How to clean the inside of enamel pans. How to clean an enamel pan from yellowness inside. How to extend the life of an enamel pan

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Enameled cookware is the most common utensil in the kitchen. It is popular due to its practicality and hygiene. But the coating of the pots deteriorates even with the most careful use. You can clean the inside of an enamel pan from yellowness using improvised means, the main thing is to follow the rules so as not to spoil the surface.

How to remove plaque inside a pan

It is easiest to wash off fresh carbon deposits, so you need to act immediately as soon as the first signs of contamination are noticed. First of all, you should fill the pan with water to the brim and leave for 1-2 hours, then add detergent and rub the product with the hard side of the sponge.

If these steps do not bring results, then you can purchase special gels and liquids in the store that are designed to clean enamel. But such products are not always cheap, and then folk methods come to the rescue, which cope with the task no worse than store-bought gels. 7 most popular remedies:

  1. Baking soda will help remove darkening from items that have a slight coating on them. It is enough to pour the substance onto a soft sponge and rub the walls until the dirt is completely removed.
  2. Tough stains from burnt milk can be removed using coffee grounds.
  3. Vinegar not only whitens the surface, but also removes rust, which often forms under the rim of the pan. You need to pour the liquid onto a sponge and rub the necessary areas, but you should work with gloves, as the product corrodes the skin.
  4. Oxygen bleach "Persol" can remove yellowness from an enameled product. Need to add small quantity mixture into a pan of water and boil.
  5. Citric acid acts in the same way as Persol. One container will require 1-2 sachets of the substance.
  6. Before washing the pan, you can sprinkle all contaminated areas with salt and then rub with a soft sponge. If the stains are already old, then you need to prepare a saline solution. The container should be filled with water, pour 6-7 tbsp into it. salt and leave for several hours. To speed up the process, you need to boil the solution for 40 minutes.
  7. Dry mustard is an effective remedy that is safe for enamel. Pour the powder inside a damp pan and wait 15 minutes. If the mustard does not work, then you need to add water to it and boil it.

There is an old and unusual method using apple peels, which allows you to wash an enamel pan from dark deposits and return it to its whiteness. Green apples need to be peeled, added to a container of water and boiled for 30 minutes.

Means for removing heavy plaque

If a strong soot has formed at the bottom, then you should not immediately scrape it off with all possible means.

Such actions will not bring results, but there is a high risk of scratching the coating.

First of all, you need to add water to the pan so that it completely covers the soot and pour 1 tbsp. soda Boil over low heat for 5-7 minutes, then drain the water and rub the bottom and walls with a sponge. Baking soda can be replaced with any dishwashing detergent.

Heavy soot can be washed off using a soap solution. You should grate a little laundry soap on a fine grater, add it to a pan of hot water and leave it overnight. The next morning, you need to wipe off the dirt with a stiff brush.

When the soot layer is very thick and the listed means are ineffective, you can resort to the method using “Whiteness”. To do this you need:

  • fill the pan with water;
  • add “Whiteness” to the container (half a cap per 1 liter of water);
  • leave the product for 1-1.5 hours, then wash;
  • Rinse the pan well with plenty of warm water.

You will have to rinse the product many times until all the chlorine smell disappears. You can use the pan only after the unpleasant chemical aroma has been completely removed. This method is not the safest, but it brings good results, since after using “Whiteness”, the dishes will become sparkling clean.

Soot should be removed immediately; if you leave it on the dishes for a long time, then, in the end, the soot will be impossible to wash off even with the most powerful means. In order for the dishes to remain white, it is necessary to wash them in a timely manner. This will prevent the yellow plaque from being eaten in, and darkening will not form on the walls.

Enameled dishes are found in almost every home, and housewives know that caring for them is not easy. Not everyone knows how to clean the burnt surface of an enamel pan from carbon deposits and with what detergents.

Carbon deposits may appear inside the container after prolonged use at home. The outside of the pan turns black from exposure to fire. The enamel most often suffers after food burns in it or the protective layer is damaged.

There are many effective ways to clean dishes. But it is strictly forbidden to use metal sponges and abrasives to remove carbon deposits from the enamel surface of ladles and pans. Rough materials can damage the surface of the cookware, making its further use problematic.

