Kombucha drowned why. How I saved kombucha. Kombucha - beneficial properties

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  1. Yes, most likely he is no longer a tenant. try to revive it by peeling off a layer on all sides. This usually happens if you care for it incorrectly.
  2. He died...
  3. He died...
  4. He's dead, throw him away!
  5. the scribe looks like him, try to separate it if it’s thick, rinse it and put it in a new brew,...

Kombucha technology. (info from the Internet) - from A to Z: from types to specific cooking recipes

If you are going to drink the entire supply of infusion over the next few days, immediately make a new “fill” for continuous enjoyment. It is best to rinse the kombucha after draining the finished infusion. Even if it stays for more than a month.

The more layers a tea has, the stronger and healthier it is. But this is more difficult to manage - it is not easy to remove it from the jar and rinse it properly. So, if your mushroom has become “fat,” it is better to remove one or two layers. It is advisable to separate the old, then the lower layers.

What to do if the mushroom does not float to the surface of the tea solution? This happens with a young mushroom or when several layers are separated from a mature mushroom and it becomes too thin. Wait a few hours - maybe it will pop up.

If not, reduce the amount of tea solution. Even if there is very little of it, it doesn’t matter: after one or two dressings, the mushroom will gain strength and will soon be able to feed the whole family.

If about kombucha If you forget, then all the liquid may evaporate, then you need to pour sweet tea over the mushroom and let it settle.

Treatment of the fungus: brown spots on the surface of the mushroom are burns from granulated sugar. Don’t rush to throw away such a mushroom; try to cure it first. To do this, all you need to do is...stop pouring sugar on the mushroom. He will do the rest himself, as long as there are only a few brown spots. If the burns are large, it is better to remove the top layer: the fungus cannot breathe through the affected parts of its “body”, and oxygen is vital for it.

Reminder: ~the taste of the kombucha infusion is not lost but improved when stored in the refrigerator.

~The finished infusion tastes like strong, well-carbonated kvass. Drinking it is a real pleasure.

~When pouring the finished infusion into a storage container, strain it through 3-4 layers of gauze (it’s easier to drain the infusion from the jar with a dropper).

~The jar with the mushroom should be kept in a dark place - straight sun rays he doesn't love.

~Try it from five days of aging (although you can try it already on the 4th day).

~In order not to make a mistake with the number of days of aging, write down the date of “filling” on a piece of paper.

~For a young, thin mushroom, a liter of solution can be a lot: it will not be able to float to the surface. In this case, you will have to reduce the amount of solution. An old 5-6 layer mushroom with a shaggy beard can be filled with two liters.

Personal experience: I use it for brewing green tea without additives (flavorings). I brew in a porcelain teapot up to 4 times. For 1 liter, 1 teaspoon of tea, 1 tablespoon of sugar. I use only settled and boiled water (+25). I rinse the Kombucha with the same water if necessary. It is not advisable to rinse under the tap (chlorine)! To prevent the kombucha from drowning in the tea leaves, I tilt the jar and carefully, placing the mushroom on a tablespoon, load it into the jar. Next, I carefully place the jar vertically, cover it with gauze and put the jar with the mushroom in a dark place. When the infusion is ready (2-3 weeks is the norm for me), I drain it through a dropper.

Kombucha - beneficial properties

Kombucha is a jellyfish that lives in a three-liter jar. Basic beneficial properties the drink it produces is that it quenches thirst well. The jellyfish swims closer to the surface and releases numerous threads to the bottom. Due to its resemblance to a jellyfish, the creature is officially called a “medusomycete,” a name coined by its researcher, the German mycologist Lindau, in 1913. There are more unofficial names: Japanese sponge, tea jellyfish, Manchurian mushroom, Fang mushroom.

Health Benefits of Kombucha

The yeast that forms the jellyfish ferments sugar dissolved in water and produces alcohol. In turn, acetic acid bacteria produce acetic acid from alcohol. Very soon, as a result of the activity of microorganisms, a sweet and sour composition is formed in the jar. It is slightly carbonated, rich in vitamins and organic acids.

The healing properties of a living organism are due to the high content in the drink obtained with its help of vitamins C, PP, D, group B, organic acids - gluconic, lactic, acetic, oxalic, malic and citric.

  • Most of all gluconic acid is generated. It increases muscle performance and activates metabolism.
  • Jellyfish synthesizes various enzymes - protease, catalase, amylase. They speed up reactions in the body.
  • The produced drink is a natural antibiotic, devoid of the disadvantages of artificial drugs with a similar effect.

How to grow healthy kombucha

Medusa has natural property reproduce by dividing layers. A piece fits in three liter jar with warm sweetened tea, optimal temperature tea +24C. Then the jar is covered with gauze and infused in the shade, but it must be warm there.

The drink is ready in four to five days. This is the time required for the formation of useful organic acids. If you start drinking earlier, it will contain carbon dioxide and wine alcohol. In summer the cooking speed increases, in winter it slows down.

The finished product is filtered through cheesecloth and stored in the refrigerator. It tastes like kvass and consists of wine alcohol, sugar, organic acids, aromatic substances, enzymes and vitamins.

How to properly care for kombucha

  • Healthy kombucha is always on the surface. If he drowned, you cannot drink the infusion.
  • If the mushroom becomes dark, you need to change the nutrient solution - sweetened tea. It is better to pour out the old infusion; it will hiss and foam, like soda with a sweet and sour taste. The tea must be changed regularly, otherwise the jellyfish will die without food. You can use any quality or green tea without additives.
  • No need to put granulated sugar on the surface of the jellyfish, this will cause it to burn. Sugar needs to be dissolved in tea and added to the jar after the finished drink is drained.
  • Approximately every two or three weeks, the mushroom is washed with clean warm water. Then pour sweet tea again.

Beneficial properties of kombucha drink

It is best to take it one hour before meals or three hours after meals. If consumed useful product While eating, the food will be digested very quickly under the influence of enzymes and you will soon want to eat again.

In the course of experiments on animals, it was proven that even with critical values ​​of cholesterol in the blood, the use of the beneficial properties of the kombucha drink can save the body from imminent death.

The drink has the beneficial property of reducing fever. Even if you are infected with tuberculosis, the disease develops much more slowly and organs are affected to a lesser extent than if you do not drink kombucha.

It is best taken shortly before bed; its calming properties help cope with insomnia.

The product provides health benefits due to the following properties:

  • lowers blood pressure;
  • normalizes the acidity of gastric juice;
  • treats diseases of the gallbladder;
  • helps eliminate and prevent constipation;
  • used for dysentery;
  • helps get rid of toxins and poisons,
  • suppresses putrefactive microflora;
  • copes with inflammation of the oral cavity or nasopharynx;
  • indicated for migraines and obesity.

Possible harm of kombucha

The drink, which has a number of beneficial properties, has virtually no contraindications. Do not accept it:

  • with ulcers;
  • in case of gastritis;
  • with low blood pressure.

Beneficial properties of kombucha - women's magazine

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Perhaps you have seen jars with a floating organism that looks like a jellyfish in the houses of your friends? This is the so-called “kombucha” (medusomycete) which has many beneficial properties and got its name from its habitat: a solution of sweet, weakly brewed tea.

Since kombucha appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century after the Russo-Japanese War, it is also called Japanese, although Tibet is considered its homeland. Based on appearance, the best name is tea jellyfish. In its structure, it is the result of a symbiosis of two types of organisms: yeast fungi and acetic acid microorganisms. By appearance The fungus is a thick, layered, slimy mass that floats on the surface of the growing medium.

If this mushroom appears in the house, then most often it receives a permanent residence permit... The beneficial properties of kombucha are varied: a blood pressure regulator, a normalizer of stomach acidity and the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, a skin and dental care product.

Kombucha infusion is indispensable for the prevention and treatment of colds, since it contains ascorbic acid. Drops of mushroom infusion can treat conjunctivitis and otitis. The mushroom infusion is rich in organic acids, vitamins, enzymes, contains caffeine, sugar and a lot of other useful substances.

Like any living organism, a mushroom needs constant, simple care. To feed it, you need a warm nutrient medium of weakly brewed tea with sugar (one hundred grams per liter of tea), and it is necessary to prepare the “food” in a separate container, since sugar crystals getting on the mushroom causes burns.

