Dishes for a picnic (L. A. Ivleva). "Cooking for one, two, three!" with Konstantin and Matvey Ivlev: the best recipes for children and adults Fried chicken recipe from Ivlev Konstantin

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On the eve of the opening of the summer season, the St. Petersburg Rospotrebnadzor published a list of tips for citizens on cooking barbecue. The department recalled the rules for choosing high-quality meat, and also did not recommend choosing fatty ingredients such as mayonnaise for marinade.

Chef, restaurateur and TV presenter Konstantin Ivlev in conversation with NSN declared that if he were the inhabitants of St. Petersburg, he would not listen to the advice of the supervisory authority, unless they specifically contain original recipes that may be of interest to those who like to experiment.

“I can’t speak for Petersburgers. But I don’t think that they will listen to advice, because shish kebab is like borsch, like Russian salad, everyone has their own recipe, and, as a rule, proven over the years. And only a small number of people in this matter are looking for something new for themselves. If the guys from Rospotrebnadzor - NSN) were able to offer something creative, then yes, if not, then I don’t think so. For example, I would not listen, ”said the chef.

Note that the advice of Rospotrebnadzor generally coincided with the opinion of the culinary specialist about what kind of meat is best for cooking barbecue. As for the choice of marinade, here, according to Ivlev, everyone has different preferences.

“It all depends on the quality of the meat or chicken, I think. It is better to buy fresh, in no case frozen. Well, if the meat is fresh. There must be an understanding of which meat is suitable for barbecue and which is not. Because if you take the same pork neck, then it will do, but the beef neck will not be very good. The same with chicken, if it is not frozen, then there will not be a lot of moisture, and it will not subsequently become dry, ”the source explained. NSN.

“As for the marinade, then everyone has their own. People who like fatter kebabs use kefir or mayonnaise for marinade. Those who like a more natural taste of meat choose vegetable oil or carbonated water in general, and less of certain spices,” the chef said.

Finally, he shared with NSN with his recipe for the perfect barbecue, which will be both tasty and healthy. Here, according to Ivlev, one should adhere to the rules of Soviet cooking.

“I cook barbecue according to the old Soviet tradition. I just take salt and ground pepper, not crushed, but ground - bright, such a “biting”, black pepper. I take a large amount of onion, chopped, because it contains vitamin C, which breaks down meat fibers, and plain sparkling water, by no means “Borjomi”. I cut the meat - pork neck, which I love madly, or chop - into pieces three by three centimeters, add salt, pepper, onion, a small amount of carbonated water, which also begins to enrich the meat with oxygen. I mix all this and wait for about one or two hours, after this time everything is on fire, the meat is ready. Forward!” concluded Ivlev.

Recall that earlier the chef in a conversation with NSN the conclusions of scientists who called on humanity to replace meat with insects in their diet due to the high content of protein in their bodies. According to Ivlev, there is enough meat on Earth so far not to resort to such a radical solution to the problem.

In the photo: ruddy cheesecakes according to the recipe of chef Konstantin Ivlev

A well-known chef and TV presenter, in collaboration with the House in the Village brand, has developed delicious and healthy meals. How to cook cheesecakes sour cream and orange zest, tiger prawns stewed with pumpkin in creamy pumpkin sauce, and baked chicken breast with cheese and spinach on cucumber and sour cream tartar, read in this article.

All November they pass at the "House in the Village". As part of this project, lovers of useful and tasty food can take part in the competition and win a master class at the Culinary Studio of Yulia Vysotskaya.

In the photo: in the studio of Yulia Vysotskaya everything is ready for cooking master class from "House in the Village"

The House in the Village brand knows how to cook your favorite dishes according to the recipes of recognized masters of their craft, which is why we have prepared a number of recipes from the famous Russian chef and TV presenter Konstantin Ivlev. Study the recipe, it is simple, and for business! And all necessary products can be bought at any supermarket.

In the photo: dairy products "House in the village"

Recipes by Konstantin Ivlev

Cheesecakes with sour cream and orange zest

Ingredients for 1 serving of cheesecakes:

  • cottage cheese 9% - 150 g;
  • sugar / salt - 10 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 40 g;
  • butter- 20 g;
  • sour cream 25-40% - 60 g;
  • powdered sugar -10 g;
  • orange - ½ pc.