Quick cleaning method

The main thing to do if an enamel pan is burnt is not to put off cleaning until later, but to act immediately. Blackened dishes must first be soaked completely in warm water. It is left for 1-2 hours, after which the black plaque is washed off using detergent and a sponge. This method is suitable if the degree of burning is weak. In more complex cases, it is necessary to use special cleaning compounds or resort to traditional methods.

Here's a way to clean an enamel pan from dark deposits:

  1. You need to carefully remove any remaining burnt food with a sponge and fill the bowl with hot water and soda (2-3 tbsp).
  2. It is left in this solution for a couple of hours.
  3. Then the liquid is drained, 1-2 tbsp is poured onto the bottom of the container. l. baking soda and use a sponge to effortlessly remove carbon deposits.
  4. This method also helps to get rid of yellowness on the enamel surface. Baking soda or fine salt can gently clean such stains.

For any method of cleaning a pan from carbon deposits, it is important to use a medium-hard sponge, a synthetic brush and chemical compositions acid free. These conditions are important because enamel is a fragile and thin material. It can be damaged by sudden temperature changes, shocks, or prolonged exposure to temperature.

In order for dishes made from this material to last for a long time, it is necessary to use it correctly.

It is not advisable to boil milk or sauté vegetables in an enamel pan. It is not used for cooking in the oven.

If black deposits form, the container should be soaked in water and detergent.

How to clean an enamel pan: 9 home remedies

At home, to wash a burnt enamel pan, place it in hot water for several hours. This will help get rid of the top layer of plaque, which easily gets wet, without harming the surface. Then use a sponge to remove most of the dirt.

The following methods will help you get rid of blackness at the bottom of a pan or ladle:

  1. The simplest and safest method that will help save the pan from burnt food is to use table salt. The dishes are carefully washed with water and the top layer of soot is removed. Pour 1 glass of salt into the bottom of the container and add 2 glasses of water so that the entire area of ​​contamination is covered with liquid. Then place the pan on low heat and boil for about 30 minutes. After this procedure, the dishes are thoroughly washed in the usual way.
  2. This method will tell you how to clean a burnt pan using citric acid . The container should be thoroughly washed and a few sachets of citric acid should be poured into the bottom, then filled with water and placed on low heat. This method is good for removing not only carbon deposits, but also scale that forms on the walls of teapots and ladles.
  3. In difficult cases, many are at a loss as to how to clean an enamel container from a thick layer of burnt food. At home, you can use sand. It will act as an abrasive substance that will remove the ash layer. When using this method, it is important not to rub the enamel itself with grains of sand, otherwise they will scratch it, and in the future any food will burn. Sand is used only to remove a thick layer of carbon deposits. With its help, you can carefully clean the surface of the container.
  4. In order to save a pan from burnt milk or porridge, just soak it in water and pour it inside baking soda. Many housewives wash containers with regular detergent, then add 2-3 tbsp to the bottom. l. baking soda and leave it like that overnight. In the morning, dirt can be easily removed with a sponge and water.
  5. Housewives often use it to prevent burns on pans. whiteness. It helps restore the former shine and purity of the enamel. You need to work with whiteness with gloves and carefully. This product should not be used to clean dishes used for preparing food for small children.
  6. Activated carbon perfectly helps in the fight against burnt fat if the pan has darkened or turned yellow after prolonged use. First you need to crush the package of activated carbon tablets. The resulting powder is poured onto the contaminated bottom of the container and left for 30 minutes. Then add a glass of water and boil over low heat. The method removes old stains and black plaque well. It can be used if the jam in the pan is burnt. Activated carbon helps remove such contaminants and does not harm the enamel surface.
  7. An effective method is considered application of mustard for washing enamel dishes. It removes traces of burnt food and soot well. It is advisable to use this substance to remove fresh dirt from enamel cookware. Mustard perfectly whitens the enamel of the pan from the inside and outside. The container must first be cleaned of food residues and ash, after which 2-3 tbsp are poured onto the contaminated surface. l. dry mustard and rub gently with the hard side of the sponge.
  8. Vinegar at home always comes to the rescue in difficult situations. If fat or food is burnt in a pan, first wash the pan to remove soot and food debris. Then prepare a solution of vinegar and water. Dissolve 4 tbsp in 1 liter of liquid. l. vinegar and pour this solution into the bottom of the pan. Then the container with the solution is placed on low heat and boiled for an hour. During the process, you need to open windows for ventilation and isolate children and animals from inhaling these fumes. After boiling, use a sponge to remove any remaining dirt and thoroughly wash the pan in the usual way.
  9. Great for cleaning burnt dishes medical alcohol. It cleans the pan from burning and old fat residues. Housewives prefer to use medical alcohol after cleaning with detergents. It helps restore the shine and whiteness of the metal surface. The burnt bottom of the enamel pan should be rubbed with a sponge dipped in liquid and left for 30 minutes. Remaining fat is washed off with warm water.