A necessary condition for the successful development of the fungus is the ambient temperature; if it drops below 17 degrees, the viability of the fungus drops and algae can settle next to it, which will affect the taste and medicinal properties drink You should also remember that it is not advisable to tightly and hermetically seal the container with the mushroom; it needs oxygen. Protect your mushroom from direct sunlight, as it can be harmful to it.

If, after adding a new portion of tea, the disk of the mushroom “sank” to the bottom of the jar, do not worry, in a day or two, when a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide has accumulated as a result of enzymatic processes, the mushroom will float to the surface, and the drink will acquire the taste of carbonated kvass.

Kombucha. rebirth.

I keep the mushroom in a 3-liter jar, but I haven’t tried it in a half-liter jar. I think that the mushroom is simply not comfortable in a small volume. And what's the point of insisting on one and a half glasses of the drink? There should be plenty of kombucha to drink every day, especially now that summer is coming. Separating the mushroom is very easy. When it becomes thick, 4-5 centimeters, I use two forks (my hand cannot fit into the jar) to separate the lower, old layer of the mushroom and leave it in the jar, removing the top layer. After this, the process of layer growth continues and after 1.5-2 months I repeat the separation procedure. It is the lower part with the hanging rags that needs to be left. After such separation, the fermentation process is sharply activated. Overnight the drink becomes sharp and tasty. After dividing, you can leave the top part of the mushroom in the jar if you don’t like the look of dead and floating pieces. But then the maturation process slows down noticeably. To avoid floating particles in the glass, strain the drink through a strainer. But I don’t use a strainer, the pieces slip into the stomach just fine, you just need to not bother with it. The concentration of the solution should be average, like the tea we drink in the morning, and the sugar should be 1 heaped tablespoon per half liter of tea leaves. I pour 2 liters of solution into a 3-liter jar. To grow a new mushroom, you need to pour the infused drink into a new jar and leave it alone for 1-2 weeks, or maybe more, depending on the environment. For transportation, the mushroom can be placed in a plastic bag, not full of holes, and a little infusion can be poured into it. You just need to remember that the mushroom always releases carbon dioxide and the polyethylene can swell and burst. This method of transportation is suitable for short distances. And on a long journey, the mushroom should be transported in a hard container and shake less on the road. Upon arrival at a new place, leave it alone for a few days to recover. And there is no need to rinse the mushroom! He doesn't like it! Good luck to you.

Kombucha:: medical circle.ru

Kombucha (Medusomyces Gisevi), Japanese mushroom, sea kvass, tea jellyfish, medusomycete - a symbiotic organism, a symbiosis of yeast and acetic acid bacteria.

The mushroom is a thick layered mucous film floating on the surface of a liquid nutrient medium (sweet tea, juice); consists of a culture of two microorganisms in a symbiotic relationship: a yeast-like fungus (Schizosaccharomycodes ludwigii) and bacteria (usually Acetobacter xylinum). Yeast ferments sugar to form alcohol and carbon dioxide, and bacteria oxidize ethanol into acetic acid. The liquid (usually a 4-6% sugar solution in weak tea) acquires a sweet and sour taste and turns into a slightly carbonated drink - “tea kvass”.

Pour 3 liters of cold water into a saucepan, add 9 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry leaf green/black tea without top. Bring to a boil, stir the sugar, cool, pour through a strainer into a 3-liter jar or other large glass container. Rinse the mushroom in cool water and place in a jar. He may drown, but he will float up after some time. It is necessary to hide it from the sun, but keep it warm. Keep the thickness of the mushroom approximately 1-4 cm (the lower layers should be carefully removed or moved to other containers). A thick mushroom quickly accumulates vinegar. Can be consumed after 3-4 days (fermentation speed depends on temperature). A properly prepared infusion is quite carbonated and, when poured, foams and hisses almost like an ordinary gas water. You cannot block the access of air to the mushroom; you can cover the jar with 3-4 gauze, close it with a nylon lid with the middle cut out and pour without removing it.

Kombucha infusion improves digestion and has antibiotic properties.

Its infusion is recommended as a rinse for the treatment of ulcerative stomatitis. Regular use 0.5 cups of tea kvass 3 times a day with meals for 2-3 weeks improves the well-being of people suffering from sclerotic forms of hypertension and reduces blood pressure.

In addition, kombucha is also an excellent cosmetic product: its infusion is used for washing and rubbing the skin, rinsing hair. To prepare a hair mask, you need to prepare one tablespoon of honey, one glass of a month-old kombucha infusion. Heat the infusion, but do not bring to a boil. Dissolve honey in it, then stir. The resulting mixture should be evenly distributed over damp hair.

You can also rinse your hair with kombucha. Thanks to this, the hair will become soft, shiny, the color will become more intense and it will be easier to comb. It is best to rinse your hair with kombucha infusion after each shampoo.

Kombucha for forty ailments!

Kombucha infusion is an ancient and in many cases quite effective everyday remedy. traditional medicine. And they, as you know, are primarily used for preventive purposes, that is, they do not allow the body to become a breeding ground for pathogenic organisms.

Research over the last hundred years has shown that there are poisons in the gut that have profound negative effects on the body and mind. These poisons are formed due to excessive growth of intestinal microflora, which causes decay processes. A range of minor and more serious complaints that are not usually associated with digestion can indicate poor gut health. These include skin problems (pimples, boils, severe sweating), purulent eyes, styes on the eyelids, bladder complaints, headaches, inflammation of the joints, gout, sciatica, depression, irritability and many others. The cause of all these ailments and diseases may be gradual self-poisoning due to poor bowel function. If the intestines cannot cope with their functions, then over time its walls become sluggish. The movement of intestinal contents slows down. The microscopic digestive glands and villi, located in the small intestine and being the absorption apparatus, become clogged with solid deposits. Since the length of the intestine with all its bends is 7-8 meters, a significant amount of “intestinal debris” accumulates. This “intestinal garbage” becomes a real paradise of putrefactive bacteria. They participate in the formation of poisons such as methanol, butanol, propyl alcohol and other harmful substances, which first poison a person’s mood, and then gradually the entire body. With intensive accumulation of fermentation poisons, intestinal autointoxication can occur, that is, gradual self-poisoning of the body, in which the blood carries substances throughout the body. If this state of affairs occurs for a long time, general health deteriorates and the body’s defenses weaken. As a result, many diseases gradually develop, the initial cause of which is intestinal overload and the formation of toxic substances in the intestines.

The ability of kombucha infusion to destroy putrefactive bacteria can hardly be overestimated. Perhaps this is precisely its property that is the most important and valuable for our health. A person who regularly consumes kombucha infusion can effectively counteract this health-destroying process. The infusion destroys putrefactive bacteria and other harmful inhabitants of the intestines. Within a few days after systematically taking the infusion, intestinal bloating and bad smell chair. This indicates that the formation of toxins in the intestines is reduced and healthy intestinal flora is restored. Consuming the infusion reduces the feeling of hunger. It activates metabolism and stimulates the formation of enzymes involved in the digestion process. Thus, the infusion of kombucha is a remedy of natural origin that does not have side effects and prevents intestinal overload. “All diseases nest in the intestines,” said the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. In other words, a healthy gut is essential to good health.

Kombucha infusion promotes the breakdown of fats, cleanses the body of toxins, removes excess fluid from the body and reduces appetite. Restrains cravings for sweets. The carbon dioxide contained in the infusion stimulates appetite and improves protein digestion. In addition, it promotes the rapid penetration of alcohol contained in the infusion into the blood. However, the amount of alcohol in the kombucha infusion is so small that it does not pose a health hazard; its effect is almost imperceptible. This allows us to draw the following conclusion: the alcohol content in the infusion is too low for it to pose a danger as a product that forms alcohol dependence; at the same time, the alcohol content in the kombucha infusion is high enough to supply the body with a small, healthy amount of alcohol, in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

The infusion has the property of invigorating and raising the overall tone of the body. It has a stimulating effect on the oral mucosa, which promotes salivation. In addition, in the process of the therapeutic effect of kombucha infusion, its typical taste plays an important role, since, as far as is known today, a number of signals are transmitted through the endings of the taste nerves to the brain, which in turn enter the cells and executive organs of the body. It should also be taken into account that the activity of the psyche, that is, the nervous system, is closely interconnected with the activity of the immune system. Kombucha can undoubtedly be called an excellent product, medicine, and also an extremely pleasant drink.

