How do manti differ from khinkali? How khinkali differ from dumplings Unusual dumplings khinkali manti recipes

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Manti, khinkali and dumplings - traditional meat dish peoples of Central Asia, Turkey, Mongolia, Korea. The taste of the dish cannot be expressed in words: the combination thin dough with meat filling, steamed. They just melt in your mouth.

Khinkali is a food vaguely reminiscent of dumplings or manti. Clearly came from China, perhaps along with the Mongols. Now khinkali is made all over Georgia, although it is an “oriental” food, its homeland is Kakheti and Mtskheta-Mtianeti. For real khinkali you need to go to Pasanauri. Samegrelo is the most non-khinkal region. In Adjara and Guria you don’t come across them very often and here you don’t have to know how to cook them properly. Khinkali is sometimes sold in markets - frozen, like dumplings. It's cheap, but the quality is usually poor.

The correct khinkali looks like a knot or a pyramid. Inside there is meat and broth. The lack of broth is a defect inherent in khinkali ice cream. Khinkali is eaten as follows. The pyramid is taken by the tip-tail, turned over, and bitten off at the edge. The broth is carefully drunk. Then everything else is gradually eaten, except for the tail itself, where the dough is not very edible. Some people, out of inexperience, start eating from the tail, which is tasteless and wrong.

Now about the variations. There are seven types of Khinkali.

  • “Kalakuri” is what is sold everywhere: inside is minced meat from two types of meat mixed with grass.
  • “Mtialuri” is the same, but without the grass.
  • “Pasanauruli” - with minced meat instead of minced meat.
  • “Kakheti” - with pure pork.
  • Made from pure beef - they don’t have their own name.
  • With crab meat - a strange combination for Georgia, but it happens in some places.
  • With cheese (sometimes they differ with cheese and with sulugni).

It is best to drink beer or vodka with them. It doesn’t go well with wine, except perhaps the roughest rustic wine.

What are dumplings

Pelmeni is a famous dish of Russian cuisine, which has ancient Chinese, Finno-Ugric, Turkic and Slavic roots. The modern name comes from the Udmurt “pelnyan” - “bread ear”. Analogues of dumplings exist in many cuisines around the world. Taste, satiety and ease of storage have made dumplings extremely popular; ready-made dumplings can be bought at any grocery store. But, of course, the most delicious dumplings- homemade. In order to make delicious dumplings, you first need a good dumpling dough recipe, a dumpling mince recipe and a little skill.

Good recipes homemade dumplings, dough recipes for dumplings, minced meat recipes for dumplings, as well as answers to questions: how to make dumplings, how to cook dumplings, how long to cook dumplings, how to fry dumplings in a frying pan, how to bake dumplings in the oven, how to cook dumplings in a pot, lazy dumplings, you will find on our website.

What are manti

Manta rays are a prominent representative of the cuisine of the peoples of Central Asia, Pakistan and Turkey. These products are very similar to Russian dumplings, but are prepared exclusively by steaming. In most cases, meat and fat tail fat of various animals, as well as pumpkin, are used as filling.

IN classic version Manti are prepared with lamb and served with hot or spicy sauce. This dish is used not only on the everyday menu, but is also served as a ceremonial dish on family and national holidays. Manti are more often used as a separate main dish, but in some regions they are served with a vegetable side dish.

Dumplings, khinkali and manti - what's the difference?

What is the difference between manti and dumplings?

Many people think that manti are just big dumplings. On the one hand, it seems so, on the other – not at all! Manti is a dish unique in its content and method of preparation.

  • Steamed manti is prepared in a special vessel - a caskan (manti cooker), or you can cook it in a double boiler. If you have neither one nor the other, then use a saucepan and a colander.
  • The filling can be varied. First of all - meat (lamb, beef, chicken, pork). Vegetable manti, manti with herbs and cottage cheese are also prepared. Nowadays you can find manti stuffed with seafood, for example, shrimp.
  • Spices play an important role in the preparation of manti. They give the dish extraordinary taste and aroma.
  • The dough for making manti is unleavened and consists of water, salt and flour. Sometimes they cook with milk, sour milk, with the addition of eggs and yeast. Dough for manti is similar in preparation to dough for dumplings, but it is steeper, denser and needs to be rolled out very thinly.