Transfer the cottage cheese to a bowl, mix with the egg, salt, sugar, mix well, and then rub through a sieve.

Put flour on the table, make balls from the curd mass and use a knife or spatula to form cheesecakes, rolling them in flour.

In the photo: before frying cheesecakes and simmering pumpkin with shrimp, you need to prepare pans and stewpans with non-stick coating

Put the finished cheesecakes in a tray and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Remove from fridge, cook over medium heat vegetable oil and creamy on both sides.

In the photo: frying cheesecakes correctly is a real art

Then you need to transfer the cheesecakes to a tray and bake in the oven for 5 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Sour Cream:

Whip sour cream with powdered sugar in 2 volumes.

Put the cheesecakes on a plate, put the cream on top and sprinkle with grated orange zest.

Crockery and accessories:

  • mixing bowl - 1;
  • large tablespoons - 5;
  • large sieve - 1;
  • gloves L - pack;
  • frying pan - 1;
  • silicone spatula - 1;
  • serving plates;
  • oven;
  • tray for cheesecakes in the oven;
  • gray parchment - 1;
  • mixer.

Tiger prawns stewed with pumpkin in creamy pumpkin sauce


  • tiger prawns 16/20 - 100 g;
  • pumpkin - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 30 g;
  • cognac - 30 g;
  • cream 33% - 100 g;
  • ketchup Heinz - 30 g;
  • soy sauce - 30 g;
  • parsley - 5 g;
  • baguette or ciabatta bread - 100 g

In the photo: tiger prawns need to be cleaned before putting them in the pan

Clean the shrimp.

Peel the pumpkin and cut into medium cubes.

Fry the shrimp in olive oil on both sides and flambé with a skate.

When the fire has died down, put the pumpkin in a saucepan and fry it for 2 minutes, and then add the cream, ketchup and soy sauce.

Simmer until tender (about 5 minutes).

In the photo: diced pumpkin languishes in cream sauce

Bread cut into pieces and dry in the oven.

Serve the shrimp in a deep bowl with crispy bread next to it.


  • saucepan or large frying pan - 1.

Baked chicken breast with cheese and spinach on cucumber and sour cream tartare


  • chicken breast on the skin - 1 pc.;
  • salt pepper;
  • smoked suluguni cheese - 60 g;
  • frozen leaf spinach - 50 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 100 g;
  • fresh mint - 5 g;
  • fresh cilantro - 5 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • parsley - 5 g;
  • sour cream 20% - 50 g;
  • pink dry pepper - 1 g.

Crockery and accessories:

  • grater;
  • baking tray;
  • gray parchment;
  • forceps;
  • knives;
  • waffle towel.

Make an incision in the chicken breast and lay the spinach (the spinach must first be thawed and squeezed out) and a slice of cheese.

Sprinkle the breast with spices, pour over with oil and bake until tender.

On the picture: chicken breasts stuffed with cheese and spinach, and then send them to the oven

Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater and squeeze well with a towel.

Put sour cream and finely chopped garlic and herbs in a bowl. Mix everything well and add the dried cucumber, then mix everything.

Put on a plate sour cream sauce and baked chicken breast on top, sprinkle the finished dish with crushed pink pepper.

In the photo: chicken breasts with cheese and spinach on cucumber and sour cream tartare, ready to serve

Bon appetit!

Many people traditionally associate the May holidays with the first trips to the country or just to nature for barbecues. Some prefer to cook steaks on a trendy grill or fry burgers, but still, most prefer to string pieces of meat on skewers, arrange over hot coals and wait until the juicy meat is covered with a golden crust.

Frying kebabs is only at first glance a simple and completely uncomplicated matter. In fact, each stage requires serious preparation:

1) Choose meat for barbecue

The main rule is that the meat for barbecue should be fatty. During frying over a fire, the fat is rendered, making the meat juicy. If you take, say, lean beef, then as a result the dish will turn out to be too dry or even tough. The ideal option is pork or lamb.

2) Prepare the marinade

Having bought the right meat, cut it into small pieces and remember it well with your hands. The next step is choosing the right marinade. Here the main thing- create an acidic environment and keep the meat in the marinade for at least 10, and preferably 12 hours. During this time, the fibers will soften, ensuring that the kebab does not come out tough. As the main ingredient for the marinade, citrus juices (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit), fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, sour cream) or wine are suitable. Vinegar should not be used - it is too aggressive a product that will deprive your meat of taste. You can add chopped vegetables to the marinade - onions, carrots, apples.