Kombucha infusion significantly reduces blood pressure, cholesterol levels in the blood and improves the well-being of patients, stops or reduces headaches, heart ailments, and helps with oppressive insomnia. It is useful as a means of regulating the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, relieving stomach pain, and for persistent constipation in older people.

A remarkable property of kombucha is its ability to use harmful lactic acid, which is formed in humans during the metabolic process, for its vital functions. Kombucha infusion is very effective for age-related diseases, especially atherosclerosis and sclerotic phenomena of hypertension.

To prepare the tea leaves, I use green tea without additives (flavorings). I brew it in a porcelain teapot 5-7 to 4 times. For 1 liter, 1 teaspoon of tea, 1 tablespoon of sugar. After the brew has cooled, I mix it with settled and boiled water (+25). I wash the Kombucha with the same water if necessary. It is not advisable to rinse under the tap (chlorine)! To prevent the kombucha from drowning in the tea leaves, I tilt the jar and carefully, placing the mushroom on a tablespoon, load it into the jar. Next, I carefully place the jar vertically, cover it with gauze and put the jar with the mushroom in a dark place. When the infusion is ready (2-3 weeks is the norm for me), I drain it through a dropper.

Mistakes when caring for and maintaining kombucha: a jar of mushroom is standing in the sun, poor-quality tea, grains of sugar have fallen on the mushroom, the mushroom is under water for a long time, washing the mushroom with running water, at least 2 people take care of the mushroom in turn (the best option is one owner), The jar of mushroom is in plain sight for everyone (for example, in the kitchen)...

Important! A disrespectful attitude towards Kombucha is harmful to your health!

Don't make mistakes! 1-Do not use teas containing essential oils (flavored teas). The use of honey for preparing infusions is highly questionable.

2.Do not sprinkle sugar on the kombucha, this will cause burns on its body in brown spots and may kill it. Too strong tea also depresses him.

3. Do not pour boiling water or hot tea leaves over the kombucha; it will die.

4.Do not store kombucha in the refrigerator; sub-zero temperatures are harmful to it.

6. The jar of kombucha is not sealed hermetically, it is simply covered with clean gauze in 4-5 layers to prevent dust from getting in + protection from flies.

7.Do not use silver, cupronickel, copper, aluminum, crystal, ceramics, porcelain when working with mushrooms. You can only use food-grade plastic, glass, and stainless steel.

Brown spots on the surface of the mushroom are burns from granulated sugar. Don’t rush to throw away such a mushroom; try to cure it first. To do this, you just need to stop pouring sugar on your pet’s wounds. He will do the rest himself, as long as there are only a few brown spots. If the burns are large, it is better to remove the top layer: the fungus cannot breathe in the affected areas of its body, and it vitally needs oxygen.

But in principle, the more layers a mushroom has, the stronger and healthier it is. But such a mushroom is more difficult to manage - it is not easy to remove it from the jar and rinse it properly. So, if your mushroom has become so thick that it becomes difficult to remove, it is better to remove one or two layers.

You need to separate the fresh ones, that is, the top layers. The beard, on the contrary, should be groomed and cherished, because these are colonies of acetic acid bacteria that synthesize organic acids - the basis of the healing potential of kombucha. Only those beard fibers that have floated freely are removed.

What to do if the mushroom does not float to the surface of the tea solution? This happens with a young mushroom or when several layers are separated from a mature mushroom and it becomes too thin. Wait a few hours - maybe it will pop up. If not, reduce the amount of tea solution. Even if there is very little of it, it doesn’t matter: after one or two dressings, the mushroom will gain strength and will soon be able to feed the whole family.

The mushroom infusion should be drained every five to six days in winter and every two to four days in summer. Also, do not forget that the mushroom must be washed regularly with clean, cool water; in summer this should be done every one to two weeks, and in winter every three to four weeks. If the mushroom remains in the solution, the upper film begins to turn brown. This is a sure sign that the mushroom is beginning to die. If this living organism is not fed in a timely manner or if its nutrition is completely stopped, the liquid turns into acetic acid, holes appear on the body of the mushroom, it painfully turns over, lies sideways for a long time, and then dies completely, slowly sinking to the bottom.

You must remember to cover the jar in which your mushroom lives with gauze so that, by providing air access, you will not allow midges to fly in there. When leaving for a long time, put it in the refrigerator - this way it will not die.

It is extremely important to use only clean water when preparing medicinal infusions. We highly recommend purchasing a filter for everyone who wants to practice treatment with miracle mushrooms. Filtered water should not be enriched with microelements; mushrooms produce them themselves, and everything unnecessary in the water only interferes with them. Therefore, in principle, it is ideal to use distilled water.

Probiotic, kombucha, as well as live yogurt and yogurt culture, should be constantly stored in the refrigerator, but they should not be frozen during storage.

Despite warnings about the unsafe nature of the kombucha drink - mostly due to ignorance or economic considerations - if you follow the instructions, then there will be no doubt about making the drink at home as generations have done in the past. Anyone who has the necessary knowledge can quite successfully deal with kombucha - just as they deal with other “open” products in the household. By following the correct instructions, you can prepare excellent, tasty, healthy and effective drink"kombucha" The mushroom will grow and accompany its owner throughout his life and serve him faithfully.

Anyone who handles a mushroom culture in accordance with proven rules, thoughtfully and carefully, can expect no complications. Russian descriptions even say that no precautions are required, since the mushroom protects itself from various impurities.

Abroad, any of these mushrooms can be ordered by mail for an almost nominal fee. If you are in the CIS, first of all, ask your friends or refer to advertisements on the Internet. It should be noted that only by using this method can you be absolutely sure that the drinks actually contain a living culture. Whereas in the case of purchased products (probiotics or live yoghurts), you do not have a guarantee for this. Unless you make yogurt yourself using a starter, only then you can easily see if the culture is alive (if not, you won’t make yogurt).

Caring for kombucha, as well as its cultivation, is not particularly difficult, especially since it has been experimentally proven that the medusomycete easily and very quickly adapts to changes in external conditions, is unpretentious, can withstand different temperature ranges and absorb a wide variety of sugars. Due to its internal reserves, the fungus can survive adverse effects, which is why it has spread so widely and quickly everywhere.

And yet there are some rules for caring for it. First of all, you should know that oxygen is necessary for the normal functioning of the fungus, and therefore in no case should you close the container in which it is located with a lid. It is better to cover it with gauze folded in several layers. By the way, about the dishes themselves: they must certainly be glass, allowing light to pass through well. Please note: it is light, and not direct sunlight, which is harmful to the fungus. It is better to place it in the shade than in a place open to the sun.

A two- or three-liter jar with a wide neck is most suitable for breeding kombucha. It is advisable to have two such cans: one for the mushroom, the other for the finished drink. The infusion from the mushroom should be drained every 2-3 days, in winter a little less often - after 5-6 days. The finished infusion can be stored tightly closed in the refrigerator or in the cellar for quite a long time.

When caring for a mushroom, you should not forget about some “hygienic” procedures for it. He loves cleanliness and is very demanding of it. So, in the summer, every week or two it should be washed with clean, cool water; in winter, this should be done a little less often.

Do not let your mushroom sit in the solution, otherwise its top film will begin to turn brown, and this is the first sign that the plant is dying. Always monitor the water temperature. The optimal temperature for the fungus is considered to be 25° C, and the harmful temperature is below 17–18° C. In this case, the activity of the fungus decreases sharply and blue-green algae begin to grow in it. Although this is beautiful, there is no medicinal benefit from them, and gradually they kill the fungus.

For normal growth and development, the mushroom should be kept not in ordinary water, but in a solution of tea with sugar. This solution is prepared as follows: the tea leaves already used for preparing regular tea are poured with boiling water again, cooled slightly and filtered through a tea strainer so that there are no floating leaves left in the liquid. Then 1 liter of such water is slightly heated. This is done so that it is easier to dissolve 100–150 g of sugar in water. It is impossible for sugar to lie at the bottom of the jar or not be completely dissolved - this is harmful to the fungus.

