Dishes with feta cheese recipes. Serbian cheese: description, calorie content, dishes with cheese. Flatbread with cheese made from wholemeal flour

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Brynza is a pickled cheese. It has no crust. Brynza can be made from goat, sheep and buffalo milk. It also happens that it is made from several types at the same time.


Bryndza is soaked in brine for twenty to sixty days. If you find weathered edges when purchasing, it is better to leave it on the counter. Such signs indicate that it has been sitting in the store for a long time and has already lost some of its beneficial properties.

How did it appear? Legend

One of the most famous types of pickled cheese is Serbian cheese.

According to legend, it appeared completely by accident, thanks to an Arab merchant. He transported milk in fat tails from one settlement to another. This is how he earned his living.

And one hot working day, the merchant did not manage to deliver the milk to its destination on time. As a result, the milk turned sour. The seller brought it home and forgot about it. And a few days later, when I remembered my fat tail, I found a piece of sour meat in it. dairy product. This was the first pickled cheese. Later they began to call it feta cheese.


Today, Serbian cheese is produced in a simple way. They take goat's or sheep's milk, sometimes they also use cow's milk, but this is done much less often. Specially grown bacteria are added to it. Under their influence, the milk begins to sour. After that, the resulting cheese is aged for another couple of weeks in a special salt brine.


A product such as feta cheese is especially popular in the Balkan countries, Ukraine, especially its western part, and among the Moldovan peoples. In these countries, such cheese is rather considered a highlight. And in Serbia, Serbian cheese is especially popular.

Festivals are held annually in Belgrade. They present a large selection of cheese. In recent years, such events have become increasingly popular in other countries. In the Carpathians, for example, they hold a festival of Hutsul cheese.

Choosing natural cheese

It is quite easy to distinguish a real cheese product from a cheese product. Natural cheese has a smooth texture. Serbian cheese has small quantity depressions of different shapes. Cheese product has many fibers and pimples of the same shape. And as we noted above, real Serbian cheese does not have a crust.

Its taste depends on how many days it was kept in brine. The longer it sits, the spicier and saltier it will be. For those who like mild food, it is better to take slightly aged cheese.

Serbian cheese. Calorie content

Although this cheese is not a very high-calorie product, it is also undesirable to eat it in large quantities. There are 208 kcal per hundred grams.


For those who are interested in Serbian cheese, it will be useful to know its composition. The following ingredients are usually indicated on the package: milk, salt, starter culture and rennet extract.

According to its properties, feta cheese is considered very useful product. It preserves all the substances found in milk. Cheese cheese contains a large amount of calcium and magnesium. It also contains substances such as fluorine and phosphorus. In addition, feta cheese is rich in the content of almost all B vitamins. There are also vitamins A, E, D, which are simply necessary for the normal functioning of our body.

If previously feta cheese was consumed exclusively as a snack, today it is used in all areas of cooking - in salads, casseroles. Bryndza can be stewed with fish, meat, and seafood. Today, it can serve as a separate dish on your table, which is baked in the oven.

Greek salad

Now we’ll tell you which dishes Serbian cheese is added to. We'll look at different recipes below.

The most common dish made from this type of cheese, which everyone probably knows, is Greek salad. Its recipe is quite simple.

You need to take four fresh tomatoes, one fresh cucumber and cut into large cubes. Add shallots cut into half rings. Also add coarsely chopped one sweet pepper. It's best if it's Bulgarian. For such a portion you can take 250 grams of cheese. It is cut into large cubes, approximately the same size as a cucumber. If desired, you can add pitted olives.

They are thrown whole into the salad. Greens are placed at your discretion. But according to the original recipe, marjoram is usually added to the salad. Season the dish with one tablespoon of lemon juice and three tablespoons of olive oil.

Baked cheese

Let's look at another recipe. A very tasty dish - feta cheese baked with tomatoes. For this dish we take half a kilogram of feta cheese, two tomatoes, olives, olive oil and choose dried herbs to taste.

Cut the cheese into square pieces no more than 2 centimeters thick. Cut the tomato into rings. Before doing this, you can remove the skin from it. Although you don’t have to touch the skin (this is optional).

