Lentils simple cooking recipes. Dishes from lentils: recipes are simple and delicious. Cooking lentils in a slow cooker

home / First meal

Unfortunately, lentils are not very common, largely due to ignorance of recipes and features.

Some of the most popular varieties in the world can be roughly divided into green, red and brown lentils.

Yes, very simple, much easier than other legumes.

The colors of lentils differ in cooking time: green - it takes a little longer to cook, but it practically does not boil soft. Red and brown lentils cook much faster: dipped in boiling water, such lentils will cook in 20-25 minutes. Lentils, unlike their relatives peas and beans, do not need to be soaked. When cooking, it is not salted, like all legumes, since salt will slow down the process.

Before you start cooking lentils, you need to sort it out, rinse it in several waters. Boil by adding twice as much water: for a glass of lentils - 2 glasses of water. During the cooking process, stir the lentils a couple of times. There are no special tricks in cooking, and the result is unexpected.

No. 1. The easiest lentil - lentil soup.

Very satisfying and nutritious soups with this product are prepared very simply, according to the usual "soup" scheme: send chopped potatoes and sorted and washed lentils to the pan, pour water (not bad - boiling water). While the base is being cooked, make a frying of onions and carrots, tomato is welcome, but does not dominate. When the potatoes are ready (about 15 minutes from the beginning of the boil), add the onions and carrots, spices, including salt and pepper. And that's all! When serving, sprinkle with herbs. It can be served with croutons, but it's also good without them.

Soups are perfectly diversified by adding other ingredients, for example, pumpkin, pre-fried with onions and carrots, pickles or tomatoes (preferably green and strong), all kinds of smoked meats, sausages, of course - natural meat, leeks, cheese. The enumeration can take up a lot of space and time. It all depends on the imagination and capabilities of the hostess.

No. 2. for second courses.

The main dishes are almost always boiled lentils, which, when ready, are thrown into a colander, letting the water drain, and then seasoned to taste, stewed with other ingredients, baked, that is, brought to full readiness.

It is good to cook lentils for main dishes by adding onion (chopped or whole), garlic (preferably whole), herbs tied in a bunch, spices that you like more into the water. The sacred action comes when the lentils are almost completely ready. We strain the liquid and fantasize.

A good, very simple recipe for cooking lentils: fry a few sausages (cutting - whatever you like), you can add bacon or bacon, throw lentils into the same pan and simmer lightly under a lid over low heat. At the end, you can add cream or sour cream, or you can do without them. As a variety: this dish perfectly perceives sweet and sour berries and fruits, for example, plums, cherry plums, currants, acquiring a completely unusual taste and appearance.

Another simple recipe preparation of lentils: mix the finished product with fried onions, a clove of garlic passed through a press, spices to taste, form cutlets, roll in flour (preferably in a lezon) and fry until brown. With Chili or Tartar sauce - great both cold and hot.

Lentils with meat can take the leading place on the table. It is better to bring the meat almost to full readiness in advance, then add the lentils.

Sprinkle flour from the leg, place in a thick-walled bowl (such as a cauldron or duckling), where there is already a finely chopped onion and a few cloves of garlic, pour water or broth and cook over low heat for about 1 hour after boiling. The so-called lamb languor. After an hour, open it, add lentils (4 legs - 300 grams), add tomatoes - fresh or stewed, spices, salt, you can put or just fried, red Bell pepper and cook for another 30 minutes under the lid over low heat. At the very end, sprinkle generously with plenty of chopped parsley. A couple more minutes - and the smell will drive anyone who comes close to such a dish crazy!

With pork or beef, the procedure is the same: almost ready-made meat plus lentils plus additives from the mistress-craftswoman - and simmer over low heat until fully cooked.

In the form of an additive, mushrooms are perfect: fried, stewed, with and without onions, mushrooms perfectly shade lentils.

No. 3. Lentils in salads.

Green (French) lentils are perfect for salads, they practically do not boil soft and are in perfect harmony with other ingredients.

Green lentils when boiled resemble coins. Therefore, here is the recipe for "Money Salad", which can be prepared for any occasion (and without it).