When the sweetened water has cooled, it is added to the jar where the medusomycete is already located. Under no circumstances should you pour sugar directly into the jar onto the mushroom, as many people do. Sugar in undissolved form can harm it, leaving burns on its mucous membrane, which is why the fungus will gradually die.

In order to speed up the growth process of the fungus, you can do it in a different way. Taking a clay pot, fill it with 3 liters of warm tea (infusion). Then add sugar - for every liter of liquid 100 g of sand. The sugar should be thoroughly stirred, a cup of the already prepared drink should be added as a starter, and only then the kombucha should be placed on the surface of the water. Don’t be afraid that after the next complete change of water, your mushroom will sink down and lie at the bottom of the jar, as if dead. In just a couple of days it will again acquire buoyancy, and after two weeks it will almost completely fill the entire free area. But first he must adapt, get used to the new solution.

If you want to propagate your kombucha, you should do it correctly and very carefully. The film must be separated from the main mushroom. Under no circumstances should you pinch off a whole piece of a mushroom, since in this way you will only injure it, losing the existing mushroom and never developing a new one. For propagation, only the layered daughter film should be used, not half the plant. It is this that needs to be transferred to a clean jar with warm water, where it will take root for some time.

During the adaptation period, the young mushroom does not need to be fed with a tea solution or added sugar, since the medusomycete is still too weak and susceptible to external influences. But be sure to cover the jar with gauze and place it in a warm place for a day. Under no circumstances should you close the jar with a plastic lid, as the mushroom will simply suffocate under it. But it is necessary to cover it - this is necessary so that the flies that love it very much do not lay their eggs in it. If this happens, the mushroom will die without having time to grow.

As soon as the layered film of the mushroom settles to the bottom of the jar and begins to resemble a layered cake, it needs to be transferred to a nutrient medium that is already familiar to it. There, after three days, a delicate, hardly noticeable, colorless film should appear on the surface of the water. Gradually it will become covered with white-gray bulges of scattered colonies. When there are many of these colonies, they will merge into one and become like a large leathery film. It will continue to grow until its thickness reaches 10 mm, sometimes even more.

This process is called cultivation. Throughout its entire length, the infusion in which the mushroom floats will remain transparent, but the film will slowly begin to peel off. Soon its lower layer will darken slightly, becoming brownish-brown. At this moment, if you did everything correctly, strands should begin to hang down from the mushroom, and a loose sediment with granular colonies appears at the bottom of the vessel.

In order for the mushroom to grow faster, every two to three days it needs to be lightly fed with a weak infusion of tea with 10% sugar. And about once a month, give him a “bath day” - rinsing him in boiled water, and then returning him back to the infusion. It will be possible to cultivate this mushroom only when it has grown considerably and become multi-layered.

Kombucha begins to produce a sour carbonated drink already on the seventh day of its stay in solution. Yeast and acetic bacteria produce acetic acid and gas bubbles, while tea and some types of yeast give it aroma and some taste.

Not many people know that you can pour mushrooms not only with black tea, but also with green tea. And by the way, in the second case the infusion turns out even more useful. This is explained by the fact that green tea contains more vitamins and caffeine and it itself tones better and has a stronger effect on the gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels. True, there is still one “but”: precisely because of these qualities, a drink infused with green tea is completely contraindicated for those who suffer from gastritis or stomach ulcers, as well as for those with low blood pressure.

It’s easy to guess that since kombucha can be prepared with green tea, it means that it can also be infused with tea with bergamot and aromatic herbs (mint, lemon balm, oregano). In this case, the drink will be enriched with some more beneficial properties, unless, of course, these herbs are contraindicated for you. Sometimes the tea drink is replaced with solutions of coffee or soy flour. For 1 liter, take 1 tablespoon of the product. As a result, the drink acquires a completely new taste and, of course, properties.

It is most beneficial to drink tea kvass early in the morning or late in the evening. In this case, it should be taken directly on an empty stomach in the morning so that the drink has time to prepare your digestive system for the day’s load. Taking it at night helps disinfect the stomach, calm the nerves and improve sleep.


What is Kombucha?

Questions about what Kombucha is, the beneficial properties and contraindications of Kombucha infusion, as well as whether it has any medicinal properties, are of great interest to those who care about their health and are interested in traditional methods of treatment. And this is understandable. Maybe the information below will, to some extent, answer these questions.

It is difficult to say what kind of miracle this kombucha is, since for science it is still an unsolved mystery. After all, it is not found in its natural form, in nature. Meanwhile, this mushroom has been known since ancient times. There is a legend according to which a Korean doctor cured the Emperor of Japan from a stomach ailment with an infusion of this medicinal mushroom. And this was approximately 400 century AD.

There is this version of the origin of kombucha. Some scientists claim, or rather suggest, that acetic acid bacteria, which are the main component of the fungus, can be transferred from their natural habitats by various insects to liquid products, where it develops. There is also an assumption that there was a time when in nature the mushroom formed and grew in reservoirs in which there was special vegetation and special chemical composition water. But none of these versions is still reliable and proven.

As for official science, it can only assume that the birthplace of this healing product is the island of Ceylon, today's country of Sri Lanka. And from Ceylon, this wonderful drink spread to India, and from there to China, Siberia and Europe. Although some scientists believe that Tibet may also be the birthplace of the mushroom, which of course does not clarify the question of its origin. What we do know is that currently kombucha and its infusion are used in both Asia and Europe, where it is cultivated in tea leaves with sugar.

That's why it has a lot of names. If you have heard such as: Chinese or Japanese mushroom, as well as Indian and Manchurian, fango, tea jellyfish, medusomycete - then this is it.

By the way, this unique creation of nature is not a mushroom at all. This, outwardly similar to a jellyfish, is a unique symbiosis of yeast and bacteria, the main function of which is the process of acetic acid fermentation. So they give the mushroom infusion healing and nutritional properties, and also form the jellyfish-like body of the mushroom. That is why the scientific name of the fungus is medusomycete. If we look at it carefully, we can easily notice that its upper part is shiny and dense, and the lower part, which acts as a growth zone, has the appearance of numerous hanging threads. It is in this zone that a complex of unique and healing substances for the human body is synthesized from a simple solution of sugar and tea leaves.


Since the infusion of tea jellyfish is a product of biochemical reactions, its composition is very complex. If we take black tea for infusion, then these are chemical compounds such as:

  • Organic acids: acetic, gluconic, oxalic, citric, malic, lactic, pyruvic, kojic, phosphoric.
  • As a fermentation product - ethyl alcohol
  • Vitamins: vitamin C, thiamine
  • Enzymes: catalase, linase, protease, zymase, sucrase, carbohydrase, amylase
  • Lipids: sterols, phosphatides, fatty acids
  • Sugars in the form of monosaccharides and disaccharides
  • Pigments: chlorophyll, xanthophyll
  • Purine bases obtained from tea leaves.

And if we prepare an infusion with green tea, the composition will be much more complex.

The benefits and harms of kombucha:

How is medusomycete, or rather its infusion, useful? Of course, one of the most important properties of the infusion of this healing product is its natural antibacterial properties. It turns out that it produces a natural antibiotic, which is called medusin, in honor of the scientific name of kombucha - medusomycete.

Experiments have been conducted to treat diseases such as dysentery with this natural antibiotic. So, these experiments have proven that the effectiveness of tea jellyfish infusion in treating this disease is no less than that of synthetic antibiotics that are traditionally used to treat this disease. The infusion is also effective in the treatment of stomatitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, enterocolitis, scarlet fever, conjunctivitis and other diseases.

Experiments on the use of medusin for the healing of trophic ulcers, as well as difficult-to-heal purulent wounds, were no less successful. The ability of the natural antibiotic medusin, in an acidic environment and in combination with vitamins and enzymes, to quickly and completely destroy the cell structure of pathogenic microorganisms was revealed. By the way, pathogenic microorganisms simply do not have time to adapt and develop resistance to jellyfish. Therefore, the infusion of medusomycetes has such a wide spectrum of action. It can be used to destroy pathogenic microorganisms of various types.

The healing properties of tea jellyfish infusion will be very useful in the treatment of small purulent wounds on the fingers and toes, as well as in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva of the eye. And without harm to the body.

