Large encyclopedia of spices, seasonings and seasonings. Healing properties of ginger. Curry Leaf Natural Antibiotic and Blood Purifier

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© Karpukhina V., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

* * *

Salt, pepper, dill and mayonnaise are all my food additives. Were. But after looking through your book, I was inspired. Now I’ll try all sorts of other herbs, powders and grains. I discovered that you can buy many different spices at the market. And if you guessed correctly, the food turns out simply excellent! Even my friends didn’t understand that I fed them dumplings from a bag.

Vladislav, 27 years old

Your book is simply a treasure trove of useful and tasty tips. You are a great craftswoman. Thank you for the fact that thanks to your book, my table has become much tastier and much more healing. Now I can add something of my own to each portion, and the food turns out to be healthy for our grandmother, and for her grandchildren, my children, and for my husband, and for me. And it looks different, even if I use it from the same pan! And everyone is happy.

Nastasya Pavlovna, 32 years old

I really love experimenting with different seasonings - for each dish I select my own mixtures of peppers, herbs, etc. But it never occurred to me that this is healthy! Grandma used to grumble that “tasty” and “healthy” are two different things, but now I showed her your book, and she was impressed! Now she asks if I added everything that is healthy and safe, even to her porridge!

Veronica, 23 years old, Tver

I mixed suneli hops according to your recipe, it turned out better than they sell on the market. Impressed. Thank you, dear!

Tetico, 36 years old

Thank you, thank you for such a wonderful book! It's incredible how much benefit a single book can have if it's on the refrigerator! I have been interested in different diets for many years and now I have just realized that the main thing in my dietary dishes I didn't add it! It's just a miracle. Even the most disgusting diet suddenly became delicious!

Tamara Stepanovna, 45 years old, Moscow

Thirty-five spice jars now sit in my kitchen! And the jars are not empty or idle! And all thanks to your book, Victoria! At first I struggled, choosing something that would be both tasty and healthy, but I quickly figured it out. And now I can make any dish unique and inimitable. Even borscht, porridge and compotes are now never the same for me twice. So thank you from me and from our large family!

Stefania, 40 years old

Go to the pharmacy only for spices!

In every home in the kitchen there is a small supply of fresh and dry spices - both growing in our beds and overseas, accustomed to mild or hot climates.

They are interesting to us as aromatic components of a dish, and as a manifestation of living nature, and as material carriers of history, as a cultural value, finally! Spices are a separate world that people have been mastering for thousands of years and cannot live without their taste and aroma. Although they rarely think that behind each aroma lies a whole set of biological properties that in one way or another affect health. Ancient healers used every spice they knew in the preparation of medicines, carefully studied its properties, and left detailed notes for us. The arsenal of spices in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, India and China was quite wide.

Today we are rediscovering many of the herbs. And we must not lose sight of the fact that a significant part of the spices are pharmaceutical plants. You've never bought medicine at the pharmacy solely for taste: sweet syrup, bitter powder, sour mixture? You have always wanted to know for sure how this or that remedy should help and how it could harm. Things are exactly the same with spices: we buy some for salvation, others to aggravate problems. The body, unfortunately, is not always prepared for the ideal healthy choice, otherwise people would live a hundred years without knowing pain!

Here's a simple example. Few people do not like garlic, and many have experienced unpleasant sensations after eating it: intestinal irritation, headache, pressure in the heart. Garlic, a wonderful spice in its essence, in large doses or under certain conditions of the body can kill healthy intestinal microflora, reduce the liquid phase of the blood, and cause vascular spasms. What now, don’t eat garlic? Be sure to eat it, just try it in combination with cilantro, pomegranate, honey, which will muffle the negative effects and increase the benefits!

The modern person who cares about his well-being needs quick, easily accessible and specific information: nervous breakdown - calm down with mint; tired - here's broth with cloves; there is a lot of work ahead - stock up on bergamot; if you are hypothermic and feel unwell, brew hibiscus immediately; overcome illnesses and notice age-related changes - in the kitchen there is a whole army of spices to restore and maintain the body, antioxidant spices.

To turn your lunch not only into gastronomic joy and energy replenishment, but also into a weapon in the fight against infections and colds, chronic diseases, nervous overstrain, age-related changes, to organize the reflection of constant oncological attacks on cells - you need not only healthy products, but also correctly selected spices. Spices-amulets prepared from those plants that since ancient times representatives of different nations placed in their homes for the spiritual purity of their homes. And even more precisely – spices. However, let's understand culinary concepts so that we can use them appropriately.

