry of my dying father - his body was damaged by the cancer that killed him. And I realized that I had heard this cry before ... In the slaughterhouse, where they gouge out eyes and cut tendons, on ships for transporting livestock to the Near East, and the cry of the mother whale, crying out for her calf, who at this time is dying due to the Japanese harpoon exploding in her brain. Their cry was the cry of my father. I discovered that when we suffer, we suffer in the same way. animals suffer, the suffering of a dog is equal to the suffering of a pig, the suffering of a bear... and the suffering of a boy. Meat is the new asbestos - more deadly than tobacco.

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