Sponge cake with sour cream and jelly layer. Jelly cake with sour cream and sponge cake To prepare sour cream and jelly cream you will need

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Biscuits with sour cream cream are distinguished by their juiciness and moisture. They are perfectly soaked, they do not need to be kept or infused for a long time. Insanely delicious sponge cake with sour cream It’s not at all difficult to prepare, you just need to follow the recommendations for homemade baking to be a success.

The basis of a biscuit is always three ingredients: flour, eggs, sugar. So you can cook it according to different recipes and add vanilla, cocoa, butter, sour cream and other products. The main rule is to beat the egg mass well, otherwise the cake will not turn out porous. To be on the safe side, you can always add baking powder to the dough. Here's the use slaked soda for a biscuit - a bad option.

Before adding to the dough, flour and other bulk ingredients are mixed together so that they are evenly distributed throughout the mass. Sour cream is prepared with sugar, condensed milk or different syrups. Thickeners are sometimes added to it to create a more jelly-like mass. The already cooled cakes are coated with cream so that it does not drip.

Biscuits are usually baked in a springform pan, with a piece of parchment placed at the bottom. The paper is coated with oil, but the edges are not treated with it.

You can also bake in silicone form, but in them, when cooling, the cake may become damp, but if you take it out right away, then there is a risk that tender dough will fall off

Baking time directly depends on the thickness of the cake. For thin biscuits, which are then used to make rolls, bake for no more than seven minutes, but large and fluffy ones can take up to an hour. Check readiness with a wooden stick - pierce the center of the baked goods with it; if it remains dry, you can turn off the oven. The recommended baking temperature is on average 170−200 degrees.

Variety of recipes: from classic to exotic

Every housewife should know how to prepare sponge cake with sour cream. By playing with flavors, decorations and fragrances, you can create various everyday and holiday desserts.

This recipe is considered a classic. The oven is preheated to 180 degrees. And the following products are prepared:

  • 200 g each of sugar, flour;
  • six eggs;
  • vanilla bag;
  • a pinch of salt.

For cream:

  • 800 g sour cream;
  • 200 g of powder;
  • vanilla to taste.

Separate the yolks and whites into separate containers. Sugar is also divided into two parts, one part is added to the yolks and beaten with a mixer for about a minute. All grains should completely dissolve. First beat the whites for two minutes with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form, then add sugar and continue beating. Vanillin is added at the end. Both masses are carefully mixed and flour is added. Knead the dough by hand so that the beaten eggs do not fall off. The movements are smooth, from bottom to top.

The resulting dough is poured into the prepared pan and placed in the oven to bake for half an hour. When the cake is ready, take it out and cool. At this time, you can start preparing the cream. To do this, sour cream is mixed with vanillin and powder. The cake is cut into several parts and the cake is assembled. All layers of dough are coated with cream and placed on top of each other. The sides and top are also coated. After this, it is better to let this homemade pie brew.

The main feature of this recipe is in adding boiling water to the dough. Due to this, the cakes are airy, fluffy, and their structure is uniform. The selection of products will vary slightly from classic version cake:

  • four eggs;
  • a glass of flour and sugar;
  • three spoons each vegetable oil, boiling water;
  • a spoonful of baking powder;
  • vanilla.

For cream:

Add sugar to the eggs and beat well; the mass should increase, become more stable and thicker. Sift the flour together with baking powder, add it to the dough, and mix with a spoon. If you wish, you can do without the baking mixture, but the dough always turns out better with it. Add oil and boiling water, mix, spread into the dough and place in a preheated oven. The cake is cooled and cut into two parts. Ideally ready-made baked goods leave to cool overnight.

Gelatin is soaked in milk and melted in a water bath. Sour cream is mixed with sugar, gelatin is added and mixed intensively. The cakes are soaked in tea, then coated with cream and allowed to brew for two to three hours. After this, the resulting sponge cake with sour cream jelly can be served.

With added chocolate

In this case, both the biscuit and the cream will be chocolate.. The only difference is that cocoa powder is added to the dough, and a chocolate bar is added to the sour cream mass. This cake does not have to be soaked, because there are no thickeners in the cream, and it penetrates perfectly into the sponge cake. But if you plan to prepare a wet version, you can use tea or any sweet syrup for impregnation. Prepared from the following ingredients:

  • ¾ cups each of flour and sugar;
  • ¼ cup cocoa powder;
  • four eggs;
  • baking powder.