What is the difference between khinkali and manti

Khinkali differs from manti primarily in its origin - the birthplace of this dish is the mountainous regions of Georgia. Over the course of their history, they have undergone many changes in recipe and today they represent juicy dish made from meat filling mixed with a lot of herbs. Khinkali are shaped like pouches with tails. Each bag must be filled with broth, which is not provided for in any of the dishes discussed in the article. The ways of serving the dish to the table and its consumption have their own characteristics: it is customary to eat with your hands, first seasoning the bags with black pepper.

The position of consumption itself is also not without its specifics: the tail that closes the bag is not eaten, but is held by it, which is why sometimes the hands are in an awkward position, because cutlery is not provided according to the culture of use. “The main thing is not to ask for a fork for khinkali at a Georgian table, but to politely put the tails of the bags aside, otherwise you can offend the owner with your ignorance.” - common advice for tourists.

Historically, according to legend, this food was positioned as a meal with which wives greeted their husbands who returned from battles with broken jaws or knocked out teeth. They are quite similar in preparation methods; the forms of heat treatment of semi-finished products differ. The main difference is how the meat is processed.


  • Take half a kilogram wheat flour, one egg, a teaspoon of salt and 0.5 cups of water - a dough is kneaded from these ingredients, which should then be left for thirty minutes. It must be covered with a towel.
  • For the filling, minced meat and onions are mixed, and part of a glass of water with diluted salt is added. Pepper is used as a spice. The recipe also includes lard cut into small pieces. The present dough is cut into squares with sides of 10 centimeters. Place a spoonful of filling and a piece of lard in the middle. The dough is then folded into an envelope shape. In a steam bath, cooking time takes approximately twenty minutes, on a mantrovka grill - more than half an hour.


  • A glass of sifted flour is mixed with half a glass of chilled water, then salt is added and a spoonful of table oil is poured in. Next, the dough should infuse for half an hour. Then add another glass of flour and leave for another 30 minutes.
  • The present dough is divided into a couple of parts, each of which is rolled out to a thickness acceptable for further wrapping. From the resulting semi-finished product, circles with a diameter of 15 centimeters are cut out. Minced meat is mixed from three hundred grams of meat, you can take half pork, the other half beef. Add chopped onion, water and salt. A few spoons of filling are placed in the center of the cut out circle, then bags are formed and pinched at the top. The resulting preparations should be boiled in boiling water, adding salt and pepper to taste.

“It’s simple: manti is minced lamb meat, steamed; Khinkali is also lamb, but the meat must be ground and then boiled.” - this is how masters teach inexperienced chefs to correctly determine the differences.

What is the difference between dumplings and khinkali?

The filling of dumplings and khinkali is meat. For dumplings, it is rolled into minced meat, to which salt and ground black pepper are added to taste. There are recipes for dumplings with meat and mushrooms, with fish, with minced poultry (chicken, duck, turkey). The filling for khinkali is made from beef or pork, less often lamb, other types of meat are not used. The filling can be chopped or in the form of minced meat. Many different spices and herbs are necessarily added to it.

Khinkali and dumplings have different shapes. The first ones are molded in the form of small, hermetically sealed bags. Due to the fact that they are closed as tightly as possible, a large amount of tasty spicy broth accumulates in the khinkali during the cooking process. The dumplings are made in the shape of a crescent, the ends of which are very tightly fastened together. Some housewives make “written” dumplings - products in which one side is “written out” in the form of a braid.

Khinkali is served, generously sprinkled with black pepper. coarse. The traditional sauce for dumplings is sour cream. They are also good with vinegar dressing or ketchup.

Eating khinkali is a real ritual. You need to take them by the “tail” (khinkali is usually eaten with your hands) and, having carefully bitten off, drink the broth. The “tail” itself is almost never eaten. Dumplings can be eaten with a fork or spoon, whichever is more convenient for you. The dumpling is eaten whole.

A little about the history of dumplings in Russia

Dumplings became most popular in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. At least, it was at the dawn of this century that historians and culinary specialists first began to mention this dish in their works as a traditional treat for the townspeople.

It is believed that residents of neighboring countries shared the recipe for dumplings with us, and the “infusion” of gastronomic culture was gradual and chaotic. In the northern regions, dumplings appeared thanks to the Finno-Ugric tribes. Asian peoples conducting active trade with Russia at the turn of the 12th-14th centuries. Ekov, brought their traditions. In the European and southern parts of Russia, the prototype of dumplings was “ears”, which the Don Cossacks loved to treat themselves to.