Traditional medicine has not ignored this remedy either. She recommends using an infusion of kombucha internally in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, as it has effective antimicrobial properties, including against paratyphoid microorganisms, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, neurasthenia, acute tonsillitis, ulcerative stomatitis, edema, and toxic dyspepsia of children and simply as a strengthening agent.

Once in the intestines, the infusion effectively reduces the number of E. coli, suppresses their vital activity and does not affect the number of lactic acid and acidophilus bacilli. The tea jellyfish has the property of stimulating the body's protective functions, raising tone and simply invigorating.


Kombucha, unfortunately, also has its contraindications. For example, tea jellyfish are not recommended for people with diabetes.

  • Its infusion is not recommended in fresh form for patients with fungal diseases, since the sugar contained in the infusion will be harmful for fungal diseases. However, in a well-fermented infusion (7-10 days), sugar will already be mixed with metabolic products, and such a product, on the contrary, will strengthen the body’s defenses and help resist fungal infections.
  • There is no need to abuse the infusion (more than 1 liter per day), and you should not drink the fermented infusion undiluted. So it can be consumed only when the kombucha has been sitting for a very short time (3-4 days) and the infusion is still weak.
  • People with high acidity of gastric juice should not abuse tea jellyfish infusion.
  • When taking the mushroom, it is advisable to take short breaks every 1-2 months to avoid stomach irritation.
  • When preparing an infusion, you cannot replace sugar with honey - it is unknown what kind of drink the result may be.
  • A strong infusion is contraindicated for motorists before a trip.

How to grow at home?

If the thickness of the mushroom is several centimeters, then it is ready for division. It is better not to try to divide a young and thin mushroom, but to give it the opportunity to grow. You should also not cut the mushroom or tear off pieces, disturbing its structure. As a rule, a cut piece of mushroom still grows in a new place, but it may also die.

A plump mushroom can simply be divided into plates according to the places of separation. Moreover, the layers are separated from each other almost effortlessly. If dividing the mushroom requires effort, then it is better not to rush and let it grow a little more.

The separated plate should be placed in a jar of about three liters, preferably with a wide neck. There you need to pour cooled, not very strong tea with sugar. Place the jar in a warm place. The mushroom will lie at the bottom of the jar for about three days, and then float to the surface. The mushroom floats up under the influence of the formed carbon dioxide, since carbon dioxide is a waste product of the fungus. The first portion of carbonated infusion will be ready in a week.

How to prepare an infusion?

So, how to infuse kombucha at home, so to speak specifically, step by step. In order to breed tea jellyfish, you will need a three-liter glass jar with a wide neck. We will cover the neck with several layers of gauze, since the fungus needs air for normal development. That is why, do not close the jar with a lid.

The best option would be if you have two jars. One will be for the growth and development of the fungus, and into the other you will pour the finished infusion, which is perfectly stored in the refrigerator and does not lose its healing qualities for quite a long time.

Now let’s prepare a solution of tea with sugar. We will need about one and a half to two liters of it per three liter jar so that the mushroom has room. If we are preparing two liters of solution, then to prepare the tea leaves we take good black leaf tea, two teaspoons. Let's brew. Strain the brew and pour it into cold, always boiled water, so that the result is 2 liters of a weak tea solution.

Add 4-6 tablespoons of sugar and mix thoroughly. In order for the sugar to dissolve better and the mushroom to develop well, the tea solution should be heated to 25°C. It is unacceptable to pour sugar directly into the jar onto the mushroom, as this will cause the mushroom to burn, which can kill it. By the way, you should not make very strong tea. Pour the solution into a jar and carefully lower the mushroom into it.

The optimal temperature for the growth and development of medusomycetes is 25°C. Temperatures below 17°C are harmful to the fungus. At this temperature, the mushroom reduces activity and blue-green algae can grow in the jar. You should not place a jar of mushroom on the windowsill, because direct light and low temperature inhibit its development.

The mushroom infusion will be ready in five to six days in winter and two to four days in summer. The finished infusion is drained through cheesecloth and used for its intended purpose.

How to care:

The main care for kombucha is to wash it with warm boiled water. Wash the mushroom once every two weeks in winter, and once a week in summer.

The thicker the mushroom and the more layers it has, the healthier and stronger it is. But there is much more hassle with such a mushroom. It is difficult to remove it from the jar and rinse it properly. So if your mushroom has grown too much and has become thick, then separate a couple of layers from it and share with relatives or neighbors.

As they say, the tea jellyfish loves to be taken care of, then its beneficial properties will be fully manifested. If you keep the mushroom in the infusion, the top film may turn brown. This is a sign of the “dying” of the mushroom. If you don’t feed it on time, the liquid begins to turn into acetic acid. Holes form on the body of the mushroom. It can turn over and lean on its side in the solution. It may even die, sinking to the bottom of the container.

Why doesn't kombucha float?

It happens that kombucha does not float to the surface of the sugar solution of tea. This can happen if the mushroom is young, that is, it has just been separated from the old mushroom. Or if an old mushroom may not float up, if several layers have been separated from it and it has become thin. Be patient, wait a few hours, it is quite possible that it will pop up. And if it doesn’t float, reduce the amount of tea solution. Even if there is very little solution, do not be upset; after a couple of pours it will gain strength and will delight you with the necessary amount of healing drink.

Kombucha from:

Green tea:

By the way, the mushroom can be filled with a solution of not only black, but also green tea. And the infusion of kombucha will be even more beneficial than with black tea. After all, green tea contains more vitamins and caffeine than black tea. Therefore, the mushroom drink with green tea tonic properties are better expressed. Traditional medicine advises rinsing your mouth with this infusion after eating, as some components of green tea inhibit the development of bacteria that contribute to tooth decay.

On herbs:

Not only black and green tea can be used to prepare an infusion, but also a considerable number of different mixtures of medicinal herbs. It would be very nice if you add a mixture of nettle and blackberry leaves, currant and coltsfoot leaves, strawberry leaves, birch leaves, and linden blossom to your tea. To prepare this infusion, take two to three teaspoons of a mixture of herbs per liter of water.

From rosehip:

You can get very tasty and healthy drink, if you prepare a solution for kombucha infusion from rose hips. Typically, rosehip tea is filtered an hour after it is brewed. And prepare the infusion according to the usual scheme.

Kombucha in weight loss diets

When drinking a tea jellyfish drink, metabolism is significantly accelerated and active processing of protein compounds and fats entering the human body with food occurs.

All the properties of this weight loss product have not yet been sufficiently studied, but there is a version that:

  • It helps strengthen the immune system and maintains the necessary level of beneficial bacteria in the gastric environment.
  • Under the influence of this drink, when taken regularly, all kinds of toxins and wastes are easily removed from the body. The cleansing process is accelerated and detoxification occurs much faster.
  • The versatile effect of this drink for weight loss is based, first of all, on its ability to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize natural metabolism.
  • Gluconic acid, which is part of the tea drink, enhances a person’s ability to endure physical activity and remain calm during stress.
  • Excellent metabolism in the body, coupled with increased muscle activity, gives the effect of reducing body weight and significant weight loss.

Despite the fact that the undoubted benefits of kombucha for weight loss have not been proven, changes for the better in the human body, subject to the rules for obtaining a quality drink, are very obvious. Also, no clinical trials have been conducted regarding the harmfulness of a drink based on it. Therefore, the stories that frighten people about the dangers of this drink have no scientific basis.

Contents [Show]

Why did the kombucha drown (fall to the bottom)?

  1. Yes, most likely he is no longer a tenant. try to revive it by peeling off a layer on all sides. This usually happens if you care for it incorrectly.
  2. He died...
  3. He died...
  4. He's dead, throw him away!
  5. the scribe looks like him, try to separate it if it’s thick, rinse it and put it in a new brew,...

Kombucha technology. (info from the Internet) - mushrooms from A to Z: from types to specific cooking recipes

If you are going to drink the entire supply of infusion over the next few days, immediately make a new “fill” for continuous enjoyment. It is best to rinse the kombucha after draining the finished infusion. Even if it stays for more than a month.

The more layers the kombucha has, the stronger and healthier it is. But this is more difficult to manage - it is not easy to remove it from the jar and rinse it properly. So, if your mushroom has become “fat,” it is better to remove one or two layers. It is advisable to separate the old, that is, lower layers.

