Dishes for the New Year's table: Dietary herring under a fur coat, recipes. Dietary herring under a fur coat without mayonnaise - recipe with photo of preparation Herring under a fur coat dietary recipe

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Since the salad includes only boiled vegetables and fish, it is worth paying attention to these products, namely the preparation of vegetables and the choice of herring.

As you know, if you cook vegetables in a pan, they lose half of their vitamins and useful substances. Therefore, for the salad to have a higher nutritional value, carrots, beets (potatoes - if you add them) it is preferable to cook them in other ways. For example:

  • In the oven- Rinse the root vegetables thoroughly beforehand. Wipe with a paper towel and wrap each vegetable in foil. Bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes to 1.3 hours (depending on the size of the tubers). Check readiness with a wooden skewer or toothpick. The advantage of this method is that the dishes are clean, since after cooking the vegetables, a dark residue remains in the pan.
  • Steamed in a slow cooker: We also wash the vegetables well beforehand. Pour ⅓ of water into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “cook/steam” mode and wait for the sound signal when the water boils. Then place the vegetables on the steaming insert and insert it into the bowl. Cook until done (about 1-1.3 hours).

Afterwards, we cool the vegetables, clean and chop them in a convenient way; more often, vegetables for fur coats are rubbed on coarse grater.

We choose lightly salted herring, preferably fattier. You can cook it from ivashi or Norwegian herring. If you are tired of this type of fish, you can make a vegetable coat with lightly salted salmon, mackerel or caviar. The salad can also be prepared from canned tuna V own juice, but the taste will be a little different.

Recipe for herring under a fur coat with avocado

Many adherents proper nutrition don't eat potatoes. In a salad, you can make do with traditional ingredients, removing only the starchy root vegetable from the composition. But the dish will be much tastier and healthier if you add avocado to it. You will like this “new way” of herring under a fur coat even more than the usual classic version.

Herring under a fur coat is almost dietary with mayonnaise on quail eggs"Kikkoman". This year, daredevils began to appear at Povarenka, who laid out the painfully well-known and banal salad: “Herring under a fur coat.” But each with its own twist. And the enchanting decoration of this salad from Marioka82 is simply beyond praise. So I decided to pluck up the courage and add my “2 cents” of advice on preparing this dish. After all, many have noticed that this one seems classic salad It works out differently for different housewives. There are options when it comes out bland and tasteless, and sometimes it is very harmonious. So I want to give my advice on how to color the taste of this dish and make it less caloric. You only need 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise for such a fur coat. Don't believe me? Come in!

Ingredients for “Salad “Herring under a fur coat is almost dietary””:


  • 4 pcs
  • (you can take corn or refined sunflower) - 100 ml
  • (Kikkoman) - 2 tsp.
  • 1 tsp.
  • 1 tsp.
  • (freshly ground) - to taste
  • 1 tsp.

Fur coat

  • (Slightly larger than average or 2 small pieces) - 1 piece
  • (Medium or 2 small pieces) - 1 piece
  • (small or one large) - 2 pcs.
  • (on quail eggs "Kikkoman") - 2 tbsp. l.
  • (Larger than average) - 1 piece
  • or iwashi (unrefined) - 300 g
  • 2 pcs
  • to taste
  • (Kikkoman) - to taste

Nutritional and energy value:

Recipe for “Salad “Herring under a fur coat is almost dietary””:

Let's start by preparing Kikkoman quail egg mayonnaise.

The classic recipe is, of course, wonderful. But time does not stand still, and if we find a way to improve the taste famous dish, then why not. So I modified the recipe for classic mayonnaise to suit my taste, and believe me, it turned out wonderful.

I make mayonnaise using quail eggs. Why quail? Well, firstly, they are healthier, and secondly, 3-4 eggs yield almost half as much mayonnaise as a whole chicken. And since we eat little mayonnaise, this amount is just enough so that it does not spoil. We MUST take eggs without cracks and wash them with soap. Most harmful bacteria and viruses are found on the shell. Break into a blender glass.

Add a teaspoon each of sugar, mustard and balsamic vinegar. You can use regular vinegar, but balsamic will add more flavor.

Instead of salt I use soy sauce Kikkomam. As you know, it is a natural flavor enhancer, and generally harmonizes well with eggs.

And at the end I add freshly ground black pepper for flavor. Since the aromatic substances in pepper dissolve well in fats, and mayonnaise is a fatty sauce, then pepper will come in handy here.