The most common version says that the Russian word “pelmen” comes from the word “pelnyan” (“bread ear”), later it was transformed into “pelmen”, and then into “pelmen”. Sources differ in indicating the specific language from which this word came into Russian. Komi, Udmurt, Mansi and Finnish languages ​​are mentioned as possible options.

Small pies or, as they were once called, ears, became so popular in Siberia because of their practicality. When going on a hike or hunting, men took with them meat wrapped in dough and could store it in travel bags for many months - the dish did not lose its taste at all when frozen for a long time.

“Usually pelnyani are boiled in water and then laid out directly on a dirty table; and they simply take them with their hands, very rarely with wooden forks,” this is how V.V. Grigoriev, a member of the Russian Geographical Society, described the process of preparing and eating dumplings in 1848.

Now almost every country has its own version of this hot dish: in Italian cuisine it is ravioli, in Jewish cuisine it is krepl, in Caucasian cuisine it is manti and khinkali, in Asia it is jiaozi and baozi or, as they are most often called in Europe, dim sum. In Russia, to this day, home-made Siberian dumplings are considered a model - perhaps only in Siberia is the hundred-year-old tradition of their preparation still preserved.

The cuisines of the world know dozens of dishes similar to dumplings, and they all have different tastes and cooking features. Let's get acquainted with the most popular of them: khinkali, ravioli, gyoza, kurze, dim sum and some others.

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Combine meat with vegetables and wrap in dough for the perfect nutritious, balanced lunch. In Russian it is called “pelmeni”, and in other languages ​​it is called khinkali, manti, ravioli, dumplings, gyoza, kurze, dim sum, and this is not the whole list! All these dishes, like brothers in a big family, have many similarities and a lot of differences, so getting to know them can turn into an exciting gastronomic journey.


Nowadays, for most Russians, dumplings are a simple and familiar food, lunch for a quick fix. Originally they were festive dish. It is worth remembering the tradition of sculpting them with the whole family, which was still alive in Soviet times.

Scientists have not yet revealed the secret of the appearance of dumplings in Russian cuisine. The name of this dish is borrowed from the Finno-Ugric languages ​​and consists of two parts: pel and nyan - “ear” and “bread”. Indeed, dumplings resemble an ear in shape. According to one of the legends, during the conquest of Siberia, Ermak asked for “bread ears” at one of the sites. Udmurts consider dumplings their national dish and even celebrate Dumpling Day.

The filling for dumplings is made from minced meat or minced meat with the addition of onions and spices. Not only pork and beef are suitable for filling, but also bear meat, venison and elk meat.

Unleavened dough is used with the addition of eggs. It is pinched along the edge, and then the ends are connected, giving the dumpling a round shape. “Written” dumplings look very beautiful: when sculpting, the edge is shaped like a “braid.”

The canonical dressing for dumplings is not mayonnaise or sour cream, but 3% vinegar, as well as mustard or horseradish. Sometimes dumplings are served in broth, so they can serve as both a first and second course.

Distinctive features of dumplings:

  • meat filling;
  • crescent or circle shape;
  • cooking method: boiling;
  • can be served with broth.


Vareniki are the Ukrainian brothers of dumplings. It is believed that their main difference is in the variety of fillings, but there are some other less noticeable specific little things.

Traditionally, already cooked meat is placed inside meat dumplings. In addition to this, in Ukraine they wrap potatoes, lard, cottage cheese, stewed cabbage, fresh berries. The dough can be yeast, sour milk and yogurt, or unleavened. “Lazy” dumplings are known: they are prepared without filling and served with sweet gravy.

As a rule, dumplings are larger than dumplings. When pinched, they are not given a round shape, so in this sense the dumplings are even more like ears.

Dumplings are not usually served in broth, so they do not serve as a first course. They are flavored butter or season with sour cream. WITH potato filling Goes great served with fried onions.

Distinctive features of dumplings:

  • various fillings;
  • crescent shape;
  • larger size than dumplings;
  • method of preparation: boiling.


Khinkali was invented by Georgian mountaineers who used daggers to chop mountain goat meat and cunningly wrap it in dough. There is another legend: supposedly this dish was created by women when, after harsh battles and long campaigns, their husbands were left without teeth - soft khinkali were convenient for them to eat.

Heavily peppered lamb, pork or beef is used as filling. The meat is usually minced because it releases more juice into the broth. By the way, one of the characteristic features of khinkali is connected with the broth - it is also inside the dough bag. That is why it is very important to add more spices and herbs to the filling, for example, mint and cilantro. No egg is added to the dough.