3) We fry the barbecue

Remove meat from marinade. The marinade itself, as well as vegetables from it, cannot be used, because it has absorbed all the harmful substances from the meat. Thread the pieces of meat on skewers and fry over hot coals, turning occasionally so that the meat is baked on all sides. Wrap the finished kebab in thin pita bread along with fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro, tarragon, oregano) and leave for 10 minutes to “rest”.

Basic rules for cooking barbecue:

  • 10-12 hours: that is how much any meat for barbecue is marinated.
  • Cold: marinated meat should be refrigerated. If you have to get to the “barbecue” place for more than 15–20 minutes, you should consider ways to transport meat, especially on a hot day.
  • Lid: meat should be marinated only in a sealed container. Firstly, this way the barbecue will not wind up. Secondly, the lid allows you to avoid getting different flies and midges into the marinade.
  • Marinade and its ingredients are not used in further cooking. Any vegetables, including onion rings, that have been marinated with the meat should be discarded. During pickling, they absorb everything superfluous - not only salt, but also harmful substances from the meat itself.
  • Hand crush vegetables, added to the marinade before laying the meat, is a must. Carefully and sparing no effort. So they give their juice better, especially onions. After laying the meat in the marinade, mix all the products well with your hands, but be careful not to damage the structure of the meat pieces.
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper put in the marinade to taste. To determine the level of saltiness after the vegetables are mixed with meat, taste the marinade. It should be slightly saltier than average. During pickling, the vegetables will take away the excess. If the marinade is prepared at home, you can fry one piece of meat in a pan and determine whether to add more salt and pepper.

Should I grill meat with vegetables?

In some photos you can see skewers where meat alternates with vegetables. Such a barbecue looks, of course, beautiful. In addition, both the meat and the side dish are ready at the same time. fit bell pepper, red onion, tomatoes and mushrooms. In order for the meat and vegetables to cook at the same time, the kebab will have to be cut into very small pieces. Otherwise, you will get charred vegetables along with juicy meat or cooked vegetables with undercooked meat. Professionals, however, prefer to cook different foods separately. In this case, vegetables can be grilled, and the choice of ingredients will be much wider than just for barbecue.

Delicacies and simple meals Konstantin Ivlev

Well, that's just salivating! I opened the books of Ivlev and his colleagues - and read aloud. It makes you want to grab a knife, a board in your hands and start cooking, cooking, doing magic in the kitchen. Perhaps one should not be surprised at Ivlev's efficiency and imagination: his books accumulate the richest experience of foreign cuisine dishes, old recipes adapted to modern conditions and the luxurious brilliance of the restaurant menu.

What is the universality of Ivlev?

In his culinary portfolio there are more than a dozen books dedicated to the best dishes of the world, the features of Greek cuisine. Tips on how to use cheese correctly, feed children tasty and healthy, than dilute a vegetarian menu. And, of course, books with the best author's recipes, the philosophy of culinary art and advice on how to cook fish with seafood and mushrooms in a non-trivial way. Collections of dishes for the summer and autumn menus were published as separate editions.

Therefore, it is impossible to say right away, but in what is Konstantin the best ... Universal? Yes. But his versatility is based on history and practice, because it is not for nothing that he heads the Federation of Chefs, has been awarded the title of “Chef of the Year” several times, and twice even won bronze in professional culinary competitions.

And this does not prevent him from being a happy father and a loving husband. In his opinion, the joint preparation of dishes at home unites the family, makes it monolithic. Perhaps it was thanks to the example of his father that Ivlev's son also chose this path. Although her beloved wife Marina also cooks deliciously, she entrusts her husband to cook borscht.

As Konstantin admits, most of his dishes are born impromptu. Sometimes a recipe comes in a dream and he embodies it in the kitchen. But he is not going to imitate competitors in some way, preferring that they follow his innovations, and not vice versa. So, let's look into his treasury of recipes.

The best dishes of Russian cuisine: what does the chef recommend?