Now we begin to blend with a blender, gradually adding vegetable oil. This time I splurged on olive oil. For mayonnaise, I use simpler oil every day: corn or refined sunflower. I knock it down immediately at high speeds. The only thing is that the blender itself has to be moved up and down so that the oil that we pour from above gets under the blender. The process is somewhat complicated, because the glass tends to jump up behind the blender, and I don’t have a third hand to hold it. I get out either with the help of my husband or daughter, and if no one is around, then I put the neck of the bottle on the edge of the glass and thus hold it. I hope these little things are useful to you too.

The mayonnaise is almost ready. I indicated approximately the amount of oil. Because whatever one may say, the size of the eggs is always different. The thickness of mayonnaise depends on the amount of oil. The more it is, the thicker the mayonnaise. When we reach the thickness we need, stop whipping. Let's try. If necessary, balance the taste with soy sauce, vinegar and sugar. Beat again. And the mayonnaise is ready. It can be stored in the refrigerator for at least a week.

Usually vegetables for herring under a fur coat are boiled. But when cooking, in any case, the vegetables give part of their taste to the water. That's why I prefer to bake them, first wrapping them in foil. Carrots are baked for 40-60 minutes depending on size. Potatoes need 1 hour, beets - 1.5 hours. It takes longer than cooking, of course, but it's worth it. Boil the eggs as usual.

Cool the vegetables, peel them, and grate them on a coarse grater.

We clean the herring, remove the bones, and chop finely. Be sure to try the herring. Sometimes it is very lightly salted, and as a result the fur coat comes out fresh. Depending on the salinity of the herring, we determine how much salt we will put in the vegetable layers. It is almost always necessary to add salt to them, because salt excites the taste buds, and the layers will be brighter. If the herring is salted, then we do not add enough salt to the vegetables. Well, unless it is very salty, then there is no need to salt the layers.

Cut the onion into small cubes.

Let's start collecting the salad. You can cook traditionally on a large shared platter.

But I decided to use the mold for portioned salads that Natasha (Pingvin72) gave me. In general, all my latest recipes are dedicated to her, because I actively use the contents of her gift to me. So, we digress. First layer of onion.

Now my secret. Usually add a layer of each vegetable. Spread generously with mayonnaise, and after cooking, the salad should sit for several hours to soak in. I do things differently. I just pre-mix each layer with mayonnaise. Since potatoes themselves are not juicy, the most mayonnaise goes into them - 1 tablespoon. Season and mix thoroughly.

I have already written about adding salt to vegetable layers. So, in potatoes I use soy sauce instead of salt. It goes very well with potatoes and gives it unique taste. First add a teaspoon, stir, taste and add more if necessary.

Place potatoes on top of herring. I spread it in small portions and carefully distribute it with a fork. This layer is rather dense, so laying it out is somewhat difficult, but possible.

This salad has long become a good and kind tradition for celebrating the New Year, Christmas and the most important official and unofficial celebrations. Tender, tasty and healthy herring under a fur coat can be more than just decoration festive table, but also an excellent option for anyone losing weight who suddenly decides to give themselves a little cheat meal for the holidays. And many nutritionists also vote “for” this salad, although there are also those who consider it a calorie “bomb” and prohibit it on a diet.

Healthy herring under a fur coat cannot be harmful

We can safely say that not a single big holiday is complete without the queen of the table - spicy salted herring, neatly hidden under a multi-layer “coat” of boiled vegetables and mayonnaise sauce. Most nutritionists classical school They say with confidence that such a dish is a direct threat to a slim figure, causing problems with weight loss, and for the whole body it is simply a fat “bomb” leading to serious diseases.

Fortunately, not all nutrition experts share this orthodox point of view and allow the use of herring under a fur coat when losing weight and following any plant-based, popular or designer diets. In defense of everyone’s favorite salad, nutritionists give the following arguments:

  • Lightly salted or spicy salted herring holds the record for the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • vegetables contain fiber, which promotes weight loss;
  • The dish represents a harmonious dietary tandem - fish and vegetables.

The only thing that slightly spoils the perfect picture is mayonnaise. But firstly, you can choose this product with low calorie content. And secondly, it can be mixed in certain proportions with low-fat store-bought sour cream. This combination will significantly reduce the total calorie content of the popular dish.

The benefits and harms of herring under a fur coat: reviews from nutritionists

When selecting products to follow any diet you like, weight correction experts recommend paying attention to their G.I. glycemic index. The higher this indicator, the faster your blood sugar level rises and falls sharply, which provokes uncontrollable appetite and leaves no chance of losing weight. The weight loss method of the famous Hollywood nutrition guru Harley Pasternak - 5 factors - is based on foods with low and medium GI.