For each serving, cut off a separate sheet of foil, which we grease with olive oil. First we spread the cheese on it. Then we put the tomato on top and sprinkle it with herbs.

The foil must be wrapped so that it looks like an envelope. The oven needs to be preheated to two hundred degrees. We send our products into it for fifteen minutes.

Then remove from the oven ready dish. Then we put it out of foil on a plate. Serve with olives. The snack will be salty. Therefore, it is advisable to serve beer with it.

Cheese soup

We are all accustomed to the fact that feta cheese is served either in salads or as an appetizer, but, as noted in our article earlier, it can be served in completely different dishes. Now let's look at the recipe simple soup from feta cheese.

So, for the dish we need two chicken legs, two potatoes, 250 grams of feta cheese, one bunch of parsley and one bunch of green onions. The soup can be prepared either on the stove or in a slow cooker. Let's consider the second method. We clean the legs from skin and fat. Then we cut them and put them in the slow cooker. For legs, the “Baking” mode is suitable. We turn it on and start preparing the vegetables. You can add a little trimmed chicken fat to the bottom of the multicooker for frying meat. The legs should be slightly fried until golden brown. Now put the diced potatoes into the slow cooker. The cheese must be chopped into the same pieces as potatoes. We send the cheese along with chopped herbs to stew after the potatoes. At the end, you can add half a teaspoon of Bulgarian seasoning - fenugreek. Remember that soup should never be salted. Since feta cheese is a salty product. After we have put all the ingredients for the soup into the multicooker, pour water on top to the one and a half liter mark. Now you need to switch the multicooker to the “Steam” mode. Bring the soup to a boil. After fifteen minutes of boiling, the multicooker must be switched to another mode. Now you should select “Stew” and leave for one hour. The soup can be served with fried croutons in garlic. The chicken from the dish should be placed on a separate plate. It should be served with chopped fresh tomato. The soup tastes best when cooked in a cast iron pot.


And of course, we must not forget about classic dish from feta cheese - mamalygu.

To prepare it, you need to take 20 grams of corn grits, water and 300 milliliters of milk. You will also need 150 grams of cheese, salt and ground pepper (to taste).

Water and milk need to be poured into a cauldron and brought to a boil. After this, the heat should be reduced to medium. In this case, you should stir the liquid until a funnel appears. Then you can start pouring in a thin stream corn grits. At the same time, without ceasing to stir. This should be done for about half an hour so that lumps do not form. Then you need to turn off the burner. Then you should put a little butter in the porridge and cover the cauldron with a towel to let it brew.

Now grease the baking tray with oil. Then put half of the porridge on it. Then you need to put the grated cheese on it as a second layer, and cover it with the remaining porridge on top. Then you should add a few pieces of butter. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Then place the baking sheet in it for about half an hour. Then take out the hominy and cover it with a towel again. You can serve the dish by cutting it into rings or squares. You can fry onions with mushrooms or meat with mamalyga.

Serbian cheese: reviews

If we talk about natural homemade cheese, then, perhaps, there are no people who would remain indifferent to it. Serbian Bryndza cheese is liked by both lovers of spicy dishes and those who prefer delicate dishes. Everyone who has tried it unanimously claims that, in addition to the fact that this product is very tasty, it is also very healthy.

Classic cheese is soft white cheese, obtained by fermenting sheep's milk with rennet. Currently, feta cheese is also called any pickled cheese produced in a similar way from cow, sheep, buffalo milk or a mixture of them.

Thanks to the good compatibility of cheese with other products, even special dishes made from feta cheese have appeared in the cuisines of many nations. Among them, the most famous are Greek salad with feta cheese, Moldavian placinda, as well as Bulgarian dishes - Shopska salad and feta cheese in batter.

Bryndza snack dishes

White salty cheese perfect for festive canapés, tartlets and assorted cuts. Good appetizers include cheese dishes such as the famous Greek salad and soft chicken pate with green apple.

Store-bought or homemade cheese can be used to create a savory cheese spread. For this purpose, the cheese must be ground in a blender with mayonnaise or sour cream, adding fresh herbs and garlic cloves to the mixture. Cheese paste can be used as a filling for sheet pita bread or as the main component for sandwiches for a buffet table.