For cream:

  • 400 g sour cream;
  • 100 g chocolate.

Add sugar to the eggs and beat until thickened. Add flour mixed with ripper and cocoa. If there is no doubt about the stability of the mass, then you can do without baking powder. The dough is placed in a mold and baked, then cooled and cut into two equal parts.

The chocolate is melted and whipped with sour cream and, if desired, sugar. All that remains is to assemble the cake and put it in the cold.

This dessert goes well with nuts and strawberries, which can be used for decoration. Coconut flakes will also work.

Make one like this homemade dessert very simple. It will taste like creme brulee. The sour cream is not very thick and sour, and the condensed milk is boiled. The biscuit is made with butter. Ingredients required:

  • four eggs;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 200 g each of butter, flour;
  • a teaspoon instant coffee and ripper.

For cream:

  • 450 g sour cream;
  • 250 g condensed milk.

Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy, add coffee. You can do without it, but the light coffee notes complement these baked goods perfectly. Beat the butter separately and add it to the egg mixture. Add flour and baking powder, bake a sponge cake and divide it into three layers.

Preparing the cream will not cause any difficulties for anyone: whip sour cream with condensed milk. But it is worth considering that it is sour cream that is added to the condensed milk in portions, and not vice versa. Then all that remains is to collect the treat.

Another interesting option for cream with condensed milk cannot be ignored. This time they take regular condensed milk. The cake turns out juicy and tender. Cakes are prepared in any convenient way. But for the cream, mix sour cream with condensed milk, add vanilla and put it in the refrigerator to cool for an hour. This dessert tastes better if you try to make more than three layers.

Requires peanuts to cook, but you can replace it with walnuts. The sponge cake can be baked according to any recipe, even a chocolate version will do. But for the cream you will need the following ingredients:

  • 450 g sour cream;
  • 250 g peanuts;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 40 g shortbread cookies;
  • 120 ml water and 70 g sugar for soaking.

First, the impregnation is prepared from water and sugar. You can add a little lemon juice for flavor. Peanuts are fried in a dry frying pan and all the husks are removed. Divide the nuts into two equal parts: one is crushed to the state of flour, the second is rolled with a rolling pin to make a topping. Crushed cookies are added to the second part.

Beat sour cream with sugar, add chopped nuts, which will make the mass thicker. The biscuit can be divided into any quantity, each cake is soaked sugar syrup and coat with cream. Sprinkle the top and sides with nut crumbs. It is enough to let it brew for two hours.

With added fruit

When preparing a sponge cake with sour cream and fruit, there are two main rules: you need to select strong fruits and do not prepare the dessert several days before the holiday, as the fruit will spoil quickly. Shortcakes can be baked according to any recipe. For the cream you need:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • four bananas;
  • orange;
  • two kiwis;
  • a packet of jelly;
  • half a kilo of sour cream;
  • a spoonful of water and gelatin.

First prepare the gelatin cream. The powder is diluted with water and dissolved in a water bath. Mix sugar with sour cream and add gelatin mass. The fruits are peeled, bananas are cut into slices, oranges and kiwis are quartered. The sponge cakes can be prepared the day before.

One cake layer is coated with cream and a layer of oranges is placed, bananas are placed on the second layer, and kiwi is placed on the third layer. But they put them inside small quantity, as they will release a lot of juice. But most of the fruit is placed on top of the cake. A bag of jelly is diluted according to the instructions and the top is covered, the entire structure is put in the refrigerator for several hours.

You can make edges along the edges, pour in the jelly and form a fruit layer, as is often the case with store-bought products. You will get a truly festive sponge cake with fruit and sour cream.

They will help housewives to facilitate the process of preparing homemade baked goods. It is enough to remember some nuances:

Some people find it easier to buy a ready-made sponge cake with sour cream for tea, but with aromatic homemade cakes he can't compare!

In fact, there is nothing difficult in preparing confectionery, you just need to try it and strictly follow the instructions. The result will undoubtedly please you - such a tea party will be remembered for a long time. Then you will definitely want to make the sponge cake and cream again.

Attention, TODAY only!