Khinkali have an unusual shape. The dough is gathered into a bundle, creating at least 18 folds. And the most skilled craftsmen can do even 36! The dough leg is not eaten - you need to hold the khinkali by it. Cutlery is not served with this dish.

Distinctive features of khinkali:

  • meat filling;
  • broth inside;
  • dough with a lot of folds;
  • the dough tip is not intended for eating;
  • method of preparation: boiling.


A dish called kurze originated in Dagestan. The dough for it is the same as for our dumplings: unleavened with or without the addition of eggs.

Meat is used as a filling; it is best to cook kurze with lamb. Place inside, greens, fried chopped onions with tomato paste. Also, according to tradition, fat tail fat and suzma, a fermented milk product similar to cottage cheese, are added.

Distinctive features of Kurze:

  • meat filling with suzma (cottage cheese) and tomato paste;
  • the edges of the dough are braided;
  • method of preparation: boiling.


Manti is an achievement of the peoples of Asia: Turkey, Mongolia, Korea, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, etc. The name supposedly comes from the Chinese word “mantou”, which means “stuffed head” or “barbarian head”.

Finely chopped meat with spices is wrapped in thinly rolled unleavened or yeast dough. For the filling you can also use a mixture of minced meat with potatoes and onions or meat with pumpkin pulp. It is recommended to add fat tail fat.

There are various rather complex methods of sculpting. As a rule, manti ends up looking like barrels with lids.

You need to steam manti. For this purpose, a special utensil is used - a manto cooker, which is also called “manti-kaskan” or “manti-cauldron”.

Distinctive features of the manta:

  • filling of pure meat or meat with vegetables;
  • big size;
  • steaming.


Ravioli is the Italian brother in this family. In terms of the variety of fillings, ravioli are close to dumplings: everything you can imagine is put inside: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits. The dough is used unleavened, but a little olive oil is added to it when kneading.

Ravioli is not made. The filling is placed between two layers of dough and then cut. As a rule, figured knives are used, so that the edges are jagged. The shape of ravioli can be square, crescent or ellipse.

Ravioli can be boiled or fried in oil. When fried, they are served in broths and soups.

Distinctive features of ravioli:

  • variety of fillings;
  • dough with added olive oil;
  • carved edges;
  • cooking method - boiling or frying.

Dim sum

This dish is widely known outside of China as dim sum. However, in the Middle Kingdom itself, this is the name for a whole group of various snacks. And dim sum dumplings themselves appeared in the southern part of China, and more precisely, in Hong Kong.

The main difference between dim sum and its other counterparts is the rice dough, which is rich in starch. You can put anything inside - from seafood and meat to fruits in the most unusual combinations. Usually chinese dumplings make them round or tighten the dough with a bag - like khinkali, but with a soft leg. You can make interesting dim sum by tinting the dough with beets and spinach.

Chinese dumplings are steamed. Sometimes they then fry the bottom.

Distinctive features of dim sum:

  • rice flour dough;
  • fillings can be anything;
  • shape like khinkali or round;
  • steaming.


The Japanese are also no strangers to dishes similar to dumplings. In the Land of the Rising Sun they are called “gyoza”. Strictly speaking, Japan borrowed this dish from China, but now it has added some features that make gyoza unique. The Japanese city of Utsunomiya even declared itself the capital of gyoza. A monument was erected to them there.

The filling is a mixture of minced meat, finely chopped cabbage, garlic and leeks. But there are other options. For example, gyoza filled with chopped shrimp and rice is called ebi-gyoza. It's all wrapped up in unleavened dough. Gyoza have an elongated shape like our pies.

Although the name itself translates as “sticking to the pot,” gyoza is usually fried in oil, and only on one side, without turning it over. This most common preparation is called yaki-gyoza. They are also deep-fried - age-gyoza, boiled - sui-gyoza, steamed - mushi-gyoza.

Distinctive features of gyoza:

  • filling - meat or seafood with vegetables;
  • elongated shape;
  • cooking method - frying.

For many, all three dishes - manti, dumplings and khinkali - are simply dough containing some kind of filling, be it meat, vegetables, animal fat or other variations. They are really very similar. Especially if you look at their photographs. But everything is not so simple and there are really many differences. Below is a detailed description of the differences between these dishes.