Condiments, spices, spices - what's the difference?

What are called seasonings, spices, herbs, and how do they differ from each other?

A food seasoning can be anything that makes it more appetizing: spices, spice mixtures, sauces, ketchups, sour cream and even jam! Sprinkle the pancakes with sour cream or cherry jam - and here you have a wonderful seasoning. But we will talk about sour cream last. Because the most beneficial seasoning for the body is vegetable oil, concentrate useful substances contained in oil plants. We will also not ignore multi-component classic sauces, which perfectly stimulate the appetite, themselves serve as an energy boost and impart the vitamin and mineral composition of the ingredients to lunch.

The concept of spice includes flavor enhancers of various origins: salt, sugar, vinegar, citric acid, mustard paste, soy sauce, prepared herbs etc. Many of them are excellent antioxidants and have a number of other useful properties.

What are spices? Aromatic herbs, or rather, what is used for seasoning: leaves, roots, flowers or even pistils, for example, like the most expensive spice - saffron. Many garden plants are considered spices - onions, garlic, herbs. They give the dish a special aroma and add their own notes to the taste. Most spices are medicinal herbs, and some of them can only be bought at the pharmacy for now! Spices or spice mixtures quite often work as good immune stimulants and antioxidants.

Our Encyclopedia includes fragrant gifts of the plant world different countries, having not only aromatic, but also healing properties. We will pay special attention to the origin of spices, if only because the traditions of preserving the beneficial properties of plants have been developed in their homeland for centuries, and the results of wise use have a wonderful impact on health.

A pinch of the traditional Chinese Five Spice blend contains more antioxidants than a glass. fresh berries. Two or three petals of the most expensive spice, saffron, can work wonders on women's health. And fragrant cinnamon powder on the tip of a knife can prevent an impending cold. And, by the way, in terms of antioxidant properties, a teaspoon of cinnamon, cloves, dried oregano and turmeric is superior to a glass of blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, as well as one pomegranate or kiwi. Another thing is, is it possible to eat a teaspoon of cinnamon without harming your health? Of course not! But the constant use of the necessary spices, especially in winter, when the forest is covered in snow and the berries are far away, is a complete replacement for the necessary nutrients.

From this book you will learn everything you need to know about the seasoning that you love or are just about to try. Be sure to be surprised at how many discoveries you have ahead of you in the field of culinary herbs, gravies and flavor enhancers.

You will gain sad but necessary information about the peculiarities of product substitutions in the field of seasonings. But quickly be comforted by a new trustworthy choice!

Learn to combine herbs and spices in a magical way for the best taste and aroma, but most importantly, to improve your own health!

To make using the book convenient, the names of seasonings are arranged alphabetically. Many herbs have several names in use; synonyms are also arranged alphabetically, and one name can lead to another. To make it easier for you to identify the spices you need, there is an Index at the end of the book. It will help you find the seasonings described here (even if they have several names) and various diseases for which these seasonings help or which, unfortunately, can aggravate.

The Encyclopedia of Seasonings is a convenient health guide that stimulates an excellent appetite and guides it in a healthy direction!

Healing spices, seasonings, seasonings

How to buy spices

All culinary experts in the world use spices. Spicy herbs do not have to be collected and prepared; they can be easily purchased at a grocery store. Even exotic mixtures of Indian or Chinese cuisine are now sold not only in specialized stores, but also in the market and on the grocery shelves of supermarkets.

The packaging of spices is varied: paper and plastic bags, glass jars. Glass jars– the most preferred packaging method. A hermetically sealed jar allows you to preserve the aroma for a long time and protects the integrity of the berries and fragile seeds (for example, vanilla pods) from mechanical damage. Good packaging gives hope for compliance with hygienic standards in the production and sale of spices.

Jars of spices should not be exposed to light, so when purchasing, choose jars that are hidden deep on the shelves. However, keep in mind that from the consumer’s point of view, seemingly protecting against sun rays dark glass is not the best packaging, since it hides the commercial appearance of the spice from us. When purchasing, we must be able to make sure that the spice has not faded, darkened, and retains its usual original color and integrity.

Which spices do you prefer to buy - whole or ground? Of course, ground spices reduce cooking time. But whole spices fully retain their aroma and taste. It is best to grind or crush spices before use. And they should be stored in small quantities, in a dark place, in containers well protected from exposure to moist air.

Some spices, such as paprika or chili pepper, are sold only in ground form. It's OK! These spices perfectly preserve their aroma and taste.