Boil a glass of green lentils (see previous recipes). A handful of dried apricots - steam, cut into strips and fry with one onion in vegetable oil. Chop a handful of walnuts. Add strained lentils, nuts, salt, pepper, spices to taste in a pan with onions and dried apricots, slightly simmer under a tightly closed lid (4-5 minutes). Cool down. Salad with "coins" is ready!

With the current availability of information, everyone will be able to choose their own recipe for cooking lentils, this undeservedly forgotten great product!

Modern housewives undeservedly deprive their attention of recipes for lentil dishes. Simple and delicious, they make a complete lunch or dinner. It is important that it also turns out to be very useful. From lentils, you can cook not only soup, but also the most delicate porridge, side dish, salad, casserole and other interesting options.

The easiest way to prepare a side dish of lentils is using a slow cooker of any model. For such a recipe, you will need to take: 180 g of green lentils, 2 times more pure water, a couple of garlic cloves, half an onion and a carrot, oil, 1 sweet pepper (Bulgarian), salt.

  1. The capacity of the device is lubricated with oil and in the “Baking” mode, chopped garlic is cooked until browned. Next, finely chopped peppers, carrots and onions are added to the bowl.
  2. When the vegetables become soft enough, you can change the mode to "Buckwheat", add washed lentils, cold water and cook the dish until the appropriate signal.

A ready-made lentil side dish is served with any meat sauce, fish or chicken.

Cooking lentil soup with tomatoes

Such a thick red stew perfectly warms and saturates. When preparing it, you can use not only fresh tomatoes, but also canned ones. They should be in pieces. own juice(350 g). Also taken: 5-6 cloves of garlic, a handful of olives, a little over 300 g of red lentils, onions, carrots, a mixture of dried oregano, tarragon and basil, salt.

  1. Legumes are laid out in a saucepan, poured with cold water, brought to a boil, after which the fire is reduced to a minimum. The product is prepared before boiling, about half an hour.
  2. Whole garlic cloves are crushed with a fork and fried in any fat, along with chopped onions and carrots. After 5-7 minutes, peeled tomatoes, salt, spices (except tarragon) are sent to the pan, and the mixture is stewed for about the same amount.
  3. The bright red roast is transferred to the beans, the ingredients are mixed and brought to a boil. After 7-9 minutes of cooking, the dish is completely ready.

Before serving, the soup is seasoned with tarragon.

Porridge with onions and carrots

Few people know that you can cook lentils in the form of porridge. Adding vegetables will make it even more tasty and satisfying. For such a dish will be used: 2 tbsp. red lentil groats, 3 small white onions, a small carrot, salt, oil.

  1. Vegetables are coarsely chopped and sent to a pan greased with oil. In it, they are cooked until soft.
  2. When these products reach the required condition, salt and red lentils thoroughly washed with ice water can be added to them. If desired, any aromatic herbs are also used.
  3. Water is poured into the pan (2 times more than beans), it is covered with a lid and left on a medium fire. We must not forget about the regular stirring of the dish.
  4. 12-15 minutes after the mass boils, the fire is turned off, and the treat is left to reach for some more time.

Lastly, porridge can be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Braised lentils with chicken and thyme

This recipe will allow you to cook a full-fledged lentil hearty lunch. The dish gives a feeling of satiety for a long time and energizes. For its preparation will be used: chicken (thigh) 650 g, large carrots, onions, tomatoes, 250 g lentils (green), 0.5 hours of dried thyme, a pinch of basil, salt, oil.

  1. Ideal for such a dish thick-walled dishes or a cast-iron roaster.
  2. In a frying pan, onions and carrots (in oil) are fried until golden, after which the vegetables are transferred to a cauldron or other similar container.
  3. On top of the onions and carrots are thighs.
  4. The next layer is thoroughly washed lentils.
  5. From above, the components are filled with water. The liquid should be about 1 cm higher.
  6. It remains to add seasonings, salt and a tomato cut into large slices into the cauldron.
  7. Together, the products are stewed for about 45 minutes.

Before serving, the dish is thoroughly mixed again.

Lentil cutlets - step by step recipe

The number of options that can be prepared from lentils is pleasantly surprising. Based on this useful ingredient, even cutlets can be made. They are perfect for posting. As part of such cutlets: 1 tbsp. green lentils, egg, 60 g oatmeal, white onion, a couple of garlic cloves, a pinch of pepper, coriander and zira, salt, breadcrumbs, oil.