“Dangerous” foods start with a GI of 60. classic herring under a fur coat, this figure is average and equal to 42, which allows for the consumption of salad in small quantities while following most diets. Reviews of some authoritative nutrition experts also testify to the undoubted benefits of the dish.

Known for his loyal views on weight loss, nutritionist Mikhail Moiseevich Ginzburg recommends including 50 g of lightly salted or spicy salted herring in the daily menu for everyone without exception: those who are losing weight, those who are happy with their weight, and those who are experiencing health problems. The doctor's arguments are as follows:

It is herring, and not some expensive salmon, trout or halibut, that occupies absolute primacy in the content of Omega acids and vitamin D and easily digestible proteins.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in abundance in this fish, actively prevent the accumulation of bad cholesterol and reduce the likelihood of serious diseases such as stroke, malignant tumors, and atherosclerosis.

The antioxidants that make up fish, high-quality protein, and vitamins make it an invaluable product in the diet, even if it is part of herring under a fur coat. As for the salinity of the product, you can reduce the salt concentration in the fish by soaking it in milk for one or two hours.

The boiled vegetables that make up the salad are a natural source of not only a complex of vitamins and minerals, but also dietary fiber, which is well known for its “weight loss” abilities. Thanks to them, quick and long-lasting satiety occurs with small amounts of food eaten, and the intestines are effectively cleansed.

If the recipe calls for the use of eggs, then the herring under the fur coat is enriched with important amino acids and protein in an easily digestible form.

You can harm yourself with salad only in limited cases:

  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for pathologies of the pancreas;
  • for liver diseases;
  • in case of exacerbation of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

This is due to the fact that in addition to mayonnaise, which in the classic version contains a lot of fat, the salad includes boiled vegetables. It is worth noting that the glycemic index of potatoes, carrots and beets increases sharply when boiled. Therefore, to make healthy herring under a fur coat, vegetables for salad should be baked.

Products that are not very fresh can also cause problems. Therefore, herring is for holiday dish you need to choose it in bulk form so that you can properly examine the fish, and when purchasing mayonnaise, you should check the expiration date of the sauce and observe its storage conditions.

How to reduce the calorie content of herring under a fur coat

Using ordinary traditional mayonnaise to coat the vegetable layers brings the calorie content of the herring salad under a fur coat to approximately 150 kcal per 100-gram serving. Just 200 g of natural bio-yogurt has exactly the same calorie content.

However, this figure can be reduced to 100 kcal if you use the following tips:

  • use a mixture of 2 tbsp for salad dressing. l. mayonnaise and 4 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream;
  • replace half of the recommended amount of potatoes with boiled grated zucchini or zucchini;
  • Do not boil vegetables for salad according to tradition, but bake them in the oven, wrapped in foil;
  • increase the total amount of carrots and beets;
  • choose Pacific herring instead of very fatty willow herring.

To “lighten up” the classic salad recipe, additional low-calorie ingredients such as chicken eggs, green apples, daikon or green radish.

Healthy herring under a fur coat: recipe

To prepare tasty, not too high-calorie and very healthy herring under a fur coat, you will need:

  • 2 small herrings or 1 large fish;
  • 2 small onions;
  • 200 g of potatoes baked in their skins or 100 g of potatoes and zucchini;
  • 250 g baked carrots;
  • 250 – 300 g baked beets.

Ingredients as desired classic recipe you can add: either 2 boiled chicken egg whites, or 1 large sweet and sour apple, or 1 grated green radish, or daikon.

By traditional recipe The salad is prepared as follows.

  1. Vegetables (except onions) are baked in the oven and peeled.
  2. Prepared vegetables are grated on a coarse grater and mixed separately with mayonnaise.
  3. The fish is cleaned of skin, entrails and bones.
  4. The prepared fillet is cut into small pieces and mixed with one part of the onion and mayonnaise.
  5. On a base of half of grated potatoes (or grated potatoes and zucchini), mixed with finely chopped onions and mayonnaise, prepared herring fillet with onions and mayonnaise is laid out.
  6. The fish layer is covered with the second part of grated potatoes with mayonnaise.
  7. This is followed by a layer of grated carrots and mayonnaise and the last top layer of beets.

Due to the fact that all vegetables are mixed with mayonnaise separately and only then laid out in layers, the salad is soaked very quickly and acquires a special delicate taste.

If you intend to use eggs in cooking, they are laid out in a layer between carrots and beets. Grated apple or radish, on the contrary, are laid out on the herring with onions under the second layer of potatoes.

Herring under a fur coat on a diet

Even very healthy herring under a fur coat, prepared in accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists, can become a harmful product if you do not adhere to moderation in its consumption.