Spices storage

We have already mentioned that the jars in which spices are stored must be protected from light sources and humid air. Let's remember a few more storage rules:

Glass jars with spices should not be stored close to the stove, as the heat and condensation that forms will cause the spices to not maintain their guaranteed shelf life. The storage location should not only be dry and dark, but also cool, so all the jars “at hand” near the stove are a bad choice for storage.

Spices freely release their aromatic substances into the air and can themselves absorb foreign odors. Do not store various spices in a common container.

Whole rhizomes or tubers must be stored with good air access, otherwise they will simply rot. Store them in baskets, wicker bags, and clay pots.

Normalization of digestion, cleansing. Regeneration of skin and hair. Strengthening memory

Calamus was born in the Himalayas and spread to India. They say that even the soldiers of Alexander the Great appreciated this medicinal spicy herb during grueling Indian campaigns, after which enterprising Phoenician merchants began to supply calamus to Greece.

Over time, marsh calamus spread throughout the world, and in Medieval Europe it was used as a substitute for expensive spices - cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg. In the Old and New Worlds, candied candied fruits were prepared from calamus, which children and adults loved. And thoughtful botanists and pharmacists appreciated the life-giving power of the new delicacy.

Walk along the bank of a slow river, visit a meadow, or near a quiet creek - you will definitely come across tall saber stems of calamus, for which it is nicknamed Tatar cinquefoil (by the way, do not confuse “swamp cinquefoil” with the medicinal herb, this is a completely different plant). In Russia there are generally many local names for calamus: yavr, butterfly root, flatbread and others.

Medicinal value

Usually only rhizomes or oil from them are used as medicinal raw materials, but sometimes also calamus leaves.

In official medicine, calamus is used as a tonic with a pronounced antibacterial property, as an antispasmodic and a component in vasodilators, hemostatic and diuretic drugs.

IN folk medicine calamus has long been widely used:

For quick relief from colds and bronchitis.

For the treatment of female diseases and menopause.

In the treatment of impotence and to enhance potency.

For baths for infectious skin diseases. To enhance hair growth.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines, flatulence, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting.

For cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

In Ayurvedic medicine, calamus is used to cleanse the blood and blood vessels of toxins, for memory impairment, headaches, and neuroses.


Be careful: calamus is harmful in acute inflammation of the kidneys, increased acidity of gastric juice and acute peptic ulcer.

And calamus root can also cause a decrease in blood pressure, although this property is useful for hypertensive patients!

Pharmaceutical spice on the table

In ancient times, calamus was used not so much for food as for purifying unsuitable water. This is the bactericidal ability of the grass. Today, the importance of calamus as a spice in Europe has fallen - it has become the property of pharmaceuticals. And in the vegetarian regions of India they never stop using everything that grows on its own and asks to be put into the pot. To be fair, it must be said that Indian calamus has a more pronounced aroma, like everything that grows under the tropical sun. And there, crushed calamus root is added to meat when stewing, in broths and soups.

Calamus powder added to low-fat chicken broth, will help to quickly relieve spasms and swelling of the bronchial mucosa, and increase sputum discharge when coughing.

For stew. For European tastes, calamus root is bitter, so it is better not to crush the root, but to place it in a saucepan big piece shortly before the end of cooking. And then pull it out.

For salads. Shoots of calamus leaves are used in salads. Just don't overdo it with the portion! In large quantities, calamus will cause nausea.

For infusions and flavoring of liqueurs. Drinks with calamus perfectly stimulate the appetite. You just need to remember that it is used in those recipes where it is supposed bitter spices .

Fragrant calamus rhizomes in small doses replace bay leaf, impart a pleasant aroma soups, liver And compotes. Add dried crushed rhizomes to the compote at the end of cooking - blood purification and an increase in the overall tone of the body will occur after every glass you drink!

For candied fruits. Candied calamus is used as a healthy delicacy in India. And tea with candied calamus will remind you of Medieval Europe and boost your immunity - see recipe.

Candied calamus

We wash the chopped pieces of fresh calamus root and place them in a thick sugar syrup or melted sugared jam. Cook for 5–10 minutes, then strain out the syrup, dry the candied fruits and sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Health of the lungs and bronchi, heart and nervous system. Spice for women's health

In Europe, anise is an important component in absinthe and rakia. Anise came to Russian cuisine and Russian gardens at the beginning of the 19th century and also quite quickly received a worthy appreciation from winemakers. They also began to put anise seeds in the sauce for soaking apples. And after some time, the winter variety of apples, most suitable for urination, was nicknamed “anise”.