Hot dishes made from cheese

Unlike hard cheeses, feta cheese does not melt when heated. Heat treatment it just makes it juicier and softer. Cheese dishes such as stuffed zucchini or juicy mini-pizzas with cheese and tomatoes are very tasty.

If desired, you can fill it with cheese meat cutlets or add it to the filling for zraz, carrot casserole, omelette or vegetable stew. To prevent feta cheese dishes from being too salty, you can put it in milk or boiled water in advance for 0.5-4 hours.

Dishes made from cheese and dough

Since pickled cheeses occupy an intermediate position between cottage cheese and hard cheeses, in many recipes they can be used instead. In particular, dumplings and khachapuri with cheese are very tasty. In terms of the method of preparation, such feta cheese dishes are absolutely similar traditional options, the only difference is in the filling.

IN savory baked goods has its own charm. At least once, you should definitely try to bake delicious poppy seed cookies or a rosy homemade pie with cheese. For products with pickled cheese, unsweetened yeast, sour cream or puff pastry.

Among dairy products, feta cheese occupies far from the last place. This fermented milk product appeared on the Arabian Peninsula several thousand years ago and spread widely across many countries. Today, feta cheese is included in the diet of different peoples of the world. It should be said that such cheese existed in Rus' many centuries ago; it was in demand due to its taste. Today we want to talk about this product, and also tell you what to eat with feta cheese. You can find out the answer to this question from the material presented below.

About feta cheese

This product is a dense cheese white, which has a pronounced taste of a fermented milk product. In its production, pasteurized sheep's milk or a mixture of cow and sheep milk (rarely goat milk), starter culture with bacteria and calcium chloride. Delicate cheese kept in brine for two months until it acquires a salty, somewhat islandy taste, for which it is valued. Cheese cheese is often served as a savory snack along with fragrant herbs, olives, fresh vegetables, wine, or a wide variety of dishes are prepared using pickled cheese as one of the ingredients.

The consistency of feta cheese is not hard, slightly crumbly, but easy to cut. It is ideal for light salads and filling for pies.

Sheep cheese

This cheese is the most important product of Bulgarian, Macedonian, Romanian, and Moldavian cuisine. Brynza is added to vegetable dishes, soups, meat stew, prepare the filling for the pies. In addition, sheep's milk cheese is fried, eaten with wine and baked in foil.

Product benefits

Before we tell you what cheese is eaten with, it’s worth telling what effect it has on the body. It is believed that this product is the healthiest of all types of cheese. It contains many trace elements, vitamins, and minerals necessary for our body. In addition, the preparation of the product does not involve heat treatment at high temperatures, and therefore it retains a large number of useful components. Note that the calorie content of the product is 260 kcal/100 g. Brine cheese also has a positive effect on the skin - it helps to moisturize it, makes it more elastic and firm, smoothes out wrinkles, and the easily digestible calcium it contains helps maintain healthy bones, hair, nails, teeth .


Speaking about the benefits of the product, one cannot fail to mention contraindications. Please note that due to the high salinity of the product, feta cheese can cause problems associated with blood pressure. You should eat cheese dishes with caution even if you have gout. Although there is no direct evidence that cheese causes any significant harm.

How to choose cheese

When purchasing a product, you should evaluate the organoleptic indicators. First of all, you should start studying appearance feta cheese. High-quality cheese is soft and brittle, but not sticky or crumbly. If the cheese sticks to the knife, this already indicates a low-quality product. Pay attention to the color of the cheese - it should be snow-white. The presence of small eyes is allowed in the cheese. If the cheese has lost its shape, it has significant cracks, stains, a dried out crust, severe softness, friability - all these are indicators of a poor-quality product. In this case, it is better to refrain from purchasing the product.

They are especially popular in Mediterranean, Caucasian, and Balkan cuisine, delicious in taste, but at the same time easy to prepare. Brine cheese is generously added to the most different salads, where it goes well with fish, meat, mushrooms, fruits, and vegetables. Cheese cheese is also included in other dishes.