To get the most out of a salad without harming your figure and to enjoy it, you should remember a couple of rules.

  1. One serving of salad will be enough for a complete lunch.
  2. Herring under a fur coat is not an everyday food, but rather a light indulgence or encouragement for the body that is on a diet.

The site administration also believes that with a moderate approach to food and frequent meals, no herring under a fur coat can harm your figure.

When a person sticks to a diet, from the outside it seems that his life becomes monotonous and boring. It seems especially sad to those who love to eat delicious food and often attend various celebrations where the table is laden with all sorts of goodies. But you can try to keep up with those around you, eat the same salad, but in dietary option. Great alternative ordinary dish, which will allow you not to fail on your diet - this is a salad under a fur coat without mayonnaise. But even in the classic version of herring under a fur coat, the calorie content can be reduced if you replace the sauce with low-fat sour cream.

Try other options for herring under a fur coat:, and.

In this dish, the composition has been slightly changed, harmful products have been removed, and low-fat sour cream is used instead of the usual dressing. The salad is prepared quickly enough and requires very few ingredients.

Herring under a fur coat ingredients:

  • Herring fillet – 340 g;
  • Carrots – 190 g;
  • Beetroot – 230 g;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • Low-fat sour cream – 80 ml.

How to prepare a salad under a fur coat:

  1. Cut the finished herring fillet into small pieces, place on the bottom of the salad bowl, spread with dressing, like all other ingredients.
  2. To achieve maximum benefits from a dish and save everything beneficial properties, vegetables need to be baked in the oven, right in the peel. Just to prevent the fruits from getting burnt, they should be wrapped in foil.
  3. After the root vegetables are baked, peel them and pass through a grater.
  4. Place carrots in the next layer.
  5. Boil hard-boiled chicken eggs, cool under running cold water, remove shells, and chop the whites with a knife, separately from the yolks. Place the whites in the next layer.
  6. Sprinkle grated beets on top of the salad, level the dish, and coat with sauce on all sides.
  7. Decorate the appetizer with grated yolk.

TIP: If the taste of sour cream is excessively creamy and sour milk, causing disgust when eaten with herring, then you can correct the situation by adding a little grated garlic or a small spoon of mustard.

Dietary herring under a fur coat

This dish has an interesting secret: the dressing is used in cooking, but in the end the sauce turns out to be very small quantity. At the same time, the salad turns out to be very juicy, and the taste is even a little piquant.

Salad composition (for 4 servings):

  • Beetroot – 190 g;
  • Carrots – 160 g;
  • Turnip onion – 90 g;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • Lightly salted herring – 330 g;
  • Sour cream 0% - 80 g;
  • Sweet mustard – 20 g.

Dietary herring under a fur coat:

  1. First you need to prepare a dressing, which we will mix with all the ingredients separately. To obtain the sauce, you need to mix sour cream with mustard.
  2. Wash and cook the beets and carrots until tender. Then cool, peel, pass through the large holes of a grater into different bowls, and mix in the dressing.
  3. Peel the herring from skin and bones, cut the fillet into small pieces. Also pour in a mixture of sour cream and mustard and let it brew.
  4. Peel the onion and chop it into small pieces.
  5. Boil chicken eggs until the yolk becomes firm. After they have cooled, you need to peel and chop with a knife.
  6. Now you need to assemble the dish. To do this, place onions, herring, carrots, eggs and beets on the bottom of the plate.
  7. After the salad has been left in a cold place for a couple of hours, it can be consumed.

TIP: For a real, rich carrot taste that will be felt in the salad, it will be enough to boil the root vegetable for no more than 13 minutes. The vegetable will be a little tough, but this will make the taste more pleasant.

Herring under a fur coat without mayonnaise

If you don’t know how to replace mayonnaise in a herring under a fur coat, then for this option use an interesting cottage cheese dressing that will fit perfectly into the salad, give it a slight acidity and will not harm your figure.

Ingredients needed (for 4 servings):

  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 120 g;
  • 4 eggs;
  • Carrots – 160 g;
  • Beetroot – 190 g;
  • Sweet mustard – 25 g;
  • Herring – 310 g.

Herring under a fur coat without mayonnaise:

  1. To prepare the dressing, you need to whisk low-fat cottage cheese with mustard.
  2. Wash and cook the beets and carrots in their skins until tender, then cool, peel and chop.
  3. Peel the herring from bones and skin, cut the fillet into small pieces.
  4. Boil chicken eggs, peel and chop the white and yolk separately.
  5. Place all the ingredients on a flat dish, coating the layer with dressing. First place the herring, then the carrots and beets. Sprinkle yolks and whites on top.
  6. If desired, you can supplement the composition with sprigs of greenery.