  1. Lentils are carefully peeled, washed and soaked in hot water for 2-3 hours. You can leave it on all night.
  2. After soaking, the water changes in the product, and it is boiled for about half an hour.
  3. Onions with garlic cloves are chopped and mixed with cooked lentils. With a blender, the mass turns into a homogeneous thick puree.
  4. Added to minced meat cereals, salt, spices and egg.
  5. Miniature cutlets are formed with a spoon, rolled into breadcrumbs and cooked in fat on both sides.

It must be remembered that the dish is fried very quickly. Therefore, it is better to blind cutlets in advance.

Diet salad with lentils

Lentil salad can be safely eaten even on a strict diet. The main thing is to properly cook legumes for him. Green lentils (220 g) are simply boiled in salted water. In addition to it, it is used: 300 g of boiled chicken fillet, red onion, sour apple, a bunch of green onions and parsley, 1 tbsp. mustard, 1 tsp bee honey, half a glass of root vegetable broth.

  1. Boiled lentils are laid out in a salad bowl as the first layer.
  2. Boiled chicken fibers are sent on top.
  3. The third layer will be diced red onion.
  4. The fourth is an apple cut into cubes.
  5. The last - chopped greens.
  6. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and seasoned with sauce. For its preparation, broth, honey, mustard and salt are mixed. Optionally, you can add to the sauce and any vegetable oil.

Before taking a sample, you need to leave the salad bowl with treats in the cold for about half an hour.

Lentil-potato casserole with meat

This casserole is perfect for holiday table. And for its preparation, the simplest available products will be used (1 cup - 350 ml): half a cup of water, milk, potato broth and green lentils, 800 g potatoes, 550 g minced meat, 3 tbsp. ghee, carrot, 70 g hard cheese, a pinch each of fenugreek, curry and asafoetida. Spices can be changed to any other to your liking.

  1. Lentils are soaked in cold water for 10-12 hours.
  2. Potatoes are boiled until cooked in salted water, and its broth is then used in the dish.
  3. Thick mashed potatoes are prepared from potatoes with the addition of butter, half of the milk and the same amount of broth.
  4. Ready lentils are also mashed.
  5. Spices are fried in fat along with finely chopped carrots and minced meat. After 3-4 minutes, the lentil mass is also laid out in the pan. After adding water, the components are stewed for 7-8 minutes.
  6. Half of the puree is placed in a mold greased with any fat.
  7. Above is the mass from the pan, onto which the remaining broth and milk are poured.
  8. Next comes the second part mashed potatoes, and the surface of the future casserole is carefully leveled.
  9. The dish is cooked in a well-heated oven for 35 minutes.

It is very tasty to serve a casserole with sour cream and garlic sauce.

Easy soup recipe

The simplest lentil soup puree is prepared very quickly. The result will definitely appeal to even the smallest members of the family. For such a dish, use: 1.3 liters of chicken broth, 250 g of red lentils, 1 large tomato, 60 g of ketchup, onion, 120 g of unsweetened yogurt, any seasonings, salt.

  1. Coarsely chopped carrots and onions are sautéed on butter in a saucepan. You can add to these components and ground paprika.
  2. When the vegetables turn golden, washed beans are poured to them. Together they fry for a couple of minutes.
  3. Chicken broth is added to the saucepan and tomato paste.
  4. After 10-12 minutes, slices of tomatoes without skin are sent to the soup.
  5. It remains to add salt, seasonings to the dish and cook it for 25 minutes.
  6. While still hot, the treat is turned into a puree with a blender.

The soup is served with unsweetened yogurt. If you replace the broth with plain water, it can be made vegetarian.

Lentil Curry - Indian Recipe

Lentils for garnish can also be prepared in a very unusual way, for example, according to a popular Indian cuisine recipe with numerous spices. For such a dish, an original ingredient is used - coconut milk (180 ml), and, besides it: 170 g of red lentils, a pinch of curry, turmeric, pepper and cinnamon, half a red onion, 3 cloves of garlic, salt.