These methods are the most popular and effective in the fight against black plaque and soot, but there are many more effective methods that help keep household utensils clean.

  1. Almost every method has a similar algorithm of actions:
  2. Initially, wash the dishes from food residues and grease.
  3. Rub the darkened parts of the enamel pan with the chosen product or fill with the prepared solution.

Finally, clean the container with running clean water so that the cleaning agents do not get into the food.

Super remedy for severe soot

Almost all housewives know that it is difficult to wash heavily burnt enamel dishes. But there are special tools that can help in this matter.

At home, you can clean a badly burnt cup or ladle using vinegar, baking soda and water. These components are mixed, placed in a container and boiled. After which the dishes must be washed with a medium-hard sponge and water.

An effective remedy is a mixture of borax and ammonia. The mixture is applied to the contaminated surface of the pan and left for several hours.

You can use cleaning agents that are sold in household chemical stores and are created specifically for washing enamel surfaces. They remove old fat, carbon deposits and soot that remain in a frying pan, kettle or saucepan.

Top 5 household chemicals for cleaning enamel cookware

In addition to traditional methods, there are many household chemicals that do an excellent job of removing such contaminants.

The following products are considered the most popular:

  1. An effective product is “Cif” gel for washing enamel surfaces.
  2. “Persol” without chlorine perfectly removes black and yellow deposits from metal surfaces.
  3. Sarma cleans not only enamel pots, but also utensils made of other metals.
  4. Frosch is the most popular product in the fight for cleanliness of household utensils. Available in gel and powder form.
  5. "Chistin." It is advisable to use it in case of severe burning of dishes. It comes in powder form and acts as an abrasive.

It is important to choose the right detergents so as not to damage the enamel in the pan. When choosing cleaning products, you should avoid products containing chlorine, acids and harsh abrasives.

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The light enamel inside the pan is constantly in contact with the food being cooked. If the contents have coloring properties (beets, berries, tomatoes), then the walls quickly become covered with a dark coating. Burnt food stains the bottom of the container, and cleaning the inside of an enamel pan from yellowness sometimes becomes simply necessary.

Whitening and light carbon removal

It is not always possible to wash enamel pans from dark deposits with simple dishwashing detergents. Dyes from vegetables penetrate into the small pores of the enamel and can only be removed using special methods. Most often, even cleaning with abrasives does not help: darkening and yellowness cannot be scraped off with hard sponges.

Using cleaning products is not only ineffective at bleaching pans. By scratching the enamel polish with a metal brush or sponge, the housewife only contributes to the formation of burns and plaque next time. But there are gentle ways to clean yellow spots and dark spots of burnt food inside a pan without much effort.

Salt for cleaning enamel cookware

Unlike steel wool, salt crystals soaked in water can act as an abrasive, removing burnt-on food without damaging harder enamel.

Salt can be used in many ways:

  1. Wipe off burnt food. Approximately 1 tbsp. l. Lightly moisten the crystals with water and apply to the bottom of the dish. Use a stiff dish scrubber to rub the cleaning agent over the burnt areas until the stains come off. If the soot was strong, it will be possible to wash off only the lightest and thinnest fragments of dirt, and the black or brown parts will remain at the bottom.
  2. Clean the pan from carbon deposits. Strong dark stains will soften if you pour a 3-5 cm thick layer of water on the bottom of the dish, dissolve a few tablespoons of salt crystals in it and boil the container under the lid for 20-30 minutes (low heat). After cooling, almost all the carbon deposits can be washed off without effort.
  3. Whiten yellow plaque. A hot saline solution helps destroy darkening and yellowing on the walls. A not too old problem can be easily eliminated by filling the pan with water to the top, adding about 2 tbsp. l. salt for every 1 liter and bringing the solution to a boil. Depending on the color stability, boiling can be continued for 10-15 minutes. If the disappearance of plaque is visually detected, the contents should be drained and the dishes should be rinsed with hot water.