Salad with cheese, tomatoes and walnuts

The salad prepared according to this recipe has a spicy, rich taste thanks to a special honey-mustard dressing; in addition to the fact that the salad has an amazing taste, it is also quite easy to prepare. Let's take for work:

  • cherry tomatoes - 350 g;
  • salad - to taste;
  • feta cheese - 250 g;
  • arugula - 1 bunch;
  • olive oil - 60 ml;
  • walnuts- 50 g;
  • mustard, lemon juice - 1 tsp each;
  • honey - 1.5 tsp;
  • salt, flax seeds, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking technology

In a beautiful salad bowl we place randomly chopped lettuce (not finely) and arugula, disassembled into leaves. Add the remaining products in the following order according to the recipe: cheese, cut into pieces, cherry tomatoes cut in half and chopped nuts. Combine honey, oil, mustard, lemon juice and spices in a container. Season the salad with sauce, mix gently, sprinkle flax seeds on top. Preparing a salad with cheese and tomatoes will take no more than 15 minutes.

Eggplant rolls

Eggplant is considered very healthy vegetable, it contains a large amount of substances and fiber necessary for the body, and therefore it helps cleanse the intestines. It should also be noted that vegetables are low in calories: per 100 g there are only 24 kilocalories.

If you are interested in what cheese is eaten with, we will answer that it goes well with eggplant. We have prepared for you a recipe for delicious rolls made from these ingredients:

  • 200 g cheese;
  • 3 eggplants;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 g walnuts;
  • frying oil;
  • bunch of basil;
  • salt.

Step by step recipe

  1. Cut the eggplants into long slices, place them in salted water for half an hour, after which they should be blotted with a paper towel.
  2. Place the plates in a saucepan with heated oil and brown on both sides, transfer to paper napkins to get rid of excess fat.
  3. To soft butter add cheese, grind and combine with garlic. Add chopped nuts and herbs to the ingredients.
  4. Place a little filling on the edge of the eggplant plate and roll it into a tight roll, let it cool well. Delicious and healthy dish ready.


This culinary productnational dish Georgian cuisine. It is a flatbread with cheese. Speaking about what cheese is eaten with, first of all I would like to say that it is used as an ingredient for preparing amazingly tasty golden and crispy khachapuri. We will need the following components:

  • 500 g puff pastry;
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 200 g cheese;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • one quail egg;
  • sesame seeds for sprinkling.

To prepare khachapuri with feta cheese, first prepare the filling. Crumble the cheese with a fork, peel and finely chop the eggs, chop the dill, and combine all the listed ingredients together.

Cut the dough into small rectangles and roll each piece into a square. We lay out the filling so that the corners are free, tuck them towards the center to make an envelope.

Place the khachapuri with feta cheese on a sheet covered with baking paper, brush with egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds and prick with a fork. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.

Lavash with filling

We offer another recipe with cheese, which is considered dietary, and therefore the prepared product will not add extra centimeters to your waist. In addition, lavash rolls have an amazing taste and aroma. This dish is perfect for barbecue at a picnic and as a snack at festive table. For lavash with cheese you will need the following components:

  • 40-50 g feta cheese (medium salinity);
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sour cream (15-20%);
  • cucumber;
  • clove of garlic;
  • sheet thin pita bread(20 x 40 cm).

Rectangular lavash is best; it will be easier to wrap it into a roll. If you only have a square one, you should divide it in half lengthwise. Grate the cheese (choose the size as desired), finely chop the dill, pass the garlic through a press. Place sour cream in a deep bowl, add feta cheese, garlic and dill, mix all ingredients thoroughly. Please note: the mass should not be too liquid, but at the same time it should not be dry. The main thing is that it spreads well on the pita bread.

Apply sour cream with other ingredients to the surface of the pita bread and distribute evenly using a spoon. Grate the cucumber coarse grater and put it on top. Take the advice and grate the cucumber exclusively on a coarse grater, otherwise you will get too much cucumber juice and the mass will be liquid. We roll the pita bread into a fairly tight roll, wrap it in foil and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour; it is not recommended to keep it longer - the cucumber in the filling releases juice quite quickly, so the pita bread can get soggy and lose its shape. After a certain time, take the roll out of the refrigerator and cut into even portioned pieces. When serving, decorate with greens.

Good cheese is very tasty to eat, combining it with vegetables, fruits and nuts. But cheese can be added to many dishes - it enriches them and improves the taste. Moreover, this cheese is very healthy, especially when eating on a diet.