Differences between manti and khinakli

Manta rays were invented by the peoples of Asian lands. The real homeland of the dish is modern China. In its origins, the recipe was extremely simple. It was some variation of steamed bread without filling. But as long as the people of Asia developed, the recipe for food also spread and became more complex. The most important thing is the appearance of the filling, which essentially prevents the dish from being classified as a lenten food and transforms it into the category of gourmet treats. The most common fillers:

  • pumpkin
  • lamb fat
  • potato

The dough can be either unleavened or made with yeast. A rarer filling for the filling is carrots, and a large amount of dill and other greens (cilantro or mint) are also required. The most noticeable external difference from khinkali is the way the filling is wrapped in dough. The original manti has the shape of an envelope, which can have no more than four corners.

They differ from manti with dumplings primarily in their origin - the birthplace of this dish is the mountainous regions of Georgia. Over the course of their history, they have undergone many changes in the recipe and today they are a juicy dish of meat filling mixed with a lot of herbs. Khinkali are shaped like pouches with tails. Each bag must be filled with broth, which is not provided for in any of the dishes discussed in the article.

The ways of serving the dish to the table and its consumption have their own characteristics: it is customary to eat with your hands, first seasoning the bags with black pepper. The position of consumption itself is also not without its specifics: the tail that closes the bag is not eaten, but is held by it, which is why sometimes the hands are in an awkward position, because cutlery is not provided according to the culture of use.

“The main thing is not to ask for a fork for khinkali at a Georgian table, but to politely put the tails of the bags aside, otherwise you can offend the owner with your ignorance.” - common advice for tourists.

Historically, according to legend, this food was positioned as a meal with which wives greeted their husbands who returned from battles with broken jaws or knocked out teeth.


They are quite similar in preparation methods; the forms of heat treatment of semi-finished products differ. The main difference is how the meat is processed.

Take half a kilogram of wheat flour, one chicken egg, a teaspoon of salt and 0.5 cups of water - a dough is kneaded from these ingredients, which then must be left for thirty minutes. It must be covered with a towel.

For the filling, minced meat and onions are mixed, and part of a glass of water with diluted salt is added. Pepper is used as a spice. The recipe also includes lard cut into small pieces.

The present dough is cut into squares with sides of 10 centimeters. Place a spoonful of filling and a piece of lard in the middle. The dough is then folded into an envelope shape.
On a steam bath, cooking time takes approximately twenty minutes, on a mantrovka grill - more than half an hour.

A glass of sifted flour is mixed with half a glass of chilled water, then salt is added and a spoonful of table oil is poured in. Next, the dough should infuse for half an hour. Then add another glass of flour and leave for another 30 minutes. The present dough is divided into a couple of parts, each of which is rolled out to a thickness acceptable for further wrapping. From the resulting semi-finished product, circles with a diameter of 15 centimeters are cut out.

The minced meat is mixed from three hundred grams of meat, you can take half pork, the other half beef. Add chopped onion, water and salt.

A few spoons of filling are placed in the center of the cut out circle, then bags are formed and pinched at the top.

The resulting preparations should be boiled in boiling water, adding salt and pepper to taste.

“It’s simple: manti is minced lamb meat, steamed; Khinkali is also lamb, but the meat must be ground and then boiled.” - this is how masters teach inexperienced chefs to correctly determine the differences.

Distinctive features of khinkali from dumplings

The creators of the latter are the Udmurts, and almost their blood brother is Ukrainian dumplings. The distinctive features of dumplings from khinakli are the following:

  • form
  • dough and filling
  • serving

Externally, the dumplings have a shape close to a circle. Dumpling dough fresh, it contains egg. In addition to the usual pork and beef for khinkali, the Udmurt variation of the dish also used venison and elk meat at different times. Even a juicy side of a bear can serve as a filling.

Dumplings can be served with broth as a first course. But this is not at all as popular as serving it with sour cream or mayonnaise, whichever tastes better, as a second course.


Kitchens different countries the world have their own variations of such a simple, but very satisfying and delicious dish, like dough stuffed with meat, onions and spices. WITH light hand You can count six types of this dish. They may look similar in the photo, but they taste completely different. And khinkali are also not without their unique flavor in comparison with mantu and dumplings. But preparing them is not at all difficult; even people far from being a cook can do it.