Properties of anise

In official medicine, anise is used as a disinfectant and expectorant for diseases of the bronchi and lungs. It is interesting that even in strong drinks, anise does not lose its healing effect on the digestive tract and bronchopulmonary system. True, for treatment and the measure of use should be pharmaceutical: do not overdo it!

Anise is included in cough mixtures. Many years ago, the elixir “drops of the Danish king” was prescribed for colds; unforgettable taste determined by anise oil. The spice holds the first line of defense against infection, because the purity of the blood depends on the purity of the respiratory system.

Anise seeds improve intestinal motility and reduce the excitability of the heart muscle (that is, normalize heart rate).

Anise is useful for flatulence and intestinal colic.

To strengthen the nervous system, drink anise tea; you can also add caraway And fennel . True, this tea has unexpressed diuretic and laxative properties.

Just 3 g of anise seeds per day normalizes the menstrual cycle - consuming anise as a spice will help improve your health.

Anise is believed to improve lactation. Considering that anise also relieves intestinal colic, there can be double benefits for the baby, and variety in dietary nutrition for the mother.

Sometimes anise is added to preparations only to “ennoble the taste,” but this does not prevent it from exhibiting medicinal properties, used in folk medicine.

There are some strict CONTRAINDICATIONS!

The spice should not be used during pregnancy (due to the danger of uterine contractions) and for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (anise can cause additional irritation of the inflamed mucous membrane).

How to breathe deeply with anise

The most correct way to use anise is to add chopped herbs to vegetables (beets, carrots or cabbage, including sauerkraut) and fruit salads. This use makes it possible not to lose the beneficial properties of the wonderful sweetish spice.

Young boiled potatoes will go with a bang in sour cream sauce with a mixture of anise and garlic, dill And fennel . This is also the correct way to use spices if your intestines are poorly functioning or if you have a weakened immune system.

The aroma of anise is reminiscent fennel And star anise , therefore, in India, anise is called “foreign fennel” to distinguish it from fennel itself, and is used in sweets, fish, and meat dishes. Despite the ancient confusion between the flavors of anise and star anise, the interchangeability of the spices is questionable. But in recipes that include fennel, you can use anise as an option, although it is more common to mix both spices. In addition to fennel, anise harmonizes perfectly with bay leaf And coriander . A mixture of these herbs will significantly improve the taste of sea fish soup.

Anise tincture

It is impossible not to say a few words about anise vodka or tincture, which our ancestors loved. Here is one of old recipes: « Take a pound of anise, twelve spools of caraway seeds, nine spools of orris root and ten and a half spools of dry lemon rind, crumble and crush everything together, pour six damasks of good wine and distill it" In a system of measures adapted to modern times and in more modest proportions ( old recipe designed for 7.3 liters of strong drink) this recipe would look like this:

Anise – 100 g

Cumin – 2 tbsp. l.

Violet root – 1 tbsp. l.

Dry lemon peel - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Separate wine (in our opinion – good vodka) – 2 l

Treatment of poisonings and infections. Joint health

Annatto spice is the red seeds of an evergreen tropical tree. Bixa annataceae, growing along the banks of the Amazon.

The main advantage of annatto is the indelible red pigment contained in the seeds. The Aztecs considered annatto to be sacred berries that warded off evil spirits, and smeared themselves with annatto paint from the heels to the top of the head.

In ancient times, the literally “redskin” spice was used for fever, dysentery and kidney disease. Today, the spice is used as a dye for medicines and ointments.

Various parts of the plant can be included in medicines that relieve the effects of sunstroke and burns. Sometimes they are included in drugs that relieve pain, including headaches.

Annatto seeds are rich in alkaloids and flavonoids. Flavonoids determine the diuretic properties of the plant. Annatto also has anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic properties.

Unfortunately, annatto is not sold here yet. Why do we need to know about annatto if we cannot purchase this spice? For peace of mind! Butter, margarine, smoked fish, confectionery from the USA, French and English hard cheeses often colored with annatto. Thus, “Livaro” and “Red Cheshire” cheeses are not only tasty and healthy, but also protect against evil spirits and all kinds of diseases!

Victoria Karpukhina

Great encyclopedia spices, seasonings and seasonings

© Karpukhina V., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

Salt, pepper, dill and mayonnaise are all my food additives. Were. But after looking through your book, I was inspired. Now I’ll try all sorts of other herbs, powders and grains. I discovered that you can buy many different spices at the market. And if you guessed correctly, the food turns out simply excellent! Even my friends didn’t understand that I fed them dumplings from a bag.