The most delicious cheese is made from sheep's milk. She's different dietary properties and excellent digestibility. But both goat's and cow's milk are suitable for cheese. The product differs from other cheeses in that, after ripening and its formation, it is kept in salt water, the so-called brine. Typically, feta cheese goes on sale quite salted - this is how manufacturers increase its shelf life. To eat it in its pure form, it is better to soak the cheese in fresh milk or even cold water. For some dishes, on the contrary, there is no need to soak the cheese, but then there is no need to add additional salt to it. For a softer taste, feta cheese can be mixed with cottage cheese, cream or butter.

  • fresh large tomatoes - 5 pcs.,
  • medium sized onion - 1 pc.,
  • large garlic - 1 clove;
  • parsley - 2 bunches;
  • olive oil - 80 ml or 5 tbsp;
  • not too salty cheese - 200 g;
  • curdled milk - a glass;
  • black bread crackers - 2 handfuls;
  • water or vegetable broth - according to the consistency of the soup.

Cooking technology:

  1. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the skins. Chop them finely.
  2. Chop the onion, garlic and parsley. Leave some of the greens to decorate the soup.
  3. Pour oil into a thick-bottomed pan and simmer the onion and garlic until transparent.
  4. Add parsley to the onion and garlic and simmer the mixture until soft.
  5. Add the tomatoes to the pan and when they are completely soft, mash them with a masher.
  6. Pour 125 ml of water into the vegetables or vegetable broth and cook everything together for 15 minutes.
  7. When the mass in the pan becomes completely homogeneous, pour in so much more water or broth to get the soup of your desired thickness.
  8. When the soup boils, add grated cheese to it.
  9. After two to three minutes, salt the dish.
  10. When serving, pour a couple of spoons of yogurt into each plate, sprinkle the soup with parsley and add croutons.

Greek cheese salad

Greek salad is a very tasty and healthy dish. It will require:

  • tomatoes 4 pcs.;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Yalta red onion - 1 pc.;
  • feta cheese - 100 g;
  • canned olives - 1 handful;
  • olive oil - 2-3 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper - a pinch.

This is how the salad is prepared:

  1. Cut fresh vegetables into equal small cubes.
  2. Cut the cheese into the same cubes.
  3. Place vegetables, cheese and olives on a flat plate, stirring them.
  4. Mix olive oil with salt and pepper. If you want, add a few drops of lemon juice to the dressing. Pour this sauce over the salad.

Pie with cheese and herbs

For this delicious pie It’s better to take puff pastry, but regular unleavened dough will do just fine. You will need 500 g of dough. You also need:

  • feta cheese - 250 g;
  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • raw eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, celery) - only 1 bunch;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Divide the dough into two unequal parts. Roll out the larger one and place it in a mold with sides. Place the dough so that it hangs slightly from the sides.
  2. Mix grated cheese, cottage cheese, chopped herbs and eggs beaten with a fork - this will make the filling. Salt and pepper it.
  3. Place the filling in an even layer on the dough and cover it on top with another circle of dough, which you roll out from the remaining part. Fold over the overhanging edges and pinch the top and bottom layers of dough. Make a small hole in the center of the cake to allow steam to escape.
  4. Bake the pie in the oven until golden brown. Cooking temperature - 200 degrees.

Pies with cheese

Quite salty cheese and store-bought puff pastry are suitable for pies. They need to be taken 250 and 400 grams, respectively. You will also need a large bunch of any fresh herbs (parsley, dill).

You need to prepare the pies like this:

  1. Remove the dough from the freezer and keep it at room temperature 10-15 minutes. Then roll it out a little. Cut ten equal squares from the dough.
  2. Make the filling from grated cheese and chopped herbs.
  3. Place a spoonful of filling on each square and form into pies. Pinch the edges very carefully.
  4. Place the pies on a sheet that has been previously greased with vegetable oil.
  5. Bake the pies at 180 degrees until they increase in volume and a pink crust appears on top.

Baked cheese in the oven

This dish can be served on its own, for example for dinner, or offered to guests as a light snack. Products needed:

  • Lightly salted cheese - 500 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • dry savory - a generous handful.

