Abkhazian yoka. Eka from lavash with cheese and egg How to cook yoko with lavash

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Eka from lavash is a hot snack popular in the Caucasus. Most often it is prepared with egg and cheese, but sometimes other ingredients are added to the filling. If desired, you can wrap sausage, frankfurters, tomato slices, herbs, etc. in pita bread. The dish will be wonderful with any filling!

Eka is easy to prepare: pita bread is moistened with water and placed on hot frying pan, supplemented with the filling components and wrapped in an envelope or triangle. After frying, pita bread with melted cheese turns out very tasty! The dish is perfect for breakfast or a hearty snack.


  • lavash - 3 large sheets;
  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • cheese - about 150 g;
  • ham - about 150 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter (for frying) - 50-60 g.

Eka from lavash with cheese and egg preparation

  1. Three large shavings of cheese.
  2. Cut the ham into strips.
  3. The size of the pita bread should be slightly larger than the frying pan in which our appetizer will be prepared. If the sheets are very large, cut them in half.
  4. Wet the workpiece on both sides with water. You can do this with a silicone brush or run it over the pita bread with a damp palm. The sheet should be damp, but not very wet.
  5. Place the frying pan on low heat and melt about a tablespoon butter. Place the moistened pita bread and immediately crack one egg on top. Sprinkle lightly with salt if desired.
  6. Next, add the ham and sprinkle the filling with cheese shavings.
  7. We begin to tuck the edges of the pita bread, hiding the filling inside.
  8. We get a closed “envelope” (the egg should not leak out). Increase the heat to medium and fry the appetizer for about 3-4 minutes (until the pita bread is browned on the bottom).
  9. Then we turn the “convector” over and brown the other side. Reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the frying pan with a lid and keep the appetizer on the fire for another 3-4 minutes so that the egg finally “sets.” We form and prepare the remaining copies in the same way.
  10. Lavash eka with cheese and egg is served hot. You can add a snack fresh vegetables, greens.

Bon appetit!

I came across a recipe with an interesting name: yoka. Doesn't it sound unusual? So called armenian appetizer from lavash with cheese and egg. It is very easy and quick to prepare, but it turns out tasty, beautiful and satisfying! Ruddy triangles with cheese and omelet filling are great to take with you to nature, to work, or to give to children at school.

I specifically looked for round cakes. But the pita breads in the store were only rectangular, so I didn’t take the pita bread as in original recipe yoki, and tortilla! These are also thin flatbreads made from unleavened dough, they come from wheat flour and from corn. So in the end it turned out not just Armenian yoka, but at the same time a little bit Mexican! Although, in theory, you can use square pita bread... but I really liked this particular folding method.

The cheesecakes sold out instantly - for some reason things like pancakes, flatbreads or fried pies are especially popular - and I feel like we have another one. favorite dish that you will want to repeat.

And I guessed right! Yoka is now one of our favorite snack options when you need something to quickly take with you to school or to the country. I've already made it five times :) So try the hit recipe!


For 4 servings:
The diameter of the flatbread is about 20 cm.

  • 4 thin round flatbreads (lavash or tortillas);
  • 4 small eggs;
  • Approximately 150 g cheese;
  • Salt, ground black pepper;
  • Creamy or vegetable oil;
  • Dill, parsley.

You need small eggs, since a large egg, when distributed over the cake, begins to run off the edges. However, this can be easily solved: break a large egg not into a flatbread, but into a bowl, beat with a fork, and then distribute half an egg per flatbread. I needed 4 eggs for 8 tortillas. I advise you to wash the egg shells with soap.

For the filling we take hard cheese; I think it would be delicious with cheese too! You can add pieces of ham, boiled meat.

How to bake:

Drive an egg into the middle of the flatbread.

And with a fork we distribute it over the entire surface, slightly short of the edges.

Sprinkle a handful of cheese on top, grated on a coarse grater and mixed with chopped herbs. Salt and pepper.

You can also add slices of ham.

Now we fold the flatbread into a triangular envelope like this, folding the edges towards the center and pressing slightly. Meanwhile, the oil is already heating up in the frying pan.

The original recipe recommends frying with butter. But due to the unusual shape of the yoki, not the entire surface of the pan is occupied, and where it is free, the oil begins to burn. You have to wash the pan before each next flatbread. And when frying in refined sunflower oil, it doesn’t burn as much, so I liked the option with vegetable oil better.

Place the yoku in a frying pan with hot oil, seam side down. And fry for a couple of minutes over medium heat until golden brown on the bottom.

Then use a spatula to turn the yoku over and fry the other side in the same way.

Remove to a plate and let it cool a little.

Yoka with egg and cheese is very tasty warm!

And the next day (if there is any left!) you can warm up the flatbreads in the microwave or on the stove. And it’s quite acceptable to eat it cold.

But from square lavash, green, because the lavash is spinach:

So you can also make such delicious flatbreads from ordinary, not round, pita bread! Only the envelopes are not triangular, but quadrangular.

