Poultry boiled pork. Baked pork for the holiday table: recipe, cooking secrets. How to cook delicious juicy homemade boiled pork from pork, beef, turkey, chicken? Homemade pork roast

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Today I have a boiled pork recipe for you. It is usually made with beef or lean pork, but I made it with chicken breast. I liked the taste, it turned out almost dietary. I will be very glad if the recipe is useful to you.

1. Chicken breast meat on the bone - 1 pc. (700-800 gr)
2.Carrots - 1 pc.
3. Garlic - 4 cloves (large).

For the marinade:

1.Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.
2. Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons.
3. Juice of half a small lemon.
4.Fresh grated ginger - 1 teaspoon.
5.Mixture of peppers (miller), salt, bay leaf - to taste.

Take a chicken breast on the bone. Carefully cut the fillet.

Let's prepare the marinade.

Cut the carrots into long strips and the garlic into cubes.

Let's stuff the fillet. Using a knife, we make a puncture along the entire piece and insert a piece of carrot (and so on in several places).

Stuffed with garlic. Using a knife, make cuts at an angle across the entire surface of the meat and insert pieces of garlic there. We do the same with the second piece.

Now we place the meat in the marinade,Lubricate well on all sides. Turn the meat cut side down, add pieces of garlic, pieces of bay leaf, Press the top with a small plate and close with a lid. Let's put it in the refrigerator overnight.

We take the meat out of the refrigerator in the morning. Take a piece of parchment and moisten it lightly with water and vegetable oil. The parchment will adhere better to the meat. Lay out the fillet.

Pack the meat tightly.

Secure with threads.

Wrap in foil, place on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for 40 minutes. After baking, remove from the oven and let cool in foil. Then we unfold it. We take dry parchment, wrap the fillet and let it ripen in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, or better yet a day. If desired, you can grease the boiled pork with adjika. Bon appetit!

Baked pork is considered one of the few dishes that are equally appropriate for a family lunch and a dinner party. It is prepared from various types of meat, soaked in spicy spices and aromatic herbs. In today's article we will tell you how to make boiled pork from chicken breast.

Option with milk

Using the method described below, you can relatively quickly and easily prepare a juicy and tender delicacy that you would not be ashamed to treat to your dear guests. The process itself does not take too much time and does not require specific culinary skills. Besides this recipe involves the use of a multicooker, which allows you to minimize the effort. To make boiled pork from chicken breast, you will need:

  • A liter of cow's milk.
  • A couple of chicken fillets.
  • Sea salt, aromatic herbs and spices.

Since we are preparing pork from boiled pork, all the ingredients need to be put into it. To begin, add milk and two tablespoons of sea salt into the bowl of the device. Bring all this to a boil, add chicken, and after five minutes turn on the heating mode and wait about two hours. After this time, the meat is carefully removed from the multicooker, dried and sprinkled with a breading made from aromatic herbs and spices.

Option with honey

This recipe will certainly interest lovers of savory, moderately spicy meat dishes. Using it you can very quickly and without much hassle make delicious boiled chicken breast, which has a light honey aroma and a beautiful golden brown crust. To prepare such a treat you will need:

  • Half a kilo chicken fillet.
  • A full tablespoon of natural honey.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • A couple of tablespoons of soy sauce.
  • A mixture of black, red and white peppers.
  • A couple of tablespoons of chili sauce.
  • Rosemary, curry, basil and salt.

Before cooking boiled chicken breast in foil, the meat is washed, thoroughly dried and rubbed with spices. Then small cuts are made in the fillet and stuffed with pieces of garlic. The meat prepared in this way is marinated in a mixture of honey and two types of sauce. No earlier than two hours later, the fillet is placed in foil, poured with the remaining aromatic liquid and sent to the oven. It is cooked at one hundred and seventy degrees for about thirty minutes. Then carefully open the foil and let the chicken brown slightly.

Diet option

We draw your attention to another simple recipe that young ladies who watch their figure will surely appreciate. Using it you can very quickly prepare low-calorie and incredibly tasty boiled pork from chicken breast. Before starting the process, see if you have on hand:

  • 3 chicken breasts.
  • A teaspoon each of coriander, black pepper and paprika.
  • Salt.
  • A couple of tablespoons vegetable oil.

First of all, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a liter of water and immerse the chicken fillet in it. All this is put in the refrigerator for at least a day. After twenty-four hours, the meat is removed from the brine and rubbed with a mixture of vegetable oil and spices. After some time, the marinated chicken is sent to the multicooker bowl. The device is covered with a lid and left to operate in the “Steam” mode. After an hour, the meat is carefully turned over to the other side and cooked for another thirty minutes.