There are many unusual novelties in the collection of the best recipes of the peoples of the world. For example, in which quail meat and eggs are used, garlic and olive oil are added. And Mimosa has smoked sturgeon, chives and lemon juice. Hearty boyar kalia combines bacon and cucumbers, a lot of onions, chicken bouillon and thin pancakes cut into strips. Selyanka with saffron milk mushrooms, cucumbers and three types of meat, jelly with a piglet and a rooster, fresh, kulesh with undercut and sauerkraut- here are the options for the usual first courses.

Ivlev popularizes ordinary, simple dishes. So, he recommends eating buckwheat with mushrooms with pancakes and sour cream. Pumpkin and apples go well with millet porridge, especially if they are generously poured with butter and baked in the oven.

Saliva flows from the Don zrazy from pikeperch fillets - fried, ruddy-reddish and. And the steamed or oven-baked body, where salmon, pike perch, pike and crayfish harmoniously combine, will become a hit of any holiday table. Ear of veal with turnips and carrots, garlic, sour cream and butter, stewed in pots or large, inside which fragrant butter has spread, will feed the most hungry and fastidious man.

Early-ripening pancakes on fatty kefir and boiling water, with combined minced meat (pork, lamb and beef), dumplings stuffed with potatoes and cracklings or cherries and poppy seed broth, pork neck and beef kulebyaki wrapped in pancakes and dough, mushroom pies. They bring us back to the era of old Russian cuisine, hearty and simple, with honey cakes and gingerbread for dessert.

Caucasian and Asian curiosities - delicious longevity

But from Caucasian dishes, Ivlev surprises us with little-known novelties like piti soup, cooked with the addition of 4 cuts of lamb carcass, cherry plum, chickpeas, Baku tomatoes and Imereti saffron, and seasoned with sumac and mint. Baked beef tenderloin with pomegranate and suluguni, kebab with lamb and achuchuk salad (Baku tomatoes, white onions and chili peppers, cilantro, basil, sweet peppers), dolma and manti with matsoni, and are included in the treasury of his recipes. Of the Caucasian sweets, he most of all recommends kozinaki and quince baked with honey and nuts.

From Asian dishes, Konstantin chose numerous rolls, warm sashimi with sea bass, tempura with plum and sesame sauce, Thai eggs with garlic, soy sauce and chili. There are also recipes for the most delicious, classic miso, satey from pork tenderloin with coconut milk and soy sauce, pork fillet fried with peanuts and pineapple. Duck in ginger marinade and cod with ginger in a creamy sauce, wasabi shrimp, grilled scallops with mango, rice noodles with tofu and buckwheat with brisket complete one of the venerable chef's books.

French and Italian delicacies

Meat, fish and seafood: a new look at familiar ingredients

Pork chops with apple chutney, ribs in honey-soy chili broth with ketchup and Worcestershire sauce and pork rolls stuffed with shrimp are for hearty eaters. For connoisseurs of dietary meat, author's recipes are intended, such as chicken stuffed with cheese, honey pears, quail with mango salsa, rabbit meat rolls, with sun-dried tomatoes and creamy puree.

Salmon medallions, with asparagus and cherry tomatoes, sea bass with vegetable stew, stuffed with crab or pumpkin puree with sun-dried tomato sauce, tempura pike perch with spicy Kenyan beans or vegetable julienne with egg-caper sauce - a real luxury for a whimsical gourmet. Names such as flounder with tomatoes and basil, omul with crispy onions and grapes, steamed spicy catfish with rustic sour cream and cucumbers, perch with Parma ham are salivating. And these are all the unusual ideas of Ivlev.

And how he refines himself with! Either fry them with chili and ginger, wild garlic and season with miso, then add cognac and cream when frying, then cook steam cutlets with teriyaki sauce, or stuff ravioli with them. with teriyaki sauce, octopus under a fur coat, crab with asparagus and wasabi, grilled lobster with avocado mousse, mussels with zucchini and fennel - and this, apparently, is an incomplete list of his best dishes.

The diversity of Konstantin Ivlev lies in this elusive balance between sophistication and simplicity, luxury and the use of national ingredients. An amazing ability to work allows a talented chef to present his masterpieces in restaurants, show master classes in the “Ask a Chef” program and also experiment with the components of dishes in his free time. Good luck, Kostya!

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