When I think of dessert for Valentine's Day, I always think of strawberries. After all, its properties as an aphrodisiac are widely known. For this day, I decided to prepare a Valentine's card in the form of a sponge cake with sour cream and strawberry jelly. The big advantage of this dessert is that it is not cloyingly sweet, but very tender, and also, due to the absence of chocolate, not too high in calories.
In addition, such a valentine can be a real surprise if it is beautifully packaged in a holiday box)
I decided to make swans as decoration, as they are a symbol of love and fidelity. True, I spent a long time looking for what to make them from, tried several options, and finally settled on meringue, so I didn’t take a photo of the preparation of the decoration (I was too carried away by the process). I think it will be clear that way)
So, the necessary ingredients:

While we cook, the Victoria will defrost, just leave it at room temperature. First of all, soak 10 g of gelatin in milk for an hour:

Then we start cooking biscuit dough. Prepare the mold in advance, line it with baking paper, and turn on the oven to warm up to 190-200 degrees.
Separate the whites from the yolks. Add 3 tbsp to the yolks. l. sugar and vanilla sugar:

Beat the whites until foamy, add 2 tbsp. l. Sahara:

And continue to beat into a strong foam. I made the meringue for decoration separately, but in general you can set aside a little protein from this mass, immediately giving it the desired shape using a pastry syringe (I’ll tell you in detail about preparing the meringue at the end).

We also beat the yolks into a light foam:

Add 1/3 of the whipped whites to the yolks and gradually add the flour, mix everything:

At the end, add the rest of the proteins, mix everything carefully, and pour the dough into the prepared form:

Place the dough in the preheated oven for 20-30 minutes, wait until the dough acquires a beautiful color:

During this time, prepare the sour cream. Beat sour cream with 4 tbsp. l. sugar and vanilla sugar until the mass almost doubles:

Place the gelatin soaked in milk on the fire, heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved, the main thing is not to boil. Then, let the gelatin cool slightly:

Strain the warm dissolved gelatin, pour into the whipped sour cream in a thin stream, let the cream thicken a little:

Next, check the readiness of the dough with a match. After this, take it out of the oven, let it cool a little, separate it from the baking paper, and cut it into a heart shape with a knife:

Then we repeat the shape with foil, making sides for the cream and jelly. Pour sour cream over our biscuit and refrigerate until completely hardened:

Then we start cooking strawberry jelly. Pour 10 g of gelatin with water (16 tbsp) (I didn’t weigh it in grams, I prepared it the same way, slightly increasing the norm, so the measurements are in tbsp), and leave for 1 hour.

After about an hour, grind the defrosted Victoria in a blender into a puree. I read that the aphrodisiac properties are contained in the grains, so I decided to leave them, besides, they do not interfere with finished cake not felt:

Add 8 tbsp to water with swollen gelatin. l. sugar, heat until the gelatin dissolves, skim off the resulting foam. Then filter and mix with Victoria puree:

Cool our jelly until it becomes a little viscous. After that, pour our cake. Be sure to make sure that the sour cream has frozen well before doing this. And we also send it to the cold to harden. My cake stood on the balcony all night, and in the morning it was ready and set well.

Now you can start preparing the meringue for decoration. To prepare you need 1 protein, 50 g sugar, a little vanilla sugar. Separate the white from the yolk. Beat the egg white into a strong foam, add 1/3 of the sugar, beat for a few more minutes, the foam should be very strong, hold its shape, and not spill out when the bowl is tilted. Then, stirring gently, add the remaining sugar and vanilla sugar. Or, if at the very beginning, Then, using a syringe, we give it the desired shape. I laid it out on baking paper. I made the swans’ necks separately (it’s better to make several spare ones, as they are very fragile) and bodies. Immediately send to bake in the oven on low heat 100-110 degrees. I dried it for about an hour. We are waiting for the meringue to dry and acquire a light yellow tint. After this, you can turn off the oven and leave until the oven cools down.
Carefully separate the cooled meringue from the baking paper. We make a hole in the future body with a knife and insert the necks into them. The swans are ready!
After the cake has frozen, remove the foil, also remove the excess with a knife, give it the correct shape if necessary, then decorate the meringue. That's it, the cake is ready!

I wish you bon appetit! Enjoy the most tender strawberry dessert and have a nice continuation of the evening!)

Cooking time: PT05H00M 5 h.

Usually a cake from sour cream jelly popular on hot summer days. It's not too sweet and the fresh fruit added to the recipe is refreshing. Moreover, sour cream cake Fruit jelly is stored exclusively in the refrigerator, and this is very important in hot weather. Don't let this particular set of fruits scare you. For this dessert, you can choose any fruits and berries that are welcome in your family. For example, it can be used in winter. A fresh berries Strawberries and raspberries will go perfectly with sour cream jelly in the summer. Blackberries, cherries, peach, apricot, etc. will look just as beautiful in such a jelly cake.