Option with carrots

This time we will tell you how to cook boiled pork from chicken breast without first soaking it in a marinade. In this case you will need:

  • 500 grams of chicken fillet.
  • Large carrot.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Salt and aromatic spices.

Small cuts are made in the washed and dried fillet and pieces of carrots and garlic slices are placed in them. The meat prepared in this way is rubbed on all sides with salt and seasonings, and then tied with thread and wrapped in several layers of foil. Cook at a temperature of one hundred and seventy degrees, about forty minutes.

Baked pork is considered one of the few dishes that are equally appropriate for a family lunch and a dinner party. It is prepared from various types of meat, soaked in spicy spices and aromatic herbs. In today's article we will tell you how to make boiled pork from chicken breast.

Option with milk

Using the method described below, you can relatively quickly and easily prepare a juicy and tender delicacy that you would not be ashamed to treat to your dear guests. The process itself does not take too much time and does not require specific culinary skills. In addition, this recipe involves the use of a slow cooker, which allows you to minimize the effort. To make boiled pork from chicken breast, you will need:

  • A liter of cow's milk.
  • A couple of chicken fillets.
  • Sea salt, aromatic herbs and spices.

Since we are preparing boiled pork from chicken breast in multicookers, all the ingredients need to be placed in it. To begin, add milk and two tablespoons of sea salt into the bowl of the device. Bring all this to a boil, add chicken, and after five minutes turn on the heating mode and wait about two hours. After this time, the meat is carefully removed from the multicooker, dried and sprinkled with breading made from aromatic herbs and spices.

Option with honey

This recipe will certainly interest lovers of savory, moderately spicy meat dishes. Using it, you can very quickly and without much hassle make delicious boiled chicken breast, which has a light honey aroma and a beautiful golden brown crust. To prepare such a treat you will need:

  • Half a kilo of chicken fillet.
  • A full tablespoon of natural honey.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • A couple of tablespoons of soy sauce.
  • A mixture of black, red and white peppers.
  • A couple of tablespoons of chili sauce.
  • Rosemary, curry, basil and salt.

Before cooking boiled chicken breast in foil, the meat is washed, thoroughly dried and rubbed with spices. Then small cuts are made in the fillet and stuffed with pieces of garlic. The meat prepared in this way is marinated in a mixture of honey and two types of sauce. No earlier than two hours later, the fillet is placed in foil, poured with the remaining aromatic liquid and sent to the oven. It is cooked at one hundred and seventy degrees for about thirty minutes. Then carefully open the foil and let the chicken brown slightly.

Diet option

We draw your attention to another simple recipe that young ladies who watch their figure will surely appreciate. Using it you can very quickly prepare low-calorie and incredibly tasty boiled pork from chicken breast. Before starting the process, see if you have on hand:

  • 3 chicken breasts.
  • A teaspoon each of coriander, black pepper and paprika.
  • Salt.
  • A couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.

First of all, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a liter of water and immerse the chicken fillet in it. All this is put in the refrigerator for at least a day. After twenty-four hours, the meat is removed from the brine and rubbed with a mixture of vegetable oil and spices. After some time, the marinated chicken is sent to the multicooker bowl. The device is covered with a lid and left to operate in the “Steam” mode. After an hour, the meat is carefully turned over to the other side and cooked for another thirty minutes.

Option with carrots

This time we will tell you how to cook boiled pork from chicken breast without first soaking it in a marinade. In this case you will need:

  • 500 grams of chicken fillet.
  • Large carrot.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Salt and aromatic spices.

Small cuts are made in the washed and dried fillet and pieces of carrots and garlic slices are placed in them. The meat prepared in this way is rubbed on all sides with salt and seasonings, and then tied with thread and wrapped in several layers of foil. Cook boiled pork in an oven heated to one hundred and seventy degrees for about forty minutes.

Delicious boiled chicken breast is an excellent alternative to store-bought deli meats. This is getting ready dietary dish simple enough. But before you make boiled pork from chicken fillet according to a recipe at home, it is worth considering some of the subtleties of this process. After all, even the choice of cooking method is of great importance here. How to cook boiled pork in a slow cooker and in the oven as in best restaurants? Is it possible to cook it in foil or is only a sleeve suitable? Before moving on to culinary experiments, it is worth considering all possible options in more detail.

What is boiled pork?