Vladislav, 27 years old

Your book is simply a treasure trove of useful and tasty advice. You are a great craftswoman. Thank you for the fact that thanks to your book, my table has become much tastier and much more healing. Now I can add something of my own to each portion, and the food turns out to be healthy for our grandmother, and for her grandchildren, my children, and for my husband, and for me. And it looks different, even if I use it from the same pan! And everyone is happy.

Nastasya Pavlovna, 32 years old

I really love experimenting with different seasonings - for each dish I select my own mixtures of peppers, herbs, etc. But it never occurred to me that this is healthy! Grandma used to grumble that “tasty” and “healthy” are two different things, but now I showed her your book, and she was impressed! Now she asks if I added everything that is healthy and safe, even to her porridge!

Veronica, 23 years old, Tver

I mixed suneli hops according to your recipe, it turned out better than they sell on the market. Impressed. Thank you, dear!

Tetico, 36 years old

Thank you, thank you for such a wonderful book! It's incredible how much benefit a single book can have if it's on the refrigerator! I’ve been interested in different diets for many years and now I just realized that I didn’t add the most important thing to my diet dishes! It's just a miracle. Even the most disgusting diet suddenly became delicious!

Tamara Stepanovna, 45 years old, Moscow

Thirty-five spice jars now sit in my kitchen! And the jars are not empty or idle! And all thanks to your book, Victoria! At first I struggled, choosing something that would be both tasty and healthy, but I quickly figured it out. And now I can make any dish unique and inimitable. Even borscht, porridge and compotes are now never the same for me twice. So thank you from me and from our large family!

Stefania, 40 years old

Go to the pharmacy only for spices!

In every home in the kitchen there is a small supply of fresh and dry spices - both growing in our beds and overseas, accustomed to mild or hot climates. They are interesting to us as aromatic components of a dish, and as a manifestation of living nature, and as material carriers of history, as a cultural value, finally! Spices are a separate world that people have been mastering for thousands of years and cannot live without their taste and aroma. Although they rarely think that behind each aroma lies a whole set of biological properties that in one way or another affect health. Ancient healers used every spice they knew in the preparation of medicines, carefully studied its properties, and left detailed notes for us. The arsenal of spices in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, India and China was quite wide.

Today we are rediscovering many of the herbs. And we must not lose sight of the fact that a significant part of the spices are pharmaceutical plants. You've never bought medicine at the pharmacy solely for taste: sweet syrup, bitter powder, sour mixture? You have always wanted to know for sure how this or that remedy should help and how it could harm. Things are exactly the same with spices: we buy some for salvation, others to aggravate problems. The body, unfortunately, is not always prepared for the ideal healthy choice, otherwise people would live a hundred years without knowing pain!

Here's a simple example. Few people do not like garlic, and many have experienced unpleasant sensations after eating it: intestinal irritation, headache, pressure in the heart. Garlic, a wonderful spice in its essence, in large doses or under certain conditions of the body can kill healthy intestinal microflora, reduce the liquid phase of the blood, and cause vascular spasms. What now, don’t eat garlic? Be sure to eat it, just try it in combination with cilantro, pomegranate, honey, which will muffle the negative effects and increase the benefits!

The modern person who cares about his well-being needs quick, easily accessible and specific information: nervous breakdown - calm down with mint; tired - here's broth with cloves; there is a lot of work ahead - stock up on bergamot; if you are hypothermic and feel unwell, brew hibiscus immediately; overcome illnesses and notice age-related changes - in the kitchen there is a whole army of spices to restore and maintain the body, antioxidant spices.

© Karpukhina V., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

Salt, pepper, dill and mayonnaise are all my food additives. Were. But after looking through your book, I was inspired. Now I’ll try all sorts of other herbs, powders and grains. I discovered that you can buy many different spices at the market. And if you guessed correctly, the food turns out simply excellent! Even my friends didn’t understand that I fed them dumplings from a bag.

Vladislav, 27 years old

Your book is simply a treasure trove of useful and tasty advice. You are a great craftswoman. Thank you for the fact that thanks to your book, my table has become much tastier and much more healing. Now I can add something of my own to each portion, and the food turns out to be healthy for our grandmother, and for her grandchildren, my children, and for my husband, and for me. And it looks different, even if I use it from the same pan! And everyone is happy.