Ingredients for sour cream jelly cake:

  • Sponge cake - 1 pc. (recipe for 4 eggs);
  • Sour cream - 500 ml;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack. (10 g);
  • Granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • Gelatin - 2 packs. (15g each);
  • Drinking water - 200 ml;
  • Kiwi - 2 ripe fruits;
  • Banana - 1 ripe fruit;
  • Orange - 1 pc.

How to make sour cream jelly cake with fruit:

1. The first thing you should do is choose a spacious bowl with a lid to give the cake its shape.
Now let's start preparing sour cream jelly for dessert. Carefully review the instructions for using the gelatin you choose for the recipe. There is gelatin, which dissolves immediately in hot water (at least 90 degrees), and there is gelatin, which must first be soaked in cold water, then dissolved in hot water. In the second case, you can pour cold water over the gelatin, leave for 30 - 50 minutes, then heat it in a water bath like chocolate, stirring constantly until completely dissolved.
Advice: it is very important that the sour cream jelly turns out homogeneous and tender - all products for its preparation must be room temperature.

2. Beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla sugar with a mixer.
Advice: If you want the sour cream to be whipped as best as possible and the cake to be airy, choose a product with less fat content for cooking.

3. Pour the prepared and completely dissolved gelatin into the sour cream slowly and mix. You can continue to use the blender. But do not forget about the temperature ratio; sour cream and gelatin must be at the same temperature during mixing. This means that you will have to cool the gelatin to room temperature. By the way, sour cream jelly is also suitable for cooking with juice.

4. Lay out the peeled and sliced ​​fruits in layers in a checkerboard pattern.

5. We have already described how to cook one that does not fall. It's worth trying to cook it. You will love this recipe the first time you try it. To prevent the sponge cake from creating gaps in the jelly cake made from sour cream and fruit, it must be broken into pieces and dipped in the prepared sour cream jelly on all sides. Place a sponge cake on top of the fruit and pour sour cream jelly over it. So we continue alternating layers of fruit, biscuit, jelly.

Advice: As a rule, kiwi is very juicy, but incredibly tasty in a cake. To prevent it from giving excess juice, place it on the biscuit all the time. This way it will release the juice, but at the same time soften the sponge cake itself.

The finished cake made from sour cream jelly, fruit and sponge cake must be placed in the refrigerator until completely hardened. Then invert the cake before serving on a beautiful platter. Remember, if the jelly is good and the cake does not want to come out of the mold, dip the bowl in hot water for 30 seconds, then try again.

Delicious and light Jelly cake ik with sour cream and biscuit is suitable for both a celebration and a warm home tea party. Preparing a cake will not take you much time and effort; if guests are already arriving, you can use store-bought sponge cakes. The recipe uses agar-agar, but you can also use regular gelatin.



  • Flour – 140 g;
  • Sugar. sand – 160 g;
  • Egg – 4-5 pcs. (depending on size);
  • Food soda – 0.5 tsp. slaked lemon juice;
  • Drain. oil for lubricating the mold;
  • Flour for dust.

Sour cream jelly “Ice cream”:

  • Cream 25-33% - 200 g. homemade;
  • Homemade sour cream 40% - 150 g;
  • Vanilla bean or bagged – 5 g;
  • Sugar. sand – 250 g;
  • Milk - 150 ml;
  • Agar – Agar – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  1. You can preheat the oven to 190-200 C.
  2. Beat the eggs with sugar (the eggs should be at room temperature), it is better if it is in an enamel or aluminum container, the eggs beat much better. You need to beat the egg mass with a mixer starting from a minimum, gradually increasing it to the limit (about 10 minutes). The higher the foam, the better the sponge cake. The volume of the whipped mixture should increase 2-3 times.
  3. Extinguish the soda lemon juice(this will give light sponge cake lemon note) and add to the bowl with the egg cream.
  4. Sift the flour in small portions and gently knead the dough, from bottom to top, until you achieve a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Grease the inside of a 20 cm diameter mold. butter, then dust it with flour so that the cake does not stick.
  6. Fill the pan evenly 3/4 full with dough. Bake for 40 minutes. at a given temperature.
  7. Remove the finished biscuit. Cool on a wire rack for 20 to 30 minutes to prevent the bottom from becoming soggy from the heat emanating from it. Divide the cooled biscuit into 2 parts. Set aside.
  8. Beat sour cream (it is better to use homemade sour cream) with sugar until creamy. Try not to interrupt, otherwise the mass will separate.
  9. Dissolve the vanilla in the first half of the milk, and whip the cream in another container (it is also better to use homemade cream), pour one by one into the cream obtained from sour cream. Mix.
  10. Bring the second part of the milk to a boil and dissolve the agar-agar there; you need to cool the mixture a little to avoid brewing the cream. Gradually add quickly and continuously stirring.
  11. Place the first part of the sponge cake in the mold, carefully spread the cream on the surface of the sponge cake and place the second cake layer on top.
  12. It is necessary to place the filled container in the refrigerator until the jelly hardens.
    Afterwards, remove the cake to a large dish, and then you can cover the cake with melted chocolate, and also decorate with whipped cream, berries, fruits and nuts.