  1. Lentils are thoroughly washed with cold running water.
  2. Finely chopped onions, garlic and carrots, as well as all spices, are sent to the pan.
  3. Lentils are added to the vegetables, and the ingredients are poured with half coconut milk(if there is not enough liquid, it is diluted with ordinary water). Together, the components are cooked until the legumes are soft over very low heat.
  4. It remains to salt the treat, pour the remaining milk into it and cook for a couple more minutes.

Served unusual dish with brown rice or fried green beans. Ideally, the curry should be very spicy, but you can adjust the amount of garlic and pepper to your liking.

How to cook lentils correctly? Do I need to soak lentils before cooking? You know, these are the fastest grains in terms of cooking time from the entire legume family. And they don't require soaking before they're cooked. Lentils - healthy food. It is well compatible with a variety of foods or seasonings, has a high nutritional value, and is available throughout the year. Lentils are nutritious, rich in antioxidants, selenium, vitamins that strengthen the immune system. So, below are cooking tips.

How to cook lentils for a side dish, step by step

  • Rinse the grains under running water, sort them out - if necessary, remove crushed, shriveled grains or small debris.
  • For 1 cup of dry lentils, 2 - 2.5 cups of water are required.
  • Bring the water to a boil, put the washed grains in a saucepan. Don't add salt yet! Let it simmer for 2-3 minutes. Then reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid, but leave it slightly ajar so that the water does not boil away too quickly.
  • Check the pot from time to time to make sure the water hasn't sunk below the level of the lentils. Add water as needed.
  • When it softens and can be easily mashed with a fork, it is ready. How long to cook lentils without soaking? It usually takes about 30-45 minutes.
  • Lentils that have been stored with you for a long time do not lose their nutritional properties, they just take longer to cook.
  • Don't mix fresh lentils with old ones. They cook unevenly.
  • Grains of red varieties are cooked faster - 20 minutes, no more.
  • Salt should be 15 minutes before the end of cooking. If you put salt in the pot at the beginning of cooking, the cooking time will double.

When the lentils are cooked through, turn off the heat. Cover the pot tightly with a lid. Let stand 5-10 minutes. During this time, it will absorb excess water, become juicier, more tender. Actually, this is not necessary, but I do it - I like it better.

What do lentils eat with, what is it compatible with, what spices

  • Add diced potatoes - they will take the same amount of time to cook as lentils. You may have to add water in this case, but you can do this during the cooking process.
  • Add spices along with salt. curry powder, ground cumin, garlic, ground red pepper, cilantro - all go well with lentils. Spices can be added at any time, but the sooner, the more seasoned taste and aroma your dish will acquire.
  • Lentils are usually used to make soups, stews. Green or brown varieties keep their shape quite well. If they are not digested, then they can be added, for example, to salads. For these purposes, it is enough to cook it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Cooked lentils can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

Lentils do no harm

Lentils, like any legumes, cause ... flatulence in many people. Add 1-2 cloves to the water - this problem will not affect you. In addition, cloves will add a subtle flavor to your lentils that will perfectly fit into the taste of the finished dish.

Useful properties of lentils

Like other legumes, lentils contain anti-carcinogenic substances of plant origin, rich in protein, iron, folic acid, fiber, which is very beneficial for the digestive system and heart. The high protein content makes it an excellent meat substitute.

Lentils come in different varieties, the main difference is in the color of the grains. Red is by far the fastest to cook and is often used in Indian cuisine. However, green, brown varieties are more nutritious than red ones.

Lentil is delicious cereal, which only recently appeared on the shelves of our stores at a low price. It seems that lentils look attractive and you want to include them in your diet, but not every housewife knows which dishes can be prepared based on this ingredient.

This section of the site contains recipes for how easy and tasty you can cook lentil dishes. First of all, here you need to understand that the lentil itself can be different types. Somewhere its orange version is sold, somewhere green, but the most common is the dark green color of lentils, which is closer to brown. Of course, you can immediately guess that many people use this cereal as a side dish. But, believe me, just a cooked side dish is far from the only option in which way this product can be cooked.

There are a lot of options for what to cook from lentils, and if you didn’t know where exactly to look for these options before, today you are in the right place. All recipes that are published on our portal and which include lentils automatically fall into this category. As a result, you will learn how to prepare a variety of vegetarian dishes with the addition of lentils, soups and even interesting and unusual desserts.