Khinkali, ravioli, chuchvara….
Dumplings! Dumplings are one of the dishes that have conquered the world. Your variations on
The ‘dumpling theme’ is found in many countries. Despite the fact that the Russians
They consider this dish to be a native Russian dish, where and when they first came up with the idea of ​​making it
dumplings, it is not known for certain.

Dumpling story

D Once upon a time, the Finno-Ugric nomads
traveled from Altai to the West. Their transit point was the Ural
mountains. Travelers shared with the local population (Permyaks and
Udmurts) with their recipes. The most popular recipe was
preparations unusual dish, connecting the meat and the dough shell.
Since then, the dish ‘pelnyan’, that is, ‘dough ear’, has appeared in the Urals.
(pel – ‘ear’, nyan – ‘dough, bread’). Time passed, and ‘pelnyan’
turned into a 'dumpling'.

WITH Ural dumplings ‘descended’ to
Siberia. From here, at the end of the 14th century, the journey of dumplings across Russia began.
It was in Siberia that the most interesting traditions of cooking and
eating dumplings. In the harsh Siberian climate, dumplings became
favorite food. It’s not surprising, because dumplings could even be cooked
in hiking conditions. They were easy to freeze and easy to store. And the smell
meat wrapped in a dough casing did not attract predators as much
animals. Russian explorers usually went on their expeditions
having stocked up with a fair amount of bags of dumplings.

IN XIX century, when the rich
Ural and Siberian breeders came to Moscow or St. Petersburg according to
business, they, out of habit, demanded the usual in restaurants and taverns
dish, and the owners were forced to master the preparation of dumplings.

N oh where did the idea come from?
‘dough-in-law’? It is believed that dumplings came to Russian territory with
Tatar-Mongols, who, in turn, borrowed the recipe from
Chinese. In China, dumplings are known as 'yui-pao' and 'zi-zi'. In general,
many nations have their own dumplings, and it is quite possible that the recipe
dumplings were not taken, but quite naturally invented again and again.
There are similar dishes in various national cuisines: Italian
ravioli, Ukrainian dumplings, Uzbek manti, Armenian boraki,
Georgian khinkali.

Dumpling traditions

'P elnyan’ were not just delicious
food that can be stored for a long time and perfectly satisfies hunger. Dumplings
featured in... sacrifices. The meat wrapped in dough was
a symbol of sacrificed livestock of absolutely all kinds. That's why
traditional Ural filling consists of three types of meat: beef,
lamb and pork. They must be combined in strict proportion: 45%
beef, 35% lamb, and 20% pork.

ABOUT t Urals-Permyaks to Pelnyans
Later the Tatars, Maris and Russians learned. However, the taste has changed.
So, the Tatars completely replaced the filling with lamb, the Russians prepared
filling first with only beef, and then with beef and pork.
Fatty pork and bland beef required more pepper and garlic, and
lamb - onions, as a result the taste of dumplings became different from the Ural ones.

TO rum meat dumplings in Perm
dumplings with mushrooms, onions, turnips and sauerkraut are common in the kitchen
cabbage Lithuanian dishes such as dumplings are borrowed from Eastern
kitchens dating back to the Middle Ages. According to cooking technology and
in appearance they do not differ from the dishes of their ancestors.

T Athars, having adopted the recipe, became
prepare dumplings with minced meat only from lamb, and Russian ones from beef
and pork in equal parts. Depending on the types of meat, the
the amount of onion and pepper added to it.

TO Once upon a time in Siberia they made dumplings
the whole family. All household members were seated around the dining table, in
in the center of which stood a bowl of minced meat. One was rolling out the dough into
in the form of circles with a diameter of about seven centimeters. The rest were put in
center of minced meat circle. Since ancient times, Siberians added grated ice to the filling.
or ice water, and then exposed to the cold: dumplings with cold
It’s easier to sculpt with minced meat and when finished the meat remains tender and juicy.
The prepared dumplings were placed on boards sprinkled with flour and
taken out into the cold. After they froze, they were poured into clean
linen bags and stored in the cold. That's what the first ones did
frozen ‘semi-finished dumplings’.

E another cooking tradition
making “lucky dumplings” became real ‘handmade’ dumplings. IN
the last dumpling made was filled with an unusual filling: pepper,
coin Happiness awaited the owner of the lucky dumpling.