What to do if the mushroom does not float to the surface of the tea solution? This happens with a young mushroom or when several layers are separated from a mature mushroom and it becomes too thin. Wait a few hours - maybe it will pop up.

If not, reduce the amount of tea solution. Even if there is very little of it, it doesn’t matter: after one or two dressings, the mushroom will gain strength and will soon be able to feed the whole family.

If you forget about the kombucha, then all the liquid may evaporate, then you need to pour the mushroom with sweet tea and let it sit for as long as necessary.

Treatment of the fungus: brown spots on the surface of the mushroom are burns from granulated sugar. Don’t rush to throw away such a mushroom; try to cure it first. To do this, all you need to do is...stop pouring sugar on the mushroom. He will do the rest himself, as long as there are only a few brown spots. If the burns are large, it is better to remove the top layer: the fungus cannot breathe in the affected parts of its “body”, and oxygen is vital for it.

Reminder: ~the taste of the kombucha infusion is not lost but improved when stored in the refrigerator.

~The finished infusion tastes like strong, well-carbonated kvass. Drinking it is a real pleasure.

~When pouring the finished infusion into a storage container, strain it through 3-4 layers of gauze (it’s easier to drain the infusion from the jar with a dropper).

~The jar with the mushroom should be kept in a dark place - it does not like direct sunlight.

~Try it from five days of aging (although you can try it already on the 4th day).

~In order not to make a mistake with the number of days of aging, write down the date of “filling” on a piece of paper.

~For a young, thin mushroom, a liter of solution can be a lot: it will not be able to float to the surface. In this case, you will have to reduce the amount of solution. An old 5-6 layer mushroom with a large shaggy beard can be filled with two liters.

Personal experience: To prepare the tea leaves, I use green tea without additives (flavorings). I brew it in a porcelain teapot up to 4 times. For 1 liter, 1 teaspoon of tea, 1 tablespoon of sugar. I use only settled and boiled water (+25). I rinse the Kombucha with the same water. if necessary. It is not advisable to rinse under the tap (chlorine)! To prevent the kombucha from drowning in the tea leaves, I tilt the jar and carefully, placing the mushroom on a tablespoon, load it into the jar. Next, I carefully place the jar vertically, cover it with gauze and put the jar with the mushroom in a dark place. When the infusion is ready (2-3 weeks is the norm for me), I drain it through a dropper.

Kombucha is a jellyfish that lives in a three-liter jar. The main beneficial properties of the drink it produces are that it quenches thirst well. The jellyfish swims closer to the surface and releases numerous threads to the bottom. Due to its resemblance to a jellyfish, the creature is officially called a “medusomycete,” a name coined by its researcher, the German mycologist Lindau, in 1913. There are more unofficial names: Japanese sponge, tea jellyfish, Manchurian mushroom, Fang mushroom.

The yeast that forms the jellyfish ferments sugar dissolved in water and produces alcohol. In turn, acetic acid bacteria produce acetic acid from alcohol. Very soon, as a result of the activity of microorganisms, a sweet and sour composition is formed in the jar. It is slightly carbonated, rich in vitamins and organic acids.

The healing properties of a living organism are due to the high content in the drink obtained with its help of vitamins C, PP, D, group B, organic acids - gluconic, lactic, acetic, oxalic, malic and citric.

  • Most of all gluconic acid is generated. It increases muscle performance and activates metabolism.
  • Jellyfish synthesizes various enzymes - protease, catalase, amylase. They speed up reactions in the body.
  • The produced drink is a natural antibiotic, devoid of the disadvantages of artificial drugs with a similar effect.

Jellyfish have the natural ability to reproduce by dividing layers. The piece is placed in a three-liter jar with warm sweetened tea, the optimal tea temperature is +24C. Then the jar is covered with gauze and infused in the shade, but it must be warm there.

The drink is ready in four to five days. This is the time required for the formation of useful organic acids. If you start drinking earlier, it will contain carbon dioxide and wine alcohol. In summer the cooking speed increases, in winter it slows down.

The finished product is filtered through cheesecloth and stored in the refrigerator. It tastes like kvass and consists of wine alcohol, sugar, organic acids, aromatic substances, enzymes and vitamins.

  • Healthy kombucha is always on the surface. If he drowned, you cannot drink the infusion.
  • If the mushroom becomes dark, you need to change the nutrient solution - sweetened tea. It is better to pour out the old infusion; it will hiss and foam, like soda with a sweet and sour taste. The tea must be changed regularly, otherwise the jellyfish will die without food. You can use any high-quality black or green tea without additives.
  • There is no need to put granulated sugar on the surface of the jellyfish, this will cause it to burn. Sugar needs to be dissolved in tea and added to the jar after the finished drink is drained.
  • Approximately every two or three weeks, the mushroom is washed with clean warm water. Then pour sweet tea again.

It is best to take it one hour before meals or three hours after meals. If you consume a healthy product during meals, the food will be digested very quickly under the influence of enzymes and you will soon want to eat again.

In the course of experiments on animals, it was proven that even with critical values ​​of cholesterol in the blood, the use of the beneficial properties of the kombucha drink can save the body from imminent death.

The drink has the beneficial property of reducing fever. Even if you are infected with tuberculosis, the disease develops much more slowly and organs are affected to a lesser extent than if you do not drink kombucha.

It is best taken shortly before bed; its calming properties help cope with insomnia.

The product provides health benefits due to the following properties:

  • lowers blood pressure;
  • normalizes the acidity of gastric juice;
  • treats diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  • helps eliminate and prevent constipation;
  • used for dysentery;
  • helps get rid of toxins and poisons,
  • suppresses putrefactive microflora;
  • copes with inflammation of the oral cavity or nasopharynx;
  • indicated for migraines and obesity.

The drink, which has a number of beneficial properties, has virtually no contraindications. It should not be taken:

  • with ulcers;
  • in case of gastritis;
  • with low blood pressure.

Beneficial properties of kombucha

Perhaps you have seen jars with a floating organism that looks like a jellyfish in the houses of your friends? This is the so-called “kombucha” (medusomycete) which has many beneficial properties and got its name from its habitat: a solution of sweet, weakly brewed tea.

Since kombucha appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century after the Russo-Japanese War, it is also called Japanese, although Tibet is considered its homeland. Based on appearance, the best name is tea jellyfish. In its structure, it is the result of a symbiosis of two types of organisms: yeast fungi and acetic acid microorganisms. In appearance, the fungus is a thick, layered mucous mass that floats on the surface of the nutrient medium.

If this mushroom appears in the house, then most often it receives a permanent residence permit... The beneficial properties of kombucha are varied: a blood pressure regulator, a normalizer of stomach acidity and the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, a skin and dental care product.

Kombucha infusion is indispensable for the prevention and treatment of colds, since it contains ascorbic acid. Drops of mushroom infusion can treat conjunctivitis and otitis. The mushroom infusion is rich in organic acids, vitamins, enzymes, contains caffeine, sugar and a lot of other useful substances.

Like any living organism, a mushroom needs constant, simple care. To feed it, it is necessary to prepare a warm nutrient medium from weakly brewed tea with sugar (one hundred grams per liter of tea), and the “food” must be prepared in a separate container, since the contact of sugar crystals on the mushroom causes burns.

A necessary condition for the successful development of the fungus is the ambient temperature; if it drops below 17 degrees, the viability of the fungus drops and algae can settle next to it, which will affect the taste and medicinal properties of the drink. You should also remember that it is not advisable to tightly and hermetically seal the container with the mushroom; it needs oxygen. Protect your mushroom from direct sunlight, as it can be harmful to it.

If, after adding a new portion of tea, the disk of the mushroom “sank” to the bottom of the jar, do not worry, in a day or two, when a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide has accumulated as a result of enzymatic processes, the mushroom will float to the surface, and the drink will acquire the taste of carbonated kvass.