In the classic recipe, boiled pork is baked meat obtained from the cut of an animal's thigh. But in modern cooking, this term has come to refer to a single piece of fillet, cooked entirely through long simmering. In French-Canadian cuisine, a similar dish is called rôti de porc; in Germany and Austria they enjoy a delicacy called schweinebraten.

But since pork is a rather fatty meat that requires specific preparation, Dietary boiled pork made from chicken breast is becoming increasingly popular among housewives. Rich taste, spicy aroma and magnificent appearance when cut - these are the advantages that this type of meat delicacy has. The finished product is easily cut into even slices and looks attractive both when served as an independent dish and as part of sandwiches.

Store-bought boiled pork contains specific preservatives that extend the shelf life of the meat. A home-prepared product does not need such tricks. But when preparing fillets you need to follow certain rules:

  • removing the skin - chicken skin prevents the meat from baking and makes the dish more fatty;
  • preliminary marinating is the key to successful preparation of the dish; the meat must be aged for at least 2 hours;
  • the key to ideal juiciness is high-temperature cooking; the oven heats up to 250 degrees during baking;
  • short heat treatment period avoids overdrying of meat;
  • cooling – ready dish It is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator first, this will make it even tastier.

Using these simple secrets, you can get excellent results when preparing boiled pork even without much experience. The main thing is to marinate the tender meat well in a pre-prepared sauce and not overcook it during heat treatment. Dryness and fibrousness are the worst enemy of tasty meat.

How to choose the right breast?

When planning to cook boiled pork from chicken, you should not look for soup layers on sale. The optimal solution would be broiler chicken fillet, which is sufficiently soft and lends itself well to marinating. Both bone-in breast and already filleted flesh are suitable for this dish. If you plan to store meat for some time, it is better to leave the bone. It will allow it to maintain its shape.

When choosing a chicken breast, you should pay attention to the color of the flesh - it should be pale pink, without bruising or yellowness. The presence of foreign odors and mucus on the surface should alert you – such a product should not be eaten. It is recommended to choose pulp for culinary purposes from chilled products. Expired or substandard fillets are often frozen; in addition, after thawing, the breast can lose a significant part of its weight with water. Needless to say, the taste properties of such raw materials will be rather dubious.

How to marinate correctly?

When choosing a cooking method, you should focus on the recommended temperature from the very beginning. But you should not rely solely on heat treatment. It is very important to ensure proper marinating of meat, because it is this stage of preparation that provides the product with maximum juiciness and makes the finished dish so tender. The basis for soaking fillets can be soy sauce, a mixture of oil and herbs, tomato juice with onions, dark beer with mustard.

If the bright taste of citrus fruits does not bother you, you can use natural juice lemon or lime, diluted with saline and water solution/

The length of time the pork is marinated also matters. In most cases, the meat is ready for baking or placing in a slow cooker after 2 hours. But experienced housewives It is recommended to experiment with the duration of exposure, achieving the most thorough saturation of the meat fibers with salt, spices and herbs. With long-term (up to 12 hours in a row) marinating, the taste properties change radically.

In a slow cooker

Today, both experienced housewives and novice cooks prefer to cook in a slow cooker. Even the simplest recipe will help make the finished dish juicy. The breasts are kept in salt water for about an hour, then dried, rolled in spices and tomato sauce or mustard-honey mixture. The fillet pieces are carefully wrapped in foil, leaving no gaps on the surface, and the multicooker bowl is greased with oil to prevent burning.

The “Baking” mode is set on the control panel, in which the dish is kept for 35 minutes continuously. Next, the meat inside the bowl is turned over (the foil remains in place), the unit is put back into operation, but for 25 minutes. The fully prepared dish is cooled without unwrapping and stored in a cool, dry place for 2-3 hours. The boiled pork can be cut into portions and served on lettuce leaves.

Quick boiled pork in foil

To cook boiled pork from breast in the oven, you should use traditional culinary tools. Most quick option- baking in foil. For it you will need 2-3 servings of fillet or a whole breast on the bone, a ready-made mixture of seasonings, a glass tomato sauce with paprika or other additives as desired. Salty cold water - for soaking. The cooking process according to the instructions looks like this.

  • The pulp, thoroughly soaked in a solution of water and salt, should be lightly dried with a napkin.

  • Carefully roll the fillet in a mixture of seasonings and tomato sauce, after making punctures in it for better penetration of the ingredients. You can additionally stuff the pulp with garlic.
  • The finished breasts are laid out on a large sheet of foil and carefully wrapped in it without gaps.
  • In the upper part, in the metal shell of the baked semi-finished meat product several neat holes are made.
  • The dish goes into a well-heated oven for 15 minutes. After the time is up, the dish is not removed, but left to “simmer” for about an hour in a closed oven.
  • Ready meat is stored in the refrigerator.