How to cook:

  1. Cut a piece of cheese into two or three layers so that the cheese is about 2 cm thick.
  2. Sprinkle each layer with dry savory on top.
  3. Take as many sheets of parchment paper as you have layers of cheese. Each sheet should be of such a size that it can be formed into an envelope. Grease the paper with soft butter.
  4. Place each piece of cheese on its own sheet of paper and wrap it in an envelope.
  5. Bake the cheese for 35-40 minutes in the oven, which is preheated to 220 degrees.
  6. Remove the cheese from the paper and cut into slices.

Khachapuri with feta cheese

Khachapuri is a traditional Georgian cheese pie, which is mainly prepared open-faced. You can use any cheese for the filling, and the dough can also be anything. So, what foods to prepare:

  • feta cheese - 250 g;
  • cheese “Suluguni” or “Adygei” - 200 g;
  • sour cream - 50 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • puff pastry or yeast dough, not sweet - 0.5 kg.

Preparing khachapuri is very simple:

  1. Prepare the filling. For it, grate feta cheese and cheese. Mix them and add sour cream and chopped garlic.
  2. Roll out the dough and form it into an elongated cake. Place the dough on a sheet greased with oil.
  3. Place all the filling in the middle of the dough and spread it so that it covers the entire surface, but does not reach the edge by 1 cm.
  4. Fold the edges over the filling so that you visually get a long open boat - the filling will be visible.
  5. Sheet with cheese pie place in the oven and bake the pie until the filling melts.
  6. 5 minutes before cooking, remove the pastry from the oven and beat the egg into the filling. Bake the khachapuri until the eggs are ready.

Chicken with feta cheese

A very tasty dish that will not leave anyone indifferent. Cheese cheese, herbs and cream add piquancy to it. Need to buy:

How to cook:

  1. Cut each fillet lengthwise, not all the way through, to create a kind of pocket.
  2. Grind the cheese with a fork and mix with finely chopped herbs.
  3. Stuff each meat pocket with stuffing. Secure the hole with a toothpick.
  4. Place the fillet in a baking dish and pour lightly salted cream. Simmer the dish covered for 30 minutes.

Pizza with cheese

Any pizza can be baked not only with traditional cheese, but also with feta cheese. Since the latter is not very fatty, it is better to mix it with butter. It will give the cheese elasticity and allow the cheese to melt well. For 100 g of cheese you need to take 30 g of butter and grate it too. The butter should be frozen before doing this. For tomato pizza you will also need:

  • dough - 300 g;
  • tomato sauce - 100 ml;
  • feta cheese 100 g;
  • greens for decoration - 1 bunch.

How to cook:

  1. Roll out the dough into a circle and place on a baking sheet.
  2. Spread the tortilla with tomato sauce.
  3. Sprinkle the prepared cheese over the sauce.
  4. Bake the pizza for 15 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.

Sandwiches with cheese

Sandwiches with cheese are good to serve with morning tea or coffee or replace lunch with them, adding a glass to them tomato juice. Products:

  • black bread - 4 slices;
  • feta cheese - 100 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • cream - 2 tbsp;
  • fresh dill - 2-3 sprigs.

Cooking steps:

  1. Toast slices of bread in a toaster and rub them with garlic.
  2. Grind the cheese and mix with cream.
  3. Spread the resulting paste onto the croutons and sprinkle with dill.

How to cook spray in a slow cooker

Brynza is quite easy to prepare yourself, especially if you have a slow cooker at home. For cheese you need:

  • milk - 2 l;
  • raw eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh lemon juice - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - 2 tbsp;
  • water - 2 glasses.


  1. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl and lemon juice. Set the “Extinguishing” mode and the time to “10 minutes.”
  2. Beat the eggs with a whisk and pour them into the curdled milk. Set the “Baking” mode and the time to “20 minutes”.
  3. Place several layers of gauze in a colander and pour the resulting clot onto it. Allow excess liquid to drain.
  4. Form the mixture into a ball and wrap it tightly with gauze. Place the ball on the board and place a weight on it. Leave the future cheese under pressure for 6-8 hours.
  5. Cut the resulting flat cake of cheese in large pieces and place them in brine for 4 hours. Prepare the brine from water and salt.