Types of dumplings

Ural dumplings

N several centuries ago in the Urals they often added
eggs of partridges, and in the steppe regions of the southern Urals - eggs of bustards and quails.
This gave a specific taste that distinguished Ural dumplings from
everyone else. There was a triple filling: beef, pork, lamb.
The percentage of content of each type of meat was very strict, and it was necessary to change it
it is forbidden. For 1 kilogram of minced meat there were 450 grams of beef, 350 grams
lamb and 200 grams of pork. The Urals put a lot of onions and
pieces of lard so that a delicious broth accumulates inside.

Siberian dumplings

In Siberia, dumplings were always prepared for future use. The process of sculpting and freezing could last several days.

H often a reason for preparation
dumplings were a hunt. The miners brought elk and sokhatin almost to
80s of the XX century was one of the mandatory components
Siberian filling. Beef and pork were added to the elk meat. Proportion
was approximately equal and amounted to about one third. The meat was not salted, not
They put spices and onions and tried to cut off all the fat from the pork.

WITH information about the tradition was preserved
add cloudberry, lingonberry, blueberry or cranberry juice to the minced meat. It did
the taste of Siberian dumplings is even more unique. The filling was accepted
chop with a special cleaver or at least a knife. It was hard work
therefore it was considered a man's business. When the family preparation began,
the meat was chopped in real troughs. Feature of the art of felling
was that the pieces had to be approximately the same
size. The Siberian dumplings themselves were traditionally made large. After
preparations of dumplings were necessarily frozen and left for
for a while.

IN arili dumplings in lean beef or chicken
broth. Moreover, serving Siberian dumplings in broth was considered
in a very bad manner. Therefore, all the liquid from the dumplings had to be
express thoroughly.

Chinese dumplings

There are two main types of dumplings in China: jiaozi and wontons.
Jiaozi - dumplings are flat in shape and resemble in their density
Russian dumplings. You can prepare such dumplings in any way: boil,
steam fry, cook. The fillings can also be the most
varied: pork, lamb, shrimp, fish, chicken. Usually they
mixed with grated vegetables. Popular vegetarian filling
is like this: green onions, mushrooms, cabbage and Chinese cloves
garlic They are distinguished by their special sophistication Chinese sauces to the dumplings,
but it is traditional spicy sauce‘Chili’ or soy-vinegar sauce, in
which includes ginger, garlic, rice wine and sesame oil.

Georgian dumplings

X inkali are dumplings filled with minced meat. Their main distinctive feature– thin dough and broth inside.

AND The art of eating khinkali
is to bite into the thinnest dough so that the juice does not
spilled onto the plate. A real Georgian will never plant khinkali on
fork, no matter how hot it is. Khinkali is eaten only with your hands! After all
Broth may leak out through the fork holes.


IN Dumplings came to Central Asia from China. Word
‘mantiou’ meant ‘steamed bread’. According to the consonance of the dish
began to be called manta rays. It is best to make manti on caskans -
special racks that are placed on the bottom of large dishes. Minced meat for
The manti is chopped with a knife and not put through a meat grinder. There are manta rays
you need your hands.

T traditional meat filling is made from horse meat,
beef or camel meat. Sometimes poultry is added. Chefs of the East
they add a little camel hump or udder to the dumpling, in Russian
In this case, they are simply replaced with a piece of lard. While the manta rays are languishing on
steam, the fat becomes meat gravy. Russians tend to simplify the recipe
manti until it becomes as similar as possible to the recipe
classic dumplings.


U Zbek dumplings are made very small and served
along with the broth. Otherwise, the cooking technology is similar to
Russian. The same composition of products is used, but in the filling according to
Muslim traditions exclude pork. Chuchvara is served with vinegar
sauce, they also prepare gravy from chopped herbs, tomato and
hot pepper.


WITH The word ‘ravioli’ comes from the verb ‘ravvolgere’ -
‘wrap’. Like other types of pasta, they came to Europe in
The Middle Ages along the Great Silk Road from China. Filling of that time
not much different from the modern one: meat, vegetables, fish, cream cheese.

R avioli are big
rectangular or round dough envelopes filled with tasty
stuffing. They are considered a type of pasta. Traditionally for ravioli
served tomato sauce or creamy sauces, as well as the famous sauce
‘pesto’ made from herbs. There is even a dessert option -
ravioli with chocolate.

Cooking dumplings

We will need:

Flour - a little more than 2 cups, eggs - 1-2 pcs., water - 3/4 cup, salt to taste.

Beef (pulp) - 200 g, fatty pork - 230 g, onion - 1
onion, water or milk - 1/2 cup, salt, sugar, pepper to taste.