TIP: the calorie content of herring under a fur coat with mayonnaise can be reduced to a minimum if you use low-fat sour cream as a dressing.

Herring under a fur coat dietary recipe

During preparation diet salad, the main thing is to choose correct refueling. In this case, the sauce is chosen perfectly; it can be easily prepared at home.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Salted herring – 290 g;
  • Beetroot – 160 g;
  • Carrots – 160 g;
  • 4 eggs;
  • Apple – 130 g;
  • Yogurt without additives – 70 ml;
  • Mustard – 20 g;
  • Juice of half a lemon;
  • Salt – 6 g.

Herring under a fur coat recipe without mayonnaise:

  1. To make dietary mayonnaise that will not harm your figure, you need to mix yogurt with lemon juice and mustard. Add salt and whisk.
  2. Peel the herring from skin and bones, cut the fillet into small pieces, place on a flat dish, brush with the prepared sauce.
  3. Peel the apple, grate it, and add to the salad.
  4. Wash and boil the vegetables until softened, cool, peel and rub through the large holes of a grater. Lay out the next layer, add dressing.
  5. Hard-boil eggs, peel and chop. Distribute evenly over the surface of the dish.
  6. Place the last layer of beetroot salad on top, pour over the sauce and level with a spoon.

TIP: To prevent the apple in the salad from darkening, add a little citrus juice to the mixture before adding it.

Shuba salad without mayonnaise

Avocado is very useful product. Although the fruit has a fairly high fat content, the fruit is often added to all dietary dishes.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Beetroot – 190 g;
  • Carrots – 170 g;
  • Avocado – 130 g;
  • Juice of half a lemon;
  • 4 eggs;
  • Lightly salted herring – 330 g;
  • Sour cream with low fat content – ​​90 ml.

Herring under a fur coat without mayonnaise recipe:

  1. Mix sour cream with the juice of half a lemon, then spread the resulting sauce onto each salad layer.
  2. Peel the herring from skin and bones, cut the fillet into small cubes. Place fish on a plate.
  3. Peel the avocado using a tablespoon, separate the core, cut the flesh into small pieces, and place on a layer of fish.
  4. Boil chicken eggs until ready, cool in cold water, remove shells, and chop through the large holes of a grater. Add to salad.
  5. Wash and boil beets and carrots in their skins, after the vegetables have cooled, peel them from the top layer, and then rub them through the holes of a grater.
  6. Place the carrots first and then the beets.
  7. Cool for 30 minutes before serving.

Dietary herring under a fur coat looks as appetizing as classic version. All products included in the recipes will not harm your figure. Once you reconsider your attitude towards potatoes, you can eliminate the root vegetable altogether, since the body does not need excess starch.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

This salad “Herring under a fur coat” without mayonnaise will appeal primarily to those who watch their figure and carefully count calories in their menu. The fact is that, unlike the traditional New Year's favorite salad, this dish contains only low-calorie ingredients - boiled vegetables (carrots and beets), egg whites, and lightly salted herring. Instead of mayonnaise, use sour cream or low-fat yogurt.
It should be noted that it is not only dietary, but also very tasty and piquant. After all, the main ingredient, herring, goes well with tender, sweetish boiled carrots and aromatic beets, and the addition of egg white and sour cream logically completes the composition of taste. Recipe with photos of delicious and healthy salad I described it in detail for you.

- salted herring – 50 gr.,
- table beets – 50 gr.,
- carrots – 50 gr.,
- chicken egg – 1 pc.,
- sour cream (preferably not fatty) – 40 gr.

Step by step recipe with photo:

First of all, boil the vegetables in lightly salted water. Moreover, it is advisable to cook the beets separately - they cook longer and can color the carrots.
Then cool the vegetables and peel them.
Grind the beets on a medium-mesh grater.

We do the same with carrots - chop them on a grater.

Boil the egg until hard, about 8-10 minutes. Next, cool it, peel it from the shell and separate the white from the yolk.
We grind the white with a grater, and the yolk is useful for preparing other dishes (for example, cold sauce).

We fillet the herring, remove all the bones and cut it into small pieces.

Now we assemble: put herring on the bottom of the dish.

Next, put a layer of carrots and level it

and coat with sour cream.

After this, lay a layer of half the protein.

Then cover the protein with beets, coat the top thoroughly with sour cream and sprinkle with protein for decoration.

Let the salad brew for about 40 minutes and serve the dish.

Bon appetit!

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