Posted on 08.10.2014 by VariVkusno in Tips for housewives

Brynza is a pickled cheese made from cow, goat or sheep milk, usually white or slightly yellowish in color, with a sour milk taste and smell, and a dense, even hard, slightly brittle consistency.

Every housewife who loves this cheese is faced with the situation: “I bought feta cheese, but it was very salty. What to do?"

Bryndza should be stored in a saline solution. If it is lightly salted, it will spoil faster.

Most often it is Bulgarian cheese. You can make it less salty, or you can cook something so that this quality only benefits the taste of the dish. Let's consider both options.

How to soak cheese

Tip 1: soak the cheese in water, or even better, in milk for several hours, then it will become a little denser. The cheese must first be cut into plates about 3 cm thick or even thinner. The water needs to be changed after 2 hours and be sure to taste the cheese. But whey removes salt best.

Feta and soft cheese cannot be soaked in liquid; it may dissolve.

Tip 2: pour boiling water over the cheese (if it is thick and elastic enough) so that the salt comes out faster. Keep until the water cools. But be prepared for the fact that the cheese can become soft, like chewing gum. Therefore, many chefs do not recommend this method of soaking cheese.

What to cook from very salty cheese

1. Vegetable salad in the style of Khoryatiki, that is, Greek. In the homeland of the recipe, it is prepared simply; it is not for nothing that it is called rustic. Our chefs are debating whether to put this in a Greek salad. bell pepper, and in Greece they cut everything fresh vegetables, which are in the house, in large pieces, add herbs and olives, place in a large bowl, put a plate of homemade cheese on top and generously pour in olive oil. Therefore, prepare a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, put diced cheese in it, and serve. Of course, there is no need to salt the dish. In addition to Greek, beet salad with nuts is very tasty with grated feta cheese.

Greek salad with feta cheese

2. Crushed salted cheese can be sprinkled on baked potatoes. They also bake khachapuri with cheese that is too salty, puff pastries with cheese, potato pies or cheesecakes, for filling by mixing grated cheese with egg.

3. Salty cookies with cheese for beer.


  • 150 g cheese
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 150 g butter
  • 0.5 cups walnut kernels
  • Ground red pepper


Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, mix with softened butter, add flour and chopped nuts. Grind and break the eggs into the dough. Roll out into a layer half a centimeter thick. Brush the top with beaten egg and sprinkle with pepper. cut into strips and bake until light brown.

4. Grind with herbs and stuff into fresh or even slightly sweet pancakes or pita bread.

5. Sandwich cheese paste.


  • feta cheese - 500 g
  • garlic - 1 head
  • butter - 250 g
  • shelled walnuts - 2 cups
  • dill, parsley

How to cook:

Pass the cheese, peeled garlic and nuts through a meat grinder. Add butter, mash thoroughly and cool in the refrigerator.

A traditional Polish dish, easy to prepare at home! Nourishing and tasty!

Prepare a delicious, satisfying, nutritious banosh!


Greek potato casserole can be prepared very quickly!


An amazingly delicious hybrid of an omelet and a bun with a creamy taste!

Summer salad

Light, delicious summer salad! Great addition to the table

Brine cheese

The full production cycle lasts about 8 weeks. The texture of the block on the cut is smooth, there are holes, a little brittle, but it also cuts perfectly (if the knife is sharp and thin).
Brynza is popular in the cuisines of Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Belarus, Romania, and Poland. Some regions have patents on local recipes.
It makes excellent snacks - on toast, with a slice of tomato, herbs, and garlic. Fast and homemade delicious. Salads - in Greek it is included as an integral ingredient. As for the rest, any fresh vegetable combinations will gladly accept it.
Baking with her is a song and a fairy tale. It slightly melts with temperature, becomes tender and creamy, but does not spread like its hard “rennet brothers”. They also prepare pies with fillings - with garlic, egg, herbs, meat. Pizza with cheese - good dietary recipe. Place sauce, tomato slices, mushrooms, eggplants, slices of ham on the dough base, and sprinkle snow-white pickled pieces on top. It will turn out delicious! Remember this cooking method.