Sift the flour, pour it into a mound, make a funnel into the hole
add everything necessary products and knead thickly, put in
pan, cover with a lid and let stand for 20-30 minutes. Then cut into
small pieces, roll out into a rope about 2 cm thick, cut crosswise into
pieces and each one is rolled out into a circle. One half is juicy
put the minced meat, cover with the other half, press the edges, and the corners
dumplings are combined.

Meat and onions are passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is diluted with water
or milk and season with salt and pepper. Cook dumplings in boiling water
salted water 2-3 minutes after boiling. Served with butter, or
sour cream.

Buuz, manti, khinkali - how are they different? This question was repeatedly asked at the tasting of buuz brand “Buuzy-Sokol”, held in the press center of the newspaper “Arguments and Facts - St. Petersburg”. The editorial staff responded to it brand owner Elena Sokolovich. “Having opened my workshop for the production and delivery of Buryat cuisine, I was surprised how many buuz lovers there are in St. Petersburg! - says Elena. “I learned how to sculpt buuzes even before I first sat down at a school desk.”

Elena spent her childhood in Buryatia and, of course, knows the history of the appearance of the main dish national cuisine. Four hundred years ago, during the spread of Buddhism on Mongolian soil, the head of the Tibetan lamas invited the Mongols to visit, and for their arrival he ordered to prepare buuz - “meat wrapped in dough.” Balls the size of a child's fist made from minced meat and lard were wrapped in dough, leaving a small hole on top, around which exactly 33 tucks were made. According to legend, this is how many folds there were in the clothes of Tibetan clergy.

A vibrant tasting of buuz was held at the AiF-Petersburg press center. Photo: AiF / Veronica Takmovtseva

“According to the cunning idea of ​​the chapter, this dish was supposed to symbolize the obedience and worship of Buddhism by the Mongolian tribes,” Elena clarifies. “That’s why there were 33 tucks, and the hole at the top meant “no head.” The Mongolian guests accepted the treat, although they unraveled its secret, insidious meaning. But no one began to protest. On the contrary, after a visit to the lamas in the land of nomads, an order was given to prepare buuzes exactly in the same form in which the Tibetan monks prepared them.”

The waitresses dressed in national costumes. Photo: AiF / Veronica Takmovtseva

To prepare minced meat in those distant times, they used the meat of five animals: camel, ram, goat, horse and cow. Lard, wild onions and garlic were also added to the minced meat. As for the difference from khinkali and manti, first of all, buzas differ in shape. Outwardly, they are very reminiscent of a Buryat dwelling - a yurt. The hole at the top, according to Elena Sokolovich, was made for the steam effect. And the number of tucks in modern Buryatia determines the experience of the housewife. It is believed that the more tucks, the better control a woman has culinary arts. There is also a difference from khinkali in the filling. “We only put in minced meat or minced meat, onions and salt,” the owner of the buuzna reveals the secret. “And they put spices and spices in khinkali and manti.”

The dough recipe turned out to be quite simple and familiar to many housewives, but kneading it requires special attention. “We only have manual dough mixers. My mother's hands do the best job with this task. Thanks to her years of experience, she can make good dough in minutes. At the same time, it will not tear or burst during cooking,” says Elena.

The delicious buuzas did not leave any of the AIF residents indifferent. Journalist, twice winner of the Golden Pen Elena Danilevich admitted that she can never resist the offer to try buuz: “The aroma is simply amazing and the taste is delicious!”

Deputy General Director Olga Khryakova noted not only the incomparable taste of the Buuzy-Sokol brand products, but also the organization of the tasting. Elena's partner and simply good friend Svetlana Magnitskaya made magnificent flower arrangements that became table decorations. And the waitresses in national Buryat costumes from fashion designer Zhamso Ochirov created an atmosphere in which every guest at the Buryat holidays plunges.

There were treats on the table for every taste. Photo: AiF / Veronica Takmovtseva

Buuzas, dumplings with various fillings, manti, dumplings, cutlets, salads - this is only a small part of what you can order from this company. Bird cherry cake deserves special attention. This, perhaps, will not be found in St. Petersburg confectionery shops. And in the Buuzy-Sokol company he is the leader among the ordered dishes.

LLC "Baikal - Expert", Legal address: 670013, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, Klyuchevskaya str. 70 A, apartment 102 OGRN 1110327004040

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