Baking soda

Soda, like salt, is used as a mild abrasive. You can clean the pan from carbon deposits using a paste of powder moistened with water. If this is not enough (milk, meat, other protein products are burnt), then do this:

  1. Mix sodium bicarbonate powder with water to obtain a slurry (the amount depends on the volume of the dish).
  2. Apply the product to the walls and bottom of the container.
  3. Leave the pan for 1 hour.
  4. Wash with detergents and a dish sponge.

If the protein substances are not burnt black, then this remedy eliminates the problem immediately. It is easier to wash off dark plaque after boiling water with soda (3-4 tbsp per 0.5 l) for 20-30 minutes over low heat.

Citric acid

If the cause of the plaque is scale (in regions with hard water), then the hard limescale crust can be dissolved with a solution of organic acid. The easiest way to wash dishes at home is with citric or acetic acids - they are always on hand in the kitchen.

For 1 liter of pan volume you need to take about 25 g of citric acid. The powder is poured out, dissolved, the liquid is brought to a boil and left to cool. Depending on the degree of contamination, scale can be completely removed in 1-3 treatments. Pieces of limescale will come off the walls of the dishes when washed with a sponge.


Not only the product of this brand, but all drinks containing orthophosphoric acid have a strong cleaning effect. It is undesirable to use only brightly colored liquids (red, orange, etc.). They can remove scale or carbon deposits, but will color the enamel in its own shades.

To clean an enamel pan using this method, pour a carbonated drink into the pan and boil for 30-40 minutes. After this, stains from milk, liver, mushrooms, etc. are easily washed off; bounces off walls and scale well.

Sand washing technique

If you don’t have any household chemicals on hand (for example, at a picnic), then you can remove carbon deposits, soot, and other complex contaminants from the enamel with simple sand. To damage the surface of the dishes less, use the finest river sand (about 1 handful). The pan is moistened with water, sprinkled with sand and begin to methodically scrub inside and outside using a sponge, rag, a bunch of grass, etc.

The process requires a lot of effort and time, but it will return the pot or pan clean.

Using household chemicals for heavy carbon deposits

If the problem cannot be solved with kitchen products, then stronger chemicals can be found in the house. They dissolve burnt food well and whiten stained areas, but require careful handling and thorough rinsing of the pots after treatment.

Hydrogen peroxide

Pharmaceutical peroxide solution (3%) is a strong bleaching agent. The unstable substance breaks down into water and atomic oxygen, which cleans the painted areas. Peroxide can also dissolve protein residues.

The product can simply be applied to the walls or bottom and left for a few minutes. A more efficient way would be:

  1. Soak a rag with peroxide.
  2. Glue it to the yellowed walls, burnt on the bottom.
  3. Leave for 10-15 minutes and rinse the dishes.

If the container is small, you can cope with the problem by boiling the peroxide solution (100 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water). Boil for about 15 minutes under the lid on the minimum power of the stove.

Hydrogen peroxide is odorless and non-toxic. But after processing, the pan needs to be washed and rinsed, removing any remaining soot or deposits.

Chlorine solution, Whiteness

Chlorine bleaches are the most effective means in order to clean the inside of an enamel pan from blackness or yellowness on the walls. But they all have a common drawback: after processing, the enamel retains an unpleasant odor.

You can wash enamel pots using chloramine, bleach solution or Whiteness according to the general rules:

  1. Pour water into the container to the very top.
  2. Add chlorine bleach (if Whiteness is used, 1-1.5 caps of liquid is enough for 5-7 liters of dishes).
  3. Bring the liquid to a boil and remove from heat (you can just use boiling water and not heat it).
  4. Leave covered until cool.
  5. Loose yellow lumps or sediment are often found in cooled water: these are the remains of a yellow coating. The contents of the pan are poured out, and any remaining soot, if any, is wiped off.

Most often, after such treatment, all that remains is to thoroughly rinse the pan with hot water and dish soap.

If after washing and rinsing the chlorine smell persists, you need to pour clean water and boil for 10-15 minutes. After boiling, it is better to open the lid so that the remaining chlorine evaporates.