The special attention of many ladies is attracted by lentil recipes for weight loss. Indeed, if we carefully consider the beneficial effects of this product on the body, we can safely conclude that this ingredient helps to lose weight. On the other hand, nutritionists also speak in favor of such an action. If you read the menu of proper nutrition today, lentils will be found in it every now and then in different versions. This is because, against the background of its log properties, this cereal is also extremely nutritious.

Lentil dishes: simple and delicious recipes to cook at home at home you will definitely succeed. Because, before publishing each recipe on our website, it is tested, we try not only to describe the cooking process, but in each article to give a maximum of step-by-step photos of the preparation of a particular dish. All this is a guarantee that each dish in the end turns out to be successful.


Green lentil soup

Ingredients: green lentils, potatoes, onions, carrots, garlic, Bay leaf, vegetable oil, tomato juice, salt pepper

To be able to diversify the family menu at any time, you must always have in stock simple recipes that do not require expensive products. One of these is a recipe for lentil soup. Take note of it.

Products for the recipe:
- green lentils - 150 g,
- two potatoes,
- a small bulb
- a small carrot
- a clove of garlic
- 1 PC. bay leaf,
- 30 ml vegetable oil,
- 30 ml of tomato juice,
- spices - to taste.


Lentil cutlets

Ingredients: lentils, potatoes, carrots, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

Hearty cutlets can be prepared not only from meat. very tasty and nutritious, they are obtained from lentils. Moreover, it is very affordable recipe financially, which is important, right?


- lentils - 150 gr;
- potatoes - 1 pc;
- carrots - 1 pc;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- vegetable oil for frying.


Turkish lentil soup recipe

Ingredients: lentils, Wheat groats, onion, tomato paste, butter, spices

Turks, contrary to popular belief, use spices and spices in their dishes extremely sparingly. It is very important for them to emphasize the full strength of the natural taste and aroma of the main component, but not completely cover it with sauce or herbs. Therefore, in today's recipe, cumin only slightly outlines the taste of lentil soup, and mint gives it an exquisite freshness.

- 1 glass of lentils;
- 0.5 cups of wheat groats;
- 1 onion;
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste;
- 2 tablespoons butter;
- pepper - to taste;
- mint, thyme.


Red lentil soup with tomatoes

Ingredients: red lentils, carrots, tomatoes, onions, garlic, olive oil, ground black pepper, salt, coriander, paprika

We invite you to cook delicious and healthy soup from lentils. As you know, this product contains a lot of protein, vitamins and other useful substances. Therefore, this soup is suitable for any diet.

For the dish you will need:
- red lentils - 240 g;
- one carrot;
- tomatoes in their own juice;
- small head of onion;
- two cloves of garlic;
- ground black pepper;
- coriander;
- paprika;
- salt;
- 20 ml olive oil.


Pumpkin Lentil Soup Puree

Ingredients: pumpkin, chicken broth, potatoes, celery root, red lentils, onions, garlic, tomatoes, vegetable oil, salt, black pepper, herbs, croutons, croutons, whole wheat bread

Want to recharge your batteries for the whole day? Prepare a fragrant bright pumpkin soup. It turns out hearty, fragrant and tasty. We assure you that one portion will not be enough. By the way, it's not that hard to prepare. See our recipe with photos.

For the recipe you will need:
- 400 gr pumpkin pulp;
- a liter of chicken broth;
- 150 grams of potatoes;
- a handful of red lentils;
- head of onion;
- three cloves of garlic;
- three tomatoes;
- 40 ml of vegetable oil;
- salt - to taste;
- ground black pepper - to taste;
- any greens - for serving;
- crackers, croutons or whole grain bread - for serving.


Lean red lentil soup

Ingredients: red lentils, tomatoes, pasta noodles, onions, carrots, butter walnut, spices, salt, pepper

We offer a simple recipe light delicious soup with red lentils, vegetables and spices. Let your menu be not only varied and tasty, but also useful.

- 250 g red lentils,
- 2 carrots,
- 1 onion,
- 2 tomatoes,
- 100 g pasta(noodles)
- 1 tablespoon of walnut oil,
- pepper and salt to taste,
- seasonings.