I keep the mushroom in a 3-liter jar, but I haven’t tried it in a half-liter jar. I think that the mushroom is simply not comfortable in a small volume. And what's the point of insisting on one and a half glasses of the drink? There should be plenty of kombucha to drink every day, especially now that summer is coming. Separating the mushroom is very easy. When it becomes thick, 4-5 centimeters, I use two forks (my hand cannot fit into the jar) to separate the bottom, oldest layer of the mushroom and leave it in the jar, removing the top layer. After this, the process of layer growth continues and after 1.5-2 months I repeat the separation procedure. It is the lower part with the hanging rags that needs to be left. After such separation, the fermentation process is sharply activated. Overnight the drink becomes sharp and tasty. After dividing, you can leave the top part of the mushroom in the jar if you don’t like the look of dead and floating pieces. But then the maturation process slows down noticeably. To avoid floating particles in the glass, strain the drink through a strainer. But I don’t use a strainer, the pieces slip into the stomach just fine, you just need to not bother with it. The concentration of the solution should be average, like the tea we drink in the morning, and the sugar should be 1 heaped tablespoon per half liter of tea leaves. I pour 2 liters of solution into a 3-liter jar. To grow a new mushroom, you need to pour the infused drink into a new jar and leave it alone for 1-2 weeks, or maybe more, depending on the environment. For transportation, the mushroom can be placed in a plastic bag, not full of holes, and a little infusion can be poured into it. You just need to remember that the mushroom always releases carbon dioxide and the polyethylene can swell and burst. This method of transportation is suitable for short distances. And on a long journey, the mushroom should be transported in a hard container and shake less on the road. Upon arrival at a new place, leave it alone for a few days to recover. And there is no need to rinse the mushroom! He doesn't like it! Good luck to you.

Kombucha (Medusomyces Gisevi), Japanese mushroom, sea kvass, tea jellyfish, medusomycete - a symbiotic organism, a symbiosis of yeast and acetic acid bacteria.

The mushroom is a thick layered mucous film floating on the surface of a liquid nutrient medium (sweet tea, juice); consists of a culture of two microorganisms in a symbiotic relationship: a yeast-like fungus (Schizosaccharomycodes ludwigii) and bacteria (usually Acetobacter xylinum). Yeast ferments sugar to form alcohol and carbon dioxide, and bacteria oxidize ethyl alcohol into acetic acid. The liquid (usually a 4-6% sugar solution in weak tea) acquires a sweet and sour taste and turns into a slightly carbonated drink - “tea kvass”.

Pour 3 liters of cold water into a saucepan, add 9 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry leaf green/black tea without top. Bring to a boil, stir the sugar, cool, pour through a strainer into a 3-liter jar or other large glass container. Rinse the mushroom in cool water and place in a jar. He may drown, but he will float up after some time. It is necessary to hide it from the sun, but keep it warm. Keep the thickness of the mushroom approximately 1-4 cm (the lower layers should be carefully removed or moved to other containers). A thick mushroom quickly accumulates vinegar. Can be consumed after 3-4 days (fermentation speed depends on temperature). A properly prepared infusion is quite carbonated and, when poured, foams and hisses almost like an ordinary gas water. You cannot block the access of air to the mushroom; you can cover the jar with 3-4 layers of gauze, close it with a nylon lid with a cut out middle and pour without removing it.

Kombucha infusion improves digestion and has antibiotic properties.

Its infusion is recommended as a rinse for the treatment of ulcerative stomatitis. Regular consumption of tea kvass, 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals for 2-3 weeks, improves the well-being of people suffering from sclerotic forms of hypertension and reduces blood pressure.

In addition, kombucha is also an excellent cosmetic product: its infusion is used for washing and rubbing the skin, rinsing hair. To prepare a hair mask, you need to prepare one tablespoon of honey, one glass of a month-old kombucha infusion. Heat the infusion, but do not bring to a boil. Dissolve honey in it, then stir. The resulting mixture should be evenly distributed over damp hair.

You can also rinse your hair with kombucha. Thanks to this, the hair will become soft, shiny, the color will become more intense and it will be easier to comb. It is best to rinse your hair with kombucha infusion after each shampoo.

Kombucha infusion is an ancient and in many cases quite effective everyday folk medicine. And they, as you know, are primarily used for preventive purposes, that is, they do not allow the body to become a breeding ground for pathogenic organisms.

Research over the last hundred years has shown that there are poisons in the gut that have profound negative effects on the body and mind. These poisons are formed due to excessive growth of intestinal microflora, which causes decay processes. A range of minor and more serious complaints that are not usually associated with digestion can indicate poor gut health. These include skin problems (pimples, boils, severe sweating), purulent eyes, styes on the eyelids, bladder complaints, headaches, inflammation of the joints, gout, sciatica, depression, irritability and many others. The cause of all these ailments and diseases may be gradual self-poisoning due to poor bowel function. If the intestines cannot cope with their functions, then over time its walls become sluggish. The movement of intestinal contents slows down. The microscopic digestive glands and villi, located in the small intestine and being the absorption apparatus, become clogged with solid deposits. Since the length of the intestine with all its bends is 7-8 meters, a significant amount of “intestinal debris” accumulates. This “intestinal garbage” becomes a real paradise of putrefactive bacteria. They participate in the formation of poisons such as methanol, butanol, propyl alcohol and other harmful substances, which first poison a person’s mood, and then gradually the entire body. With intensive accumulation of fermentation poisons, intestinal autointoxication can occur, that is, gradual self-poisoning of the body, in which the blood carries toxic substances throughout the body. If this state of affairs occurs for a long time, general health deteriorates and the body’s defenses weaken. As a result, many diseases gradually develop, the initial cause of which is intestinal overload and the formation of toxic substances in the intestines.

The ability of kombucha infusion to destroy putrefactive bacteria can hardly be overestimated. Perhaps this is precisely its property that is the most important and valuable for our health. A person who regularly consumes kombucha infusion can effectively counteract this health-destroying process. The infusion destroys putrefactive bacteria and other harmful inhabitants of the intestines. Within a few days after systematically taking the infusion, intestinal bloating and unpleasant stool odor disappear. This indicates that the formation of toxins in the intestines is reduced and healthy intestinal flora is restored. Consuming the infusion reduces the feeling of hunger. It activates metabolism and stimulates the formation of enzymes involved in the digestion process. Thus, the infusion of kombucha is a remedy of natural origin that does not have side effects and prevents intestinal overload. “All diseases nest in the intestines,” said the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. In other words, a healthy gut is essential to good health.

Kombucha infusion promotes the breakdown of fats, cleanses the body of toxins, removes excess fluid from the body and reduces appetite. Restrains cravings for sweets. The carbon dioxide contained in the infusion stimulates appetite and improves protein digestion. In addition, it promotes the rapid penetration of alcohol contained in the infusion into the blood. However, the alcohol content in the kombucha infusion is so insignificant that it does not pose a health hazard; its effect is almost imperceptible. This allows us to draw the following conclusion: the alcohol content in the infusion is too low for it to pose a danger as a product that forms alcohol dependence; at the same time, the alcohol content in the kombucha infusion is high enough to supply the body with a small, healthy amount of alcohol, in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

The infusion has the property of invigorating and raising the overall tone of the body. It has a stimulating effect on the oral mucosa, which promotes salivation. In addition, in the process of the therapeutic effect of kombucha infusion, its typical taste plays an important role, since, as far as is known today, a number of signals are transmitted through the endings of the taste nerves to the brain, which in turn enter the cells and executive organs of the body. It should also be taken into account that the activity of the psyche, that is, the nervous system, is closely interconnected with the activity of the immune system. Kombucha can undoubtedly be called an excellent product, medicine, and also an extremely pleasant drink.

Kombucha infusion significantly reduces blood pressure, cholesterol levels in the blood and improves the well-being of patients, stops or reduces headaches, heart ailments, and helps with oppressive insomnia. It is useful as a means of regulating the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, relieving stomach pain, and for persistent constipation in older people.

A remarkable property of kombucha is its ability to use harmful lactic acid, which is formed in humans during the metabolic process, for its vital functions. Kombucha infusion is very effective for age-related diseases, especially atherosclerosis and sclerotic phenomena of hypertension.

To prepare the tea leaves, I use green tea without additives (flavorings). I brew it in a porcelain teapot for 5-7 minutes, up to 4 times. For 1 liter, 1 teaspoon of tea, 1 tablespoon of sugar. After the brew has cooled, I mix it with settled and boiled water (+25). I wash the Kombucha with the same water if necessary. It is not advisable to rinse under the tap (chlorine)! To prevent the kombucha from drowning in the tea leaves, I tilt the jar and carefully, placing the mushroom on a tablespoon, load it into the jar. Next, I carefully place the jar vertically, cover it with gauze and put the jar with the mushroom in a dark place. When the infusion is ready (2-3 weeks is the norm for me), I drain it through a dropper.