Nastasya Pavlovna, 32 years old

I really love experimenting with different seasonings - for each dish I select my own mixtures of peppers, herbs, etc. But it never occurred to me that this is healthy! Grandma used to grumble that “tasty” and “healthy” are two different things, but now I showed her your book, and she was impressed! Now she asks if I added everything that is healthy and safe, even to her porridge!

Veronica, 23 years old, Tver

I mixed suneli hops according to your recipe, it turned out better than they sell on the market. Impressed. Thank you, dear!

Tetico, 36 years old

Thank you, thank you for such a wonderful book! It's incredible how much benefit a single book can have if it's on the refrigerator! I’ve been interested in different diets for many years and now I just realized that I didn’t add the most important thing to my diet dishes! It's just a miracle. Even the most disgusting diet suddenly became delicious!

Tamara Stepanovna, 45 years old, Moscow

Thirty-five spice jars now sit in my kitchen! And the jars are not empty or idle! And all thanks to your book, Victoria! At first I struggled, choosing something that would be both tasty and healthy, but I quickly figured it out. And now I can make any dish unique and inimitable. Even borscht, porridge and compotes are now never the same for me twice. So thank you from me and from our large family!

Stefania, 40 years old

Go to the pharmacy only for spices!

In every home in the kitchen there is a small supply of fresh and dry spices - both growing in our beds and overseas, accustomed to mild or hot climates. They are interesting to us as aromatic components of a dish, and as a manifestation of living nature, and as material carriers of history, as a cultural value, finally! Spices are a separate world that people have been mastering for thousands of years and cannot live without their taste and aroma. Although they rarely think that behind each aroma lies a whole set of biological properties that in one way or another affect health. Ancient healers used every spice they knew in the preparation of medicines, carefully studied its properties, and left detailed notes for us. The arsenal of spices in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, India and China was quite wide.

Today we are rediscovering many of the herbs. And we must not lose sight of the fact that a significant part of the spices are pharmaceutical plants. You've never bought medicine at the pharmacy solely for taste: sweet syrup, bitter powder, sour mixture? You have always wanted to know for sure how this or that remedy should help and how it could harm. Things are exactly the same with spices: we buy some for salvation, others to aggravate problems. The body, unfortunately, is not always prepared for the ideal healthy choice, otherwise people would live a hundred years without knowing pain!

Here's a simple example. Few people do not like garlic, and many have experienced unpleasant sensations after eating it: intestinal irritation, headache, pressure in the heart. Garlic, a wonderful spice in its essence, in large doses or under certain conditions of the body can kill healthy intestinal microflora, reduce the liquid phase of the blood, and cause vascular spasms. What now, don’t eat garlic? Be sure to eat it, just try it in combination with cilantro, pomegranate, honey, which will muffle the negative effects and increase the benefits!

The modern person who cares about his well-being needs quick, easily accessible and specific information: nervous breakdown - calm down with mint; tired - here's broth with cloves; there is a lot of work ahead - stock up on bergamot; if you are hypothermic and feel unwell, brew hibiscus immediately; overcome illnesses and notice age-related changes - in the kitchen there is a whole army of spices to restore and maintain the body, antioxidant spices.

To turn your lunch not only into gastronomic joy and energy replenishment, but also into a weapon in the fight against infections and colds, chronic diseases, nervous tension, age-related changes, and to organize the reflection of constant oncological attacks on cells - you need not only healthy products, but also the right selected spices. Spices-amulets prepared from those plants that since ancient times representatives of different nations placed in their homes for the spiritual purity of their homes. And even more precisely – spices. However, let's understand culinary concepts so that we can use them appropriately.

Condiments, spices, spices - what's the difference?

What are called seasonings, spices, herbs, and how do they differ from each other?

A food seasoning can be anything that makes it more appetizing: spices, spice mixtures, sauces, ketchups, sour cream and even jam! Pour sour cream or cherry jam over the pancakes and you have a wonderful seasoning. But we will talk about sour cream last. Because the most beneficial seasoning for the body is vegetable oil, a concentrate of beneficial substances contained in oil-bearing plants. We will also not ignore multi-component classic sauces, which perfectly stimulate the appetite, themselves serve as an energy boost and impart the vitamin and mineral composition of the ingredients to dinner.

The concept of spice includes flavor enhancers of various origins: salt, sugar, vinegar, citric acid, mustard paste, soy sauce, prepared herbs, etc. Many of them are excellent antioxidants and have a number of other beneficial properties.