Lentil cutlets, vegan, meat flavored

Ingredients: lentils, onion, garlic, salt, flour, paprika, meat seasoning, vegetable oil

You can cook a lot of lentils interesting recipes. For example, vegan cutlets, which are not only tasty, but also appetizing and very nutritious. Our recipe will tell you how to make them correctly.
- lentils - 0.15 kg;
- onion- 1 PC;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- salt to taste;
- flour for minced meat - 2 tbsp. l.;
- flour for breading;
- sweet ground paprika - 1 tsp;
- seasoning for meat - 0.5 tsp;
- vegetable oil for frying cutlets.


Soup with chicken and lentils in a slow cooker

Ingredients: chicken, carrot, onion, lentil, tomato, potato, soy sauce, spices

A simple, affordable soup that's easy to make and great for lunch. The easiest way to cook lentil soup is in a slow cooker, although the cooking technology is also suitable for a conventional stove.

Ingredients for the dish:

- one carrot,
- one head of onion,
- 200 g of chicken,
- one tomato,
- two potatoes,
- 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce
- seasonings and herbs - to taste.


Green lentils stewed with vegetables

Ingredients: green lentils, tomatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, carrot, onion, olive oil, curry, paprika, oregano, sage, salt

delicious vegetable dish We cook according to the proposed recipe with a photo. The ingredients include vegetables, spicy spices and olive oil. Stewed lentils with vegetables is healthy and tasty dish, which can be served for lunch or dinner or on fasting days.

- green lentils - 1 cup,
- tomatoes - 200 g,
- onion - 0.5 whole onion,
- zucchini - 1 pc.,
- carrots - 3 pcs.,
- cauliflower - several inflorescences,
- olive oil - 1 tablespoon,
- dried oregano - 1 teaspoon,
- curry - 1 teaspoon,
- paprika - 2 teaspoons,
- dried sage - 1 teaspoon,
- water - 3 glasses,
- salt to taste.


Soup with dried porcini mushrooms and lentils

Ingredients: dried porcini mushrooms, green lentils, carrots, onions, garlic, dill, refined vegetable oil, salt and pepper

Mushroom soups are very tasty with white or other forest mushrooms. But, if you are, as they say, "never" a mushroom picker, you can buy a bunch of dried mushrooms on the market and cook an amazing first course for dinner. One thing, you must be sure of the product you are buying.

For the recipe you will need:
- a handful of dried mushrooms,
- 250 gr. green lentils,
- one carrot,
- head of onion
- two cloves of garlic,
- bunch of dill
- vegetable oil - for frying,
- spices - to taste.


Green lentils stewed in tomato sauce with vegetables

Ingredients: green lentils, tomatoes, carrots, eggplant, zucchini, oregano, salt, black pepper

Green lentils prepared according to this recipe are hearty and very tasty. In it only healthy foods and nothing more for Lenten menu, so cook the dish in fasting boldly.

For the recipe you will need:
- green lentils - a glass,
- carrots - 2 pcs.,
- a small head of onion,
- tomatoes in their own juice - 100 g,
- one zucchini
- one eggplant
- large pinch of oregano
- salt - to taste,
- black pepper to taste.


Christmas kutia from lentils

Ingredients: lentils, raisins, chocolate candy, sugar

On Christmas Day, there are always a lot of different snacks and treats on the table. But the holiday will not be truly complete if you do not cook Christmas kutya. We offer the recipe for this dish in our step by step recipe.

- lentils - 1 handful,
- sugar - to taste,
- raisins - 1 handful,
- chocolate candy - 1 pc.


Lentil soup with chicken and vegetables

Ingredients: chicken broth, red lentils, white rice, potatoes, carrots, onions, ground red paprika, turmeric, salt, lemon juice, lime juice, vegetable oil, herbs

An interesting recipe for the first course will not leave you indifferent, if only because it is not so common in cookbooks. Don't believe? Watch and cook with pleasure for yourself and your loved ones.

- chicken broth - one and a half liters,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- red lentils - 4 tablespoons,
- potatoes - 1 pc.
- onion - 1 pc.
- White rice- 2 tablespoons,
- vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons,
- ground red paprika - 1 teaspoon,
- turmeric - 5 g,
- finely chopped greens - 2 pinches per 1 serving,
- lemon juice to taste,
- salt to taste.