Mistakes when caring for and maintaining kombucha: a jar of mushroom is standing in the sun, poor-quality tea, grains of sugar have fallen on the mushroom, the mushroom is under water for a long time, washing the mushroom with running water, at least 2 people take care of the mushroom in turn (the best option is one owner), The jar of mushroom is in plain sight for everyone (for example, in the kitchen)…

Important! A disrespectful attitude towards Kombucha is harmful to your health!

Don't make mistakes! 1-Do not use teas containing essential oils (flavored teas). The use of honey for preparing infusions is highly questionable.

2. Do not pour sugar on the kombucha, this causes burns on its body in the form of brown spots and can kill it. Too strong tea also depresses him.

3. Do not pour boiling water or hot tea leaves over the kombucha; it will die.

4.Do not store kombucha in the refrigerator; sub-zero temperatures are harmful to it.

6. The jar of kombucha is not sealed hermetically, it is simply covered with clean gauze in 4-5 layers to prevent dust from getting in + protection from flies.

7.Do not use silver, cupronickel, copper, aluminum, crystal, ceramics, porcelain when working with mushrooms. You can only use food-grade plastic, glass, and stainless steel.

Expert answer:

Growing kombucha at home is not difficult, but maintaining it is much more difficult, since the microorganism is quite finicky. It is very good that you noticed that it sinks to the bottom, because it is the “buoyancy” of the mushroom that indicates its proper development and health. As soon as the mushroom sinks to the bottom of the jar, this is a signal of “problems.” There may be several reasons. Firstly, non-sterile conditions. You may have washed the jar with detergent, or harmful bacteria may have entered through the cheesecloth. Secondly, perhaps you haven’t “bathed” your mushroom in clean water for a long time, or maybe the tea drink has “ripe” and it’s time to replace it.

What can you do? Be sure to give your jellyfish a bath. To do this, place it on a plate and rinse with running water. Also prepare a new tea brew, but do not use teas with flavors and be sure to wait until the sugar in the tea is completely dissolved before pouring it over the mushroom. Protect the jar of kombucha from direct sunlight, but the place should be bright and warm.

It also happens that the mushroom sinks to the bottom, and after a while floats up again. If you have followed all the conditions for preparing and storing the tea drink, then there is no need to worry. Soon your jellyfish will come to life.

Brown spots on the surface of the mushroom are burns from granulated sugar. Don’t rush to throw away such a mushroom; try to cure it first. To do this, you just need to stop pouring sugar on your pet’s wounds. He will do the rest himself, as long as there are only a few brown spots. If the burns are large, it is better to remove the top layer: the fungus cannot breathe in the affected areas of its body, and it vitally needs oxygen.

But in principle, the more layers a mushroom has, the stronger and healthier it is. But such a mushroom is more difficult to manage - it is not easy to remove it from the jar and rinse it properly. So, if your mushroom has become so thick that it becomes difficult to remove, it is better to remove one or two layers.

You need to separate the fresh ones, that is, the top layers. The beard, on the contrary, should be groomed and cherished, because these are colonies of acetic acid bacteria that synthesize organic acids - the basis of the healing potential of kombucha. Only those beard fibers that have floated freely are removed.

What to do if the mushroom does not float to the surface of the tea solution? This happens with a young mushroom or when several layers are separated from a mature mushroom and it becomes too thin. Wait a few hours - maybe it will pop up. If not, reduce the amount of tea solution. Even if there is very little of it, it doesn’t matter: after one or two dressings, the mushroom will gain strength and will soon be able to feed the whole family.

The mushroom infusion should be drained every five to six days in winter and every two to four days in summer. Also, do not forget that the mushroom must be washed regularly with clean, cool water; in summer this should be done every one to two weeks, and in winter every three to four weeks. If the mushroom remains in the solution, the upper film begins to turn brown. This is a sure sign that the mushroom is beginning to die. If this living organism is not fed in a timely manner or if its nutrition is completely stopped, the liquid turns into acetic acid, holes appear on the body of the mushroom, it painfully turns over, lies sideways for a long time, and then dies completely, slowly sinking to the bottom.

You must remember to cover the jar in which your mushroom lives with gauze so that, by providing air access, you will not allow midges to fly in there. When leaving for a long time, put it in the refrigerator - this way it will not die.

It is extremely important to use only clean water when preparing medicinal infusions. We highly recommend purchasing a filter for everyone who wants to practice treatment with miracle mushrooms. Filtered water should not be enriched with microelements; mushrooms produce them themselves, and everything unnecessary in the water only interferes with them. Therefore, in principle, it is ideal to use distilled water.

Probiotic, kombucha, as well as live yogurt and yogurt culture, should be constantly stored in the refrigerator, but they should not be frozen during storage.

Despite warnings about the unsafe nature of the kombucha drink - mostly due to ignorance or economic considerations - if you follow the instructions, then there will be no doubt about making the drink at home as generations have done in the past. Anyone who has the necessary knowledge can quite successfully deal with kombucha - just as they deal with other “open” products in the household. By following the correct instructions, you can prepare an excellent, tasty, healthy and effective kombucha drink. The mushroom will grow and accompany its owner throughout his life and serve him faithfully.

Anyone who handles a mushroom culture in accordance with proven rules, thoughtfully and carefully, can expect no complications. Russian descriptions even say that no precautions are required, since the mushroom protects itself from various impurities.

Abroad, any of these mushrooms can be ordered by mail for an almost nominal fee. If you are in the CIS, first of all, ask your friends or refer to advertisements on the Internet. It should be noted that only by using this method can you be absolutely sure that the drinks actually contain a living culture. Whereas in the case of purchased products (probiotics or live yoghurts), you do not have a guarantee for this. Unless you make yogurt yourself using a starter, only then you can easily see if the culture is alive (if not, you won’t make yogurt).

By itself, kombucha is only a “by-product” of the activity of bacteria and yeast. A translucent film consisting of cellulose fibers is formed during the fermentation process of the infusion. However, in the mushroom itself the concentration of these microorganisms is the highest. In addition, the film protects the drink from external contaminants.

It will be difficult to revive a mushroom if:

  • the tea infusion you added was too hot;
  • the mushroom was stored in the refrigerator for a long time;
  • you used to prepare the infusion herbal tea or tea with additives (for example, Earl Gray with bergamot), which reduce the growth and development of bacteria and yeast.

If all the advice on how to care for kombucha was followed, then the fact that the kombucha sank to the bottom is not scary. This is just another life cycle of a mushroom - a new one will grow in its place.

In any case, leave the infusion alone for a while and carefully watch that mold does not appear on the surface.

If you used tea with additives, it is better to immediately replace the liquid with regular black or green tea without flavorings. You should also not use honey, especially honey that has not undergone heat treatment. Honey not only has bactericidal properties, but also stimulates excessive fermentation. Excessive yeast activity negatively affects the taste of the drink and the proper formation of the mushroom. (Honey can still be used in secondary fermentation)

If possible, add as much finished kombucha to the jar as possible (only if it has not been heat-treated and does not contain any aromatic or flavoring additives). This will help create the right level of acidity for the development of the fungus.

A new thin layer of kombucha grows on the surface

What to do if the kombucha does not float?

Kombucha can be grown at home even from scratch: just leave the jar alone and a new kombucha will form on the surface. To speed up the process, make sure the jar is kept dark and warm (ideally 28C), and the tea infusion has a high enough caffeine content to promote pulp production.

Determining whether the fermentation process is proceeding correctly is quite simple:

  • The drink should have a sharp sour smell, characteristic of vinegar;
  • There should be no formations of atypical color (green, blue or black) on the surface of the liquid. The “correct” color of the mushroom is translucent, whitish or yellowish (depending on the type of tea used).
  • Bubbles may form on the surface (a sign of healthy yeast activity).

If mold does appear in the jar, throw away the mushroom and liquid without a doubt! Sterilize the jar and start again!

Happy and delicious fermentation to everyone! 😉

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