I really liked the yoki recipe! So simple, unusual and delicious! Now I’m thinking, what if I try to cook yoku with cottage cheese? A salty version - with herbs, and even a sweet one - with raisins? And if with stewed apples? When I try it, I'll tell you!

Welcome to the site, dear visitors!

One summer, while vacationing in the city of Sochi, my husband and I went to a home cafe to have lunch. The whole atmosphere was very warm, the cook, a kind and pleasant Armenian woman, advised us to try the Caucasian version of scrambled eggs - “Yoku” (we don’t use the letter “yo” in the blog, but an exception has been made here). I had some doubts, but it’s still easier to experiment on vacation, so I decided to order. As a result, we were both pleasantly impressed and, without exaggeration, simply fell in love with this culinary product.

This is an incredible dish, when you eat a piece you feel the taste fried eggs, stretchy melted cheese and an excellent aroma of greens. And how delicious these scrambled eggs look – it’s simply mouth-watering. In our house, eka usually does not “live” for a long time, but is eaten in a matter of minutes. I used to know about the culinary talent of Caucasian chefs, but in this example, knowledge turned into conviction - their cuisine is simply a storehouse of gorgeous recipes.

Another important advantage is that eka, like all fried eggs, is prepared extremely quickly and simply. Therefore, I suggest not to waste time and start preparing...

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 grams.

BJU: 18/16/9.

Kcal: 259.

GI: high.

AI: high.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Number of servings: 1 serving (330 g).

Ingredients of the dish.

  • Lavash - 1 piece (150 g).
  • Egg 1 C - 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese “Russian” - 150 g.
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - 30 g.
  • Salt - 2-3 g (1/4 tsp).
  • Sunflower oil (for frying) - 10 ml (1 tbsp).

Recipe of dish.

We take everything out of the refrigerator necessary ingredients. Wash eggs and greens under running water.

Beat the egg (1 piece) lightly with a whisk until the white and yolk are combined. Add salt to taste (1/8 tsp).

Grate hard cheese onto coarse grater.

Finely chop the greens.

Divide the pita bread in half and place it on a plate so that the filling placed in it does not spread over its surface.

Pour the prepared egg into the center of the flour base.

Sprinkle half of the cheese (75 g) on ​​top.

Then add 1/2 of the greens (15 g).

Carefully roll the pita bread into a triangle or envelope, the main thing is that the filling does not leak out.

Fry the resulting product on both sides in a heated frying pan with oil for about 5-7 minutes under a closed lid over medium heat.

At this time, prepare the second meal from the remaining ingredients, repeating all the previous steps. Then fry it the same way.

The eka turned out to be very crispy on the outside and tender on the inside due to the melted cheese, its threads stretching behind each bite.

Bon appetit!

Still wondering what to cook for breakfast other than banal scrambled eggs? Then especially for you - a recipe for a Caucasian dish with the funny name “yoka”. A snack of pita bread with egg and cheese is being prepared. It turns out to be a kind of crispy envelope, inside of which a cheese omelet is fried. In addition to the three main components, you can add any other goodies that you can find in the refrigerator to yoku: sausage, boiled or smoked meat, ham, vegetables, herbs, etc.

You can cook yoku in two ways, so that the egg inside is completely fried or remains soft-boiled, that is, a little liquid. In the latter case, a kind of sauce is obtained that makes the dish juicier; the yolk slowly spreads and envelops the filling hidden under the crispy shell. In the recipe with a photo, I will describe in detail how to prepare yoku in both ways, and you can choose for yourself what tastes best to you.


  • thin pita bread 1 sheet
  • chicken egg 2 pcs.
  • hard cheese, suluguni or mozzarella 50 g
  • vegetable oil 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • butter 30 g
  • salt 1-2 chips.
  • sausage or ham (optional) 50 g
  • greens optional 10 g

How to cook Abkhazian yoku

  1. First, I prepare the filling: I cut the sausage into small cubes, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, and finely chop the herbs.

  2. I cut the lavash sheet into 2 equal parts - you get two servings.

  3. I heat a frying pan over medium heat, pour vegetable oil into it and add a piece of butter. I lightly moisten the pita bread with my hand dipped in water. It should be a little damp, but not too wet or it will tear when you turn it over. Carefully place it in the pan and immediately beat in the egg and add a pinch of salt. If you have very salty sausage or ham, you can omit the salt.

  4. I add a little sausage. I generously sprinkle with grated cheese and finely chopped herbs.

  5. I lift the edges of the pita bread and wrap them inside.

  6. The result is a kind of envelope with stuffing inside. Fry over medium heat for 2 minutes, then turn over to the other side and cook for the same amount of time.

  7. If you want the yolk to remain liquid, you can stop cooking and immediately remove from heat. If you prefer the egg to be completely cooked, then after turning, reduce the heat to low, cover the pan and fry for about 4 minutes. I cooked it the first way.

That's all - delicious crispy lavash envelopes with melted cheese, sausage and egg are ready. Yoka should be served hot; it can be supplemented with vegetables or salad. Have a delicious breakfast and bon appetit!

On a note

Cook not on maximum, but on medium heat, otherwise the pita bread will burn and the filling inside will not have time to cook.

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