What are spices? Aromatic herbs, or rather, what is used for seasoning: leaves, roots, flowers or even pistils, for example, like the most expensive spice - saffron. Many garden plants are considered spices - onions, garlic, herbs. They give the dish a special aroma and add their own notes to the taste. Most spices are medicinal herbs, and some of them can only be bought at the pharmacy for now! Spices or spice mixtures quite often work as good immune stimulants and antioxidants.

Our Encyclopedia includes fragrant gifts of the plant world from different countries, which have not only aromatic, but also healing properties. We will pay special attention to the origin of spices, if only because the traditions of preserving the beneficial properties of plants have been developed in their homeland for centuries, and the results of wise use have a wonderful impact on health.

A pinch of the traditional Chinese Five Spice blend contains more antioxidants than a glass of fresh berries. Two or three petals of the most expensive spice, saffron, can work wonders on women's health. And fragrant cinnamon powder on the tip of a knife can prevent an impending cold. And, by the way, in terms of antioxidant properties, a teaspoon of cinnamon, cloves, dried oregano and turmeric is superior to a glass of blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, as well as one pomegranate or kiwi. Another thing is, is it possible to eat a teaspoon of cinnamon without harming your health? Of course not! But the constant use of the necessary spices, especially in winter, when the forest is covered in snow and the berries are far away, is a complete replacement for the necessary nutrients.

“Food must be medicine, and medicine must be food,” said Hippocrates. We remember this as it applies to meat, vegetables and fruits. But we don’t think about the fact that most of the spices in the kitchen are medicinal herbs. A significant part of them can be bought at the pharmacy. Like any medicine, herbs can heal, but they can also harm. How to do best choice? This requires encyclopedic knowledge, and even better - this book in the kitchen cabinet!
Almost all herbs and spices that we use in cooking - from pepper to parsley - are medicinal. They not only improve the taste of dishes, but also make us healthier! But each seasoning is valuable for its beneficial properties. Therefore, you need to add spices to your food as varied as possible! And don’t forget that every spice has its own contraindications - this is not as scary as it might seem. Just choose others with the same benefits for yourself - and be healthy!

Victoria Karpukhina

Large encyclopedia of spices, seasonings and seasonings

© Karpukhina V., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

* * *

Salt, pepper, dill and mayonnaise are all my food additives. Were. But after looking through your book, I was inspired. Now I’ll try all sorts of other herbs, powders and grains. I discovered that you can buy many different spices at the market. And if you guessed correctly, the food turns out simply excellent! Even my friends didn’t understand that I fed them dumplings from a bag.

Vladislav, 27 years old

Your book is simply a treasure trove of useful and tasty advice. You are a great craftswoman. Thank you for the fact that thanks to your book, my table has become much tastier and much more healing. Now I can add something of my own to each portion, and the food turns out to be healthy for our grandmother, and for her grandchildren, my children, and for my husband, and for me. And it looks different, even if I use it from the same pan! And everyone is happy.

Nastasya Pavlovna, 32 years old

I really love experimenting with different seasonings - for each dish I select my own mixtures of peppers, herbs, etc. But it never occurred to me that this is healthy! Grandma used to grumble that “tasty” and “healthy” are two different things, but now I showed her your book, and she was impressed! Now she asks if I added everything that is healthy and safe, even to her porridge!

Veronica, 23 years old, Tver

I mixed suneli hops according to your recipe, it turned out better than they sell on the market. Impressed. Thank you, dear!

Tetico, 36 years old

Thank you, thank you for such a wonderful book! It's incredible how much benefit a single book can have if it's on the refrigerator! I’ve been interested in different diets for many years and now I just realized that I didn’t add the most important thing to my diet dishes! It's just a miracle. Even the most disgusting diet suddenly became delicious!

Tamara Stepanovna, 45 years old, Moscow

Thirty-five spice jars now sit in my kitchen! And the jars are not empty or idle! And all thanks to your book, Victoria! At first I struggled, choosing something that would be both tasty and healthy, but I quickly figured it out. And now I can make any dish unique and inimitable. Even borscht, porridge and compotes are now never the same for me twice. So thank you from me and from our large family!

Stefania, 40 years old

Go to the pharmacy only for spices!

In every home in the kitchen there is a small supply of fresh and dry spices - both growing in our beds and overseas, accustomed to mild or hot climates. They are interesting to us as aromatic components of a dish, and as a manifestation of living nature, and as material carriers of history, as a cultural value, finally! Spices are a separate world that people have been mastering for thousands of years and cannot live without their taste and aroma. Although they rarely think that behind each aroma lies a whole set of biological properties that in one way or another affect health. Ancient healers used every spice they knew in the preparation of medicines, carefully studied its properties, and left detailed notes for us. The arsenal of spices in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, India and China was quite wide.