Prevention of enamel darkening

Simple methods will help prevent problems from occurring:

  1. 1-2 times a month you need to boil the pan with a soap-soda solution (for 1 liter of water - 2 tablespoons of soda and the same amount of soap shavings). After cooling, wash the containers with a simple sponge and rinse well.
  2. When peeling sour, uncolored fruits (for example, apples, pears), the peeling can be used to bleach the pan: boil the peel and core, cool and wash the pan.
  3. If you were preparing borscht, boiling mushrooms, etc., you can quickly remove the plaque with a slice of lemon or sour apple. When washing a pan, you need to rub the darkened walls, leave for 10-15 minutes, and then continue to wash.
  4. To avoid the formation of burnt spots, it is not advisable to boil milk or cook porridge in an enamel pan. Jam also sticks strongly to enamel. For such dishes it is better to use other dishes.

Enameled dishes should not be filled with cold water if the container has not yet cooled down. Due to temperature changes, microcracks appear, into which dyes or protein substances penetrate, and the coating begins to darken and burn.

How to clean an enamel pan from dark deposits inside if something is burnt in it or, as a result of cooking, it looks much worse than new cookware? Enameled pans are used by many housewives, since the enamel coating is absolutely safe when cooking a wide variety of dishes. They are practical, look beautiful, and with proper and careful handling, such dishes will last for many years.

It happens that when cooking milk or porridge, these ingredients burn in the pan. It is very difficult to wash off this deposit with simple detergents, so every woman should have a couple of folk remedies in her arsenal that will help wash the inside of the pan without damaging the enamel.

Folk remedies to help

How to clean a pan if, after preparing a dish, an annoying nuisance occurs: dark residue or residue remains? The most important thing is not to start scrubbing its inside with a hard wire brush or pouring cold water into hot dishes. You can use special dishwashing detergents to remove dark deposits, but there is no guarantee that they will cope with deposits, and their price is often unreasonably high.

In fact, our grandmothers long ago figured out how to bleach an enamel pan at home. Moreover, these funds can be found in every home due to their frequent use for other purposes.

Immediate cleaning

How to clean enamel cookware if the carbon deposits are still fresh? It is necessary to very quickly put the dishes in the sink and fill them with water at a suitable temperature. It is advisable to fill the pan to the brim so that all the scale present inside is captured. After this, you need to add dishwashing detergent, take a sponge and try to wash off the carbon deposits. If this fails, you need to leave the container with water for 20-40 minutes, after which the dark coating should come off the walls of the pan and can be easily washed off.

If a quick wash of the pan does not help, you should use other, more effective means.

Effect of salt

How to clean heavy carbon deposits inside an enamel pan? To do this, you can use regular table salt. Immediately after cooking and a dark coating appears, sprinkle salt on the bottom of the pan. You can also sprinkle salt on a gas stove on which boiling milk has been spilled. This will help not only clean the surface faster, but also avoid unpleasant odor burnt milk or other food.

You can prepare a concentrated saline solution. You need to pour it over the burnt pan and put it on the fire. After 20 minutes, you can remove the dishes and try to clean them with a regular sponge. In most cases, this method helps to clean even the most serious deposits inside the pan.

Sand washing technique

You can clean enameled and cast iron cookware with regular white sand. It is better to do this outside, when there is a large pile of sand, in the summer. Cleaning dishes with sand is quick and easy, not only inside, but also outside. To do this, you need to pour sand onto the dishes and rub them thoroughly with a cloth or washcloth. Sand must be constantly changed as it becomes dirty.

Cleaning with sand will take no more than 1 hour, but after that the dishes will literally shine, no worse than new.

Citric acid

How to clean enamel pots and kettles from scale and deposits, which often appear if you use the dishes for a long time. To do this, you can use citric acid, which is successfully used for cleaning washing machines and electric kettles. Citric acid is very gentle on delicate enamel coatings, but it is destructive to scale, dirt, carbon deposits and other unpleasant substances.

To clean the inside of the dishes, citric acid should be poured into a container and filled with water. If the pack is small, you will need several pieces, but if the pack is large, one will be enough. After the acid is poured in and filled with water, you need to put the pan on the fire and let it boil for at least 25 minutes. After this, you need to remove the dishes and pour the water with the fallen dirt into the sink. Periodically, citric acid should be used to clean all enamel cookware, which often suffers from trace elements present in the water that everyone uses for cooking.

A few more effective ways

The coating on enamel cookware requires proper handling, since a piece of coating that breaks off from the inside of the pan is not only unsightly, but also harmful to health. It is better to clean the pan immediately after it gets dirty - it’s much easier and faster to get rid of the scale inside.

You can clean dishes with baking soda. To do this, take 7 tbsp. l. baking soda, pour into a saucepan and add hot water. Then you should set the dishes aside overnight. In the morning, the carbon deposits should have dissipated, after which it can be easily removed from the surface.