In its classic form, it is a pickled cheese made from sheep's milk. In other recipes for cheese, it is also possible to make it from the milk of a cow, buffalo, goat or a mixture of them. According to traditional recipe, to make one kilogram of cheese, about five liters of fresh sheep's milk or 14 liters of skim milk are required cow's milk. In honor of this product, a festival is held annually in the Ukrainian city of Rakhiv in the fall, where many cheeses are sold, prepared according to the most different recipes. This is a delicious and unique product, and it’s simply amazing how many dishes with cheese can be prepared according to a variety of recipes! This cheese appeared about seven thousand years ago, and its recipe, according to legend, was discovered by the Arabian merchant Kanan. That recipe, of course, is far from the modern recipe, but the cheese itself is still loved in many countries around the world.

Most recipes with feta cheese belong to Ukrainian, Moldavian, Romanian and Balkan cuisine. Externally, this product resembles cheese, has a dense consistency and is barely yellowish or white. Recipes with feta cheese add an unusual touch to dishes salty taste. If you need to slightly reduce the degree of salinity of this product, you can keep it in fresh boiled water for several hours. Delicious recipes with cheese - it’s not only vegetable salads, including Greek and Shopski. With this cheese you can cook meat, pies, dumplings and many other dishes.

Many would like to introduce this cheese into their diet, but do not know recipes with feta cheese. This section contains the most delicious and interesting recipes with feta cheese with photos that will help you use this cheese correctly and prepare many original dishes from it.

Brynza is a soft, pickled cheese designed for those who love salty foods. Delicious cheese can be a separate snack (especially in combination with vegetables). In addition, you can cook many dishes with cheese.

There are many dishes that can be prepared with feta cheese - recipes from Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Turkish cuisine. In this article we offer you 7 ideas on what you can cook with this delicious cheese.

The first thing you should prepare if you like dishes with cheese is this Bulgarian dish chushka burek - fried peppers with breaded cheese. You will need simple ingredients: bell peppers, tomatoes, feta cheese, eggs, flour, breading and oil for frying. You can serve this dish with sour cream, yogurt or yogurt.

Cigar börek is a Turkish dish that is quite simple to prepare. For this you will need cheese, ready dough filo, egg, herbs and vegetable oil for frying.

Recipe for tubes with cheese - in the article What to cook with cheese - delicious dishes of Transcarpathian, Slovak and Turkish cuisine

3. Deruny with cheese - it doesn’t get any tastier

It's hard to find a person who doesn't like potato pancakes with sour cream. Potato pancakes can be prepared in different ways: with fermented milk cheese, with Adyghe cheese, with feta cheese and herbs. Pancakes with cheese are no more difficult to prepare than pancakes with ordinary fermented milk cheese - that is, any housewife (or owner) can do it.

4. Dumplings with cheese - for every taste

If you like this delicious salty cheese, then why not make dumplings with it? As an alternative to the usual dumplings with potatoes or dumplings with cheese. Here are four filling options for dumplings with cheese. The first, simplest one is cheese, egg and chopped herbs. The second is feta cheese, fried pieces of lard, yolk, greens. Third - mashed potatoes, cheese, greens. The fourth is feta cheese in combination with other types of cheese (for example, mozzarella and any hard cheese).

5. Pasta with cheese - delicious and nutritious

There are many recipes for salads with pasta, one of them is salad with pasta and cheese. A pack of pasta (whichever you prefer), cheese, pitted olives, sweet bell peppers, some green onions and olive oil for dressing - that's all you need to make this delicious salad. Bon appetit!

6. Pizza with cheese - simple and tasty

Pizza can be prepared with any topping: vegetables, fruits, different types cheese (primarily mozzarella and cheddar, but not only), meat products(salami, ham, chicken). You can also make pizza with cheese. For the filling, take a few tomatoes, some fried onions, diced cheese and some herbs (dill and green onions).

Deviled eggs - wonderful cold appetizer, which will come in handy on any holiday table. There are many recipes deviled eggs: with bacon and cheddar cheese, with cottage cheese and herbs, with sour cream and avocado, with Italian mozzarella, with processed cheese and garlic, as well as with feta cheese and herbs. To cook this delicious snack, you will need the ingredients: hard-boiled eggs, feta cheese, garlic, cucumber, parsley and a little olive oil.

What dishes do you cook with cheese?

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