Today we are rediscovering many of the herbs. And we must not lose sight of the fact that a significant part of the spices are pharmaceutical plants. You've never bought medicine at the pharmacy solely for taste: sweet syrup, bitter powder, sour mixture? You have always wanted to know for sure how this or that remedy should help and how it could harm. Things are exactly the same with spices: we buy some for salvation, others to aggravate problems. The body, unfortunately, is not always prepared for the ideal healthy choice, otherwise people would live a hundred years without knowing pain!

Here's a simple example. Few people do not like garlic, and many have experienced unpleasant sensations after eating it: intestinal irritation, headache, pressure in the heart. Garlic, a wonderful spice in its essence, in large doses or under certain conditions of the body can kill healthy intestinal microflora, reduce the liquid phase of the blood, and cause vascular spasms. What now, don’t eat garlic? Be sure to eat it, just try it in combination with cilantro, pomegranate, honey, which will muffle the negative effects and increase the benefits!

The modern person who cares about his well-being needs quick, easily accessible and specific information: nervous breakdown - calm down with mint; tired - here's broth with cloves; there is a lot of work ahead - stock up on bergamot; if you are hypothermic and feel unwell, brew hibiscus immediately; overcome illnesses and notice age-related changes - in the kitchen there is a whole army of spices to restore and maintain the body, antioxidant spices.

To turn your lunch not only into gastronomic joy and energy replenishment, but also into a weapon in the fight against infections and colds, chronic diseases, nervous tension, age-related changes, and to organize the reflection of constant oncological attacks on cells - you need not only healthy products, but also the right selected spices. Spices-amulets prepared from those plants that since ancient times representatives of different nations placed in their homes for the spiritual purity of their homes. And even more precisely – spices. However, let's understand culinary concepts so that we can use them appropriately.

Condiments, spices, spices - what's the difference?

What are called seasonings, spices, herbs, and how do they differ from each other?

A food seasoning can be anything that makes it more appetizing: spices, spice mixtures, sauces, ketchups, sour cream and even jam! Pour sour cream or cherry jam over the pancakes and you have a wonderful seasoning. But we will talk about sour cream last. Because the most beneficial seasoning for the body is vegetable oil, a concentrate of beneficial substances contained in oil-bearing plants. We will also not ignore multi-component classic sauces, which perfectly stimulate the appetite, themselves serve as an energy boost and impart the vitamin and mineral composition of the ingredients to dinner.

The concept of spice includes flavor enhancers of various origins: salt, sugar, vinegar, citric acid, mustard paste, soy sauce, prepared herbs, etc. Many of them are excellent antioxidants and have a number of other beneficial properties.

What are spices? Aromatic herbs, or rather, what is used for seasoning: leaves, roots, flowers or even pistils, for example, like the most expensive spice - saffron. Many garden plants are considered spices - onions, garlic, herbs. They give the dish a special aroma and add their own notes to the taste. Most spices are medicinal herbs, and some of them can only be bought at the pharmacy for now! Spices or spice mixtures quite often work as good immune stimulants and antioxidants.

Our Encyclopedia includes fragrant gifts of the plant world from different countries, which have not only aromatic, but also healing properties. We will pay special attention to the origin of spices, if only because the traditions of preserving the beneficial properties of plants have been developed in their homeland for centuries, and the results of wise use have a wonderful impact on health.

A pinch of the traditional Chinese Five Spice blend contains more antioxidants than a glass of fresh berries. Two or three petals of the most expensive spice, saffron, can work wonders on women's health. And fragrant cinnamon powder on the tip of a knife can prevent an impending cold. And, by the way, in terms of antioxidant properties, a teaspoon of cinnamon, cloves, dried oregano and turmeric is superior to a glass of blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, as well as one pomegranate or kiwi. Another thing is, is it possible to eat a teaspoon of cinnamon without harming your health? Of course not! But the constant use of the necessary spices, especially in winter, when the forest is covered in snow and the berries are far away, is a complete replacement for the necessary nutrients.

From this book you will learn everything you need to know about the seasoning that you love or are just about to try. Be sure to be surprised at how many discoveries you have ahead of you in the field of culinary herbs, gravies and flavor enhancers.

You will gain sad but necessary information about the peculiarities of product substitutions in the field of seasonings. But quickly be comforted by a new trustworthy choice!

Learn to combine herbs and spices in a magical way for the best taste and aroma, but most importantly, to improve your own health!

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