Cooking in the sleeve

If you want to get boiled pork like in the store, you need to cook it in your sleeve. In this case, the meat will not become dry and will get a golden brown crust. A special medical mesh for fixing injuries in the form of a tubular bandage will help you prepare fillets quickly and efficiently. The dish is prepared from two large pieces breast, which must first be cut into narrow strips and rubbed with a mixture of crushed garlic, salt and pepper.

The bandage is tied on one side with a knot, the internal space is filled with prepared pieces of meat, tightly compacted inside. The finished roll is tied at the other end, placed inside the sleeve and sent to a preheated oven for baking for 45 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees Celsius. After the allotted time has expired, it is necessary to remove the meat from the oven, cool it and remove the protective shell in the form of a mesh. The boiled pork will have a beautiful pattern on the outside and a delicate taste.

Properly cooked boiled pork from chicken breast will be an excellent addition to the holiday table and will give a variety of flavors to true connoisseurs of healthy eating. The resulting meat delicacy is suitable for making sandwiches and can replace store-bought sausage in salads.

To learn how to cook boiled pork from chicken breast, watch the following video.

Chicken is the most affordable product on our table and you can prepare an endless number of all kinds of delicacies from it. This is no exception holiday dish, like boiled pork - the taste is no different from pork, but it has less calories and is absorbed by the body much easier.

According to this recipe, boiled chicken in the oven is prepared very quickly and without. To prepare it you will need:

  • chicken fillet – ½ kg.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • garlic – 2 cloves
  • salt, spices - a pinch

If you have, then you need to cut the fillet, wash and dry with a kitchen towel. Cut the carrots into oblong sticks, and the garlic cloves into two parts. We make several cuts where we put garlic and carrots. Rub the chicken meat on all sides with spices and salt and tie it with thread. This procedure is necessary to ensure that the finished product does not fall into pieces when cutting. After this, we wrap the finished product in several layers of foil.

Cook boiled pork in an oven heated to 170 degrees for 40 minutes. If you want the meat to have a golden brown crust, then at the end of cooking, remove the foil, turn on the oven to the “top grill” function and hold for another 5 minutes.

Baked pork is consumed hot and cold as a snack or filling for sandwiches.

Soaking in marinade

If you want to apply for festive table juicy boiled pork, then we recommend keeping it in the marinade for some time. For it you will need:

  • salt brine, which is prepared according to this calculation: put 65 grams per liter of water. salt and boil, but use chilled
  • allspice brine: add a few black peppercorns to ½ liter of water, bay leaf, aromatic herbs, any spices and bring to a boil, then cool

Place in a large bowl, pour salt brine, and then also fragrant. Place in a cool place for several days (you can keep it for 5 days, but watch the air temperature - not lower than 0° and not higher than +7°). After marinating, the chicken fillet should be syringed with the brine in which our meat was marinated. The marinade is drawn into a syringe and injected into the meat in several places. It is also customary to stuff the meat with carrots and garlic before cooking. These three steps will ultimately result in a tasty, juicy and aromatic snack.

Approximate calculation of ingredients per 1 kg. chicken fillet:

  • carrots – 2 pcs.
  • garlic – 5 cloves
  • salt and pepper - as you like

Wrap the stuffed and stuffed meat tightly with thread, sprinkle with salt and pepper, wrap in several layers of foil and place in the oven preheated to 170 degrees for 30 - 40 minutes. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, open the foil and let it brown a little. Baked chicken fillet in this cooking method will turn out very juicy, with a pleasant delicate aroma.

Delicious rolled meat

For this recipe, cut the chicken fillet into lengthwise pieces, sprinkle each of them with salt and pepper. Peel the carrots and cut into long strips, and the garlic into several pieces. Place two slices of carrot and garlic on the first piece of chicken fillet and wrap it in a roll. Place the next piece of chicken fillet under the roll, add carrots and garlic and wrap. Continue this way until you finish the pieces of meat.

At the end, wrap the entire structure in foil, place it on a baking sheet and place it in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for baking. Make sure there are no holes in the foil, otherwise steam will escape during cooking and the meat will end up dry when cooked. It should remain in the oven on a baking sheet for at least 40 minutes.

The quantity of ingredients for this preparation is taken as much as required for the first recipe.

Bon appetit!

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