If the deposits inside the pan are old and conventional means are not suitable for removing it, ordinary whitening in tablets or liquid form will help. To clean the container, you need to place several tablets or 50 g of bleach (less can be, depending on the volume of the container) in the pan and leave it for several hours. After this time, the container should be washed and left to air out for several days. The method is very effective, despite the unpleasant smell of chlorine, which, by the way, disappears without a trace, after which the dishes become suitable for cooking.

Green apples or lemons can also be used to clean dishes. These remedies do not always help, but in the absence of an alternative, you can try them. To do this, you need to cut sour fruits and rub them on the contaminated surface of the enamel cookware. After 40 minutes, the pan should be washed with detergent and water.

Burnt milk can be cleaned with coffee grounds. This will eliminate the burnt milk smell and help clean the surface.

Acetic acid also corrodes carbon deposits. To clean pots, pour vinegar into the dirty inside of the pan and leave for a short period of time. Afterwards, wash the container in the usual way.

Washing soap will also help clean an enamel pan without damaging the coating. To do this, you need to take a bar of soap, grate it (it’s better to do this while wearing a mask so that dust from the soap does not get into the respiratory tract) and pour it into the pan. After this, the dishes need to be filled with water and left for 8-12 hours. After cleaning in this way, the container should be rinsed thoroughly and you can continue to use it for its intended purpose.

You can whiten the bottom of a pan from burnt jam or milk using activated carbon.

To do this, several black tablets need to be crushed, poured into a container, filled with water and boiled.

If the surface of the enamel cookware is dirty both inside and outside, then you need to take a large container that can be heated over a fire, pour water into it and add soda with grated washing soap. Place the dishes to be cleaned into the prepared solution so that the liquid completely covers it. Boil the dishes over low heat for at least 40 minutes. To achieve a better result, you can add a special cleaning powder or whiteness.

Dry mustard also works well for cleaning enamel surfaces. To do this, you can rub mustard on a slightly damp pan or add it to water and boil it. The product is absolutely safe and effective.

A peeled onion will help tidy up the enamel bottom. If the container is large, you can take several peeled vegetables. Boil the bulbs in water for about 30 minutes. This will help get rid of plaque inside the pan that has formed after cooking coloring products.

You can use washing soda for cleaning. Previously, this product was used to clean any surfaces, and washing soda coped with this task very well. To clean pots, you need to take 50 g of soda per 2 liters of water, heat it, and then pour it into a cleaning container. Using a dish scrubber and baking soda solution, you can clean the surface of the pan until it shines.

Also suitable for cleaning ammonia, rhubarb root, apple peel.

Household dishwashing detergents

For those who do not want to bother with preparing solutions from folk remedies for cleaning enamel surfaces, you can purchase ready-made products available for sale in the chemistry department.

  • apply it to the burnt surface of the pan (after putting on rubber gloves) for 30 minutes;
  • After this, you need to rinse the surface of the dishes, removing carbon deposits and the remainder of the cleaning agent.

If scale has stuck to the bottom and walls of the cookware and has turned dark after cooking the food, you can remove it using Anti-Scaling and SEDA products.

In order for enamel pans to last longer, it is necessary to cook in them those foods that do not burn. If an unfortunate nuisance occurs, you need to immediately fill the container with water, avoiding contrasting temperatures. You also need to choose a high-quality enamel coating, since low-quality products are unlikely to last for a long time, even with proper care. If the enamel inside is damaged, you cannot cook food in such a pan after that.

Often, after long use, you can notice a dark residue inside the pan that cannot be washed off with a simple dishwashing detergent. In this case, you cannot rub the inside of the pan with a metal mesh or pour cold water into it. This is due to the fact that such a coating is very delicate and must be treated only with gentle means. To solve this problem, there are special products that can be purchased in the store, but you can also use traditional methods for cleaning enamel pans.

Recipes for bleaching enamel pans that darken at home have been known for a long time. Everything from which you can prepare the necessary compositions is available in every home. These are tools such as:

  • salt, soda;
  • citric and acetic acid;
  • sour fruits and sour milk;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sand;
  • medicines (activated carbon).

If all this turns out to be ineffective, then you will have to turn to chemicals.