Lentil stew with chicken

Ingredients: chicken broth, red lentils, potatoes, leeks, carrots, tomatoes, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, herbs, bread

Cooking hearty and very appetizing lentil stew on chicken broth. Everything is simple and very tasty. The first dish turns out thick and fragrant, do not forget to write down our recipe and use it at the first opportunity - you will not regret it!

- 1 liter chicken stock
- 1 carrot,
- 0.5 cup red lentils,
- 3 pcs. tomatoes,
- 1 leek,
- 2 potatoes,

- salt to taste,
- black or red ground pepper to taste,
- greens to taste.


Soup with red lentils and pumpkin

Ingredients: chicken broth, carrots, pumpkin, garlic, petiole celery, leek, potatoes, hot peppers, tomatoes, tomato sauce, red lentils, salt, vegetable oil, ground black pepper, ground chili

Cooking aromatic soup rich in vegetables and spices in chicken broth with red lentils and pumpkin. The first dish is tasty, beautiful and satisfying. it great option for a family or holiday dinner.

- 1 liter chicken stock
- 0.5 cup dry red lentils,
- 150 g pumpkin,
- 2 tubers of potatoes,
- 1 carrot,
- 1 stalk of celery,
- 1 stalk of leeks
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 5 tomatoes (300 g of tomatoes in their own juice),
- 1 pod of hot pepper,
- 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce,
- 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
- salt to taste,
- ground chili to taste
- ground black pepper to taste.

Lentils are a healthy and protein-rich product. This legume crop is red, green or brown in color. The cooking time depends on the color. Cook lentils into porridge, meatballs, flatbreads or soup with an exquisite aroma. Beans are also suitable for garnish. You don't know how to cook lentils? It's very simple.

How to cook lentils - general rules

Before cooking a legume, take into account our tips:

  • The cooking time depends on the variety. Boil red lentils for 25 to 30 minutes. Green is cooked for 40 minutes, and brown - 20-25 minutes;
  • first rinse and sort the lentils well. Sand, dry branches and small stones can come across in it. Remove damaged grains;
  • before cooking, be sure to soak the green beans in water for a couple of hours. Soak other varieties as desired;
  • taste the dish while cooking. You can get either dry peas or gruel;
  • cook the beans over low heat.

Cooking lentils in a pot

Prepare a glass of lentils and two glasses of water. Cooking process:

  • pour water into a saucepan;
  • put there the washed and sorted lentils;
  • turn on a small fire on the stove and wait for it to boil;
  • after boiling, pour a spoonful of olive oil into the pan to soften the beans;
  • cook for 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the type of lentil. Don't forget to stir occasionally;
  • add salt to taste 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

Finely chop the greens, season the lentil porridge and serve.

Cooking Brown Lentil Chowder


  • 1 st. brown lentils;
  • carrots and onions;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • fresh parsley, dry basil and marjoram.

Put the washed lentils on the stove to cook in a saucepan. Grate the carrots, cut the pepper into strips and fry with vegetable oil. Add finely chopped onion to the vegetables and fry for a couple of minutes. Look at the beans. If they are almost soft, add fried vegetables to them, salt them. Add boiling water to the saucepan until the consistency of the soup and cook until tender. At the end, put the diced tomatoes without skins, garlic and spices into the stew. Salt and boil for 5 minutes. Sprinkle parsley over a fragrant stew and eat with croutons.

Cooking red lentils in a slow cooker

Prepare the ingredients:

  • 1.5 st. red lentils;
  • 2.5 st. hot water;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of adjika, better than homemade.

Cut carrots into strips, onions into cubes. Set the “Baking” mode in the slow cooker for 20 minutes and fry the carrots and onions in the kitchen appliance for 10 minutes. Add finely chopped garlic and cook for the same amount of time. After the end of the program, add washed lentils to the multicooker and fill with water. Send adjika there, pepper and salt to your taste. Instead of adjika, you can take tomato juice. Cook porridge in the "Pilaf", "Buckwheat" or "Porridge" mode for 50 minutes.

It is a pity that lentils are not very popular in our country. At one time, Russia was a supplier of legumes and even loaves were made from it. But Asians and Africans are very fond of lentils, because they contain a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins. You learned how to cook it and you can cook it Tasty dinner for the family.

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