Enjoy your tea!!!

I offer you a delicious sponge cake with sour cream and fruit, to which I added agar-agar so that it holds its shape and the sour cream is thicker, as can be seen in the photo. I take as a basis, and you can take any other one at your discretion.

The recipe for sour cream with gelatin for sponge cake is very simple and there are no complex ingredients or long processes. And the assembly itself does not take much time.

Below I will show you how to dilute gelatin or agar for a cake so that it has the correct consistency, and I will also tell you exactly how much to add so that the dessert is not too dense, but also holds its shape well.

Fruit cake with gelatin and sour cream is very tasty, moderately sweet and soft. You can make it not only with tangerines, but also with other fruits, such as oranges, kiwi, bananas.

In my opinion, this is the simplest recipe for a delicious sponge cake, and if it weren’t for the hardening time, it would also be very quick to prepare. I advise you to make it, you will probably like it as much as my family.


  • Biscuit – 1 pc.
  • Sour cream – 700 g
  • Sugar – 150 g
  • Mandarin – 2 pcs.
  • Agar – agar 8 g or gelatin 50 g
  • Water - 150 ml.
  • Coconut shavings - for sprinkling

How to make a cake with gelatin and fruit

Agar agar cake is easy to prepare and I start making it with this process. I pour the agar packet into a saucepan with warm water. 150 ml of water is needed. as indicated in the instructions. I stir it and leave it for 5 minutes. I like agar rather than gelatin, since it needs to be added in much smaller quantities. For example, if I take only 8 grams of the first, then I need 50 grams of the second and working with it is also faster, because you don’t have to wait for it to swell. If you have gelatin, then pour it into water and leave it to swell. This takes about an hour.

Meanwhile, I cut the biscuit into two unequal parts. The bottom cake should be thin, and I also cut the top part into small cubes; we need them to form the cake.

Add sugar to the sour cream and beat this mixture with a mixer for about 3 minutes or until the sugar is completely dissolved.

I make a cake from sponge cakes with fruits, namely tangerines, but you can add others to your taste, these could be kiwis, bananas, oranges. I peel the tangerines and cut each segment into two or three parts. Be sure to check them for seeds so that they don’t accidentally end up in the cake.

After 5 minutes have passed, or for the second option an hour, I put the saucepan on medium heat and bring the mixture almost to a boil, but so as not to boil. Don't forget to stir. The mass will become thicker and more transparent. Now take it off the heat and let it cool a little. Remember that at 40 degrees the agar already hardens, so you need not to miss the moment, otherwise it will harden earlier than necessary. Since my cake filling is made from sponge cakes with fruit, I add chopped sponge cake and tangerines to the sour cream. I stir, pour in agar-agar and mix well again so that it is evenly distributed throughout the entire mass.

I spread it on the bottom and sides of the springform pan. cling film so that there are no holes through which something could leak. Then I put the bottom cake on the bottom. If desired, it can be soaked in a sweet syrup of water and sugar, but I did not do this, as it already turns out soft.

And I put the rest of the mixture on top of it and distribute it evenly, trying to level the top of the cake. Now I put it in the refrigerator to harden, it took me 5 hours, but you can leave it overnight. In the morning, the tangerine cake made from gelatin and sour cream held its shape perfectly, while being soft and delicate in taste. By the way, in the end, the cake tastes a little like cottage cheese, although there is no cottage cheese in it.

This is such an excellent sponge cake with sour cream, I advise you to try it too. It’s convenient that the sponge cake can be prepared in advance, and all other processes for assembling the cake are quick and simple. Bon appetit!

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