Cleaning with salt, soda and sand

You can wash an enamel pan from dark deposits inside using table salt. Immediately after the food has burnt, you need to pour salt on the bottom, pour water on top and leave for two hours. After this, wash the dishes with hot water using a sponge. If traces remain, then you should make a concentrated solution of salt - half a glass of salt to one and a half glasses of water. You need to fill the pan with this solution and put it on the fire. After twenty minutes, you can try using a sponge to clean the dishes. This method is effective even with the most severe contamination.

To clean dishes with baking soda, pour hot water into it and add seven tablespoons of baking soda. Leave the solution for twelve hours. After this, the plaque is easily removed from the surface.

In order to get rid of blackness, you can use simple sand, which should be poured onto contaminated areas and rubbed with a cloth or washcloth. During the cleaning process, contaminated sand must be replaced with new one. The entire sand cleaning process takes about an hour.

Options for cleaning dishes using acid

Cleaning enamel cookware with citric acid is very effective. Citric acid acts very delicately on the enamel coating, but completely removes yellowness and dark deposits from the dishes. With this cleaning method, you need to pour the powder into a dirty container and pour water into it. Then you need to put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for twenty-five minutes. Often dishes can be bleached after the first procedure.

Acetic acid also whitens enamel dishes well. You need to pour it into the pan and leave it for a while, then rinse it.

There is one for cleaning dishes original way. It is also called “fruity”. Fruits are green apples and lemons. They need to rub the stained surface of the container and leave for forty minutes. After this, the pan should be thoroughly washed with detergent. The effectiveness of this remedy is small, the result is not always achieved, but in the absence of other means it is still worth a try. This group also includes the use sour milk, which must be poured into a container for twelve hours.

Other cleaning methods

If the milk is burnt, you can use coffee grounds, which are applied to the contaminated areas. Leave the pan coated in this way for an hour and then wash it. In addition to removing plaque, coffee grounds also eliminates the smell of burnt milk. You can remove burnt milk from dishes using activated carbon. Several coal tablets should be crushed into powder and sprinkled over the plaque, add water and boil. After twenty minutes, rinse the dishes.

A bar of laundry soap should be grated and the resulting mass should be poured into a pan. Pour water into it and leave for twelve hours, then rinse the container. Enameled surfaces can be cleaned well by rubbing dry mustard onto a damp surface. You can also use a peeled onion, which must be boiled in a dirty pan for half an hour.

If the plaque is minor, carbonated drinks such as Coca-Cola and Sprite will do. The drink should be poured into a dirty container and allowed to stand for an hour; if the result is unsatisfactory, then boil for forty minutes.

Ammonia and rhubarb root are also effective.

Use of household chemicals

If, while cooking a dish in an enamel pan, it burns, you will have to clean off the black deposits. If the trouble just happened and the deposit is still very fresh, you need to quickly fill the dishes with water to the brim, add dishwashing detergent and try to wash off the deposit with a sponge. If nothing works, then you need to leave the pan for about half an hour. In this case, the dark coating will begin to lag behind the walls of the pan.

In order to clean an enamel pan from old carbon deposits, conventional means will not work. In this case, it is worth using Whiteness. A solution at the rate of two caps per two liters of water must be poured into a contaminated container and filled with water. The pan should be left for several hours, after which it should be rinsed thoroughly with water. Dishes that have been cleaned with bleach must be aired for several days.

An effective product is “Gel for non-contact cleaning of dishes”. Its advantages are low price and ease of use. You need to wear rubber gloves when working with this product. The gel must be applied to the damaged surface for half an hour. Then the dishes need to be washed thoroughly.

If the bottom and walls of the dishes were covered with scale, which turned dark after cooking, you can wash it with special products SEDA and Antiscale.

How to remove heavy carbon deposits?

Enameled cookware is often used to make jam or preserves. If you do not stir the boiling mass in time, it will burn. Such contamination is very difficult to remove. In this case, a special cleaning solution is prepared, for the preparation of which you take a quarter glass of citric acid, the same amount of soda and half a glass of liquid White. All this needs to be mixed thoroughly and add one and a half glasses of water. Pour the mixture into a contaminated container and boil for half an hour.

There is a way to get rid of burnt food from the bottom of the pan without any special tools. You just need to place the soiled dishes in the freezer. After an hour, you can remove the pan and rinse thoroughly with cool water - all the carbon deposits will be removed very quickly. But you should remember that you cannot wash the pan with hot water - temperature changes can cause the enamel to crack.

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